Temeljem Pomorskog zakonika, Zakona o pomorskom dobru i morskim lukama te Pravilnika o uvjetima i načinu održavanja reda u lukama i na ostalim dijelovima unutarnjih morskih voda i teritorijalnog mora Republike Hrvatske koncesionar svake pojedine luke nautičkog turizma mora donijeti pravilnik o redu u toj luci i uvjetima korištenja lukom posebne namjene. To je zakonska obveza koja proizlazi iz pravnog statusa koncesionara luke nautičkog turizma, kao tijela koje upravlja lukom. Takvim pravilnikom posebno se regulira način odvijanja prometa u luci i namjena pojedinog dijela obale u luci, pri čemu su ovlaštenici koncesije u lukama nautičkog turizma dužni voditi računa o potrebama za stalni vez, tranzitni vez i operativni vez. Nadalje, osim namjene pojedinog dijela luke, propisuju se i postupak javljanja, načini uplovljavanja, pristajanja, vezivanja, premještanja, sidrenja i isplovljavanja plovnih objekata i način kontrole nad obavljanjem tih radnji, što je od iznimne važnosti za sigurnost plovidbe i zaštitu ljudskog života na moru. Pravilnik o redu u luci nautičkog turizma primjenjuje se na cijelom kopnenom i morskom prostoru luke, a sukladno ugovoru o koncesiji na pomorskom dobru u svrhu izgradnje i korištenja te luke. Pravilnik o redu u luci potvrđuje nadležna lučka kapetanija te mora biti adekvatno javno objavljen. Međutim, postavlja se pitanje koja ovlaštenja ima nadležno tijelo luke nautičkog turizma ako se krše odredbe tog pravilnika, odnosno koja su ovlaštenja nadležnih pomorsko-upravnih i državnih vlasti (lučka kapetanija, policija). Autori će analizirati opseg ovlasti i obveza koncesionara luke nautičkog turizma (marine) u kontekstu održavanja reda u luci, poglavito njegovu zakonsku i praktičnu ulogu u osiguranju potrebnih standarda sigurnosti plovidbe, ali i provedbu tih ovlaštenja u praksi domaćih luka nautičkog turizma, s osvrtom na dostupne statističke podatke koji ukazuju na stvarni standard sigurnosti plovidbe u domaćim lukama nautičkog turizma (marinama)., According to the Maritime Code, the Maritime Domain and Seaports Act and the Ordinance on the Conditions and Mode of Ordering in Ports and Other Parts of the Inland Waters and Territorial Sea of the Republic of Croatia, the concessionaire of each individual port of nautical tourism must issue an ordinance on the order in the port and conditions of use of the special purpose port. This is a legal requirement arising from the legal status of the concessionaire of the nautical tourism port, as its managing body. Such Ordinance shall in particular regulate the means of traffic management in the port, and the purpose of particular shore areas in the port, whereby the concessionaire in the ports of nautical tourism shall be obliged to take into account the needs for permanent transit and operational berths. Furthermore, apart from prescribing the purpose of individual port areas, the Ordinance also prescribes the reporting procedures, as well as the entering, mooring, berthing, moving, anchoring and leaving procedures of vessels and how they ought to be controlled, which is of vital importance for the safety of navigation and the protection of human life at sea. The Ordinance on the Order in the Nautical Tourism Port shall apply to the entire land and sea area of the Port, in accordance with the Maritime Concession Contract for the Construction and Use of the Port. The Ordinance on the order in port confirmed by the competent port authority shall be effectively publicized. However, the question that arises is what extent of power nautical port authorities have if the ordinance provisions are violated, i.e. what are the powers of competent maritimeadministrative and state authorities (Harbour Master, police). In this paper, the authors analyse the scope and responsibilities of the nautical tourism port concessionaires with regard to maintenance of the order in the port. Above all, they explore its legal and practical role in ensuring the necessary standards of navigation safety, as well as the implementation of these powers in the practice of domestic ports of nautical tourism (marinas), with reference to available statistical data that point to the actual standards of navigation safety in domestic ports of nautical tourism (marinas).