V diplomskem delu so primerjane razlike oblik razvez zakonske zveze v Sloveniji in razvez zakonske zveze na Japonskem, s posebno osredotočenostjo na zasebno razvezo zakonske zveze na Japonskem. Razveza zakonske zveze je eden izmed načinov prenehanja zakonske zveze. V Sloveniji sta urejeni dve obliki razvez zakonske zveze in sicer sporazumna razveza in razveza na podlagi tožbe. Predlogu za sporazumno razvezo zakonca priložita sporazume o varstvu, vzgoji in preživljanju skupnih otrok, o preživljanju nepreskrbljenega zakonca, o delitvi skupnega premoženja in o tem, kateri od zakoncev bo ostal najemnik stanovanja. Družinski zakonik prinaša spremembo, ki določa, da je sporazumno razvezo mogoče opraviti tudi pred notarjem. Na Japonskem imajo z zakonom urejene naslednje načine razvez zakonske zveze: zasebna razveza zakonske zveze, razveza z mediacijo na družinskem sodišču, razveza s sodbo družinskega sodišča in razveza s tožbo na okrožnem sodišču. Za zasebno razvezo zakonske zveze je značilno, da je najhitrejša in najbolj enostavna, saj se izvede brez sodelovanja sodišča, zakonca pravilno izpolnjen razvezni obrazec »rikon todoke« vložita pri upravni enoti. Zaradi teh razlogov je tudi najbolj pogosta oblika razveze na Japonskem, na takšen način se namreč razveže 90% vseh razvezanih zakoncev. Razlogi za razvezo pri zasebni razvezi zakonske zveze niso pomembni, zakonca pa morata doseči sporazum o varstvu in preživljanju skupnih otrok in o delitvi skupnega premoženja, ter ga navesti v razveznem obrazcu. Vsebina dogovora se ne preverja, upravna enota preveri samo formalne pogoje. Posledice razveze nastopijo takoj, ko upravna enota potrdi obrazec. Če si zakonec v času med oddajo razveznega obrazca in potrditvijo le-tega premisli, lahko vloži prošnjo za nesprejetje razveznega obrazca »fujuri todoke«, takšen dokument lahko vloži tudi predčasno. Dissertation compares the differences between forms of divorce in Slovenia and those in Japan, with a special focus on the private divorce in Japan. Divorce is one of the ways of ending a marriage. In accordance with Slovenian law, two options are possible: divorce by mutual agreement and divorce on the basis of an action. Divorce by mutual agreement is possible if the spouses reached an agreement on the care, upbringing and subsistence of any children they have together, an agreement on the maintenance of the spouse who has no means of subsistence, an agreement on the division of their joint property, and an agreement on which of the spouses will remain the tenant of their apartment. The Family code brings a change which stipulates that a separation by mutual agreement can also be performed before a notary. In Japan, the following types of divorce are regulated by law: private divorce, divorce by mediation in the family court, divorce by a family court judgment and divorce on a basis of an action in the district court. Private divorce is characterized by being the quickest and the easiest, since it is done without judicial cooperation. Spouses must correctly complete a divorce form called »rikon todoke« and submit it to the administrative office. For these reasons, it is also the most common form of divorce in Japan since about 90% of the divorced spouses choose this type of divorce. The reasons for divorce in the procedure of private divorce are not relevant. However, spouses must reach an understanding on the care, upbringing and subsistence of any children they have together and an agreement on the division of their joint property and indicate both in a divorce form. The administrative office does not check the content of the understandings but only that they have been reached. The consequences of divorce occur as soon as the administrative office confirms the form. If a spouse changes their mind in the time between submitting the divorce form and having it verified they can submit a petition for non-acceptance of notification of divorce called »fujuri todoke«. This form can also be submitted ahead of time.