1. Internal monitoring and box tracebility in the forge production
- Author
Lunežnik, Tadej, Lerher, Tone, and Nedelko, Zlatko
- Subjects
udc:658.513(043.2) ,sledljivost ,tehnologija črtne kode ,traceability ,interni nadzor ,informacijski sistem ,internal monitoring ,barcode technology ,information system - Abstract
Vsak dan našega življenja prinaša nove izzive, ki nas prisilijo, da se z njimi soočimo in jih uspešno rešimo. Nič drugače ni na ravni podjetij, ki morajo za svoj obstoj dnevno reševati goro izzivov, da ohranjajo svoj položaj v svetu neusmiljene konkurence. V želji ohraniti svoj položaj na trgu oziroma ta položaj še izboljšati, je treba biti vsaj v koraku s svojimi konkurenti, največkrat pa korak, če ne dva pred njimi. Tako, kot je treba izvajati nadzor nad dogajanjem zunaj podjetja, se je treba osredotočiti tudi na poslovanje znotraj podjetja. Ustvariti prednost pred ostalimi, pomeni, biti boljši od njih tam, kjer je mogoče nadzorovati potek dogajanja in vplivati nanj. To pa pomeni, da je treba imeti pod nadzorom vse, kar se dogaja znotraj podjetja. Tudi tiste najmanjše podrobnosti, ki se včasih zdijo samoumevne, a lahko zaradi njih podjetje ostane brez ključnih kupcev. V diplomski nalogi bomo raziskali, kako izvajanje notranjega nadzora zagotovi konkurenčno prednost in zmanjša možnost pojava napak, ki si jih podjetje ne želi. Prav tako bomo poiskali najboljši način za zagotavljanje sledljivosti produktov procesa proizvodnje znotraj vseh faz procesa obdelave. Na ta način bomo v podjetju precej izboljšali proces priprave proizvodnje in s tem tudi skrajšali pretočni čas od samega prihoda surovin v podjetje do izdaje končnih produktov svojim kupcem. V ta namen bo treba analizirati sedanje stanje proizvodnje v podjetju. Na podlagi obstoječega stanja bomo poiskali najbolj primerne rešitve za uvedbo nadzora nad proizvodnjo. Skušali bomo uvesti sistem nadzora s črtno kodo, ki bo nadomestil sedanjih način pisanja podatkov na list papirja. V ta namen bo treba uvesti tudi primeren informacijski sistem, ki bo poskrbel za zagotavljanje aktualnih podatkov, s katerimi bomo lažje zagotavljali sledljivost produktov od njihove proizvodnje pa vse do izdaje iz skladišča. S tem bomo lažje sledili naročilom kupcev in tudi pravočasno pripravili izdelke glede na željene roke dobave. Each day of our lives brings new challenges that force us to face them and successfully solve them. It is no different for various companies which, for their existence, must solve the challenges of the day to maintain their position in a world of fierce competition. In order to maintain their position on the market, or to improve their situation, it is necessary to keep pace with the competitors, and necessary to be at least a step if not two ahead of them. Just as it is necessary to exercise control over what is happening outside the company, it is also necessary to focus on the business performance within the company. To be ahead of others means being better than them where it is possible to control the course of events and influence it. This means that it is necessary for the company to have control over all matters inside the institution. Even the smallest details, which sometimes seem self-evident, but can result in the company being left without key buyers. In this diploma thesis, we are going to investigate how the implementation of internal control provides competitive advantage and reduces the possibility of errors the company may not want. Also, we are going to find the best way to ensure that the products are traceable in all stages of production process. This way, we are going to significantly improve the planning process and reduce the production time between the first stage and the final stage of production where the final products are delivered to the customers. For this purpose, it is necessary to analyze the current state of production in the company. On the basis of the existing situation, we are going to find the most suitable solutions for introducing a production control. We are going to try to implement a barcode control system which is going to replace the current way of writing data on a sheet of paper. For this purpose, it is going to be necessary to introduce an appropriate information system that is going to ensure up-to-date information with which we will be able to guarantee the traceability of products from the start of production until they leave the warehouse. Doing so, we are going to follow customer orders easily and also prepare products in due time according to the desired delivery dates.
- Published
- 2018