Objective: In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between the clinical characteristics, the way the trauma occurred, the etiology, the status of the trauma in children and adults, the type, location, and number of the fracture, and the trauma (ISS) score of patients who applied to the emergency department due to mandibular trauma. Material-Method: The records of 188 patients who were admitted to the Dicle University Emergency Department between January 2017 and December 2021 due to mandibular fracture were reviewed retrospectively. SPSS v26.0 statistical program was used in the analysis of the obtained data. Results: 73% of the patients were male (n=138), 27% were female (n=50). 52% (n=97) were in the pediatric age group. Causes of traumas: 13% in-vehicle traffic accident (AITK), 9% non-vehicle traffic accident (ADTC), 12% assasults, 14% simple fall, 6% firearm injury (ASY), 28% fall from height. About half of the patients (49%) had isolated mandible fractures. In the remaining half, there was one or more accompanying pathologies with mandibular fracture. These are respectively; Facial trauma (28%), extremity trauma (23%), Chest trauma (22%), head and neck trauma (13%), abdominal trauma (7%), and other traumas (6%). 41% of patients had a single fracture. 40% had two fractures, 15% had three fractures, and 4% had four or more fractures. Mandibular fractures were most common in the condyle and parasymphis regions. These were followed by the corpus and angulus, and 80% were displaced fractures. The mean trauma score of the patients was recorded as 15.78 ± 13.92. Surgery was performed in 76% of the patients. Two patients died before they could be operated. Regression analysis revealed that WBC, ISS score, and displaced fractures were risk factors for going to surgery. Conclusion: Patients with higher ISS scores had higher morbidity, mortality, and surgical need. 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