Razširjenost atopijskega dermatitisa se je v zadnjih letih povečala v skoraj vseh državah sveta, v državah intenzivne urbanizacije in industrializacije pa se razširjenost še vedno povečuje. Slednje nakazuje, da nagnjenosti k razvoju atopijskega dermatitisa ne moremo pripisati le genetskim dejavnikom, temveč imajo velik vpliv na razvoj obolenja tudi zunanji dejavniki okolja, kot potrjujejo tudi novejše študije. Mednje prištevamo majhne trdne delce, ki so lahko manjši od 2,5 µm ali veliki tja do 10 µm, hlapne organske spojine, izpušne pline prometa ter cigaretni dim. Pri atopijskem dermatitisu zaznamo porušeno bariero kože in ravnotežje kožne mikrobiote, ki je sicer sestavljena iz raznolikih mikroorganizmov, ki se naseljujejo na značilna mesta. Pri slednji je v ospredju prekomerna kolonizacija s S. aureus, ki z izločanjem eksotoksinov vpliva na bariero kože, vrednost pH kože, strukturno ureditev epidermalnih lipidov ter imunski odziv kože. Prepoznavanje vloge mikrobioma pri razvoju atopijskega dermatitisa je spodbudilo razvoj številnih novih pristopov k negi atopične kože. Med slednjimi je obetavna tudi uporaba probiotikov, prebiotikov in postbiotikov v kozmetičnih izdelkih, ki zmanjšajo občutljivost kože in podprejo njeno imunsko funkcijo. Slednjim smo se posvetili tudi v diplomski nalogi, in sicer smo pregledali 19 kozmetičnih izdelkov na svetovnem tržišču, ki so namenjeni negi atopične kože, katere barierna funkcija je oslabljena tudi zaradi onesnaženega zraka. Pogosteje kot probiotiki se v kozmetičnih izdelkih pojavljajo prebiotiki, ki so predvsem ogljikovi hidrati, ki spodbujajo rast koristnih mikroorganizmov, in postbiotiki, ki se v kozmetičnih izdelkih pojavljajo kot lizati probiotičnih bakterij. V pregledanih izdelkih se najpogosteje pojavlja postbiotik lizat Lactococcus ter prebiotika inulin in maltodekstrin. Pomembno podporno delovanje v tovrstnih izdelkih imajo tudi emolienti, ki spodbujajo obnovo kožne bariere, izkazujejo pa lahko tudi protivnetno delovanje. Najpomembnejši med njimi je karitejevo maslo, ki je najprimernejše za nego suhe in razdražene kože. V skladu s pričakovanji vsi izdelki vsebujejo tudi humektante, ki v kombinaciji z emolienti zagotavljajo optimalno vlažilno delovanje na koži. V prav vseh izdelkih lahko najdemo glicerol, med pomembnejše humektante pa uvrščamo tudi pirolidonkarboksilno kislino, ki deluje celo bolje kot glicerol. Zaradi vse večje onesnaženosti zraka, ki negativno deluje tudi na simptome AD, je v porastu tudi razvoj kozmetičnih izdelkov, ki kožo ščitijo pred dejavniki okoljskega onesnaženja. Pomembne sestavine slednjih so predvsem antioksidanti in sestavine, ki na koži naredijo fizično pregrado in onemogočijo penetracijo trdnih delcev, ki so prisotni v onesnaženem zraku. Med sestavinami izdelkov se je največkrat pojavil niacinamid, ki preprečuje oksidativni stres, ki nastane zaradi prodiranja delcev skozi kožo. Bistveni del vsake nege je tudi ustrezno čiščenje kože pri preprečevanju poškodb kože, ki so posledica onesnaženega zraka, je pomen teh sestavin še večji. Izdelki za nego zelo suhe in občutljive kože bi za doseganje še boljšega učinka lahko bili brez konzervansov, v kolikor bi bili sterilni in polnjeni v primerno primarno ovojnino, vendar smo tovrstnih izdelkov zasledili le nekaj. Čeprav področje vgrajevanja prebiotikov in postbiotikov v kozmetične izdelke še ni zelo uveljavljeno, je perspektivno, vendar je potrebnih še nekaj nadaljnjih preiskav. Natančneje bi morali proučiti tudi mikrobiom kože in vpliv probiotikov nanj. Področje v razvoju so tudi probiotiki, ki jih lahko uporabimo v izdelkih za zaščito kože pred onesnaženjem, pa tudi ostale sestavine, ki bi zaščitile kožo. In the last years the presence of the atopic dermatitis has increased in almost all the countries throughout the world, whereas in the countries of intensive urbanization and industrialization the disease is still spreading. This implies that an individual is not prone to the development of the atopic dermatitis on the basis of genetic factors only, but environmental factors also play an important role in the development of the ailment, as confirmed by modern studies. These environmental factors include small particulate matter which can be either smaller than 2,5 µm or big up to 10 µm, volatile organic compounds, traffic exhaust fumes and cigarette smoke. With the atopic dermatitis, we can perceive a disrupted skin barrier and a disrupted skin's microbiote, which otherwise consists of a variety of different microorganisms that populate typical areas. The skin's microbiote balance is damaged mostly due to the excessive colonization of S. aureus, which secretes exotoxins, thus affecting the skin barrier, the skin's pH value, the structural regulation of epidermal lipids and the skin's immune response. The recognition of microbiome's role in the development of the atopic dermatitis enhanced the development of various new approaches of atopical skin treatment. The most promising approach includes the use of probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics in cosmetic products, which lessen the skin's sensitiveness and support the skin's immune function. The latter were dealt with in this diploma thesis. We analyzed nineteen cosmetic products present on the world market and intended for the treatment of atopical skin whose barrier function was disrupted also due to air pollution. Prebiotics and postbiotics tend to appear in the analyzed cosmetic products more often than probiotics. These prebiotics are mostly carbohydrates, which encourage the growth of useful microorganisms, whereas the postbiotics appear in these cosmetic products in the form of probiotic bacteria lysates. The postbiotic lysate Lactococcus and two prebiotics, i.e. inulin and maltodextrin, are most often present in the analyzed products. An important supportive action in such products is also represented by emollients, which enhance the renovation of the skin's barrier. Besides, they can also have an anti-inflammatory effect. The most important emollient is certainly shea butter, which is the most suitable for the treatment of dry and itchy skin. As expected, all the cosmetic products also contain humectants, which combined with emollients ensure an optimal hydrating effect on the skin. Glycerol can be found in all of the cosmetic products as well. The pyrrolidone carboxylic acid, which acts even better than glycerol, is also classified among the more important humectants. Due to the increasing air pollution, which negatively affects the symptoms of atopic dermatitis, there has been a growth in the development of cosmetic products which protect the skin against the factors of environmental pollution. Among the important components of these products are especially antioxidants and components which create a physical barrier on the skin, thus preventing the penetration of particulate matter present in the polluted air. Niacinamide, which prevents the oxidative stress that occurs due to the penetration of particulate matter through the skin, is the most frequent among the components in the products. The essential part of each skin care is also represented by appropriate skin cleansing. In order to prevent skin damage, as a result of air pollution, the importance of these components is even higher. The products intended for dry and sensitive skin would have a better effect if they did not contain any preservatives, on condition that they would be sterile and filled in a suitable primary container. Despite that, only a few such products were spotted on the market. Although the incorporation of prebiotics and postbiotics into cosmetic products is not fully established yet, it represents a very promising field of research, but some additional studies still need to be done. The skin microbiome and the influence of probiotics on it should be studied more in detail. Probiotics and other components, which can be used in cosmetic products to protect the skin against pollution, represent a field of research and development.