1. Koncipiranje novega skladišča in logistike materiala za proizvodni proces
- Author
Saje, Marko and Šimic, Marko
- Subjects
bottleneck ,ozko grlo ,storage systems ,skladiščni sistemi ,time analysis ,udc:658.785:658.286.2(043.2) ,transportna sredstva ,means of transport ,časovna analiza ,diagram Ishikawa ,material flow ,materialni tok ,Ishikawa diagram - Abstract
Optimizacija materialnega toka in razporeditev inventarja v skladiščnem prostoru sta ključnega pomena. S premišljeno ureditvijo skladišča lahko čas iskanja materiala, priprave materiala, transporta in s tem tudi izdelave izdelka bistveno skrajšamo. V zadnjih nekaj desetletjih dajemo večjo pozornost notranji logistiki materiala, s tem pa zremo k čim bolj tekočemu, varnemu in efektivnemu proizvodnemu procesu. V diplomskem delu smo izmerili čase, potrebne za opravljanje skladiščnih operacij v podjetju Raycap, d. o. o., in iskali rešitve, s katerimi bi te operacije opravljali hitreje. Ugotovili smo, da že z manjšimi spremembami, kot sta skladiščenje enega materiala na isti lokaciji in bolj efektivna uporaba viličarjev v skladišču, razbremenimo delavce in povečamo produktivnost. V iskanju bolj drastičnih sprememb smo ugotovili, da bi z menjavo visokoregalnega skladišča za avtomatizirano skladišče delovne naloge opravljali približno za 22 % hitreje. Vseeno pa je za takšno spremembo treba narediti načrt, ki bo v celoti realiziran v čim krajšem času. The optimization of material flow and the distribution of inventory in the storage area are crucial. With a well-thought-out layout of a warehouse, we can significantly reduce the durations of the search for, preparation, transportation and, with it, the production of materials. Over the past few decades, we have been paying more attention to internal logistics, and with this we aim to make the production process as fluid, safe and effective as possible. In this paper, we measured the time intervals required for the execution of warehouse operations at Raycap d.o.o. and looked for solutions which would make these operations run faster. We have found that even with minor changes, such as storing one kind of material at the same location or a more efficient use of forklifts in a warehouse, we can lighten the workload and increase productivity. While searching for more drastic solutions, we found that by replacing the high rack warehouse with the automated warehouse, we would shorten the time for completion of tasks by approximately 22 % however, for such a transition to happen effectively, it is necessary to make a plan that could be fully realized withing the shortest possible period.
- Published
- 2023