84 results on '"udc:004.4"'
Search Results
2. Oblačna tehnologija in napovedovanje proizvodnje sončnih celic s strojnim učenjem
- Author
Nabergoj, Veronika and Bernik, Janez
- Subjects
oblačna tehnologija ,trgovanje z električno energijo ,machine learning ,napoved proizvodnje sončnih celic ,udc:004.4 ,solar panel production prediction ,electricity trading ,cloud technology ,strojno učenje - Abstract
V magistrskem delu je opisano delovanje oblačne tehnologije in vse storitve, ki jih vključuje. V sklopu oblačne tehnologije so opisane tudi prednosti in slabosti takšnega načina dela. Opisano je tudi strojno učenje, podrobno pa je opisan algoritem XGBoost, ki je bil tudi uporabljen pri napovedovanju proizvodnje sončnih celic. S pomočjo oblačnih storitev je bilo vzpostavljeno tudi napovedovanje proizvodnje sončnih celic. Učenje modelov in napovedovanje je potekalo s pomočjo strojnega učenja. Vsi podatki in potek dela so opisani in ustrezno prikazani. In this master's thesis the cloud technology and all the services they include are described. In the cloud technology part of the thesis advantages and disadvantages of working with the services are stated. The machine learning part is also described with an emphasis on the algorithm XGBoost that was used for solar panel production prediction. Solar panel production prediction has been constructed with the help of cloud services. The model training and prediction was performed with machine learning. All the data used and the steps taken are described and suitably presented.
- Published
- 2023
3. Merging multiple business intelligence software to provide a unified environment: a selected company case
- Author
Atmaca, Tahsin and Jaklič, Jurij
- Subjects
research ,analiza ,analysis ,udc:004.4 ,business process ,programi ,programmes ,business intelligence ,poslovni proces ,information technology ,poslovna inteligenca ,informatika ,informacijska tehnologija ,informatics ,izbira ,raziskave ,choice - Published
- 2023
4. Prednosti uporabe sistemov za upravljanje vsebin za mikro podjetja
- Author
Mandriera, Andreja and Tomat, Luka
- Subjects
udc:004.4 ,informacijski sistemi ,podjetje ,programi ,information systems ,programmes ,programski jeziki ,information technology ,programming languages ,informatika ,informacijska tehnologija ,informatics ,internet ,enterprises - Published
- 2022
5. Obdelava in analiza besedila z uporabo Matlaba
- Author
Širca, Klara and Knez, Marjetka
- Subjects
Pearson's chi-squared test ,Zipfov zakon ,Zipf's law ,obdelava naravnega jezika ,skupna informacija ,udc:004.4 ,Pearsonov hi-kvadrat test ,natural language processing ,SVD ,mutual information ,$n$-gramski modeli ,Matlab ,$n$-gram models - Abstract
Diplomsko delo je posvečeno metodam za obdelavo in analizo naravnega jezika v besedilih. Na začetku je na kratko opisano Matlabovo orodje emph{Text Analytics Toolbox}, nato pa so predstavljeni osnovni objekti za shranjevanje besedila v Matlabu. Predstavljene so strukturne komponente naravnega jezika in načini, kako se lahko te obdela, da jih razume računalnik. V delu so opisane nekatere metode, kot so tokenizacija, lematizacija in krnjenje. Primer uporabe teh metod v Matlabu je prikazan na prosto dostopni knjigi Zločin in kazen avtorja Dostojevskega. V nadaljevanju je predstavljen Zipfov zakon in nekaj glavnih statističnih značilnosti besedilnih korpusov, ob tem pa so omenjene njihove posledice in te prikazane na primeru. Del diplomskega dela je posvečen tudi geometrijskim modelom. V tem delu so definirani različni načini predstavitve besedilnih zbirk: z matriko izrazov in dokumentov ter emph{tf-idf} matriko. Prav tako sta opisani matrika sočasnih pojavitev besed in matrika prekrivanja. Matrika izrazov in dokumentov predstavlja vektorski prostor besed in dokumentov, zato so na kratko opisane tudi osnovne značilnosti predstavitve dokumentov v vektorskih prostorih. Predstavljeni so tudi načini za merjenje podobnosti med dokumenti. Peti del se ukvarja z analizo sočasnih pojavitev besed v odstavkih in tu je najprej opisano teoretično ozadje Shannonove entropije in skupne informacije. Na podlagi te teorije je izračunana točkovna skupna informacija za pare besed v knjigi Zločin in kazen. Prikazane in opisane so ugotovitve, ki jih prinaša izračun točkovne skupne informacije. Opisan je tudi Pearsonov $chi^2$-test neodvisnosti, njegova uporabnost pa je prikazana pri analizi besednih kolokacij. V šestem poglavju so predstavljeni še $n$-gramski modeli: unigramski, bigramski in trigramski. Ti modeli temeljijo na predpostavki Markova. Razloženo je ocenjevanje parametrov v $n$-gramskih jezikovnih modelih, nato pa je opisanih nekaj metod diskontiranja, ki odvzemajo verjetnostno maso dogodkom, ki se pojavijo v učnem korpusu, in jo porazdelijo med še nevidene dogodke. V zadnjem poglavju je opisanih nekaj metod redukcije dimenzij, kot so rezanje in združevanje besedišča ter redukcija dimenzij s pomočjo singularnega razcepa. This thesis focuses on methods for processing and analysing natural language in texts. It starts with a brief description of the Matlab emph{Text Analytics Toolbox}, and then presents the basic objects in Matlab for text processing. It describes the structural components of natural language and how they can be processed in a way that can be understood by a computer. Some methods such as tokenisation, lemmatisation and stemming are presented in the thesis. An example of how these methods are applied in Matlab are demonstrated using the public domain book emph{Crime and Punishment} by Dostoyevsky. Further, Zipf's law and some of the main statistical properties of text corpora are presented. Their implications are mentioned, and they are illustrated by an example. A part of the thesis also focuses on geometric models. In this part, different ways of representing text collections are defined: with term-document matrix and emph{tf-idf} matrix. It also describes the word co-occurrence matrix and the overlap matrix. The term-document matrix represents the vector space of words and documents, so the basic features of the representation of documents in vector spaces are briefly described. Methods of measuring the similarity between documents are also presented. In chapter 5 co-occurrences of words in paragraphs are analysed and the theoretical background on Shannon entropy and mutual information is provided. The pointwise mutual information for word pairs in emph{Crime and Punishment} is calculated based on this theory. The conclusions drawn from the calculation of the pointwise mutual information are presented and described. Pearson’s $chi^2$-test for independence is also described and its usefulness in the analysis of word collocations is demonstrated. Chapter 6 presents $n$-gram models: unigram, bigram and trigram. These models are based on the Markov assumption. This chapter further explains the estimation of parameters in $n$-gram language models, and then describes discounting methods which remove some probability mass from events that occur in the training corpus and distribute it among unseen events. The last chapter describes some techniques of dimension reduction such as vocabulary pruning and merging, and dimension reduction using the singular value decomposition.
- Published
- 2022
6. Software development management at the Adacta company
- Author
Zovkič, Tina and Turk, Tomaž
- Subjects
scrum ,razvoj ,case study ,information technology ,software ,agile management ,agilni management ,udc:004.4 ,informatika ,informacijska tehnologija ,informatics ,development ,management - Published
- 2022
7. Prehod z arhitekture monolitov na arhitekturo mikrostoritev
- Author
Čukelj, Blaž and Turk, Tomaž
- Subjects
analiza ,architecture ,research ,software ,analysis ,udc:004.4 ,informatika ,informatics ,programi ,raziskave ,programmes ,arhitektura - Published
- 2022
8. Adoption of cloud accounting software by small and medium-sized companies in Croatia
- Author
Mozetič, Ema and Indihar Štemberger, Mojca
- Subjects
services ,supply ,majhna in srednja podjetja ,research ,Croatia ,software ,udc:004.4 ,cloud computing ,accounting ,SMEs ,storitve ,ponudba ,Hrvaška ,računalništvo v oblaku ,računovodstvo ,informatika ,informatics ,raziskave - Published
- 2022
9. Grafični prikaz kakovosti algoritmov
- Author
Bariša, Delfina and Dobravec, Tomaž
- Subjects
grafični prikaz kakovosti algoritmov ,Data visualization ,ALGator system ,Graphical representation of the quality of algorithms ,udc:004.4 ,vizualizacija podatkov ,vizualizacija podatkov v algoritmiki ,sistem ALGator - Abstract
Za večino življenjskih težav obstaja več možnih rešitev. Enako velja tudi v algoritmiki, saj za skoraj vsak problem obstaja več algoritmičnih rešitev. Na koncu izberemo tisto, ki ima najboljšo kakovost. Slednjo običajno ocenimo tako, da naredimo primerjavo rezultatov izvajanja različnih algoritmov. Ti rezultati načeloma vsebujejo ogromno količino podatkov, zato jih je velikokrat najenostavneje primerjati s pomočjo grafičnih prikazov. Na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko je bil izdelan sistem za avtomatsko evalvacijo algoritmov ALGator. Kot pove že samo ime, ta olajša in avtomatizira postopek ocenjevanja algoritmov. V njem lahko uporabnik enostavno in hitro pride do rezultatov izvajanja algoritmov. Za grafično primerjavo teh podatkov je obstoječi sistem omogočal le prikaz nekaterih preprostih grafikonov in tabel. Pojavile so se zahteve po novih prikazih, ki bi nudili podporo kompleksnejši analizi podatkov in tem zahtevam smo skušali zadostiti s pričujočo magistrsko nalogo. Najprej smo preučili dva najpogosteje uporabljena grafična prikaza, tabelo in grafikon. Podali smo splošen opis ter predstavili njune primere dobre prakse ter prilagoditve za osebe z omejitvami. Vsaka različica tabele in grafikona je primerna samo za določeno vrsto podatkov. Zato smo v delu pregledali podatke v algoritmiki, raziskali vse primerne vrste tabel in grafikonov ter prilagodili raziskane različice za prikaz kakovosti algoritmov. Med njimi smo izbrali najboljše in jih implementirali v sistemu ALGator. Na koncu dela smo predstavili sistem ALGator in orodja, ki so uporabljena pri implementaciji prikazov ter opisali implementirano. There are usually several possible solutions for most life problems. The same is true for algorithmics, as there are several algorithmic solutions for almost every problem. In the end, we choose the one that has the best quality. The latter is usually estimated by comparing the results of the execution of different algorithms. Usually, these results contain huge amounts of data, so it is often easiest to compare them with the help of graphical representations. A system for automatic evaluation of algorithms named ALGator was developed at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science in Ljubljana. As the name suggests, it simplifies and automates the algorithm evaluation process. With it, the user can easily and quickly get the results from the execution of algorithms. To graphically compare this data, the existing system only allowed the display of some simple graphs and tables. There was a demand for new displays that would support more complex data analysis, and we tried to meet these demands with this master's thesis. We first examined the two most commonly used graphical representations, the table and the graph. We gave a general description and presented their examples of good practice and their adaptations for people with limitations. Each version of the table and chart is only suitable for a specific type of data. Therefore, in the thesis we reviewed the data in algorithmics, researched all suitable types of tables and graphs, and adapted the researched versions for representations of the quality of algorithms. We chose the best among them and implemented them in the ALGator system. At the end of the thesis, we presented the ALGator system and the tools used in the implementation of graphical representations and described the implementations.
- Published
- 2022
10. Zagotavljanje kakovosti in izboljšave procesa razvoja in vzdrževanja programske opreme v manjšem razvojnem podjetju
- Author
Muha, Jernej and Popovič, Aleš
- Subjects
razvoj ,software ,udc:004.4 ,vzdrževanje ,programi ,programmes ,maintenance ,information technology ,improvements ,quality ,izboljšave ,informatika ,kvaliteta ,informacijska tehnologija ,informatics ,development - Published
- 2022
11. Selecting ERP package in North Macedonia and Croatia
- Author
Stamenkovska, Anita and Indihar Štemberger, Mojca
- Subjects
research ,analiza ,North Macedonia ,Croatia ,software ,analysis ,udc:004.4 ,programi ,Severna Makedonija ,programmes ,Hrvaška ,informatika ,informatics ,izbira ,raziskave ,choice - Published
- 2022
12. Napovedovanje Alzheimerjeve bolezni s strojnim učenjem iz kliničnih podatkov
- Author
Zrimšek, Matej and Kononenko, Igor
- Subjects
disease profiling ,udc:004.4 ,napovedni model ,bioinformatics ,Alzheimerjeva bolezen ,strojno učenje ,bioinformatika ,predictive model ,machine learning ,napovedovanje bolezni ,medical informatics ,profiliranje bolezni ,medicinska informatika ,Alzheimer’s disease ,disease prediction - Abstract
V sklopu tekmovanja Alzheimer’s Disease Big Data DREAM Challenge #1 (AD#1) želimo z uporabo odprtega znanstvenega pristopa hitro prepoznati natančne napovedne biomarkerje Alzheimerjeve bolezni, ki jih lahko znanstvene, industrijske in regulativne skupnosti uporabljajo za izboljšanje diagnoze in zdravljenja te bolezni. Z uporabo demografskih, kliničnih in genetskih podatkov ter slikanj z MR, pridobljenih na udeležencih v sklopu pobude Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), smo ustvarili napovedne modele kognitivnih ocen in napovedali neskladja med kognitivnimi sposobnostmi in amiloidnim bremenom. Z izvlačenjem podatkov smo iz enormne množice podatkov sestavili uporaben nabor le-teh za njihovo uporabo kot učne in testne množice. Razvili smo sistem za hitro in poenoteno obdelavo in optimizacijo pridobljenih podatkov. To nam je koristilo, ker smo za napovedovanje poizkusili najrazličnejše pristope in strategije h grajenju učnega modela ter naredili primerjavo njihove učinkovitosti. Poglobili smo se v mnoge druge raziskave na tem področju in z njimi potegnili smernice ter izvedli primerjavo ugotovitev in rezultatov oziroma učinkovitosti z našo. As part of Alzheimer’s Disease Big Data DREAM Challenge #1 (AD#1), we want to quickly identify accurate predictive biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease using an open scientific approach that can be used by scientific, industrial and regulatory communities to improve diagnosis and treatment. Using demographic, clinical and genetic data and MR imaging obtained from participants in the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), we created predictive models of cognitive assessments and predicted discrepancies between cognitive abilities and amyloid load. With data extraction, we compiled a useful subset of data from an enormous amount of it to use it as a training and test set. We have developed a system for fast and uniform processing and optimization of obtained data. This benefited us because we tried a variety of approaches and strategies to build a learning model for prediction and made a comparison of their effectiveness. We delved into much other research in this field, drew guidelines with them and compared the findings and results or efficiency with ours.
- Published
- 2020
13. Zgodnje odkrivanje prevar pri menjavi kriptovalut s strojnim učenjem
- Author
Tehovnik, Lea and Todorovski, Ljupčo
- Subjects
random forests ,naključni gozdovi ,machine learning ,fraud detection ,odkrivanje prevar ,udc:004.4 ,predicting rare events ,napovedovanje redkih dogodkov ,cryptocurrencies ,kriptovalute ,strojno učenje - Abstract
Z nastankom novih tehnologij, kot so kriptovalute, se pojavijo tudi novi načini prevar. Soočimo se s problematiko bančnih prevar na kripto borzah. Prevare želimo identificirati in jih ustaviti, preden je prepozno. Primarno za to uporabimo metode za nadzorovano strojno učenje, kjer se osredotočimo na drevesne metode, natančneje na naključne gozdove. Napovedujemo redek pojav, zato imamo opravka z zelo neuravnoteženo porazdelitvijo ciljne spremenljivke, kar rešujemo z uporabo metod pod- in nad-vzorčenja učnih podatkov. Končni model smo zgradili z metodo naključnih gozdov, kategorične spremenljivke pa smo pretvorili v numerične, saj smo pokazali, da to pripomore k izboljšavi rezultatov. Rezultati na testnih podatkih kažejo, da je končni model uporaben, saj identificira skoraj vse prevarante. Spodbuden rezultat lahko uporabimo za nadaljnji razvoj modela in implementacijo v sistem borze. With the emergence of new technologies, such as cryptocurrencies, new types of fraud are born. We focus on bank fraud common on crypto exchanges. We want to classify and distinguish fraudulent cases, so they can be prevented in advance. We use machine learning algorithms for classification based on decision trees, more specifically, random forests, i.e., ensembles of decision trees. Predicting the rare event of fraud leads to a classification problem with unbalanced distribution of the target variable, which we address with using methods for over- and under-sampling of learning data. We build the final model with random forest method alongside with transformation of categorical variables to numerical, which was proved to improve the results. Test results show that the end model is very useful, as it identifies almost all fraudulent cases. Encouraging results can be used for further development of the model and its implementation into the exchanges' system.
- Published
- 2020
14. Analiza odziva potrošnikov na Brexit s pomočjo metode tekstovnega rudarjenja v programu R
- Author
Kolenc, Jan and Redek, Tjaša
- Subjects
Sentiment analysis ,udc:004.4 ,Analiza sentimenta ,Brexit ,Data mining ,Podatkovno rudarjenje - Abstract
Ozadje. Brexit je eden najpomembnejših dogodkov v zgodovini EU in VB. Gre za izstop Velike Britanije iz EU. Začel se je z referendumom, ki ga je razpisal takratni premier David Cameron. Uradni postopek izstopa je nadaljevala njegova naslednica Theresa May, ki pa je postopek vodila neuspešno in je zato njeno delo prevzel sedanji premier Boris Johnson. Po dogovoru med EU in VB je slednja zapustila zvezo 31. 1. 2020 in začela prehodno obdobje odcepitve od zveze. Cilj. Diplomski seminar analizira s pomočjo analize odzivov bralcev (komentatorjev) novic odnos le-teh do izstopa Velike Britanije iz Evropske unije. Cilj je poiskati odgovore na raziskovalno vprašanje: kakšen je odziv Slovencev (oziroma bralcev) na Brexit in kako se je dojemanje/odnos Slovencev do Brexita spreminjal skozi čas? Metodologija. Analiza temelji na različnih metodah tekstovnega rudarjenja v programu R s pomočjo tabele AFINN. Podatki so pridobljeni s spletnega portala RTV SLO. Uporabljenih je bilo 20470 komentarjev pod 440 objavljenimi članki na to temo. Vsebinsko povezavo komentarjev s temo Brexita sem preveril z latentno Dirichletovo alokacijo, ki je potrdila povezavo. Uporabil sem tudi analizo korelacije med besedami.. Rezultati. Izkazalo se je, da so Slovenci precej nevtralno, čeprav v povprečju rahlo pozitivno naravnani do Brexita in sicer približno +0,8 po metodi merjenja sentimenta s tabelo AFINN. Analiza sprememb sentimenta glede na časovnico pomembnih dogodkov (npr. Predčasne volitve 12.12.2019) kaže, da je pogosto le-ta nižji od povprečja, razen v štirih primerih. Sentiment je bil nadpovprečen na dan napovedi referenduma - 23. 6. 2016, nato na dan, ko je VB zapustila EU - 31. 1. 2020, poleg tega tudi na dan, ko je kabinet prevzel Boris Johnson, ter tudi na dan, ko so bile v VB predčasne volitve na pobudo Mayeve. Sentiment je pri ostalih izbranih dogodkih blizu 0 oz. je ponekod celo negativen. Med najbolj negativne dogodke po oceni Slovencev spadajo »Chequers plan«, dan, ko premierka postane Theresa May, aktivacija člena 50, Johnsonov dogovor za odstop in druge predčasne volitve. Zaključki. Slovenski potrošniki so do Brexita v povprečju precej nevtralni, se pa nekateri skoki v sentimentu pokažejo ob različnih z Brexitom povezanih dogodkih. Background. Brexit is one of the key moments in the history of EU and UK. Brexit stands for departure of UK from the EU. The departure went into motion as former PM David Cameron announced a referendum. Formally Brexit began in the eyes of the EU when Theresa May invoked Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. As May was unable to provide a good enough exit strategy, she was replaced by the current PM Boris Johnson. After a deal was struck between EU and UK the latter left the Union on 31. 1. 2020 and began the transition period leading to full departure in the future. Aim. The bachelor thesis addresses the problem of sentiment analysis on Slovenian consumers regarding Brexit. Its aim is to find answers to the research question: what is Slovenes response to Brexit and how did it change through time? Method. All of the following results are acquired by data mining methodology in R. Data was mined from the web portal of RTV SLO and processed by AFINN sentiment table. Slovene consumers were regularly responding on the web portal of RTV SLO regarding Brexit. I managed to acquire 20470 comments from 440 published articles on Brexit. Slovenes reacted to monumental events regarding Brexit in a way that increased the rate of comments on those dates. Reader’s comments on RTV SLO were a topic well related to Brexit. The latter was confirmed by latent Dirichlet allocation. More credibility and confirmation for the first statement was also provided by the correlation analysis in comments. Results. It turned out that Slovenes were in general indifferent about Brexit but in average slightly positive towards it. The positivity was measured to be +0.8 by sentiment analysis with the AFINN table. Sentiment analysis in time of important events provided with the following results. Sentiment on the dates chosen for analysis was lower than average in all but 4 cases. Sentiment was above average on the referendum announcement day 23. 6. 2016, on the day of UK's departure from EU 31.1. 2020, on the day when Boris Johnson took cabinet and when the first snap election took place. Sentiment on the dates of other chosen events was around 0 or in some cases also negative. For Slovenes the most negative events were the »Chequers plan« announcement day, the day Theresa May took office, Article 50 invocation, Johnson’s departure deal and the second snap election. Conclusions. To conclude, the Slovene consumers’ disposition is averagely positive towards Brexit but with some sentiment dynamics in relation to major events affecting Brexit.
- Published
- 2020
15. Prevajanje prestreznikov algebrajskih učinkov v jezik brez učinkov
- Author
Zupančič, Žiga and Pretnar, Matija
- Subjects
eksplicitni tipi ,language without explicit effects ,udc:004.4 ,jezik brez eksplicitnih učinkov ,prestrezniki algebrajskih učinkov ,explicit types ,računski učinki ,computational effects ,algebraic effect handlers - Abstract
V delu je predstavljen funkcijski programski jezik Eff za delo z algebrajskimi učinki in njihovimi prestrezniki. Na primeru je prikazan prevod v OCaml in predstavljena učinkovitost izvajanja glede na ročno napisano kodo v OCaml-u. Opisana je optimizacija prevajanja in kakšne težave pri tem nastanejo. Kot rešitev je predstavljen eksplicitno tipiziran jezik ExEff z eksplicitnimi učinki in ciljni jezik tega jezika. Kot drug možen ciljni jezik je predstavljen eksplicitno tipiziran jezik NoEff, ki ne vsebuje eksplicitnih učinkov, sledi le njihovi uporabi. Dokazana sta izreka o ohranitvi ter delnem napredku za NoEff s spremljajočimi lemami. Opisana so pravila za prevajanje tipov, pretvorb, vrednosti in izračunov iz ExEff v NoEff. Podan je primer prevoda in dokazan je izrek o ohranitvi tipov. Na kratko je razložena tudi implementacija v jeziku OCaml, kjer predstavimo strukturo in nekatere dele kode. In this work a functional programming language based on algebraic effect handlers, called Eff, is presented. It is shown on an example how it is translated to OCaml and how efficient its execution is in comparison to hand-written OCaml code. A compilation optimization is described and so are the difficulties of it. As a solution an explicitly typed language with explicit dirt, called ExEff, is presented and a backend for it. As another possible backend an explicitly typed language, called NoEff, is presented, which does not include explicit dirt but it tracks its use. Preservation and partial progress theorems are proved for NoEff with the corresponding lemmas. Rules for elaborating types, coercions, values and computations from ExEff to NoEff are described. An example of elaboration is given and the type preservation theorem is proved. Implementation to OCaml is briefly explained containing structure information and parts of the code.
- Published
- 2020
16. Ocena primernosti orodja za avtomatizacijo testiranj grafičnih uporabniških vmesnikov v podjetju Bankart
- Author
Fiolić, Blaž and Turk, Tomaž
- Subjects
vrednotenje ,aplikacija ,investicije ,udc:004.4 ,Slovenia ,podjetje ,Bankart ,testing ,testiranje ,information technology ,investments ,informatika ,informacijska tehnologija ,informatics ,Slovenija ,enterprises ,application ,valuation - Published
- 2020
17. The implementation methodology for electronic prescribing and medicines administration system openep
- Author
Polner, Alja and Sternad Zabukovšek, Simona
- Subjects
zdravstveni informacijski sistemi ,OPENeP ,sistemi za elektronsko predpisovanje in administracijo zdravil ,implementacija ,business information systems ,udc:004.4 ,metodologija ,health information systems ,electronic prescribing and administration systems ,methodologies ,implementation ,poslovni informacijski sistemi - Abstract
V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili na implementacijsko metodologijo sistema za bolnišnično elektronsko predpisovanje in administracijo zdravil OPENeP podjetja Better, d. o. o. Digitalizacija zdravstva se je začela odvijati kasneje kot digitalizacija ostalih panog, prav tako pa v zdravstvu poteka veliko zapletenih in neprekinjenih procesov. Digitalizacija takšnih procesov je zato dolgotrajnejša in implementacija bolj kompleksna. Za lažje razumevanje problema smo v diplomskem delu najprej opredelili poslovne informacijske sisteme in njihovo implementacijsko metodologijo, nato pa še zdravstvene informacijske sisteme in sisteme za elektronsko predpisovanje in administracijo zdravil. Na koncu smo se posvetili implementacijski metodologiji OPENeP, ki smo jo primerjali z implementacijsko metodologijo SAP Activate in tako pridobili kar nekaj možnosti in rešitev za izboljšanje implementacijske metodologije OPENeP. Glavni cilj diplomskega projekta je bil priprava konceptnega načrta implementacijske metodologije za sistem OPENeP in priprava predlogov za njeno izboljšanje. In the graduate project named Implementation methodology for electronic prescribing and medicines administration system OPENeP we focused on the implementation methodology of the electronic prescribing and administration system OPENeP by Better, d. o. o. The digitalisation of health care sector began later than the digitization of other industries. The processes in healthcare system are extremely complex and never stopping that is why digitization of such processes is more time consuming and more complex to implement in comparison to digitalisation of other industries. In order to understand the problem, firstly, we identified business information solutions and their implementation methodologies and, secondly, explained health information solutions and electronic prescribing systems. In the end, we devoted our attention to the implementation methodology of the OPENeP, which we compared to the SAP Activate implementation methodology, thus obtaining quite a few suggestions for improving the OPENeP implementation methodology. The main goal of the graduate project was the preparation of the conceptual plan of the implementation methodology for the OPENeP system and proposals for its improvement.
- Published
- 2019
18. Primerjalna analiza programov za samopostrežno poslovno inteligenco
- Author
Kegel, Tilen and Jaklič, Jurij
- Subjects
analiza ,business intelligence system ,criteria ,analysis ,udc:004.4 ,free software ,comparisons ,programi ,programmes ,brezplačno programje ,merila ,poslovna inteligenca ,informatika ,komparacije ,informatics - Published
- 2019
19. Digitalizacija procesa testiranja programskih rešitev
- Author
Marinčič, Špela and Indihar Štemberger, Mojca
- Subjects
analiza ,software ,analysis ,udc:004.4 ,changes ,business process ,modeli ,programi ,programmes ,testing ,poslovni proces ,testiranje ,models ,informatika ,informatics ,spremembe - Published
- 2019
20. Primerjalna analiza orodij za izdelavo animacij kot študijskih gradiv
- Author
Kaluža, Simon and Turk, Tomaž
- Subjects
multimedia ,aplikacija ,primeri ,pedagogika ,udc:004.4 ,comparisons ,proizvodi ,učne metode ,products ,cases ,informatika ,teaching methods ,komparacije ,informatics ,educational sciences ,application - Published
- 2019
21. Analiza programskih rešitev za vodenje osebnih financ z vidika podatkovne analitike
- Author
Žumer, Barbara and Jaklič, Jurij
- Subjects
aplikacija ,analiza ,research ,software ,analysis ,udc:004.4 ,osebne finance ,programi ,modeli ,programmes ,models ,information technology ,informatika ,informacijska tehnologija ,informatics ,raziskave ,personal finance ,application - Published
- 2018
22. Open source crm software and the comparison of sugarcrm, vtiger and opencrx open source systems
- Author
Jančar, Rok and Bobek, Samo
- Subjects
open source CRM software ,user community ,management odnosa s strankami (CRM) ,klasična CRM programska oprema ,podjetniške strategije ,odprtokodna CRM programska oprema ,udc:004.4 ,informacijska tehnologija ,customer relationship management (CRM) ,IT technology ,classic CRM software ,business strategies ,skupnost uporabnikov - Abstract
Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov. Prvi del je teoretični pregled CRM sistemov, odprto kodnih CRM sistemov in ponudbe na trgu. V drugem delu pa sem primerjal tri oprto kodne CRM sisteme SugarCRM, vTiger in OpenCRX. The thesis is split up into two parts. The first part is a theoretical overwiev of CRM systems, open sourced CRM systems and the market. The second part is a comparison of three open sourced CRM systems SugarCRM, vTiger and OpenCRX.
- Published
- 2018
23. Agile software development methods with a case study of Scrum method at Renault SAS
- Author
Domadovnik, Matej and Damij, Talib
- Subjects
razvoj ,metode ,software ,udc:004.4 ,Renault ,programi ,programmes ,methods ,commercial enterprise ,case study ,trgovinsko podjetje ,informatika ,informatics ,development ,Scrum - Published
- 2018
24. Povečanje zrelosti managementa poslovnih procesov v rastočih podjetjih
- Author
Karantan Vozel, Gašper and Jaklič, Jurij
- Subjects
razvoj ,analiza ,research ,software ,analysis ,udc:004.4 ,business process ,modeli ,poslovni proces ,models ,informatika ,informatics ,raziskave ,development - Published
- 2018
25. Analiza uporabnosti programske opreme za spletno luščenje podatkov za poslovno uporabo
- Author
Bradaschia, Adrijan and Jaklič, Jurij
- Subjects
analiza ,baze podatkov ,business intelligence system ,software ,analysis ,udc:004.4 ,podatki ,programi ,programmes ,information technology ,data ,data base ,poslovna inteligenca ,informatika ,marketing ,informacijska tehnologija ,informatics ,konkurenca ,competition ,trženje - Published
- 2018
26. Mobile application development
- Author
Vrban, Nina and Sternad Zabukovšek, Simona
- Subjects
izdelava ,aplikacija ,udc:004.4 ,programiranje ,application ,programming ,develop - Abstract
Diplomski projekt je usmerjen v raziskovanje aplikacij pri čemer je glavni poudarek na tem, kako aplikacijo izdelati brez predznanja. Razloženo je, koliko časa naj bi potrebovali za izdelavo aplikacije, kakšni stroški nastanejo in podobno. Ker je predpostavka da ne poznamo programskih jezikov za izdelavo aplikacije, je podan plan učenja potrebnih znan s pripadajočimi hiperpovezavami. The project is based on exploring the meaning of application and understanding how to create one by yourself without any prior knowledge. It is explained how much time and money one needs to develop an app and other similar things one needs to know while creating an app. Because of the assumpton that we have no prior knowledge about programming, there is a plan of learning basics of knowledge one needs to create an app with coresponding hyperlinks.
- Published
- 2017
27. The Process of Selecting a CRM System in a Micro Company
- Author
Ivanuša, Avalon and Sternad Zabukovšek, Simona
- Subjects
mikro podjetje ,business process redesign ,CRM system ,udc:004.4 ,CRM sistem ,business processes ,prenova poslovnih procesov ,analiza in izbira ponudnikov CRM sistemov ,micro company ,analysis and the selection of CRM system suppliers ,poslovni procesi - Abstract
V današnjem tekmovalnem poslovnem okolju se velika večina podjetij zaveda, da bolj kot bodo ohranjala in poglabljala odnose s svojimi obstoječimi strankami in skušala pri tem pridobiti tudi nove, bolj bodo postala uspešna. Vendar pa se s to razlago ne strinjajo vsi. Ogromno mikro podjetij se še kljub tako razviti tehnologiji in s prakso podkrepljenimi teoretičnimi trditvami upira nečemu novemu in nepoznanemu, saj se bojijo sprememb. Zaradi oklevanja, da bi prenovila svoje poslovne procese in jih informatizirala z novo programsko opremo, s katero bi lahko izboljšala odnose s svojimi strankami, kakor tudi povečala svoje poslovanje, pa raje izgubljajo igro proti velikim podjetjem, ki prevladujejo na trgu. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega projekta smo najprej definirali, kaj je bistven pomen prenove poslovnih procesov v podjetju in kakšno vlogo ima pri tem informacijska tehnologija, nato smo opredelili CRM sistem, njegove koristi za mikro podjetja ter postopke uvajanja CRM sistema v podjetje. V drugem, praktičnem delu pa smo se osredotočili na konkretno mikro podjetje, analizirali obstoječi poslovni proces ter predlagali izboljšave. Prav tako smo iz nabora ponudnikov CRM sistemov skušali ugotoviti, kateri bi bil na podlagi opredeljenih potreb in zahtev izbranega mikro podjetja najbolj primeren za uvedbo. In today's competitive business environment, most companies realize that the better they can maintain and deepen relationships with their existing customers and try to seek for new ones, the more successful they will become. However, this interpretation is not shared by all. Many micro companies are still, despite the technology and practice underpinned by theoretical arguments, resistant when it comes to something new and unknown, because they fear change. Due to hesitations to redesign their business processes with new informational software thus improving relationships with customers as well as their business, they are rather losing the game towards big companies that are dominating the market. In the theoretical section of the diploma thesis, we first define what is the essential meaning of business process redesign and what kind of role does informational technology has in it, then we move to identifying the CRM system and its benefits for micro companies. In the second, practical part, we are focusing on a specific micro company, that we have select, analyzing its business processes and suggesting improvements. From the set of CRM suppliers, we are also trying to figure out which one would be the most suitable for the selected micro company, based on their expressed needs and requirements.
- Published
- 2017
28. Prenova procesa razvoja in vzdrževanja programske opreme v izbranem podjetju
- Author
Golob, Robert and Gradišar, Miro
- Subjects
razvoj ,software ,udc:004.4 ,vzdrževanje ,business process ,poslovni proces ,maintenance ,quality ,informatika ,kvaliteta ,hardware ,informatics ,development ,management - Published
- 2017
29. A question-based design pattern advisement approach
- Author
Pavlič, Luka, Podgorelec, Vili, and Heričko, Marjan
- Subjects
izbor vzorcev ,ontologija ,načrtovalski vzorec ,semantični splet ,semantic web ,algoritem izbire ,udc:004.4 ,pattern selection ,ontology ,selection algorithm ,design patterns - Abstract
Design patterns are a proven way to build flexible software architectures. But the selection of an appropriate design pattern is a difficult task in practice, particularly for less experienced developers. In this paper, a question based design pattern advisement approach will be proposed. This approach primarily assists developers in identifying and selecting the most suitable design pattern for a given problem. We will also propose certain extensions to the existing Object-Oriented Design Ontology (ODOL). In addition to the advisement procedure, a new design pattern advisement ontology will be defined. We have also developed a tool that supports the proposed ontology and question-based advisement (OQBA) approach. The conducted controlled experiment and two surveys have shown that the proposed approach is beneficial to all software developers, especially to those who have less experience with design patterns.
- Published
- 2017
30. XML Schema metrics for quality evaluation
- Author
Pušnik, Maja, Heričko, Marjan, Budimac, Zoran, and Šumak, Boštjan
- Subjects
metrics ,validation ,ovrednotenje ,quality index ,evaluation ,spremenljivka kakovosti ,udc:004.4 ,ComputingMethodologies_DOCUMENTANDTEXTPROCESSING ,indeks kakovosti ,metrika ,XML ,quality variables ,preverjanje - Abstract
In XML Schema development, the quality of XML Schemas is a crucial issue for further steps in the life cycle of an application, closely correlated with the structure of XML Schemas and different building blocks. Current research focuses on measuring complexity of XML Schemas and mainly do not consider other quality aspects. This paper proposes a novel quality measuring approach, based on existing software engineering metrics, additionally defining the quality aspects of XML Schemas using the following steps: (1) definition of six schema quality aspects, (2) adoption of 25 directly measurable XML Schema variables, (3) proposition of six composite metrics, applying 25 measured variables and (4) composite metrics validation. An experiment was conducted using 250 standard XML Schemas collected from available e-business information systems. The results illustrate the influence of XML Schemaʼs characteristics on its quality and evaluate the applicability of metrics in the measurement process, a useful tool for software developers while building or adopting XML Schemas.
- Published
- 2017
31. Towards the novel reasoning among particles in PSO by the use of RDF and SPARQL
- Author
Fister, Iztok, Yang, Xin-She, Ljubič Fister, Karin, Fister, Dušan, and Brest, Janez
- Subjects
best solutions ,najboljše rešitve ,udc:004.4 ,PSO ,opis vira ,optimizacija z rojem delcev ,resource definition framework ,SPARQL ,RDF - Abstract
The significant development of the Internet has posed some new challenges and many new programming tools have been developed to address such challenges. Today, semantic web is a modern paradigm for representing and accessing knowledge data on the Internet. This paper tries to use the semantic tools such as resource definition framework (RDF) and RDF query language (SPARQL) for the optimization purpose. These tools are combined with particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the selection of the best solutions depends on its fitness. Instead of the local best solution, a neighborhood of solutions for each particle can be defined and used for the calculation of the new position, based on the key ideas from semantic web domain. The preliminary results by optimizing ten benchmark functions showed the promising results and thus this method should be investigated further.
- Published
- 2017
32. A novel hybrid self-adaptive bat algorithm
- Author
Fister, Iztok, Fong, Simon, and Brest, Janez
- Subjects
udc:004.4 ,algoritmi ,algorithms ,optimizacija ,optimization - Abstract
Nature-inspired algorithms attract many researchers worldwide for solving the hardest optimization problems. One of the newest members of this extensive family is the bat algorithm. To date,many variants of this algorithm have emerged for solving continuous as well as combinatorial problems. One of the more promising variants, a self-adaptive bat algorithm, has recently been proposed that enables a self-adaptation of its control parameters. In this paper, we have hybridized this algorithmusing differentDE strategies and applied these as a local search heuristics for improving the current best solution directing the swarm of a solution towards the better regions within a search space.The results of exhaustive experiments were promising and have encouraged us to invest more efforts into developing in this direction.
- Published
- 2017
33. Razvoj sistema managerskih kontrolnih mehanizmov ključnih poslovnih procesov na primeru razvoja programske opreme
- Author
Barbo, Alenka and Indihar Štemberger, Mojca
- Subjects
razvoj ,problems ,software ,udc:004.4 ,obvladovanje znanja ,business process ,kontrola ,programi ,knowledge management ,programmes ,poslovni proces ,informatika ,problematika ,informatics ,development ,control ,management ,tveganje ,risk - Published
- 2017
34. Management programske opreme kot storitev
- Author
Leskošek, Aleš and Jerman-Blažič, Borka
- Subjects
services ,analiza ,software ,analysis ,udc:004.4 ,costs ,storitve ,programi ,programmes ,information technology ,informatika ,informacijska tehnologija ,stroški ,informatics ,management - Published
- 2017
35. Analiza pristopov k distribuciji programske opreme na ŠC Nova Gorica
- Author
Abolnar, Simon and Gradišar, Miro
- Subjects
zaščita ,problems ,software ,distribucija ,udc:004.4 ,uporaba računalnikov ,protection ,case study ,educational system ,šolstvo ,informatika ,distribution ,problematika ,informatics ,computer application - Published
- 2017
36. Določitev kriterijev smiselnosti nadaljnjega internega razvoja programske rešitve
- Author
Jagodič, Vid and Groznik, Aleš
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,evaluation ,criteria ,software ,udc:004.4 ,ocene ,programi ,programmes ,price ,merila ,quality ,informatika ,kvaliteta ,technology ,informatics ,izbira ,development ,cena - Published
- 2017
37. Prodaja in implementacija programske opreme v oblaku
- Author
Jordan, Marko and Indihar Štemberger, Mojca
- Subjects
računalništvo ,services ,supply ,research ,software ,udc:004.4 ,cloud computing ,infrastruktura ,prodaja ,computer science ,storitve ,infrastructure ,ponudba ,sales ,računalništvo v oblaku ,informatika ,informatics ,raziskave - Published
- 2017
38. Application development with business process tools
- Author
Čerin, Nataša and Sternad Zabukovšek, Simona
- Subjects
activities ,process documentation ,procesi ,udc:004.4 ,processes ,aktivnosti ,BPMN ,BPMS ,popisi procesov - Abstract
Okolje, v katerem živimo danes, je za organizacije vse bolj kompleksno in konkurenčno. Izzivi, zahteve po prilagajanju in optimizaciji, s katerimi se srečujejo današnje organizacije, se razlikujejo od izzivov in zahtev, s katerimi so se srečevale organizacije v preteklosti. Od organizacij v današnjem času se zahteva, da so fleksibilna in temeljijo na znanju in ustvarjalnosti zaposlenih. Obvladovanje poslovnih procesov je ena ključnih konkurenčnih prednosti današnjih organizacij. V majhnih in srednje velikih organizacijah je to področje največkrat zanemarjeno in služi le kot osnova za pridobivanje najrazličnejših certifikatov. Organizacije se v večini zelo zavedajo pomena obvladovanja svojih poslovnih procesov, vendar je za to potrebno precej časa in sredstev. V magistrski nalogi smo predstavili pregled razvoja popisov poslovnih procesov, metodologij in produktov skozi čas in razvoj. Cilj magistrske naloge je prikazati, kako lahko organizacije s pomočjo modernih orodij, ki so bila na začetku zasnovana za popise procesov, razvijejo lastne aplikacije, s katerimi enostavno obvladujejo poslovne procese, imajo dokumentirane poslovne procese, merijo poslovne procese, in ne nazadnje, jim služijo kot osnova za izboljšanje in preoblikovanje poslovnih procesov. V nalogi sta podrobneje predstavljena dva brezplačna produkta, ProcessMaker in Bonitasoft. Predstavljeni so koraki za implementacijo ter dobre prakse uvedbe tovrstnih produktov. S pomočjo brezplačnih aplikacij lahko danes podjetja naredijo velik korak pri obvladovanju svojih poslovnih procesov, potrebno je le zagotoviti človeške resurse in management mora biti temu naklonjen. Today’s environment is becoming increasingly complex and competitive from the organization’s perspective. The challenges and adaptation and optimization needs which today’s organizations have are different from the challenges and needs which organizations had in the past. Today’s organizations are expected to be flexible and to have their operations built around the knowledge and creativity of its employees. Business process management is a key competitive advantage of today’s organizations. In small and medium-sized organizations, this area is often ignored and simply serves as a basis for obtaining various certificates. Most organizations are acutely aware of the importance of managing their business processes, but this requires a great deal of time and resources. This master’s thesis presents an overview of the development of business process documentation, methodologies and products through time. The aim of the present thesis is to show how organizations can use modern tools, which were originally designed for process documentation, to develop their own applications in order to help them simplify their business process management, document their business processes, measure their effects, and finally to provide a foundation for improving and redesigning their business processes. The thesis includes a detailed presentation of two freeware products, ProcessMaker and Bonitasoft, with steps for implementation and best practices in introducing these types of products. With the aid of freeware applications, today’s companies are able to make significant progress in the management of their business processes, where they must simply add the necessary human resources and support from the management.
- Published
- 2017
39. Uporaba agilnih metod pri organiziranju razvoja programskih rešitev
- Author
Brentin, Bor and Turk, Tomaž
- Subjects
razvoj ,metode ,software ,udc:004.4 ,projects ,organizacija ,projekti ,programi ,organization ,programmes ,methods ,project management ,vodenje projektov ,development ,management - Published
- 2016
- Author
Pori, David and Perko, Igor
- Subjects
poslovno informacijski sistem ,podjetje Tehimpex d.o.o ,Company Tehimpex d.o.o ,udc:004.4 ,Business Information systems ,Business solution Perftect.Largo ,ERP rešitve ,ERP solutions ,poslovna rešitev Perftech.Largo - Abstract
Za današnjo družbo je značilen velik tehnološki napredek, ki se kaže v hitrem razvoju informacijskih tehnologij. Informacijska doba stremi k medsebojnemu povezovanju, hitremu dostopu informacij in mobilnosti. Izziv sodobne družbe je prilagoditi se tem zahtevam in jih uspešno vpeljati v organizacije. Z pravilno izbiro poslovnega informacijskega sistema lahko podjetje veliko pripomore k učinkovitosti poslovanja. Majhna podjetja se glede na srednje velika in velika podjetja razlikujejo po organizaciji, operativnemu načinu dela in informacijskem sistemu, zato morajo biti temu prilagojene tudi programske rešitve. Na trgu obstajajo različni ponudniki ERP rešitev, ki so posebej prilagojena za mala podjetja. Potrebno je preučiti in primerjati različne ponudnike teh sistemov, da bi lahko izbrati pravega za najbolj učinkovito poslovanje podjetja. Za izboljšanje poslovanja podjetja so se odločili tudi v podjetju Tehimpex d.o.o., kjer želijo nakup novega poslovno informacijskega sistema, saj dosedanji poslovni program zaradi nefunkcionalnosti upočasnjuje poslovne funkcije in ne omogoča dovolj možnosti za optimizacijo poslovanja. V nalogi preučim trg ponudnikov celovitih informacijskih rešitev in primerjam njihove lastnosti ter značilnosti. Iz celovite analize izberem najprimernejšega ponudnika, ki ga uvedem v podjetje Tehimpex. Nowadays the technology has improved significantly, which is witnessed by fast progress of the information technology. The properties of the information period are mobility, mutual cooperation and in fast access of the information. The challenge of the society is the ability to adjust to those demands and to successfully introduce them in the organizations. With the right choice of the business information system the company can contribute significantly to successfulness of the company. Small companies differ from the average large and large complex companies by the organization, information system and by company operative management style. On this account the software solutions must be adjusted. On the market various providers of software solutions are present, which are especially adjusted for small companies. It is necessary to compare and to explain various providers of ERP systems in order to choose the right one for the effective operation of the company. In order to improve the operation of the company the employees in the company Tehimpex decided to buy a new business information system, since the business programs so far did not have the ability to optimize the company operations. In this diploma thesis I study the software solutions providers market and compare their properties. Among providers I choose the most suitable one for the company Tehimpex d.o.o.
- Published
- 2015
41. Primerjava odprto-kodnega in lastniškega programja s področja poslovne inteligence
- Author
Kuralt, Luka and Jaklič, Jurij
- Subjects
evaluation ,software ,udc:004.4 ,informatika ,ocene ,komparacije ,lastništvo ,informatics ,ownership ,comparisons ,licence ,licences - Published
- 2014
42. Računalniški programi
- Author
Lajovec, Katja and Puharič, Krešimir
- Subjects
supply ,software ,ekonomski vidik ,uporabniki ,udc:004.4 ,intelektualna lastnina ,users ,mednarodne primerjave ,economic aspect ,mednarodne konvencije ,ponudba ,avtorsko pravo ,predpisi ,regulations ,copyright law ,international comparisons ,international conventions ,intelectual property - Published
- 2014
43. Poslovni modeli odprtega in prostega programja
- Author
Mavrič, Aljaž and Jerman-Blažič, Borka
- Subjects
razvoj ,računalništvo ,ekonomski vidik ,udc:004.4 ,intelektualna lastnina ,informacijski jeziki ,computer science ,modeli ,economic aspect ,programming ,models ,programiranje ,konkurenca ,development ,competition ,intelectual property - Published
- 2014
44. Sistematično testiranje programske opreme v računalniških podjetjih
- Author
Križnik, Katarina and Kovačič, Andrej
- Subjects
vrednotenje ,življenjski ciklus ,software ,udc:004.4 ,podjetje ,testi ,testing ,testiranje ,information technology ,informacijska tehnologija ,life cycle ,tests ,enterprises ,valuation - Published
- 2014
45. Ekonomska analiza projekta uvedbe enotne programske opreme za samopostrežne bančne avtomate
- Author
Klinar, Klemen and Turk, Tomaž
- Subjects
banke ,ekonomske analize ,udc:004.4 ,elektronsko poslovanje ,banking ,Slovenia ,costs ,electronic commerce ,self service ,projects ,projekti ,banks ,case study ,information technology ,economic analyses ,informacijska tehnologija ,stroški ,Slovenija ,bančništvo ,samopostrežba - Published
- 2014
46. Skrbništvo izdaj programske opreme
- Author
Oblak, Alen and Gradišar, Miro
- Subjects
razvoj ,založništvo ,software ,udc:004.4 ,testing ,testiranje ,produkcija ,informatika ,publishing ,informatics ,production ,optimizacija ,development ,optimization - Published
- 2014
47. Testiranje programskih rešitev
- Author
Jaklič, Miha and Kovačič, Andrej
- Subjects
analiza ,software ,analysis ,udc:004.4 ,programi ,programming ,programmes ,Telekom ,testing ,napake ,testiranje ,case study ,informatika ,informatics ,errors ,programiranje - Published
- 2014
48. Primerjava orodij za razvoj zaslonskih obrazcev
- Author
Abramovič, Aleks and Groznik, Aleš
- Subjects
računalništvo ,information technology ,software ,udc:004.4 ,informacijska tehnologija ,komparacije ,computer systems ,računalniški sistemi ,computer science ,comparisons ,programi ,programmes - Published
- 2014
49. Uporaba odprtokodnih in prostih programskih rešitev v zasebne in poslovne namene
- Author
Strajnar, Uroš and Turk, Tomaž
- Subjects
računalništvo ,software ,okolje ,udc:004.4 ,free software ,informacijski sistemi ,computer science ,programi ,information systems ,programmes ,environment ,brezplačno programje - Published
- 2014
50. Ekonomski vidiki uporabe nelegalne programske opreme
- Author
Osterman, Milan and Jaklič, Jurij
- Subjects
gospodarski kriminal ,računalništvo ,software ,ekonomski vidik ,udc:004.4 ,informacijski sistemi ,computer science ,licence ,programi ,information systems ,economic aspect ,programmes ,prekrški ,violations ,licences ,economic criminal - Published
- 2014
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