V předkládané diplomové práci se věnuji problematice chápání utrpení seniory nad 70 let věku, a to v návaznosti na sociální prostředí, ve kterém žijí. Zaměřila jsem se na utrpení seniorů, které přináší sebou jednak stáří a změna sociálního prostředí. Organismus každého člověka je odlišný a kromě genetických předpokladů se na něm projevuje zvoleny styl života, tedy kvalita sociálního prostředí, udržovaní tělesné zdatnosti, stravovací návyky a zejména psychické projevy k sobě i ke svému okolí.Zvolila jsem formu kvalitativního výzkumu. Vybrala jsem si tři skupiny seniorů žijících v různém sociálním prostředí a formou rozhovoru jsem se snažila zjistit, co a v jaké míře jim způsobuje utrpeníVýsledky výzkumu jsem vyhodnotila v závěru práce., The present thesis is dedicated to the understanding of the suffering of the > elderly 70 years of age in response to the social environment in which > they live. Many studies show that life in their natural social environment -a > positive correlation. For mental conditions affecting the elderly and the subjective perception of age,illness and pain, increasing loneliness and social isolation, which are natural effects of the aging pro-cess.I focusedon the suffering of the elderly, which brings them both age and social environment change. Man is different and apart from the genetic assumptions. It manifests selected lifestyle, the quality of social environment, ma-intaining physical fitness,eating habits and in particular mental speech for himself and to his or her surroundings. There is a need to realize that individuals : same calendar age have significantly different age biologically. Age, as a natural phase of life is accompanied by a variety of problems. Transformation of social services for senior citizens. With regard to the demographic trends and economic burden of the social state it is sociály desirable. Social changes in the last decade have significantly influenced the conditions for the de-velopment of care for the elderly in the Czech Republic. New approaches in nursing and paramedic services mean that individualised care, focused on the client and their family, can enhance the solving of problems associated with the client's illness, or any change in health status. The problems are due to the longevity of human. People with a loss of self-activity often need professional assistance, for example medical, nursing and social. Every provider of care has the common goal of caring for patients in the best way in his or her natural environment. For the research part of the form I chose qualitative research. I chose free groups of older people living in a different social environment and through interviews I tried to find out to what extent are the causes of, Ústav pedagogických věd, obhájeno