To observe the effect of Traditional Chinese medicine soaking therapy combined with wet compress therapy on hand-foot syndrome and facial rash caused by chemotherapy after breast cancer surgery, and summarized nursing interventions. The Traditional Chinese Medicine soaking treatment was adopted30 minutes per time, twice a day, and Traditional Chinese Medicine wet compress therapy was applied 20 minutes per time, four times a day. A reduced degree of skin peeling, chapped skin, pigmentation and pain were observed after treatment. The combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine soaking therapy and wet compress therapy is helpful to alleviate the symptoms of hand-foot syndrome and facial rash caused by chemotherapy after breast cancer surgery, and improve the comfort of the patient. (观察中药泡洗疗法联合中药湿敷疗法对乳腺癌术后化疗导致手足综合征和面部皮疹的效果, 总结护理经验。采用中药泡洗治疗方法每天浸泡手部, 2次/d, 30 min/次; 给予中药湿敷面部, 4次/d, 20 min/次。经过治疗, 患者手部及脸部的脱屑、皲裂、色素沉着症状改善, 疼痛缓解。中药泡洗联合中药湿敷疗法有助于缓解乳腺癌术后化疗导致手足综合征、面部皮疹症状, 提高患者舒适感。)