Osebnostne pravice pripadajo človeku, vsakemu v enaki meri. Njihov namen je, da posameznika varujejo pred drugimi, četudi tem drugim ni povsem enak. Pravice, ki jih zagotavlja Zakon o pacientovih pravicah se nedvomno uvrščajo med osebnostne pravice. Zakon o pacientovih pravicah je odnos med zdravnikom in pacientom postavil na enakopravne temelje, dejansko je uzakonil partnerski odnos med njima. Pojasnilna dolžnost torej izhaja iz zakona in omogoča pacientu, da sodeluje v postopku svojega zdravljenja, da samostojno oblikuje svojo voljo in s tem svobodno in samostojno odloča o svojem zdravljenju. Zdravnik ima pravno in etično obveznost, da pacientu posreduje resnične in prave podatke o njegovem stanju, saj so le ti lahko podlaga za odločitev pacienta. Zakon o pacientovih pravicah pa je uzakonil tudi pravico zdravnika, da določena dejstva zamolči, kadar »zdravnik glede na okoliščine oceni, da bi mu takšno obvestilo povzročilo resno zdravstveno škodo, razen kadar pacient, ki je sposoben odločanja v svojo najboljšo zdravstveno korist, izrecno zahteva, da je o svojem zdravstvenem stanju popolnoma obveščen.” Govorimo o zdravnikovi pravici do terapevtskega privilegija oziroma obzirnem molku zdravnika. Vendar s tem, ko zdravnik pacientu odtegne določene podatke oziroma ga ne seznani o stanju bolezni, načinih in pričakovanih posledicah zdravljenja ali tudi o posledicah opustitve zdravljenja, pričakovanih posledicah posegov ali zdravil, mu odvzame možnost, da oblikuje svojo voljo in s tem, da se svobodno in samostojno odloča o svojem zdravljenju. S tem pa tudi posega v pacientovo zasebnost in njegovo človeško dostojanstvo, ne nazadnje pa je pravica do samoodločanja tudi ustavno zagotovljena pravica. Zdravnika s pravico do terapevtskega privilegija vrača v paternalistični odnos do pacienta, ko je bil le-ta samo object v postopku zdravljenja. Posega tudi v zaupen odnos med zdravnikom in pacientom, v odnos medsebojnega spoštovanja. Dejansko gre za situacijo, ki bi jo lahko opisali z besedami »ne laži, vendar tudi ne povej vse resnice«. To načenja zaupanje v zdravnika. Ne glede na to, da je razlog zdravnika dobronameren, pa lahko molk ali omejena razlaga pri pacientu povzroči več nelagodja in strahu, kot če bi poznal resnico. Odnos med zdravnikom in pacientom je odnos, ki mora temeljiti na zaupanju, ta pa lahko temelji samo na odkriti komunikaciji. Osnova za zaupanje ne morejo biti polresnice in zavajanje. Ustrezno poučen pacient ima boljšo možnost komunikacije s svojimi bližnjimi, v delovnem okolju in tudi več zaupanja v zdravnika in medicino na sploh. Pravica do uveljavitve terapevtskega privilegija je upravičena v primeru vnaprej izražene volje pacienta, da ne želi biti seznanjen s svojim zdravstvenim stanjem in v primeru pacientov z duševnimi motnjami. V vseh drugih primerih pa pravica do terapevtskega privilegija ne more biti ekskulpacijski razlog za neopravljeno ali slabo opravljeno pojasnilno dolžnost zdravnika. Personality rights belong to a person, to everyone equally. Their purpose is to the individual to protect against others, even if the other is not exactly the same. The rights provided by the Law on patient rights are without doubt classified as personality rights. The law is the relationship between the doctor and the patient placed on a equal footing, in fact it has legalized partner relationship between them. An explanatory duty, therefore, arises from the law and enables the patient to participate in the process of his treatment, to independently form his will and thereby freely and independently decide on his treatment. The doctor has a legal and ethical obligation to provide the patient with genuine and correct information about his condition, because only this is the basic information for the patient's decision. The law has legalized also the doctor's right to suppress certain facts, when "depending on the circumstances, the doctor estimates that such a notification would cause him serious health damage, except where a patient who is able to make decisions for his / her best health benefit explicitly requires that he / she wants to be fully informed of his state of health". This refers to the doctor's right to a therapeutic privilege or a considerte silence of a doctor. By disposing of specific data to a patient or informing the patient about the condition of the illness, the ways and the expected consequences of the treatment, or the consequences of the failure to treat, the expected consequences of interventions or medications, he will be deprived of his ability to form his own will and to freely and independently decide about his own treatment. By doing so, it interferes with patient's privacy and human dignity, and last but not least, the right to self-determination is also a constitutionally guaranteed right. The doctor returns the paternalistic attitude towards the patient with the right to a therapeutic privilege, when it was only an object in the treatment process. It also interferes with the confidential relationship between the doctor and the patient and also in the relationship of mutual respect between them. In fact, this is a situation that you could describe with words "not to lie, but also do not tell all the truth." This undermines trust in a doctor and medicine in general. Even if the doctor's behavior is well-intentioned, a silence or limited explanation of facts to the patient can cause more discomfort in fear than if he knew the truth. The relationship between a doctor and the patient is a relationship that must be based on trust and good communication. The basis for trust can not be half-hearted and misleading. A properly educated patient has a better chance of communicating with his immediate family, working environment and has more trust in his doctor and medicine in general. The right to exercise a therapeutic privilege is justified in the case of a patient's pre-expressed will, that he does not want to be acquainted with his state of health and in the case of patients with mental disorders. However in all other cases the right to a therapeutic privilege can not be an exculpatory reason for the doctors' duty or duty that is not performed or poorly performed.