V zadnjih desetletjih smo priča hitrim in intenzivnim spremembam v načinu poslovanja, oglaševanja in pristopanja do kupcev. Vsako podjetje se mora znati spremembam na trgu hitro prilagoditi, sicer ga lahko ostala konkurenčna podjetja izpodrinejo in prevzamejo njegovo mesto na trgu. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na poslovanje podjetja Agrotehnika, d. o. o., in na njihov pristop do kupcev. Ugotovili smo, da je njihova spletna stran zastarela in ne izpolnjuje današnjih zahtev na trgu. Prav tako ima podjetje nepopolno izdelan poslovni načrt, katerega je potrebno prenoviti za zagotovitev boljše konkurenčnosti na trgu in izpolnitev zahtev strank. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo opisali ključne elemente sodobnega elektronskega poslovnega sistema, kot so informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije, informacijski sistem, tehnologije komuniciranja, elektronsko poslovanje, svetovni splet, spletna trgovina itd. Prav tako smo se osredotočili na raziskovalne strategije in obstoječe poslovne modele. Za potrebe izgradnje novega poslovnega modela podjetja smo se odločili za uporabo poslovnega modela Canvas. V praktičnem delu magistrskega dela smo opisali potek prenove spletne strani za podjetje Agrotehnika, d. o. o., ter izgradnjo in vpeljavo spletne trgovine in spletne prodaje. S tem smo podjetju zagotovili boljšo konkurenčnost v poslovnem svetu ter jim omogočili lažji dostop do širšega kroga potencialnih kupcev. Spletno trgovino smo postavili na OpenCart platformi ter jo nadgradili z vmesnim vtičnikom, ki omogoča hkratni uvoz podatkov iz VASCO ERP sistema v spletno trgovino OpenCart. V drugem delu magistrskega dela smo opisali obstoječi poslovni model podjetja, ga analizirali in ga prenovili glede na nov način poslovanja podjetja, torej glede na spletno prodajo. Za oblikovanje novega poslovnega modela smo se poslužili uporabe poslovnega modela Canvas. Ugotovili smo, da je bila spletna trgovina že takoj v samem začetku dobro sprejeta s strani kupcev, saj se je izdatno povečalo tako povpraševanje po izdelkih podjetja Agrotehnika, d. o. o., kot njihov nakup. Spletna stran je namenjena tako poslovnim uporabnikom kot končnim kupcem in s tem smo zajeli celotno populacijo potencialnih kupcev. Določene potrebe po izboljšavi delovanja spletne strani in njene zmogljivosti se bodo pokazale z daljšo uporabo, zato vemo, da projekt nikoli ne bo v celoti zaključen. Vendar trenutno lahko z gotovostjo trdimo, da je bila vpeljava spletne trgovine v podjetju uspešna. In the last decades we are facing intensive changes in the business and how companies are doing their business, business marketing and the ways how to reach out the customers. Each company needs to accommodate to the changes and adopt them quickly, otherwise competitors will slowly take their place in the market. Master thesis is focused on the company Agrotehnika d.o.o. and how they are doing their own business. We found out, that their biggest problem is outdated web site, which is not meeting market requirements and requests of modern customers. Second issue is incomplete business plan, which needs to be revised and rebilled to ensure better competitiveness in the market and to meet customer requirements. Theoretical part of master thesis describes the key elements of modern e-business system, including information and communication technologies, information system, communication technologies, electronic commerce, the World Wide Web, e-commerce, etc. We focus also on research strategies and existing business models in the word. After revision of all, for the needs of company Agrotehnika d.o.o. best solution offers Canvas business model. Practical part of master thesis includes the description and steps of new website creation, which offers to the customer also online shopping. This is the biggest benefit to the company, because it has enabled the company to be more competitive in the business word and provide them wider range of potential customers not only in their store, but also online. Online store is build up on the OpenCart platform and upgraded with an intermediate plugin which allows simultaneous import of data from the VASCO ERP system into the OpenCart online store. In the second part of thesis we described existing business model of the company Agrotehnika d.o.o, analysed it and rebuild it according to the improved way, how they are doing their business in regard to online store and online sales. We used Canvas business model to describe existing and to create new business model. The outcome of all the improvements is visible right from the start when online store was presented to the customers. Company’s purchase has greatly increased. Our target was to present and create user friendly web store for all potential customers B2B and B2C. With implementation we already discovered and improved operation possibilities of online store. But some issues will appear only after longer usage of new tool, and this will have to be solved at that time. This project will never be fully completed, since it is live tool and also because customer’s and company’s needs are changing daily. But at this point we can say with certainty that the implantation of the online store and instruction of it to the customer was done successfully.