Diplomska naloga obravnava uporabo didaktičnih iger pri pouku angleščine na začetku šolanja. Otroška igra je otrokova notranja potreba, pri kateri se sprosti in zabava, obenem pa se razvija na intelektualnem, fizičnem, domišljijskem, socialnem ter čustvenem področju. Didaktična igra kot učna metoda se razlikuje od otroške igre v tem, da jo uporabljamo pri pouku ter da preko nje dosegamo vzgojno-izobraževalne cilje. Metoda didaktične igre se zlasti v zadnjem času uveljavlja na področju zgodnjega poučevanja angleščine. S pomočjo te metode pri učencih ustvarimo potrebo po komunikaciji in jim z zagotavljanjem sproščenega ter varnega okolja pomagamo, da izboljšajo svoje komunikacijske spretnosti. Mnoge raziskave potrjujejo, da je zgodnje poučevanje z metodo didaktične igre zelo učinkovito, saj pozitivno vpliva na motivacijo, učno aktivnost, količino usvojenega znanja, spodbuja ustvarjalnost in domišljijo hkrati pa naredi pouk prijeten in zabaven za učence. Metoda je primerna za učence z različnimi sposobnostmi, učnimi stili ter interesi. Učinkovita raba metode predpostavlja strokovno usposobljenega učitelja. Z našo raziskavo smo preverjali odnos učencev, motivacijo, aktivnost učencev ter vlogo učitelja in učenca glede na različen tip didaktične igre. The following thesis explores the use of didactic games in the English classroom at the beginning of compulsory schooling. Child's play is his inner need through which he/she has fun and at the same time develops his intellectual, physical, imaginative, social, and emotional skills. As a teaching method, however, didactic game differs significantly from the child's play, not just because it is used in school but especially for its purpose of targeting specific educational aims. Didactic game as a teaching method is commonly used in foreign language teaching. It creates the need for communication. Moreover, by enabling a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere in the classroom, we help the learner to develop communicative skills. Many researches confirm that early language teaching significantly improves in efficiency when didactic game is involved. Its use positively influences motivation, educational activity, and language acquisition it develops creativity and imagination, and makes an English lesson fun and interesting. The method can be used with mixed ability classes, learners with different interests and learning styles. However, it is argued that it can only be effectively used under the leadership of a highly qualified teacher. In our research we wanted to focus on the learner's attitude, motivation, and educational activity and the roles of the teacher and the learner in relation to the different types of didactic games.