10 results on '"van Lier T"'
Search Results
2. Numerical modeling of hybrid methane-iron-air mixtures
- Author
van Lier, T. and van Lier, T.
- Published
- 2021
3. The Leeway of Lotteries in the European Union: A pilotstudy on the liberalisation of gambling markets in the EU
- Author
Kingma, S.F., van Lier, T., Culture, Organization and Management, and Cultural Change in Organizational Networks (CuCON)
- Published
- 2006
4. Intravenous NPA for the treatment of infarcting myocardium early; InTIME-II, a double-blind comparison of single-bolus lanoteplase vs accelerated alteplase for the treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarction
- Author
Braunwald, E., Neuhaus, K. -L., Antman, E., Chew, P., Skene, A., Wilcox, R., Ambrosioni, E., Anderson, J., Apetrei, E., Bata, I., Carrageta, M., Col, J., Dalby, A., Davies, R., Deckers, J., Eichman, D., Grande, P., Greene, R., Gurfinkel, E., Heikkilä, J., Henry, T., Hillis, D., Hochman, J., Huber, K., Kostis, J., Klinke, P., López-Sendón, J., Mckendall, G., Móller, B., Moore, P., Morris, A., Mueller, H., Östör, E., Oto, A., Ruda, M., Sadowski, Z., Schweiger, M., Sequeira, R., Shah, P., Shannon, R., Smith, B., Sobel, B., Steingart, R., Tebbe, U., Toman, J., Traboulsi, M., Vahanian, A., Warnica, J. W., Willerson, J., Deitchman, D., Davidson, L., Folgia, T., Foxley, A., Goodman, J., Hauck, C., Henry, D., Mccabe, C., Pangerl, A., Thomson, A., Wagner, M., Kennedy, J. W., Cairns, J., Demets, D., Julian, D., Simoons, M., Charlesworth, A., Easton, J. D., Ferbert, A., Feske, S., Kuhn, P., Moseley, J., Rogg, J. M., Reichmann, H., Sloan, M., von Kummer, R., Zamani, A., Coulter, S., Giugliano, R., Skene, A. M., Ardill, R., Ince, Y., Peters, A., Ward, K., Wolf, L., Curtis, N., De Brés, J., Stead, S., Watson, S., Cutler, S., Friedman, J., Helfrick, R., Williams, S., Klimovsky, J., Kumagai, S., Adams, E., Anderson, C., Bauhuber, I., Bennett, L., Biro, E., Boyce, E., Bregman, B., Carvalho, P., Ciganovic, D., Csukas, M., Cuenca, P., De Cuyper, S., Diez, P., Dijkhuizen, M., Dille-Amo, C., Gonzalez-Santis, A., Gursoy, M., Hammarstrom, K., Harasta, E., Ingman, E., Kelemen, B., Keulen, I., Koren, A., Langthaler, G., Lemaire, F., Little, I., Montalban, C., Nijssen, K., Neumueller, I., Palander, M., Pekuri, T., Persson, U., Pilz, J., Oudotova, S., Pisklakov, V., Proinov, F., Ptaszynska, A., Read, J., Retei, S., Romeyer, F., Romanini, M., Saar, L., Salein, D., Samsonov, M., Simeon-Dubach, D., Simmonds, J., Skaza, M., Skvortsova, N., Smidlova, Z., Spitzerova, H., Strijdveen, I., Szajewski, T., Ugurnal, B., Valcarce, M., van Rompaey, I., Walker, A., Zak, E., Zimova, N., Barrero, C., Beck, E., Bruno, M. L., Caccavo, A., Cagide, A., Campo, A., Cermesoni, R., Chahin, M., Dutra, O., Estrada, J., Falu, E. A., Gagliardi, J., Garre, L. E., Liprandi, A. S., Luciardi, H., Mautner, B., Muntaner, J., Nau, G., Salzberg, S., Santopinto, J., Sinisi, A., Torres, H., Eber, B., Elliott, P., Hiemetsberger, H., Juhasz, M., Kühn, P., Leisch, F., Niktardjam, M., Reisinger, J., Schmalix, G., Schuster, R., Sihorsch, K., Silberhauer, K., Slany, J., Steinbach, K., Tragl, K. H., Valentin, A., Al Shwafi, K., Dasnoy, P., De Clippel, M., de Meester, A., De Raedt, H. J. L. P., Emonts, M., Evrard, P., Eycken, M., Geboers, M., Heyndrickx, G., Lauwers, K., Mitrie, K., Pirenne, B., Renard, M., Somers, Y., Timmermans, P., Van Kuyk, M., Van Mieghem, W., Vermeulen, J., Verrostte, J. M., Albuquerque, D., Ayoub, J. C. A., Carvalho, A., Cesar, L., Gebara, O., Golin, V., Knobel, E., Leaes, P., Neto, J. A. M., Nicolau, J. C., Piegas, L. S., Rabelo, A., Rassi, A., Sila, L., Simao, A. F., Ashton, T., Baillie, H., Bhargava, R., Bota, G., Cameron, W., Chan, N., Chan, Y. K., Daly, P. A., Darcel, I., Davies, E., Desjardin, L., Dhingra, S., Ducas, J., Ervin, F. L., Fortin, C., Fowlis, R., Fulop, J., Furey, M., Gagnon, S., Gebhardt, V., Giannaccro, P., Gosselin, G., Graham, J., Grondin, F., Heath, J. W., Henderson, M., Hilton, D. R., Hiscock, J., Hui, W., Kaza, L., Kesselman, T., Kouz, S., Kucerak, M., Lahoude, N., Lamothe, M., Lebouthillier, P., Lenis, J., Levesque, P., Lopez, J. F., Lubelsky, B., Macritchie, D., Mayer, J. -P., Mcdowell, J. D., Montigny, M., Orestien-Lyall, T., Parekh, P., Pistawka, K., Price, J. B., Pruneau, G., Quinn, B., Reid, B. R., Richmond, M., Rose, B., Schuld, R., Sharma, N. K., Shetty, P., Stanton, E., Strauss, H. D., Sussex, B., Theroux, P., Turabian, M., Turner, C., Vizel, S., Walker, M., Weeks, A., Winkler, L., Zacharias, G., Zimmerman, R., Bartolucci, J., Castro, P., Diaz, M. A., Illanes, G., Potthoff, S., Sanchez, E. C., Silva, L. M., Yovanovich, J., Zanetti, F. L., Alan, D., Balázová, K., Boček, P., Cerny, J., Fischerova, B., Holub, M., Hradec, J., Janota, T., Janský, P., Kasper, J., Klimsa, Z., Motovská, Z., Pleva, L., Pluhacek, L., Pšenčka, M., Semrád, B., Spinar, J., Staněk, V., Štípal, R., Suítil, P., Vítovec, J., Wichterie, D., Widimský, P., Zeman, K., Andersen, C. B., Kriegbaum, J., Nielsen, N., Nielsen, P. E., Schou, J. B., Teesalu, R., Voitk, J., Haapamäki, H. V. H., Halkosaari, M., Härkönen, M., Jägerholm, S., Kärjä-Koskenkari, P., Karthunen, P., Kesäniemi, Y. A., Koskivirta, H., Lehto, P., Lilja, M., Paakkinen, S., Palomäki, A. K., Pietilä, K., Tuominen, J., Viopio-Pulkki, L., Ylönen, H., Adi, I., Admant, P., Akadirik, A., Alagha, Z., Alhabaj, S., Amat, G., Andre, A. A., Apffel, F., Aswad, K., Baradat, G., Bareiss, P., Barthers, F. B., Baudet, M., Baudouy, M., Bearez, E. M., Berthou, J. D., Berzin, B., Bessede, G., Blanc, J. J., Bocara, A., Bonneau, A., Bourdad, C., Bouvier, J. M., Cassagnes, J., Cassat, A., Cazaux, P., Charbonnier, B., Clementy, J., Cohen, A., Coisne, D., Colin, P., Croizier, O., D’Hautefeuille, B., D’Ivernois, C., Daumas, P. L., Dauphin, C. L., Deforet, M. F., Degand, B., Dequeker, J. L., Dickele, M. C., Dugrand, P., Durand, S., Ebagosti, A., Elharrar, C., Equine, O., Fichter, E., Flork, L., Fouche, R., Fourchard, V., Fourme, T., Fournier, P. Y., Funck, F., Galley, D., Garbarz, E., Ghadban, W., Gladin, M., Grall, J. Y., Grand, A., Gryman, R., Guillard, N., Guillo, P., Haftel, Y., Hannebicque, G., Henry, R., Huret, J. F., Janin-Magnificat, L., Jarnier, J., Joly, A., Kamal, H., Khalife, A., Roynard, J. L., Lang, M., Lapeyssonnie, A., Ledain, L., Lejeune, P., Lemetayer, L., Lepori, R., Lombart, A., Lusson, J. R., Magnin, O., Marquand, A., Martelet, M. M., Martelli, A., Mathurin, C., Mentre, B., Messager, D., Morizot, M., Mouallem, M. J., Mouhoub, O., Mycimski, C., Nallet, O., Olive, T., Pacouret, G., Palcoux, M. C., Poulard, J. E., Pruvost, A., Quiret, J. C., Richard, C., Richard, P., Rickaud, P., Riehl-Aleil, V., Rifai, A., Rocher, R., Rotreff, P., Segrestin, B., Slama, M. S., Sultan, P., Tabone, X., Talbodec, A., Tissot, M. T., Toussaint, C., Veyrat, A., Zerrouk, Z., Adamczak, M., Altmann, E., Altybernd, B., Andreassen, G., Andresen, D., Appenrodt, H., Bachmann, S., Bäcker, U., Beckert, U., Behr, H. M., Beier, W., Beier, T., Berger, D., Bernsmeier, R., Beythien, R. D., Biechl, E., Biedermann, G., Bischoff, K. O., Blerich, J., Boch, H. B., Bonzel, T., Both, A. R., Breidenbach, K., Breuer, M., Breuer, H. W. M., Brunkhorst, F. B., Bruns, A., Bundschu, H. D., Burkhardt, W., Busse, H. J., Caesar, K., Cailloud, J., Chlosta, A., Chorlanopoulos, E., Consemüller, S., Decker, W., Dichgans, M., Dick, R., Diederich, K. W., Dienst, C., Dietz, A., Dißmann, R., Ditter, H., Doering, W., Drost, H., Dundalek, E. D., Eckardt, D., Edelmann, A., Eggeling, T., Eggert, G., Eichner, R., Endres, C., Engberding, R., Engel, H. J., Faehnrich, A., Fischer, J. L., Flor, A., Forycki, F. Z. F., Froböse, H. J., Fruehauf, T., Fuchs, M., Geiser, R., Geletneky, J., Gerdes, H., Gerecke, B., Gesing, S., Gieser, H., Girth, E., Glogner, P., Glover, M., Goetz, J., Goetz, H., Göttfert, G., Gottwik, M., Gregori, B., Grieshaber, M., Großmann, C., Gruber, G., Gunold, H., Häßler, W. H., Hackenjos, B., Hader, O., Hamer, H., Harmjanz, D., Hasst, G., Haun, H., Hauptmann, K. E., Hegge, F. J., Heinze, A., Heinze, R., Henrichs, K. J., Hergenröther, H., Herrmann, F., Herzig, C., Hey, D., Hill, S., Hinzmann, S., Hoffmann, S., Höfs, T., Höhler, H., Holle, G., Höltman, B. J., Horacek, T., Hossmann, V., Hübner, F. S., Hülskamp, C., Hunecke, R., Hust, M., Jaeckh, G., Jebens, C., Jennen, E., Jost, M., Justiz, R., Kallmann, L., Kalscheur, F., Kaschner, W., Kaspar, W., Kauder, E., Keitel, B., Keller, H., Kemkes, T., Kerler, N., Kester, M., Kettner, W., Kilp, M., Kirklies, A., Klaus, A., Klein, H. H., Klenböck, J. R., Kley, H. K., Klingenbeck, R., Koch, H., Kohler, B., Kohler, J., Kolloch, R., Konermann, M., Körber, H. G., Kother, T. K., Kötter, V., Kottwitz, B., Kozariszcsuk, G., Kracht, T., Kratzsch, G., Kreft, H. U., Kreuter, G., Krönert, H., Krönig, B., Krueger, E., Krülls-Münch, J., Kuckuk, H., Kuelschbach, M., Kuhrt-Lassay, O. W., Kummerhoff, P. W., Kunevt, R., Kurth, C. U., Lang, C., Lange, C., Langhoff, R., Laskus, A., Lazarus, P., Lehmann, H. U., Lenga, P., Lengfelder, W., Leupolz, W., Limbourg, P., Loos, U., Lucanus, W., Machill, K., Mäckel, P., Mackes, K. G., Maier, S., Makowski, B., Mandok, J., Manz, M., Mäurer, W., Meier, F., Meier, J., Menges, M., Merx, W., Meurers, G., Michels, U., Mickeler, C. H., Mons, D., Moos, E., Mueller, R., Müller, G., Nast, H. P., Naumann, G., Nebelsieck, H., Neubaur, J., Niederer, W., Nitsch, J., Noack, J., Nogai, K. F. W., Oberheiden, A., Obst, R., Ochs, H. R., Odemar, F., Odenthal, H. J. B., Offers, E., Öhl, S., Ohlmeier, H. A. R. M., Patzer, P., Pech, A., Peters, U., Petry, U., Pietschmann, G. J., Pistner, W., Plappert, B., Pohlmann, W. K., Pollock, B., Presser, H. J., Przytarski, K., Puerner, K. L., Raouf, N., Reike, N., Reil, G. H., Reinhard, U., Riebeling, V., Ritzmann, M., Rödder, J., Roth, E., Rüdelstein, R., Saborowski, F., Sauter, B., Sceffler, N., Schartl, A., Schifferdecker, E., Schlotterbeck, K. P., Schmidt, J., Schmidt-Dannert, D. R., Schmidt-Klewitz, H., Schmitz, H. J., Schnebelt, T., Schneider, H. L., Schneider, F. J., Schoeller, R., Scholz, D., Schoppe, W. D., Schreiner, G., Schroeder, J., Schuh, N., Schulte, K. L., Schulze, H., Schulze, H. D., Schuster, P., Schuster, H. P., Schweizer, P., Sechtem, U., Sedlmaier, H. P., Segel, S., Sehnert, W., Seidel, F., Siedentopf, K., Simon, H., Sodomann, C. P., Solbach, C., Sorges, E., Stabenow, S., Stadler, K. P., Stammwitz, E., Stein, U., Sternberg, H., Stiepak, C., Stockmann, M., Straus, W., Striegel, H., Struch, E., Strupp, G., Taubert, T. B. T., Thoeming, B., Thoß, A., Tinnappel, J., Tomsik, H., Topp, H., Troost, S., Öberreiter, A., Uebis, R., Ungler, T., Urbaszek, W., Vöhringer, H. F., von Arnim, T., von Leitner, E. R., von Löwis of Menar, A., von Mengden, H. J., von Smekal, P., Voss, W., Wacker, P., Warning, A., Warzecha, A., Wefers, U., Wehr, M., Weigel, H., Weissthanner, F., Weller, P., Werner, M., Wette, A., Wichert, H., Wielage, T., Wiese, U., Wilbrand, T. B., Wilhelms, E., Wilmsmann, G., Wolf, F. H., Wolf, T., Wonhas, F. C. M., Zastrow, B., Zeymer, U., Ziruler, S., Ziss, W., Zölch, K. A., Zwirner, K., Becker, D., Bosko, M., Csillag, I., Ermenyi, A., Fogas, J., Heltai, K., Jánosi, A., Katona, A., Kiraly, C., Kiss, B., Kutor, G., Mizik, R., Molnar, T., Mühl, M., Nagy, D., Palacti, I., Rudas, L., Sárosi, I., Simon, K., Sitkel, E., Sydó, T., Szaboki, F., Szikla, K., Szönyi, T., Timar, S., Vándor, L., Zamolyl, K., Walsh, M., Caspi, A., Swissa, M., Badano, L., Baldacci, G., Balli, E., Banda, D., Baretta, G., Boccalatte, A., Borgatti, M. L., Branzi, A., Burelli, C., Capelletti, D., Capucci, A., Caragiulo, D., Carbonieri, E., Cassin, M., Ceci, V., Cocchieri, M., Coletta, C., Conte, E., Contini, G. M., Corsini, G., D’Annunzio, E., De Blasi, M., De Luca, I., Delciterna, F., Di Pasquale, G., Diguardo, G., Fattore, L., Ferraiuulo, G., Finardi, A., Fioretti, P. M., Giunta, G., Guiducci, U., Guzzardi, G., Horando, G., Ignone, G., Lazzaroli, A., Levantesi, D., Liberati, R., Losi, E., Macor, F., Mangiameli, S., Martines, C., Meinardi, F., Morgera, T., Morozzi, L., Mostacci, M., Naccarella, F. F., Ottani, F., Palamara, A., Pani, A., Paperini, L., Pes, R., Pesola, A., Porzio, A., Raviele, A., Ricci, S., Rosi, A., Rossi, R., Rotiroti, D., Rusconi, L., Sabino, G., Saccone, V., Sanna, A., Scaramuzzino, G., Scorcu, G. P., Semprini, F., Severini, D., Staniscia, D., Tantalo, L., Tartagni, F., Terrosu, P., Tondelli, S., Trichero, R., Uslenghi, E., Vajola, S. F., Vetrano, A., Violi, E., Zardini, P., Zingarini, G. L., Zobbi, G., Zuin, G., Kalnins, U., Cârvekülg, A., Laanoca, J., Iacis, J., Lankiene, L., Laucevicius, A., Lukoseviciute, A., Palsauskaite, R., Petrauskiene, B., Soopóld, W., Uuetoa, H., Vilks, J., Vitonyte, R., Zakke, I., Dorantes, J., Hernández, H., Jerjes, C., Leva Garza, J. L., Martinez, C., Anneveldt, A., Baars, H. F., Baldew, S. C., Bendermacher, P. E. F., Boersma, L. V. A., Bos, R. J., Breedveld, R. W., Bruggink, P. W. F., Ciampricotti, R., Darmanata, J. I., de Porto, A. E., de Weerd, G. J., Deckers, J. W., Freericks, M. P., Hillebrand, F. A., Kerker, J. P., Koenen, J. C., Kofflard, M. G. M., Liem, K. L., Liem, A. H., Linssen, G. C. M., Lionarons, R. J., Peters, J. R. M., Posma, J. P., Saat, E. W. M., Savalle, L. H., Smits, W. C. G., Suttorp, M. J., Tans, A. C., Troquay, R. P. Th., van Beek, G. J., van Boven, A. J., Van der Heijden, R., Van Hessen, A., van Langeveld, R. A. M., van Lier, T. A. R., van Loo, L. W. H., van Wijngaarden, J., van Ziejl, L. G. P. M., Veerhoek, M. J., Vermer, F., Werner, H. A., Graven, T., Klykken, B., Meyerdieks, O., Omland, T. M., Otterstad, J. E., Pedersen, T., Rød, R., Banaszewski, M., Bednarkiewicz, Z., Bojarski, G., Ceremuzyñski, L., Czestochowska, E., Gajewski, M., Galewicz, M., Gorski, J., Grabczewska, Z. S., Gruchaka, M., Janicki, K., Janion, M., Jaworska, K., Jezewska, M., Kakol, J., Kizciuk, M., Kleinrok, A., Kolodziej, P., Komorowski, P., Konopka, A., Kopaczewski, J., Korecki, J., Kornacewicz-Jach, Z., Kowalewski, M., Kratochwil, D., Krolczyk, J., Krzminska-Pakula, M., Kurek, P., Kurowski, M., Kurpesa, M., Kurzawski, J., Kwiecien, R., Lenartowski, L., Lewandowski, M., Loboz-Grudzieñ, K., Luczak, G., Maliñski, A., Michalski, M., Musial, W., Nartowicz, E., Nowicka, A., Odyniec, A., Pasyk, S., Prastowski, W., Przybylski, A., Raczynska, A., Rodzik, J., Romanowski, M., Rynkiewicz, A., Rzyman, M., Sidorowicz, A., Sledziona, M., Sobiczewski, W., Sobkowicz, B., Sobolewska, J., Sokalski, L., Stepinska, J., Sterlinski, M., Stopinski, M., Świątecka, G., Szpernal, Z., Tarnowska, H., Trzos, E., Ujda, M., Wierzchowiecki, M., Wodynska, T., Wojciechowski, D., Wrabec, K., Wrzesinski, K., Zuk, P., Albuquergue, A., Costa, A., Cunha, D., Ferreira, D., Ferreira, R., Gaog Leiria, J. M., Pimenta, A., Rufino, E., Vasconcelos, J., Aldica, M., Balanescu, S., Bruckner, I. V., Capalneanu, R., Florescu, N., Georgescu, C. S., Cherasim, L., Ginshina, C., Merenta, A., Parvu, O., Radutiu, S., Savulescu, I., Vita, I., Averkov, O., Bokarev, I. N., Gratsiansky, N., Grigoriev, Y., Gruzdev, A., Kakhnovsky, I., Kheevehuk, T. V., Khrustalev, O., Kobalava, Y., Konoratieva, T. B., Koukline, Vladimir, Martiouchov, S., Pavlikova, E., Poskotinov, I., Rogalev, K., Sinopainikov, A., Syrkin, A., Tereschenko, S. T., Yavelov, I., Zavolghin, S., Čurilla, E., Kohn, R., Kovář, F., Murín, J., Poliačik, P., Drinovec, I., Horvat, M., Krivec, B., Markež, J., Pareznik, R., Pehnec, Z., Resman, J., Sifrer, F., Skale, R., Trinkaus, D., Voga, G., Baig, M. M. E., Blomerus, P., Botha, B. P., Burgess, L., Duncan, D., Duncan, D. I., Gillmer, D., Govender, N., Jardine, R. J., Kok, A., Manga, P., Naidu, R. K., Rajput, M. C., Ranjith, N., Roos, J. S., Snyders, F. A., Steingo, L., Stern, A., Tayob, F. Z., Vythilingum, S., Alonso-Orcajo, N., Arribas Jimenez, A., Ayestaran, J. I., Balsera, B. B. G., Barras, C., Castro, A., Cobo, N., Duque, A., Garcia, M. J., Goiriena, P., Gonzalez-Valdayo, M., Gulias Lopez, J. M., Jimenez Gomez, P., Lopez Garanda, V., Martín Santos, F., Nogueira, R., Pabon Osuna, P., Ponce De Leon, E., Quesada Dorador, A., Paya Serrano, R., Rodriguez, L., Rodriguez, M., Rubio, F., Ruiz-Salmeron, R., Solar, J., Toquero, J., Velasco, J., Vilar Herrero, V., Vizcaino, M., Wancisidor, X., Basilier, E., Birgersdotter, V., Björnsdotter, E., Bjurman, A., Hagström, D., Hallin, I., Hansen, O., Hemmingson, L. O., Lundkvist, L., Lycksell, M., Möller, B., Nolgard, P., Sjölund, G., Stjerna, A., Angehrn, W., de Benedetti, E., Diethelm, M., Gallino, A., Plebani, G., Vögelin, H. P., Wojtyna, W., Akgöz, H., Akgün, G., Akyürek, O., Batur, M. K., Bayata, S., Deger, N., Emel, O., Gürgün, C., Korkmaz, M. E., Kozan, O., Kumbasar, D., Muderrisoglu, H., Nisanci, Y., Ozin, B., Ozsaruhan, O., Payzin, S., Postaci, N., Sozcuer, H., Tamci, B., Topuzoglu, F., Türkoglu, C., Tutar, E., Ulucam, M., Ulusoy, T., Umman, B., Yalçinkaya, S., Yesil, M., Zoghi, M., Adams, P. C., Ahir, S., Ahsan, A. J., Akhtar, J., Albers, C. J., Al-Khafaji, M. N., Anderson, N., Bailey, R. J., Bain, R. J. I., Basu, A., Beal, A., Boyle, R. M., Brown, N., Campbell, S., Card, D., Cross, S. J., Davies, P., Davis, E. T. L., Dean, J. W., Deaner, A., Devine, M. A., Dhawan, J., Doig, J. C., Dubrey, S., Dunn, P. G., Dwight, J., Ecob, R., Fitzpatrick, H., Fletcher, S., Francis, C. M., Gershlick, A. H., Glennon, P. E., Goodfield, N. E., Grabau, W. J., Gray, M., Gray, K. E., Heath, J., Hendry, W. G., Highland, J., Hogg, K., Irving, J. B., James, M. A., Jennings, K., Joy, M., Kadr, H. H., Kahn, S., Keeling, P. J., Keir, P. M., Kemp, T. M., Kinaird, J., Kinsey, C., Knowles, K., Kooner, J. S., Lahiri, A., Lawson, C., Lewis, R., Macdermott, A. F. N., Mackay, A., Macleod, D. C., Mccance, A. J., Morrison, A., Mortimer, M., Mulvey, D., Murphy, J. J., Murray, S., Muthusamy, R., Myers, A., Nicolson, V. G., Northridge, D., Odemuyiwa, S., Oldroyd, K. G., Oliver, R. M., Pell, A. C. H., Pohl, J. E. F., Price, B., Quereshi, N., Rae, A. P., Reader, S., Reid, D. S., Reynolds, G. W., Robinson, A., Robson, R. H., Rodger, J. C., Rodrigues, E., Rose, E. L., Rowlands, D. B., Rowley, J. M., Rozkovec, A., Shreeve, J., Siklos, P., Smith, R. H., Sneddon, J. F., Somasundram, U., Squire, I., Stephens, J. D., Stephens-Lloyd, A., Strand, J. M., Stuart, J., Sutaria, N., Swan, J., Tait, G. W., Thomas, R. D., Thompson, M. A., Tildesley, G., Travill, C. M., Treadgold, J. A., Trelawney, J. M. S., Turner, D., Vallance, B. D., Wallbridge, D., Weissberg, P. L., White, E., Wicks, M., Wilcox, R. G., Wilkinson, P., Wiltshire, J. E., Wright, A., Andrea, B., Attassi, K., Bahr, R., Banas, J., Baran, K., Belknap, M., Bensman, M., Bertolet, B., Besley, D., Bethala, V., Betzu, R., Bhalla, R., Bhargava, M., Binder, A., Birkhead, R., Bodine, K., Brewer, D., Carey, S., Chengot, M., Coppola, J., Cragg, D., D’Arcy, B., Denny, D. M., Dilorenzo, P., Dixon, E., Doorey, A., Doty, D., Doty, W., Drossner, M., Eisenberg, P., Falco, T., Feldman, R., Freman, I., Frey, M., Garcia, J., Glassman, J., Goldman, S., Gomez, M., Gonzalez, M., Goodfield, P., Gottlieb, S., Grech, D., Hack, T., Haffey, T., Hanson, J., Havranek, E., Hermany, P., Hernandez, H., Herron, R., Hession, W., Hines, J., Hundley, R., Jacobs, W. C., Jerjes-Sanchez, C., Jerome, S., Josephson, R., Kalan, J., Kawalsky, D., Khan, A., Kmetzo, K., Kraemer, M., Lader, E., Landis, J., Lash, J., Leber, R., Leimbach, W., Leiva Garza, J. -L., Maddox, W., Magorien, R., Mahapatra, S., Mantecon, I., Mendelson, R., Miklin, J., Milas, J., Miller, R., Molk, B., Monrad, E. S., Morrison, J., Morse, H., Neustel, M., Nichols, D., Niederman, A., Nygaard, T., O’Connor, R., O’Riordan, W., Obermueller, S., Palmeri, S., Patel, R., Paul, T., Phiambolis, T., Piana, R., Polansky, B., Polinski, W., Ponce, G., Ribeiro, P., Roccario, E., Rogers, C. P., Rogers, W., Rosenblatt, A., Runyon, J. P., Scheel, F., Schmidt, P., Schneider, R., Schwartz, H., Shelhamer, L., Sheridan, F., Shine, W., Shook, T., Siskind, S., Slama, R., Spear, E., Stouffer, G., Strunk, B., Thadani, U., Timmis, G., Trautloff, R., Tse, A., Wohl, B., Zarren, H., Zucker, R., Kuster, F., and Pardie, J. P.
- Subjects
Male ,Risk ,Infusions ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Myocardial Infarction ,Bolus lytic therapy ,Acute myocardial infarction ,Tissue plasminogen activator ,Thrombolytic drug ,Double-Blind Method ,Fibrinolytic Agents ,medicine ,Humans ,Thrombolytic Therapy ,Myocardial infarction ,Infusions, Intravenous ,Stroke ,Aged ,business.industry ,ST elevation ,Lanoteplase ,Emergency department ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Survival Analysis ,Regimen ,Relative risk ,Anesthesia ,Tissue Plasminogen Activator ,Female ,Intracranial Hemorrhages ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Intravenous ,medicine.drug - Abstract
AIMS To compare the efficacy and safety of lanoteplase, a single-bolus thrombolytic drug derived from alteplase tissue plasminogen activator, with the established accelerated alteplase regimen in patients presenting within 6 h of onset of ST elevation acute myocardial infarction. METHODS AND RESULTS 15,078 patients were recruited from 855 hospitals worldwide and randomized in a 2:1 ratio to receive either lanoteplase 120 KU. kg(-1)as a single intravenous bolus, or up to 100 mg accelerated alteplase given over 90 min. The primary end-point was all-cause mortality at 30 days and the hypothesis was that the two treatments would be equivalent. By 30 days, 6.61% of alteplase-treated patients and 6.75% lanoteplase-treated patients had died (relative risk 1.02). Total stroke occurred in 1.53% alteplase- and 1.87% lanoteplase-treated patients (ns); haemorrhagic stroke rates were 0.64% alteplase and 1.12% lanoteplase (P=0.004). The net clinical deficit of 30-day death or non-fatal disabling stroke was 7.0% and 7.2%, respectively. By 6 months, 8.8% of alteplase-treated patients and 8.7% of lanoteplase-treated patients had died. CONCLUSION Single-bolus weight-adjusted lanoteplase is an effective thrombolytic agent, equivalent to alteplase in terms of its impact on survival and with a comparable risk-benefit profile. The single-bolus regimen should shorten symptoms to treatment times and be especially convenient for emergency department or out-of-hospital administration.
- Published
- 2000
5. Complete right bundle branch block after surgical closure of perimembranous ventricular septal defect. Relation to type of ventriculotomy.
- Author
- Abstract
The ECGs of a 100 consecutive children who had surgical repair of their ventricular septal defects (VSDs) were analyzed for postoperative right bundle branch block (RBBB). Seventy of them had an atriotomy and the other 23 also a ventriculotomy. The ventriculotomy always consisted of a transverse incision a short distance below the pulmonary annulus. Of these children 93 had a perimembranous VSD and the other 7 a pure muscular defect. The ECG results of the 93 children with perimembranous VSDs were statistically analysed. The incidence of postoperative complete RBBB (CRBBB) in the ventriculotomy group was not higher than in the atriotimy group. Infants operated in the first half year of life were more prone to the development of CRBBB than the older children probably because the VSDs were relatively larger in the younger than the older children. The risk of postoperative CRBBB was less in the children who had direct suture closure of the VSD compared with those who needed a Dacron patch to close the defect. The data in the literature generally indicate a higher incidence of CRBBB after a ventriculotomy than an atriotomy. The absence of this difference and the lower incidence of CRBBB after a ventriculotomy in our series compared with those of several other author(4,6,7,8] are suggested to be due to the type of ventriculotomy [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 1985
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- Author
Vette, J. K., primary, Zonneveld, F. W., additional, van Waes, P. F. G. M., additional, van Lier, T. A. R., additional, and Ruijs, J. H. J., additional
- Published
- 1985
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7. Variations in hospital costs after traffic injuries: The importance of sociodemographic aspects and comorbidities.
- Author
Devos S, Van Belleghem G, Pien K, Hubloue I, Lauwaert I, van Lier T, Annemans L, and Putman K
- Subjects
- Accidents, Traffic statistics & numerical data, Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Belgium epidemiology, Child, Child, Preschool, Comorbidity, Female, Hospitalization statistics & numerical data, Humans, Infant, Infant, Newborn, Injury Severity Score, Length of Stay statistics & numerical data, Male, Middle Aged, Population Surveillance, Retrospective Studies, Sex Distribution, Wounds and Injuries epidemiology, Young Adult, Accidents, Traffic economics, Emergency Service, Hospital economics, Hospital Costs, Hospitalization economics, Length of Stay economics, Wounds and Injuries economics
- Abstract
Objective: The impact of sociodemographic aspects and comorbidities on the inpatient hospital care costs of traffic victims are not clear. The main goal of this study is to provide insights into the sociodemographic characteristics and clinical conditions (including comorbidities) of the victims that result in higher hospital costs., Participants: For the period 2009-2011, people admitted to a hospital as a result of a road traffic crash (N=64,304) were identified in the national Minimal Hospital Dataset, after which they were linked to their respective claims data from the sickness funds., Methods: A generalized linear model was used to analyse hospital costs controlling for roadway user categories, demographics (gender, age, individual socioeconomic status (SES)), and clinical factors (the nature, location, and severity of injury, and comorbidities)., Results: The median hospital cost was € 2801 (IQR € 1510-€ 7175, 2015 Euros). There was no significant difference between gender. Low SES inpatients incurred 16% (95% CI: 14%-18%) higher hospital costs than inpatients of high SES. The presence of comorbidities was associated with an increased hospital cost, however with varying magnitude. For example traffic victims suffering from dementia incur significantly higher hospital costs than those who were not (49% higher, 95% CI: 44%-53%), whereas diabetes was associated with a smaller increase in costs compared to non-diabetics (13%, 95% CI: 10%-16%)., Conclusion: Comorbidities and low SES are associated with higher hospital costs for traffic victims, notwithstanding their age, and the nature and the severity of their injury. The broad variability of hospital costs among trauma inpatients should be accounted for when reconsidering financing models. Furthermore, the strong predictive value of some comorbidities and SES on hospital costs should be considered when projections of future health care utilisation in traffic safety scenarios are prepared., (Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2017
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8. Effect of the shape of the exposure-response function on estimated hospital costs in a study on non-elective pneumonia hospitalizations related to particulate matter.
- Author
Devos S, Cox B, van Lier T, Nawrot TS, and Putman K
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Belgium, Child, Child, Preschool, Cross-Over Studies, Female, Humans, Infant, Infant, Newborn, Linear Models, Male, Middle Aged, Pneumonia chemically induced, Young Adult, Hospitalization economics, Particulate Matter adverse effects, Pneumonia economics
- Abstract
Objective: We used log-linear and log-log exposure-response (E-R) functions to model the association between PM2.5 exposure and non-elective hospitalizations for pneumonia, and estimated the attributable hospital costs by using the effect estimates obtained from both functions., Methods: We used hospital discharge data on 3519 non-elective pneumonia admissions from UZ Brussels between 2007 and 2012 and we combined a case-crossover design with distributed lag models. The annual averted pneumonia hospitalization costs for a reduction in PM2.5 exposure from the mean (21.4μg/m(3)) to the WHO guideline for annual mean PM2.5 (10μg/m(3)) were estimated and extrapolated for Belgium., Results: Non-elective hospitalizations for pneumonia were significantly associated with PM2.5 exposure in both models. Using a log-linear E-R function, the estimated risk reduction for pneumonia hospitalization associated with a decrease in mean PM2.5 exposure to 10μg/m(3) was 4.9%. The corresponding estimate for the log-log model was 10.7%. These estimates translate to an annual pneumonia hospital cost saving in Belgium of €15.5 million and almost €34 million for the log-linear and log-log E-R function, respectively., Discussion: Although further research is required to assess the shape of the association between PM2.5 exposure and pneumonia hospitalizations, we demonstrated that estimates for health effects and associated costs heavily depend on the assumed E-R function. These results are important for policy making, as supra-linear E-R associations imply that significant health benefits may still be obtained from additional pollution control measures in areas where PM levels have already been reduced., (Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2016
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9. Pharmacokinetics and body distribution of amiodarone in man.
- Author
Plomp TA, van Rossum JM, Robles de Medina EO, van Lier T, and Maes RA
- Subjects
- Administration, Oral, Adult, Aged, Amiodarone analogs & derivatives, Biotransformation, Female, Humans, Injections, Intravenous, Kinetics, Male, Middle Aged, Tissue Distribution, Amiodarone metabolism, Benzofurans metabolism
- Abstract
The concentrations of amiodarone (Cordarone) and desethylamiodarone in plasma after single oral and intravenous and long-term oral dosing were determined in seven normal subjects and 106 patients with various cardiac arrhythmias, respectively, using a high-performance liquid chromatographic method. The decline in amiodarone plasma concentration after a single intravenous 400 mg dose was described by a triexponential decay equation, with a mean terminal half-life (t1/2) of 34.5 h. Model independent parameters were calculated from the fits. Mean values for clearance and apparent volume of distribution were 14.7 +/- 7.2 l/h and 376 +/- 372 l. Following single oral doses of 400 mg, amiodarone plasma concentration time data were fitted in a triexponential function. The mean terminal half-life for amiodarone after oral dosage was 31.6 +/- 21.3 h. Amiodarone peak concentrations of 0.37 +/- 0.22 micrograms/ml were attained in 4.8 +/- 1.5 h. The bioavailability of oral amiodarone was only 31 +/- 26%, in part due to first-pass metabolism. Desethylamiodarone , the major metabolite of amiodarone, was present in plasma in very low levels of about 10 ng/ml in several volunteers after single intravenous or oral administration of amiodarone. The mean plasma amiodarone and desethylamiodarone levels in 106 patients, using a mean oral daily maintenance dosage of 440 +/- 253 mg for a mean period of 9.1 months, were 1.85 +/- 1.17 micrograms/ml and 1.35 +/- 0.71 micrograms/ml, respectively. The relationship between the steady state amiodarone and desethylamiodarone plasma concentrations and daily amiodarone maintenance dose in mg in 106 patients was investigated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
- Published
- 1984
10. [A patient with liver abscesses caused by Yersinia enterocolitica infection].
- Author
van Lier TA, Lagaaij MB, and Roos J
- Subjects
- Adult, Humans, Liver pathology, Liver Abscess diagnosis, Liver Abscess pathology, Male, Yersinia enterocolitica, Liver Abscess etiology, Yersinia Infections diagnosis
- Published
- 1983
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