108 results on '"socialistický realismus"'
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- Published
- 2023
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3. Nové perspektivy výzkumu života a díla Gustawa Morcinka.
- Author
Martinek, Libor
- Subjects
YOUNG adults ,POPULAR literature ,LITERARY form ,PERSONALITY studies ,POLISH literature ,LITERARY criticism - Abstract
Copyright of Slavica Litteraria is the property of Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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4. Od sociálně-demokratické spirituality k socialistickému realismu: Koncept lidovosti v myšlení Jindřicha Honzla o divadle.
- Author
Kunderová, Radka
- Subjects
Copyright of Theatralia is the property of Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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5. Polymorphe Männerkörper in Bohumil Hrabals Werk Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále als Gegenentwurf zum Sozialistischen Realismus // The Polymorph Male Body in Bohumil Hrabal’s I Served the King of England as a Counter-Concept to Socialist Realism
- Author
Ina Hartmann
- Subjects
Bohumil Hrabal ,literární reprezentace ,mužské tělo ,socialistický realismus ,literary representation ,male body ,Socialist-Realism ,Language and Literature - Abstract
The essay inquires into the literary presentation of the male body of selected protagonists of Bohumil Hrabalʼs Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále (I Served the King of England). Concentrating on the cultural-political situation especially at the time of the genesis of the novel and on the postulates of Socialist Realism regarding the male body, the analysis illustrates how the literary constructed male body of Hrabal works as a counter-concept to the aesthetics of Socialist Realism. Measured against the normally healthy and normalised male body in Socialist-Realist art, the bodies of Hrabalʼs male protagonists appear not merely deficient and grotesque but rather polymorphous. The immoral behaviour, erotic gestures and physical ineligibility of Hrabalʼs figures reduces the model of the hero of Socialist work effort to an absurdity.
- Published
- 2015
6. Dlouhé loučení Milana Kundery s Julkem Fučíkem a odpovědnost žánru První verze Umění románu a druhá verze Posledního máje // Milan Kundera’s Long Goodbye to Julek Fučík and the Responsibility to the Genre. The First Version of The Art of the Novel and the Second Version of The Last of May
- Author
Holt Meyer
- Subjects
Milan Kundera ,česká literatura ,socialistický realismus ,Julius Fučík ,teorie románu ,žánr ,Czech literature ,socialist realism ,theory of the novel ,genre ,Language and Literature - Abstract
The article focuses on Milan Kundera’s works from the mid-1950s to the early 1960s, particularly on Poslední máj (The Last of May) in the versions of 1955 and 1961, and Kundera’s first Art of the Novel (Umění románu), a study on the works of Vladislav Vančura, finished in 1959. The article argues that these works are interesting not only from the point of view of Kundera’s then Marxist-Leninist political stance, but also with respect to genre theory and practise as it can be retraced in his writing before the appearance of the famous novels of the mid-1960s. The article demonstrates that the relationship between lyricism and the novel in these early works exhibits many features which are to be found in his later work. The novel takes up a privileged position — albeit with a different and more explicitly political, party-bound motivation, representing the “great epic” required by “the people”. The article also contains reflections on Kundera’s role in the Czechoslovak Stalinists cult of Julius Fučík, related to the genre issues mentioned insofar as Fučík is placed by Kundera in the same category as Vančura in the first Art of the Novel.
- Published
- 2015
7. An Egg through the Window: Rediscovering Ülo Sooster in the National Gallery Prague.
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Copyright of Bulletin of the National Gallery in Prague / Bulletin Národní Galerie v Praze is the property of National Gallery in Prague and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Kurz, Michal
- Abstract
The declared aim of a physical and symbolic transformation of cities in post-war eastern bloc became a general vision of "socialistic city" which was supposed to create a corresponding environment for the life and work of the coveted "new man." Most of the settlements in Czechoslovakia were slightly damaged therefore the plans for modernizations had to follow extant building and urbanistic context. The emphasis on the national history and seemingly apolitical projects of historical reconstructions were justified by the power elite of that times, experts and media as an ideologically and functionally natural part of the socialistic project. Wide category of "historical heritage," that is chosen domestic sights and traditions, were supposed to fulfil three main functions in the 1950s. In the context of Marx-Leninist doctrine, they represented an eff ective part of the communistic self-legitimating politics (where communists represented "inheritors of national traditions"). In the context of architecture, they became a required model and inspiration of contemporary production (in the spirit of the soviet doctrine of so-called socialistic realism). In the context of historic preservation, the ideologically biased propagation of historical sights was supposed to raise up citizens towards the values of "socialistic patriotism". [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
9. Cultural houses in the territory of Prague and Central Bohemia in the period 1948 - 1989 and their integrated works of art
- Author
Jamnická, Alena, Alt, Jaroslav, and Tourek, Jiří
- Subjects
kulturní domy ,česká architektura po 1948 ,typizace ,Socialist Realism ,Art in Architecture ,socialistický realismus ,Czech Architecture after 1948 ,Prague ,Střední Čechy ,komunismus ,Central Bohemia ,umění v architektuře ,Praha ,Cultural Houses ,Communism ,Typification - Abstract
The aim of the diploma thesis is to present artistic objects conceived within the architecture of cultural houses since the onset of the communist regime in 1948. The theoretical part of the thesis introduces the development of architectural tendencies of the first and second half of the 20th century, the process of construction of cultural houses and, in context, the mood of the society at that time. The practical part presents a selection of five houses of culture built between 1948 - 1989, which are located in the geographical area of Prague and Central Bohemia. Data collection was carried out using field research methodology, through a critical evaluation of available historical sources and secondary literature. The supporting element of the research is the photographic documentation of the artworks and architecture of the cultural houses, which is accessible within the appendices of the thesis. Keywords Cultural Houses, Art in Architecture, Czech Architecture after 1948, Socialist Realism, Typification, Communism, Prague, Central Bohemia
- Published
- 2022
10. Realismus hudebního divadla Waltera Felsensteina - pravda, nebo mýtus?
- Author
Kysová, Šárka Havlíčková and Spurná, Helena
- Abstract
Copyright of Theatralia is the property of Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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11. Architektura padesátých let raného socialismu na Pardubicku a Chrudimsku
- Author
Panoch, Pavel, Hamplová, Vendula, Brázda, Lukáš, Panoch, Pavel, Hamplová, Vendula, and Brázda, Lukáš
- Abstract
Práce se zabývá architekturou socialistického realismu v Československu se zaměřením na Pardubicko a Chrudimsko. Součástí práce je rozdělení staveb do typů podle jejich účelu. Podle vytvořené typologie jsou vybrány a hodnoceny některé konkrétní realizace objektů na Pardubicku a Chrudimsku., The bachelor thesis deals with the architecture of socialist realism in Czechoslovakia with a focus on the districts of Pardubice and Chrudim. The thesis includes the classification of buildings into types according to their purpose. In compliance with the defined typology, some particular realizations of buildings in the districts of Pardubice and Chrudim have been selected and assessed., Fakulta filozofická, 1. Představení práce. 2. Posudky školitel + oponent. 3. Reakce na posudky. 4. Dotazy, Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2021
12. Nedoceněná architektura 60. a 70. let 20. století - vybrané objekty středních a východních Krkonoš.
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Copyright of Opera Corcontica is the property of Sprava Krkonosskeho Narodniho Parku and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
13. Polymorphe Männerkörper in Bohumil Hrabals Werk Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále als Gegenentwurf zum Sozialistischen Realismus.
- Author
Hartmann, Ina
- Abstract
The essay inquires into the literary presentation of the male body of selected protagonists of Bohumil Hrabal's Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále (I Served the King of England). Concentrating on the cultural-political situation especially at the time of the genesis of the novel and on the postulates of Socialist Realism regarding the male body, the analysis illustrates how the literary constructed male body of Hrabal works as a counter-concept to the aesthetics of Socialist Realism. Measured against the normally healthy and normalised male body in Socialist-Realist art, the bodies of Hrabal's male protagonists appear not merely deficient and grotesque but rather polymorphous. The immoral behaviour, erotic gestures and physical ineligibility of Hrabal's figures reduces the model of the hero of Socialist work effort to an absurdity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
14. Od populární četby k budovatelskému románu. Komparace děl Václava a Emy Řezáčových na pozadí sociální regulace literatury 30.-50. let 20. století
- Author
Kudláč, Antonín, Poslední, Petr, Rusnáková, Šárka, Kudláč, Antonín, Poslední, Petr, and Rusnáková, Šárka
- Abstract
Cílem diplomové práce je charakteristika vývoje děl Václava a Emy Řezáčových, náležejících postupně do sféry populární literatury a budovatelského románu, v kontextu kulturní, sociální a politické situace v Československu ve 30.-50. letech 20. století. První část je věnována politické a kulturní situaci, která, zvláště v podobě sociální regulace literatury, ovlivnila také vznik a formu sledovaných děl. Druhá část se zaměřuje na osobnost a dílo manželů Řezáčových s důrazem na jejich tvorbu populární a budovatelskou a na analýzu děl, které se k ní řadí. Práce také zkoumá posun autorské poetiky těchto dvou spisovatelů na pozadí proměn sociálních funkcí a hodnotového systému literatury v rozmezí historického vývoje první a druhé republiky až poválečného a posléze poúnorového režimu. Závěrečná část je věnována komparaci děl populární a budovatelské literatury manželů Řezáčových za pomoci analýzy narativních postupů s cílem nalézt jejich shodné rysy či znaky., The goal of the thesis is to characterize development of works of Václav and Ema Řezáč, which gradually belong to the sphere of popular literature and the novels of socialist construction, in the context of the cultural, social and political situation in Czechoslovakia in the 1930s-1950s. The first part of the thesis is focused on the political and cultural situation, which, especially in the form of social regulation of literature in Czechoslovakia, also influenced the origin and form of their works. The second part focuses on personality and work of the Mr. and Mrs. Řezáč with emphasis on their popular literary works as well as novels of socialist construction and analysis of their relevant works. The thesis also explores the shift of authorial poetry of these two writers in the context of changes in social functions and in the value system in literature, ranging from the historical development of the First and Second Republic, the post-war period and subsequently post-February regime. The final part is devoted to the comparison of works of the popular and socialist construction literature of the Mr. and Mrs. Řezáč with help of analysis of narrative procedures in order to find their identical characteristics and features., Fakulta filozofická, 1. Představení práce studentkou. 2. Přečtení posudků. 3. rozprava - otázka výběru zkoumaných autorů, sociální reguluace literatury, paměti Evy Řezáčové., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2020
15. Restaurování sgrafit na cementové podložce
- Author
Machačko, Luboš, Bláha, Jiří, Machačko, Luboš, and Bláha, Jiří
- Abstract
Hlavním záměrem předkládaného památkového postupu bylo popsat specifika sorelového sgrafita, pojmenovat hlavní problémy jeho restaurování a na postupech ověřených zkušebními zásahy navrhnout vhodné řešení. Podkladem stanovení postupu jsou výsledky terénního a laboratorního výzkumu získané v průběhu výzkumného projektu. Úvodní tezí výzkumu, který stanovení památkového postupu předcházel, byl literaturou často opakovaný fakt, že se pro sorelová sgrafita využívala cementové omítky. Objevoval se nejen v recentní literatuře, ale zdůrazňovaly jej i dobové příručky. Při samotném restaurátorském průzkumu a laboratorním vyhodnocení odebraných vzorků byl vyvrácen. Ukázalo se, že sgrafita 50. let byla ve většině případů prováděna tradiční vápennou technologií. Samotné cementové sgrafito se stalo až výsadou 60. a 70. let 20. století a často bylo využíváno v poloprofesionálním či přímo amatérském prostředí. Hlavním rozdílem mezi sorelovými sgrafity a sgrafity předchozích etap vývoje tak byla volba podkladu. Sorelová sgrafita byla často prováděna na cementovém (betonovém) podkladu, resp. na panelech. Ve zkoumaných příkladech nevyplynuly z této skutečnosti závažnější problémy, které by bylo nutné při restaurátorských zásazích aktuálně řešit. Předkládaný památkový postup tak především definuje ostatní problémy, s nimiž se restaurátoři setkali, a popisuje metody restaurování, které byly použity při vzorových restaurátorských zásazích, a které je možné aplikovat i na další památky z této skupiny.
- Published
- 2020
16. Sgrafito 50. let 20. století: Mapování výskytu, stavu, autorství a okolností realizací sorelových sgrafit
- Author
Říhová, Vladislava, Machačko, Luboš, Říhová, Vladislava, and Machačko, Luboš
- Abstract
Použití techniky sgrafita v architektuře socialistického realismu je považováno za výsledek inspirace tvůrců českými renesančními památkami. Jistě i tato linie hrála při komponování fasád s důrazem na „národní tradici“ svou roli, samotné sgrafito však není v této době na evropských fasádách žádnou výjimkou. Najdeme také řadu zahraničních realizací, v nichž se v první polovině 50. let uplatnilo jako široce využívaná monumentální technika a nejednalo se vždy jen o bratrské socialistické státy pod sovětskou kulturní nadvládou. Sgrafita konce 40. a průběhu 50. let nacházíme například v západním Německu, Nizozemí nebo ve Vídni. Nejen domácí, ale i zahraniční soubory památek generují aktuální zájem o sgrafito jako restaurátorský problém. Dobrým příkladem mohou být sgrafita, která vznikla pro řadu fasád nově rekonstruovaných domů centra Gdaňsku (Polsko), zničeného druhou světovou válkou. Tato díla jsou dnes chráněna jako příklady tvorby umělců i jako doklad propagandy reálného socialismu. Jejich výzkumu se s ohledem na technologie a možnosti konzervace věnuje pozornost i v mezinárodním měřítku. České prostředí tak důrazem na výzkum poválečného umění zcela souzní se současnými evropskými trendy, je však specifické užívanými materiály, neboť zahraniční sgrafita byla prováděna především v tvrdé cementové omítce a tradiční technika vápenných omítek zůstává vyhrazena socialistickému Československu. Plošný výzkum poválečného sgrafita na území České republiky si klade ambici alespoň částečně nahradit scházející odbornou literaturu, která by se tímto problémem zabývala. Vzhledem k historické a umělecko¬ řemeslné hodnotě děl a s přihlédnutím ke skutečnosti, že jsou též součástí památkově chráněných objektů, považujeme sorelová sgrafita za svébytnou výtvarnou disciplínu, která je hodna důslednější péče a zachování, i přes to, že vznikala za podmínek, kdy se z architektury stal nástroj ideologické propagandy totalitní moci stalinistického režimu., Using the sgraffiti technique in social realism architecture is understood as the consequence of the inspiration of creators by Czech Renaissance monuments. Although this course played an important role in the composition of facades highlighting the national tradition, the occurrence of sgraffiti on European facades was quite abundant. Blanket research of post‑war sgraffiti in the Czech lands seeks to at least partly compensate the missing professional literature that would pursue this issue. With respect to the historical and handicraft value of the artwork, and taking account of the fact that they are part of national heritage buildings, the socialist realism sgraffiti in our view is a distinctive art discipline that deserves more attentive care and conservation despite the fact that the works were created under special circumstances when architecture was a tool of ideological propaganda of the Stalinist totalitarian regime.
- Published
- 2020
17. Architecture of socialist realism in Czech Republic
- Author
Hornoková, Barbora, Czumalo, Vladimír, and Bendová, Eva
- Subjects
socialist realism ,1950s ,socialistický realismus ,architektura ,Prague ,historismus ,ideology ,SSSR ,Praha ,ideologie ,architecture ,historicism ,The Soviet Union ,50.léta 20.století - Abstract
The student will compile a thesis about the period of dogmatic socialist realism in czech architecture in 1950s. The student will start with a definition of this style, will try to reconstruct a theoretical resources and fundamental parts of socialist realism and then determine the pre-stages in the architecture before the second world war. The attention will be focused on influnces and imports from The Soviet Union including the journeys of czechoslovakia architects there between 1920s-1930s and in 1950s. Own architecture production of dogmatic socialist realism in Czechoslovakia will be shown on chosen buildings in Prague (hotel Jalta, hotel International…). From this selection the student will determine its specifications and if it is possible to infer them based on the comparsion with the other buildings in Czechoslovakia. Keywords architecture, socialist realism, Prague, 1950s, ideology, The Soviet Union, historicism
- Published
- 2020
18. Collectivization of Czech countryside in Literature of 1950s and 1960s
- Author
Svobodová, Žaneta, Píšová, Ina, and Kubíček, Tomáš
- Subjects
Bohumil Říha,Pavel Bojar ,building novel ,collectivization ,novels of dissilusionment ,kolektivizace ,socialistický realismus ,prózy budovatelské deziluze ,budovatelský román ,socialist realism ,countryside novel ,Jan Procházka ,Venkovský román ,Mojmír Klánský ,Jan Trefulka ,Eva Kantůrková ,Václav Řezáč ,Jan Kozák ,Josef Věromír Pleva ,Ivan Kříž - Abstract
This Diploma thesis deals with the literary reflection of collectivization of Czech countryside in selected literary works of the building novel written in the 1950s and in the novels of disillusionment written in the 1960s. Specifically, we choose these novels from the 1950s: Bitva by V. Rezac, Dve Jara by B. Riha, Horke dny by P. Bojar and Jedina cesta by J. V. Pleva. From the 1960s are the novels: Velka samota by I. Kriz, Zelene obzory by J. Prochazka, Prselo jim stesti by J. Trefulka, ...silna ruka by J. Kozak, Smutecni slavnost by E. Kanturkova a Vyhnanstvi by M. Klansky. The thesis examines how the theme of collectivization of the Czech countryside changes in these novels and how it changes its literary reflection within the category of characters, with what situations and motives it is associated with. The study also focuses on the transformation of the view of the countryside in this novels.
- Published
- 2020
19. Self-presentation of the Soviet Union at the 1925 and 1937 Paris International Exhibitions
- Author
Spiridonova, Ekaterina, Pech, Milan, and Czumalo, Vladimír
- Subjects
Boris Iofan ,konstruktivismus ,Mezinárodní výstava dekorativního a průmyslového moderního umění ,Vera Mukhina ,socialistický realismus ,Sovětský svaz ,Paříž ,Socialist Realism ,Dělník a kolchoznice ,Worker and Kolkhoz Woman ,The International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts ,1937 ,1925 ,International Exposition of Art and Technology in Modern Life ,Konstantin Melnikov ,Constructivism ,Mezinárodní výstavě umění a techniky v moderním životě ,Věra Muchina ,propaganda ,Soviet Union - Abstract
The bachelor thesis deals with the Soviet pavilions at the International exhibitions that took place in Paris in 1925 and 1937. It analyses the two expositions and it shows the way how the Soviet regime had attempted systematically to shape international opinion on itself across Western Europe by means of cultural (soft) diplomacy. Keywords Soviet Union, propaganda, Konstantin Melnikov, The International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts, 1925, Constructivism, International Exposition of Art and Technology in Modern Life, 1937, Paříž, Boris Iofan, Vera Mukhina, Worker and Kolkhoz Woman, Socialist Realism.
- Published
- 2020
20. Representation of the attitude to art in the magazine Květen
- Author
VARGOVÁ, Markéta
- Subjects
magazine Kveten ,criticism ,časopis Květen ,socialistický realismus ,II. sjezd Svazu československých spisovatelů ,kritika ,socialist realism ,II. Congress of Union of Czechoslovak Writers ,poezie všedního dne ,Everyday´s Life poetry - Abstract
This bachelor thesis deals with the monthly magazine Kveten. It focuses especially on its general characteristic, the II. Congress of the Union of Czechoslovak Writers, where the program of Everyday´s Life poetry was founded. Subsequently, the thesis concerns with the ideological change of Kveten during its four years, its relationship with socialist realism, or the credibility of its program of Everyday´s Life poetry. The second program of the magazine Kveten and its difficulties also cannot be omitted. Lastly, the thesis mentions the criticism of the magazine and its authors, and points out to the causes, which led to the ending of the magazine Kveten.
- Published
- 2019
21. Vývoj polského hudebního života v druhé polovině 20. století
- Author
Téra, Michal, Židek, Tomáš, Kopka, Leoš, Téra, Michal, Židek, Tomáš, and Kopka, Leoš
- Abstract
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na umělecké směry vstupující do polského hudebního života v druhé polovině 20. století, konkrétně na 50. a 60. léta. Pozornost je věnována klíčovým skladatelům, jejich tvorbě a uměleckému vývoji. V první části dochází ke zmapování období od konce druhé světové války do roku 1956, který se stal významným společenským předělem v podobě založení prvního polského soudobého hudebního festivalu. Druhá část se poté opírá o nástup nových avantgardních uměleckých směrů a jejich konkrétních projevů v oblasti hudby., The diploma thesis focuses on artistic trends entering the Polish musical life in the second half of the 20th century, especially 50s and 60s. Attention is paid to key composers, their creation and artistic development. In the first part, the cultural and musical situation is mapped from in its form from the end of World War II to 1956. This year is important for the beginning of modern music festival Warszawska Jesień in Poland. The second part of thesis consist of main avant-garde music styles and trends and their specific forms in Poland music life., Fakulta filozofická, 1. Představení tématu DP, metodické východiska, prameny. 2. Seznámení komise s posudky vedoucího a oponenta práce. 3. Reakce uchazeče na podněty obsažené v posudcích. 4. Závěrečná rozprava.
- Published
- 2018
22. The tranformations of poetry and view of it between years 1955 and 1959
- Author
Márová, Kristýna, Bednařík, Petr, and Cebe, Jan
- Subjects
poetry of everyday life ,socialistic realism ,50. léta ,socialismus ,socialistický realismus ,kultura ,czech literature ,česká literatura ,culture ,socialism ,50th years ,poetry ,poezie všedního dne ,poezie - Abstract
Květen In the second half of 1950's there started a continuo possibility to criticize some of the Party's prominent figures or art the Party promoted, and Kohout's poetry; disputations about the artistic heritage of František Halas; the questions of socialist realism by periodical Květen; and 'the end of the Second congress' spirit', which made end to these
- Published
- 2018
23. Renato Guttuso and Czechoslovakia
- Author
Ebenová, Anna, Pech, Milan, and Czumalo, Vladimír
- Subjects
Cultural Policy ,Italy ,Socialist Realism ,socialistický realismus ,Itálie ,Czechoslovakia ,kulturní vztahy ,Communist Party of Czecoslovakia ,Československo ,kulturní politika ,komunismus ,Komunistická strana Itálie ,Communism ,Renato Guttuso ,Communist Party of Italy ,Neo-Realism ,Cultural Relations ,1948-1989 ,Komunistická strana Československa ,neorealismus - Abstract
Práce se zabývá postavou malíře Renata Guttusa z pohledu Československa v letech 1949 - 1979, tj. v období, kdy se v Praze konaly jeho výstavy. Zkoumá, jak bylo u nás jeho dílo přijato, jaké byly motivace vzájemných sympatií a spolupráce a způsob, jakým tato spolupráce probíhala. Sleduje jeho pozici jakožto neorealistického malíře a aktivního člena Italské komunistické strany. Tato strana získala v poválečném období v Itálii velkou podporu veřejnosti. Byla do značné míry nezávislou na oficiální politice Komunistické strany Sovětského svazu a v mnohém se proto její názory od ní odchylovaly. Itálie byla zároveň zemí západně orientovanou a nacházela se v poválečném období v zájmové sféře Spojených států jakožto příjemce pomoci Marshallova plánu a od roku 1949 členský stát NATO. V širších souvislostech se proto práce zabývá dobovou kulturní a politickou situací v Itálii a v Československu a přináší vhled do vzájemných kulturních vztahů obou zemí. Autorka vycházela z dobové literatury, archivních pramenů (archiv Ministerstva zahraničních věcí, archiv Národní Galerie) a dobového tisku (zejména časopisy Výtvarné umění, Výtvarná práce, deník Rudé právo, měsíčník Literární noviny).
- Published
- 2017
24. Art in the Public Space in České Budějovice from 1945-1989
- Author
- Subjects
Umění ve veřejném prostoru 1948 - 1989 ,sculptures ,Socialistický realismus ,socialist realism ,Art in the public space ,Veřejný prostor Českých Budějovic ,socialist authors ,Umění 2. pol. 20. století - Abstract
This bachelor thesis studies sculptures found in the public space of České Budějovice. Six chosen works created between 1945 and 1989 were put through a formal analysis and evaluated from the art-historical point of view. It also focuses on their authors, art stylestypical for particular periods of time, and the works? impact on the city?s urban planning. That being said, the last topic has been discussed more often lately, which includes discussions of the political and social situation influencing the previously mentioned period.
- Published
- 2017
25. Classicism in Czech architecture of the 19th and 20th centuries
- Author
Ďurža, Karel, Czumalo, Vladimír, and Šmied, Miroslav
- Subjects
moderna ,Czech architecture ,classical ,Česká architektura ,modern classicism ,romanticism ,klasický ,meziválečná architektura ,socialist realism ,Empire style ,modernism ,empír ,historicism ,historismus ,socialistický realismus ,romantismus ,moderní klasicismus ,neoklasicismus ,neoclassicism ,Palladian architecture ,palladianismus ,interwar architecture ,klasicismus ,classicism - Abstract
The thesis is aimed at the subject of classicism in a broader sense of this term and is based on the classicism period architecture in the Czech Republic. The introductory chapter intends to briefly and independently define and clarify the terms classical, classicism and neoclassicism, deal with the shaping of the classical canon in Europe and outline the evolution of classical features in the history of the Czech architecture in the European context. In separate chapters the thesis systematically follows the matters of classicism in the first half of the 19th century, in the periods of pure and late historicism and early and paramount modernism. Special attention has been paid to the matters of classicism in the Czech thoughts on art in the interwar period and during the German occupation. Having analysed the classicism-style tendencies in the socialist realism architecture the thesis identifies basic classicism-style aspirations in the 2nd half of the 20th century and in the beginning of the 21st century. The final chapter is dedicated to the identification of the main overall specifics of classicism in the Czech architecture based on a list of examples.
- Published
- 2017
26. Jiří Mádlo in the context of the official art of the second half of the 20th century in Czechoslovakia
- Author
- Subjects
československé oficiální umění ,Czechoslovakian official art ,socialist realism ,socialistický realismus ,socialist art ,socialistické umění ,Jiří Mádlo - Abstract
This bachelor's thesis deals with an academic painter Jiří Mádlo, who is rather a less known official painter in the second half of the 20th century. The author of this thesis explores several areas of Mádlo's life such as artistic societies in which he worked, posts he held, how he got offers and how he dealt with them and finally, how he became an official painter. The responses and feedback on his exhibitions is another topic that is examined. The aim of this thesis is to define the influence and the position of Jiří Mádlo in the course Czech art of the second half of the 20th century.
- Published
- 2017
27. Monumental sculptural work of Jarmila Malátová in South Bohemia
- Author
- Subjects
jižní Čechy ,socialistický realismus ,sculptural works from second half of the twentieth century ,Socialist realism ,monumentální veřejná plastika ,Sochařská tvorba 2. poloviny dvacátého století ,Jarmila Malátová ,South Bohemia - Abstract
This bachelor is based on mapping and analysis sculptural works from second half of the twentieth century, made by Prague sculptress Jarmila Malátová in South Bohemia. The works are studying together with the adjoining architecture in the background of the socialistic art scene of their time. The thesis of this text also includes the personality of Jarmila Malátová and the critical view of political concepts in sculpture and architecture of the 70s and 80s of the twentieth century.
- Published
- 2017
28. Vaclav Dobias (1909-1978), between music and politics
- Author
Jiráček, Jiří, Randák, Jan, and Kopeček, Michal
- Subjects
cultural politics ,Communism ,Václav Dobiáš ,hudba ,socialistický realismus ,Czechoslovakia ,Socialist Realism ,komunismus ,kulturní politika ,Československo ,Vaclav Dobias ,music - Abstract
The presented thesis deals with the topic of Czechoslovak cultural politics in music during the Socialist Realist era. The author based the study on the personal history of Václav Dobiáš, a prominent composer, cultural organiser and a pedago- gue, who serves as a typical representation of an artist, who bestowed all his artistic talents to the cause of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. The first chapter briefly describes Socialist Realism as a movement in music in the Soviet Union, the place of its origin. The main emphasis is put on the introduction to Zhdanov's po- litical speech, which consequently became the mandatory norm in the countries of the Eastern bloc. The next chapter is focused on Czechoslovak reflexion of Socialist Realism and its reception. This chronological development aims to expose the spe- cifics of each periods' reception of this artistic movement. Following chapters are dedicated to Václav Dobiáš. The first chapter of this part of the thesis deals with the beginning of the artist's journey which was strongly influenced by the avantgarde movement of 1930's. Next chapters depict his adoption of communist ideology in 1945, explore the motives behind this ideological conversion and characterize his po- litically-engaged work. This part is followed by a portrayal of Dobiáš as a...
- Published
- 2017
29. The influence of propaganda in writtings of chosen autors of the first half of the 20th century
- Author
Lenomarová, Anna, Hlaváček, Antonín, and Hříbková, Radka
- Subjects
N. Ostrovský ,Rusko ,socialistický realismus ,THE INFLUENCE OF PROPAGANDA IN THE WORKS OF CHOSEN AUTHORS OF THE FIRST HALF OF THE 20TH CENTURY ,Zamjatin ,1.polovina XX. století ,A. Platonov ,M. Gorkij ,propaganda - Abstract
IN MY THESIS, I WANT TO FOCUS ON THE INFLUENCE OF PROPAGANDA IN THE WORKS OF CHOSEN AUTHORS OF THE FIRST HALF OF THE 20TH CENTURY. IN THE THEORETICAL PART, I AM GOING TO TRY TO UNDERSTAND THE IDEOLOGY ITSELF AND PUT IT INTO BROADER CONTEXT. I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO THEORETICALLY ANALYSE THE CHOSEN AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS. IN THE PRACTICAL PART I AM GOING TO FOCUS ON THE SELECTED WORKS, NAMELY GORKIJ'S МАТЬ, OSTROVSKY'S Как закалялась сталь AND OTHERS, AND ANY INFLUENCE (NEGATIVE OR POSITIVE) OF THE POLITICS ON RUSSIAN LITERATURE. THE AIM OF MY THESIS IS TO CONFIRM OR DISPROVE THE DEGREE OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE SOCIALISTIC POWER ON THE CHOSEN WORKS AND IMPARTIALLY JUDGE THE QUALITY OF THE PROPAGANDISTIC WORK. I came to the conclusion that the quality of the official soviet works can differ substantially. On Maxim Gorky's example I showed more complex wording and I focused on the religious layer on his sample work Mother. On the contrary, in Nikolai A. Ostrovsky's How the Steel Was Tempered I confirmed the simplicity of the work. Unofficial authors in my work help to better express the motives and the attitude of socialistic realism. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
- Published
- 2017
30. K typologii postav socialistického realismu v české poválečné próze a v myšlení o literatuře
- Author
Novotný, Vladimír, Říha, Ivo, Kazda, Martin, Novotný, Vladimír, Říha, Ivo, and Kazda, Martin
- Abstract
Tato magisterská diplomová práce se věnuje analýze literárních postav socialistického realismu v dílech oficiální literatury v letech 1948 až 1958 směru, který je v tomto období prosazován jako jediná použitelná tvůrčí metoda. Literární postavy tzv. budovatelské prózy jsou formovány pod působením ideologicko-politického tlaku, který vágně definuje pravidla pro jejich tvorbu. Výsledky jejich zkoumání se promítají do typologie vytvořené na základě analýzy a komparace jednotlivých děl, která je rozděluje na kladné, záporné, dramatické a neutrální. Ke každému druhu jsou přiřazeny jeho typické vlastnosti i jeho proměny v závislosti na chronologickém vývoji a s přihlédnutím k žánrovém spektru., This Master's thesis analyses literary characters of socialist realism, a style which was being enforced as the only possible creative approach for the official literary works of the period between 1948 and 1958. Literary characters of the so-called "builders of socialism fiction" are formed and vaguely defined by the ideological-political pressure. Our analysis and comparison of individual texts resulted in a typology of characters that classifies the characters as heroes, villains, dramatic or neutral characters. Typical qualities are assigned to each character type and their transformation over time is described with respect to the genre spectrum., Fakulta filozofická, 1. Student představil téma diplomové práce, cíle, zvolenou metodu. 2. Komise byla seznámena se zněním posudků vedoucího a oponenta předložené diplomové práce. 3. Student reagoval na otázky obsažené v posudcích a na další dotazy členů komise. 4. Diskuse.
- Published
- 2017
31. Život a dílo Františka Ropka (1901-1952)
- Author
Panoch, Pavel, Hrubý, Vladimír, Leinveberová, Dita, Panoch, Pavel, Hrubý, Vladimír, and Leinveberová, Dita
- Abstract
František Ropek se narodil 26. května 1901 v Hrušové u Vysokého Mýta, kde bydlel do svých 14 let. V letech 19181920 navštěvoval Odbornou školu tkalcovskou v Ústí nad Orlicí a v roce 1922 začal studovat na Uměleckoprůmyslové škole v Praze. V roce 1925 přestoupil na Akademii výtvarných umění v Praze, kde v roce 1929 získal absolutorium. Po studiích většinu svého života prožil v Desné u Litomyšle, kde tvořil svá díla, nejčastěji na téma život na vesnici se zemědělskými motivy. V Desné také zastával funkci předsedy MNV v letech 19451946 a později, v letech 19461948, ve funkci místopředsedy. V nedaleké Litomyšli zastával funkci ředitele Městské galerie od roku 1946 až do 15. července 1952, kdy náhle zemřel., František Ropek was born on 26th May 1901 in Hrušová by Vysoké Mýto where he lived until his 14 years. In 19181920 he went to Odborná škola tkalcovská in Ústí nad Orlicí and in 1922 he started studying at Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. He did not finish it and moved to Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in 1925. He graduated from the Academy in 1929. After his studies he spent most of his live in Desná by Litomyšl where he created his pictures. People, especially women working on the field were his the most favourite topic. He worked as a chairman of the Local National Committee in Desná from 1945 to 1946 and then he was deputy chairman from 1946 to 1948. He worked as a director of the City Gallery in Litomyšl from 1946 until his suddenly dead on15 th July 1952., Fakulta filozofická, 1. Představa práce autorku. 2. Seznámení s posudky. 3. Rozprava: poválečné aktivity malíře Ropka a jeho politické angažování.
- Published
- 2017
32. Socialist Realism architecture in Týnec nad Sázavou
- Author
ŠEJBL, Martin
- Subjects
Chrást nad Sázavou ,sídliště ,urbanismus ,Ostrov ,standardization ,Socialistický realismus ,architektura ,Socialist realism ,Kladno ,housing development ,Týnec nad Sázavou ,urban planning ,typizace ,architecture ,Odolena Voda ,building industry ,stavebnictví - Abstract
Bachelor thesis Socialist Realism in architecture of town Týnec nad Sázavou will address the construction of workers' housing estate in the style of socialist realism in the 50s of the 20th century in Týnec nad Sázavou. Architecture will be presented in the context of the construction of settlements in the period of socialist realism in Czechoslovakia, which arose with the development of industry and mining. It also touches on contemporary issues insulation facades with the associated loss of aesthetic elements of buildings in relation to the historic preservation.
- Published
- 2016
33. Czech Architectural Photography in the 1920s to the 1950s
- Author
Kubištová, Mariana, Lahoda, Vojtěch, Schlosser Trnková, Petra, and Pospěch, Tomáš
- Subjects
iconography ,konstruktivismus ,ikonický obraz ,Karel Teige ,pohlednice ,printed media ,iconic image ,Alexandr Paul ,socialist realism ,Press Photo Service ,functionalism ,fotografie architektury ,nová věcnost ,socialistický realismus ,avantgarda ,photography ,fotografie ,New Objectivity ,moderní architektura ,funkcionalismus ,Josef Sudek ,constructivism ,Rudolf Sandalo ,Atelier de Sandalo ,ikonografie ,František Illek ,postcard ,architektura ,architectural photography ,avant-garde ,architecture ,tištěná média - Abstract
Mariana Kubištová CZECH ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHY IN THE 1920s TO THE 1950s Abstract The thesis Czech Architectural Photography in the 1920s to the 1950s presents the theme of architecture photography, from the 1920's to the 1950's, focusing on Czech cultural setting, observing photography meeting contemporary acts in the field of architecture, thus the photography of modern architecture. It methodologically researches the theme from a visual study viewpoint; however it applies a little more traditional approaches, which try to define architecture photography depending on functions it carries out; to demarcate its various categories, describe its history and name some of its important representatives. Each of these approaches is able to capture a different aspect of the observed theme. The first part of the thesis attempts to answer what architecture photography is, what we can qualify as architecture photography and how we can approach and interpret it. It summarizes research and knowledge of this field up till now, not just within Czech cultural setting but also abroad. Last but not least, it tries to outline historical, social and artistic context of the researched era. The second part counts with the presumption that the core and the biggest volume of visual material lies in the field of professional...
- Published
- 2016
34. Ideology in prose with a child hero in the late 1940's and 1950's
- Author
Novotný, Ondřej, Brožová, Věra, and Mocná, Dagmar
- Subjects
socialist realism ,communism ,pioneer short story ,vojenská povídka ,dětský hrdina ,socialistický realismus ,juvenile literature ,Czech coup 1948 ,child hero ,komunismus ,pionýrská povídka ,ideology ,ideologie ,převrat 1948 ,agitation ,agitace ,military short story ,literatra pro děti a mládež - Published
- 2016
35. Courious World. Possibilities of application of the theme in pedagogic practise
- Author
Forman, Dominik, Sedlák, Michal, and Fulková, Marie
- Subjects
socialist realism ,art discourse ,komparace ,socialistický realismus ,avantgarda ,Adorno ,interpretation of art ,diskurz umění ,avant-garde ,Groys ,comparsion ,kýč ,interpretace umění ,kitsch ,Greenberg - Abstract
Forman, D .: Curious World. Possibilities of applicatiom of the theme in pedagogic practise. [Diploma thesis] Prague 2015 - Charles University, Faculty of Education, Department of Fine Arts, 79 p. (Attachments 7 artistic realizations - oil paintings small and medium size) The thesis is based on a comprehensive comparsion of major interpretation avant-garde art and the modernist thinking, which determined crucially interpretation of the most important events in the art history of 20th century. This work brings together three major confrontations looks at the intentions of selected representatives of avant-garde art and focuses on problematic moment of "interruption" the progression of the avant-garde by socialist realism. Three positions are views of art theorists Clement Greenberg, Theodor Adorno and Boris Groys. Didactic part of this thesis is realized by art education series, which is inspidated by this topic. It focuses on understanding the most basic principles of geometric abstraction, constructivism and abstract expressionism by students. The artwork is also inspired by this topic, it contains the collection of oil paintings. Keywords: avant-garde, kitsch, socialist realism, interpretation of art, art discourse, comparsion, Greenberg, Groys, Adorno
- Published
- 2015
36. Architect Antonín Tenzer
- Author
Pučerová, Klára, Švácha, Rostislav, Czumalo, Vladimír, and Vorlík, Petr
- Subjects
two-year plan ,zdravotnické stavby ,architektura 20. století ,regionalismus ,socialist realism ,dvouletka ,Lidice ,Antonin Tenzer ,monumentalismus ,Czechoslovak architecture ,hotel Jalta ,socialistický realismus ,avantgarda ,Československá architektura ,avant-garde ,funkcionalismus ,health buildings ,Jalta hotel ,regionalism ,Antonín Tenzer ,20th century architecture ,monumentalism ,functionalism - Abstract
The work of Antonin Tenzer involves his activities in the period of six decades in the turbulent era of development of Czechoslovak history of architecture. The architect is known as one of the representatives of the avant-garde and High functionalism, author of Faculty Hospital in Prague-Motol and other medical buildings or the Jalta hotel, a building associated with socialist realism. In my dissertation, I tried to map the main typological fields that Antonín Tenzer used in his work. My goal was to widen the portfolio of famous buildings, and on the basis I defined the architect's major themes and current issues, which were responded in his effort. I based primarily on historic materials - published projects, plan documentation and writings of public and private archives, as well as personal heritage, made available to me by the architect's family. In particular thematic areas I focused on Tenzer's vital and successful implementation of competition projects, which he later followed and extended. In addition to impulses from his collaborators, debates and majors works of those days I was looking for elements and methods of Tenzer that influenced the architecture environment. I observed the influence of historical events and the socio-political situation in his work, for example, housing issues in...
- Published
- 2015
37. Visual Arts as a Mean of Power in the Soviet Union - Forming a New Hero of the Soviet Society in the 1930s
- Author
Hausenblasová, Anna, Tumis, Stanislav, and Jančárková, Julie
- Subjects
Visual Arts ,interpretace ,Power ,socialistický realismus ,výtvarné umění ,Socialist Realism ,malba ,Hero ,společnost ,Ideology ,SSSR ,USSR ,ideologie ,hrdina ,moc ,Interpretation ,Painting ,Society - Abstract
This bachelor's thesis focuses on the 1930s' visual arts in the Soviet Union. In several chapters, it describes developmental tendencies of visual arts that were made to serve the governmental propaganda of that time. The forming of Socialistic Realism is being mapped here starting with its first signs in the 1920s, all the way to its triumph in the 1930s, when it was proclaimed as the only USSR's official artistic movement. This development is supported by an extensive pictorial appendix that is part of this thesis, together with a thematic analysis of this time period's selected artwork. A new hero of the Soviet society is constructed here based on the analysis and in the context of this time period's tendencies and the requirements of its political powers. Key words USSR, Socialist Realism, Visual Arts, Ideology, Interpretation, Society, Hero, Power, Painting
- Published
- 2015
38. Socialistický realismus a normalizace v archivu Československé televize v Ostravě a jejich reflexe po roce 1989
- Author
Bednář, Marek, Hrdina, Jiří, and Štoll, Martin
- Subjects
srpen 1968 v TS Ostrava ,normalizace ,communism ,August 1968 in Television studio Ostrava ,socialistický realismus ,photography ,socialist realism ,komunismus ,November 1989 in Television studio Ostrava ,fotografie ,Czechoslovak television ,Československá televize ,listopad 1989 v TS Ostrava ,normalisation ,Televizní studio Ostrava ,Television studio Ostrava - Abstract
This thesis focuses on photography in the work of Television studio Ostrava, a part of Czechoslovak television, during a period of 1969-1989, called normalisation, the reflection of this period after the year 1989 and mainly the photography archive of said institution. It may be presumed that communist propaganda and other efforts of normalisation will be apparent in the documentaries and other products concentrating on photography. The region of Ostrava also has its own cultural specificity due to its mainly industrial nature; the region is characterised by coal mining and metallurgy. Thus it may be presumed that communism will be planted in the minds of the people more firmly. The thesis also contains a theoretical framework, describing socialist realism in photography and normalisation in photography as well as in the television studio in question. In order to verify these hypotheses and to discover other important facts of the topic in question, a content analysis of data available in the archive of Television studio Ostrava was carried out. The archive suffered grave losses during major flooding of Moravia and Silesia in 1997. However, some films and many actual photographs were still available for analysis. The findings relevant to each document are stated in their respective parts and are...
- Published
- 2015
39. Ostalgie in Czech art
- Author
HULEOVÁ, Markéta
- Subjects
socialist realism ,poster ,modernity ,plakát ,nostalgia ,modernita ,ostalgie ,socialistický realismus - Abstract
This thesis Ostalgie in Czech art summarizes recent history of art aimed to fifties and sixties of the twentieth century and also the fundamental notion of Czech cultural time - socialist realism. In opposition to the term 'socialist realism', there is a term 'ostalgie', which is focused on a nostalgic memories during normalization. In the theoretical part of this thesis author presents and explains the two main terms and focuses on the cultural aspects which were brought or denied to the nation by to the socialistic system in those times. In the practical part the author follows the theoretical part, especially in creating posters, which is influenced by nostalgic spirit.
- Published
- 2015
40. Towards new Prague! Traditions, visions and constructing the city and its image after 1945
- Author
Kurz, Michal, Randák, Jan, and Činátl, Kamil
- Subjects
city ,urbanismus ,heritage ,1950s ,socialistický realismus ,architektura ,památková péče ,50. léta ,socialist realism ,urbanism ,paměť ,image of the city ,Praha ,architecture ,memory ,město ,stalinism ,Prague ,obraz města ,stalinismus - Abstract
The thesis focuses on the construction and symbolic encoding of Prague from 1945 to the late 1950s, with emphasis on the Stalinist era. Based on an analysis of historical texts and architectural projects, the thesis studies the motivations and tactics, which the post-war political and professional elites sought to manifest their own values and ideological principles in the area of the capital city. Through the analysis of historical concepts of "old" and "new" Prague examines the thesis the changing relationship between tradition and modernity in the image of the city. The sociocultural phenomenon of Stalinism is thematized as a specific part of the long process of modernization, which passes through Prague during the first half of the 20th century. The thesis deals also with the attributes that should characterize the "new" socialist Prague and with the ways of using the Soviet patterns and local historical traditions. Keywords: Prague, city, image of the city, architecture, urbanism, memory, heritage, socialist realism, stalinism, 1950s
- Published
- 2015
41. Propaganda poster of 1950's as a medium of ruling ideology
- Author
Havelková, Alžběta, Köpplová, Barbara, and Knapík, Jiří
- Subjects
padesátá léta ,socialist realism ,plakát ,Communist party ,ÚV KSČ ,poster ,Czechoslovakia ,socialistický realismus ,Československo ,fifties ,Propaganda - Abstract
The thesis deals with propaganda poster as a specific medium of communist propaganda between 1948 - 1956. The first part describes a historical context regarding the social, political and economical reconstruction. The thesis is focusing on poster as a specific tool of propaganda concerning a connection to Soviet Union and a socialist realism as an official art style. At the same time the thesis is describing the communist propaganda and its characteristic elements with the connection to a new media control and censorship. The propaganda poster is viewed as a distinctive medium used by communist propaganda for a persuasion and ideological influence to society. The thesis is focusing on posters oriented on building a new attitudes to work and work process as a typical part of first years of communist regime in the time of building of a socialism in Czechoslovakia. Based on archive files the work is describing how and in which institutions were the posters controled and created. The last part is trying to bring an analysis of specificgroups of posters from the representation, stereotypes, input contect, typical rhetoric and symbols point of view.
- Published
- 2015
42. The communist propaganda in the Mateřidouška magazine (1945-1955)
- Author
Havránková, Petra, Suk, Pavel, and Knapík, Jiří
- Subjects
Communist regime ,socialistický realismus ,Czechoslovakia ,socialist realism ,Československo ,Mateřídouška ,komunistický režim ,časopisy pro děti a mládež ,juvenile literature ,propaganda - Abstract
The paper describes the development of the content of Mateřídouška magazine in 1945 - 1955 against the backdrop of political and social developments in post-World War 2 Czechoslovakia. These trends included robust centralization of media and their subordination to the Communist regime. The paper examines the characteristics of propaganda and its role in media as one of the key instruments of totalitarianism. It explores the use of Communist propaganda in Czechoslovak juvenile literature. The second part of the paper describes the founding of Mateřídouška and its position among contemporary newspapers and children literature. It examines the influence of the editors-in-chief, namely that of František Hrubín and Jiří V. Svoboda, on the contents of the magazine. The third part describes the application of propaganda on the youngest readers during the first years since the inception of the magazine. The hermeneutic analysis covers various aspects of propaganda, including the cult of personality, celebration of labour, the role of armed forces and other phenomena of the early Communist period in Czechoslovakia.
- Published
- 2015
43. Brno in the years 1945 – 1975 in context of the Czechoslovak architecture
- Author
Vrabelová, Renata
- Subjects
monumentálnost ,bruselský styl ,unification ,Chruščovova kritika ozdobnictví ,state building enterprises ,klasicizující tendence ,Expo 58 ,two-years plan of the restoration ,bytová krize ,zprůmyslnění stavebnictví ,lidové motivy ,monumentality ,dvouletý poválečný plán obnovy ,socialistický realismus ,decorativeness ,socialist realism ,scientific designing´s methods ,Chruscov´s critics of decorativeness ,standardization in building industry ,zdobnost fasád ,vědecké metody v projektování ,industrializing of building ,housing shortage ,sorela ,folkish motifs ,Brussels´ style ,státní stavební podniky ,unifikace ,typizace ,trend to clasicism - Abstract
Cílem disertační práce je současný pohled a zhodnocení architektury z období reálného socialismu v Brně, od osvobození v roce 1945 do období normalizace v sedmdesátých letech 20. století. Se zahrnutím doby realizací budov jsem zvolila časové rozpětí do roku 1975. Na pozadí společenských souvislostí se zabývám stavbami a stavebními celky, které jsou významné z celorepublikového hlediska. The aim of my thesis is the current look and evaluation of architecture from the period of real socialism in Brno, since liberation in 1945 to the period of normalization in the seventies of the twentieth century, till 1975 (including duration of the implementation of the buildings). Emphasis put on realizations of significant national aspects.
- Published
- 2014
44. Denmark - Czechoslovakia 1947-1957, The Art and Architecture Beyond Functionalism, Surrealism and Bauhaus
- Author
Ištok, Radoslav, Klimešová, Marie, and Rasmussen, Mikkel Bolt
- Subjects
Umění ,Cold War ,Surrealism ,Art ,Socialistický realismus ,Social Realism ,Architektura ,Czechoslovakia ,Abstrakce ,Dánsko ,Československo ,Abstract Art,Functionalism ,Studenená válka ,Nazi Occupation ,Surrealismus ,Funkcionalismus ,Architecture ,Denmark ,Okupace ,Umění v architektuře ,Art in Architecture - Abstract
The thesis is exploring art and architecture in Denmark and Czechoslovakia in the period 1947-1957. The main interest was to see how the interwar avant-garde movements such as Functionalism and Surrealism, as well as the legacy of Bauhaus, developed after the WWII. Yet, Functionalism and Surrealism can also be seen not only as mere artistic styles but as two different attitudes towards life, Rational and Romantic respectively. The latter, which is a passionate protest against the status quo, can especially in its revolutionary or utopian dimension serve as a form of engagement free of the simplifying Cold War binaries.
- Published
- 2014
45. Media image of czech fine art in czech media in 1948-53
- Author
Dušková, Kateřina, Köpplová, Barbara, and Knapík, Jiří
- Subjects
Lidové noviny ,Tvorba ,socialistický realismus ,výtvarné umění ,socialist realism ,Československo ,kulturní politika ,komunismus ,communism ,Kulturní politika ,fine art ,Var ,cultural policy ,1948-1953 ,Czechoslovakia - Abstract
The thesis aims to describe the media image of the czech fine art during 1948-1953 in the cultural periodicals "Kulturní politika", "Tvorba", "Var" and "Lidové noviny". It focuses on two topics that occurred most frequently in these periodicals;That is the definition of art and socialist realism and shaping artists and society. Social realism is characterized not only by description, but also by inspiration sources like Czech fine art of 19th century and the tendency to oppose competitive or similar artistic styles and trends like formalism, naturalism, academicism and kitsch. Shaping the artists and society is understood in terms of upringing, education and enlightenment. In connection with these two areas this thesis focuses on history, cultural policy of the Communist Party, the organizational structure of artistic production, distribution of art, shaping artists, penetration of art into public and private space, socialist realism and an attitude of visual artists to new conditions of artistic production. Different features were also included to capture the uniqueness of each periodical. The starting point of the thesis is a historical and qualitative analysis.
- Published
- 2014
46. Social and political functions of poetry in media communication
- Author
Knéblová, Michaela, Jirák, Jan, and Batistová, Anna
- Subjects
holiday poems ,socialist realism ,Workers for Literature campaign ,Rude Pravo ,sjezd spisovatelů ,50. léta ,Rudé právo ,žurnalistika ,socialistický realismus ,journalism ,poetry ,Writers' Congress ,sváteční verše ,kult osobnosti ,Red Law ,personality cult ,50s ,pracující do literatury ,propaganda ,poezie - Abstract
The thesis examines the role of poetry from the official Czechoslovak Communist Party newspaper Rudé právo ("Red Law") between 1948 and 1953. It analyzes and interprets selected poetry in the context of major holidays and events, and uses this to describe some of the myths of the time and their symbolic meaning. Using essays and public speeches from thematic conferences and congresses, it describes the development of poetry and journalism in this crucial historical period as well as examines their role and mission. This is used to report on socialist realism in literature and provide testimonies of prominent political and cultural figures of the time on literature, poetry, and journalism. Furthermore, it shows how the front pages of Rudé právo were designed on special occasions and what some of the texts contained. The thesis also introduces the most important socialist holidays, explains their context, and opens up the issue of the societal role of them and the way they are presented. Finally, the thesis also contains information on the the "Pracující do literatury" ("Workers for Literature") campaign. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
- Published
- 2014
47. Trendy vývoje nábytku ČR od roku 1960 do současnosti
- Author
Krenarová, Eliška
- Subjects
Česká republika ,nábytek ,socialistický realismus ,vývoj ,bydlení ,postmoderna ,design ,podniky ,trendy ,historie - Abstract
Bachelor's thesis deals with the furniture manufactured in the Czech Republic from the sixties of the 20th century up to the present. The furniture is closely connected with the feelings of society which are reflected in furniture's shapes and decoration. The time of Socialist Realism, Postmodernism, recent history and today are desribed in this thesis. In every chapter (decade) the situation of period, furniture making and summary are sketched. The result of the thesis is a diagram of the furniture development in the past and an estimation of the future. The results are analysed in a discussion.
- Published
- 2014
48. Czechoslovak Art in the Service of Communism as Political Religion
- Author
Homutová, Ludmila, Pech, Milan, and Czumalo, Vladimír
- Subjects
mytologizace ,communism ,mythologization ,sacralization of politics ,socialistický realismus ,political religion ,sakralizace politiky ,Československo 1948 - 1989 ,komunismus ,politické náboženství ,Czechoslovakia 1948 - 1989 ,socialist realism - Abstract
Czechoslovak Art in the Service of Communism as Political Religion The Bachelor's thesis will focus on Czechoslovak art during period between 1948 and 1989 and its role within communist regime with respect to its quasi-religious character. It is not coincidence that communism is described as political religion. The thesis will try to define impact of this political religion on Czechoslovak art. It will explicate the term political religion and also conception of communism as political religion. Then it will characterize socialist realism, outcome of socialist ideology. Main part of the thesis will be analysis of particular art works regarding pseudo-religious aspects of communism: manipulative mythologization of history, glorification of leaders, creating sacred places and rituals Key words: Czechoslovakia 1948 - 1989, communism, mythologization, political religion, sacralization of politics, socialist realism
- Published
- 2014
49. 'Soviet Union - our example!': The influence of Soviet construction novels on the shaping of the basic motives in the Czech construction novels
- Author
Dolejský, Martin, Bílek, Petr, and Merhaut, Luboš
- Subjects
interpretace ,socialistický realismus ,construct novel ,socialist realism ,motivy ,motifs ,interpretation ,budovatelský román - Abstract
Master thesis Soviet union, our model deals with comparison of Soviet and Czech construct novels and focuses on basic motifs in selected novels. For analysis we choose couples of novels to focuse on sphere of ideologically significant aspects in each novels. Its a factory in novels Cement and Cesta otevřená, formation of "new world" in wasteland in novels Dravá řeka and Modré údolí and motivic structure positive hero in novels Daleko od Moskvy a Luisiana se probouzí. Based on text analysis and interpretation this work specifies existing knowledges about influence of Soviet construct novels on formation and development of this genre in Czechoslovakia. Key words: interpretation, motifs, construct novel, socialist realism
- Published
- 2014
50. Czechoslovak architecture after 1945 - Specifics of the Brno post-war architecture in a nationwide context, the continuity of the pre-war architecture, response to new directions
- Author
Vrabelová, Renata
- Subjects
monumentálnost ,folkiness ,dvouletka ,Poruba ,kvalitní bydlení pro všechny ,two-years plan of the restoration ,Porube settlement ,bytová krize ,historismus ,housing for everybody ,lidové motivy ,monumentality ,dvouletý poválečný plán obnovy ,socialistický realismus ,decorativeness ,socialist realism ,Czechoslovak afterwar architecture ,zdobnost fasád ,housing shortage ,sorela ,folkish motifs ,klasicizující tend ,chruscov´s ,style retrieval ,trend to clasicism ,československá poválečná architektura ,lidovost - Abstract
Obsahem práce je průzkum a studium československé architektury v období od roku 1945 do roku 1975, ve výsledku se zaměřením na specifika brněnské architektury ve sledovaném období. Cílem práce bude zhodnocení brněnské architektury v období třiceti let po The thesis, using research and study of the architecture of Czechoslovakia of the period 1945-1975, aims to evaluate the Brno architecture of the thirty years´ period after the second world war, its particularities in context of the architecture of the wh
- Published
- 2013
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