187 results on '"sakrament"'
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2. Prezbiter jako administrator diecezjalny a sakrament bierzmowania
- Author
Jerzy Adamczyk
- Subjects
sakrament ,bierzmowanie ,biskup ,administrator diecezjalny ,szafarz bierzmowania ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie zagadnienia administratora diecezjalnego jako szafarza sakramentu bierzmowania. W pierwszej części niniejszego studium przedstawiono prawo wiernych do otrzymania sakramentu bierzmowania. W części drugiej ukazano problematykę szafarza bierzmowania, natomiast część trzecia została poświęcona rozwiązaniu kwestii: czy administrator diecezjalny ex ipso iure ma obowiązek i prawo udzielania sakramentu bierzmowania? Konkluzje zawarto we wnioskach zamykających podjęte rozważania.
- Published
- 2024
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Kontemplative Momente in Gebet und Sakrament können den zeitgenössischen Menschen von den gegenwärtigen Beschleunigungs- und Müdigkeitstendenzen erlösen. Eine kritische theologische Reflexion hat der ausschließlich funktionalistischen Verzweckung von religiösen Praktiken allerdings entgegen und den Raum für die Gottesbegegnung offen zu halten. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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4. Dojrzali czy niedojrzali? Dojrzałość nupturientów do zawarcia sakramentalnego związku na podstawie badań pilotażowych w archidiecezji poznańskiej.
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Copyright of Theology & Morality / Teologia I Moralmosc is the property of Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza (IH UAM) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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Materne, Ayi Ayi Francois
- Abstract
Copyright of Teologia w Polsce is the property of Society of Dogmatic Theologians and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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Majkrzak, Henryk
- Abstract
Today, technology, computer science and medicine are developing rapidly. Humanity can be proud of these achievements! However, the entire humanities have plunged into a deep crisis, so much so that there is talk of a crisis of philosophy, theology, ethics and literature. This, in turn, gives rise to a crisis of vocations, which is a well-known cause in Poland and Europe. Seminaries and monasteries are closing, and marriages often break up. The author of the article puts forward a thesis – which he then develops and justifies in the further part of the publication – that this crisis is also related to the lack of the cardinal virtue of fortitude. Its manifestation is the courage that is needed to choose a vocation and then pursue it despite the difficulties that arise. The vocation to the priestly, religious, married and single life, which is dedicated to God and people, is extensively discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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7. Die zivilrechtlichen und kirchenrechtlichen Beendigungsmöglichkeiten einer Ehe
- Author
Özcelik, Seyda and Özcelik, Seyda
- Abstract
von Seyda Özcelik, Diplomarbeit Universität Innsbruck 2024
- Published
- 2024
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Copyright of Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN is the property of Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee on Theological Sciences and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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Copyright of Annals of Theology / Roczniki Teologiczne is the property of Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawla II and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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10. Sakrament als ein In-Erscheinung-Treten der Gabe des Lebens.
- Author
Held, Marcus
- Abstract
Summary: Based on the "crisis of the sacramental", it is suggested that the "how" of the sacrament, not the "what", should be redeveloped. For this purpose, the basic features of the phenomenology of life by Michel Henry are reconstructed first, in order to subsequently develop considerations in the attempt of a hermeneutic-epistemological application of the "how" of the sacrament as the appearance of absolute life. Sacraments can thus be thought of as the appearance of the foundation event of absolute life. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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11. Sacrum i profanum w liturgii sakramentu małżeństwa w Kościele polskim.
- Author
Dariusz Kwiatkowski, KS.
- Subjects
Copyright of Studia Gdańskie is the property of Gdanskie Seminarium Duchowne, Kuria Metropolitalna Gdanska and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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Copyright of Annals of Theology / Roczniki Teologiczne is the property of Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawla II and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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13. Nattvardsvilja i Västerås stift : Prästers förståelse av nattvardsgästers motiv bakom och vilja till nattvarden
- Author
Karic, Dino, Federley, Fredrick, Karic, Dino, and Federley, Fredrick
- Abstract
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka viljan till eller från nattvard hos församlingar i Västerås stift ur församlingsprästernas perspektiv. Vill svenska kyrkans medlemmar i Västerås stift fira nattvarden oftare eller mer sällan? Vilka är de huvudsakliga motiven till att delta i mässa/nattvardsgudstjänst. Vi ställer också frågan om Biskopsbrevet från 2020 Fira nattvard har lett till samtal, åtgärder, förändringar i församlingarna. Vi söker därtill efter intressanta aspekter som kan ligga till grund för en kommande D-uppsats rörande nattvard. Vi gör en historisk resumé av förändringar kring nattvarden sedan instiftandet och från tiden då kristendomen kom till Sverige begränsar vi den till Sverige. Vi avgränsar respondenterna till att vara präster i församling i Västerås stift. Nio frågor gick att besvara i enkäten av både sluten och öppen karaktär. De teoretiska ramverken hämtas ur socialisationsteori, ritualisering samt copingteori. Resultatet visar att viljan till nattvard till stor del är mött i stiftet. I de fall det finns vilja till förändring överväger viljan till mer av nattvard. Motiven är i huvudsak gemenskap med Kristus, gemenskap med församlingen men också nåden och förlåtelsen för den enskilde nattvardsgästen. Ovan nämnda resultat blir självklara slutsatser men därtill konkluderar vi att nattvarden idag ses som så självklart att inga direkta samtal förs kring nattvarden och att biskopsbrevet Fira nattvard inte föranlett samtal eller förändra annat än i ett fåtal församlingar.
- Published
- 2023
14. Mature or immature? Maturity of nupturients to enter into a sacramental union based on pilot studies in the Archdiocese of Poznan
- Author
Pilarczyk, Hubert and Pilarczyk, Hubert
- Abstract
The goal of the presented article entitled “Mature or immature? Maturity of nupturients for sacramental union on the basis of pilot studies in the Archdiocese of Poznan” was to present the results of research concerning the level of maturity of fiancées, with particular emphasis on the requirements for candidates preparing for sacramental marriage in the Catholic Church. The analytical-synthetic method of content, concerning maturity for marriage, was used to describe the condition of nupturients, and a survey was conducted among those participating in premarital catechesis in selected centers of the Archdiocese of Poznan. The text highlights various aspects of maturity, such as legal, physical, psychological and religious maturity. The analyses presented showed that most of the fiancées surveyed had a level of maturity that would allow them to enter into sacramental marriage, as required by canon law. At the same time, a large group of respondents showed large deficits in personal and religious maturity. The described situation can affect later marital relations and the quality of marital well-being. The presented text lays the groundwork for the development of the pastoral care of nupturients – it points out areas that require special attention on the part of pastors, such as developing the level of religious maturity, which can help fi ancées build strong and lasting marriages, based on sacramental values, and supporting them with the help of competent experts in the field of psychology and family life. The content of the article is an important contribution to the discussion of the maturity of fiancées for sacramental union and the role of the Catholic Church and pastors in shaping the level of maturity of fiancées., Celem prezentowanego artykułu pt. „Dojrzali czy niedojrzali? Dojrzałość nupturientów do zawarcia sakramentalnego związku na podstawie badań pilotażowych w Archidiecezji poznańskiej” było przedstawienie wyników badań dotyczących poziomu dojrzałości narzeczonych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wymagań stawianych kandydatom przygotowującym się do zawarcia sakramentalnego małżeństwa w Kościele katolickim. Do opisu kondycji nupturientów zastosowano metodę analityczno-syntetyczną treści, dotyczącej dojrzałości do małżeństwa oraz przeprowadzono badania ankietowe wśród osób uczestniczących w katechezach przedmałżeńskich w wybranych ośrodkach Archidiecezji Poznańskiej. Tekst zwraca uwagę na różne aspekty dojrzałości, takie jak dojrzałość prawna, fizyczna, psychologiczna i religijna. Przedstawione analizy wykazały, że większość badanych narzeczonych posiadała poziom dojrzałości umożliwiający zawarcie sakramentalnego małżeństwa, zgodnie z wymaganiami prawa kanonicznego. Jednocześnie duża grupa badanych wykazywała duże deficyty w dojrzałości osobowej i religijnej. Opisana sytuacja może rzutować na późniejsze relacje małżeńskie i jakość małżeńskiego dobrostanu. Prezentowany tekst stanowi podwaliny pod rozwój duszpasterstwa nupturientów - wskazuje na obszary wymagające szczególnej uwagi ze strony duszpasterzy, takie jak rozwijanie poziomu dojrzałości religijnej, co może pomóc narzeczonym w budowaniu mocnych i trwałych małżeństw, opartych na wartościach sakramentalnych oraz wsparcie ich o pomoc kompetentnych ekspertów z dziedziny psychologii i życia rodzinnego. Treści zawarte w artykule stanowią ważny wkład w dyskusję na temat dojrzałości narzeczonych do zawarcia sakramentalnego związku oraz roli Kościoła katolickiego i duszpasterzy w kształtowaniu poziomu dojrzałości narzeczonych.
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Granados, José
- Subjects
Copyright of Teologia w Polsce is the property of Society of Dogmatic Theologians and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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16. Dåpen som hendelse og prosess
- Author
Harald Hegstad
- Subjects
dåp ,sakrament ,tegn ,økumenikk ,Martin Luther ,baptism ,Practical Theology ,BV1-5099 ,Doctrinal Theology ,BT10-1480 - Abstract
Forstått som sakramentalt tegn viser dåpen både til Guds gjerning med mennesket i og med selve dåpshandlingen (dåpen som hendelse) og til det Gud vil gjøre i den døptes liv fram mot at tegnet får sin endelige oppfyllelse i Guds rike (dåpen som prosess). I oppgjøret med et baptistisk dåpssyn har luthersk teologi ofte ensidig understreket den første dimensjonen. En fornyet forståelse av tegnbegrepet har de senere årene ført til at ulike dåpsteologiske tradisjoner har kunnet nærme seg hverandre gjennom i større grad å holde disse to dimensjonene sammen. En slik forståelse av sammenhengen mellom dåpen som hendelse og dåpen som prosess finner også støtte i Martin Luthers dåpsteologi.
- Published
- 2017
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17. Ewangelizacja i sakrament pokuty
- Author
Krzysztof Nykiel
- Subjects
Sacrament ,Ocean Engineering ,senso di Dio ,sanctification ,Evangelizzazione ,santificazione ,Sacramento della Penitenza ,Scrittura ,sakrament ,misericordia ,sens Boga ,conversione ,miłosierdzie ,Evangelization ,sense of God ,Sacrament of Penance ,sakrament pokuty ,Pismo Święte ,mercy ,nawrócenie ,conversion ,Ewangelizacja ,uświęcenie ,Sacramento ,Scripture - Abstract
I nuovi scenari culturali, sempre più secolarizzati, plurali e prepotentemente influenzati dalla cultura digitale pongono le scelte di vita, in particolare quella cristiana, di fronte ad antiche e nuove sfide. In essi quale posto occupa la fede cristiana? Questa domanda merita adeguata risposta che la Chiesa intende offrire proponendo un rinnovamento del cammino ecclesiale che punti sull’evangelizzazione delle culture ma anche della vita cristiana stessa e della pastorale sacramentale. Questo contributo mette in risalto l’antico e sempre nuovo rapporto tra evangelizzazione e sacramento della Penitenza, inquadrandolo nell’intrinseco nesso tra Parola e Sacramento, tra fede e sacramenti della fede che innervano l’esperienza cristiana concreta del singolo e delle comunità. In questo scenario il Sacramento della Penitenza, adeguatamente evangelizzato, ricompreso e ben celebrato, svolge un duplice ruolo; quello di rendere praticabile l’amore misericordioso di Dio che previene, accoglie, perdona e ridona vita e quello più specificamente “missionario” che traduce la testimonianza di vita rinnovata e misericordiata del penitente in un’autentica azione evangelizzatrice, il cui cuore è rappresentato dal messaggio della rivoluzione della tenerezza divina che fa nuove tutte le cose. Il singolo credente e le comunità traggono dal Sacramento della Penitenza la forza dell’amore misericordioso di Dio, che guarisce, risana e fa risorgere, e ripropone la vita cristiana come la più bella avventura da vivere, poiché il perdono chiesto e ricevuto diventa la più alta scuola dove si accoglie l’amore come dono che, a sua volta, va sempre donato. The new cultural scenarios which are more and more secularized, very plural and strongly influenced by the digital culture, in front of old and new challenges require the precise choices in life, in particular the Christian one. Let us ask what place does the Christian faith occupy in them? This question deserves an adequate answer that the Church intends to offer by proposing a renewal of the ecclesial journey that focuses on the evangelization of cultures but also of Christian life itself and of sacramental pastoral care. This contribution highlights the ancient and ever new relationship between evangelization and the sacrament of Penance, framing it in the intrinsic connection between Word of God and Sacrament, between faith and the sacraments of faith that innervate the concrete Christian experience of individuals and communities. In this scenario, the Sacrament of Penance, adequately evangelized, understood and well celebrated, plays a twofold role: that of making practicable the merciful love of God that prevents, welcomes, forgives and restores life, and the more specifically “missionary” role that translates the witness of a renewed and merciful life of the penitent into an authentic evangelizing action, the heart of which is represented by the message of the revolution of divine tenderness that makes all things new. Individual believers and communities draw from the Sacrament of Penance the strength of God’s merciful love, which heals and resurrects, and re-proposes the Christian life as the most beautiful adventure to be experienced, since forgiveness asked for and received becomes the highest school where love is welcomed as a gift which, in turn, must always be given. Nowe scenariusze kulturowe, coraz bardziej zsekularyzowane, pluralistyczne i pozostające pod silnym wpływem kultury cyfrowej, stawiają stare i nowe wyzwania odnośnie fundamentalnych chrześcijańskich wyborów życiowych. Jakie miejsce zajmuje w nich wiara chrześcijańska? Pytanie to zasługuje na adekwatną odpowiedź, której Kościół zamierza udzielić, proponując odnowę poprzez ewangelizację kultury, a także samego życia chrześcijańskiego i duszpasterstwa sakramentalnego. Niniejsze opracowanie podkreśla starożytną i wciąż życiodajną relację między ewangelizacją a sakramentem pokuty, ujmując ją w ramy nierozerwalnego związku między Słowem a sakramentem, między wiarą a sakramentami wiary, które przenikają konkretne doświadczenie chrześcijańskie jednostek i wspólnot. W tej perspektywie sakrament pokuty odpowiednio ewangelizowany, zalecany i celebrowany, odgrywa podwójną rolę: urzeczywistnia miłosierną miłość Boga, która ochrania, przyjmuje, przebacza i przywraca do życia, oraz pełni rolę bardziej specyficznie „misyjną”, polegającą na przekładaniu świadectwa odnowionego i miłosiernego życia penitenta na autentyczną akcję ewangelizacyjną, centrum której stanowi orędzie o rewolucji Bożej czułości czyniącej wszystko nowym. Poszczególni wierni oraz całe wspólnoty czerpią z sakramentu pokuty siłę miłosiernej miłości Boga, która uzdrawia, leczy i wskrzesza oraz proponuje na nowo życie chrześcijańskie jako najpiękniejszą przygodę, jaką można przeżyć. Przebaczenie, o które się prosi i które się otrzymuje, staje się najwyższą szkołą, w której miłość przyjmuje się jako dar, który z kolei zawsze trzeba dawać innym.
- Published
- 2022
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18. Svete tajne: navještaj »silnih djela Gospodnjih«
- Author
Ante Mateljan
- Subjects
svete tajne ,sakrament ,euharistija ,navještaj ,ekumenizam ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Abstract
Na ekumenskom kolokviju u prigodi »Tjedna molitve za jedinstvo kršćana« autor je temu kršćanskoga »navještaja silnih djela Gospodnjih« povezao sa slavljenjem svetih tajni, odnosno sakramenata, a prije svega euharistije. Rad je podijeljen u tri dijela. U prvom dijelu problematizirano je poimanje »silnih djela Gospodnjih« u kontekstu shvaćanja vremena, prošlosti i sadašnjosti Božjega djelovanja, te pitanja komu i kako naviještati. U drugom dijelu središte je u teološkoj postavci da je autentično slavljenje svetih tajni, odnosno sakramenata, zapravo susret s nazočnim Kristom u zajednici te da svoj vrhunac ima u euharistijskom spomen-slavlju. U trećem dijelu ukratko su prikazana dva ekumenska dokumenta koji govore o sakramentima, i to u dijelu koji govori o euharistiji. To su Krštenje, euharistija, službe (BEM – »Dokument iz Lime«) komisije Faith and Order te Vjera, sakramenti i jedin¬stvo Crkve (»Dokument iz Barija«) Međunarodne mješovite teološke komisije između Rimokatoličke i Pravoslavne Crkve. U zaključku je poziv na produbljeno teološko razumijevanje liturgijskih slavlja, nadasve euharistije, kao uprisutnjenje i navještaj »silnih djela Gospodnjih«.
- Published
- 2016
19. The sources of Ivo Chartres thought of salus animarum as the purpose of the canon law
- Author
Tomasz Gałkowski
- Subjects
Iwon z Chartres ,salus animarum ,Słowo ,sakrament ,Law ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
The author of the study claims that in the discussion held in the previous century by the jurists of religious law concerning understanding of the salvation of souls as the purpose of the canon law there were not very clear references to the assumptions which led Ivo of Chartres to such a statement. Therefore he expresses them in the following points: the education and knowledge of Ivo gained in the Le Bec school in his pastoral activity, sacrament as the source of the canon norm, the biblical foundation of the canon norm (ratio auctoritatis), mercy and justice as the principle of legal hermeneutics of Ivo, salvation of souls as a conciliation element of norms. In author’s opinion, Ivo is a precursor of a contemporary orientation in the approach to canon law as a dimension of the salvation order.
- Published
- 2017
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20. Zarys nauki o sakramentach w Kościele prawosławnym i rzymskokatolickim
- Author
Andrzej Baczyński
- Subjects
sakrament ,prawosławie ,rzymski katolicyzm ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Abstract
Zarówno Kościele prawosławnym jak i rzymskokatolickim za sakramenty uznawane są Chrzest, Bierzmowanie, Eucharystia, Spowiedź (Pokajanije), Kapłaństwo, Małżeństwo i Namaszczenie św. Olejem. Wszystkie zaś pozostałe poza tymi siedmioma uznawane są za obrzędy czy sakramentalia. Chociaż taki podział świętych działań i rytów występuje zarówno w katechizmach oraz podręcznikach teologii dogmatycznej, to historia i doświadczenie Kościoła pokazuje, że kwestia podziału i liczby sakramentów nigdy nie była oczywista. Jeżeli chrześcijański Zachód usiłował zdefiniować pojęcie sakramentu i jego działanie oraz określić ich liczbę, to „świętych Ojców chrześcijańskiego Wschodu nie interesowała liczba misteriów i nie stawiali sobie za zadanie ich policzenie”. Usiłowali oni odkryć ideę powszechnego, różnorodnego działania Ducha Świętego w Kościele, mającego uświęcać człowieka w różnoraki sposób i w różnych sytuacjach życiowych. Natomiast zwieńczeniem i kulminacją wszystkich sakramentów zawsze była Święta Eucharystia. W bogatej skarbnicy i zachwycającej świętości Eucharystii, która łączy nas z Bogiem swoje dopełnienie i zakończenie otrzymują sakramenty. Zapożyczona z łacińskiej scholastyki nauka o siedmiu sakramentach została ujęta w podręcznikach teologii prawosławnej. Ten scholastyczny system siedmiu sakramentów został zaakceptowany w teologii prawosławnej, chociaż formalnie Kościół prawosławny nigdy nie uznał żadnej określonej liczby sakramentów. W konkluzji można stwierdzić, iż „w prawosławiu pomiędzy szerszym i węższym pojęciem „sakrament” (μυστήριον) nie ma ostrego podziału. Przede wszystkim całe życie Kościoła należy postrzegać jako jedność, jedno wielkie misterium, którego różne aspekty wyrażają się w wielkiej różnorodności działań, dokonywanych raz w życiu człowieka bądź wielokrotnie.
- Published
- 2017
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21. The Origin and Meaning of the Ministry of Godparents from a Liturgical and Canonical Perspective
- Author
Arkadiusz Misrosław Czaja
- Subjects
chrzest ,chrzestni ,konwertyta ,sakrament ,Practical Theology ,BV1-5099 ,Doctrinal Theology ,BT10-1480 - Abstract
The aim of this study is a deeper explanation and clarification of liturgical and canonical norms concerning the institution of godparents. This article can contribute to a better understanding of the importance of godparents in the development of the spiritual life of the baptized. In summary, one can draw some basic conclusions. Godparents are the guarantors and helpers in the development of faith and Catholic morality. Therefore, every candidate for the sacrament of baptism should have two godparents. In exceptional cases, just one godparent is enough. Two persons of the same sex can never be godparents for one person.
- Published
- 2017
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22. The Eucharist in christian spirituality
- Author
Čizmić, Drago and Parlov, Mladen
- Subjects
Eucharist ,sacrament ,plodovi ,kršćanstvo ,fruits ,duhovnost ,spirituality ,Christianity ,sakrament ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Teologija ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Theology ,povijest spasenja ,Euharistija ,history of salvation - Abstract
Euharistija je u središtu duhovnog života Crkve. U ovom radu ćemo se pobliže upoznati s načinom na koji Euharistija služi kao vrhunac i izvor kršćanske duhovnosti. Da bismo to napravili u prvom dijelu rada ćemo promotriti Euharistiju kao sakrament te vidjeti zašto ona spada među sakramente inicijacije, na koji se način slavi, kao i odnos drugih sakramenata prema Euharistiji. U drugom dijelu rada ćemo promotriti mjesto Euharistije u povijesti spasenja i pokazati kako ona prožima tu povijest, prvo kao oblik slike, onda kao događaj i konačno kao sakrament. Treći dio rada pokušava dati praktične upute i ukazati na koji način ispravno živjeti duhovnost čije je srce Euharistija. U tu svrhu pogledat ćemo kako ispravno sudjelovati na liturgijskom slavlju. Nakon toga ćemo opisati praksu euharistijskog klanjanja kao jedan od najboljih oblika kontemplacije. Naglasit ćemo važnost nasljedovanja Isusa kao oblik pobožnosti i na kraju trećeg dijela ćemo djevicu Mariju prikazati kao primjer življenja Euharistijske duhovnosti. Zadnji dio rada će se baviti pitanjem plodova Euharistije. Pokazat ćemo plodove koje imaju oni koji sudjeluju u Euharistijskom slavlju. Pokazat ćemo kako se Crkva formira oko Euharistije i zašto je Euharistija izvor nade za budući život. To ćemo potkrijepiti svjedočanstvima onih koji sudjeluju u Euharistijskom slavlju. The Eucharist is in the canter in the Churches spiritual life. This thesis will try to explain how the Eucharist is the source of Christian spirituality. To do that we will first explain how the Eucharist functions as a sacrament, we will see why it is a sacrament of initiation, as well as how it is celebrated. We will also see the relationship between the Eucharist and the other sacraments. The second part of the text will examine how the Eucharist fits into the history of salvation. First in the form of an icon, then as an event and finally as a sacrament. The third part of the thesis will try to explain how to properly live spirituality with the Eucharist as its heart. To that end we will show how to properly participate in the liturgy. After that we will show how the practice of bowing in front of the Christ is one of the best ways to contemplate. We will show the importance of following the example of Christ as a form of piety. At the end of the third part we will show how the virgin Mary serves as an example of Christian spirituality. The final part will show the fruits of the Eucharist. We will show the fruits of the Eucharist in the life of individuals. Then we will show how the Church forms around the Eucharist as well as showing why the Eucharist is a source of hope for the afterlife. Finally, we will show examples of those who participate in the Eucharist
- Published
- 2022
23. Sacraments in Orthodoxy: The example of the Macedonian Orthodox Church
- Author
Amedov, Şenol, Tarakcı, Muhammet, and Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü/Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı/Dinler Tarihi Bilim Dalı.
- Subjects
Sakrament ,Sacraments ,Makedon Ortodoks Kilisesi ,The history of religions ,İbadet ,Ayin ,Dinler tarihi ,Rite ,Worship ,Macedonian Orthodox Church - Abstract
Bu çalışmada Makedon Ortodoks Kilisesi'nde sakramentler konusu incelenmesi hedeflenmektedir. Makedon Ortodoks Kilisesi, VI. yüzyılda bölgedeki Justiniana Prima adlı şehirde kurulan piskoposluktan sonra XII. yüzyılda kurulan Ohri Başpiskoposluğu'nun bir devamı şeklinde günümüze kadar gelmiştir. Ancak günümüzde bağımsız Kuzey Makedonya Devleti kurulmuş olmasına rağmen, Makedon Ortodoks Kilisesi'nin otosefalliği 2022 yılına kadar tartışmalı bir mesele iken Sırp Ortodoks Kilisesi'nin Makedon Ortodoks Kilisesini tanıması ve İstanbul Patrikhanesinden alınan karar ile 9 Mayıs 2022 tarihinde tanınması sonucunda otosefalliği resmileşmiş oldu. Günümüzde Makedon Ortodoks Kilisesi otosefalliğini ilan etmiş bir kilise konumundadır ve kendi içerisinde hiçbir yere bağlı olmadan faaliyetlerini yerine getirmektedir. Makedon Ortodoks Kilisesi yedi sakrament kabul etmektedir. Bunlar: Vaftiz, Evharistiya, Konfirmasyon, Günah İtirafı, Evlilik, Rahip Takdisi, Hastaları Yağlama. Bu çalışmada zikredilen sakramentlerin her biri; anlamı, tarihi süreçleri, sakramentleri kabul etmeden önce aranan şartlar ve ayin uygulamaları ayrıntılı bir şekilde incelenmiştir. This study aims to examine the sacraments in the Macedonian Orthodox Church. After the Macedonian Orthodox Church was established as a bishopric in the city of Justiniana Prima in the fourth century, it has survived to the present day as a continuation of the Archdiocese of Ohrid, which was established in the twelfth century. However, the autocephaly of the Macedonian Orthodox Church was a controversial issue until 2022 although the independent State of North Macedonia had already been established. Today, the Macedonian Orthodox Church has declared its autocephaly and carries out its activities independently, without being attached to any place. The Macedonian Orthodox Church accepts seven sacraments. These are: Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Confession of Sin, Marriage, Priest Consecration, Lubrication of the Sick.
- Published
- 2022
24. Marriage and divorce according to Catholic sect
- Author
Tanrıkulu, Fatma Betül Zehra, Güç, Ahmet, and Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü/Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı/Dinler Tarihi Bilim Dalı.
- Subjects
Sakrament ,Nikah ,Catholicism ,Evlilik ,Sacrament ,Church ,Christianity ,Hıristiyanlık ,Divorce ,Katoliklik ,Sect ,Kilise ,Marriage ,Boşanma ,Mezhep - Abstract
Aile, toplumu oluşturan en küçük kurumdur. Evlilik ise ailenin oluşmasını sağlayan yüzyıllardır bütün dinler ve toplumlar tarafından kutsallık atfedilen bir birimdir. İnsanlık tarihi boyunca önemi vurgulanmış olan evlilik kurumu, Hıristiyan inancına göre kutsal kabul edilmiş ve sakrament derecesine yükseltilmiştir. Evlilik, Hıristiyan inancına göre İsa'nın sevgisinin insanlık üzerindeki tezahürüdür. Evlenen Hıristiyanlar, Tanrı'nın buyruğunu yerine getirmiş olur. Kutsallığı Hz. Âdem ve Hz. Havva'ya kadar dayandırılan evlilik, Tanrı'nın kurduğu bağ ile evlenen eşlerin kopmaz bir bağ ile bağlandıkları bir kurumdur. Hıristiyanlığın en köklü mezhebi olan Katolik mezhebinin evlilik konusundaki görüşleri evliliğin Hıristiyan inancına göre ne denli önemli olduğunu gösterir. Katolik inancına göre, evlilik Tanrı'nın buyruğuyla kurulmuş olan, Kilise birliğini sembolize eden kutsal bir müessesedir. Eşler birbirine kopmaz bağlarla bağlanmıştır ve boşanmak yasaktır. Evlenen çiftler Kilise birliğini sembolize etmektedir ve bunun bozulması büyük günahlardan sayılır. The family is the smallest institution that makes up the society. Marriage, on the other hand, is a unit that has been sanctified by all religions and societies for centuries, enabling the formation of the family. The institution of marriage, whose importance has been emphasized throughout the history of humanity, has been accepted as sacred according to the Christian belief and has been elevated to the level of sacrament. Marriage, according to Christian belief, is the manifestation of the love of Jesus on humanity. Christian believers who marry are doing God's command. The holiness of Hz. Adam and Hz. Marriage, dating back to Eve, is an institution in which spouses who marry with the bond established by God are bound by an unbreakable bond. The views of the Catholic sect on marriage, which is the most rooted sect of Christianity, show how important marriage is according to the Christian faith. According to the Catholic belief, marriage is a sacred institution established by the command of God, symbolizing the unity of the Church. Spouses are bound to each other by unbreakable bonds and divorce is prohibited. Married couples symbolize the unity of the Church, and breaking it is considered a major sin.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Proniewski, Andrzej
- Subjects
Copyright of Studia Koszalinsko-Kolobrzeskie is the property of University of Szczecin Press / Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecinskiego and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
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26. Ehe, Ehescheidung und Wiederehe in der Orthodoxen Kirche.
- Author
MARGA, Irimie
- Abstract
Der Mensch, in seiner Vollendung, kann man nicht alleine verstehen, sondern nur zusammen". Aus diesem konstitutiven Zusammen-sein" ist die Familie entstanden, als primäre und inalienabel Verwirklichung der Kommunion. Die kleine Kirche, die Familie, gründet sich durch ein Herabkommen des Heiligen Geistes auch, nähmlich durch das Ehesakrament, deshalb kann man das Ehesakrament als kleines Pfingsten" in ecclesia minor" nennen. Wir bekennen, dass die Kirche eine, heilige, katholische und apostolische Kirche ist. So verstehen wir auch die kleine Kirche, die Familie. Die Orthodoxe Kirche lehrt, dass die Ehe ein unauflösbares Sakrament ist. Die Unauflösigkeit der Ehe ist praktisch keine Tatsache, die schon durch das Sakrament verwirklicht ist, sondern eine Eigenschaft, die das ganze Leben bewahrt und erfüllt wird. Die Ehescheidung ist eine Sünde und eine Tragödie. Die Ehescheidung gehört unserer Existenz, deshalb kann man sie nicht ignorieren und, leider, nicht verbieten. Durch die Ehescheidung wird die Eheunauflösigkeit nicht annulliert, sondern verlassen. Die Orthodoxe Kirche akzeptiert die Ehescheidung nicht, sie kann die Sünden nicht akzeptieren, aber sie muss die Ehescheidung tolerieren und anerkennen, als eine schmerzhafte, unbestreitbare Wirklichkeit. Gemäss dem Prinzip der Oikonomia (Nachlass) hat die Kirche zwischen zwei unerwünschte Situationen gewählt: entweder die Geschiedenen, als grössten Sündiger, zu ablehnen, oder die Geschiedenen zu tolerieren und ihnen eine neue Chance zu gewähren. Aus diese zwei Varianten hat die Kirche, vom Anfang an, den kleineren Übel gewählt, also die Tolerierung der Wiederheiratung. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
- Author
ĆAVAR, Klara
- Abstract
This article deals with difficulties related to the validity of celebrations of the sacrament of marriage. By virtue of the traditional doctrine on the inseparability of marital contract and marital sacrament, our aim is to explain the importance of faith and proper intentions and to show the different approaches related to the question of which type of intentions are necessary if a marriage is to be celebrated in a valid way. Through various Church documents, we seek to provide an overview of the difficulties related to the relationship between faith, proper intention and valid celebration of the sacrament of marriage. The documents of the International Theological Commission and the Synods of Bishops from 1980, together with John Paul ll's exhortation Familiaris consortion are analyzed. We also describe the tendency of the Roman Rota's juridical practice on the exclusion of sacramentality as an autonomous element in the annulment of a marriage. Language that defines the exclusion of sacramentality on the basis of lack of faith on the part of spouses as an autonomous element in the annulment is highlighted. The article also deals with Relatio Synodi n. 48, which directly emphasizes the importance of faith for the valid celebration of the sacrament of marriage. The final part of this article focuses on Pope Benedict XVI's and Pope Francis's addresses to the members of the tribunal of the Roman Rota from 2013 to 2017, dealing specifically with the faith and consent of spouses. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
- Author
KELEŞ, Hatice and KILIÇ, Davut
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2017
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29. Faith and marriage. From the speech of Benedict XVI to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota (26 January 2013)
- Author
Wojciech Góralski
- Subjects
wiara ,małżeństwo ,sakrament ,dobro małżonków ,Benedykt XVI ,Law - Abstract
The subject of the annual, latest – as it turned out – speech of Benedict XVI to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota dated 26 January 2013 pertains to the relationship between faith and marriage, in the context of the Year of Faith. It takes into consideration the current crisis of the faith, which is affecting the contemporary human being, bringing with it a crisis of the conjugal society. The Holy Father refers to i.e. John Paul II and explains that the faith of the party who is baptised is not necessary for contracting sacramental marriage. It requires from those engaged to be married the true intention to contract the marriage according to the natural reality of matrimony. At the same time Benedict XVI pays attention to the fact, that lack of faith may cause the simulation of consent, i.e. according to the bonum coniugum.
- Published
- 2013
30. Request for personal participation of the salvific grace in the celebration of the sacred sacraments
- Author
Jan Szczych
- Subjects
Sakrament ,łaska ,prośba ,obrzędy liturgiczne ,Practical Theology ,BV1-5099 ,Doctrinal Theology ,BT10-1480 - Abstract
It is through the participation of the faithful in the sacramental liturgies of the Church that salvation is accomplished. The faithful, desirous of a supernatural relationship with God, through their own life experience endeavor to actively translate into practice the mystery of Christ’s salvific grace. For this reason, the words pronounced by the person when first requesting the grace of any sacrament, either for themselves or on someone else’s behalf, find their full justification when repeated during the actual ceremony. Intentional request for the concession of any sacrament, which enables a personal participation of Christ’s grace, is a result of Christian faith, and activates a conscious and fruitful participation in the redeeming sacrifice of Christ.
- Published
- 2016
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31. Ehe, Partnerschaft und Familie. Ein Reformversuch des Synodalen Wegs in Deutschland; Brak, partnerstvo i obitelj. Pokušaj reforme Sinodalnog puta u Njemačkoj
- Author
Bekavac, Magdalena
- Subjects
Brak ,Obitelj ,Kršćanstvo ,Ženidba ,Sakrament ženidbe ,Sakrament ,Sakramenti ,Sinodalni put ,Njemačka ,Crkva u Njemačkoj - Abstract
Sažetak U prilogu se prvotno prikazuje povijest nastanka Sinodalnoga puta, koji je izazvao veliko zanimanje u cijeloj Katoličkoj crkvi. Njemački biskupi i Središnje povjerenstvo njemačkih katolika odlučili su, nakon MHG studije i nakon slučajeva seksualnoga zlostavljanja maloljetnika, pokrenuti proces u kojem će se moći raspravljati o aktualnim temama, koje mogu pomoći u reformi Crkve. Jedna od tema svakako se tiče i reforme seksualnoga morala Katoličke crkve. U radnom tekstu, u kojem se priređivači bave tumačenjem kršćanskoga braka i obitelji, brak se razumije kao mjestu u kojem se ostvaruju vrjednote vjernosti, poštivanja dostojanstva drugih, mogućnosti drugih na samoodređenje i oblikovanja bračnoga života. Priređivači radnoga teksta napominju da se tema spolnosti ne treba tumačiti samo u odnosu na plodnost unutar braka, nego je potrebno istaknuti i druge aspekte seksualnosti. Prema njima seksualnost se ne može svesti samo na pitanje plodnosti u samome braku. Stavlja se i snažan naglasak na brak kao savez ljudi, čime se već bavi Drugi vatikanski sabor. Budući da je snažno naglašana sakramentalnost braka, radi se o tomu da je seksualnost govor tijela i put sazrijevanja. Zadaća Crkve bi bila utjecati na savjest bračnih parova, pri čemu se ne misli samo na rađanje i odgoj djece, nego i na planiranje obitelji, ispravan stav prema slobodi i širi pogled na pitanje spolnosti
- Published
- 2022
32. Marriage as a sacrament. Pastoral care of the family study in the light of the research conducted among young spouses in the diocese of Siedlce
- Author
Pyźlak, Grzegorz
- Subjects
małżeństwo ,sakrament ,młodzi małżonkowie ,sacrament ,young spouses ,marriage - Abstract
Wprowadzenie Małżeństwo jest jedną z najważniejszych instytucji społecznych, ponieważ większość osób tworzących społeczność żyje w legalnych małżeństwach. Powołanie do małżeństwa jest podstawowym i fundamentalnym powołaniem człowieka. Pan Bóg stworzył człowieka przede wszystkim do życia w małżeństwie, które przez Chrystusa zostało podniesione do godności sakramentu. Autor monografii podjął wyzwanie dotyczące nauczania Kościoła o sakramencie małżeństwa. Część teoretyczna monografii zawiera podstawy teologiczne, które ukazują początki konstytuowania się małżeństwa sakramentalnego, jego istotę, łaskę, cele i przymioty oraz szafarza. W monografii jest także nawiązanie do problematyki trynitarnego charakteru małżeństwa. Część empiryczna monografii zawiera 15 tabel z wynikami badań przeprowadzonych wśród 78 par młodych małżonków (do 6. lat od zawarcia małżeństwa). Wiodącą metodą badań była metoda analizy paradygmatu teologii pastoralnej, która obejmuje trzy etapy postępowania badawczego: normatywny, zrealizowany i postulowany. Uzyskane wyniki badań pozwoliły na sformułowanie wniosków i postulatów pastoralnych dotyczących znajomości sakramentu małżeństwa przez młodych małżonków oraz ich stosunku do wyzwań, przed którymi stają. Marriage is one of the most important social institutions because most of the people who make up the community live in legal marriages. The vocation to marriage is the fundamental vocation of man. God created man primarily to live in marriage which was raised by Christ to the dignity of a sacrament. The author of the monograph took up the challenge of teaching the Church about the sacrament of marriage. The theoretical part of the monograph contains theological foundations that will outline the beginnings of the formation of sacramental marriage, its essence, grace, goals and attributes, and the minister. In the monograph there is also a reference to the trinitarian nature of marriage. The empirical part of the monograph contains 15 tables with the results of research conducted among 78 couples of young spouses (up to the 6th year of marriage). The leading research method was the method of analyzing the paradigm of pastoral theology, which includes three stages of research: normative, realized and postulated. The obtained research results allowed for the formulation of conclusions and pastoral postulates regarding the knowledge of the sacrament of marriage by young spouses and their attitude to the challenges they face.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
BAŠIĆ, Petar
- Abstract
In this article the author analyses critically some attempts in the Croatian language, in the discourse on the first sacrament, to differentiate between the term krst (the mysterious reality, sacrament of baptism) and the term krštenje (celebration or the ritual of the sacrament of baptism) and concludes that this is not necessary or even possible. The author holds that krštenje is a more appropriate term, while the term krst is not necessary in this context. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
34. Eklezialni vidik evharistije pri papežu Janezu Pavlu II
- Author
Šuštar, Janez Pavel and Turnšek, Marjan
- Subjects
Papst Johannes Paul II ,papež Janez Pavel II ,Anwesenheit ,Sakrament ,udc:27-72-1Janez Pavel II ,Cerkev ,zakrament ,navzočnost ,Eucharistie ,Kirche ,Gemeinschaft ,evharistija ,občestvo - Abstract
Skrivnost Cerkve temelji na Kristusu in občestvenem obhajanju zakramentov, še posebno zakramenta evharistije. Kristus je ustanovil Cerkev, da bi ohranjala in posredovala oznanilo odrešenja vsem ljudem, obhajala zakramentalne skrivnosti, zbirala ljudi v molitvi in združevala ljudi v medsebojni ljubezni. Ljubezen do bližnjega je na najveličastnejši način pokazal Jezus Kristus s svojo daritvijo na križu in zapustil spomin tega dejanja v obhajanju svete evharistije. Ta vzvišeni zakrament ohranja Kristusa v resnični, stvarni in bistveni navzočnosti v cerkvenem občestvu. V tej Kristusovi navzočnosti Cerkev raste, se krepi in živi. Cerkev ne more brez obhajanja evharistije, kakor se tudi evharistija ne obhaja brez občestva. To učenje povzema tudi papež sv. Janez Pavel II., ko v svojih okrožnicah in pismih govori o zakramentu evharistije in cerkvenem občestvu. Cerkve ne vidi le v smislu institucije, ampak jo vedno znova opredeljuje kot živ organizem, ki črpa moč za življenje iz evharistične skrivnosti. Prav tako so za življenje Cerkve pomembni tudi drugi zakramenti, ki so vedno povezani in naravnani na zakrament evharistije. Ključna zakramenta, ki ju papež posebej izpostavi sta sveti krst in sveta spoved. Krst človeka najprej sprejme v občestvo vernikov in omogoči prejem zakramenta evharistije in ostalih zakramentov, sveta spoved pa vernike naredi vredne obhajanja svete evharistije. Das Geheimnis der Kirche gründet auf Christus und gemeinschaftlichem Feiern der Sakramente, insbesondere des Sakraments der Eucharistie. Christus hat die Kirche gegründet, um die Verkündigung der Erlösung zu bewahren und sie an alle Leute weiterzugeben, die sakramentalen Geheimnisse zu feiern, die Menschen zum Gebet zu versammeln und die Menschen in gegenseitiger Liebe zu vereinen. Die Nächstenliebe hat Jesus Christus auf die herrlichste Weise mit seinem Opfer am Kreuz gezeigt und als die Erinnerung an diese Tat hat er uns die Eucharistiefeier verlassen. Dieses erhabene Sakrament bewahrt Christus in seiner wahren, sachlichen und einbegriffenen Anwesenheit in der kirchlichen Gemeinschaft. In dieser Anwesenheit von Christus wächst, stärkt sich und lebt die Kirche. So wie die Kirche ohne Eucharistiefeiern nicht bestehen kann, kann auch die Eucharistie ohne die Gemeinschaft nicht gefeiert werden. Diese Lehre wird auch von Papst Johannes Paul II. zusammengefasst, wenn er in seinen Rundbriefen und Briefen über das Sakrament der Eucharistie und christlicher Gemeinschaft spricht. Er sieht die Kirche nicht nur als eine Institution, sondern definiert sie immer wieder als einen lebendigen Körper, der aus dem Geheimnis der Eucharistie die Lebenskraft bekommt. Auch alle anderen Sakramente sind für das Leben der Kirche wichtig, aber sie sind immer wieder mit dem Sakrament der Eucharistie verbunden. Der Papst stellt die heilige Taufe und die heilige Buße als die wichtigsten zwei Sakramente auf. Die Taufe führt zuerst einen Menschen in die Gemeinschaft der Gläubigen ein und ermöglicht ihm den Empfang des Sakraments der Eucharistie und der anderen Sakramente. Die heilige Buße macht den Gläubigen würdig die heilige Eucharistie zu feiern.
- Published
- 2021
35. Inability to enter into marriage due because of impossibility to assume essential marital obligations
- Author
Sinovčić, Lucija, Tolić, Željko, and Rako, Ante
- Subjects
HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Teologija. Kanonsko pravo ,sacrament ,homosexuality ,ženidbene obveze ,ženidba ,sakrament ,indissolubility ,jednost ,nerazrješivost ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Theology. Canon Law ,marital obligations ,lawsuit ,homoseksualnost ,parnica ,marriage ,unity - Abstract
Isus Krist je uzdigao ženidbu na dostojanstvo sakramenta i kao takvu Crkva ju je od samih početaka promatrala. U središtu sklapanja ženidbe nalazi se ženidbena privola. Pri davanju privole muškarac i žena trebaju imati pravu nakanu i slobodu preuzeti sve ženidbene obveze - jednost i nerazrješivost, rađanje i odgoj djece. Najčešći slučaj manjkavosti ženidbe izvire upravo iz ženidbene privole. O tome govori kanon 1095 u br. 3 toga kanona. U kanonu se navodi nesposobnost preuzimanja ženidbenih obveza zbog razloga psihičke naravi. Kako je pojam psihička narav širok pojam mi smo se u radu zadržali na problematici homoseksualnosti. Osobe s homoseksualnim sklonostima nisu sposobne raspolagati objektom ženidbene privole, pa prema tome nisu sposobne ispuniti preuzete obveze, naravno ukoliko je riječ o teškim oblicima homoseksualnosti. Te osobe nesposobne su uspostaviti jedan snažan i dubok odnos s drugom stranom u svrhu sklapanja ženidbe. Ukoliko netko smatra da postoje određeni razlozi koji čine njenu ženidbu nevaljanom ima pravo na crkvenom sudu pokrenuti parnicu za proglašenje ženidbe nevaljanom. U tome glavnu ulogu imaju crkveni suci u čemu im pripomažu psiholozi i psihijatri. Kako bi se spriječile i smanjile rastave od velike važnosti su dobro organizirane i kvalitetne priprave za ženidbu u koje se treba uključiti čitava crkvena zajednica. Jesus Christ elevated marriage to the dignity of the sacrament and as such the Church has observed it from the very beginning. At the heart of marriage is consent. In giving consent a man and a woman should have the right intention and freedom to assume all marital obligations - unity and indissolubility, the birth and upbringing of children. The most common case of marriage deficiency springs from marital consent. The canon 1095 no. 3 speaks of it. The canon states the inability to assume marital obligations due to the physics nature. As the nation of psychic nature is broad, we have dwelled in this paper on the problem of homosexuality. Homosexual persons are not able to dispose of the object of marital consent and therefore are not able to fulfill their obligations, of course in the case of severe forms of homosexuality. They are incapable of establishing a strong and deep relationship with the another persons for the purpose of marriage. If someone consideres that there are certain reasons that make her marriage invalid, she has the right to initiate litigation in the church court to declare the marriage invalid. Church judges have the main role in that with the help of psychologists and psychiatrists. In order to prevent and reduce divorces, well organized and high quality preparations for marriage are of great importance, in which the whole Church communiy should be involved.
- Published
- 2021
36. Marriage vows barriers
- Author
Marunčić, Petra, Tolić, Željko, and Rako, Ante
- Subjects
sakrament ,obitelj ,family ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Teologija. Kanonsko pravo ,marriage vows barriers ,ženidbena privola ,sacrament ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Theology. Canon Law ,supružnici ,zapreke ,marriage ,marital consent ,ženidba - Abstract
Biblija nam svjedoči kako je ženidbu ustanovio Bog u zemaljskom raju. Zaključio je da nije dobro da čovjek bude sam te mu načinio pomoć u vidu ženidbe. Obitelj predstavlja temelj ljudskog života i društva, a proizlazi iz ženidbe. Ženidba nastaje međusobnim izgovaranjem privole propisno pripravljenih zaručnika. U ženidbenoj ljubavi i zajedništvu između dvoje supružnika različitog spola očituje se i ljubav između Krista i Crkve. Vrlo je važno da u trenutku sklapanja ženidbe ne postoje zapreke koje bi kasnije mogle bitno utjecati na valjanost ženidbe. Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se upravo pitanjem zapreka ženidbenog veza. Rad je podijeljen na tri dijela. U prvom dijelu rada govori se o samoj pastoralnoj pripravi za sklapanje ženidbe, o ženidbi kao sakramentu i na kraju prvog dijela o nerazrješivosti ženidbe. Namjera je naglasiti kako je ženidba sakrament što znači da je Bog onaj koji pomaže u zajedništvu i ljubavi te u savladavanju svakodnevnih prepreka, a ne samo građanski sklopljen ugovor. Drugo poglavlje posvećeno je samoj naravi i zaprekama ženidbe, a treće, posljednje poglavlje, bavi se ženidbenom privolom kao konstitutivnim elementom ženidbe i njezinim učincima. The Bible tells us that marriage was instituted by God who concluded that it was not good for man to be alone so He helped him with establishing family. The family is the foundation of human life and society and the family arises from marriage. Marriage arises by pronouncing the marital consent of properly prepared fiances. In conjugal love and communion between two spouses of different sexes, the love between Christ and the church is also manifested. It is very important that at the time of marriage there are no prohibitions that could later affect the validity of the marriage. This dissertation deals precisely with issue of barriers to marriage, and it is divided into three parts. The first part discusses the pastoral preparation for marriage, about marriage as a sacrament, and at the end of the first part, also discusses about indissolubility of marriage. The intention is to emphasize that marriage is a sacrament which means that God is the one who helps in communion and love, and in overcoming everyday obstacles, not just a civil contract. The second chapter is devoted to the abstacles, and third, the last chapter deals with consent as a constitutive element of marriage and the effects of marriage itself.
- Published
- 2021
37. Sympozjum naukowe „Granice prawa do sakramentów. Między Kodeksem Prawa Kanonicznego z 1917 roku a Kodeksem z 1983 roku”, Kraków, 16 listopada 2017 r.
- Author
Strzała, Marek
- Abstract
In 2017 to mark the 100th anniversary of the Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law of 1917 the Faculty of Canon Law at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow organized a conference entitled "Limits of the right to the sacraments". It was held in Krakow on the 16th of November 2017. The speeches, delivered in two sessions, concerned criteria for allowing children to first Holy Communion, and psychological conditions for receiving the sacraments of Confirmation, Holy Orders, and Holy Matrimony, as well as requirements for receiving the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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38. Chrzest w teologii Ulryka Zwingliego
- Subjects
faith ,Baptism ,sacrament ,covenant ,Church ,the Bible ,anabaptyści ,przymierze ,sakrament ,Anabaptists ,Kościół ,wiara ,Chrzest ,Biblia - Abstract
W teologii Zwingliego nauka o sakramentach ma znaczenie drugorzędne. Potrzebę i konieczność sakramentów reformator ograniczał praktycznie tylko do umocnienia słabych w wierze. Przeciwnie do tradycyjnego poglądu, chrzest pełni w teologii Zwingliego jedynie rolę inicjującego znaku, który jest znakiem przymierza, osobistego wyznania wiary, zobowiązania się do prowadzenia chrześcijańskiego życia i znakiem potwierdzającym przynależność do widzialnego Kościoła. Dla reformatora duchowa substancja chrztu jest zupełnie oddzielona od znakowej., In Zwingli’s theology, teaching about sacraments is of secondary importance. The reformer limited the importance and necessity of sacraments only to those who were weak in faith. Contrary to the traditional view, baptism in Zwingli’s theology acts only as an initiating sign which is the sign of covenant, of personal confession of faith and respect for the Christian life; it is also the sign which confirms one’s belonging to the visible Church. For the reformer, the spiritual substance of baptism is separate from it as a sign.
- Published
- 2020
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39. Sakrament Świętego Chrztu
- Author
Ks. Doroteusz Sawicki
- Subjects
Sakrament ,Chrzest ,Bierzmowanie ,Kościół prawosławny ,misterium ,woda święcona ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Published
- 2014
40. Medmänsklighetens enkla nattvard : Om den mänskliga beröringen i Sven Delblancs författarskap - och hos några till
- Author
Blomqvist, Helene and Blomqvist, Helene
- Abstract
Genom hela sitt författarskap skildrar Sven Delblanc kärleken, medmänskligheten och kroppskontakten såsom livsviktiga, ja, såsom heliga existentiella värden som man inte får handskas slarvigt med. Delblancs romanvärld är mycket mörk. Mänsklig närhet framställs dock i romanvärlden som det blommande körsbärsträdet i den mörka skogen.
- Published
- 2021
41. Važnost vjere za valjanu ženidbenu privolu
- Author
Ćavar, Klara and Džinić, Marija
- Subjects
ženidba ,privola ,sakrament ,ugovor ,osobna vjera ,nakana - Abstract
Problematika vezana uz odnos osobne vjere i valjanog slavljenja sakramenta ženidbe u središtu je promišljanja. S obzirom na tradicionalni nauk o neodvojivosti ženidbenog ugovora i sakramenta, pojašnjava se važnost vjere i ispravne nakane uz prikaz različitih stavova vezanih uz pitanje sadržaja nakane potrebne za valjano slavljenje sakramenta ženidbe. Kroz različite crkvene dokumente nudi se uvid u problematiku vezanu uz odnos osobne vjere, ispravne nakane i valjanog slavljenja sakramenta ženidbe. Knjiga je pokušaj ozbiljne analize temeljnih pretpostavka i problematike vezane uz (ne)postojanje osobne vjere, ispravne nakane i isključenja sakramentalnog dostojanstva. Analizu prate odgovori učiteljstva Crkve, kanonsko pravne znanost i pravosuđa uz prijedloge organizacije adekvatne i dobre priprave za ženidbu.
- Published
- 2021
42. Kristlikud motiivid ja teemad Karl Ristikivi biograafiate triloogias
- Author
Aav, Angela, Peedu, Indrek, juhendaja, Ojam, Indrek, juhendaja, Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond, and Tartu Ülikool. Usuteaduskond
- Subjects
sakrament ,lunastuse püüdlus ,bakalaureusetööd ,Rõõmulaul ,Nõiduse Õpilane ,Karl Ristikivi triloogia ,religiooniuuringud ,patt ,Mõrsjalinik ,vabadusiha ,religioon ,müstika - Abstract
Uurimistöö eesmärgiks oli vaadelda, milliseid kristlike motiive ja teemasid on Karl Ristikivi biograafiate triloogia peategelaste lunastuse püüdlusel kujutanud soosivate, milliseid takistavatena. Töö laiem eesmärk oli analüüsi tulemuste põhjal mõista, kas Reet Neithali väide, et Ristikivi loomingus kajastub arusaam Jumalast kui kõlbelisest imperatiivist ja inimpüüdluste ideaalist leiab biograafiate triloogia puhul kinnitust. „Mõrsjaliniku“, „Rõõmulaulu“ ja „Nõiduse õpilase“ analüüsi tulemuste põhjal võib väita, et Ristikivi biograafiate triloogia peategelaste inimpüüdluste ideaaliks võib pidada Jumalat. Jumalale orienteeritus ja selle peegeldus tegudes avaldub aga iga peategelase puhul erineval määral, seejuures suureneb Jumala püüdluse teema ambivalentsust triloogia lõikes.
- Published
- 2021
43. Karola Bartha teologia małżeństwa
- Subjects
sakrament ,wspólnota ,grace ,łaska ,order of creation ,sacrament ,community ,Marriage ,porządek stworzenia ,Małżeństwo - Abstract
K. Barth jest kontynuatorem reformacyjnej tradycji teologicznej. Małżeństwo ujmuje w porządku stworzenia, a nie w kategoriach sakramentalnej łaski. Małżeństwo jest według niego obrazem przymierza Boga z człowiekiem. Dzięki wierze można w małżeństwie dostrzec Boże powołanie i zadanie. Małżeństwo jest wtedy w swej istocie pełną, trwałą, ekskluzywną i instytucjonalną wspólnotą życia., K. Barth is a continuator of the reformation theological tradition. Marriage in his teaching is included in the order of creation, not in the categories of sacramental grace. According to him, marriage is an image of God’s covenant with man. Thanks to faith, one can see a vocation and a task in a marriage. Marriage is thus, in its essence, a full, lasting, exclusive and institutional community of life.
- Published
- 2019
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44. Bitna svojstva ženidbe - jednost i nerazrješivost
- Author
Klara Ćavar and Lucija Šikić
- Subjects
ženidba ,ugovor ,sakrament ,jednost ,nerazrješivost ,simulacija ,Law ,media_common.quotation_subject ,General partnership ,Sign (semiotics) ,Doctrine ,Natural (music) ,Sociology ,Covenant ,Order (virtue) ,Christian tradition ,media_common - Abstract
This article deals with the issues related to the essential properties of marriage, unity and indissolubility. Church has always seen marriage as a natural covenantal partnership between the baptized, and as a sacrament, which means that the natural reality of matrimonial covenant has been elevated to the supernatural order as an effective sign of grace. The essential properties, the unity and the indissolubility which are proper to natural marriage obtain a special firmnessin Christian marriage. These properties are also important for Christian and non-Christian marriages because they arise from the very nature and essential purpose of marriage. The Christian tradition and the doctrine of St. Paul teach that these two properties reflect the unique and indissoluble bond of Christ and the Church. The article deals with the exclusion of essential properties from the marriage consent or proof of nullity of marriage because of the exclusion of unity and indissolubility by a positive act of will.
- Published
- 2018
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45. Svenska kyrkan och det tredje sakramentet : En litteraturstudie kring biktens roll och historia i Svenska kyrkan åren 1527-2019
- Author
Wikblad Bohm, Andreas and Wikblad Bohm, Andreas
- Published
- 2020
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Starting with the guidelines of the Second Vatican Council that the moral life of Christians should be Christologically marked, the author of this article focuses on the premise that Christian morality is, in its essence, the law of Christ's grace. Taking the fact that Christ's grace is conducted especially through the sacraments, the first part of the article deals with the sacramental foundation of Christian morality. This idea is further developed in the second part when the author discusses the Eucharist as the sacrament of Christ's love. This leads to the conclusion that Christian morality, by its very nature, is a Eucharistic morality of love. This love must be evident in all Christians and should be manifest primarily in selfless service to God and people, especially in helping the poor. In the third part of the article, the author focuses on the essential parts of the Eucharistic celebration and strives to bring out of these a useful guide to daily living. The final section makes it clear that Eucharistic morality is demanding but achievable because it is a Divine grace that always comes to the assistance of human weakness. The author also raises a number of issues that encourage further consideration. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
47. Sakramentalna struktura Słowa Bożego w teologii kard. J. Ratzingera
- Author
Grzegorz Bachanek
- Subjects
Słowo ,Józef Ratzinger ,sakrament ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Abstract
Der Artikel gibt einen Überblick über die Hauptelemente der Reflexion von Joseph Ratzinger zum Thema das Wort Gottes. Ratzinger meint, dass für die Alte Kirche die Heilige Schrift als Ganzes ein Sakrament bedeutet. Im Besonderen sind Sakramente die einzelnen Worte der Heiligen Schrift, die Ereignisse aus der Erlösungsgeschichte und der Schöpfungswirklichkeit. Aus diesem weiten Sinne des Sakraments bildet sich allmählich der engere Sinn, der mit der Unterscheidung zwischen dem alttestamentarischen Versprechen und der neutestamentarischen Erfüllung und mit der Unterscheidung zwischen der alttestamentarischen Vielheit und der neutestamentarischen Schlichtheit zusammenhängt. Der Kirche der ersten Jahrhunderte ist völlig fremd, das Wort Gottes den Sakramenten gegenüberzustellen. Diese Gegenüberstellung ergibt sich aus der Ablehnung der typologischen Exegese der Heiligen Schrift zugunsten der wortwörtlichen Exegese und aus der zu scharfen Gegenüberstellung dessen, was christlich ist, dem, was allgemeinmenschlich ist. Heute sollten wir wieder die Heilige Schrift in Bezug auf die Zukunft interpretieren. Der Autor scheint darauf hinzuweisen, dass solch ein Verständnis der Heiligen Schrift den sakramentalen Charakter vom Wort Gottes zu bemerken ermöglicht und dadurch das Sakrament dem heutigen Menschen naher bringt. Das Wort Gottes bildet die Kirche, vereinigt sie, ermöglicht das Entstehen einer christlichen Bruderschaft. Der Kirche anvertraut, kann es fortdauern und in der Welt wirken. Das Wort Gottes ist die Quelle der Kraft, der Hoffnung, des Lebenssinns, des Trostes.
- Published
- 2005
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48. Biblia sakramentem miłości Boga i Kościoła
- Author
Krzysztof Bardski
- Subjects
słowo ,Pieśń nad pieśniami ,symbol ,sakrament ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Abstract
In the christian antiquity the word sacrament designated any sacred sign. The Bible can be considered as a sign of the love between God and the Church. In our article we analyze the symbols created in connection with the more-than-literal interpretation ofthe Song of Songs. The different aspects o f the loving relation between the Bridegroom and the Bride have been interpreted by the ancient and medieval commentators in the light of the role that the Bible plays in the relation between Jesus and the Church or Jesus and the human soul.
- Published
- 2005
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49. Chrzest w teologii Ulryka Zwingliego
- Subjects
faith ,Baptism ,sacrament ,covenant ,Church ,the Bible ,anabaptyści ,przymierze ,sakrament ,Anabaptists ,Kościół ,wiara ,Chrzest ,Biblia - Abstract
W teologii Zwingliego nauka o sakramentach ma znaczenie drugorzędne. Potrzebę i konieczność sakramentów reformator ograniczał praktycznie tylko do umocnienia słabych w wierze. Przeciwnie do tradycyjnego poglądu chrzest pełni w teologii Zwingliego jedynie rolę inicjującego znaku, który jest znakiem przymierza, osobistego wyznania wiary, zobowiązania się do prowadzenia chrześcijańskiego życia i znakiem potwierdzającym przynależność do widzialnego Kościoła. Dla reformatora duchowa substancja chrztu jest zupełnie oddzielona od znakowej., In Zwingli’s theology the teaching about sacraments is of secondary importance. The reformer limited the importance and necessity of sacraments only to those who were weak in faith. Contrary to the traditional view, baptism in Zwingli’s theology acts only as an initiating sign which is the sign of covenant, of personal confession of faith and respect for the Christian life; it is also the sign which confirms one’s belonging to the visible Church. For the reformer the spiritual substance of baptism is separated from it as a sign.
- Published
- 2020
50. Transformations of the practice of sacramental confession in the 20th century Belgium on the example of Pastoral Ministry Capuchin Friars
- Author
Derdziuk, Marcin Andrzej
- Subjects
sakrament ,capuchin friars ,Belgium ,Kościół ,Belgia ,church ,spowiedź ,kapucyni ,confession - Abstract
Wydział Teologii, Instytut Nauk Teologicznych; promotor rozprawy doktorskiej: ks. prof. dr hab. Andrzej Derdziuk Podstawowym celem studium "Przemiany praktyki spowiedzi sakramentalnej w Belgii w XX wieku na przykładzie posługi duszpasterskiej Braci Kapucynów" było przedstawienie teologiczno-społecznych aspektów związanych z przemianą praktyki sakramentalnej spowiedzi w Belgii. Zagadnienie zostało przeanalizowane na przykładzie posługi braci kapucynów prowincji flandryjskiej, którzy stanowili punkt odniesienia w złożonych uwarunkowaniach teologiczno-społecznych. Treścią pierwszego rozdziału był krótki rys historyczny, dziejowa analiza sytuacji Kościoła katolickiego w Belgii, jego dynamika, skrajny rygoryzm, panorama kreowania się posługi spowiedniczej w rodzącej się wspólnocie kapucynów. Rozdział drugi był spojrzeniem na kontekst historyczno-teologiczny przemian soborowych, z uwypukleniem roli formowania się nowego oblicza Kościoła. Treścią rozdziału trzeciego była próba nakreślenia problemu i charakterystyki przejawów kryzysu spowiedzi. W rozdziale czwartym podjęto próbę analizy wpływu kryzysu spowiedzi na całokształt życia wspólnoty eklezjalnej. W ostatnim rozdziale poddano analizie inicjatywy wnoszące nadzieję w odrodzenie praktyki sakramentu pokuty. W rozważanaich skupiono się na przejawach charyzmatycznej posługi braci kapucynów. Praca ukazała również Kościół skonfrontowany z działalnością wrogich mu nurtów, nie zawsze znajdujący w odpowiedzi właściwą metodologię działań. Zamiarem pracy było wskazanie najważniejszych przyczyn odejścia wiernych od spowiedzi. Osiągnięciem pracy było zaprezentowanie bardzo skomplikowanego czasu przemian psoborowych w Belgii. The dissertation entitled "Transformations of the practice of sacramental confession in the 20th century Belgium on the example of pastoral ministry of Capuchin Friars" has aimed to demonstrate socio-theological aspects related to the transformation of the practice of sacramental confession in Belgium. The issue has been analysed on the example of the ministry of capuchin friars of the Province of Flanders, who were the reference point in complex socio-theological conditions. The first chapter presents a short historical outline: an analysis of the historical situation of the Catholic Church in Belgium, its dynamics, extreme rigorism, and an overview of the development of penitential ministry in the newly established capuchin community. In the second chapter illustrates historical and theological context of conciliar changes, emphasising the role of the formation of the new image of the Church. The third chapter attempts tom outline problems and characteristic manifestations of the crisis of sacramental confession. In the fourth chapter the author has attempted to analyse the impact of the crisis of sacramental confession on the entire life of the Church's community. The last chapter analyses new initiatives bringing hope of the rebirth of the practice of sacramental penance. The point of focus has been placed on some examples of charismatic ministry of capuchin friars. The dissertation has also shown the Church in conflict with some currents inimical to her, to which currents the Church had often failed to respond with appropriate methodology of action. The dissertation has aimed to indicate the crucial grounds for the decline of the practice of sacramental confession among the faithful. The dissertation has succeeded in presenting the very intricate time of post-conciliar changes in Belgium.
- Published
- 2020
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