70 results on '"telesne značilnosti"'
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2. SLOfit odrasli omogoča vseživljenjsko spremljanje telesne zmogljivosti.
- Author
Jurak, Gregor, Kovač, Marjeta, Leskošek, Bojan, Sorić, Maroje, Ocvirk, Tjaša, Meh, Kaja, Kramaršič, Jaka, Potočnik, Žan Luca, Sember, Vedrana, Morrison, Shawnda A., Strojnik, Vojko, Hadžić, Vedran, Blagus, Rok, Golja, Petra, Markelj, Neja, Premelč, Jerneja, Kereži, Urška, and Starc, Gregor
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Salas-Morillas, Alicia, Gutiérrez-Sánchez, Águeda, Ariza-Vargas, Leopoldo, and Vernetta-Santana, Mercedes
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- Published
- 2023
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Gojkošek, Matjaž and Arzenšek, Ana
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Copyright of Anthropos: Revija za Filozofijo in Psihologijo is the property of Anthropos and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
5. Telesne značilnosti in gibalne sposobnosti učencev košarkarsko najuspešnejših osnovnih šol v tekmovanju starejših učencev.
- Author
Sirnik, Matic
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Lamošová, Anita, Kyselovičová, Oľga, and Tomková, Petra
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2021
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7. Kratkotrajni učinki obremenitve dlani na njihovo temperaturo pri vesi in opori
- Author
Šibanc, Karmen and Pušnik, Igor
- Subjects
dynamic load ,termografija ,statična obremenitev ,Palm temperature ,telesne značilnosti ,temperatura dlani ,physical characteristics ,dinamična obremenitev ,static load ,thermography - Abstract
Orodna telovadba je telesna dejavnost, katere vsebine se pogosto uporabljajo pri različnih vadbah in z različnimi nameni (izboljšanje telesne pripravljenosti, zdravljenja po poškodbah itd.). V znanosti o športu in telesni vadbi narašča tudi uporaba termografije. Namen raziskave je bil preveriti, kako različne kratkotrajne obremenitve vplivajo na temperaturo roke po vesi, opori in stoji na rokah ter kolebih v vseh treh položajih., kjer so roke glede na telo v različnem odnosu. Podrejeni cilj raziskave je bil preveriti, če telesne nesomernosti kakorkoli vplivajo na razlike v temperaturah po obremenitvi. Meritve so potekale na Univerzi v Ljubljani, Fakulteti za šport. Sodelovalo je 38 zdravih polnoletnih študentov in študentk. Slikanje s termokamero je bilo izvedeno po šestih obremenitvah, izmerjen je bil obseg dlani s palcem in brez ter slikanje rok. Opravljene so bile meritve antropometrije s 3D čitalcem za telo, meritve telesne sestave z uporabo bioelektrične impedančne razčlenitve s sistemom InBody 720 ter izmerjene debeline kože z visokofrekvenčnim ultrazvokom. Podatki so bili urejeni in obdelani v programih ResearchIR, Microsoft Excel in SPSS. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se je temperatura roke po vseh šestih obremenitvah znižala, nato pa zvišala nad temperaturo pred obremenitvijo. Temperatura roke po dinamični obremenitvi začne naraščati počasneje kot po statični obremenitvi, naraste bolj in povečane vrednosti trajajo dlje. 5 minut po obremenitvi so vrednosti še vedno višje kot pred obremenitvijo. Različne obremenitve različno vplivajo na temperaturo posameznih delov roke, kar kaže na različno vlogo delov roke pri prenašanju obremenitve. Telesne nesomernosti niso vplivale na temperaturne razlike rok po obremenitvi. Artistic gymnastics is an physical activity whose content is often used in various forms of exercises and with various intentions (part of treatment after injuries, etc.). Thermography is also increasingly used in sports and exercise science. The purpose of this study was to investigate how different short-term loads affect the temperature of the hand after hanging, supporting and holding a handstand, and swinging in all three positions. These are the three basic positions of artistic gymnastics where the hands are in a different relationship with the body. A secondary goal of the study was to determine if body asymmetries affected post-exercise temperature differences in any way. The measurements took place at the Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana. 38 healthy adult students med and women participated. After six loads, images were taken with a thermal imaging camera, the circumference of the palm with and without the thumb was measured, and photos of the hands were taken. Anthropometry was measured with a 3D body scanner, body composition was measured with bioelectrical impedance analysis of the InBody 720 system, and skin thickness was measured with high-frequency ultrasound. The data were edited and processed in ResearchIR, Microsoft Excel, and SPSS programmes. It was found that the hand temperature decreased after all six loads and then increased above the preload temperature. Hand temperature begins to increase more slowly after dynamic loading than after static loading, it increases more and the increased values last longer. 5 minutes after loading, the values are still higher than before loading. Different loads have different effects on the temperature of different parts of the hand, indicating the different roles of the parts of the hand in carrying the load. Asymmetries of the body had no effect on the temperature differences in the hand after loading.
- Published
- 2023
8. Meritve telesnih značilnosti in gibalnih sposobnosti študentov Fakultete za strojništvo.
- Author
Novak, Iztok and Bratuž, Žiga
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
9. Telesne značilnosti plesalk in plesalcev hip hopa ter njihova povezanost z uspešnostjo na tekmovanjih.
- Author
Pruš, Daša and Zaletel, Petra
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2018
10. Povezanost telesnih značilnosti s tekmovalno uspešnostjo mladih alpskih smučarjev v hitrih disciplinah
- Author
Kmet, Tjaša and Lešnik, Blaž
- Subjects
telesne značilnosti ,tekmovalna uspešnost ,alpine skiing ,physical characteristics ,kategorija U16 ,alpsko smučanje ,youth sport ,šport mladih ,competitive performance ,U16 category - Abstract
V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali povezanost telesnih značilnosti in tekmovalne uspešnosti v hitrih disciplinah alpskega smučanja, pri starosti kategoriji U16. Vzorec merjencev je sestavljalo 42 tekmovalcev (23 dečkov in 19 deklic), starih med 15 in 16 let. Vsi so se v sezoni 2018/19 udeležili jesenskih meritev na Fakulteti za Šport, v isti smučarski sezoni pa so v disciplini superveleslalom aktivno nastopali na tekmovanjih za veliko nagrado Nordica Dobermann. Podatki meritev sestave telesa (delež mišične mase, delež maščobne mase, indeks telesne mase in odstotek maščobe v telesu) so bili pridobljeni z merilno napravo Inbody 720 Body Composition Analysis. Spremenljivke telesnih mer (telesna višina, telesna teža, obseg stegna, obseg pasu, obseg prsi in premer ramen) pa smo dobili s pomočjo naprave 3D Body scan. Kriterij tekmovalne uspešnosti merjencev je bilo doseženo število točk v superveleslalomu. Obdelava podatkov vseh zajetih spremenljivk, tako telesnih mer, kot sestave telesa je v prvem koraku temeljila na izračunu osnovnih statističnih parametrov. Za ugotavljanje povezanosti posameznih spremenljiv s tekmovalno uspešnostjo v hitrih disciplinah pa je bila uporabljena metoda Prearsonovih korelacijskih koeficientov. Pri dečkih smo ugotovili statistično značilno povezanost med spremenljivkami telesna teža, obseg stegna, obseg prsi in deležem mišične mase, kar pomeni, da so merjenci z višjimi vrednostmi zajetih spremenljivk, bili tudi višje uvrščeni na tekmah v superveleslalomu. Pri deklicah smo ugotovili statistično značilno povezavo med uspešnostjo na tekmovanjih in spremenljivkami obseg pasu, obseg prsi, delež mišične mase in odstotkom maščobe v telesu. Povezanost celotnega modela smo testirali s pomočjo multiple regresijske analize in ugotovili, da lahko pri dečkih spremenljivke telesne sestave pojasnijo tekmovalno uspešnost v hitrih disciplinah v 73%, pri deklicah pa telesna sestava na uspešnost vpliva 59%. In the master's thesis, we determined the connection between physical characteristics and competitive performance in fast disciplines of alpine skiing, at the age category U16. The sample consisted of 42 competitors (23 boys and 19 girls) between 15 and 16 years of age. In the 2018/19 season they took part in the autumn measurements at the Faculty of Sport and actively participated in the competition for the Nordica Dobermann Grand Prix in the super-giant slalom. We obtained accurate results of the composition of the competitors’ bodies with the Inbody 720 Body Composition Analysis measuring device. For the purposes of our study, we took the following variables: muscle mass fraction, fat mass fraction, body mass index, and body fat percentage. In order to obtain the remaining necessary data, we also used the 3D Body Scan device, which obtained the following variables of body dimensions: body height, body weight, thigh circumference, waist circumference, chest circumference and shoulder diameter. The criterion for the competitive performance of the subjects was the number of points in the super-giant slalom. The processing of data of all covered variables, both body dimensions and body composition, was based in the first step of the calculation of basic statistical parameters. The method of Prearson correlation coefficients was used to determine the correlation of individual variables with competitive performance in fast disciplines. In the boys’ population, we found a statistically significant association between the variables body weight, thigh circumference, chest circumference and muscle mass fraction, which means that subjects with better results of these measurements are ranked higher in super-giant slalom races. In the girls’ population, we found a statistically significant association between the variables waist circumference, chest circumference, muscle mass shares and body fat percentage, and competition performance. The correlation of the whole model was tested with the help of multiple regression analysis and we found that in the boys’ population the variables of body composition can explain competitive performance in fast disciplines in 73%, and in the girls’ population body composition affects performance in 59%.
- Published
- 2022
11. Primerjava telesnih značilnosti in gibalnih sposobnosti umetnostnih drsalk s splošno osnovnošolsko populacijo.
- Author
Umek, Pina and Kovač, Marjeta
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Šibanc, Karmen, Kalichová, Miriam, Hedbávný, Petr, Čuk, Ivan, and Pajek, Maja Bučar
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Copyright of Science of Gymnastics Journal is the property of Science of Gymnastics Journal and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
13. Body composition in international sprint swimmers
- Author
Dopsaj, Milivoj, Zuoziene, Ilona Judita, Milić, Radoje, Cherepov, Evgeni, Erlikh, Vadim, Masiulis, Nerijus, Nino, Andrea di, and Vodičar, Janez
- Subjects
šprint ,body composition ,plavalci ,telesna sestava ,result prediction ,šport ,kostno mišična masa ,skeletal muscle mass ,plavanje ,udc:797.21 ,body fat ,telesne značilnosti ,swimmers ,sprint swimmers ,predvidevanje rezultata ,sport - Abstract
The paper addresses relations between the characteristics of body composition in international sprint swimmers and sprint performance. The research included 82 swimmers of international level (N = 46 male and N = 36 female athletes) from 8 countries. We measured body composition using multifrequency bioelectrical impedance methods with “InBody 720” device. In the case of male swimmers, it was established that the most important statistically significant correlation with sprint performance is seen in variables, which define the quantitative relationship between their fat and muscle with the contractile potential of the body (Protein-Fat Index, r = 0.392, p = 0.007 Index of Body Composition, r = 0.392, p = 0.007 Percent of Skeletal Muscle Mass, r = 0.392, p = 0.016). In the case of female athletes, statistically significant relations with sprint performance were established for variables that define the absolute and relative amount of a contractile component in the body, but also with the variables that define the structure of body fat characteristics (Percent of Skeletal Muscle Mass, r = 0.732, p = 0.000 Free Fat Mass, r = 0.702, p = 0.000 Fat Mass Index, r = −0.642, p = 0.000 Percent of Body Fat, r = −0.621, p = 0.000). Using Multiple Regression Analysis, we managed to predict swimming performance of sprint swimmers with the help of body composition variables, where the models defined explained 35.1 and 75.1% of the mutual variability of performance, for male and female swimmers, respectively. This data clearly demonstrate the importance of body composition control in sprint swimmers as a valuable method for monitoring the efficiency of body adaptation to training process in order to optimize competitive performance.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
HREN, Nataša
- Abstract
After review of Macedonian figurines and statuettes with incised direct female sexual sign the next picture emerge: Neolithic figurines and statuettes with incised sexual sign were fragmented. In sum - whole figurines or figurines with at least torso preserved (=the part of the figurine from the neck or breasts over the pubis area) don't have incised sexual signs as statues with incised sexual sign were meant to be fragmented. There were two body areas that were eliminated by fragmentation: the head and the pubis area. Fragmentation of the last mentioned part of the body Naumov (2009, 97) relates with the status change or the body processes of an individual. This fragmentation took place on the stomach area - this is above the belly, through the belly or under the belly, some pieces were then additionally fragmented under the thighs and vertically through the middle. The fragmented part that remained has thus consisted the pubis area with mostly incised direct female sexual sign. The rule about fragmenting figurines with incised sexual sign is not completely taken into consideration in the Eneolithic period resulting into more examples of (almost) whole preserved figurines with incised direct female sexual sign on a pubis area (cat. num. 78e-Fig. 10, 142e-Fig. 31, 149e-Fig. 34, 154e-Fig. 37 in 155e-Fig. 38). If on one hand for Neolithic figurines with incised direct female sexual sign considers they were meant to be fragmented, on the other hand for Neolithic figurines with applicated direct female sexual sign considers exactly the opposite. Five figurines have applicated female sexual sign on the pubis area and thus belong to group 2; all four Neolithic figurines with this female sexual sign (cat. num. 2-Fig. 2, 3-Fig. 3, 4-Fig. 4 and 130-Fig. 28) are whole or nearly whole preserved while the only one from Eneolithic is fragmented (cat. number 156e-Fig. 39) what leads to the conclusion that figurines with applicated direct female sexual sign were not meant to be fragmented; and then later in the Eneolithic is this sexual sign a rarity. Fragmented are only figurines which present female gender. So claims also Naumov (2009, 96). But in the group of fragmented figurines on the belly area having not incised sexual sign (cat. num. 129-Fig. 26, 109-Fig. 20, 146e- Fig. 33 in 156e-Fig. 39) there is the fragmented figurine from Porodin (cat. num. 129-Fig. 26) which is the only fragmented male figurine through the belly. On the pubis area it has applicated direct male sexual sign - a phallus corresponding to the group 13 in the first determination of a second typological scheme. It is a slim figurine suitable to the depiction of the male body in the Macedonian anthropomorphic sculpture. One affirmation from Naumov (2009, 95) is about hands. According to him is this part of the body on Macedonian women's figurines always related to torso and laid on belly, breasts, hips / thighs or on genitals, while for men's pillar-like figurines are typical short spread hands. Concerning women's figurines, is this assertion wrong. Also many female figurines have short spread hands or they are moved backward from the body. This kind of woman's figurines is in the group 18. Their number is 27 and they stem from Neolithic and Eneolithic. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Ferreira João, Andrea and Fernandes Filho, José
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2015
- Author
Uslu, Burcu, Okudan, Begum, Bozdemir, Ezgi, and Alphan, Müveddet Emel
- Abstract
Copyright of Science of Gymnastics Journal is the property of Science of Gymnastics Journal and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
17. Telesne značilnosti štirinajstletnih šolarjev iz Dobrepolja in Velikih Lašč
- Author
Zajc, Ema and Tomazo-Ravnik, Tatjana
- Subjects
14 years ,udc:572.512(043.2) ,telesne značilnosti ,menarche ,šolarji ,physical characteristics ,menarha ,schoolchildren ,štirinajstletniki - Published
- 2020
18. Merske značilnosti izbranih gibalnih testov ravnotežja 11-letnih otrok
- Author
Grošelj, Janja and Pajek, Maja
- Subjects
enajstletniki ,dinamično ravnotežje ,Statično ravnotežje ,school population ,telesne značilnosti ,morphology ,gibalne sposobnosti ,dynamic balance ,Static balance ,motor abilities - Abstract
Dobro razvite gibalne sposobnosti so temelj za gibalno učinkovitost otroka (Gallahue, Ozmun, & Goodway, 2012). Ena izmed pomembnih gibalnih sposobnosti je tudi ravnotežje. Danes je raziskovanje ravnotežja in merskih značilnosti ravnotežnih preizkusov v porastu. Nekateri nelaboratorijski preizkusi ravnotežja so bili razviti v klinične namene, predvsem za merjenje starejših in posameznikov z nevrološkimi težavami ter poškodbami, takšni pa niso vedno primerni za merjenje zdravih otrok. Prednosti nelaboratorijskih preizkusov ravnotežja so enostavnost, hitra izvedljivost in cenovna ugodnost. Pogosto pa nimajo zlatega merila, s pomočjo katerega bi dokazovali veljavnost pri otrocih in mladostnikih, kar je prednost laboratorijskih preizkusov, ki imajo največkrat dobre merske lastnosti. Poznamo kar nekaj metod merjenja laboratorijskih preizkusov ravnotežja (elektromiografija, stabilometrija, pospeškometrija, analiza gibanja), ki nam podajo podrobnejše podatke, a so hkrati dragi, zamudni in zato primernejši za merjenje manjših skupin. Namen doktorske naloge je bil ugotoviti merske značilnosti nekaterih nelaboratorijskih preizkusov ravnotežja pri enajstletnikih. Poleg tega pa tudi ugotoviti povezanost z ostalimi gibalnimi sposobnostmi in telesnimi značilnostmi, merjenimi z merskim sklopom, imenovanim športno-vzgojni karton (ŠVK), ki se je v zadnjem obdobju preimenoval v merski sklop SLOfit. Preverili smo tudi obstoj razlik v ravnotežnih sposobnostih med spoloma. Izmerili smo 217 zdravih enajstletnikov (118 fantov in 99 deklet). Ugotavljali smo merske lastnosti treh statičnih (flamingo preizkus, stoja na eni nogi na nizki gredi in stoja na eni nogi na ravnih tleh) in treh dinamičnih ravnotežnih preizkusov (hoja po nizki gredi, stoja čelno na T-klopci, stoja bočno na eni nogi na T-klopci). Zlato merilo smo zagotovili s stojo merno na pritiskovni plošči, katero smo izmerili pri 45 enajstletnikih (21 fantov in 24 deklet). Meritve gibalnih sposobnosti in telesnih značilnosti so bile vzete iz merskega sklopa SLOfit, ki redno in načrtno meri slovenske otroke in mladostnike že več kot 30 let, vanjo pa je vključenih že več kot milijon posameznikov in njihovih podatkov o telesnem in gibalnem stanju. Rezultati so pokazali visoko notranjo zanesljivost nekaterih preizkusov ravnotežja (flamingo preizkus, stoja na eni nogi na nizki gredi in hoja po nizki gredi), ne pa tudi veljavnosti. Ugotovljene so bile nekatere značilne povezave med ravnotežjem in ostalimi gibalnimi sposobnostmi merskega sklopa SLOfit. Potrdili smo povezave med flamingo preizkusom in koordinacijo (r = ,521 p < ,01), eksplozivnostjo (r = - ,392), močjo rok in ramenskega obroča (r = - ,535, p < ,01), močjo trupa (r = - ,420), hitrostjo (r = ,374, p < ,01) in vzdržljivostjo (r = ,400, p < ,01). Dinamični preizkus ravnotežja hoja po nizki gredi je bil značilno povezan s koordinacijo (r = ,424, p < ,01), eksplozivnostjo (r = - ,466, p < ,01) in z močjo rok ter ramenskega obroča (r = - ,248, p < ,01). Pokazala se je značilna povezava med kožno gubo nadlahti in flamingo preizkusom (r = ,579, p < ,01). Ugotovili smo nekatere značilne razlike v ravnotežnih sposobnostih med spoloma. Dekleta so dosegla boljše rezultate pri laboratorijskem preizkusu stoje merno z odprtimi in zaprtimi očmi in pri stoji na eni nogi na nizki gredi. Na podlagi rezultatov ugotavljamo, da sta flamingo preizkus in hoja po nizki gredi najboljša merska postopka, saj sta pokazala zadovoljivo notranjo zanesljivost pri enajstletnikih. Na podlagi naših ugotovitev predlagamo, da se oba ravnotežna preizkusa, flamingo preizkus za merjenje statičnega ravnotežja in hojo po nizki gredi kot oceno dinamičnega ravnotežja, vključita v nadaljnja raziskovanja (preverjanje na drugih starostnih skupinah). Preizkusa sta primerna za merjenje osnovnošolcev tudi zaradi dostopnosti množični uporabi, enostavna in cenovno ugodna. Balance and motor skills are essential prerequisites for normal physical development of a child (Gallahue et al., 2012). One of the important motor skills is also balance. Nowadays, the study of balance and its measurement characteristics is gaining more research attention. Some tests have otherwise been developed for clinical purposes, especially for measuring older people and individuals with neurological problems and damage but these are certainly not suitable for testing healthy children. Benefits of these clinical assessments are its simplicity, affordability and are quick to perform. Some of these tests do not have a golden standard in comparison to laboratory balance tests which in generally have good measurement characteristics. There are several methods of measuring balance (electromyography, stabilometry and acceleration tests, posturography, analysis of movement), that give us more specific data but are expensive and time consuming for measure the population, and therefore are more suitable for measuring smaller groups. The intention of doctoral thesis was to determine the measurement characteristics of some non-laboratory balance tests for eleven-year-olds. The aim of our study was also to examine the relationship between balance ability, fundamental motor skills and morphology measured by using a test battery called “športno-vzgojni karton” (ŠVK), which has recently been renamed into SLOfit test battery. Additionally, we investigated the effect of gender on balance abilities. We measured 217 eleven-year old pre-adolescents (118 boys and 99 girls). We determined the measurement characteristics of three static balance tests (Flamingo test, one-leg stance on the ground, one-leg stance on the low beam) and three dynamic balance test (walking on the low beam, one-leg stance on T-bench and bipedal stance on T-bench). The golden standard was determined with a tandem stance on the force plate which was measured in 45 eleven-year old (21 boys and 24 girls). Other fundamental motor skills were measured with SLOFIT motor assessment tools, which regularly and systematically monitor the physical fitness of children and adolescents for more than 30 years and with more than one million individuals and their measurement sets till now. Our results showed the high intrarater reliability and the of some balance tests (Flamingo test, one-leg stance on the low beam and walking test on low-beam) but not also the construct validity. Correlations coefficients between balance and fundamental motor skill performance were examined. We found significant associations between Flamingo test and coordination (r = ,521, p < ,01), explosive muscle power (r = - ,392), flexed arm hang (r = - ,535, p < ,01), abdominal strength (r = ,420), speed (r = ,374, p < ,01) and endurance (r = ,400, p < ,01). Dynamic balance ability was significantly related to coordination (r = - ,424, p < ,01), explosive muscle power (r = - ,466, p < ,01) and flexed arm hang (r = - ,248, p < ,01). Triceps skin fold was associated with Flamingo test (r = ,579, p < ,01). We also found some significant differences in balance abilities between gender. Girls achieved better results in laboratory balance tests tandem stance with open and closed eyes and one-leg stance on the low beam. Based on our results, we found that are Flamingo test and walking on low beam the best balance assessment tools because of their proper intrarater reliability. We propose Flamingo test to measure static balance abilities and walking on low beam to measure dynamic balance abilities for further researching of human balance (researching in other age groups). Both tests are suitable for primary school population, have widespread use and are also easy to apply and affordable.
- Published
- 2020
19. Norme za vrednotenje kondicijske pripravljenosti mladih odbojkarjev in odbojkaric
- Author
Pergovnik, Vita and Zadražnik, Marko
- Subjects
regional teams ,male volleyball players ,odbojkarice ,motor skills ,odbojkarji ,telesne značilnosti ,physical characteristics ,gibalne sposobnosti ,female volleyball players ,regijske reprezentance - Abstract
Temeljni namen magistrskega dela je bil izdelava norm za vrednotenje telesne in gibalne pripravljenosti slovenskih odbojkarjev in odbojkaric, starih 14 in 15 let. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali prihaja pri izbranih meritvah telesnih razsežnosti in gibalnih sposobnosti do razlik med igralci, ki so bili kasneje iz regijskih reprezentanc izbrani v državne reprezentance in tistimi, ki niso bili. V vzorec je bilo vključenih 356 odbojkarjev in 363 odbojkaric, ki so se v letih od 2015 do vključno 2019 udeležili Turnirja regijskih reprezentanc. Vzorec spremenljivk so predstavljale 3 merske naloge za oceno telesnih razsežnosti in 10 merskih nalog za oceno gibalnih sposobnosti. Za urejanje in obdelavo podatkov smo uporabili Excel in IBM SPSS Statistics. Norme za vrednotenje rezultatov meritev smo izrazili s centili, za ugotavljanje razlik glede na kasnejše članstvo v državni reprezentanci pa smo uporabili t-test za neodvisne vzorce. Izdelane norme lahko uporabimo kot model za vrednotenje posameznikovega potenciala v tej starostni kategoriji. Trenerju in igralcu omogočajo vpogled v to, kje v Sloveniji se posameznik nahaja glede na najboljše 14- oziroma 15-letnike. V povprečnih vrednostih dosegajo igralci in igralke, ki so bili iz regijskih reprezentanc kasneje izbrani v državne reprezentance pri večini merskih nalog boljše rezultate kot igralci, ki v državne reprezentance niso bili izbrani. Rezultati so pokazali, da pri 14-letnih dečkih med skupinama regijskih in državnih reprezentantov ne prihaja do statistično značilnih razlik, medtem ko smo pri 15-letnikih ugotovili statistično značilne razlike pri dveh testih: doskočna višina z zaletom in doskočna višina v bloku. Pri 14-letnih deklicah prihaja med skupinama do statistično značilnih razlik pri sedmih merskih testih (telesna višina, dosežna višina, doskočna višina z zaletom, doskočna višina v bloku, predklon na klopci, met 2 kg težke medicinke soročno sede in skok iz polčepa), pri 15-letnicah pa pri šestih (telesna višina, dosežna višina, doskočna višina z zaletom, doskočna višina v bloku, skok iz polčepa in FitLight z neznano kombinacijo). Povsod, kjer je med skupinama prihajalo do statistično značilnih razlik, so državni reprezentanti in reprezentantke dosegali višje oziroma boljše rezultate kot regijski reprezentanti in reprezentantke (z izjemo rezultatov testa skoka iz polčepa pri 15-letnicah). The main purpose of the master's thesis was to create norms for the evaluation of physical and motor conditions of Slovenian volleyball players aged 14 and 15 years. The goal was to find out whether there are differences in measurements of body dimensions and motor skills among players who were later selected from regional to the national teams and those who were not. The sample included a total of 356 male and 363 female volleyball players who participated in the Tournament of regional teams in the years from 2015 to 2019. The sample of variables represented three measurements for the assessment of body dimensions and ten measurement tasks for the assessment of motor skills. The data was organized and analyzed using Excel and IBM SPSS Statistics. Norms for evaluating the results were expressed with percentiles, and t-test for independent samples was used to identify differences with respect to later membership in the national team. Norms can be used as a model for the evaluation of the individual’s potential in specific age category. Norms offer a comparison between an individual and the best 14- and 15-year-olds in Slovenia. On average, the players who were later selected from the regional to the national teams achieved better results in most measurement tasks than the players who were not. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the groups of regional and national teams in 14-year-old male players, while the differences were found in two tests among 15-year-olds: spike reach and block reach. In 14-year-old female players there were statistically significant differences between the groups in seven measurement tests: body height, standing reach, spike reach, block reach, bend on the bench, throw of a 2 kg heavy medicine ball with both hands in a seated position and squat jump. In 15-year-old female players there were statistically significant differences between groups in six measurement tests: body height, standing reach, spike reach, block reach, squat jump and FitLight with an unknown combination. Wherever there were statistically significant differences between the groups, the members of a national teams achieved better results than members of a regional teams (except for a 15-year-old female players when testing a squat jump).
- Published
- 2020
20. Povezanost učne uspešnosti z gibalnimi sposobnostmi in s telesnimi značilnostmi
- Author
Jaroš, Urška and Štemberger, Tina
- Subjects
razred ,physical characterstics ,spol ,telesne značilnosti ,udc:37.091.262:796(043.2) ,gender ,gibalne sposobnosti ,class ,learning success ,učna uspešnost ,movement skills - Published
- 2020
21. Vpliv šestmesečne športne vadbe aerobike combo na nekatere morfološke značilnosti udeleženk.
- Author
Jurgele, Anže, Pori, Primož, Zaletel, Petra, and Pori, Maja
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
22. Razlike v telesni zmogljivosti slovenskih srednješolcev.
- Author
Kovač, Marjeta, Leskošek, Bojan, Strel, Janko, and Jurak, Gregor
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Ávila-Carvalho, Lurdes, Klentrou, Panagiota, Luz Palomero, Maria da, and Lebre, Eunice
- Abstract
Copyright of Science of Gymnastics Journal is the property of Science of Gymnastics Journal and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
24. Telesne značilnosti kegljačev.
- Author
Pintarič, Primož and Čuk, Ivan
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
25. Analiza zaključnih nalog na Fakulteti za šport v obdobju 1997 - 2006 s podatki športnovzgojnega kartona
- Author
Nagode, Barbara Iva and Kovač, Marjeta
- Subjects
analiza ,gibalna učinkovitost ,analysis ,master thesis ,doktorske disertacije ,SLOfit ,doctoral dissertation ,magistrska dela ,bachelor thesis ,sports education chart ,telesne značilnosti ,diplomske naloge ,physical characteristics ,športnovzgojni karton ,motor abilities - Abstract
Športnovzgojni karton (ŠVK) je največja podatkovna zbirka o telesnem in gibalnem razvoju osnovnošolcev in srednješolcev v Sloveniji in vsebuje podatke vse od leta 1986 dalje. Namen magistrskega dela je bil izdelati sistematičen pregled in analizirati vse diplomske naloge, magistrska dela in doktorske disertacije, ki vsebujejo podatke ŠVK in so nastale med leti 1997 in 2006 na Fakulteti za šport Univerze v Ljubljani. Število ter imena in priimke študentov, ki so v tem obdobju zaključili študij, smo pridobili v Zborniku Fakultete za šport Univerze v Ljubljani 1960–2010. Naloge smo nato na podlagi naslovov in ključnih besed pregledali s pomočjo spletnega brskalnika Cobiss in nato še v fizični obliki v knjižnici Fakultete za šport. V obdobju od 1. 1. 1997 do 31. 12. 2006 je na Fakulteti za šport nastalo 1271 zaključnih nalog, od tega 29 oziroma 2,3% nalog vsebuje podatke iz zbirke ŠVK. Izmed 29 zaključnih del je bilo 25 diplomskih nalog, tri magistrska dela ter ena doktorska disertacija. Med avtorji je bilo 18 študentov in 13 študentk. V nalogah je bila pogosteje obravnavana osnovnošolska populacija kot srednješolska in fantje pogosteje kot dekleta, čeprav je večina zaključnih del obravnavalo razultate merjencev obeh spolov. Vzorec preizkušancev v nalogah večinoma predstavlja splošno populacijo. V dvanajstih nalogah, kjer so avtorji preučevali določen spol, so opazovali izbrane vzorce. Med dejavniki telesnega fitnesa je največ avtorjev uporabilo celoten sklop merskih nalogVK. Ugotovitve zaključnih del najpogosteje kažejo na pozitivne trende sprememb v telesnih značilnostih in gibalnih sposobnostih izbranih vzorcev in negativne trende sprememb splošne populacije. Sports Education Chart database has been the largest database of physical and motor development of children and youth in Slovenia from the year 1986 until now. The main purpose of the master's thesis was to review and analyse all the diplomas, master's theses and doctoral dissertations that were based on the SLOfit data and were written between the years 1997 and 2006 at the Faculty of Sport in the University of Ljubljana. The number of graduates, their names and surnames came from Zbornik Fakultete za šport Univerze v Ljubljani 1960–2010. We searched for the titles and key words of theses with the help of the virtual library COBISS, as well as in print form at the library of the Faculty of Sport in Ljubljana. From the 1st of January 1997 to the 31st of December 2006 there were 1271 theses written at the Faculty of Sport and 29 (2,3%) of them were based on data from the collection of Sports Educational Chart. Of the 29 theses, there were 25 diplomas, 3 master's theses and 1 doctoral dissertation. Among the authors there were 19 male and 12 female students. The primary school population was treated more frequently than the secondary school population and boys more often than girls, although most of the final theses analysed results of both genders. The sample of the test subjects in the theses is mainly represented by the general population. In the twelve theses where the authors focused on particular gender, they observed selected samples. Among the physical fitness factors, we found that most authors studied individual indicators of motor efficiency together with the anthropological indicators. The conclusions of the final theses most often indicated positive trends in the anthropological characteristics and the motor abilities of selected samples, and negative changes in trends of the general population.
- Published
- 2019
26. Povezanost gibalnih sposobnosti in telesnih značilnosti mlajših kategorij s tekmovalno uspešnostjo v posameznih disciplinah alpskega smučanja
- Author
Krejač, Klemen and Lešnik, Blaž
- Subjects
šport otrok in mladine ,telesne značilnosti ,sport for young ,tekmovalna uspešnost ,alpine skiing ,gibalne sposobnosti ,alpsko smučanje ,body characteristics ,performance ,motor abilities - Abstract
Namen magistrskega dela je predstaviti povezanost gibalnih sposobnosti in telesnih značilnosti mlajših kategorij z uspešnostjo v posameznih disciplinah alpskega smučanja. Vzorec merjencev sestavlja 54 tekmovalcev (28 deklic in 26 dečkov) alpskega smučanja, starih 15 in 16 let, iz kategorije U16. Vsi so bili kategorizirani športniki pri Smučarski zvezi Slovenije in so v sezoni 2018/2019 aktivno tekmovali v tekmovalnem sistemu za veliko nagrado Nordica Dobermann ter so pred začetkom tekmovalne sezone opravili testiranje gibalnih sposobnosti in telesnih značilnosti na Fakulteti za šport. Na podlagi rezultatov meritev devetih spremenljivk gibalnih sposobnosti in štirih spremenljivk telesnih značilnosti smo ugotavljali povezanost le-teh s tekmovalno uspešnostjo, ki smo jo vrednotili s številom zbranih točk v tekmovanjih posameznih disciplin alpskega smučanja za veliko nagrado Nordica Dobermann. Analiza pri dečkih kaže povezanost nekaterih gibalnih sposobnosti s tekmovalno uspešnostjo. Ugotovili smo, da je uspešnost v slalomu statistično značilno povezana s testi deseteroskok (p ≤ 0,05), osmice (p ≤ 0,05), zgibi v vesi (p ≤ 0,01) in višinski skok (p ≤ 0,01). V veleslalomu je povezanost statistično značilna v testih deseteroskok (p ≤ 0,05), tek na 400 m (p ≤ 0,05), ravnotežje (p ≤ 0,05), zgibi v vesi (p ≤ 0,01) in višinski skok (p ≤ 0,03). Pri analizi povezanosti telesnih značilnosti in uspešnosti pri dečkih nismo ugotovili statistično značilnih povezav. Z multiplo linearno regresijsko analizo prav tako nismo ugotovili nobenih povezanosti modela vseh devetih spremenljivk gibalnih sposobnosti in uspešnosti. Pri analizi modela vseh štirih telesnih značilnosti in uspešnosti pa je bila povezanost statistično značilna (p ≤ 0,05) v veleslalomu. Ugotovili smo tudi, da tekmovalno uspešnost dečkov v veleslalomu lahko iz spremenljivk telesnih značilnosti napovemo z 28 % verjetnostjo (R2 = 0,28). Pri deklicah smo ugotovili statistično značilno povezanost gibalnih sposobnostih in tekmovalne uspešnosti v testih deseteroskok (p ≤ 0,01), tek na 400 m (p ≤ 0,01) in zgibi v nadprijemu (p ≤ 0,05). Ugotovili smo, da je povezanost telesnih značilnosti in tekmovalne uspešnosti pri deklicah statistično značilna samo pri telesni višini (p ≤ 0,01). Pri analizi modela devetih gibalnih sposobnosti in uspešnosti z multiplo linearno regresijsko analizo nismo ugotovili statistično značilnih povezanosti. Nasprotno pa smo pri analizi modela štirih spremenljivk telesnih značilnosti in uspešnosti ugotovili statistično značilne povezave (p ≤ 0,05) v slalomu in superveleslalomu. Ugotovili smo, da lahko tekmovalno uspešnost deklic iz spremenljivk telesnih značilnosti v slalomu napovemo z 28 % verjetnostjo (R2 = 0,28), v superveleslalomu pa s 23 % verjetnostjo (R2 = 0,23). Glede na to, da z analizo podatkov nismo potrdili večje povezanosti gibalnih sposobnosti in telesnih značilnosti z uspešnostjo v posameznih disciplinah alpskega smučanja, sklepamo, da na uspešnost vplivajo nekatere druge dimenzije, ki jih v analizo nismo vključili. Pri interpretaciji podatkov moramo upoštevati tudi metodološke omejitve, saj je bil vzorec relativno majhen. Sklepamo, da bi v primeru večjega števila merjencev rezultati lahko pokazali večjo povezanost gibalnih sposobnosti in telesnih značilnosti z uspešnostjo. Za prihodnje raziskave predlagamo posodobitev in razširitev baterije spremenljivk za napovedovanje uspešnosti v alpskem smučanju ter preizkus v praksi, saj bi lahko na ta način bolj zagotovo vedeli, kaj so tiste spremenljivke, ki odločilno vplivajo na uspeh v alpskem smučanju in njegovih disciplinah. The purpose of the master's thesis was to present the correlation between the motor abilities and physical characteristics of the younger categories with the performance in individual disciplines of alpine skiing. The sample consisted of 54 alpine skiing racers (28 girls and 26 boys) age 15 and 16 from the U16 category. They were all categorized athletes at the Slovenian Ski Association and had actively competed in the competition VN Nordica Dobermann in the season 2018/2019. Before the start of the competition season, they were all part of motor abilities and body characteristics tests at the Faculty of sport. Nine variables of motor abilities and four variables of body characteristics were selected. For competitive performance, the criterion was the number of points scored for the competition VN Nordica Dobermann, separated by discipline. Analysis in boys shows the correlation of some motor abilities with competitive performance. We found that performance in the slalom was statistically significantly correlated with the ten-jump (p ≤ 0.05), agility (p ≤ 0.05), pull-ups (p ≤ 0.01), and height jump (p ≤ 0.01). In the giant slalom, the correlation is statistically significant in the tests, ten-jump (p ≤ 0.05), running at 400 m (p ≤ 0.05), balance (p ≤ 0.05), pull-ups (p ≤ 0.01) and height jump (p ≤ 0.03). No statistically significant associations were found in the analysis of the association between physical characteristics and performance in boys. Multiple linear regression analysis also revealed no correlation between the model of all nine variables of motor ability and performance. In the analysis of the model of all four body characteristics and performance, however, the association was statistically significant (p ≤ 0.05) in the giant slalom. We also found that boys' competitive performance in giant slalom can be predicted from the variables of physical characteristics with a 28% probability (R2 = 0.28). In girls, we found a statistically significant correlation between exercise ability and competitive performance in the ten-jump test (p ≤ 0.01), running at 400 m (p ≤ 0.01), and pull-ups (p ≤ 0.05). We found that the correlation between physical characteristics and competitive performance in girls was statistically significant only at body height (p ≤ 0.01). No statistically significant correlations were found in the analysis of the association between the nine motion abilities model and the performance with multiple linear regression analysis. In contrast, when analysing the association between the model of four variables of body characteristics and performance, we found statistically significant associations (p ≤ 0.05) in slalom and super-giant slalom. We found that the competitive performance of girls from variables of body characteristics in slalom can be predicted with 28% probability (R2 = 0.28) and in super-giant slalom with 23% probability (R2 = 0.23). Considering that the analysis of the data did not confirm the greater correlation of motor abilities and body characteristics with the performance in individual disciplines of alpine skiing, we conclude that performance is influenced by some other dimensions, which were not included in the analysis. Methodological limitations must also be taken into account when interpreting the data, since the sample was relatively small. We conclude that, in the case of a larger number of skiers, the results could show a greater correlation of motor skills and body characteristics with performance. For future research, we suggest updating and expanding the battery of variables for alpine skiing performance prediction and practice testing, as this could give you more certainty about what are the variables that determine success in alpine skiing and its disciplines.
- Published
- 2019
27. Učinek preskakovanja kolebnice na gibalne sposobnosti otrok
- Author
Logar, Edita and Volmut, Tadeja
- Subjects
udc:796:373.3(043.2) ,gibalne in funkcionalne sposobnosti ,telesne značilnosti ,kolebnica ,otroci ,ITM - Published
- 2019
28. Primerjava nekaterih generacij mladih odbojkarjev v kategoriji dečkov v izbranih telesnih značilnostih in gibalnih sposobnostih v odbojki
- Author
Ravnikar, Jernej and Zadražnik, Marko
- Subjects
dečki ,analiza ,category of U15 ,motor skills ,analysis ,volleyball ,regional teams ,primerjava ,comparison ,telesne značilnosti ,odbojka ,physical characteristics ,gibalne sposobnosti ,regijske reprezentance - Abstract
V odbojki predstavljajo telesne značilnosti in gibalne sposobnosti osnovo za kvalitetnega odbojkarja. Telesne značilnosti, kot so velika telesna in dosežna višina ter razvite gibalne sposobnosti kot so moč, hitrost in koordinacija so v odbojkarski igri zelo pomembne. Čim boljši razvoj gibalnih sposobnosti je cilj vsakega igralca in trenerja. V diplomskem delu smo primerjali nekatere generacije mladih odbojkarjev regijskih reprezentanc v kategoriji dečkov v izbranih morfoloških lastnostih in motoričnih sposobnostih v odbojki. Primerjali smo rezultate testov odbojkarjev, ki so bili izvedeni pred nastopom ekip na tekmah regijskih reprezentanc. Meritve so zajemale morfološke značilnosti in motorične sposobnosti. Posvetili smo se le testom, ki jih je izvajala večina generacij odbojkarjev regijskih reprezentanc. Vzorec merjencev zajema 554 odbojkarjev starih med 14 in 15 let, ki so sodelovali na tekmovanju regijskih reprezentanc od leta 2004 do leta 2017. S pomočjo programa Excel in statističnega programa IBM SPSS Statistics smo podatke odbojkarjev uredili in analizirali. Med seboj smo primerjali rezultate med izbranimi generacijami in regijami. Pri morfoloških značilnostih merjenih odbojkarjev smo ugotovili trende izboljševanja rezultatov skozi izbrane generacije, s primerjavo testov motoričnih sposobnosti izbranih generacij odbojkarjev pa smo opazili trende izboljševanja rezultatov pri testih, na rezultat katerih v največji meri vpliva telesna višina in eksplozivna moč nog. Največji napredek pri rezultatih morfoloških značilnosti odbojkarjev je bil opažen v Ljubljani z okolico. Koroška regija je pri testih motoričnih sposobnosti v izbranih generacijah največkrat dosegla najvišji rezultat, primorska regija pa je prikazala trend nazadovanja pri rezultatih motoričnih testov v primerjavi z ostalimi regijami. In volleyball, physical characteristics and motor skills represent a foundation for a good volleyball player. Morphological properties like height and reach and developed motor skills like strength, speed and coordination are vital in volleyball. Development of motor skills is the goal of every player as well as the trainer. We compared some generations of young volleyball players who competed in the regional tournament in chosen morphological properties and motor skills in volleyball. We compared the results of tests that were carried out before the start of regional tournament matches. Measurments contained morphological properties and motor skills. We only analysed and compared the reasults whitch were measured in most of the chosen generations of volleyball players in the regional tournaments. The sample includes 554 volleyball players aged between 14 and 15, who participated in the regional tournaments from year 2004 to 2017. The data was organized and analysed using Excel and IBM SPSS Statistics. We compared results of the chosen generations and regions. In the morphological characteristics of measured volleyball players, we determined trends of improving results through selected generations. By comparing motor skills tests of selected volleyball generations, we determined trends of improving in tests of which the results are mostly affected by body height and explosive power. The greatest progress in results of the morphological characteristics of volleyball players was observed in Ljubljana and its surroundings. Koroška region achieved most of the highest results in the tests of motor skills in selected generations, while primorska region showed a downward trend in results of motor tests compared to other regions.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Šimenko, Jožef and Sertić, Hrvoje
- Subjects
asimetrije ,youth ,telesne značilnosti ,combat sports ,SJFT ,3D-čitalec ,morphology ,borilni športi ,3D scanning ,mladi ,asymmetries - Abstract
Judo predstavlja spremenljujoč šport s številnimi tehničnimi prvinami, ki se izvajajo v vse smeri gibanja. Glede na vire predstavlja šport, ki naj bi s postopkom vadbe in izvajanjem tehničnih prvin simetrično razvijal človeško telo. Izvajanje teh tehničnih prvin v boju in na vadbi pa lahko, če se prvine izvajajo neenakomerno in enostransko, skozi razvoj mladega športnika tja do članske kategorije privede do pojava telesnih asimetrij. Pretirane telesne asimetrije lahko povzročijo zmanjšanje gibalne in posledično znižanje tekmovalne učinkovitosti ter povečajo možnosti za nastanek poškodb. V raziskavi smo s 3D telesnim čitalcem NX-16 (TC2) in napravo za preverjanje električne upornosti telesa Inbody 720 preverjali stanje telesnih simetrij. S posebno meritvijo telesne pripravljenosti za judo (SJFT) smo preverjali povezanost tehničnega znanja s pojavom telesnih simetrij/asimetrij. Tehnična znanje smo preverjali tudi z ocenjevanjem kakovosti izvedbe 12 metov v levo in desno stran. Preverili smo povezanost kakovosti izvajanja tehnik s telesnimi simetrijami/asimetrijami. Tekmovalno uspešnost smo preverjali s končnim seštevkom tekmovalnih točk za Slovenski pokal v judu in njeno povezanostjo s telesnimi asimetrijami. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 106 merjencev (15 članov, 19 mladincev, 17 kadetov, 31 mlajših kadetov in 24 starejših dečkov). Rezultati kažejo značilne asimetrije na vzorcu vseh 106 judoistov v 7 od 10 mer: obseg komolca (p = 0,000), obseg podlahti (p = 0,000), pusta telesna masa roke (p = 0,027), obseg stegna (p = 0,032), obseg kolena (p = 0,000), obseg meč (p = 0,000) in pusta telesna masa nog (p = 0,000). Prav tako so bile telesne asimetrije zaznane v vseh starostnih kategorijah: člani – 3, mladinci – 4, kadeti – 3, mlajši kadeti – 5 in starejši dečki – 4. Rezultati so prav tako ugotovili, da četudi obstajajo telesne asimetrije, trenutna stopnja teh telesnih asimetrij ni značilno povezana s tehničnim znanjem (SJFT), kakovostjo izvajanja metov in tekmovalno uspešnostjo v judu gledano na celotni vzorec merjencev. Glede na posamezne starostne kategorije pa rezultati kažejo, da so telesne asimetrije (člani – dolžina stegna, kadeti – obseg meč) značilno povezane s tekmovalno uspešnostjo pri članih (r = 0,596, p = 0,019) in pri kadetih (r = –0,525, p = 0,031). Vadba juda povzroča pojavljanje telesnih asimetrij v vseh starostnih kategorijah, vendar te niso povezane s tehničnim znanjem ali tehnično izvedbo metov. So pa v določenih starostnih kategorijah povezane s tekmovalno uspešnostjo v judu. Judo is a dynamic and highly intense sport, with many technical elements, which are implemented in all directions of movement. According to the literature, judo represents a sport that symmetrically develpes the human body through the process of training and the implementation of technical elements. The very implementation of these technical elements in combat and training can, if performed unevenly and unilaterally, through the development of a youth athlete to the senior category, lead to the appearance of body asymmetries. Excessive body asymmetries can result in reduced movement and, consequently, reduced competitive performance, and increase the chances of the occurrence of injuries. In the study, we examined the status of body symmetries using the 3D body scanners NX-16 (TC2) and electrical bioimpedance Inbody 720. With the special judo fitness test (SJFT) we checked the correlations of the special judo motorics with the appearance of body symmetryes/asymmetryes. We also have checked the technical knowledge and special motorics by evaluating the quality of the 12 judo throws, executed to the left and to the right body side. We have correlated the quality of the implementation of executed techniques with body symmetries/asymmetries. Competitive performance was checked with the final score of the competition points for the Slovenian judo Cup and its correlations with body symmetries/asymmetries. The sample involved 106 judokas (15 seniors, 19 yuniors – U21, 17 cadets – U18, 31 young cadets – U16 and 24 older boys – U14). The results showed statistically significant asymmetries on a sample of all 106 judoists in 7 out of 10 variables: elbow girth (p = 0.000), forearm girth (p = 0.000), arm lean mass (p = 0.027), thigh girth (p = 0.032), knee girth (p = 0.000), calf girth (p = 0.000) and leg lean mas (p = 0.000). Also, body asymmetries were detected in all age categories: seniors – 3, U21 – 4, U18 – 3, U16 – 5 and U14 – 4. The results also showed that current level of these body asymmetries does not have a statisticaly significant association with the specific judo motorics (SJFT), the quality of throwing techniques and the competition performance when regading the entire sample of the measurement. When taking into account the individual age categories, the results show that body asymmetries (seniors – thigh length, cadets – calf girth) are statistically significantly related to the competitive performance of seniors (r = 0.596, p = 0.019), and in cadets (r = -0.525, p = 0.031). Training of judo causes the appearance of body asymmetries in all age categories, but these are not related to special motors or throws technical execution. However, in certain age categories, they are linked to judo performance.
- Published
- 2018
30. Sensomotoric Abilities and Body Characteristics of Kindergarten Teachers
- Author
Kugonič, Polona and Muhič, Miran
- Subjects
a movement control ,udc:796.012.1:373.2.011.3-051(043.2) ,Senzomotorične sposobnosti ,telesne značilnosti ,nadzorovanje gibanja ,Sesomotoric abilities ,kindergarten teachers ,strokovni delavci vrtca ,a kindergarten ,vrtec ,body characteristics - Abstract
Diplomsko delo z naslovom Senzomotorične sposobnosti in telesne značilnosti strokovnih delavcev vrtca je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili motorični razvoj človeka, razvoj živčnega sistema, nadzor gibanja, motorične sposobnosti in spretnosti, telo in njegove značilnosti. Na koncu tega poglavja so predstavljene tudi nekatere dosedanje raziskave in ugotovitve, ki se navezujejo na vsebino naše diplomske naloge. V empiričnem delu pa so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave o povezavi senzomotoričnih sposobnosti in nekaterih telesnih razsežnosti strokovnih delavcev vrtca. V raziskavo smo vključili 33 strokovnih delavk Vrtca Anice Černejeve Celje. Uporabili smo kavzalno-neeksperimentalno metodo raziskovanja. Podatke smo pridobili s kvantitativno tehniko, in sicer s pomočjo štirih senzomotoričnih testov ter z analizo bioimpedance telesa. Ugotovili smo, da se med strokovnimi delavkami vrtca ne pojavijo statistično značilne razlike med njihovimi izmerjenimi telesnimi značilnostmi in senzomotoričnimi sposobnostmi. Ugotovili smo tudi, da se med nekaterimi telesnimi razsežnostmi in senzomotoričnimi sposobnostmi pokaže močnejša povezava. Predvsem se je to izkazalo za povezave med posameznimi senzomotoričnimi testi in odstotkom telesne maščobe. The diploma work with the title Sensomotoric Abilities and Body Characteristics of Kindergarten Teachers is made of the theoretical and the empirical part. In the theoretical part there is a presentation of the motoric development of a man, a development of a nerve system, a movement control, motoric abilities and skills, a body and its characteristics. At the end of this chapter some of the so far made researches and findings that are tied to the contents of our diploma work are also presented. The results of the research about the connection of sensomotoric abilities and some body extensions of kindergarten teachers are presented in the empiric part. 33 kindergarten teachers of the Kindergarten Anica Černe Celje were included in the research. A causal non experimental method of researching was used. The data were gained with the quantitative technique, namely with the help of four sensomotoric tests and with the analysis of the body bioimpedance. We found out that among kindergarten teachers there were no statistically characteristic differences between their measured body characteristics and sensomotoric abilities. We found out as well that there was a stronger connection among some body extensions and sensomotoric abilities. Above all this turned out for connections among individual sensomotoric tests and the body fat percentage.
- Published
- 2018
31. Transverzalne in longitudinalne primerjave gibalnih sposobnosti in telesnih značilnosti dveh generacij tekmovalcev in tekmovalk v alpskem smučanju
- Author
Faganelj, Neža and Lešnik, Blaž
- Subjects
razlike ,načrtovanje treninga ,morphological characteristics ,telesne značilnosti ,differences ,alpine skiing ,training planning ,gibalne sposobnosti ,alpsko smučanje ,mlajše kategorije ,younger categories ,motor abilities - Abstract
Z raziskavo smo primerjali telesne značilnosti in gibalne sposobnosti dveh generacij tekmovalcev in tekmovalk v alpskem smučanju v longitudinalni in transverzalni smeri. V vzorec merjencev je bilo vključenih skupno 71 tekmovalk in tekmovalcev v alpskem smučanju - kategorije U16 (starost 14 in 15 let). Iz obstoječega modela potencialne tekmovalne uspešnosti smo izbrali dve morfološki in tri motorične spremenljivke, ki so bile del merilne baterije tako na meritvah v letu 2006, kot tudi v letu 2016. Ugotovitve naloge so skladne z ugotovitvami strokovne javnosti na področju alpskega smučanja. Ta je mnenja, da so današnje generacije tekmovalk in tekmovalcev v alpskem smučanju tako z vidika morfoloških značilnosti kot tudi motoričnih sposobnosti primernejše za doseganje boljših rezultatov na tekmovanjih. Sodeč po rezultatih, ki so v tem delu pretežno vezani na sposobnost različnih pojavnih oblik moči in koordinacije, bi bilo bolj priporočljivo, da bi se treningi izvajali ločeno. Seveda pa vsi vemo, da imajo prav skupni treningi tudi mnogo prednosti, ki so vezani predvsem na socialne razloge. The study compares morphological characteristics and motor abilities of two generations of competitors in alpine skiing in the transverse and longitudinal way. The subject sample included together 71 young girls and boys, competitors in category U16 (14 and 15 years old). We did comparison of two morphological and three motor variables from model of potential successfulness from year 2006 and 2016. The findings of our study are similar with the findings of the expert public in the field of alpine skiing. According to that younger generations of competitors in alpine skiing are better in terms of morphological characteristics and motor skills. That means that their basis allows better competitive success. According to the results, which are related to the ability of various forms of strength and coordination, it suggested that training program is separated for boys and girls. On the other hand, we know that group trainings also have many benefits, which are primarily related to social reasons.
- Published
- 2018
32. Analiza telesne sestave plesalcev in plesalk standardnih in latinsko ameriških plesov
- Author
Peterlin, Špela and Zaletel, Petra
- Subjects
body composition ,poškodbe ,body image ,ples ,telesne značilnosti ,dance ,zadovoljstvo s svojim telesom ,injuries - Abstract
Namen raziskovalne naloge je bil analizirati telesno sestavo plesalcev in plesalk standardnih in latinsko ameriških plesov, hkrati pa pri tem tudi ugotoviti kakšno je njihovo zadovoljstvo s svojim telesom. Prav tako so nas v povezavi s telesno sestavo zanimale najpogostejše poškodbe, ki se pojavljajo pri plesalkah in plesalcih športnega plesa. V raziskavo smo vključili 17 plesalcev in 18 plesalk standardnih in latinsko ameriških plesov, starih od 16 do 34 let. Raziskava je bila narejena na plesnih pripravah v plesni šoli UTSC Choice Styria v Grazu. Raziskovalno delo je potekalo v dveh sklopih. V prvem sklopu so bile zajete telesne značilnosti plesalcev in plesalk, katere smo ugotavljali s pomočjo tehtnice TANITA (Innerscan body composition monitor, model BC-545), ki temelji na šest točkovnem merjenju z magnetno impendanco. V drugem sklopu smo merjence anketirali z anonimno anketo, ki je spraševala po osnovnih podatkih, zadovoljstvu z lastnim telesom, menstrualnem ciklusu ter poškodbah. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se plesalci in plesalke med seboj razlikujejo po telesnih značilnostih ter zadovoljstvom s svojim telesom. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da imajo plesalci več puste telesne mase in manjši delež telesne maščobe, vendar več visceralne maščobe kot plesalke. Zadovoljstvo s svojim telesom je pri plesalcih visoko. Nekoliko nižje je pri plesalkah, ki še vedno strmijo k telesnim idealom in se pogosteje poslužujejo hujšanja. Tako pri plesalcih kot tudi pri plesalkah se v času trenažnega procesa najpogosteje pojavljajo bolečine v kolenih, spodnjem delu hrbta ter stopalih. The purpose of this study was to analyze body composition among male and female ballroom and Latin American dancers, to find out their body image and which body part injuries are the most common in sport dancing. 17 male and 18 female dancers were included in the research, aged between 16 and 34 years. The research took place during dance training camp at the UTSC Choice Styria in Graz. The research was made in two parts. The first part included data about the physical characteristics of male and female dancers, acquired with TANITA scale (inner scan body composition monitor, model BC-545), based on 6 point measurement system with magnetic impedance. In the second part we interviewed the participants with an anonymous questionnaire asking for basic information about body image, menstrual cycle and injuries. The results of the research have shown that male and female dancers differ in their physical characteristics and their level of physical self-image. Our research showed that female dancers have less lean body mass and higher percentage of body fat than male dancers. Both, male and female dancers have very good physical body image, but they still tend to look at body ideals and are more often losing body weight. Both, male and female dancers, report the most pain during their training in the knees, lower back and feet.
- Published
- 2018
33. Primerjava izbranih telesnih značilnosti in gibalnih sposobnosti 14 in 15 let starih perspektivnih slovenskih odbojkarjev in odbojkaric
- Author
Lašič, Nuša and Sattler, Tine
- Subjects
regional teams ,motor skills ,telesne značilnosti ,odbojka ,volleyball ,physical characteristics ,gibalne sposobnosti ,regijske reprezentance - Abstract
V diplomskem delu smo analizirali pridobljene podatke meritev regijskih odbojkarskih reprezentanc dečkov in deklic. Meritve smo izvedli februarja 2017 na turnirju v Kranju. Uporabili smo naslednje teste: telesna višina, dosežna višina, telesna teža, višina odriva po Sergentu, doskočna višina z zaletom, doskočna višina v bloku, predklon na klopci in met medicinke soročno sede. Vzorec je zavzemal 76 dečkov in 82 deklic. Zanimale so nas njihove telesne značilnosti in gibalne sposobnosti v celotni generaciji in glede na igralno specializacijo. Podatke smo analizirali s pomočjo statističnega paketa SPSS. Dobljene rezultate smo predstavili s tabelami in jih dopolnili z ugotovitvami. Pri dečkih smo ugotovili, da imajo podobne dolžinske razsežnosti blokerji, korektorji in napadalci–sprejemalci. Pri testih vertikalne višine odriva, višine odriva z zaletom in dosežne višine v bloku prevladujejo napadalci–sprejemalci. Pri deklicah so pri izmerjenih dolžinskih razsežnostih v ospredju blokerke in korektorke. Pri testih vertikalne višine odriva, višine odriva z zaletom in dosežne višine v bloku imajo najboljše rezultate blokerke. Igralke, ki igrajo na mestu libera, pa so bile najboljše pri testu gibljivosti trupa. Na podlagi analiziranih podatkov bi lahko podali sklep, da pri mladih odbojkarjih z vidika rezultatske uspešnosti dolžinske razsežnosti niso najpomembnejše. Bolj pomembne so gibalne sposobnosti. Med pomembnejše dejavnike uspeha spadata eksplozivna moč rok in nog. V tej starostni kategoriji pa so pomembni tudi tehnika, taktika, borbenost in uigranost ekipe. The thesis is comprised by the analysis of information gathered from the measuring of male and female players of regional volleyball teams. The measuring has taken place on a tournament in Kranj in February 2017. The following tests have been adopted: body height, reaching height, body weight, jump height according to Sargent, reaching approach height, reaching blocking height, bend on the bench and throw of a medicine ball with both hands from a sitting position. 76 boys and 82 girls have taken part in the test. The focus was on their physical characteristics and motor skills in the whole generation and based on their playing specialization. The information has been analysed with the SPSS statistics system. The results have been placed into charts and completed with the findings. The test shows similarities in length parameters of boys with positions as blockers, setters and hitters/receivers. The last ones dominate the vertical jump height, approach jump height and reaching blocking height tests. Blockers and setters are better in length parameters as far as girls are concerned. Blockers achieved the best results during vertical jump height, approach jump height and reaching blocking height tests. The players set as “liberos” have scored the most points in body mobility tests. Based on the analysed information it could be concluded that length parameters have limited relevance regarding result success for young male players. Motor skills are more relevant. The most important ones are hands and legs explosive power. Skills, tactics, competitiveness and team cohesion are essential in this age category.
- Published
- 2018
34. Povezanost poučevanja profesorja športne vzgoje in števila ur športne vzgoje s telesnimi značilnostmi in gibalnimi sposobnostmi otrok v prvem triletju osnovne šole
- Author
Jarc, Nuša and Starc, Gregor
- Subjects
frequency of PE lessons ,učitelj športne vzgoje ,telesne značilnosti ,physical characteristics ,gibalne sposobnosti ,PE teacher ,first triad of primary school ,količina športna vzgoje ,prvo triletje ,motor ability - Abstract
Športna vzgoja v prvem triletju je izjemnega pomena za gibalni in telesni razvoj otrok. V slovenskem prostoru so ji v prvem triletju namenjene vsaj tri šolske ure tedensko, celoten oddelek pa poučuje učitelj razrednega pouka. Obstajajo oddelki z dodatno športno ponudbo, kjer so učenci deležni vsakodnevne športne vzgoje in skupnega poučevanja učiteljev razrednega pouka in športne vzgoje, vendar njihovo financiranje ni urejeno na ravni države. Raziskovalci navajajo različne prednosti oddelkov z dodatno športno ponudbo, predvsem v smislu boljše organizacije, varnosti, strokovnosti in večje intenzivnosti. Zanimalo nas je, ali prisotnost učitelja športne vzgoje in/ali povečana količina ur športne vzgoje tedensko, vplivata na telesni in gibalni razvoj učencev. V raziskavo smo vključili 25.924 učencev prvega triletja iz 240 osnovnih šol. Za analizo telesnega in gibalnega razvoja otrok smo uporabili merske naloge SLOfit. Ugotovili smo, da povečano število ur športne vzgoje oz. prisotnost športnega pedagoga sama po sebi nista vplivala na rezultate telesnih značilnosti učencev, manjšo količino podkožnega maščevja pa so imeli učenci, ki so imeli pet ur športne vzgoje tedensko ob prisotnosti učitelja športne vzgoje. Poleg tega smo za gibalne sposobnosti ugotovili, da se je z boljšimi rezultati v vseh merskih nalogah razlikovala skupina, ki jo je poučeval učitelj športne vzgoje, pri nekaterih nalogah pa tudi skupina, ki je imela večje število ur športne vzgoje tedensko. Glede na dobljene rezultate lahko poudarimo, da bi bilo za optimalni razvoj otrok pomembno, da bi pri športni vzgoji v prvem triletju sodeloval učitelj športne vzgoje in da bi bila vsakodnevno umeščena v šolski program. Physical Education (PE) is very important for the motor and physical development of children. In the first triad of Slovene primary schools, PE is taught for at least three lessons a week. These lessons are taught by PE teachers. Additional physical activity is offered in some classes, allowing children to participate in daily lessons, which are co-taught by a PE teacher and by a classroom teacher. However, these classes are not systematically state-financed. Previous research has highlighted different types of advantages of additional co-taught physical activity classes, i.e. better organisation, increased security, expertise and intensity. The aim of our study was to find out if the intervention of a PE teacher and the number of physical activity weekly lessons influence children's physical and motor development. 25.924 children attending the first three grades at 240 primary schools in Slovenia were included in the study. SLOfit database was used to analyse the participants’ physical and motor development. The results show that implementation of an increased amount of PE lessons and intervention of a PE teacher do not influence the physical characteristics of children. However, the findings also show that some children attending five weekly PE lessons taught by a PE teacher had less subcutaneous fat. Moreover, the children attending classes taught by a PE teacher performed better in all test items, while children with an increased amount of weekly lessons performed better in some of the test items. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that intervention of a PE teacher as well as inclusion of daily PE classes in the primary school curricula would be very important to ensure optimal development of children.
- Published
- 2018
35. Primerjava telesnega in gibalnega razvoja igralcev 1. in 3. Slovenske nogometne lige
- Author
Grilj, Marjan and Starc, Gregor
- Subjects
football ,nogomet ,3rd Slovenian Football League ,telesne značilnosti ,3. Slovenska nogometna liga ,physical characteristics ,gibalne sposobnosti ,1st Slovenian Football League ,1. Slovenska nogometna liga ,motor abilities - Abstract
Raziskave številnih avtorjev o telesni dejavnosti otrok kažejo, da redna športna dejavnost pozitivno vpliva na gibalni, telesni, kognitivni ter čustveno-socialni razvoj. Prav zato je strokovno in kakovostno delo športnih pedagogov in trenerjev z mladimi zelo pomembno za njihov nadaljnji telesni in osebnostni razvoj ter v primeru nogometašev za njihovo bodočo športno kariero. V raziskavi smo želeli ugotoviti ali so se telesne in gibalne sposobnosti nogometašev 1. Slovenske nogometne lige (SNL) v obdobju otroštva in adolescence razlikovale od sposobnosti tistih nogometašev, ki igrajo v 3. SNL. Posledično smo želeli ugotoviti možnost napovedovanja nogometne uspešnosti na podlagi gibalnih testov. Analizo telesnega in gibalnega razvoja smo opravili na vzorcu 34 nogometašev, od katerih je bilo 17 igralcev prvoligaškega nogometnega kluba Domžale ter prav tako 17 igralcev tretjeligaškega Nogometne kluba Bravo Publikum. Analizirali smo rezultate merskih nalog merske baterije SLOfit – Športnovzgojni karton, ki smo jih obdelali s pomočjo statističnega programa IBM SPSS 24 in s programom Microsoft Excel . Ugotovili smo, da so v otroštvu in adolescenci obstajale majhne razlike v hitrosti, koordinaciji gibanja v prostoru in eksplozivni moči v prid kasnejših nogometašev 1. SNL. Pri primerjavi vseh 8 merskih gibalnih nalog, smo ugotovili, da v otroštvu in adolescenci ni prihajalo do značilnih razlik v splošni gibalni učinkovitosti med kasnejšimi igralci obeh lig pri nobeni starostni kategoriji. Rezultati so pokazali, da povezave med gibalnim razvojem v otroštvu in kasnejšo športno uspešnostjo v nogometu niso izrazite in da na športno uspešnost verjetno ključno vpliva več drugih dejavnikov. Numerous researches on children’s physical activity that regular sports activity positively effect physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development. This makes professional and quality work of sports pedagogues and trainers, who work with young people, very important for their further physical and personal development and, in the case of footballers, for their future sports career. In the study we tried to determine whether the current footballers, who play in the 1st Slovenian Football League (SFL) differed from the footballers, playing in the 3rd SFL in physical characteristics and motor abilities in their childhood and adolescence. Consequently, we tried to establish the possibility of predicting football performance based on motor tests. We analysed physical characteristics and motor abilities on a sample of 34 players, of whom 17 players of the 1st SFL Domžale football club and 17 players of the 2nd SFL Football Club Bravo Publikum. We analysed the results of the SLOfit - School Educational Chart motor tests, which were analysed using the statistical program IBM SPSS 24 and Microsoft Excel. We determined that in childhood and adolescence there were minor differences in speed, coordination of motion in space and explosive power in favour of today’s soccer players of the 1st SNL. When comparing the results of all 8 motor tests, we found that there were no significant differences in general physical efficiency during childhood and adolescence between the players of both leagues in any age category. The results also showed that there are weak links between the motor abilities in childhood and the subsequent sports performance in football and that there are probably other key factors that influence success in sports.
- Published
- 2017
36. Primerjava rezultatov gibalnih sposobnosti in telesnih značilnosti pri kadetih v RK Brežice, MRD Dobova in RK Krško
- Author
Medved, Maruša and Šibila, Marko
- Subjects
primerjava ,comparison ,telesne značilnosti ,kadeti ,physical characteristics ,rokomet ,gibalne sposobnosti ,handball ,cadets ,movement skills - Abstract
Rokomet je ena najbolj razširjenih in priljubljenih športnih iger v Sloveniji in v svetu. Za uspešnost igranja sta med drugimi dejavniki pomembni tako primerna telesna struktura kot dobro razvite gibalne sposobnosti rokometašev. Cilj diplomskega dela je bil izmeriti in primerjati nekatere telesne značilnosti in gibalne sposobnosti kadetov v treh rokometnih klubih iz Posavja, in sicer RK Brežice, MRD Dobova in RK Krško, nato pa še ugotoviti, ali so razlike med klubi v vsakem izmed testov statistično značilne. Vzorec je sestavljalo 34 rokometašev 8 iz RK Brežic, 11 iz MRD Dobova in 15 iz RK Krško. Vsi izmed merjencev so nastopali za starostno kategorijo kadetov. Za testiranje smo izbrali 5 morfoloških in 5 motoričnih testov. Dobljene rezultate smo nato obdelali v statističnem programu SPSS. Izračunala smo osnovne statistične parametre in jih primerjali med seboj za posamezni klub, nato pa smo z analizo variance ugotavljali še statistično pomembne razlike v rezultatih posameznih testov. Rezultati motoričnih testov so pokazali, da so pri testu šprint na 30 m najuspešnejši rokometaši iz RK Brežice. Pri testu skok v daljino z mesta so povprečno najboljši rezultat dosegli kadeti iz RK Krško. Rezultati troskoka z mesta so pokazali, da imajo najdaljši skok prav tako kadeti iz RK Krško. Na testu 8 x 40 metrov so bili najhitrejši fantje iz RK Brežice. Na stopnjevalnem aerobno vzdržljivostnem testu pa so največ vzdržljivosti pokazali spet rokometaši iz RK Krško. Rezultati so pokazali, da med klubi v posameznih morfoloških in motoričnih testih obstajajo statistično značilne razlike. Pri testu telesne teže se te razlike pojavljajo med MRD Dobova in RK Krško pri testih kožne gube nadlahti in obseg stegna (subglutealno) so razlike med RK Brežice in RK Krško pri obeh testih gibalnih sposobnosti, kjer prihaja do statistično značilnih razlik med skupinami, pri skoku v daljino in 8 x 40 metrov, pa so le te med RK Brežice in MRD Dobova. Handball has been one of the most popular and widely played sports in Slovenia and worldwide. It is believed that the appropriate physical characteristics and well developed movement skills are essential for successful playing of handball. The objective of the diploma thesis was to measure and compare some of the physical characteristics and movement skills of cadets of three different handball clubs in Posavje, namely RK Brežice, MRD Dobova and RK Krško and then to find out if the differences within the three clubs are characteristics of statistics. 34 handball players took part in the research, 8 players of RK Brežice, 11 MRD Dobova and 15 RK Krško. All the participants of the research were cadets. 5 morphological and 5 motoric tests were used for testing. The results were then analyzed in the program SPSS. The basic statistic parameters and the comparison of the results of each club were made, after that the important differences in results of the test were analyzed. The results of the motor tests showed that handball players of RK Brežice were the most successful in the 30 meter sprint test and in the 8x40 meter running test. RK Krško proved to be the best in standing long jump, standing triple jump and aerobic endurance test. The results point out that there are some differences in statistic characteristics of the motor skills tests and morphological test. There are some differences between RK Krško and MRD Dobova as far as body weight is concerned, there are differences in triceps skinfold and thigh girth (sub gluteal) between RK Brežice and RK Krško. Both motoric skills test proved that there are differences only between RK Brežice and MRD Dobova in standing long jump and 8x40 meter running.
- Published
- 2017
37. Plosko stopalo in odrivna noga
- Author
Winder Pantner, Klavdija and Štemberger, Vesna
- Subjects
Čižinova metoda ,nizek start ,udc:611.718-057.875(043.2) ,ploskost stopal ,student ,študentke ,visoki start ,telesne značilnosti ,physical characteristics ,Clarkov kot ,študent ,odrivna noga - Abstract
Cilj moje diplomske naloge je ugotoviti povezanost odrivne noge in ploskega stopala. V vzorec smo zajeli 42 študentk in študentov oddelka razrednega pouka Pedagoške fakultete Ljubljana v šolskem letu 2014/15. Za ugotavljanje ploskosti stopal, smo uporabili metodo Clarkovega kota in Čižinovo metodo. Za določanje odrivne noge pa nizek in visoki start. Podatke smo vnesli v Excel in jih nato obdelali s pomočjo programa SPSS. Izračunali smo osnovno statistiko: minimalne in maksimalne standardne odklone, povprečne vrednosti, relativne frekvence ter frekvence. Za ugotavljanje razlik med levim ter desnim stopalom smo uporabili t-test. Povezanost ploskosti in odrivne noge smo testirali s hi 2 testom. Hipoteze smo sprejemali s 5% tveganjem. Po obdelavi vseh spremenljivk nismo potrdili razlik v ploskosti med levim in desnim stopalom. Prav tako nismo potrdili povezanosti med odrivno nogo in ploskostjo stopal. The aim of my degree paper is to find out the connection between the takeoff leg and the flat foot. The research has been done on a sample of 42 students of department of Primary School Ljubljana Faculty of Education. The research was made in 2014/2015 school year. The method of Clark’s angle and the Čižin method were used for determining the flatness of the feet, while for determining the takeoff leg we used low and high start. Data were entered into Excel and later analyzed with the help of the SPSS program. We measured the main statistic: minimum, maximum and average values, standard deviations, frequencies and relative frequencies. The t-test was used for determining the differences between the left and the right foot. The connection between the flat foot and the takeoff leg was tested with the »hi 2 test«. Hypothesis were accepted with a 5% risk. After the processing of all the variables, no differences in foot flatness between the left and the right foot were confirmed. We also did not confirm the connection between the takeoff leg and the flat feet.
- Published
- 2017
38. The Role of a Kindergarten Teacher in the Physichal Development of Children in Kindergarten Šentjur
- Author
Drame, Martina and Muhič, Miran
- Subjects
kindergarten teacher's age ,izvajanje gibalnih/športnih aktivnosti vzgojiteljev ,telesne značilnosti ,physical characteristics ,gibalne sposobnosti ,vključevanje vzgojiteljev v gibalne/športne aktivnosti otrok ,starost vzgojitelja ,udc: ,implementing physical/sporting activites of kindergarten teachers ,motoraptitude ,including kindergarten teachers in physical/sporting activities of children - Abstract
Povzetek V diplomski nalogi z naslovom Vloga vzgojitelja pri gibalnem razvoju otrok v vrtcu Šentjur smo želeli ugotoviti vpliv vzgojitelja na gibalni razvoj otrok v vrtcu Šentjur. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene telesne značilnosti otrok, njihove gibalne sposobnosti, ustvarjanje gibalnih kompetenc v predšolskem obdobju ter kompetence vzgojitelja na področju gibanja in gibalno-izkušenjsko bogato okolje. V empiričnem delu smo uporabili kavzalno-neeksperimentalno metodo. V neslučajnostni vzorec iz konkretne populacije smo vključili 67 vzgojiteljev. Kot merski instrument smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik zaprtega tipa. Podatke smo kvantitativno obdelali ter jih analizirali z deskriptivno statistiko in bivariatno analizo. Na podlagi rezultatov je bilo ugotovljeno, da so mlajši vzgojitelji v svojem prostem času pogosteje športno aktivni kot starejši da vzgojiteljem redno športno aktivnost onemogoča pomanjkanje časa da izvajanje gibalnih aktivnosti ni odvisno od enote vrtca da se mlajši vzgojitelji pogosteje vključujejo v aktivno gibalno/športno dejavnost otrok kot starejši vzgojitelji da vzgojitelji izvajajo gibalne/športne dejavnosti vsak dan da vzgojitelji vrtca, ki je v mestu, izvajajo gibalno/športno aktivnost v vsakem vremenu in da vzgojitelji načrtujejo gibalno/športno dejavnost skozi vse leto. ABSTRACT In the diploma paper The Role of a Kindergarten Teacher in the Physichal Development of Children in Kindergarten Šentjur we wanted to establish the influence akindergarten teacher has on the motor development of children in kindergarten Šentjur.In the theoretical part of the paper, physical characteristics of children are presented, as well as their motor aptitude, development of motorcompetence in kindergartenperiod, teacher's physical activity competence and the environment that is rich in motor experience. In the empirical part of the paper the causal nonexperimental method was used.Sixty-seven kindergarten teachers were involved from a subpopulation as a systematicsample. A closed-type survey questionnaire was used as the measuring instrument.Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics and bivariant analysis.Based on the results it has been found that younger kindergarten teachers are more often physically active in their free time than older teachers kindergarten teachers are unable to do sports regularly due to lack of free time quantity of physical activitydoes not relate to the kindergarten unit younger kindergarten teachers get more frequently involved in children's active physical/sporting activity than older teachers kindergarten teachers implement physical/sporting activities every day kindergarten teachers in the kindegarten based in the city implement physical/sporting activities in any weather and that kindergarten teachers plan physical/sporting activities throughout the entire year.
- Published
- 2016
39. Štafetne igre, primerne za uvajanje začetnikov v igro hokeja
- Author
Cvenk, Tadej and Pori, Primož
- Subjects
hokej na ledu ,moč ,otroci ,koordinacija ,selekcije ,udc:796.966-053.4/.5 ,oprema ,tehnika ,telesne značilnosti ,hitrost ,gibalne sposobnosti ,gibalne značilnosti ,elementarne igre ,začetniki ,pravila ,predšolski otroci - Published
- 2016
40. Ugotavljanje razlik med pet- do šestletnimi dečki in deklicami v izbranih gibalnih sposobnostih in telesnih značilnostih
- Author
Bogataj, Špela and Videmšek, Mateja
- Subjects
dečki ,deklice ,meritve ,razlike ,telesne značilnosti ,vrtci ,gibalne sposobnosti ,udc:796.012.1-053.4 ,t-test ,testi ,SPSS ,predšolski otroci - Published
- 2016
41. Načrtovanje in izvedba treningov za nogometnega vratarja v pripravljalnem obdobju
- Author
Zupan, Uroš and Šibila, Marko
- Subjects
vratarji ,trening ,nogomet ,tehnika ,taktika ,telesne značilnosti ,psihološke lastnosti ,program ,pravila ,udc:796.332.015.1 ,motorične sposobnosti - Published
- 2016
42. Povezanost telesnih razsežnosti in gibalnih sposobnosti z nekaterimi okoljskimi dejavniki otrok, starih 11 in 14 let
- Author
Matejek, Črtomir and Starc, Gregor
- Subjects
meritve ,okolje ,socialnoekonomski status ,šolski otroci ,starši ,športna dejavnost ,učenci ,osnovne šole ,testi ,SPSS 18.00 ,faktorska analiza ,analiza variance ,telesne značilnosti ,družina ,učni uspeh ,gibalne sposobnosti ,učenke ,gibalni razvoj ,telesni razvoj ,udc:796.012.1-057.874 - Published
- 2016
43. Korelacija med samopodobo in učenjem izvajanja dihalnih vaj pri mladih športnih plezalcih
- Author
Hohkraut, Mateja and Kajtna, Tanja
- Subjects
SPSS 17.0 ,dihalne vaje ,spol ,udc:796.526-053.5 ,samopodoba ,vprašalnik ,otroci ,sproščanje ,t-test ,Pearsonov koeficient korelacije ,razlike ,telesne značilnosti ,družina ,športno plezanje ,gibalne sposobnosti ,učenje ,mladi ,intervju - Published
- 2016
44. Primerjava telesnih značilnosti in gibalnih sposobnosti srednješolcev, ki obiskujejo slovenske javne gimnazije in zasebne katoliške gimnazije
- Author
Pavlinič, Barbara and Kovač, Marjeta
- Subjects
spol ,srednje šole ,t-test ,zasebne gimnazije ,analiza variance ,udc:373.5:796 ,javne gimnazije ,primerjava ,telesne značilnosti ,dijaki ,gibalne sposobnosti ,športnovzgojni karton ,dijakinje ,SPSS - Published
- 2016
45. Vpliv prilagojenega programa vadbe na izboljšanje telesne drže starostnika
- Author
Blenkuš, Špela
- Subjects
pripomočki ,meritve ,bolezni ,udc:796.035-053.9 ,fiziološke značilnosti ,telesna drža ,zdravje ,športna vadba ,testi ,športna rekreacija ,telesne značilnosti ,padci ,preprečevanje ,vzroki ,gibalne sposobnosti ,telesna dejavnost ,program ,starostniki - Published
- 2016
46. Telesne značilnosti in gibalne sposobnosti plesalk in plesalcev hip-hopa
- Author
Pruš, Daša and Zagorc, Meta
- Subjects
meritve ,hip-hop ,plesalke ,statistika ,testi ,uspešnost ,udc:793.3-053.6/.81 ,primerjava ,ples ,plesalci ,telesne značilnosti ,tekmovanje ,gibalne sposobnosti ,mladi - Published
- 2016
47. Analiza gibalnih sposobnosti in telesnih razsežnosti učencev prvega triletja z OŠ Komenda - Moste, ki trenirajo nogomet v NK Komenda
- Author
Škafar, Žan and Starc, Gregor
- Subjects
razvoj ,meritve ,nogomet ,športna dejavnost ,otroci ,t-test ,osnovne šole ,testi ,športna vzgoja ,telesne značilnosti ,udc:796.332-057.874 ,gibalne sposobnosti ,športnovzgojni karton ,prvo triletje ,SPSS - Published
- 2016
48. Razlike v telesnih značilnostih in gibalnih sposobnostih med plesno aktivnimi in plesno neaktivnimi otroki
- Author
Petrič, Anja and Štemberger, Vesna
- Subjects
telesne značilnosti ,gibalne sposobnosti ,udc:793.3:373.32(043.2) ,športnovzgojni karton - Published
- 2014
49. Primerjava razvoja telesnih značilnosti in gibalnih sposobnosti med učenci splošnih in oddelkov z dodatno športno ponudbo na Osnovni šoli Valentina Vodnika
- Author
Zagorc, Anže and Kovač, Marjeta
- Subjects
oddelki ,športna vzgoja ,telesne značilnosti ,Spearmanov koeficient ,gibalne sposobnosti ,osnovna šola ,udc:37:796:796.012 ,t-test ,testi - Published
- 2014
50. Vključevanje otrok v dopolnilni pouk športne vzgoje na podlagi ovrednotenja telesnih značilnosti in gibalnih sposobnosti
- Author
Rogelj, Katja and Kovač, Marjeta
- Subjects
locomotor skills ,children ,športna vzgoja ,telesne značilnosti ,dopolnilni pouk ,udc:37:796-056.26/.36 ,gibalne sposobnosti ,supplementary physical education ,osebe s posebnimi potrebami ,osnovna šola - Published
- 2014
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