It is possible to investigate how meaning is created in folkloric texts in a variety of ways, as well as how the values represented are shaped within the context of the meaning created. The folklore discourse can deal with stylistic concepts like foregrounding, repetition, deviation, and parallelism. The method under consideration is closely related to the cohesion and coherence of folklore discourse and, consequently, folkloric texts, and it aids in illuminating the functionality of folklore. In the context of folklore as discourse, cohesion essentially refers to the stylistic compatibility of folklore's (folkloric content) modes of expression. Contrarily, coherence refers to the use of the content in question in a manner that is consistent with one another in terms of usage and meaning. The study of the compatibility and relationships between signifier and signified in folkloric content belongs to the field of stylistics and calls for the use of stylistics-related data. According to this viewpoint, stylistic data can be used in a variety of fields, including folklore, as stylistics aids in highlighting the distinctive features of folklore content. Folklore has a discourse and a style within this discourse; an analysis of the style tends to show how the functions of the folklore's content are carried out. Exactly at this point, the connection between folklore and stylistics is established. Stylistic analysis of the relationship in question can be done on the textual (signifier) and contextual (and signified) levels. It is necessary to use stylistics data by modifying it for the field in order to study the relationship between folklore and stylistics on both the textual and contextual levels. From a semantic standpoint (since style creates meaning), it would be appropriate to assess the methodological data of stylistics related to language in folklore discourse in this regard. The establishment of a connection between meaning and style through the use of stylistic concepts from a semantic perspective enables the text to be analyzed on various (both signifier and signified) planes; naturally, this permits the concept of foregrounding to be used as a hypernym. Due to the way that foregrounding expresses the examination of a text on both the expression and content planes, it reveals how the meaning is produced in both the surface and the deep structure as well as how folkloric values are communicated. In the context of folklore discourse and folkloric texts, the concepts of cohesion of foregrounding and coherence of foregrounding can thus be positioned. Since the concepts of repetition and parallelism are essentially a part of foregrounding, the concept of coherence of foregrounding in the context of folklore enables the analysis of the form of expression of folklore through the concept of the form of expression. According to Bascom, this situation highlights the role that folklore plays in entertainment and education. On the other hand, the coherence of foregrounding activates the idea of the form of content by illustrating how folkloric values are expressed to one another as folkloremes and how meaning is created. At this point, stylistics reveals the intricate structure of the roles that affirm culture and uphold customary behavior. In this study, the fundamental ideas of stylistics were used in a semantic plane to show how meaning is produced in folkloric texts and the coherence of folkloric texts. Additionally, the logical relationship of folkloric values with each other in a formal plane and stylistically was analyzed. In this study, the logical relationships between folkloric values in a formal plane and stylistically were investigated, and the basic concepts of stylistics were used in a semantic plane to reveal how meaning is produced in folkloric texts and the coherence of folkloric texts. In this context, examples from folkloric texts such as folk songs, proverbs, and legends were selected and it was expressed how stylistic concepts could be used in folkloric texts, and the relationship between meaning and style was investigated within the folklore discourse. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]