- Author
Žibrat, Mateja and Bajec, Patricija
- Subjects
SSCC ,skladišče ,tagging logistics units ,standardi GS1 ,warehouse ,DESADV ,označevanje logističnih enot ,komunikacija s strankami ,customer communication ,GS1 standards ,elektronska sporočila ,emails - Abstract
V diplomski nalogi sem se osredotočila na uporabo standardov GS1 v izbranem podjetju DSV Transport d.o.o. V teoretičnem delu naloge sem predstavila GS1 standarde na splošno. Podrobneje sem izpostavila standard Zaporedna koda zabojnika (ang. Serial Shipment Container Code – SSCC) v povezavi z logistično nalepko in standard Elektronska dobavnica (ang. Despatch Advice – DESADV). Opredelila sem, kakšen pomen imata omenjena standarda v logistiki pri izvajanju prevoza in skladiščenju. V raziskovalnem delu naloge sem za pridobitev podatkov uporabila raziskovalno metodo intervjuja, ki sem ga izvedla z dvema osebama iz podjetja DSV Transport d.o.o. Z zastavljenimi vprašanji sem želela izvedeti, ali v izbranem podjetju DSV Transport d.o.o. uporabljajo standarda SSCC in DESADV ter katere so prednosti in koristi njune uporabe. Izvedela sem, kakšen je obstoječ način označevanja logističnih enot v izbranem podjetju, kakšna je pogostost uporabe SSCC in doslednost strank pri označevanju s SSCC. Iz pridobljenih podatkov sem naredila analizo prednosti, slabosti, priložnosti in nevarnosti (ang. Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats – SWOT) za SSCC. Med poizvedovanjem o standardu DESADV sem ugotovila, da podjetje DSV Transport d.o.o. uporablja svojo informacijsko ekipo znotraj podjetja in ima urejeno interno e-poslovanje. In the thesis, I focused on the use of GS1 standards in the selected company DSV Transport d.o.o. In the theoretical part of the thesis I presented GS1 standards in general. The Serial Shipment Container Code (SSCC) in conjunction with the logistics label and the Despatch Advice (DESADV) standard were highlighted in greater detail. I have identified the importance of these standards in logistics, transport and warehousing. In the research part of the assignment, in order to obtain data, I used the research method called an interview, which was conducted with two persons from DSV Transport. With the questions asked I wanted to find out whether the selected company DSV Transport applied the SSCC and DESADV standards and what were the advantages and benefits of using them. I learned about the existing way of tagging logistics units in chosen company, about the frequency of using SSCC and the consistency of customers when it comes to tagging the logistics units with SSCC. From the obtained data, I made an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) for SSCC. In my inquiry into the DESADV standard, I found that DSV Transport uses its in-house IT team and has a well-organized internal e-commerce.
- Published
- 2020