- Author
Popović, Petra and Lazarini, Franci
- Subjects
spomeniško varstvo ,architecture ,Rakuschev mlin ,varovanje industrijske arhitekture ,19th century ,20th century ,protection of monuments ,20. stoletje ,arhitektura ,19. stoletje ,Celje ,industrial architecture protection ,udc:725(497.4Celje)(043.2) ,mlinarstvo ,industrial objects ,industrializacija ,milling industry ,industrialisation ,industrijski objekti ,Rakusch mill - Abstract
Zastavljeni cilj diplomske naloge je bil v prvi vrsti opis problematike varovanja industrijske arhitekture, predvsem na primeru Rakuschevega mlina v Celju. Pri tem so bile opisane dejavnosti lastnice objekta, Mestne občine Celje in pobude strokovnjakov pred samim požarom in po njem. Eden od namenov naloge je bil tudi vključitev drugih objektov, s katerimi je prikazana različna usoda le-teh nekateri od teh, ki so dobili novo namembnost, pa bi lahko služili tudi kot zgled Mestni občini Celje. Poleg tega so preko celotnega diplomskega dela predstavljeni različni dejavniki, ki negativno vplivajo na ohranjanje teh, že danes redkih objektov. Ti so na primer pomanjkanje denarnih sredstev, lokacija objekta, ki je lahko primerna za nove, bolj dobičkonosne objekte, prav tako neuspešno iskanje nove namembnosti. Glavni razlog za propadanje objektov pa je nezadostno upoštevanje varstvenih režimov in slaba spomeniškovarstvena zakonodaja. Pri delu so bili uporabljeni arhivski viri, predvsem za raziskovanje zgodovine objekta samega, saj je literature o slednjemu zelo malo. Pri opisu problematike je v največji meri pripomogla dokumentacija, hranjena na Zavodu za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, Območni enoti Celje in razni članki v dnevnem časopisju, ki so izšli po požaru. Preko apelov in dopisov, ki so jih pošiljali strokovnjaki na Mestni občini Celje, je moč razbrati nestrinjanje z njenim delovanjem in ponujanjem začasnih in tudi daljnosežnih rešitev. Prav tako so v diplomsko delo vključena razna poročila o stanju objekta, ki so se med seboj izjemoma razlikovala, od tega, da je samo rušitev lahko rešitev, kakor do tega, da bi lahko objekt še naprej obstajal. Pri tem je predstavljeno predvsem nezadostno upoštevanje strokovnih mnenj in hitenje z rušitvijo. The main goal of the graduation thesis has been to describe the issue of the protection of industrial architecture, presented on the example of Rakusch mill in Celje. The thesis presents the activities of the mill's owner, City Municipality of Celje, as well as incentives of various experts prior and following the fire that destroyed the facility. One of the purposes of the graduation thesis has been to include other industrial facilities and present the different fates that they have encountered some should serve as a source of inspiration for the City Municipality of Celje. Additionally, the graduation thesis lists various factors, which have a negative influence on those, already rare industrial facilities. Some of these factors are: lack of finances, location of the facility, which may be more suitable for other new and more profitable facilities, as well as unsuccessful search for a new purpose for the existing facilities. The main reason for the decay of such facilities is, however, the insufficient consideration of the protection regimes and poor monument legislation. The number of archive sources, especially those researching the history of the facility itself, is scarce. When describing the issue, I largely resorted to the documentation, stored at Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije (Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia), Območna enota Celje (Regional Unit Celje) and newspaper articles that were published following the fire. When researching the appeals and letters, addressed to the Municipality of Celje by various experts, it is possible to comprehend their disapproval with the municipality's actions as well as learn about their suggestions for alternative short- and long-term solutions. Additionally, the graduation thesis includes various reports about the condition of the facility, which differ in content: some state that only demolition can be perceived as a solution, some state that the facility should continue to exist. The focus is placed on the insufficient consideration of expert opinions and rushing with the demolition. more...
- Published
- 2016