1. Forensic facial reconstruction of a male from the site of Rižinice and approximation of the morphology of the missing mandible
- Author
Josipa Marić
- Subjects
forensics ,facial reconstruction ,Rižinice ,Adobe Photoshop ,forenzika ,rekonstrukcija lica - Abstract
Forenzična rekonstrukcija lica je multidisciplinarna forenzična disciplina koja se analizom morfologije kostiju lica i glave koristi u svrhu identifikacije nepoznate osobe u kriminalističkim slučajevima. Primarna implementacija rekonstrukcije lica koristi se u forenzici, kriminalističkim istragama, ali i u antropologiji i arheologiji. Forenzična rekonstrukcija lica uglavnom se primjenjuje u identifikaciji koštanih ostataka nepoznate osobe kada su ostale metode identifikacije neuspješne. DNK analiza i us- poredba zuba pomoću stomatološkog kartona nerijetko je neuspješna kad ne postoji referentni uzorak za usporedbu, te se identifikacija osobe u tim slučajevima oslanja na rekonstrukciju lica. Rekonstrukcija lica samo je sredstvo za prepoznavanje, odnosno stvaranje popisa mogućih žrtava ko- jima se potom identitet potvrđuje pomoću DNK profila, analizom zubnog kartona ili nekom drugom pravno prihvatljivom metodom za identifikaci- ju. Glavna svrha ovog rada je izrada rekonstrukcije lica muške osobe u svrhu provjere metode rekonstrukcije morfologije mandibule kada man- dibula nije dostupna. Lubanja muške osobe fotografirana je frontalno i u profilu, te se preko tih fotografija gradilo lice u Adobe Photoshop CC programu. Pri izradi lica muške osobe koristila se dvodimenzionalna me- toda rekonstrukcije koja uključuje postupno građenje karakteristika lica uz pomoć fotografija iz baze podataka pridržavajući se antropometrijskih podataka specifičnih za dob, spol i podrijetlo pojedinca. Ovim radom predstavljaju se rezultati i metodologija izrade rekonstrukcije lica osobe s lokaliteta Rižinice i metoda aproksimacije morfologije nedostajuće mandibule., Forensic facial reconstruction is a multidisciplinary forensic discipline that uses the analysis of facial and cranial bone morphology for the purpose of identifying unknown persons in criminal cases. Facial reconstruction is primarily implemented in forensics and criminal investigations, as well as in anthropology and archaeology. Forensic facial reconstruction is mainly applied in the identification of bone remains of unknown individuals when other methods of identification have failed. DNA analysis and comparison of teeth using dental records are often unsuccessful when there is no reference sample for comparison, and the identification in these cases relies on facial reconstruction. Facial re- construction is but a means of recognising, i.e. creating a list of possible victims whose identity is then confirmed by DNA profile, dental record analysis or some other legally acceptable method of identification. The main goal of this paper is to present the procedure of reconstructing the face of a male person in order to test the method of reconstruction of the morphology of the mandible when the mandible is not available. The skull of a male person was photographed from the front and sides, and a face was built in Adobe Photoshop CC. A two-dimensional reconstruction method was used to make the man’s face, involving gradual development of facial features with the help of photographs from the database, while adhering to anthropometric data specific to the age, sex and ancestry of an individual. This paper presents the results and methodology of reconstruction of the face of a person from the site of Rižinice, and the method of approximation of the morphology of the missing mandible.
- Published
- 2020