244 results on '"sadjarstvo"'
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- Author
Slavič, Jakob
- Subjects
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FORESTS & forestry , *LAND use , *CULTURAL centers , *HERITAGE tourism , *ARABLE land , *RURAL youth - Abstract
We can divide the region Ljutomersko-ormoške gorice on Western and Eastern part. Following, are well known by their quality wines, tourism and cultural center Jeruzalem. On the other hand, Western Ljutomersko -- Ormoške gorice are hiding in the shadows of the Eastern part. That's why the process of farm dropping, migration of youth, urbanisation has changed the area of Western Ljutomersko - Ormoških goric, even more. With this kind of movement in the area, Land use has changed a lot. The number of overgrow lands, forest lands, green lands and none arable areas has increased. This kind of land use, can follow to physical geographic changes of areas, as well as to culture changes of areas. The biggest problem of changes in land use are unsensibly use of land. Mostly by overlaying of none arable areas with arable areas, where there are good farming areas. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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3. Vpliv pripravkov na osnovi alg, aminokislin in giberelinov na pridelek jablane(Malus domestica Borkh.) sorte ´Idared´ po spomladanski pozebi 2021
- Author
Pregrad, Tina and Hudina, Metka
- Subjects
algae ,amino acids ,fruit growing ,gibberellins ,'Idared' ,apple ,pridelek ,yield ,alge ,jablana ,aminokisline ,Malus domestica ,giberelini ,pozeba ,frost ,sadjarstvo - Abstract
Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali pripravki Amalgerol Essence (alge), Delfan Plus (aminokisline) in Novagib (giberelini) vplivajo na pridelek jablane (Malus domestica Borkh.) sorte 'Idared' v času spomladanskih nizkih temperatur. Poskus je potekal v dveh nasadih jablane v Zagaju (Bistrica ob Sotli) leta 2021. V poskus smo vključili dve obravnavanji: kontrolo in obravnavanje, kjer smo uporabili pripravke, ki delujejo proti pozebi. Pri obravnavanju uporaba pripravkov proti pozebi smo drevesa škropili 1. in 5. aprila s pripravkom Amalgerol Essence (3 l/ha), 9. in 16. aprila s pripravkoma Amalgerol Essence (3 l/ha) in Delfan Plus (1,5 l/ha) in Novagib (0,5 l/ha) ter 23. aprila s pripravkoma Amalgerol Essence (3 l/ha) in Delfan Plus (1,5 l/ha). Drevesom, ki smo jih vključili v poskus, smo izmerili parametre vegetativne rasti in generativnega razvoja. Uporabljeni pripravki so vplivali na večje število plodov I. kakovostnega razreda in na velikost plodov, ki so bili večji in težji. Večje je bilo skupno število plodov na drevo, pridelek na drevo in koeficient rodnosti v primerjavi s kontrolnimi drevesi. Pripravki so vplivali tudi na obarvanost plodov. Posledično je bil večji pridelek na hektar ter večji delež pridelka I. kakovostnega razreda. Pripravki niso imeli vpliva na trdoto mesa, število pečk, topno suho snov in vsebnost titracijskih kislin. The objective of the master's thesis was to determine whether the preparations Amalgerol Essence (algae), Delfan Plus (amino acids), and Novagib (gibberellins) affect the yield of the apple cultivar (Malus domestica Borkh.) 'Idared' at low temperatures in spring. The trial took place in two apple orchards in Zagaj (Bistrica ob Sotli) in 2021. The experiment included two treatments: a control treatment and a treatment in which we used preparations against frost. In the treatment with antifreeze preparations, the trees were sprayed with Amalgerol Essence (3 l/ha) on April 1 and 5, with Amalgerol Essence (3 l/ha), Delfan Plus (1.5 l/ha) and Novagib (0.5 l/ha) on April 9 and 16, and with Amalgerol Essence (3 l/ha) and Delfan Plus (1.5 l/ha) on April 23. The parameters of vegetative growth and generative development were measured for the trees included in the experiment. The preparations used had a positive effect on the number of fruits in the first quality class and on the size of the fruits, which became larger and heavier. The total number of fruits per tree, yield per tree and yield coefficient were higher compared to the control trees. The preparations also affected fruit coloration. The result was a higher yield per hectare and a higher percentage of yield in the first quality class. The preparations had no effect on fruit firmness, number of seeds, soluble solids content, and titratable acids content.
- Published
- 2023
4. Kakovost plodov ameriške borovnice (Vaccinium corymbosum) pri različnih načinih shranjevanja
- Author
Podboj, Daša and Mikulič Petkovšek, Maja
- Subjects
sladkorji ,fruit growing ,sugars ,organic acids ,vitamin C ,organske kisline ,phenolic compounds ,Vaccinium corymbosum ,fenolne spojine ,sadjarstvo ,highbush blueberry ,ameriška borovnica - Abstract
V magistrski nalogi smo preučevali vsebnost sladkorjev, organskih kislin, vitamina C in fenolnih spojin v svežih in zamrznjenih in različno dolgo shranjenih plodovih ameriške borovnice (Vaccinum corymbosum) pri temperaturah -20 °C in -80 °C na dveh sortah 'Bluecrop' in 'Duke'. Zamrznjene plodove smo skladiščili do 13 mesecev in jih v treh različnih terminih analizirali s HPLC. Ugotovili smo, da so med vsebnostmi skupnih sladkorjev v plodovih sorte 'Bluecrop' statistično značilne razlike v dolžinah skladiščenja plodov. V plodovih sorte 'Bluecrop' so med vsebnostmi skupnih kislin statistično značilne razlike v interakciji dolžine skladiščenja in pogoja shranjevanja plodov. Vsebnosti vitamina C se v plodovih sorte 'Bluecrop' statistično značilno razlikujejo glede na dolžine skladiščenja plodov. V plodovih sorte 'Bluecrop' so v vsebnosti skupnih fenolov statistično značilne razlike glede na dolžine skladiščenja plodov. Ugotovili smo, da so med vsebnostmi skupnih sladkorjev v plodovih sorte 'Duke' statistično značilne razlike v dolžinah skladiščenja plodov. V plodovih sorte 'Duke' so med vsebnostmi skupnih kislin statistično značilne razlike v dolžinah skladiščenja in pogojih shranjevanja plodov, brez vpliva njune interakcije. Vsebnosti vitamina C se v plodovih sorte 'Duke' statistično značilno razlikujejo glede na dolžine skladiščenja plodov. V plodovih sorte 'Duke' so med vsebnostmi skupnih fenolov statistično značilne razlike v dolžinah skladiščenja plodov. Ugotovili smo, da so v svežih plodovih določene največje vsebnosti primarnih in sekundarnih metabolitov, kar pomeni, da imajo sveži plodovi največ zdravju koristnih snovi. In the master's thesis we studied the content of sugars, organic acids, vitamin C and phenolic compounds in fresh and frozen and stored fruits of highbush blueberry (Vaccinum corymbosum) at temperatures of -20 ° C and -80 ° C in two cultivars 'Bluecrop' and 'Duke'. Frozen fruits were stored up to 13 months and analyzed by HPLC at three different time points. We found that there are statistically significant differences between the contents of total sugars in the fruits of the 'Bluecrop' cultivar depending on the length of fruit storage. In the fruits of the 'Bluecrop' cultivar, there are statistically significant differences between the content of total acids in the interaction of the length of storage and storage condition of the fruits. Vitamin C content in the fruits of the 'Bluecrop' cultivar differ statistically significantly depending on the length of storage of the fruits. In the fruits of the 'Bluecrop' cultivar, there are statistically significant differences in the content of total phenolics depending on the length of fruit storage. We found that there are statistically significant differences between the content of total sugars in the fruits of 'Duke' cultivar depending on the length of fruit storage. In the fruits of 'Duke' cultivar, there are statistically significant differences between the content of total acids depending on the length of storage and storage conditions of the fruits, without the influence of their interaction. Vitamin C contents in the fruits of 'Duke' cultivar differ statistically significantly depending on the length of fruit storage. In the fruits of 'Duke' cultivar are statistically significant differences between the contents of total phenolics depending on the length of fruit storage. Fresh fruits were found to have the highest content of primary and secondary metabolites, which means that fresh fruits have higher content of health beneficial compounds.
- Published
- 2023
5. Projekt Gažon: idejna zasnova učno-raziskovalnega sadjarskega centra na območju istrske vasi
- Author
Koščak, Tadeja and Dešman, Mihael
- Subjects
fruit farming ,učni center ,sadjarstvo ,raziskovalni center ,research center ,learning center - Abstract
POVZETEK Magistrska naloga predstavlja idejno zasnovo učno-raziskovalnega sadjarskega centra in je sestavljena iz dveh delov. Teoretični del analizira zgodovino sadjarstva na slovenskih tleh in jo primerja z današnjimi trendi. Nadaljevanje teoretičnega dela se nato dotika območja slovenske Istre - opisujemo zgodovino arhitekture in njeno tipologijo. Nadaljujemo z analitičnim delom, v katerem naredimo pregled razvoja Gažona in tako izbremo primerno lokacijo v tej vasi. Naloga raziskovalnega centra je pridobiti nova znanja na področju tehnologij pridelave južnih in jagodičastih sadnih vrst. Z umestitvijo v vas Gažon pa naselje oživiti in na to območje privabiti nove obiskovalce. Učni center ima pri tem ključno vlogo, saj z organizacijo predavanj in delavnic pridobljeno znanje prenaša naprej in povezuje ljudi. V magistrski nalogi se tako poskušamo dotakniti dveh problematik - nizke samooskrbe Slovenije z domačim sadjem in hkrati problema izseljevanja prebivalstva iz vasi - in ju skozi novo zasnovo poskušamo rešiti. ABSTRACT Thesis presents a conceptual design of learning and research fruit farming center and consists of two parts. The theoretical part analyzes the history of fruit growing on Slovenian soil and compares it with today’s trends. The continuation of the theoretical work then touches on area of Slovenian Istria - we describe the history of architecture and its typology. We continue with the analytical work, in which we make an overview of development of Gažon and choose a suitable location in this village. The task of the research center is to acquire new knowledge in the field of production technologies of southern and berry types of fruit. By placing it in the village of Gažon, the village will be revived and new visitors will be attracted to the area. The learning center plays a key role in this, because by organizing lectures and workshops, it transfers the acquired knowledge to the people and connects them. To conclude we are trying to touch on two problems - the low self-sufficiency of Slovenia with local fruit and at the same time the problem of population emigration from villages - and dealing with it by creating a new design of fruit farming center for wider community.
- Published
- 2023
6. Vpliv različnih pripravkov na vegetativno rast in pridelek jagod sorte 'Clery' (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)
- Author
Turk, Anže and Štampar, Franci
- Subjects
strawberries ,biostimulants ,fruit growing ,quality ,kakovost ,jagode ,pridelek ,biostimulanti ,sadjarstvo ,Fragaria x ananassa Duch ,yield - Abstract
Na površinah, kjer se jagode pogosto sadi na isto mesto, je večji pojav talnih patogenih gliv in škodljivcev, ki povzročajo bolezni in poškodbe korenin in negativno vplivajo na pridelavo. Na trgu se v zadnjih letih pojavljajo pripravki, ki zmanjšajo vpliv fitopatogenih organizmov na rastline. Namen magistrske naloge je ugotoviti, ali je mogoče s temi pripravki zmanjšati negativni vpliv na pridelavo jagod. Poskus smo izvajali v letih 2020 in 2021 na kmetiji Jarkovič na območju kraja Brod v Podbočju. Imeli smo tri obravnavanja: kontrolo, kombinacijo pripravkov podjetja 'Atens' ('Team horticola', in 'Condor shield') in kombinacijo pripravkov podjetja 'L.G. Italia' ('Ken', 'Klozer', 'Sphera', 'Carbogen', 'Start' in 'Algalis'). Pripravke podjetje 'L.G. Italia' smo uporabili pred sajenjem jagod, pripravke podjetja 'Atens' pa po sajenju in kasneje med vegetacijo. Na vzorčenih rastlinah smo merili vegetativno rast in količino ter kakovost pridelka. Rastline, kjer so bili uporabljeni pripravki, so imele večjo dolžino in maso nadzemnega dela ter večjo maso korenin. Kot posledica boljše vegetativne rasti so rastline v obravnavanjih, kjer smo uporabili pripravke, imele 33 % več pridelka v primerjavi s kontrolo, plodovi so bili večji. Kakovostni parametri vsebnosti suhe snovi, trdote plodov, vitamina C, skupnih kislin, skupnih sladkorjev in skupnih fenolov je bila za povprečje vseh terminov večja pri kontroli. V nekaterih terminih, med obravnavanji ni bilo statistično značilnih razlik. Plodovi kontrole in obravnavanja pripravkov 'L.G. Italia' so dosegli prag odličnega okusa, obravnavanja pripravkov 'Atens' pa srednje dobrega okusa. Uporabljeni pripravki so pozitivno vplivali na boljšo vegetativno rast in pridelek. Zaradi večjega pridelka je rahlo upadla kakovost plodov, kljub temu pa so plodovi dosegli prag dobrega okusa. Glede na povečanje pridelka, ki ni bistveno slabše kakovosti, se je uporaba pripravkov pokazala kot zelo gospodarna. Due to regular cultivation of strawberries in the same location, growers have encountered problems with soil-borne pathogens and pests in strawberry production. In recent years, new products with antagonistic or biostimulant activity have entered the market. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential for reducing crop damage by using a combination of products. The experimental plot was established on the Jarkovič farm in Brod v Podbočju in 2020 and 2021. The trial was divided into three plots. The control plot was untreated, in the second plot products of the company 'Atens' ('Team horticola' and 'Condor shield') were used, and in the third plot products of the company 'L.G. Italia' ('Ken', 'Klozer', 'Sphera', 'Carbogen', 'Start' and 'Algalis') were used. The products of 'Atens' were used after planting during vegetation and the products of 'L.G. Italia' were used before planting. We measured vegetative growth, yield and quality of yield. Vegetative growth was better in the plots where the products were used, root weight and plant weight were higher. The treated plants had a 33% higher yield than the control plants, and the fruits were also larger. The content of dry matter, vitamin C, sugars, acids and phenols was higher in the fruits of the control plants, they also had firmer skin. The fruits of the control plants and of the plot 'LG Italia' reached a high taste quality, while those of the plot 'Atens' reached a medium taste quality. The products used had a good influence on vegetative growth and yield. However, due to the higher yield, the quality of the fruits was lower. Although the quality was lower, the fruits achieved the desired flavour. Higher yield with medium and high flavour quality means that the use of products is a good method to reduce soil pathogen problems in strawberry production and a solution for better farm management.
- Published
- 2023
7. Intenzivna pridelava ameriške borovnice (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)
- Author
Kralj, Karolina and Štampar, Franci
- Subjects
pridelava ,fruit growing ,production ,Vaccinium corymbosum ,sadjarstvo ,highbush blueberry ,ameriška borovnica - Abstract
Ameriško borovnico (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) pri nas pridelujemo v okolici Ljubljane, predvsem na Ljubljanskem barju, kjer so kisla in šotna tla. Problem pa je, da je primernih tal vedno manj zaradi gojenja koruze, pšenice, krompirja in ostalih poljščin, ki zvišujejo pH zemlje zaradi gnojenja z NPK, ki imajo dodane različne karbonate. Borovnica dobro uspeva na organskih, kislih, šotnih, lahkih, zračnih tleh, občutljiva je na nitrate in ne prenaša kalcija. Borovnico v Sloveniji pridelujemo v zemlji, na grebenih, lahko pa tudi v loncih. Pri gojenju v loncih so pomembni velikost loncev, substrat, namakanje in gnojenje. Gojenje v loncih je enostavnejše, ker lahko lažje nadzorujemo rastne zahteve, omogoča tudi večjo gostoto rastlin. Večja ko je gostota rastlin, večji je pridelek na hektar. Highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) is grown in the vicinity of Ljubljana, mainly at Ljubljansko barje, where the soil is acidic and peaty. The problem is that there is less and less suitable soil due to the cultivation of corn, wheat, potatoes and other crops that raise the pH of the soil due to NPK fertilization, which contain various carbonates. The blueberry grows well in organic, acidic, peaty, light, airy soils, is sensitive to nitrates and does not tolerate calcium. In Slovenia, blueberries are grown in the ground, on ridges, they can also be grown in pots. When grown in pots, pot size, substrate, irrigation and fertilization are important. Growing in pots is simpler because we can more easily control the growth requirements, it also allows for higher plant density. Higher density means higher yield per hectare.
- Published
- 2022
8. Response of chloroplast pigments, sugars and phenolics of sweet cherry leaves to chilling
- Author
Helena Šircelj, Matej Vosnjak, Valentina Usenik, and Metka Hudina
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,0301 basic medicine ,Chloroplasts ,Sucrose ,Physiology ,Acclimatization ,Flavonoid ,carbohydrates ,plant sciences ,Biochemistry ,01 natural sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Prunus ,sekundarni metaboliti ,chemistry.chemical_classification ,Multidisciplinary ,udc:634.1/.7 ,Monosaccharides ,food and beverages ,fiziologija rastlin ,Zeaxanthin ,Horticulture ,monosaccharides ,kemična sestava ,visual_art ,visual_art.visual_art_medium ,Medicine ,sladkorji ,Science ,Plant physiology ,Carbohydrates ,Prunus avium ,plant stress responses ,hlajenje ,Article ,03 medical and health sciences ,Pigment ,Phenols ,parasitic diseases ,Sugar alcohols ,biochemistry ,sadjarstvo ,Sugar ,secondary metabolism ,Abiotic ,plant physiology ,Cold-Shock Response ,fungi ,Fructose ,Pigments, Biological ,Plant Leaves ,sugar alcohols ,Metabolism ,030104 developmental biology ,nizke temperature ,chemistry ,hladni stres ,Plant stress responses ,češnja ,physiology ,Sorbitol ,Secondary metabolism ,abiotic ,Sugars ,Plant sciences ,metabolism ,010606 plant biology & botany - Abstract
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of post-flowering chilling of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) on the content of biochemical parameters in the leaf (chloroplast pigments, sugars and phenolics). The effect of chilling was investigated in two experiments. Potted 2-year-old trees of cv. 'Grace Star' and 'Schneiders' were exposed to one, two or three consecutive overnight chillings at an average air temperature of 4.7 °C (Experiment I), but in the following year only trees of 'Grace Star' were chilled at 2.2 °C (Experiment II), 3 to 7 weeks after flowering. The analysis of the biochemical parameters was performed by high performance liquid chromatography combined with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Chilling at 4.7 °C caused little or no stress, while 2.2 °C induced more intense stress with increased zeaxanthin, sugar and phenolic content in leaves, while exposure of trees to higher temperatures and closer to flowering showed no changes. Two or three consecutive overnight chilling periods increased the phenolic content and enhanced the accumulation of zeaxanthin in the leaves. Sucrose, sorbitol, fructose, total sugar, and total flavonoid content in leaves increased within 48 h after chilling. Zeaxanthin epoxidized within 24 h after one and 48 h after one and two consecutive overnight chillings.
- Published
- 2021
9. Vpliv biostimulanta na podlagi aminokislin in alg na rast in razvoj ameriške borovnice (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) sorte 'Blueray'
- Author
Petek, Nika and Hudina, Metka
- Subjects
fruit growing ,growth ,Vaccinium corymbosum ,pridelek ,sadjarstvo ,yield ,ameriška borovnica ,biostimulant ,rast ,blueberry - Abstract
Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti vpliv biostimulanta Amalgerol Essence na rast in razvoj ameriške borovnice (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) sorte 'Blueray'. Poskus se je začel 5. 5. 2020, ko smo posadili sadike sorte 'Blueray' stare tri leta. Po sajenju smo 30. 5. izmerili višino grma in skupno dolžino vseh poganjkov ter prvič tretirali polovico sadik z biostimulantom Amalgerol Essence. Druge polovice sadik nismo tretirali. V nadaljevanju smo meritve opravljali enkrat tedensko. 24. 6. smo obrali prve plodove, prešteli število in stehtali maso plodov. Opravili smo 8 obiranj. V letu 2021 smo z meritvami višine grma ter dolžine skupnih poganjkov nadaljevali ter opravili 6 obiranj plodov. Med poskusom smo ugotovili, da je biostimulant Amalgerol Essence vplival na višino sadik. Prirast skupne dolžine poganjkov je bila večja pri rastlinah, ki smo jih tretirali s pripravkom Amalgerol Essence. Biostimulant Amalgerol Essence je na pridelek vplival zgolj kvantitativno, ne pa tudi kvalitativno, saj smo opazili na tretiranih sadikah sicer več borovnic, vendar so bile le-te zelo drobne, medtem ko so bili na kontrolnih sadikah plodovi večji. The aim of this graduation thesis was to determine the effect of the biostimulant Amalgerol Essence on the growth and development of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cultivar 'Blueray'. The experiment began on 5th May 2020, when we planted three years old plants of the cultivar 'Blueray'. After planting, we measured the height of the bush and the total length of all shoots on 30th May and treated half of the plants with the biostimulant Amalgerol Essence for the first time. The other half of the plants were not treated. Thereafter, measurements were taken once a week. On 24th June, we harvested the first fruits, counted the number and weighed the weight of the fruits. We carried out 8 harvests. In 2021, we continued to measure the height and total length of the shoots and harvested fruits 6-times. During the experiment, we found that the biostimulant Amalgerol Essence affected the height of the plants. The increase in the total length of the shoots was higher in the plants treated with Amalgerol Essence. The biostimulant Amalgerol Essence influenced the yield only quantitatively, but not qualitatively. We see more blueberries on the treated plants, but they were smaller, while the fruit on the untreated plants were larger.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Marič, Martin
- Abstract
When mentioning The Slovenske gorice region an average Slovene resident thinks of hills with vineyards and orchards. However, the appearance of this region between the Mura and Pesnica Rivers has changed. The number of vineyards and orchards has reduced over the years. In this article, we analyzed the links between natural factors and land use. The focus was on the impact of relief, bedrock, and soil types on viticulture and fruit farming. Considering the natural factors, we analyzed where else is also possible and the most advantageous to grow vineyards and orchards. Those could, in association to appropriate social factors, add a large value to the agriculture in northeastern Slovenia. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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11. Vpliv pripravka z giberelini na obliko plodov jablane (Malus domestica Borkh.) sorte 'Bonita'
- Author
Gomilšek, Gašper Izidor and Štampar, Franc
- Subjects
gibberelins ,Malus domestica ,fruit growing ,giberelini ,oblika ,udc:634.11:631.811.98:581.4:631.559(043.2) ,kakovost ,apple ,quality yield ,pridelek ,shape ,sadjarstvo ,jablana - Abstract
V nalogi smo ugotavljali vpliv pripravka NovaGib na količino pridelka in kakovost plodov (Malus domestica Borkh.) sorte 'Bonita'. Poskus smo izvajali v Hortikulturnem centru Biotehniške fakultete Orehovlje in je obsegal tri obravnavanja: kontrolo, obravnavanje G1 (1x NovaGib 0,7 l/ha) in obravnavanje G2 (2x NovaGib 0,35 l/ha). Zaradi aprilske pozebe smo vsa drevesa, tudi kontrolna, tretirali s pripravkom NovaGib s konc. 0,15 l/ha in 0,5 l/ha. Ugotovili smo, da pripravek NovaGib ni imel značilnega vpliva na pridelek in delež plodov 1. kakovostnega razreda. Pripravek ni imel značilnega vpliva na obarvanost, trdoto, vsebnost topne suhe snovi, vsebnost škroba in vsebnost posameznih sladkorjev, organskih kislin ter skupnih fenolov. Ugotovili smo, da je pripravek pozitivno vplival na velikost plodov, saj se je linearno s številom nanosov povečevala višina, premer in masa plodov. Do značilne razlike je prišlo v višini plodov med kontrolo (58,11 mm) in G2 (60,19 mm), v premeru plodov med kontrolo (66,53 mm) in G2 (68,21 mm) in v masi plodov med kontrolo (129,50 g) in G2 (141,95 g). Do spremembe oblike ni prišlo, plodovi so se enakomerno povečali v premeru in v višino. Značilne razlike smo zabeležili pri parametrih osnovne in krovne barve. Zaradi vpliva zunanjih dejavnikov, predvsem spomladanske pozebe ter suše in mladosti dreves priporočamo, da se poskus ponovi. The purpose of the master thesis was to determine the impact of NovaGib on the yield and fruit quality of apple cultivar 'Bonita.' The study was conducted at the Horticultural Center of the Biotechnical Faculty in Orehovlje. The study included 3 treatments: control, treatment G1 (1x NovaGib 0.7 l/ha), and treatment G2 (2x NovaGib 0.35 l/ha). Due to the April frost, all trees, including the control one, were treated with NovaGib with conc. 0.15 l/ha and 0.5 l/ha. NovaGib did not significantly affect the yield and share of the 1st quality class fruits. There was no statistical impact on colour, hardness, soluble solids, starch test, and content of individual sugars, organic acids, and total phenols contents. NovaGib had a positive impact on fruit size, as the fruit's height, diameter, and weight increased linearly with the number of NovaGib applications. There were significant differences between control and G2 in fruit height (control: 58.11 mm, G2: 60.19 mm), fruit diameter (control: 66.53 mm, G2: 68.21 mm), and fruit weight (control: 129.50 g, G2: 141.95 g). There was no change in shape the fruits increased evenly in diameter and height. Significantly differences were observed in the background colour and overcolour parameters. We recommend repeating the experiment due to external factors, especially spring frost and drought, and the youth of trees.
- Published
- 2022
12. Effect of Spring Frost Damage on Apple Fruit (Malus domestica Borkh.) Inner Quality at Harvest
- Author
Anka Cebulj, Maja Mikulič-Petkovšek, Robert Veberič, and Jerneja Jakopic
- Subjects
frost rings ,sugar ,sorbitol ,phenolic content ,Agriculture (General) ,kmetijstvo ,fungi ,food and beverages ,Plant Science ,eye diseases ,S1-972 ,jabolka ,kakovost plodov ,udc:634.11/.12 ,pozeba ,sadjarstvo ,Agronomy and Crop Science ,Food Science - Abstract
In the last few years, spring frosts have become more of a rule than an exception. There are several prevention measures available for growers and numerous are being tested; however, fruitlets are often affected to some extent. One of the more common phenomena is the development of frost rings. The aim of our study was to evaluate how the occurrence of frost rings affects sugar, organic acid, and phenol content in the flesh and phenol content in the peel of cv. ‘Gala’ apples. The results show that the frost damage from spring frost affects compounds in the peel, as well as in the flesh of ripe apples. The flesh of fruits with frost rings contained higher content of fructose and in the flesh directly under the rings there was higher sorbitol and malic acid content. Additionally, the hydroxycinnamic acid and dihydrochalcone content in apple flesh was also altered by frost. The frost-affected peel had a completely different ratio of phenolic compounds content in comparison to healthy apples. While there was a significantly higher content of hydroxycinnamic acids and dihydrochalcones in the corky peel in comparison to the unaffected peel, the flavonol and anthocyanin content was considerably lower.
- Published
- 2021
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13. Redčenje sorte 'Pinova´ v intenzivnih nasadih jablane (Malus domestica Borkh.)
- Author
Juhart, Jan and Štampar, Franc
- Subjects
fruit growing ,intensive orchard ,redčenje ,thinning ,udc:634.11:631.542.27:631.559(043.2) ,kakovost ,pridelek ,yield ,jablana ,intenzivni nasad ,Malus domestica ,quality ,apple tree ,sadjarstvo - Abstract
Pri intenzivni tehnologiji pridelave jablane je redčenje eden izmed ključnih tehnoloških ukrepov. Namen magistrske naloge je ugotoviti vpliv redčenja na kakovost plodov sorte 'Pinova'. Poskus smo izvajali v Hortikulturnem centru Biotehniške fakultete Orehovlje. V poskus smo vključili dve obravnavanji: kontrolo in redčenje s pripravkom Exilis (6-benziladenin - BA) v odmerku 8 l/ha, ki smo ga opravili 7. 5. 2021. Kemično redčenje sorte 'Pinova' ni bilo uspešno, saj je bilo število plodov/drevo enako številu plodov pri kontroli. Menimo, da so slabe vremenske razmere po redčenju vplivale na slabo učinkovitost redčenja. V poskusu smo prešteli število plodov/drevo, stehtali pridelek/drevo in ga razvrstili v 1. in 2. kakovostni razred. Plodovom smo izmerili dimenzije ploda, maso ploda, trdoto mesa, vsebnost topne suhe snovi, določili škrob po škrobni lestvici ter izmerili parametre osnovne in krovne barve. Ugotovili smo, da med vsemi izmerjenimi parametri ni bilo statistično značilnih razlik med kontrolo in obravnavanjem, kjer smo drevesa kemično redčili. Vzrok za takšne rezultate poskusa so nizke temperature v maju (povprečno 15 °C), suša in visoke temperature v juniju, juliju in avgustu ter nedostopna voda za namakanje, ki so močno vplivali na količino in kakovost plodov. In intensive apple orchards, thinning is one of the key technological measures. The purpose of the master thesis was to determine the effect of thinning on fruit quality of cultivar 'Pinova'. The experiment was performed at the Horticultural Center of the Biotechnical Faculty in Orehovlje. Two treatments were included in the experiment: control and chemical thinning with Exilis (6-benzyladenine - BA) at a dose of 8 l/ha, which was carried out on 7th May 2021. Chemical thinning of the variety 'Pinova' was not successful because the number of fruit/tree was equal to the number of fruit/tree in the control. We believe that poor weather conditions after chemical thinning affected the poor thinning efficiency. In the experiment, we counted the number of fruit/tree, weighed the yield/tree and classified it into 1st and 2nd quality class. Fruit dimensions, fruit weight, fruit firmness, soluble solids content were measured, starch was determined according to the starch scale, and the parameters of ground and cover colour were measured. We found that there were no statistically significant differences between control and treatment, where the trees were chemically thinned, in all measured parameters. Such experimental results are due to low temperatures in May (average 15 °C), drought and high temperatures in June, July and August, and inaccessible irrigation water, which greatly affected fruit quantity and quality.
- Published
- 2021
14. Pridelek jablane (Malus domestica Borkh.) sorte 'Zlati delišes' škropljene z giberelini in proheksadion-kalcijem po spomladanski pozebi 2020
- Author
Vovko, Maja and Hudina, Metka
- Subjects
growth hormones ,Malus domestica ,fruit growing ,rastni hormoni ,apple ,udc:634.11:632.111.5:631.811.98:631.559(043.2) ,pozeba ,frost ,pridelek ,sadjarstvo ,yield ,jablana - Abstract
V diplomskem delu smo želeli ugotoviti, ali škropljenje s pripravkoma Novagib (giberelini) in Regalis Plus (prokehsadion-kalcij) po pozebi vpliva na večji in kakovostnejši pridelek jablane (Malus domestica Borkh.) sorte 'Zlati delišes'. Poskus smo izvedli leta 2020 v nasadu jablan v Šmarju pri Šentjerneju. V poskus smo vključili dve obravnavanji: kontrolo, kjer dreves nismo tretirali s pripravkoma Novagib in Regalis Plus, in obravnavanje, kjer smo drevesa po pozebi tretirali s pripravkoma Novagib in Regalis Plus. Drevesom smo izmerili parametre vegetativne rasti in generativnega razvoja. Izpostaviti moramo, da pa se je zmanjšal delež I. kakovostnega razreda, ki je bil pri kontrolnih drevesih večji, kot pri tretiranih drevesih. Koeficient rodnosti je bil večji pri kontrolnih drevesih. Tretiranje dreves s pripravkoma Novagib in Regalis Plus ni imelo vpliva na višino in širino ploda, vsebnost topne suhe snovi in titracijskih kislin, je pa vplivalo na večjo trdoto mesa in večjo vsebnost škroba, kar nakazuje, da so bili plodovi manj zreli v primerjavi s kontrolnimi plodovi. In the graduation thesis we wanted to find out whether spraying with Novagib (gibberellins) and Regalis Plus (prohexadione-calcium) after frost affects a bigger and high quality yield of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivar 'Golden Delicious'. The experiment was carried out in 2020 in an apple orchard in Šmarje near Šentjernej. Two treatments were included in the experiment: a control where the trees were not treated with Novagib and Regalis Plus, and a treatment where the trees were treated with Novagib and Regalis Plus after frost. The parameters of vegetative growth and generative development were measured in trees. It should be pointed out, however, that the percentage of I. quality class decreased, which was higher in control trees than in treated trees. The yield coefficient was higher in control trees. Treatment with Novagib and Regalis Plus had no effect on fruit height and width, soluble solids and titratable acid contents, but increased fruit firmness and starch content, indicating that the fruits were less mature compared to control fruits.
- Published
- 2021
15. Pridelek in uporaba treh različnih sort šipka (Rosa canina L.)
- Author
Šurlan, Zorana and Hudina, Metka
- Subjects
udc:582.639.11:631.526.32:631.559:664.858(043.2) ,rose hip ,fruit growing ,jam ,Rosa canina ,šipek ,pridelek ,sadjarstvo ,sorta ,yield ,marmelada ,cultivar - Abstract
Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti vpliv sort šipka (Rosa canina L.) na dimenzije grma (širina, višina, globina), začetek, vrh in konec cvetenja, datum obiranja, pridelek ter na teksturo, barvo in okus marmelade. Sorte, ki smo jih spremljali so bile 'Laxa (Inermis)', 'Schmids ideal' in 'Inermis'. Spremljali smo 10 grmov za vsako sorto (skupaj 30). Poskus je bil izveden v domačem nasadu v vasi Petkovac v Novem Gradu v Bosni in Hercegovini v rastni dobi 2020 in 2021. Ugotovili smo, da so grmi sorte 'Laxa (Inermis)' najmanj bujni, grmi sorte 'Inermis' pa so najbujnejši. Povprečna višina po rezi (2020) pri sorti 'Laxa (Inermis)' je bila 1,15 m in pred rezjo (2021) 1,24 m. Pri sorti 'Inermis' je bila povprečna višina po rezi (2020) 2,0 m, pred rezjo (2021) pa 2,22 m. Vse sorte cvetijo v približno enakem času. Sorta 'Inermis' cveti prva (9. 5.), za njo sorta 'Laxa (Inermis)' (12. 5.), sorta 'Schmids ideal' cveti zadnja (14. 5.). Plodove sort 'Inermis' in 'Laxa (Inermis)' smo obirali 5. 10. 2020, plodove sorte 'Schmids ideal' 10. 10. 2020. Najvišje (26,6 mm) in najtežje (2,04 g) plodove smo izmerili pri sorti 'Inermis', medtem ko je imela sorta 'Schmids ideal' najnižje (16,53 mm) in najlažje plodove (1,17 g). The purpose of this thesis was to determine the influence of the rose hip cultivars (Rosa canina L.) on the dimensions of the bush (width, height, depth), beginning, full and end of flowering, date of harvest, yield and on the texture, color and taste of jam. Cultivars were 'Laxa (Inermis)', 'Schmids ideal' and 'Inermis'. We monitored 10 bushes from each cultivar (30 in total). The experiment was performed at plantation in the village of Petkovac in Novi Grad, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the growing seasons of 2020 and 2021. We found that the bushes of cultivar 'Laxa (Inermis)' are the least vigourous, the bushes of cultivar 'Inermis' are the most vigourous. The average bush height after pruning (2020) for cultivar 'Laxa (Inermis)' was 1,15 m and 1,24 m before pruning (2021). For cultivar 'Inermis', the average bush height after pruning (2020) was 2,0 m, and 2,22 m before pruning (2021). All cultivars bloom at the same time. Cultivar 'Inermis' blooms first (May 9th), followed by cultivar 'Laxa (Inermis)' (May 12th), cultivar 'Schmids ideal' blooms last (May 14th). Fruit of cultivars 'Inermis' and 'Laxa (Inermis)' were harvested on October 5th 2020 and fruit of cultivar 'Schmids ideal' on October 10th 2020. The largest fruit height (26,6 mm) and heaviest fruit (2,04 g) were measured at the 'Inermis' cultivar, while the 'Schmids ideal' cultivar had the smallest fruit height (16,53 mm) and the lightest fruits (1,17 g).
- Published
- 2021
16. The impact of production technology on plant phenolics
- Author
Robert Veberic
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,organic ,phenolics ,Plant Science ,Horticulture ,integrated ,tehnologija pridelovanja ,01 natural sciences ,integrirana proizvodnja ,udc:634 ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,konvencionalna proizvodnja ,sekundarni metaboliti ,Production (economics) ,Integrated production ,sadjarstvo ,conventional ,Abiotic component ,Pesticide residue ,business.industry ,Intensive farming ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,Pesticide ,040401 food science ,Environmentally friendly ,fenoli ,Biotechnology ,biodinamična proizvodnja ,biodynamic ,organska proizvodnja ,Sustainability ,Environmental science ,business ,010606 plant biology & botany - Abstract
Due to rising public pressure in recent decades, alternatives for large-scale and industrial farming are being sought. Environmental and sustainability issues and the rising awareness of the link between the overuse of pesticides/fertilizers and negative health effects have been key factors for creating the integrated production approach, which encompasses environmentally friendly technologies. Moreover, the demand for organically grown products is constantly growing. The organic production model is a step towards further restriction of synthetic chemical use in plant production. Limited use of pesticides may boost the plant’s investment into its own defense systems, which may result in a higher content of secondary compounds. Synthesis of secondary metabolites is a common plant response to any form of stress (biotic or abiotic), and their function is to help the plant overcome unfavorable conditions. Many compounds, especially phenolics, are also considered beneficial for human health; therefore, numerous studies comparing different production systems have been conducted in the past 20 years. Generally, organically produced food may contain greater amounts of health beneficial compounds and diminished levels of pesticide residues and nitrates. However, the results are not always clear, as other factors may influence the composition of natural products (e.g., environmental and varietal factors, sampling, and the design of experiments). Therefore, controlled field trials, in which most of the factors can be either controlled or at least recorded, should be encouraged. The present paper synthesizes the function of phenolics as a response to different forms of stress, which can occur during plant growth, with a special emphasis on different production systems. Examples of diverse horticultural crops are presented.
- Published
- 2021
17. Pomen gojitvene oblike za strojno rez v intenzivnih nasadih jablane (Malus domestica Borkh.)
- Author
Šušterič, Gregor and Veberič, Robert
- Subjects
intenzivni nasad jablane ,avtomatizacija ,machine pruning ,gojitvena oblika ,intensive apple orchard ,horticulture ,training system ,automatisation ,udc:634.11:631.542.3:631.34(043.2) ,strojna rez ,sadjarstvo - Abstract
Rez je eden izmed bolj zahtevnih tehnoloških ukrepov v nasadih jablan. Zlasti je zelo pomemben in neizogiben v intenzivnih sadovnjakih. Ustrezno usposobljeno delovno silo je vse težje dobiti, zato je treba iskati nove možnosti. Rez delimo na gojitveno in vzdrževalno, kjer pri prvi vzpostavimo želeno gojitveno obliko, drugo pa opravljamo v nasadih, ki so v polni rodnosti. Z rezjo uravnavamo razmerje med rastjo in rodnostjo. To obsega izrezovanje starega lesa, preveč bujnih poganjkov in tudi redčenje rodnih brstov, če jih je preveč–prvo redčenje. Delo nam olajša strojna rez, ki tudi izboljša kakovost pridelka. Današnje izvedbe strojev so težke in okorne, zato se moramo dobrim rezultatom približati z izbiro ustrezne gojitvene oblike, saj je tak način rezi neselektiven. Tako bo ročna korekcija manj potrebna, posledično bo manj stroškov. Primerna gojitvena oblika je taka, ki omogoča enostavno rez, dobro osvetlitev in odlično kakovost plodov. Sadovnjak naj bo čim bolj izenačen in strojem dostopen. Stroji niso samohodni, ampak se priključijo na traktor s prednjim vpenjanjem. Optimalna gojitvena oblika ima kratki rodni les, brez strukturnega lesa, drevo ima obliko trapeza, kar pomeni, da je zgoraj ožje, spodaj širše. Tem parametrom ustreza sodobno ozko vreteno. Pruning is among the most labor demanding technological measures in fruit growing - in this case of apple orchards where it is vital and inevitable. Sufficient trained labor is nowadays hard to get, therefore we need to seek other alternatives. After planting, we prune saplings to achieve the desired training system. As the trees are 4 years old we prune them in a way to maintain the right ratio between growth and yield. This includes complete removal of old shoots, shoots that are too vigorous and thinning of buds if too many – first thinning. The work is made easier with machine pruning, which also increases yield quality. Types of machines know today are heavy and clumsy so we need to form a correct training system in order to achieve good results as this is a non-selective method. The most suitable tree training system in the one that is easily pruned, has high light interception and is able to have an excellent fruit quality. The orchard should be as uniform and as easily accessible to machinery as possible. Pruning machines are not self-driving but are attached to tractors usually in the front. The most appropriate training system is the one that has short shoots, row have a shape of a cone. Upper part is narrower than lower. Tall spindle as we know it today meets these requirements.
- Published
- 2021
18. Opraševalci in kakovost plodov žlahtnega jagodnjaka (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) sorte 'Clery' pri različnih načinih prekrivanja
- Author
Pirih, Kris and Hudina, Metka
- Subjects
opraševalci ,medonosna čebela ,fruit farming ,udc:634.75:631.527.82:581.162.3:638.19:631.599(043.2) ,pollination ,kakovost ,opraševanje ,pridelek ,yield ,bumblebees ,quality ,čmrlji ,honey bee ,jagodnjak ,solitary bees ,pollinators ,strawberry ,sadjarstvo ,čebele samotarke ,Fragaria x ananassa - Abstract
Čeprav je žlahtni jagodnjak (Fragaria x ananasa Duch.) samooprašna rastlina, je za doseganje velikih in kakovostnih pridelkov pomembna prisotnost opraševalcev. Poskus smo izvedli leta 2019 na laboratorijskem polju Biotehniške fakultete. Zanimala nas je dejavnost opraševalcev na cvetovih žlahtnega jagodnjaka in razlike v pomoloških lastnostih plodov pri različnih sistemih prekrivanja. Rastline sorte 'Clery' so bile posajene na grebenu v dvovrstnem sistemu, prekritem s črno folijo, pod katero je bila namakalna cev. Del grebena je bil prekrit s protitočno mrežo na visokih lokih (visoki tunel), drugi del je bil pokrit čez nizke loke (nizki tunel), tretji pa je bil odkrit (kontrola). V poskus smo vključili 10 jagodnjakov za vsako obravnavanje. Plodove smo obirali postopoma in beležili njihovo število, razvitost in maso pridelka za vsako vzorčno rastlino. Trikrat smo opravili tudi meritve pomoloških lastnosti (višina, širina, debelina, masa, trdota ploda in delež topne suhe snovi). Rezultati so pokazali, da so bili plodovi v nizkem tunelu lažji za 6 % in 16 % v visokem v primerjavi s kontrolo. Kontrolne rastline so imele 11,7 % deformiranih plodov, medtem ko je bilo v nizkem tunelu 17,1 % in v visokem 20,7 % takšnih plodov. Obratno sorazmerno z večanjem deleža deformiranih plodov se je njihova višina, širina in debelina zmanjševala. Med cvetenjem se je štirikrat spremljalo tudi prisotnost opraševalcev. Ob slabšem in hladnejšem vremenu so na cvetovih prevladovale samotarske čebele in muhe trepetavke. Na topel in jasen dan pa so bile najbolj številčne medonosne čebele. Although the strawberry (Fragaria x ananasa Duch.) is a self-pollinating plant, presence of pollinators is important to achieve the best yields. The experiment was performed in 2019 on the laboratory field of the Biotechnical Faculty. Activity of pollinators on strawberry flowers and differences in the pomological properties of fruits in different covering systems were investigated. Cultivar ‘Clery’ plants were planted on a ridge in a two-row system covered with black foil, under which was an irrigation pipe. Part of the ridge was covered with an anti-hail net on high arches (high tunnel), another part was covered over low arches (low tunnel), and a third was not covered (control). We included 10 strawberry plants for each treatment. The fruits were harvested gradually, and their number, development and yield weight were recorded for each sample plant. We also performed measurements of pomological properties three times (height, width, thickness, weight, firmness and total soluble solids). The results showed that fruit in the low tunnel were 6% lighter and 16% lighter in the high tunnel compared to the control. Control plants had 11.7% of deformed fruit, while in the low tunnel there were 17.1% and in the high 20.7% of such fruit. Inversely proportional to the increase in share of deformed fruit, their height, width and thickness decreased. The presence of pollinators was also monitored four times during flowering. In bad and colder weather, solitary bees and hover flies predominated on flowers. On a warm and clear day, however, honeybees were most numerous.
- Published
- 2021
19. Vpliv izvlečka morskih alg in giberelinov na pridelek ter kakovost plodov jablane sorte 'Opal' (Malus x domestica Borkh.)
- Author
Štamic, Domen and Jakopič, Jerneja
- Subjects
Phylgreen ,udc:634.11:631.811.98:631.559(043.2) ,fruit growing ,maturity tests ,gibberellins ,kakovost ,pridelek ,'Opal' ,jablana ,Malus × domestica ,zrelostni testi ,quality ,giberelini ,crop ,apple tree ,sadjarstvo - Abstract
Jablana (Malus × domestica Borkh.) je sadna vrsta, ki cveti konec aprila in v začetku maja, vendar se ta čas zaradi toplih pomladi pomika vse bolj proti začetku aprila. Če nastopi zmrzal, smo lahko ob ves pridelek, zato se priporoča uporaba sredstva za krepitev rastlin. Leta 2019 smo v Hortikulturnem centru Biotehniške fakultete, Univerze v Ljubljani, na jablani sorte 'Opal' analizirali vpliv pripravka Phylgreen (ekstrakta iz morskih alg Ascophyllum nodosum) in Novagib (giberelini) na pridelek ter kakovost plodov jablane. Na izbranih plodovih smo merili prirast. Ob tehnološki zrelosti smo vse plodove obrali, jih umestili v ustrezni kakovostni razred, prešteli in stehtali. V laboratoriju smo izbranim plodovom izmerili višino, širino in maso. Iz vsakega obravnavanja smo izbrali po 20 plodov, na katerih smo izvedli zrelostne teste (masa, barva, trdota, topna suha snov, škrobni test) in s sistemom tekočinske kromatografije visoke ločljivosti (HPLC) določili vsebnost posameznih in skupnih sladkorjev in organskih kislin ter spektrofotometrično vsebnost skupnih fenolov. Po skladiščenju smo ponovno analizirali plodove in rezultate med sabo primerjali. Apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) is a fruit species that blooms in late April and in the beginning of May, but this time, due to the warm springs, is moving more and more towards the beginning of April. Later, however, frost occurs, due to which it can take the whole crop. Therefore, we have the ability to use plant strengthening agents. In 2019, at the Horticultural Centre of the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, on the apple variety 'Opal', we analysed the effect of Phylgreen (seaweed extract Ascophyllum nodosum) and Novagib (gibberellins) on yield and quality of apple fruit. We measured growth of selected fruit. At technological maturity, we harvested all the fruit, placed them in quality classes, counted and weighed them. In the laboratory, we measured the height, width and weight of the selected fruits. From each treatment we selected 20 fruit on which we performed maturity tests (weight, colour, flesh firmness, soluble solids, starch test) and by High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) the content of individual and total sugars and organic acids, and the spectrophotometric content of total phenols. After storage, the analyses were repeated and the results compared.
- Published
- 2021
20. Fenološke in pomološke lastnosti sejancev orehov (Juglans regia L.)
- Author
Mikelj, Lucija and Jakopič, Jerneja
- Subjects
pomological properties ,sejanec ,Juglans regia ,fruit growing ,walnut ,oreh ,seedling ,sadjarstvo ,udc:634.51:631.526.32:631.547.1:581.54:631.524(043.2) ,phenological properties ,fenološke lastnosti ,pomološke lastnosti - Abstract
Leta 2018 in 2019 smo na Orehovcu v kraju Pišece izvedli primerjavo med sejanci orehov in sortama orehov 'Parisienne' in 'Franquette'. Želeli smo ugotoviti, kako se razlikujejo v lastnostih dreves (obseg debla, višina in širina, bujnost rasti, habitus, prirast mladik, brstenje, odpad listja, cvetenje moških in ženskih cvetov, količina moških in ženskih cvetov, način tvorbe plodov, rodnost, zorenje plodov, izpadanje zrelih plodov iz zelene lupine, odpornost proti zimski in spomladanski pozebi in odpornost na bolezni) in lastnostih plodov (indeks okroglosti plodov, masa ploda, površina in debelina luščine, spojenost luščine na šivu, masa jedrca, barva in okus jedrca). Poskus je potekal na 0,5 ha površine, na 39 % naklonu terena. Izbrali smo 10 dreves, pet starih, starih okoli 30 let in pet mladih, starih okoli 10 let. Pri vsakem drevesu smo opazovali lastnosti dreves in plodov. Lastnosti plodov smo primerjali s sortama 'Parisienne' in 'Franquette', ki smo ju prejeli iz proizvodnega nasada v Kapelah pri Brežicah. Z vsakega drevesa smo vzeli 20 plodov, katere smo uporabili za spremljanje parametrov in primerjavo z referenčnima sortama. Ugotovili smo, da je bil pridelek pri starih sejancih večji kot pri mladih. Masa ploda in jedrca pri vseh sejancih je bila najbolj podobna masi plodov sorte 'Parisienne'. Barva jedrca je bila v večini rumenkasta, tako kot pri sorti 'Parisienne'. Okus jedrc je bil boljši pri plodovih mlajših sejancev. In 2018 and 2019, we made a comparison between walnut seedlings and walnut varieties 'Parisienne' and 'Franquette' in Orehovec in Pišece. We were looking for differences in tree characteristics (trunk size, height and width, growth, habit, sapling growth, bud-breaking time, leaf fall, flowering of male and female blossoms, quantity of male and female blossoms, fruit-bearing type, fertility, fruit ripening, green husk dehiscence, resistance to winter and spring frost and disease resistance) and fruit properties (fruit roundness index, fruit weight, surface area and thickness of the shell, fusion of the shell at the seam, core weight, color and taste of the kernel). The experiment took place on 0.5 ha of surface, on a 39% slope of the terrain. We selected 10 trees. 5 of them were about 30 years old and 5 of them were about 10 years old. In each tree, we observed the properties of the trees and fruits. The characteristics of the fruit were compared with the varieties 'Parisienne' and 'Franquette', which we received from commercial orchard in Kapele near Brežice. We took 20 fruits from each tree, which we used to monitor the parameters and compared them with the reference varieties. We found out that the crop was higher in old seedlings. The fruit and kernel weight of all seedlings was most similar to that of the 'Parisienne' variety. The color of the kernel was mostly yellowish as in the 'Parisienne' variety. The taste of the kernels was better in the fruits of younger seedlings.
- Published
- 2020
21. Vpliv zavarovanega prostora na rast in razvoj ameriške borovnice (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)
- Author
Dolinar, Janja and Jakopič, Jerneja
- Subjects
razvoj ,american blueberries ,fruit growing ,protected enviroment ,growth ,zavarovan prostor ,Vaccinium corymbosum ,sadjarstvo ,ameriška borovnica ,development ,udc:634.73:582.688.31:631.544(043.2) ,rast - Abstract
Leta 2017 je bil zasnovan nasad, sestavljen iz dveh delov v zavarovanem prostoru in na prostem s protitočno mrežo, pri katerem smo želeli ugotoviti kako zavarovan prostor vpliva na rast in razvoj ter nekatere lastnosti plodov, treh sort ameriških borovnic (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) 'Duke', 'Aurora' in Brigitta'. Poskus je potekal v loncih in na grebenih, kjer je bilo skupno posajenih 164 grmov. Spomladi in jeseni 2019 smo grmom prešteli poganjke, izmerili višino in širino ter izračunali prostornino. Najbolj je izstopala sorta 'Brigitta', ki je imela največjo in tudi najmanjšo prostornino grma. Od junija do septembra 2019 smo v razmaku približno enega tedna v 12. obiranjih obrali plodove, jih prešteli, stehtali, izmerili barvo in trdoto. Pri fenološkem opazovanju smo ugotovili zgodnost sort, ki si sledijo: 'Duke', 'Brigitta' in 'Aurora'. Pridelek je bil večji na prostem kot v zavarovanem prostoru, vendar je bil v zavarovanem prostoru vsaj za 1 do 3 tedne zgodnejši, odvisno od sorte. Največji pridelek med sortami je imela sorta 'Aurora' na prostem v loncih in hkrati najmanjši v zavarovanem prostoru v loncih, zaradi poznega zorenja, visokih temperatur in izpada pridelka. Parametri obarvanosti so bili v skladu s pričakovanji. Parametra a* in b* sta bila negativna, raztezala sta se v območju zelene in modre barve. Pri sorti 'Aurora' in 'Brigitta' je intenzivnost modre barve od prvih proti zadnjim terminom postopoma padala. Pri sorti 'Duke' pa sprva naraščala in nato padala. Največjo trdoto plodov je imela sorta 'Duke'. In 2017 a two-part plantation was created in a protected enviroment and in a open field covered with a anti hailnet, where we wanted to find out how the protected enviroment (plastic high tunnel) influences the growth and development and some characteristics of the fruit, three cultivars of highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) 'Duke', 'Aurora' and 'Brigitta'. In both growing regimes half ot the plants were planted in pots and other half of plants on ridges, a total of 164 bushes were planted. In spring and autumn 2019 we counted the shoots on the bushes, measured the height and width and calculated the volume. Variable results were achieved at 'Brigitta', which had the largest and at the smallest volume of the bush, depending on treatment. From June to September 2019 in 12 harvests at intervals of about a week were performed, counted them, weighed the fruits, measured the color and firmness. Phenological observation revealed the earliness of the following cultivars: 'Duke', 'Brigitta' and 'Aurora'. The yields were higher in the open field than in the protected enviroment, where they started to ripen at least 1 to 3 weeks earlier depending on the cultivar. The biggest yield among the cultivars had 'Aurora' in the open field in pots and at the same time the lowest in the protected enviroment in pots, due to late ripening, high temperatures and not complete ripening harvests. The coloring parameters were as expected. The parameters a * and b * were negative thus they were in green and blue ranged. For the cultivars 'Aurora' and 'Brigitta' the intensity of the blue color gradually decreased from the first to the last date. In the 'Duke' cultivar, on the other hand, it first increased and then decreased. 'Duke' cultivar had the highest fruit firmness.
- Published
- 2020
22. Postavitev, oskrba in gospodarnost orehovega nasada
- Author
Podgornik Milosavljević, Matej and Štampar, Franc
- Subjects
fruit growing ,economy of production ,walnut plantation ,orehov nasad ,manegement ,oskrba ,gospodarnost pridelave ,Sadjarstvo ,udc:634.51.037:631.16(043.2) - Abstract
Oreh izvira iz osrednjeazijskega rodovnega središča. Poznamo sedem rodov in več kot 60 vrst. V svetu raste približno 3000 orehovih sort. Preverili smo možnosti postavitve, oskrbe in gospodarnosti orehovega nasada. Analizirali smo talne in klimatske pogoje ter možnosti trženja. Oreh je vsestransko uporaben, tako v kuhinji, kozmetični industriji, kot tudi v pohištveni industriji. Uporabimo lahko njegove plodove, liste in les, ki je zelo cenjen. Nasad bi postavili v širši okolici Grosuplja z relativno ugodnimi klimatskimi pogoji in na tleh z optimalno sestavo za gojenje, na rahli, dobro osončeni brežini z urejeno drenažo, z glavno potjo in s spremljajočim objektom ter zbiralnikom ob robu nasada. Preden bi se odločili za postavitev nasada, bi izdelali natančen načrt postavitve, v katerem bi zajeli vse faze od začetne priprave tal, preko sajenja do oskrbe v rodnosti in na koncu do obiranja in spravila. V finančnem načrtu bi zajeli vse stroške postavitve in naredili izračun gospodarnosti postavitve nasada. Na podlagi lastnosti sort in okoljskih dejavnikov bi se odločili za najbolj primerne sorte. Sadili bi tri teminalne sorte, in sicer 'Parissiene', 'Franquette' in 'G-139' in lateralno sorto 'Fernette'. Zagotovili bi si lastna sredstva in sodelovali bi na razpisu za sredstva nepovratne finančne pomoči. Gre za dolgoročno investicijo, ki bi se nam povrnila v desetih letih. V primeru, da bi uspeli na razpisu pa leto prej. Vsi izračuni kažejo, da bi bila naša investicija ekonomsko upravičena. Walnut tree originates in Central Asian area. We know 7 genus and more than 60 species with approximately 3000 walnut sorts habitated worldwide. We researched the possibilities for a plantation layout, its cultivating and its economics. Analysis of soil and climatic conditions have been made as well as the research of marketing opporrtunities. Walnut tree has a versatile use: in cooking, cosmetic industry, furniture industry. We can use its fruits, leaves and wood which is highly appreciated for its quality. We are planning to set the plantation in the wider surroundings of Grosuplje where climatic conditions are considerably good and the soil has optimal composition for cultivation of walnuts. The plantatation shall be set on sunny slopes with an organised drainage system, a main route, accompanying facilities and a collector at the edge of plantation. Previous to the final decision for setting up the plantation an elaborated and detailed layout plan shal be prepared which would contain al vital phases: initial soil preparation, planting, fertility care and finally harvesting. The financial plan shall include all installation costs as well as the calculations for plantation`s economics. Based on the characteristics of individual walnut species and environmental factors the most appropriate sorts shall be chosen . We shall cultivate 3 terminal sorts: 'Parissien', 'Franquette' and 'G-139' as well as a lateral sort 'Fernette'. Our own start up capital shall be provided. However there is our intention to participate in tender for grants European non refundable funding. It is a long term investment which should be paid off in 10 years. In case we manage to get the tender for grants, even a year before. All calculations made confirm economic viability of our investment.
- Published
- 2020
23. Vpliv biostimulantov na osnovi silicija in titana na količino in kakovost pridelka navadne hruške (Pyrus communis L.) sorte ´Viljamovka´
- Author
Pregrad, Tina and Hudina, Metka
- Subjects
biostimulants ,fruit growing ,hruška ,pear ,Pyrus communis ,biostimulanti ,pridelek ,sadjarstvo ,sorta ,yield ,udc:634.13:631.526.32:631.559(043.2) ,cultivar - Abstract
Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali biostimulanti na osnovi silicija in titana vplivajo na pridelek navadne hruške (Pyrus communis L.) sorte ´Viljamovka´. Ugotoviti smo želeli, kateri biostimulanti silicijevi ali titanovi, ugodneje vplivajo na količino in kakovost plodov hrušk sorte ´Viljamovka´. Poskus je potekal v nasadu hrušk v Hortikulturnem centru Biotehniške fakultete (HC BF) in Zagaju (Bistrica ob Sotli) leta 2019. Drevesom smo izmerili parametre vegetativne rasti in generativnega razvoja. Pripravek Tytanit je ugodno vplival na število plodov in količino pridelka. Optysil je pozitivno vplival na širino plodov na obeh lokacijah, saj so bili plodovi pri tem obravnavanju najširši. V Zagaju sta biostimulanta Tytanit in Optysil vplivala na večje število plodov/drevo, večji pridelek/drevo, večjo trdoto ter na manjšo višino ploda, povprečno maso ploda in vsebnost titracijskih kislin. Prav tako sta Tytanit in Optysil vplivala na večje število plodov/drevo in pridelek/drevo, višino ploda, vsebnost topne suhe snovi in titracijskih kislin na lokaciji HC BF. The purpose of this graduation thesis was to determine whether silicon- and titanium- based biostimulants affect the yield of pear (Pyrus communis L.) cultivar 'Williams'. We wanted to find out which biostimulants, silicon or titanium, have a more favourable effect on the quantity and quality of pear cultivar 'Williams'. The experiment took place in a pear orchard in the Horticultural Center of the Biotechnical Faculty (HC BF) and Zagaj (Bistrica ob Sotli) in 2019. We measured the parameters of vegetative growth and generative development of trees. Tytanit had a beneficial effect on the number of fruits and yield. Optysil had a positive effect on fruit width at both locations, as the fruits were the widest in this treatment. In Zagaj, the biostimulants Tytanit and Optysil affected higher number of fruits/tree, higher yield/tree, higher firmness and lower fruit height, fruit weight and titratable acid content. Tytanit and Optysil also affected higher number of fruits/tree and yield/tree, fruit height, soluble solids content and titratable acid content at the HC BF location.
- Published
- 2020
24. Vpliv pripravkov na podlagi titana in silicija na pridelek hruške (Pyrus communis L.) sorte 'Viljamovka'
- Author
Gorenc, Tjaša and Hudina, Metka
- Subjects
titan ,udc:634.13:631.816.35:546.82:546.28:631.526.32:631.559(043.2) ,hruška ,silicij ,silicon ,fruit growing pear ,Pyrus communis ,titanium ,pridelek ,sadjarstvo ,sorta ,yield ,cultivar - Abstract
Vpliv pripravkov na podlagi titana in silicija na pridelek hruške (Pyrus communis L.) sorte ‘Viljamovka’ smo proučevali leta 2018 v Hortikulturnem centru Biotehniške fakultete, Orehovlje na Goriškem. Želeli smo preveriti vpliv dveh pripravkov Tytanit in Optysil na kakovost plodov in njihove pomološke lastnosti. Predvidevali smo, da uporaba titana pred cvetenjem poveča kakovost plodov, kar pomeni, da bo trdota plodu večja, prav tako vsebnost topne suhe snovi ter da bo uporaba silicija takoj po cvetenju pozitivno vplivala na pomološke lastnosti plodu hruške sorte 'Viljamovka'. Rastlinam smo foliarno dodajali Tytanit, Optysil, Tytanit in Optysil skupaj, imeli pa smo tudi kontrolna drevesa, ki jih nismo tretirali. Obrane plodove smo prešteli, pridelek stehtali, izračunali koeficient rodnosti in izmerili pomološke lastnosti plodov. Ugotovili smo, da je Tytanit pozitivno vplival na povprečno trdoto mesa in topno suho snov ter na boljšo obarvanost plodov ter s tem na boljšo kakovost plodov. Uporaba obeh pripravkov hkrati (Tytanit in Optysil) je pozitivno vplivala na širino in maso plodov, pripravek Optysil je pozitivno vplival na višino plodov hrušk sorte 'Viljamovka'. Pripravka Tytanit in Optysil nista vplivala na količino pridelka. Influence of titanium and silicon based preparations on the yield of pear (Pyrus communis L.) cultivar ‘Williams’ was investigated at the Horticultural Center of the Biotechnical Faculty at Orehovlje in the Goriška region in 2018. We wanted to check the effect of two products, Tytanit and Optysil, on the fruit quality and their pomological properties. We assumed that the use of titanium before flowering increases the quality of the fruit, which means that the fruit firmness will be higher, as well as the content of total soluble solids and the use of silicon immediately after flowering will have a positive effect on the pomological properties of the fruit of the pear cultivar 'Williams'. Tytanit, Optysil and these two together were added foliarly to the plants and we also had control trees that were not treated. The harvested fruits were counted, the yield was weighed, the yield coefficient was calculated and the pomological properties of the fruits were measured. We found that Tytanit had a positive effect on the average fruit firmness and total soluble solids, as well as on the better fruit coloring and thus on the better fruit quality. The use of both products at the same time (Tytanit and Optysil) had a positive effect on fruit width and weight, product Optysil had a positive effect on the fruit height of 'Willams' pears cultivar. Tytanit and Optysil preparations did not affect the yield.
- Published
- 2020
25. Vpliv biostimulanta na število in velikost plodov pri oljki (Olea europaea L.)
- Author
Ivančič, Tea and Štampar, Franc
- Subjects
'Istrska belica' ,Phylgreen ,Olea europaea L ,fruit growing ,udc:634.63(043.2) ,velikost plodov ,oljka ,število plodov ,numbre of fruit ,fruit weight ,sadjarstvo ,Olea europaea ,olive tree - Abstract
Za oljko (Olea europaea L.) je značilno obilno cvetenje, vendar se skupno oplodi le 1 do 2 % cvetov. V letu 2019 smo na Šaredu pri sorti 'Istrska belica' analizirali vpliv ekstrakta iz morskih alg (Ascophyllum nodosum) pripravka Phylgreen, ki je bil tri krat nanešen med cvetenjem, na povečanje števila in velikost plodov. V poskus je bilo vključenih šest dreves, tri za vsako obravnavanje. Na vsakem drevesu smo pred cvetenjem označili 30 vejic s primerljivim številom socvetij. Po naravnem redčenju plodov smo plodiče prvič prešteli. To smo storili še 5. in 14. oktobra. V tehnološki zrelosti smo plodove obrali in jih odnesli v laboratorij, kjer smo jih stehtali. Določenim plodovom smo ločili meso od koščice in material posebej stehtali. Rezultati statistične analize so pokazale, da se povprečno število socvetij in cvetov na vejico po obravnavanjih ni razlikovalo. Število in masa plodov sta bila v vseh vzorčenjih večja pri drevesih tretiranih s sredstvom Phylgreen. Prav tako je bila povprečna masa mesa in koščice večja pri tretiranih drevesih. Razmerje med maso mesa in maso celotnega plodu je bilo večje pri drevesih tretiranih z biostimulantom Phylgreen. The olive tree (Olea europaea L.) is famous for its rich bloom, although only between one and two percent of the flowers are fertilized. In the year 2019 in the village of Šared we analised the effect of the Phylgreen, which is an extract made from Ascophyllum nodosum (a species of sea algae) on the quantity and size of the fruit of the cultivar ‘Istrska belica’. The Phylgreen was applied three times on the trees during the flowering period. Six trees were involved in the experiment, three for each treatment. Before the flowering, we marked thirty branch with a comparable number of inflorescences. After the natural thinning of the fruit, we counted the number of fruit for the first time. The second and the third counting took place on the 5th and 14th of October. During the fruits’ technological maturity, we harvested them and weighed them in a laboratory. The flesh of a fruits had been separated from the olive stones and both were weighed on their own. From the results of the statistical analysis it follows that there was no differences on the average number of inflorescences and flowers per branch. The fruit number and fruit weight of the trees treated with Phylgreen were larger. Furthermore, the average weight of the fruit flesh and the fruit stone of the treated trees was larger as well. The ratio between fruit flesh weight and whole fruit weight was larger in the treated trees ith the biostimulant Phylgreen.
- Published
- 2020
26. Gojenje češenj (Prunus avium L.) sort 'Kordia' in 'Regina' na dveh podlagah v Beli krajini
- Author
Ramuta, Mojca and Usenik, Valentina
- Subjects
sweet cherries ,podlage ,seedlings ,yields ,udc:634.232:631.526.32:631.541.1:631.559(497.4Bela krajina)(043.2) ,Prunus avium ,pridelek ,rootstocks ,fruit-culture ,Kordia ,češnja ,Regina ,Gisela 5 ,sejanec češnje ,Bela krajina ,sadjarstvo - Published
- 2020
27. Vpliv različnih obremenitev dreves na kakovost in količino plodov hruške (Pyrus communis L.) sorta 'Fetelova'
- Author
Ribič, Andrej and Veberič, Robert
- Subjects
hruška ,redčenje ,pruning ,thinning ,kakovost ,plodiči ,pear ,Pyrus communis ,plodovi ,yileds ,Fetelova ,pridelek ,fruit-culture ,udc:634.13:631.542:631.543:631.559(043.2) ,quality ,crop load ,rez ,sadjarstvo - Published
- 2020
28. Raba in poraba sadja na območju Selške doline
- Author
Rovtar, Tadeja and Hudina, Metka
- Subjects
udc:634.11(043.2) ,poraba ,fruit growing ,sadje ,plodovi ,fruits ,use ,sadjarstvo ,jablana ,apples - Published
- 2020
29. Sestava izbranih primarnih in sekundarnih metabolitov pri različnih sortah kakija (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) ter spremembe med zorenjem in sušenjem
- Author
Jurhar Grabnar, Jana and Jakopič, Jerneja
- Subjects
fruit growing ,maturation ,suho sadje ,primarni metaboliti ,persimmon ,zorenje ,kemična sestava ,sekundarni metaboliti ,udc:634.45:631.526.32:664.854(043)=163.6 ,chemical structure ,dried fruits ,kaki ,sušenje ,drying ,Diospyros kaki ,sadjarstvo ,primary metabolites ,secundary metabolites - Published
- 2020
30. Vsebnost sladkorjev in organskih kislin v cvetovih hrušk (Pyrus communis L.)
- Author
Godnič, Anja and Hudina, Metka
- Subjects
sladkorji ,hruške ,Pyrus communis ,organske kisline ,udc:634.13(043.2) ,cvetovi ,sadjarstvo - Published
- 2020
31. Primernost različnih podlag za gojenje breskve (Prunus persica L.) sorte 'Redhaven' na deviških tleh
- Author
Repovž, Barbara and Hudina, Metka
- Subjects
breskve ,deviška tla ,podlage ,yields ,virgin soil ,udc:634.25:631.541.11:631.559(043.2) ,pridelek ,sadjarstvo ,Prunus persica L ,Redhaven ,peaches ,rootstocks ,fruit-culture - Published
- 2020
32. Možnost pridelovanja orehov in lešnikov na Gorenjskem
- Author
Frelih, Petra and Štampar, Franci
- Subjects
Juglans regia ,udc:634.51:634.54(497.4Gorenjska)(043.3) ,pridelovanje ,leska ,oreh ,Gorenjska ,sadjarstvo ,Corylus avellana - Published
- 2020
33. Zadovoljstvo kupcev s ponudbo 'Sadne drevesnice'
- Author
Dolenec, Vanja and Vadnal, Katja
- Subjects
potrošniki ,udc:339.13:634.1.03(497.4(043.2) ,sadjarstvo ,nakupno obnašanje ,trženje ,drevesnice - Published
- 2020
34. Kakovost plodov jablane (Malus domestica Borkh.) sorte 'Jonagold de Costa' pri različnih obremenitvah
- Author
Kovačič, Natalija and Hudina, Metka
- Subjects
ročno redčenje ,thinning ,udc:634.11:631.542.27:631.559(043.2) ,Malus domestica Borkh ,yields ,kakovost ,plodovi ,fruits ,pridelek ,jablana ,redčenje plodov ,fruit-culture ,quality ,apple tree ,sadjarstvo ,hand thinning - Published
- 2020
35. Prirast plodov kot model zgodnje napovedi pridelka štirih sort žlahtne jablane (Malus domestica Borkh.)
- Author
Zadravec, Peter and Štampar, Franci
- Subjects
udc:634.11:581.14:005.521(043.3) ,napoved pridelka ,fruit growing ,velikost plodov ,prirast plodov ,diameter increase ,external factors ,rastne krivulje ,gostota pridelka ,growth curves ,jablana ,jabolka ,fruit enlargement ,yield forecast ,Malus domestica ,crop density ,genetic factors ,zunanji dejavniki ,genski dejavniki ,disertacjije ,sadjarstvo ,apples - Published
- 2020
36. Pregled gostiteljskih rastlin hruševega ožiga (Erwinia amylovora) na javnih zelenih površinah na širšem območju Nove Gorice
- Author
Marc, Mojca and Osterc, Gregor
- Subjects
parks ,sadno drevje ,hruške ,jablane ,trees ,okrasne rastline ,parki ,popisi ,fruit trees ,monitoring ,Nova Gorica ,gostiteljske rastline ,host plants ,bolezni rastlin ,Erwinia amylovora ,hrušev ožig ,drevesa ,ornamental plants ,sadjarstvo ,udc:632.35:634.1/.7:635.9(497.4Nova Gorica)(043.2) ,fire blight - Published
- 2020
37. Antociani, kvercetini in druge fenolne spojine pri jablani (Malus domestica Borkh.) sorte 'Fuji' med dozorevanjem
- Author
Jakopič, Jerneja and Štampar, Franci
- Subjects
technological practices ,Fuji ,tehnološki ukrepi ,secondary metabolites ,phenolics ,udc:634.11:631.344:631.524.6/.8:547.97:547.56(043.3) ,antociani ,apple ,quercetins ,plodovi ,fruits ,dozorevanje ,anthocyanins ,jablana ,fenoli ,fruit-culture ,Malus domestica ,sekundarni metaboliti ,kvercetini ,rippening ,sadjarstvo - Published
- 2020
38. Priprava in vzpostavitev SMS- in MMS-info storitve s splošnimi sadjarskimi informacijami
- Author
Tajnikar, Rok and Osterc, Gregor
- Subjects
MMS informacije ,Medij [aplikacija M] ,fruit growing ,SMS information ,udc:634.1/.7:659.24:621.395.721.5(043.2) ,mobilne tehnologije ,Medij application [M] ,sadjarstvo ,mobile technologies ,MMS information ,SMS informacije - Published
- 2020
39. The possibility of walnut (Juglans regia L.) propagation with leafy cuttings
- Author
Markežič, Milan and Osterc, Gregor
- Subjects
vegetativno razmnoževanje ,Juglans regia ,fruit growing ,G-139 ,vegetative propagation ,walnut ,udc:634.51:631.53(043.2) ,Elit ,oreh ,sadjarstvo ,zeleni potaknjenci ,fog system ,leaffy cuttings - Published
- 2020
40. Lastnosti nekaterih sort jagod (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)
- Author
Tomažič, Sabina and Hudina, Metka
- Subjects
udc:634.75:631.526.32:631.559(043.2) ,fruit growing ,cultivars ,sorte ,jagode ,pridelek ,strawberry ,sadjarstvo ,yield ,Fragaria x ananassa - Published
- 2020
41. Primerjava kakovosti plodov žlahtnega jagodnjaka (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) iz integrirane in ekološke pridelave
- Author
Janežič, Darijan and Veberič, Robert
- Subjects
fruit growing ,fruit quality ,sorte ,jagode ,plodovi ,ekološka pridelava ,strawberies ,integrirana pridelava ,organic production ,primerjava ,comparison ,kakovost plodov ,integrated production ,cultivars ,udc:634.753:631.526.32:631.147:631.524(043.2) ,sadjarstvo ,Fragaria x ananassa Duch - Published
- 2020
42. Vpliv redčenja na kakovost plodov hrušk (Pyrus communis L.) sorte 'Conference'
- Author
Hribar, Luka and Hudina, Metka
- Subjects
ročno redčenje ,redčenje ,udc:634.13:631.542.27(043.2) ,kakovost ,hruške ,Conference ,Pyrus communis ,pridelek ,sadjarstvo ,kemično redčenje - Published
- 2020
43. Stanje in perspektive sadjarstva v občini Litija
- Author
Belec, Denis and Štampar, Franci
- Subjects
razvoj ,udc:634.1(497.4Litija)(043.2) ,stanje ,Litija ,sadne vrste ,sadjarstvo - Published
- 2020
44. Vpliv foliarne prehrane na kakovost breskev
- Author
Robek, Boštjan and Usenik, Valentina
- Subjects
foliarno gnojenje ,fruit growing ,prehrana rastlin ,obarvanost plodov ,fruit quality ,sorte ,udc:634.25:631.526.3:631.816.3(043.2) ,foliarna prehrana ,fruit color ,breskve ,zorenje plodov ,kakovost plodov ,cultivars ,sadjarstvo ,Prunus persica L ,peaches ,foliar nutrition - Published
- 2020
45. Yield of peach (Prunus persica L.) cv. 'Redhaven', grafted onto different rootstocks
- Author
Heric, Tadej and Hudina, Metka
- Subjects
breskve ,podlage ,yields ,udc:634.25:631.541.11:631.559(043.2) ,pridelek ,sadjarstvo ,Prunus persica L ,cepljenje ,Redhaven ,peaches ,rootstocks ,grafting ,fruit-culture - Published
- 2020
46. Stanje in možnosti razvoja sadjarstva v občini Slovenske Konjice
- Author
Očko, Jože and Hudina, Metka
- Subjects
razvoj ,naravne danosti ,udc:634.1(497.4Slovenske Konjice)(043.2) ,kmetijstvo ,stanje ,Slovenske Konjice ,sadjarstvo - Published
- 2020
47. Stanje in perpektive travniških sadovnjakov na Cerkljanskem
- Author
Troha, Bojan and Hudina, Metka
- Subjects
razvoj ,state ,fruit growing ,travniški sadovnjaki ,udc:634.055(497.4Cerkno)(043.2) ,Cerkno ,stanje ,sadjarstvo ,development ,meadow orchards - Published
- 2020
48. Možnost razmnoževanja hruške (Pyrus sp.) sorte 'Dišečka' s potaknjenci
- Author
Kralj, Maja and Usenik, Valentina
- Subjects
meglenje ,plant propagation ,udc:634.13:631.535(043.2) ,potaknjenci ,razmnoževanje rastlin ,fruit production ,pear ,sadjarstvo ,fog system - Published
- 2020
49. Stanje in razvoj sadjarstva v občini Lukovica
- Author
Cerar, Jure and Hudina, Metka
- Subjects
razvoj ,udc:634.1/.2(497.4 Lukovica)(043.2) ,naravne možnosti ,stanje ,Slovenija ,občina Lukovica ,sadjarstvo - Published
- 2020
50. Spremembe izbranih metabolitov v različnih organih žlahtnega jagodnjaka (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) ob okužbi z glivami iz rodu Colletotrichum in ob različnih režimih namakanja
- Author
Cvelbar Weber, Nika and Štampar, Franci
- Subjects
sladkorji ,disease control ,fruit growing ,phenolics ,glive ,fungus ,primarni metaboliti ,organske kisline ,fenoli ,irrigation ,namakanje ,črna pegavost ,zatiranje bolezni ,sugars ,sekundarni metaboliti ,organic acids ,Colletotrichum ,žlahtni jagodnjak ,disertacjije ,strawberry ,sadjarstvo ,primary metabolites ,secundary metabolites ,udc:634.75:632.4:631.67:581.19(043.3) ,Fragaria x ananassa - Published
- 2020
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