18 results on '"rights of minors"'
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2. The Problem of Child Labor in Agriculture
- Author
Kulikova, Anna, Kacprzyk, Janusz, Series Editor, Gomide, Fernando, Advisory Editor, Kaynak, Okyay, Advisory Editor, Liu, Derong, Advisory Editor, Pedrycz, Witold, Advisory Editor, Polycarpou, Marios M., Advisory Editor, Rudas, Imre J., Advisory Editor, Wang, Jun, Advisory Editor, Beskopylny, Alexey, editor, Shamtsyan, Mark, editor, and Artiukh, Viktor, editor
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Ruo, Maria Giovanna
- Abstract
The Author re-reads the Statute of children's rights from the perspective of the rights such as the rights to life, family relationships, health and education, enshrined therein which are denied or crushed or annulled by situations of war, noting however that, despite everything, the right to hope is incompressible, cannot be nullified in children and adolescents and the reconstruction of peace is based on this. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Tulika, Tigala, Prateek, Singh, Kuljit, and Jha, Radhey Shyam
- Subjects
CHILD pornography ,OBSCENITY (Law) ,SEX crimes ,SEXUAL harassment ,SEXUAL excitement ,JUSTICE administration - Abstract
Either it is sexual harassment or sexual exploitation; both are considered as an unwelcoming act without the consent of the victim andit may include any act of sexual nature, such as, groping the private parts of the victim and forcing the victim for advancement of the sexual desires of a perpetrator and rape too. Since children are no doubt innocent, they become the easy prey of the perpetrators and can easily be exploited physically and mentally by them as they can easily be persuaded to any extent. Here, it is equally true that people of near relationship were found as predators, who try to spoil the future of an innocent child for their illicit and immoral sexual pleasures. In other words, risk from known persons is bigger than the risk from the strangers. There are many reasons for the increasing rate of this despicable act, yet presence of obscene materials, more particularly, child pornographic materials on the internet is one of the most prominent reasons of it. Free and easy availability of Internet facility has boosted this social evil and transformed it into a big industry known as 'Porn Industry'. The authors have tried to highlight the loopholes of Indian legal system that gave boost to this industry and also the steps required to be taken to curb the menace of this despicable act against the minors. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
5. Formation and development of juvenile law in Europe and Ukraine in the first third of the twentieth century
- Author
Айсел Азад кизи Омарова
- Subjects
juvenile law ,rights of minors ,juvenile court ,juvenile justice ,constitution ,Law - Abstract
This article studies establishment of juvenile courts in some European countries and Ukraine. Also the provisions of the constitutions of some European countries of the first third of the twentieth century concerning the rights of children and the consolidation of children's rights in sectoral legislation in Europe and Ukraine are examined. Experience of some European countries and Ukraine is summarized in the final conclusions and reader finds some recommendations for the Ukrainian legislators.
- Published
- 2020
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6. Aspectos civiles más relevantes del derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva desde la perspectiva del derecho transitorio
- Author
Álvarez Álvarez, Henar and Álvarez Álvarez, Henar
- Abstract
This article analyses the civil aspects of the right to obtain judicial effective protection, recognized in article 24 of the Spanish Constitution from a transitional law perspective. The first element of this rights refers to the access to the jurisdiction, which means the right to be a part in a process in order to promote the jurisdictional activity that leads into a judicial decision based on the deduced pretensions. Nevertheless, it is not an absolute and uncondicioned right, as the consolidate jurisprudence said, but a right to obtain judicial protection according to the existing procedural ways, and always subordinated to the law, that may define the conditions and requirements for the exercise of the right. These issues are studied from the transitional law, analyzing the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court in the most controversial cases., El presente trabajo analiza los aspectos civiles y el contenido del derecho a obtener la tutela judicial efectiva por parte de los jueces y tribunales reconocido en el artículo 24 de la Constitución, desde la perspectiva del derecho transitorio. Se parte del contenido de este derecho como acceso a la jurisdicción, que se refiere al derecho a ser parte en un proceso para poder promover la actividad jurisdiccional que finalice con una decisión judicial sobre las pretensiones deducidas. El derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva así entendido en ningún caso implica que sea un derecho absoluto e incondicionado a la prestación jurisdiccional, sino que, de acuerdo con jurisprudencia consolidada, se trata de un derecho a obtener la tutela judicial por los cauces procesales existentes y con sujeción a la ley, que puede establecer los presupuestos y requisitos para el ejercicio del derecho. Se estudian algunas de estas cuestiones desde el ámbito del derecho transitorio, analizando para ello la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo y del Tribunal Constitucional en los supuestos más conflictivos.
- Published
- 2023
- Author
DOBRILĂ, Mirela-Carmen
- Subjects
the best interest of the child ,personal data ,rights of minors ,GDPR ,General Data Protection Regulation - Abstract
The protection of children's rights also includes the protection of their personal data, as a fundamental right. The personal data of minors can only be processed if they comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Starting from the fact that minors are not always aware of the significance of the processing of personal data, nor of the risks regarding the transmission of personal data, this article presents the conditions under which the personal data of minors can be processed in - in such a way that the rights and interests of the child are respected, additional protection measures being necessary., {"references":["1.\tNoul Cod civil - Legea nr. 287/2009, republicat în temeiul art. 218 din Legea nr. 71/2011 pentru punerea în aplicare a Legii nr. 287/2009 privind Codul civil, publicat în M. Of., Partea I, nr. 409 din 10 iunie 2011. NCC- Legea nr. 287/2009 a fost publicată în M. Of., Partea I, nr. 511 din 24 iulie 2009, a fost modificată prin Legea nr. 71/2011 şi rectificată în M. Of., Partea I, nr. 427 din 17 iunie 2011 şi în M. Of., Partea I, nr. 489 din 8 iulie 2011; cu modificări inclusiv prin Legea nr. 140/2022.","2.\tRegulamentul (UE) 2016/679 al Parlamentului European și al Consiliului din 27 aprilie 2016 privind protecția persoanelor fizice în ceea ce privește prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal și privind libera circulație a acestor date și de abrogare a Directivei 95/46/CE (Regulamentul general privind protecția datelor). În: JO L 119, 4.5.2016. [Accesat la 23.09.2022]. Disponibil: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A02016R0679-20160504.","3.\tConvenția Națiunilor Unite cu privire la drepturile copilului, adoptată de Adunarea Generală a Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite la 20 noiembrie 1989. În: M.\tOf. nr. 109/28 sep. 1990. [Accesat la 23.09.2022]. Disponibil: http://www.cdep.ro/pls/legis/ legis_pck.htp_act_text?idt=28213.","4.\tComisia Europeană. Pot fi colectate date cu caracter personal despre copii?[Accesat la 25.09.2022]. Disponibil: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/reform/rights-citizens/how-my-personal-data-protected/can-personal-data-about-children-be-collected_ro (20.09.2022).","5.\tAutoritatea Naţională de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal/ANSPDCP. Ghid de întrebări și răspunsuri cu privire la aplicarea Regulamentului (UE) 2016/679. [Accesat la 25.09.2022]. Disponibil: https://www.dataprotection.ro/servlet/ViewDocument?id=1650.","6.\tLegea nr. 272 din 21 iunie 2004 privind protecţia şi promovarea drepturilor copilului. În: Monitorul Oficial nr. 159 din 5 martie 2014 [Accesat la 20.09.2022]. Disponibil: https://legislatie.just.ro/Public/DetaliiDocument/156097.","7.\tAvocatul Poporului din România. Avocatul Poporului: Protejarea imaginii copilului pe Internet. Realizat de Carla Cozma, coordonator Biroul teritorial Iaşi, 2016. [Accesat la 22.09.2022]. Disponibil: https://www.ziaruldeiasi.ro/stiri/avocatul-poporului-protejarea-imaginii-copilului-pe-internet--124187.html; http://www.avpoporului.ro/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id= 262:articole-in-presa-iasi-2016&catid=2&Itemid=121&lang=en","8. Comisia Europeană. O Europă pregătită pentru era digitală. [Accesat la 22.09.2022]. Disponibil: https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/europe-fit-digital-age_ro ceea.","9.\tComisia Europeană. Planul de acțiune pentru educația digitală (2021-2027). .[Accesat la 22.09.2022]. Disponibil: https://education.ec.europa.eu/ro/focus-topics/digital-education/action-plan.","10. Agenția pentru Drepturi Fundamentale a Uniunii Europene și Consiliul Europei. Manual de drept european privind drepturile copilului. Luxemburg: Oficiul pentru publicații al Uniunii Europene, 2016, 267 p."]}
- Published
- 2023
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8. Acogimiento institucional como último recurso en la protección de los derechos de los menores en la legislación ecuatoriana
- Author
Crespo Figueroa, Emily Pamela, Foulk Campuzano, Sandra Ariana, Ramón Merchán, Mónica Eloiza, Crespo Figueroa, Emily Pamela, Foulk Campuzano, Sandra Ariana, and Ramón Merchán, Mónica Eloiza
- Abstract
Institutional care, as a measure to safeguard the rights of children and adolescents, has had a boom in recent decades. The possibility of removing minors from family and social circles that were negative for their development led to an indiscriminate use of this measure. The doctrine, for its part, critically established that institutional care generates a series of damages to minors, sufficient reason to make institutional care an alternative measure and a last resort. The objective of this article is to analyze institutional care as a last resort in the protection of the rights of minors in Ecuadorian legislation. For this, the concepts of institutional fostering, its advantages and disadvantages as well as the Ecuadorian regulation regarding this institution are reviewed. The documentary technique is used and the material collected is approached through analytical, synthetic, deductive and exegetical methods. It is concluded that institutional fostering serves as a temporary measure of protection for minors, but that it can never replace the functions of the family, a fact for which the minor has the right to return to his family when the situation that motivated the fostering be dissipated, or failing that, be adopted., O atendimento institucional, como medida de resguardo dos direitos de crianças e adolescentes, teve um boom nas últimas décadas. A possibilidade de retirar os menores dos círculos familiares e sociais negativos para o seu desenvolvimento levou a uma utilização indiscriminada desta medida. A doutrina, por sua vez, estabeleceu criticamente que o atendimento institucional gera uma série de prejuízos aos menores, motivo suficiente para tornar o atendimento institucional uma medida alternativa e de último recurso. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o atendimento institucional como último recurso na proteção dos direitos dos menores na legislação equatoriana. Para isso, são revistos os conceitos de fomento institucional, suas vantagens e desvantagens, bem como a regulamentação equatoriana referente a esta instituição. A técnica documental é utilizada e o material coletado é abordado por meio de métodos analíticos, sintéticos, dedutivos e exegéticos. Conclui-se que o acolhimento institucional serve como medida temporária de proteção aos menores, mas que jamais poderá substituir as funções da família, fato pelo qual o menor tem o direito de retornar à sua família quando a situação que motivou o acolhimento for dissipada, ou na sua falta, ser adotada., El acogimiento institucional, como medida para precautelar los derechos de los niños, niñas y adolescentes, ha tenido un auge en las últimas décadas. La posibilidad de retirar a los menores de edad de círculos familiares y sociales negativos para su desarrollo, llevó a un uso indiscriminado de esta medida. La doctrina por su parte, de modo crítico, estableció que el acogimiento institucional genera una serie de perjuicios a los menores de edad, motivo suficiente para hacer del acogimiento institucional, una medida alternativa y un último recurso. El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar el acogimiento institucional como último recurso en la protección de los derechos de los menores de edad en la legislación ecuatoriana. Para ello, se revisan los conceptos de acogimiento institucional, sus ventajas y desventajas así como la regulación ecuatoriana respecto de esta institución. Se utiliza la técnica documental y se aborda el material recogido a través de los métodos analítico, sintético, deductivo y exegético. Se concluye que el acogimiento institucional sirve como medida temporal de protección de los menores de edad, pero que nunca puede suplir las funciones de la familia, hecho por el cual el menor tiene el derecho de retornar a su familia cuando la situación que motivó el acogimiento sea disipada, o en su defecto, ser adoptado.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Harris, Leslie Joan
- Subjects
ADOLESCENT health ,SOCIAL policy ,EMOTION regulation - Abstract
Legal standards that allow teens to make health care decisions, or any important decisions, must account for the contingency and variability of minors’ capacity. Traditional law denied minors’ legal authority to make any decisions, giving all power to parents. This rule goes too far; the Supreme Court has held that minors have constitutionally protected autonomy-based rights, and modern views about adolescence are inconsistent with the rule. The question is how and where to draw lines. Legal standards are based on minors’ evolving maturity, policy favoring decisions that follow medical advice, and policy supporting parental authority. This paper uses four hard cases to show how these considerations factor into legal rules. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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10. Актуальные проблемы правового регулирования труда несовершеннолетних
- Subjects
unemployment ,советы ,rights of minors ,права несовершеннолетних ,young soviets ,безработица - Abstract
Статья посвящена исследованию проблем правового регулирования несовершеннолетних работников. Актуальность анализа этих проблем обусловлена рыночной экономикой, существенным изменением трудового законодательства, особойролью молодежи в жизни государства. На молодых работников приходится значительный удельный вес среди граждан, не имеющих работы и зарегистрированных вслужбе занятости в качестве безработных. Политика в области занятости определяется с учетом стадии и уровня экономического развития, взаимной связью между целями в области занятости и другими экономическими и социальными целями., The article is devoted to the study of the problems of legal regulation of underage employees. The relevance of the analysis of these problems is due to the market economy, a significant change in labor legislation, and the special role of young people in the life of the state. Young workers account for a significant proportion of citizens who are unemployed and registered in the employment service as unemployed. Employment policy is determined by taking into account the stage and level of economic development, the mutual relationship between employment goals and other economic and social goals., Гуманитарий и социум, Выпуск 5 2021
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Morăreanu, Camelia Şerban
- Subjects
JUVENILE offenders ,CRIMINAL procedure ,CRIMINAL justice system ,MINORITIES ,LAW enforcement - Abstract
The present paper makes a short analysis of the applicable provisions in offences regarding juvenile offenders, as stated by the normative acts previous of the new Criminal Procedure Code. The second part of the paper analyzes the criminal investigation of offences committed by juvenile offenders, as regulated by Law 135/2010. The study also emphasizes other procedural norms guaranteeing the rights of minors, regardless of their quality in a criminal trial. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
12. Protection of the rights of minors / A. A. Podupeyko
- Subjects
конвенция ,декларация ,Constitution of the Republic of Belarus ,защита ,Конституция Республики Беларусь ,convention ,rights of minors ,права несовершеннолетних ,принципы ,principles ,protection ,declaration - Abstract
Подупейко, А. А. Защита прав несовершеннолетних / А. А. Подупейко // Вестник Академии МВД Республики Беларусь. - 2019. - № 2. - С. 194 - 198. Рассматриваются международные стандарты, основные принципы в сфере защиты прав несовершеннолетних. Выделены этапы разработки и принятия правовых норм по защите прав несовершеннолетних на международном уровне. Представлена характеристика основных международных документов и проведен анализ соответствия законодательства Республики Беларусь международным актам в сфере защиты прав несовершеннолетних. = International standards, basic principles in the sphere of protection of the rights of minors are considered. The stages in the development and adoption of legal norms for the protection of the rights of minors at the international level are determined. Characteristics of the main international documents and analysis of compliance of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus with the international acts in the sphere of protection of the rights of minors are represented.
- Published
- 2019
13. Application and implementation of the forensic interview for minors victims of sexual offenses in the judicial circuit of Zipaquirá, Cundinamarca
- Author
Marroquín Cabrera, Nancy Stella and Cita Triana, Ricardo Antonio
- Subjects
Sexual Abuse ,Secondary Victimization ,VICTIMAS DE ABUSO SEXUAL ,Victimización Secundaria ,Derechos de Menores ,Entrevista Forense ,DELITOS SEXUALES ,Forensic Interview ,DERECHOS DEL NIÑO ,Rights of Minors ,Abuso Sexual - Abstract
El presente artículo describe la normatividad que en la legislación colombiana ha existido con respecto a la práctica del testimonio a menores víctimas de delitos sexuales; Bohórquez y Bohórquez (2010) definen la violencia sexual como el obligar a una persona a tener contacto físico o verbal, de tipo sexual, o a participar en otras interacciones sexuales, mediante la fuerza, la amenaza, el chantaje, el soborno, la intimidación o cualquier otro medio que anule o limite la voluntad del otro. También lo es someter a alguien que no tiene forma de defenderse por tratarse de una persona desvalida, como un discapacitado mental o un niño (p. 2773). Posteriormente, se establece cuáles han sido los mecanismos desarrollados por la legislación colombiana encaminados a la protección de los derechos de los menores afectados. Se describen falencias y fortalezas evidenciadas en la práctica y condensa las propuestas coyunturales de acuerdo a los actores del proceso, necesarias para el cumplimiento de sus funciones, sin incurrir en victimización secundaria de menores afectados ni la transgresión del derecho a la defensa que le asiste al presunto victimario de esta clase de delitos, ocurridos en el circuito judicial comprendido por los Municipios de Zipaquirá y aledaños. Para este propósito, se implementará el método cualitativo-descriptivo, para demostrar mediante sustento jurisprudencial y entrevistas, las falencias y ventajas en la implementación de la normatividad que regula el tema de estudio. This article describes the regulations that has existed with regard to the practice of the testimony of child victims of sexual offenses under Colombian law; subsequently it established mechanisms which have been developed by Colombian legislation aimed at protecting the rights of children affected. Mistakes and evidenced strengths in practice are described and condenses short-term proposals according to participants in the process, necessary for the performance of their duties, without incurring secondary victimization of children affected or transgression of the right to defense which assists the alleged perpetrator of such crimes, which occurred in the judicial circuit comprised of the municipalities of Zipaquira and beyond. For this purpose, the qualitative-descriptive method was implemented to demonstrate support by jurisprudential and interviews, the shortcomings and advantages in implementing the regulations governing the subject matter.
- Published
- 2016
14. Beware of the Virtual Doll: ISPs and the Protection of Personal Data of Minors
- Author
Nagel, Daniel
- Published
- 2011
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15. Uitzetting van niet-begeleide (seksueel misbruikte) EU-minderjarigen is onverenigbaar met mensenrechtelijke verplichtingen van België
- Author
Weis, Karen, Van Laethem, Karen, Metajuridica, and Fundamentele rechten centrum
- Subjects
Fugitive rights ,Rights of minors ,human rights - Abstract
De uitzetting van niet-begeleide (seksueel misbruikte) EU-minderjarigen, is onverenigbaar met de mensenrechtelijke verplichtingen van België.
- Published
- 2011
16. The state of the rights of minors in penitentiary institutions in Ukraine
- Subjects
пенитенциарные учреждения ,права неповнолітніх ,penitentiary institutions ,rights of minors ,права несовершеннолетних ,пенітенціарні заклади - Abstract
Однією із відчутно значущих соціальних проблем для України є злочинність. Так, кожен 8-9 злочин в Україні вчинюється неповнолітніми. Поширення злочинності серед них випереджає її загальне зростання, а кількість підлітків, що вчинили злочин повторно, за останні роки збільшилась більш як на 19 %. Тому постає актуальне питання про ефективну соціальну реабілітацію неповнолітніх, які знаходяться під впливом пенітенціарної системи.
- Published
- 2009
17. Una década de la Tarjeta Idendidad de Menores (TIM)
- Author
Zamora Chavarría, Eugenia María and Zamora Chavarría, Eugenia María
- Abstract
The Identification Card of the people differs from their right to identity in itself; both are closely related and the first one validates, directly and immediately, before the community, the second one. This article offers a series of reflections surrounding the right to have a name and the concept of identity. The focus of the article is the ID Card for minors from 12 to 18, which is known as TIM and the article reviews the work of the TSE in regard to this document, El documento de identidad de las personas difiere de su derecho a la identidad, propiamente dicho; uno y otro se encuentran estrechamente relacionados y el primero tiene la virtud de acreditar, de una manera inmediata y directa, frente a la comunidad, al segundo. Este artículo ofrece una serie de reflexiones alrededor del derecho al nombre y al concepto de identidad. Se centra en el documento denominado Tarjeta de Identidad para Costarricenses de Doce a Dieciocho Años, conocida popularmente como la Ley TIM y repasa lo actuado por el Tribunal en relación con este documento
- Published
- 2013
18. Проблемы охраны прав несовершеннолетних в уголовном процессе
- Author
Шикло, О. А., Shiklo, O. A., Шикло, О. А., and Shiklo, O. A.
- Published
- 2011
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