1. Business processes in catering - optimisation and rationalization
- Author
Ivis, Mateo and Floričić, Tamara
- Subjects
SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Trade and Tourism ,serving process ,technological innovations ,catering ,business processes ,rationalization ,restoraterstvo ,racionalizacija ,proces posluge ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Trgovina i turizam ,optimizacija ,tehnološke inovacije ,optimization ,poslovni procesi - Abstract
Predmet istraživanja rada su poslovni procesi u ugostiteljstvu s fokusom na restoraterstvo i načini racionalizacije i optimizacije procesa posluge kroz prikazane primjere. Poslovni procesi u restoraterstvu dio su svakodnevnih operacija. Kroz promjenjivu okolinu poduzeća i trendova u okolini ugostitelji moraju biti fleksibilni i spremni na promjene u vlastitim procesima. Identifikacijom problema i načinima optimizacije i racionalizacije procesa koja započinje analizom, kroz analizu procesa može se zaključiti koji dio procesa zaostaje i kojim načinom se može promijeniti. Redizajniranjem i implementacijom procesa nakon čega se provodi unutarnja prateća kontrola kako bi se osigurala kvaliteta procesa i usluge. U poslovnom procesu posluživanja, u restoraterstvu veliki udio ima ljudska komponenta od kuhanja hrane do posluživanja jela na stol. Ovisno o stručnosti, kvaliteti pružene usluge, ljubaznosti te do odlaska kupca iz restorana sve navedeno ovisi o zadovoljstvu kupca s pruženom uslugom, ovisno o tome pri idućem željenom odlasku u restoran navedene komponente će imati utjecaj pri odabiru. Prema provedenom istraživanju tehnološke inovacije bitna su komponenta u optimizaciji i racionalizaciji poslovnih procesa posluge u fast food restoranima, implementacijom inovacija i automatizaciji rada ovisi brzina poslovnih procesa u fast food restoranima kako bi u što kraćem vremenskom razdoblju došli do maksimalizacije prihoda. The subject of the research is business processes within the hospitality industry with a focus on catering and ways to rationalize and optimize the service process through presented examples. Business processes in the restaurant industry are part of daily operations. Through volatile business conditions, caterers have to show flexibility and readiness for alterations in their own processes. By identifying the problem and ways of optimization and rationalization of the process which starts with the analysis, through process analysis it is concluded which part of the process is struggling and how can it be changed. By re-designing and implementing the process, internal control is being pursued to ensure the quality of the process and the service. In the business process of serving in catering, the human component has a large share from cooking the food to serving it to its customers. Depending on the expertise, quality of the provided service, and courtesy up until the customer has left, all of these reasons will have an effect on the customer's satisfaction with the provided service depending on the next desired visit to a restaurant the previously mentioned components will have an influence on the chosen restaurant. According to the conducted research, technological innovations are an important component in the optimization and rationalization of service business processes in fast food restaurants. Speed of business processes in fast food restaurants depends on the implementation of innovations and work automation in order to maximize revenue in the shortest possible period of time.
- Published
- 2022