Ovaj završni rad bavi se prikazom odnosa pape i revolucionara tijekom procesa ujedinjenja Italije, ponajviše opisujući papin položaj i njegova stajališta za vrijeme opisanih događaja. Crkva koja je nakon Bečkog Kongresa uvodila restauraciju u sve dijelove svijeta, našla se pred teškoćama svog vremena kad joj glavni neprijatelji postaju liberalizam, koji je samo predvodnik ostalih ideologija i Risorgimento, pokret za ujedinjenje Italije. Pio IX., kad 1846. godine sjeda na Petrovu stolicu kao njegov 255. nasljednik, automatski u očima puka i revolucionara, zbog svog domoljublja postaje „vođa“ koji, ujedinivši se s potonjima, može samo ubrzati proces ujedinjenja talijanskog naroda kao novonastale nacije. Međutim, „izdajnički“ korak mijenja planove te ubrzo od miljenika prelazi u najomraženijeg stanovnika Italije i tada počinje prava borba između Crkve, predvođene Piom IX. te boraca za ujedinjenje, koji su od tada nastojali uništiti papinsku vlast i izbrisati svaki trag kršćanske religije u Italiji i njezinom puku. Svoje neprijatelje, Pio IX. pronašao je u Giuseppe Mazziniju, Giuseppe Garibaldiju, Cavouru, Vittoriu Emmanueleu, a pred kraj svog života pak, sukobio se i s njemačkim željeznim kancelarom Bismarckom. Unatoč progonima, u kojima je čak bio prisiljen spašavati živu glavu bježeći iz Rima u azil, Pio IX. nepokolebljivo je branio načela Crkve i Kristova nauka, braneći se samo živom riječju. Propovijedajući protiv ideologija preko svojih enciklika i kasnije preko sazvanog Prvog vatikanskog koncila, ni u najtežim trenucima, kad je čak prijetio totalni kaos Crkvi, nije zanijekao svoju vjeru. Ostao je do kraja svog života, okružen svojim neprijateljima te kao vatikanski zarobljenik dočekao kraj svog života. This bachelor thesis deals with the presentation of the relationship between the Pope and the revolutionaries during the process of unification of Italy, mostly describing the Pope's position and his views during the events described. The Church that, after the Vienna Congress, introduced Restoration to all parts of the world, found itself facing the difficulties of its time when its main enemies became liberalism, which is the sole leader of other ideologies and Risorgimento, a movement for the unification of Italy. Pius IX., when in 1846 sat on Peter's chair, as his 255th successor, automatically in the eyes of the crowd and the revolutionaries, for his patriotism, becomes a „leader“ who, united with the latter, can only speed up the process of unification of the Italian people as a newcomer nation. However, the „traitorous“ step changes plans and he soon passes away to the most disadvantaged Italian person and then begins the real battle between the Church, led by Pius IX. and fighters for the unity who have since, attempted to destroy the Papal authority and wipe out every trace of Christian religion in Italy. Pius IX. found enemies in Giuseppe Mazzini, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Cavour, Vittorio Emanuele, and at the end of his life he also clashed with German Iron Chancellor Bismarck. Despite persecutions, even forced to rescue his alive head fleeing from Rome to asylum, Pius IX. defended the principles of the Church and of Christ's teaching steadfastly, defending himself only with the living word. In preaching anti-ideology through his encyclicals and later through the First Vatican Council, he did not deny his faith even in the most difficult moments when even the total chaos threatened to the Church. He remained until the end of his life, surrounded by his enemies, as a Vatican prisoner where he finished his earthly life.