Diplomsko delo je zasnovana na analizi sodne prakse v Republiki Sloveniji, in sicer se avtorica osredotoča na področje, ki se je razvijalo skupaj z državo samo- trg finančnih instrumentov. Medtem ko so tuje države razvijale zakonodajne okvirje kot tudi institucije na tem področju skoti desetletja, je imela Republika Slovenija zelo malo časa za prilagoditev in učenje. Avtorica želi z analizo sodne prakse na področju trga finančnih instrumentov prikazati, kako so spremembe zakonodaje ter njihove dopolnitve, ki so sčasoma uvedle večjo zaščito udeležencev trga, vplivale na število in strukturo sporov. Analiza je razdeljena na dve obdobji prvo desetletje po osamosvojitvi, kjer avtorica zasledi malo sporov z instituti finančnih instrumentov, kar je razumljivo, ob upoštevanju dejstva, da se je v tem obdobju komaj oblikoval zakonodajni okvir samega trga, kot tudi so se komaj ustanovile pomembne institucije za nadzor trga. V drugem desetletju naraste število sporov z izbrano temo, kjer prevladujejo spori z instituti prevzemov ter prepovedanih ravnanj zlorabe trga finančnih instrumentov. Nepoznavanje zakonodaje, njenih novel kot tudi napačna razlaga zakonskih določb, so imele za posledico neuspešnost tožnikov v sodnih sporih. Diploma paper is based on an analysis of a court practice in Republic of Slovenia, in which the author focuses on a territory, which has been developing side by side as the country itself- financial instruments market. While foreign countries were developing their legislation and establishing institutions on financial instruments market during decades, Republic of Slovenia did not have much time for that. Instead we had to make a quick adjustment and learn quickly. With the analysis of court practice on financial instruments market, the author wants to show what kind of affect, the changes of legislation and their implementes, which in time brought bigger protection for the market participants, had on the number as well as the structure of court disputes. Analysis is divided in two periods first decade after the independence in which author does not find many court disputes with the institutes of financial instruments. That is no surprise since this was the decade in which the legislation was being formed as well as the important institutions for controling the market were being established. The number of court disputes, that the author is interested in, started rising in the second decade, where court disputes with the institute of take-over and malpractice on financial instruments market, prevails. Unfamiliarity with legislations, their implements as well as the wrong interpretation of regulations, leads into unsuccess of plaintiffs.