1. Dejavniki kakovosti v flekostisku
- Author
Skok, Luka and Muck, Deja
- Subjects
impression cylinder ,tiskovni člen ,blade ,print unit ,tiskovna forma ,Fleksotisk ,printing substrate ,plate cylinder ,Flexographic printing ,anilox roller ,ploščni valj ,fleksotiskarska barva ,rakel ,tiskovni material ,flexographic ink ,raster valj ,printing plate ,proti tiskovni valj - Abstract
Fleksotiskar je v svojem delu postavljen pred mnoge izzive, da bi zagotovil kakovost odtisa, ki jih ta tehnika tiska zajema v vsakem postopku priprave stroja na tisk in med samim procesom tiska. V diplomskem delu je bila predstavljena tehnika fleksotiska, trendi v razvoju fleksotiskarske panoge, analizirani so bili spletni priročniki, ki so na voljo flekso tiskarjem pri iskanju dejavnikov kakovosti odtisa v procesu tiska. Analiza le-teh je pokazala, da vsi priročniki prikazujejo napake, nekateri imajo napisan vzrok za nastanek ter ukrepe, s katerimi je zagotovljena konsistentna kakovost odtisa. Kljub temu pa v nobenem od priročnikov ni zajetega vsega, kar bi lahko pomagalo fleksotiskarju v celoti razumeti nastanek težave in postopke, kako to težavo odpraviti, da lahko s svojim delom nemoteno nadaljuje. V praktičnem delu so prikazani dejavniki kakovosti, ki vplivajo na odtis v fleksotisku. To je bilo narejeno na podlagi 40-urnega delavnika fleksotiskarja. Spremljani, analizirani so bili dejavniki ter razložen nastanek motečih faktorjev, ki vplivajo na kakovost odtisa. Napake so slikovno prikazane in podane možne rešitve. Flexographic printers face many challenges in their work related to the quality of the print that result from the printing technique. They have to ensure the quality of the print in each step of preparing the machine for printing and during the actual printing. The aim of the following diploma thesis is to present the technique of flexographic printing, trends in the development of the flexographic printing industry and to analyse online manuals available to flexographic printers in terms of print quality factors in the printing process. The analysis of the manuals shows that all manuals present errors, with some of them listing the causes for errors and measures to ensure consistent print quality. However, none of the manuals cover everything that would help the flexographic printer fully understand how the errors occur and the procedures for resolving the problem, so ii that they could seamlessly continue their work. Therefore, the practical part introduces the quality factors that affect the print in flexographic printing. The analysis is based on a 40-hour flexographic workweek. Factors are monitored and analysed, the reasons behind interfering factors that affect the quality of the print are explained, and solutions and possible errors are presented with images.
- Published
- 2022