1. Creating bussines value online with the help of user experience
- Author
Knez, Sara and Sternad Zabukovšek, Simona
- Subjects
online bank ,measuring user experience ,udc:004.7 ,merjenje uporabniške izkušnje ,user experience ,mobile bank ,uporabniška izkušnja ,mobilna banka ,online banking ,spletna banka ,spletno bančništvo - Abstract
Komunikacija, nakupna pot in interakcija med stranko in izdelkom so osnovni elementi za nepozabno uporabniško izkušnjo. Pomembna lastnost je tudi hitrost, ki je na določenih področjih nujna. Tempo življenja je vedno hitrejši, zato mnoge stvari ne dojamemo tako hitro, kot se te spreminjajo. Tako se dogaja tudi s podjetji, če ne sledijo novostim in trendom na trgu, propadejo. Podjetja morajo ponudbo prilagajati naročniku in zahtevni stranki, saj so le tako na dobri poti do uspeha. Sledenje novi tehnologiji in tempo, ki ga narekuje digitalizacija, zahtevata stalno povezovanje, prilagajanje in inoviranje. Pri vsem tem pa je za podjetje pomembno, da si ustvari krog strank, ciljno skupino, ki bo s svojimi zahtevami in potrebami izzvala podjetje h konkurenčni ponudbi izdelkov in storitev, ki jih sorodna podjetja morda že ponujajo na svojevrsten način. Biti boljši, biti najboljši in morda biti prvi v nečem nas bo naredilo edinstvenega in zaželenega na trgu. Veliko podjetij si ustvari persone najboljših strank, jim dodeli demografske podatke, vedenjske vzorce, njihove želje in potrebe. Tako si lahko ustvarijo vizualno predstavo strank in namesto podatkov iz Excelove tabele analizirajo persone. Na vseh področjih nas digitalizacija dohiteva, celo prehiteva, zato je glavni cilj, če ne gre takoj v celoti, vsaj glavna področja podjetja avtomatizirati, posodobiti IT-tehnologijo in zagotoviti edinstveno uporabniško izkušnjo po meri. Tudi bančni sektor se nenehno razvija in sledi hitreje rastočim državam. Večjim bančnim inštitucijam je laže, saj imajo več kapitala, ki ga lahko namenijo za inovacije, manjšim pa je težje in se morajo renoviranja lotiti postopoma, korak za korakom. So pa strokovnjaki v vseh teh letih zelo enotnega mnenja na področju spoznavanja strank, saj menijo, da je dojemanje želja in potreb strank pomembna komponenta za uspeh podjetja. Ker večina slovenske populacije uporablja splet, računalnik in telefon, so tudi banke svoje produkte digitalizirale s pomočjo dveh storitev, spletne in mobilne banke. Storitvi sta precej preprosti in strankam prihranita veliko časa. Ker je čas vedno bolj dragocen, je časovna organizacija zelo pomembna na vseh področjih. V magistrski nalogi opisujemo pot od spoznanja, kako pomembno je ostati zvest sam sebi, biti edinstven v očeh strank in ostati v stiku s konkurenco. S spletno banko DH Osebni in mobilno banko DH-Mobilni Delavska hranilnica svojim strankam olajša izvajanje transakcij in poenostavlja poslovanje s hranilnico. Communication, purchase path and customer-to-product interaction are essential elements for an unforgettable user experience. Another important feature is also the speed that is necessary in certain areas. The pace of life is getting faster, so we do not understand many things as quickly as they are changing. If we are not attuned to the flow of time, our lives just pass us by. This also happens to companies if they do not follow market innovations and trends, they fail. Companies must tailor their offer to clients and demanding customers, as only such actions lead to success. Keeping up with new trends in technology and the tempo dictated by the digitalization, demands that companies continually connect, adapt and innovate. Considering all of this, it is important for a company to create its own client base, a target group that will challenge the company with its demands and needs in order to provide a competitive offer of products and services that may already be offered by similar companies in a unique way. Being better, being the best or even being the first, will make you unique and more sought after on the market. Numerous companies create personas of their best customers, to which they attribute demographic data, behavioral patterns as well as wishes and needs. Thus, they are able to create a visual representation of their customers and can analyze personas instead of an Excel table. Companies are trying to catch up to or even get ahead of digitalization trends, therefore main goals are to automate and update the IT technology as well as to provide a unique personalized customer experience at least in the companies’ main fields if this cannot be done instantly in all fields. The bank sector is also transforming constantly and follows trends of quickly-growing countries. This is easier for larger banks, as they have more capital to dedicate to innovation, while smaller institutions face more difficulties, as they need to address such renovation gradually, step by step. Throughout the years, experts mostly agree that understanding customers’ wishes and needs is an important component of the company’s success. Since the majority of the Slovenian population uses the internet, computers and telephones, banks began to offer their products online by providing two services: an online bank and a mobile banking application. The services are easy-to-use and save a lot of customers’ time. As time is becoming increasingly precious, time management is of the essence in all fields. The Master’s Thesis describes the path towards realizing how important it is to stay true to oneself, to be unique in customers’ eyes and to stay in touch with competitors. With online bank DH-Osebni and mobile banking app DH-Mobilni, Delavska hranilnica enables its clients to carry out transactions easily as well as simplifies their operations with the savings bank.
- Published
- 2018