1. Cash in tranzit with international comparation between Republic Slovenia and Croatia
- Author
Klobučar, Daša and Dvojmoč, Miha
- Subjects
Hrvaška ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,diplomske naloge ,money ,prevoz vrednostnih pošiljk ,primerjave ,Transport ,Slovenija ,security ,security container ,prevoz denarja ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
Diplomsko delo je namenjeno predvsem predstavitvi normativne ureditve varovanja prevoza gotovine in drugih vrednostnih pošiljk med dvema državama članicama Evropske unije (EU), Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Hrvaško. V diplomskem delu je bila povzeta tako dejavnost zasebnega varovanja kot tudi nadzor s strani pristojnih državnih organov, s katerim se dviga standard varnosti pri opravljanju prevozov in varovanja gotovine ter drugih vrednostnih pošiljk. S samo primerjavo in pregledom sprememb zakonodaje tako v Republiki Sloveniji kot tudi v Republiki Hrvaški smo pokazali, da se obe spreminjata v skladu s smernicami in trendi, ki so na trgu. Pri pregledu in analizi predpostavk smo zastavili vprašanje, kako se razlikuje normativna ureditev v teh dveh državah članicah EU. Težišče celotne naloge je bilo normativni ureditvi in, zakonih o zasebnem varovanju v Republiki Sloveniji ter Republiki Hrvaški. Neposredna primerjava podzakonskih predpisov v obeh obravnavanih državah je pokazala nekatere skupne stične točke in nekatera razhajanja. Cilj diplomskega dela je bil potrditi oz. ovreči zastavljene hipoteze, ki opredeljujejo normativno dejavnost, urejenost in varnost področja varovanja prevozov gotovine ter drugih vrednostnih pošiljk. Pri izvajanju prevozov gotovine in drugih vrednostnih pošiljk, upoštevajoč relevantne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na varen prenos in prevoz gotovine ter drugih vrednostnih pošiljk, je prisotnih več standardov, ki imajo namen zagotoviti preglednost vseh postopkov in varnost varnostnega osebja ter varno dostavo varovanih pošiljk naročnikom. Iz ugotovitev lahko zaključimo, da so v Republiki Sloveniji postavljeni temelji, ki zagotavljajo visok nivo varnostnih standardov, ki pa je bil s sprejetjem novega pravilnika o načinu prevoza in varovanja gotovine ter drugih vrednostnih pošiljk le še izboljšan. The Bachelor's thesis is mostly intended to introduce the normative regulatory framework of securing the transport of money and other valuable shipments between two European Union (EU) Member States, namely the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia. The thesis summarizes both the area of operation of private security providers as well as the supervision conducted on part of competent state agencies – the latter enables a growing standard of security in executing secure transports of money and other valuable shipments. The comparison between the two legislations together with an overview made of any amendments revealed that both legislations are adapting in line with new guidelines and trends existing in the market. While conducting the comparison and analysis of our hypotheses, we addressed the research question on how the normative regulatory frameworks in these two EU Member States differ from one another. The main focus of the thesis was based around the normative regulatory framework, and the laws on private security in Slovenia and in Croatia, respectively. The direct comparison of relevant sub-legal provisions in both countries revealed some commonalities as well as several issues of divergence. The thesis was set out to confirm or disprove the hypotheses, which define the area of activity, its normative regulation and the ensuring of security in the area of securing transports of money and other valuable shipments. In executing the transport of cash and other high value goods, considering all factors that influence the security of the transport, there are several relevant standards to observe and are intended to ensure the transparency of all procedures, the safety of the personnel as well as a safe delivery of secured shipments to the clients. The findings enable us to conclude that in the Republic of Slovenia, foundations have been set in place, which ensure a high level of security standards. The latter were further raised with the acceptance of the most recent »Rules on the Transport and Protection of Money and Other Valuable Shipments«.
- Published
- 2017