Korporacijsko upravljanje zajema standarde za sprejemanje odločitev v družbi, dolžnosti upravnega odbora in menedžmenta, notranjo strukturo družbe ter razmerje med družbo in njenimi deležniki. Področje korporacijskega upravljanja je postalo še posebej zanimivo in aktualno v času finančne krize in propadov številnih gospodarskih družb. V času finančne krize in iskanju vzrokov zanjo je še posebnega pomena korporacijsko upravljanje finančnih institucij, predvsem bank, sploh glede na pomembno vlogo finančnega posredništva bank v gospodarstvu, njihovo visoko občutljivost na morebitne težave, ki so posledica neučinkovitega korporacijskega upravljanja, še posebej pa glede na potrebo, da se zavaruje sredstva vlagateljev. Posledično je za to področje potrebno, da se uredi z raznimi smernicami, načeli in navodili za korporacijsko upravljanje. Številne smernice korporacijskega upravljanja so obstajale že pred finančno krizo, vendar pa te smernice niso vplivale na preprečitev ali vsaj ublažitev finančne krize, zato se postavljajo vprašanja, kaj je šlo narobe. V iskanju odgovorov na vprašanja, ki jih je izzvala finančna kriza, je Komisija pripravila Zeleno knjigo o korporativnem upravljanju v finančnih institucijah in politiki prejemkov, v kateri je poudarila, da je krepitev korporacijskega upravljanja ključnega pomena v njenem programu reforme finančnega trga in preprečevanja krize. V Zeleni knjigi je obdelala pomanjkljivosti korporacijskega upravljanja, ki se nanašajo na funkcijo upravnega odbora, funkcijo delničarjev, funkcijo nadzornih organov in zunanjega revizorja, funkcije, povezane z obvladovanjem tveganj, učinkovito implementacijo načel korporacijskega upravljanja, navzkrižje interesov ter prejemke vodstev družb. Svojim ugotovitvam je dodala tudi predloge za prihodnost in povprašala javnost o njenem pogledu na obravnavano tematiko. V raziskavi smo povzeli ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti korporacijskega upravljanja, ki jih je Komisija izpostavila v Zeleni knjigi, možne rešitve za prihodnost, ki jih je predlagala Komisija, vprašanja Komisije, naslovljena na javnost, in odgovore na ta vprašanja. Corporate governance is encompassing the standards for decision-making within a financial institution, the duties of the board and the management, the internal structure of the financial institution and the relationships between the financial institution and its stakeholders. The field of corporate governance has become of special interest in the financial crisis and in the time of numerous companies’ bankruptcies. The corporate governance of the financial institutions, especially banks, is specifically important in the financial crisis and when seeking its causes, due to its important role in financial intermediation in economy, their high sensitivity to potential problems as a consequence of the inefficient corporate governance, and especially due to the need to protect investors’ funds. Consequently, it is important to regulate this field with principles and rules of corporate governance. There were many well developed principles already before the financial crisis, however, the observance of the existing corporate governance principles by financial institutions did not prevent or contributed to mitigating the financial crisis. The questions on what went wrong have been posed. Those questions have been addressed also by the European Commission, which has published the Green Paper on corporate governance in financial institutions and remuneration policies, where it has emphasized that strengthening corporate governance is at the heart of its programme of financial market reform and crisis prevention. In the Green Paper she discussed the weaknesses of the corporate governance with respect to the boards of directors, the role of shareholders, the role of supervisory authorities and external auditor, the problem of effective implementation of corporate governance principles, the conflict of interest and the remuneration policy. It added suggestions for the future and asked the public about its view on the discussed issues. In this study we summarized the corporate governance weaknesses identified by the European Commission outlined in the Green Paper, the possible solutions for the future, proposed by the Commission, the Commission's questions addressed to the public, and the answers to these questions.