Cilj diplomskega dela je predstaviti prenovo informacijskega sistema v Javnem stanovanjskem skladu Mestne občine Ljubljana. Poslovanje organizacije je v današnjem svetu neposredno odvisno od uporabe podatkov, shranjenih v njenih informacijskih sistemih, zato mora biti zagotovljena njihova pravilnost in nemoteno delovanje vseh delov tega sistema. Diplomsko delo opisuje prenovo informacijskega sistema, ki je za nemoteno poslovanje organizacije ključnega pomena. V diplomskem delu je predstavljena analiza trenutnega stanja, analiza problematike razvoja novega informacijskega sistema ter izvedba prenove. Prav tako so predstavljene težave in rešitve, ki so se pojavile med razvojem in izvedbo prenovljenega informacijskega sistema V zadnjem delu je predstavljena analiza SWOT prenove, s katero so opisane prednosti in slabosti predstavljenega procesa, v sklepnem delu pa učinki prenove z možnostmi za nadaljnji razvoj. The objective of the thesis is to present the reengineering of the information system of the Public Housing Fund of the Municipality of Ljubljana. The operation of an organization in the modern world is directly dependent on the usage of data stored in its information systems, therefore the accuracy and functioning of all parts of the system must be assured. The thesis describes the reengineering of the information system that is of key importance for uninterrupted operation of the organization. The thesis presents an analysis of the existing state of affairs, analysis of the issues pertaining to the development of a new information system and the implementation of the reengineering. It also presents the issues and solutions that arose in the process of development and implementation of the reengineered information system In the penultimate chapter, the thesis also presents a SWOT analysis of the reengineering, containing descriptions of the benefits and weaknesses of the presented process. In conclusion, the effects of the reengineering process are presented together with certain identified possibilities for further development.