9 results on '"razvajenost"'
Search Results
2. The occurrence of parental pampering and its importance in the family
- Author
Ozim, Urška and Hmelak, Maja
- Subjects
otrok ,child ,education ,starši ,vzgoja ,parents ,udc:37.018:316.362.1-055.52-055.62(043.2) ,Pampering ,Razvajenost - Abstract
Diplomsko delo z naslovom Pojav razvajenosti pri starših in pomen tega za družino je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo govorili o starših, torej kdo sploh starš je ter jih bolj specifično tudi opredelili. Nekaj besed smo namenili razvajenosti, to smo najprej definirali, in zapisali nekaj tipičnih primerov tega vzgojnega problema. Seznanili smo se z razvajenostjo staršev in zapisali nekaj pokazateljev starševske razvajenosti ter tako opredelili tipe staršev in zapisali vpliv razvajenih staršev na otroka. Pri tem smo se osredotočili tako na samo starševstvo kot tudi na pomembnost postavljanja omejitev. Podali smo nekaj nasvetov in smernic, kako se spoprijeti z razvajenostjo ter nazadnje opisali še vlogo otroka v družini, v kateri so starši razvajeni. V empiričnem delu smo raziskali pojav razvajenosti pri starših. Zanimalo nas je, kaj za starše pomeni pojem razvajenost, pri kom se lahko sploh pojavi, ali na pojav razvajenosti vpliva tudi vzgoja in ali je lahko to posledica staršev, ki so razvajeni kateri so najbolj pogosti pokazatelji razvajenosti pri starših ter kako lahko omilijo svojo razvajenost ali je možno, da pride do sprememb v vlogah in odnosih v družini ali otroci, ki imajo razvajene starše, prevzamejo vlogo le-teh in, ali lahko razvajenost staršev vodi k neustrezni komunikaciji, prav tako pa nas je zanimalo kakšne so lastnosti dobrega starša po mnenju anketiranih staršev. The diploma thesis entitled The occurrence of parental pampering and its importance in the family consists of the theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part, we defined the concept of being a parent in detail. A few words were devoted to the pampering: firstly, we defined it, and secondly, we listed some typical examples of this educational problem. We became familiar with parental pampering, stated some indicators of parental pampering in order to identify different types of parents, and explored the influence of pampered parents on the child, focusing primarily on parenting itself as well as the importance of setting limits. We provided some tips and guidelines on effective coping with pampering, and lastly, described the role of the child in the family with pampered parents. In the empirical part, we researched the occurrence of parental pampering. We were interested in the parents’ understanding of the concept of parental pampering and in the time of its occurrence. We wanted to know whether the occurrence is influenced by education or it may be the result of parents being pampered. Furthermore, we were interested in the most common indicators of parental pampering and in the ways to reduce it. We questioned ourselves whether there may be changes in roles and relationships within the family, whether children with pampered parents take over their patterns, and whether parental pampering can lead to inappropriate communication. According to the survey among parents, we defined the concept of being a good parent.
- Published
- 2019
3. The impact of toys on the emergence of spoiled children
- Author
Blatnik, Mateja and Hmelak, Maja
- Subjects
razvajenost ,indulgence ,razvajen otrok ,starši ,toys ,negative impact of toys ,negativen vpliv igrač ,parents ,udc:373.2:688.72(043.2) ,igrače ,spoiled children - Abstract
V diplomskem delu z naslovom Vpliv igrač na pojav razvajenosti pri otroku sta v ospredju razvajenost, ki se lahko pojavi predvsem ob negativnem vplivu igrač, npr. ob njihovi preveliki količini, in to, kako razvajenost vpliva na otroka. Poudarek je na igračah, njihovem pomenu in vlogi za otroka, pa tudi na njihovem negativnem vplivu. Preučen je vpliv izobrazbe staršev na količino igrač pri otroku, kot tudi vpliv starosti staršev ter vpliv števila otrok v družini. Opisan in opredeljen je pojav razvajenosti. Nazadnje so navedene lastnosti razvajenega otroka. Delo obravnava tudi, kakšno vlogo ima spol staršev pri razvajenosti oziroma kako to vpliva na odzive otroka. Namen in cilj empiričnega dela je bil raziskati vpliv igrač na razvajenost pri otroku. Izvedena je bila raziskava na vzorcu 154 staršev predšolskih otrok na podlagi anketnega vprašalnika. Ugotovitve kažejo, da starši dobro poznajo pojav razvajenosti, a raziskave so pokazale, da imajo otroci doma velike količine igrač, kar nas ne preseneča, saj je ponudba igrač na trgu ogromna, starši jih svojim otrokom kupijo. Ob pravilnem pristopu staršev se odzivi, obnašanja in posledično tudi razvajenost umirijo, otroci prepoznajo pravilne načine in pristope ter se naučijo, kako izražati svoje občutke in želje, ter tudi, kako se temu primerno odzvati. Ugotovitve tako kažejo, da starši postavljajo meje kot tudi to, da otroci preizkušajo te meje prestopiti. In the diploma thesis entitled The Effect of Toys on the Child's Indulgence, in the foreground is the dilemma, which can occur primarily with the negative impact of toys, for example, at their excessive amounts, and how deception affects the child. The emphasis is on toys, their meaning and the role of the child, as well as their negative impact. The influence of parents' education on the quantity of toys in the child, as well as the influence of the age of parents and the influence of the number of children in the family, has been studied. The occurrence of indulgence is described and defined. Finally, the characteristics of the spoiled child are listed. The work also deals with the role played by the sex of parents in decay, or how it affects the child's responses. The purpose and goal of the empirical work was to investigate the influence of toys on childbirth. A survey was conducted on a sample of 154 parents of pre-school children on the basis of a questionnaire. The findings show that parents are well aware of the phenomenon of indulgence, but research has shown that children have large amounts of toys at home, which is not surprising because the range of toys on the market is enormous and parents buy them for their children. With proper parents approach, responses, behavior and, consequently, indulgence calm down, children recognize the correct ways and approaches, learn how to express their feelings and desires, and also how to react appropriately. The findings thus show that parents set boundaries as well as the fact that children are trying to cross those boundaries.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Štefančič, Mojca and Protner, Edvard
- Subjects
razvajenost ,education ,educational problems ,personality autonomy ,rules ,nadzor ,razvoj osebnosti ,permisivna vzgoja ,re-education ,udc:37-053.2(043.2) ,avtoriteta ,Vzgoja ,permissive education ,vzgojne težave ,zahteve ,"pamperedness" ,pravila ,requirements ,personality development ,avtonomija osebnosti ,authority ,control ,prevzgoja - Abstract
Bogdan Žorž je bil eden prvih strokovnjakov v Sloveniji, ki je opozoril na neustrezne posledice permisivne vzgoje, ki naj bi proizvajala t. i. "razvajence", ki imajo mnogo značilnosti patološkega narcisa, a so na življenje še slabše pripravljeni. Na osnovi dolgoletnih izkušenj pri delu z odklonskimi mladostniki se je jasno opredelil za odločno vzgojo, ki pa mora temeljiti na zaupnem odnosu z otrokom, pristnemu zanimanju zanj in doslednemu nadzoru. Le na tak način se po njegovem lahko vzgoji uravnovešeno mlado osebnost, ki bo kos vsakodnevnim življenjskim pritiskom. Bogdan Žorž was one of the first experts in Slovenia, who pointed out unsuitable consequences of permisive education, which is to produce so called "spoiled persons", who have many characteristics of pathological narcissist, but are still less prepared for life.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Masten, Janja and Hmelak, Maja
- Subjects
komunikacija ,razvajenost ,communication,parents-children relationship ,poslušanje ,settingboundaries ,odnos starši-otroci ,postavljanje meja ,vzgojna komunikacija ,spoiled child ,udc:37.018:316.362.1-055.52-055.62(043.2) ,educational communication ,listening - Abstract
V diplomskemdeluVpliv komunikacije na pojav razvajenosti pri otroku nas je zanimal predvsem pojav razvajenosti, ki se lahko pojavi kot stranski učinek neustrezne komunikacije med starši in otroki. V teoretičnem delu je bil poudarek na ustrezni komunikaciji v odnosu med starši in otroki in ali lahko s slednjo preprečimo ali vsaj omilimo pojav razvajenosti pri otrocih. Tako je bil naš prvi cilj, da se seznanimo s strokovnimi izrazi oziroma kompleksnimi pojmi,kot so komunikacija, razvajenost, postavljanje mej, vzgojna komunikacija idr. Nadalje smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšen vpliv ima komunikacija na pojav razvajenosti pri otrocih ter kako pomembno vlogo le-ta odigra pri postavljanju meja. Želeli smo tudi preučiti, kako bi lahko s pomočjo komunikacije razvajenostpreprečili ali jo vsaj omilili. Nenazadnje pa smo s tem želeli ugotoviti tudi, koliko časa si starši dandanes sploh še vzamejo za primerno komunikacijo s svojimi otroki. Namen in cilj diplomskegadela je bil ugotoviti,ali neustrezna komunikacija dejansko lahko vpliva na pojav razvajenosti pri otrocih. Zato smo izvedli raziskavo na vzorcu staršev predšolskih otrok v vrtcu Šentjur pri Celju. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da si starši vzamejo premalo časa za kakovostno komunikacijo s svojimi otroki, saj zaradi vse hitrejšega tempa življenja ne najdejo primernega časa. Anketni vprašalniki so pokazali, da se večina staršev pojava razvajenosti pri svojih otrocih zaveda in skušana tem področju narediti majhne korake, ki bi lahko vodili do velikih sprememb oziroma izboljšanja ali celo do odstranitve pojava razvajenosti. The Thesis The Influence of Improper Communication on the Spoilt Child Phenomenon focuses on the spoilt child phenomenon which can occur as a side effect of an improper communication between parents and children. In the theoretical part the emphasis was on proper communication between parents and children and if the latter can prevent or at least reduce the spoilt child phenomenon. Our first aim was to get familiar with professional terms like communication, spoilt child, setting boundaries, educational communication etc. Furthermore, we wanted to determine what kind of influence does communication have on the spoilt child phenomenon and its importance on setting boundaries. We wanted to study how communication could help prevent or at least reduce the spoilt child phenomenon. Last but not least, we wanted to find out how much time parents nowadays take for proper communication with their children. The purpose and the aim of the Thesis were to determine whether improper communication actually can influence the spoilt child phenomenon. That is why we conducted a survey among parents with preschool children that are attending Nursery School Šentjur. The results showed that parents do not take enough time for a proper communication with their children, since they don't find the time due to the fast paced life. Questionnaires showed that most of the parents are aware that their children are spoilt and they are taking small steps that could lead to big changes, improvement or even to a disappearance of the spoilt child phenomenon.
- Published
- 2016
6. 'Razvajenost' kot dejavnik, ki zavira razvoj otrokove prirojene sposobnosti za moralno presojo
- Author
Gorjup, Urška and Vehovar, Urban
- Subjects
razvajenost ,kognitivni moduli ,vloga socializacije ,udc:316.614.5(043.2) ,frustracije ,sodobna družina ,moralna presoja - Published
- 2015
7. Koncepti sodobnega starševstva
- Author
Dolenc, Anja and Kobolt, Alenka
- Subjects
razvajenost ,udc:37.018(043.2) ,sodobno starševstvo - Published
- 2014
- Author
Videtič, Mojca and Pulko, Simona
- Subjects
razvajenost ,emotional intelligence ,udc:82(043.2) ,pouk književnosti ,textbooks/texts ,upbringing ,vzgoja ,učitelj ,being spoiled ,teacher ,teaching literature ,berila ,čustvena inteligenca - Abstract
V diplomskem delu smo skušali prikazati, kolikšna je vključenost elementov razvajenosti v berilih za tretje triletje osnovnih šol. Pri analizi smo se omejili na berila iz Kataloga učbenikov. Skušali smo predstaviti problematiko razvajenosti v okviru pouka književnosti. V prvem delu diplomskega dela smo predstavili pojme, ki so ključni pri analizi tega problema (načini razvajanja, posledice razvajenosti, čustvena inteligenca), in skušali podati nekaj predlogov za lažje in uspešnejše delo z razvajenimi otroki (mladostnik kot učenec, motivacija). V šestem poglavju smo poudarili pomen branja in težave, s katerimi se srečujejo učitelji pri pouku književnosti ob razvajenih otrocih. V drugem delu smo analizirali besedila v berilih in vprašanja, zapisana ob njih. Ugotavljali smo pogostost opisa načina razvajanja ali posledice razvajenosti in preverjali, če vprašanja spodbujajo razpravo o problematiki razvajenosti. Na podlagi analize smo ugotovili, da so kritična besedila v manjšini in da vprašanja bolj spodbujajo k razpravi o odnosih kot o čustvih. In this B.A. thesis, we tried to present to what extent the elements of being spoiled are included in the textbooks for the third triad of primary schools. In the analysis we focused on the textbooks from the Textbook Catalogue. We tried to present the issue of being spoiled in the context of teaching literature. In the first part of the thesis we presented the concepts that are instrumental to the analysis of this problem (ways of spoiling children, the consequences of being spoiled, emotional intelligence), and tried to give some suggestions for easier and more effective work with spoiled children (an adolescent as a student, motivation). In the sixth chapter, we emphasized the importance of reading and problems encountered by teachers teaching literature to spoiled children. In the second part we analyzed the texts in the textbooks and questions accompanying them. We determined the frequency of description of ways of spoiling children or the consequences of being spoiled, and checked if the questions encourage discussion on the issue of being spoiled. Based on the analysis outlined above, we established that the critical texts are in minority and the questions tend to encourage discussion on relations rather than on emotions.
- Published
- 2013
- Author
- Subjects
razvajenost ,education ,family ,vrednote ,samozavest ,affluence ,consciousness ,stres ,stress ,družina ,vzgoja ,self-respect ,samospoštovanje ,values ,udc:37(043.2) - Abstract
V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali področji razvajenosti vzgoje otrok z vrednotami. Spoznali smo pomen pristopa k vzgoji na podlagi temeljnih človeških vrednot. Odkrivali smo, kje se začnejo korenine razvajenosti pri otrocih ter kako jo rešujemo, ko se je že dodobra razrasla. Raziskali smo, ali odsotnost temeljnih človeških vrednot pri otrocih nujno vodi k takšni ali drugačni obliki osebnostnih ali vedenjskih motenj. Zelo pomembno področje povezano z vrednotami je obravnava otroka kot posameznika, kot edinstvene osebnosti. Izpostavili smo tri avtorje oziroma terapevte s področja dela z mladostniki, razvajenosti ter osebnostno in vedenjsko motenih mladostnikov. Na koncu smo pojasnili, kakšen vpliv na otroka ima vzgoja in odnos staršev, vzgojiteljev, učiteljev ter ostalega šolskega osebja. Our thesis is about two different areas such as affluence and education of children with values. We realized the significance of how to approach to education on the basis of basic human values. We wanted to find out where the roots of children affluence start and how to solve this problem, which is quite widespread. We also wanted to know if absence of the basic human values concerning children necessarily leads to different forms of personal or behaviour disturbances. One of the very important areas which is connected with values is treatment of child as an individual (as an individual personality). We highlighted three different authors – therapists from three different areas concerning affluence and both personal and behaviour disturbances of adolescents. At the end we explained how education and relationship of parents, pedagogue educators, teachers and the rest of the school staff affect child.
- Published
- 2012
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