Recepción: 27.04.2018 | Aceptado: 28.05.2018, Correspondencia a través de ORCID: Carmen López Camacho - 0000-0002-7025-8643, Revisión por Pares Abierta / Open Peer Review: Mirian Hervás Torres - Orcid: 0000-0002-8694-9393 | Francisco Raso Sánchez - Orcid: 0000-0003-2494-1334 | Karen McMullin - Orcid: 0000-0002-1449-3550 | José Miguel García Ramírez - Orcid: 0000-0002-9142-6503, El cáncer es una de las principales causas de mortalidad en el mundo. El hecho de ser diagnosticado de una enfermedad oncológica genera ansiedad, inseguridad y estrés postraumático; no sólo en la persona que lo sufre, sino también en las personas de su entorno. El objetivo de este estudio es comprobar si las personas que han superado un proceso oncológico puntúan más alto en inseguridad, doble presencia y necesidad de esconder sus emociones en su lugar de trabajo que las personas que no se han enfrentado al cáncer. Método: Se utilizó una muestra de 202 trabajadores de la UGR de entre 23 y 69 años (M=41:SD=12,312), se asignaron a diferentes grupos en función de si habían vivido una enfermedad oncológica o no y se les midió la inseguridad, doble presencia y necesidad de esconder emociones haciendo uso del ISTAS 21. Resultados: Aparecen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las tres dimensiones en función de si los participantes han luchado contra el cáncer o no. Conclusiones: Los ex-pacientes oncológicos puntúan más alto en inseguridad, doble presencia y necesidad de esconder emociones de cara al público en sus puestos de trabajo; por lo que resultaría de gran ayuda abordar el estrés al que se enfrentan tras su reincorporación., Extended Abstract: Cancer is one of the main causes of mortality in the world. In addition, this disease affects all levels; therefore, it must be approached from a multidisciplinary perspective. There are several factors of both vulnerability and protection with respect to developing psychological problems in patients with cancer. Among the factors of vulnerability are poor social support and poor coping skills; Protective factors include psychological flexibility and subjective well-being. The fact of being diagnosed with an oncological disease generates anxiety, insecurity and post-traumatic stress, not only in the person who suffers from it, but also in the people around him/her. 40% of cancers affect people who are in the productive period of their lives, so it is vital to facilitate their return to work. Psychosocial risk factors are those work conditions that affect the health of workers by causing stress. The objective of this study is to confirm if people who have recovered from an oncological process score higher in insecurity, double presence and the need to hide their emotions in their place of work than people who have not faced cancer. Method: A sample of 202 employees of the University of Granada between 23 and 69 years of age was used (M = 41: SD = 12.312). They were assigned to different groups based on their life experience: Group 1: People who have not had cancer or have any family member or friend who has or had cancer; Group 2: People who have not had cancer but have a family member or friend who has or had cancer and Group 3: People who have recovered from cancer. The insecurity, the double presence and the need to hide emotions of all the participants were measured using the ISTAS 21 questionnaire. Results: Firstly, the homogeneity tests are carried out, concluding that the groups are equal in the proportion of males and females, but they are unequal in terms of age and seniority in the workplace of the components. For this reason, we attempt to cleanse the data of these two covariates in cases where it is possible. Patients who have recovered from cancer score higher in all dimensions, followed by people who have not gone through cancer but have a family member or friend in that situation, with people who have not had cancer and have no one around them in that situation last. Conclusions: Oncological patients score higher in insecurity, double presence and need to hide emotions in front of people in their workplace, so it would be very helpful to address the stress they face after their reincorporation in order to make this a satisfactory experience for them., Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Psicología Social. Proyecto de Innovación Docente ReiDoCrea