254 results on '"odpor"'
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2. Právo na odpor v kontextu demokratického právního státu.
- Author
Kollert, Lukáš
- Subjects
LEGAL instruments ,CIVIL rights ,ANARCHISM ,CONSTITUENT power ,CIVIL disobedience ,REVOLUTIONS - Abstract
Copyright of Právník is the property of Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of State & Law and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
3. Teaching Feminism: Between Marginalisation and Feminist Persistence.
- Author
Perger, Nina, Mencin, Metka, and Tašner, Veronika
- Subjects
Copyright of Šolsko Polje is the property of Solsko Polje and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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4. An artistic reaction to perceived injustice: Cartooning, resistance and textures of the political in Iran.
- Author
Göpfert, Mirco
- Abstract
This essay explores the articulations of power, resistance, and aesthetics through an analytical description of cartooning in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Empirically, this text is based on my ethnographic research with cartoonists (and caricaturists) in Iran over the last five years. After a brief overview of the history of political satire in Iran, this essay sketches an ideal-type taxonomy of cartooning-as-resistance in Iran (closely based on my interlocutors’ conceptualisations of cartooning as an artistic reaction to perceived injustice). Reformist cartoonists criticise the regime for what they see as excesses of repression; revolutionary cartoonists attack (various versions of) “the West” for what they perceive as its imperial cockiness, its dubious occupation of the moral high ground and its ethical double standards; non-political cartoonists want to refrain from all critiques and distance themselves from overly simplistic binaries such as reformists versus revolutionary. Disentangling the complex simplicity of different types of cartooning-as-resistance and the antagonisms they actualise can offer insights into textures of the political terrain in Iran. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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5. Teachers' Acceptance of Curriculum Reform in the Czech Republic: One Decade Later.
- Author
- Subjects
CURRICULUM change ,TEACHERS ,EDUCATIONAL planning - Abstract
Copyright of CEPS Journal is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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6. An attempt at an ontological critique of Wilhelm Dilthey's conception of resistance
- Author
Sajvera, David, Novák, Aleš, Nitsche, Martin, and Benyovszky, Ladislav
- Subjects
Martin Heidegger ,resistance ,personal philosophy ,přirozený svět ,perceptive belief ,fenomenologie ,spolubytí ,phenomenology of corporeality ,space ,perceptivní víra ,life-world ,identita ,phenomenology ,reflexe ,Jan Patočka ,prostor ,personální filosofie ,Wilhelm Dilthey ,ontology ,fenomenologie tělesnosti ,odpor ,identity ,reflection ,being-with ,ontologie ,pohyb ,alterity ,movement ,Max Scheler - Abstract
An attempt at an ontological critique of Wilhelm Dilthey's conception of resistance The starting point of the paper is Wilhelm Dilthey's conception of resistance as a pre-reflective experience of separation of the Self and the outer world. This emerges in the very early (prenatal) stages of ontogenesis and forms the basis of our belief in the reality of outer world. We try to explicate Dilthey's insights more precisely by pursuing the interpretation of his conception by other authors, confronting it with a phenomenological approach and reflecting on the possibilities of ontological grounding of the term. Dilthey's analysis of resistance met with explicit responses from Martin Heidegger and Max Scheler, and became one of the main topics of a debate between them, triggered by Scheler's response to Being and Time. Heidegger rejects Dilthey's concept of resistance, claiming that resistance is characteristic of an ontic entity, but it never characterizes the world in the ontological sense. Resistance always presupposes the disclosure of the world, and also disclosed is that which our will or instinct aim for. A key role here is played by the existential structure of Sorge. Scheler revises Dilthey's original concept and purifies it from some untenable ontic characteristics (e.g. resistance as a content...
- Published
- 2023
7. Criminal Warrant
- Author
Hrušková, Kateřina, Říha, Jiří, and Šámal, Pavel
- Subjects
rozhodnutí ,odpor ,protest ,decision in criminal proceedins ,criminal warrant ,trestní příkaz - Abstract
70 Abstract This presented thesis deals with the subject of criminal warrant. Its goal is to analyse the current legal regulation of these provisions covered in Act No. 141/1961 Sb., Criminal Procedure Code, and to propose possible solutions for the individual contested parts, which would contribute to better and more effective application of this regulation in the future. The thesis contains five main chapters, which are further divided into individual subchapters. The first chapter describes the history of the criminal warrant on our territory from its first introduction into our legal system in 1929 to the present. The second chapter presents the criminal warrant in its current form in a broader context of the criminal procedure. It focuses on its relation with certain theoretical terms, which are typically connected to it, such as judicial decision, special type of proceedings, and diversion. The third chapter is dedicated to relations between the criminal warrant and the basic principles of criminal procedure, with the emphasis on those which are resicted or otherwise modified when criminal warrant is applied. Also mentioned is the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and its position on the criminal warrant in light of the right to a fair trial. The fourth chapter is then focused on the...
- Published
- 2023
8. Teorija o psihološki reaktanci v neprostovoljnih interakcijah.
- Author
Mihelič, Anže
- Abstract
Copyright of Varstvoslovje: Journal of Criminal Justice & Security is the property of University of Maribor, Faculty of Criminal Justice & Security and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Rádlová, Silvie, Peléšková, Šárka, Polák, Jakub, Landová, Eva, and Frynta, Daniel
- Subjects
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Animals represent prioritised stimuli for humans, they are given more attention than inanimate objects, and this attention is accompanied by not only positive emotions, but also negative ones, such as fear and disgust. Both of these emotions play an important adaptive role in potentially dangerous situations. Fear represents human reaction to the presence of a predator or another fear-inducing stimulus posing an immediate threat, while disgust has evolved as a protection against diseases and infections. These emotions were significant during human evolutionary history, but they continue to influence us to this day, despite humans coming into contact with animals in the wild with increasing rarity. Fear and disgust are also a substantial part of animal phobias. This work summarises our findings so far regarding negative emotions caused by animals. It deals with differences between the function of fear and disgust, their relation to each other, and their psychopathologies. Last but not least, it also discusses which specific features of animals influence their prioritized perception and experiencing of fear and disgust evoked by distinct animal groups. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
- Author
RENKO, Manca G.
- Abstract
The article highlights the role of women in the resistance (anti-fascist) literature of the Primorska region. It focuses on the literary works of four authors (France Bevk, Ciril Kosmač, Alojz Kraigher, Danilo Lokar), who were all active in the anti-fascist movement and belonged to different generations, artistic styles and worldviews. Especially important is comparison between the female characters created by the authors before the First World War (before the official transfer to anti-fascism) and female characters created in the writings of resistance literature. We can conclude that the antifascism itself did not significantly characterize literary characters, although we may occasionally notice a shift in the thematization of women's social role. The best example of this type of literature is the story entitled Her Guilt, written by Alojz Kraigher. He questions the role of women, motherhood, marriage and love is written in accordance with the emancipatory commandments of the antifascist struggle. Important are also expectations that the authors had for their readers. This can be observed in the women's resistance journal Slovenka. If the authors listed above often criticize sentimentality of women, many of the texts in this newspaper are directed against it. (Half) Literary texts try to empower women during the World War II. Thus, in the narratives of the authors, as well as in the Slovenka, the most common focus of the resistance texts is still based on women in the role mothers. Despite of this, women also gained many new roles that didn't exist before the outburst of World War II. At the end the article sheds light on two female authors, Mara Samsa and Erna Muser and their resistance literature and representation of women. Especially literature of Erna Muser is an important example of feminist poetry. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Navrátilová, Zuzana
- Abstract
In this case study the author is introducing her own experience with psychotherapy treatment of the client by using the method of Guided Affective Imagery. The process of psychotherapy treatment is focused on transference, countertransference and resistance, possibilities of their analysis and potential of their use in the process of Guided Affective Imagery. Author also explains the motivation to use Guided Affective Imagery. In pictures from client' s imaginations, author shows the therapy development and overcoming of client's resistance to change. This casuistic study also provides information about the client, first psychotherapeutic contact with him, anamnestic data and diagnostic considerations. In the conclusion, author evaluates the results of therapeutic treatment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
12. Globalisation - critical recontructions (review essay)
- Author
Lebeda, Petr
- Subjects
resistance ,gibanje Porto Alegre ,udc:32 ,reconstructive postmodernism ,World Social Forum ,Svetovni socialni forum ,Porto Alegre movement ,odpor ,alternatives ,rekonstruktivni postmodernizem ,alternative - Abstract
The current process of globalisation has been subject to increasing resistance. This essay reviews three books that attempt to substantiate the critique and explores perspectives of political alternatives. First, the nature of globalisation is deconstructed as a global, but exlusivist, political project, which is run through the nation-states, weakened as they are. Political responses to such instability vary - from modernisation approaches, regional co-operation and transnational solidarity, to right-wing backlash politics. On top of their particular idiosyncracies, such mainstream responses are based on the dominance of the nation-state, the global North, and give up on a systemic change. The reconstructive postmodernism suggested by the books instead syntheses the structuralist and postmodern approaches. Concepts such as politics of place, normative democracy or various post-development experiments are already practised by the emerging global civil society. Finally, the theoretical contributions are contrasted with the promises and limitations of the current politics of resistance, namely the Porto Alegre movement Proces globalizacije povzroča naraščajoč odpor. Prispevek ocenjuje tri knjige, ki poskušajo utemeljiti kritiko, in proučuje perspektive za politične alternative. Najprej dekonstruira naravo globalizacije kot globalni, vendar ekskluzivni politični projekt, ki poteka prek oslabljenih nacionalnih držav. Politični odgovori na tovrstno nestabilnost so različni - od modernizacijskih pristopov, regionalnega sodelovanja in transnacionalne solidarnosti do desničarskih, nazadnjaških politik. Poleg teh specifičnih idiosinkracij prevladujoči odgovori izhajajo iz dominantnosti nacionalne države in globalnega Severa in se odpovedujejo sistemskim spremembam. Namesto tega obravnavane knjige predlagajo rekonstruktivni postmodernizem, ki združuje strukturalistične in postmodernistične pristope. Pojme, kot so politika prostora (place in ne space), normativna demokracija ali različni porazvojni eksperimenti, že uporablja nastajajoča globalna civilna družba. Na koncu avtor primerja te teoretične prispevke z obljubami in omejitvami aktualne politike odpora oz. tako imenovanega gibanja Porto Alegre.
- Published
- 2022
13. The origin of specific phobia from spiders: Neurophysiological mechanisms vs. testing the assumptions of evolutionary theories explaining the origin of specific phobia from spiders
- Author
Hladíková, Tereza, Landová, Eva, and Telenský, Petr
- Subjects
strach ,neurofyziologie ,emoce ,psychofyziologie ,specific spider phobia ,origin of phobias ,vznik fobií ,specifická fobie z pavouků ,psychophysiology ,emotions ,disgust ,physiology of phobic reactions ,fyziologické fobické reakce ,fear ,odpor ,neurophysiology - Abstract
Spider phobia is one of the most frequent specific animal phobias in the population. There are two key emotions in the origin of spider phobia: fear and disgust. Several theories of spider phobia origin were proposed and so the results and interpretations of these studies, which test prerequisites of these particular theories often vary. Studies focusing on psychophysiological measurements such as changes in heart activity or skin resistance, show differences in emotion intensity in phobics compared to non-phobics. The second group of studies concerning the analysis of proximate mechanisms attempts to uncover the brain activity during phobic stimulation. These studies mostly agree on the coordination of the cognitive control network and the fear-network with the key role of the amygdala and insula in the phobic reaction. Other studies which test prerequisites of evolutionary theories examine e.g. heritability of specific phobias, speed of spider detection or easier learning and extinction of fear of spiders. The aim of this bachelor thesis is focused on the results of studies uncovering the proximate neurophysiological and psychophysiological mechanisms of specific spider phobia and to discuss these results in relation to the paradigm of evolutionary theories about the origin of this phobia. It is...
- Published
- 2022
14. Pomen prostih asociacij za razvoj psihoanalize: 'Einfall' kot del freudovske epistemologije in dvoumnost zlatega pravila.
- Author
- Abstract
Although free association represents the core of psychoanalysis little is known about the ambiguity that accompanies this golden rule. The focus of this article is on its meaning for psychoanalysis, its development from the first writings during the period of formation of the fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis, and on the presentation of examples of the rule in various of Freud's works. Through the explication of coincidental and symptomatic acts, and slips in oral and written contexts, we examine their connection to free association as a method of making the unconscious conscious, and as a method in the analysis of the suppressed content, where the mechanisms of suppression, denial, and the unconscious are also mentioned. Due to the inconsistent conceptualization and perception of the German phrase 'freier Einfall', there is an ambiguity in the conception and treatment of free association in psychoanalysis, which led to blurring the difference between the two expressions. Through analysis of the difference between free association and 'Einfall', we want to show that the latter is one of the key elements of the Freudian epistemology and that 'Einfall' is, as opposed to 'Assoziation', the fundamental part of psychoanalysis. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
15. V čo môže veriť politický realista? Bernard Williams a jeho koncepcia politickej slobody
- Author
Cíbik, Matej and Cíbik, Matej
- Abstract
The aim of the text is to critically analyse the “realist” conception of freedom found in the political thought of Bernard Williams. Contrary to the main focus of contemporary realist literature, which mostly develops arguments trying to establish the uniqueness of the realist methodology (which can supposedly be contrasted with all “mainstream” contemporary political philosophers), this paper aims at uncovering Williams’ understanding of the roots of political values. The target of our analysis is Williams’ argumentation in the paper “From freedom to liberty: The construction of a political value”. There, he formulates a conception of political freedom, which is based on feelings of resentment and restraint. The paper then systematically explores the possibility of such “emotional” conception of freedom, with its problems and advantages.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
- Abstract
The article discusses the problem of the unification of the Slovene ethnic territory through the realization of the national program United Slovenia (the program was already created in 1848) during the Second World War. Before the Second World War, Slovenes lived in four diff erent states, in Yugoslavia, Italy, Austria (Germany), and Hungary. But their full development was possible only in Yugoslavia, which they considered as their national state, whereas in other three states they had been exposed to assimilation. In April 1941, the Axis forces invaded Yugoslavia and occupied also the Yugoslav part of the Slovene ethnic territory. The three occupying forces (Germany, Hungary, and Italy) tried to eradicate Slovene national identity; the victory and the establishment of the Nazi regime would have meant the ethnocide of the Slovene nation. After the initial shock, the Slovenes put all their hopes in the victory of the Allied Forces. Due to the fact that all neighboring states were in the anti-Allied camp, Slovenes counted on the possibility of realization of United Slovenia. At fi rst, they were quite optimistic, and formed largescaled territorial demands. The interaction with the international factors on both warring sides made it clear to both opposite Slovene political camps that the realization of United Slovenia would be difficult to achieve due to the state of the international political situation in the region. Considering the outcome of the inner-political conflict, the struggle for the post-war borders became exclusive domain of the resistance movement led by the Communist Party of Slovenia. This struggled resulted in the post-war annexation of a big part of the Slovene Littoral (Primorska) to Yugoslavia. Compared to the First World War, when multiple national states were established on the ruins of the dissolved empires, the Second World War in Europe did not result in radical changes of the socio-political cartography. The borders changed only in two instances compared to the Versailles Europe - the territorial gains of the Soviet Union, and the annexation of the Slovene Littoral to Yugoslavia. In the context of the wartime and post-wartime development in Europe, the border changes to the Yugoslav western border should be understood as a big exception. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
17. Echoes of Resistance: Social Groups and Mass Violence in Nigeria.
- Author
Ubhenin, Oscar Edoror
- Subjects
VIOLENCE ,SOCIAL groups ,COALITIONS ,RESISTANCE (Philosophy) ,SOCIAL problems - Abstract
Copyright of Treaties & Documents / Razprave in Gradivo is the property of Institut za Narodnostna Vprasanja and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
18. Hate Music Loving It.
- Author
Yanakieva, Miryana
- Subjects
MUSIC & literature ,LITERATURE ,MUSIC - Abstract
Copyright of Comparative Literature / Primerjalna Književnost is the property of Slovenian Comparative Literature Association and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
19. Family farming in the global countryside.
- Author
Woods, Michael
- Subjects
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FAMILY farms , *GLOBALIZATION , *BIOLOGICAL adaptation , *FARMERS , *AGRICULTURAL research - Abstract
This paper examines the pressures on family farms from globalisation and the adaptation strategies that have been adopted. Employing a relational approach to understanding the emergent "global countryside", the paper describes the impact of globalisation in terms of the stretching, substitution and severing of the social and economic relations that constitute the entity of the "family farm", requiring adaptions in the strategies of family farmers. It proceeds to outline some of the strategies adopted, including entrepreneurial engagement with global networks, international mobility and resistance. These are then illustrated through short case studies drawing on qualitative and ethnographic research with "globally engaged farmers". [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
20. Theory of Psychological Reactance in Involuntary Interactions
- Author
Mihelič, Anže
- Subjects
resistance ,interrogation ,zaslišanje ,psychological reactance ,involuntary interactions ,psihološka reaktanca ,neprostovoljne interakcije ,udc:343.1:159.9 ,odpor ,investigative interview ,predkazenski postopek ,preiskovalni intervju ,criminal procedure - Abstract
Namen prispevka: Namen prispevka je opozoriti na psihološko reaktanco, kot eno izmed možnih pasti, ki izzove odpor udeležencev v (pred)kazenskem postopku in preprečuje učinkovito pridobivanje informacij. Ustrezen pristop k preiskovalnemu intervjuju je namreč ključnega pomena za uspešno pridobivanje relevantnih informacij, saj je voljno sodelovanje udeležencev v (pred)kazenskem postopku odločilnega pomena. Metode: Prispevek predstavlja teoretično-kvalitativni pristop k identifikaciji in opredelitvi problema skozi pregled strokovne in znanstvene literature. Ugotovitve: Teorija psihološke reaktance je od utemeljitve doživela precejšen razcvet in prepoznavnost. Skrb vzbujajoča je maloštevilnost (že skoraj odsotnost) raziskav na tako pomembnem področju, kot so (pred)kazenski postopki, kjer se pogosto odloča med svobodo in odvzemom prostosti, ponekod po svetu pa tudi med življenjem in smrtjo. Teorija psihološke reaktance se sicer uporablja v sodobnih zasliševalnih tehnikah, četudi v literaturi to (pre)pogosto ni eksplicitno poudarjeno. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Četudi teorija psihološke reaktance ni nova, področja, kjer je mogoče zaslediti njeno uporabo, pa nikakor niso maloštevilna (prav nasprotno!), v literaturi ni pogosto uporabljena. Pričujoči prispevek predstavlja opozorilo praktikom na še eno nezavedno čustveno reakcijo osumljencev, ki lahko otežuje ali celo onemogoča učinkovito pridobivanje ključnih informacij v (pred)kazenskem postopku. Purpose: Since the willing participation of the interviewee is crucial for obtaining relevant information, a proper approach to the investigation interview is of utmost importance. The purpose of the paper is to draw attention to the psychological reactance as one of the key factors evoking the resistance in willingness to participate of suspects (and other clients) in criminal procedures which can result in inefficient obtaining of relevant information. Methods: To identify and define the discussed problem, the paper presents a theoretical-qualitative literature review. Findings: The theory of psychological reactance has become very recognizable since its first proposal and is used in many research areas. Surprisingly, literature on crime investigation is very scarce with its attention to psychological reactance in investigative interviews. It is not often explicitly emphasized in existing literature, yet it is still used in modern interrogation techniques, although it is not always identified as such. Additional literature could prompt theoreticians and practitioners to implement this theory and its specific properties to their work in order to achieve better results in obtaining valuable and relevant information in criminal procedures. Originality/Value: Without proper attention, psychological reactance can obstruct or even block effective obtaining of relevant information in criminal procedures. This paper presents an important insight into the unconscious emotional reaction of resistance which can be evoked in working with suspects (or other clients in an involuntary interactions).
- Published
- 2020
21. Aktivisti Osvobodilne fronte.
- Author
Mally, Eva
- Abstract
Copyright of Contributions to Contemporary History / Prispevki za Novejšo Zgodovino is the property of Prispevki za Novejso Zgodovino and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
22. Odpori v psihoanalizi in skupinski analizi.
- Author
Varjačić Rajko, Bojan
- Subjects
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GROUP psychoanalysis , *PSYCHOANALYSIS , *PSYCHOTHERAPY , *PSYCHOLOGICAL techniques , *RESISTANCE in psychotherapy , *SOCIAL groups , *EMOTIONAL experience , *PSYCHOANALYSTS , *HUMAN behavior models - Abstract
The concept of resistance derives from psychoanalysis. It has gained importance also in group analysis. Analysis of resistance is one of the basic modes of working in both methods of treatment. Contemporary psychoanalysis understands resistance as a force, emanating from various layers of the psyche, with adaptive and protective functions. There are various types of resistance, depending on the reason for the resistance: insight, emotional experiencing, associating etc. Psychoanalysts are trained first to recognize resistance and then to interpret it at the right moment, thus enhancing the analytical work. In group analysis there are - in addition to individual resistances - group resistances and other resistances stemming from the individual, but arising as a consequence of group dynamics as, for example, when adopting specific group roles. In the article examples from group analytical treatment are given. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
23. Deleuze et les modes de vie mineurs.
- Author
Brito, Vanessa
- Abstract
Copyright of Filozofski Vestnik is the property of Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences & Arts and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2009
24. Svet kronične bolečine kot nezavedni odziv subjekta na družbeni kontekst.
- Author
Vezovnik, Andreja
- Subjects
Copyright of Družboslovne Razprave is the property of Druzboslovne Razprave and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2009
25. Technical analysis of stocks
- Author
Zgaga, Iztok and Jagrič, Timotej
- Subjects
Stochastic ,udc:336.76 ,podpora ,Gaps ,Resistance ,RSI ,MACD ,Support ,odpor ,Chart Patterns ,stohastični oscilator ,vrzeli ,vzorci grafikonov - Abstract
V magistrskem delu smo preučevali tehnično analizo. Glavni namen je ugotoviti, ali je donosnost v povprečju višja, če aktivno trgujemo z uporabo tehničnih indikatorjev v primerjavi s strategijo buy and hold. V magistrskem delu se bomo omejili predvsem na zelo razvite finančne instrumente s tako imenovanih razvitih kapitalskih trgov, ki imajo visoko likvidnost, kot so delnice Apple Inc., Amazon.com, General Motors Company, Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft in Allianz SE. Časovno obdobje od leta 2010 do 2018 bo relativen pokazatelj smiselnosti uporabe instrumentov tehnične analize. Omejili se bomo na uporabo treh indikatorjev tehnične analize, in sicer: RSI, MACD, stohastični oscilator. Portfelj trgovanja bo omejen na 10.000 EUR oz. 10.000 USD. Po opisu tehnične analize smo naredili še izračune, in sicer smo za vsako delnico izračunali vsak indikator in jih primerjali med seboj. Primerjali smo jih tudi s strategijo buy and hold. Pri rezultatih modela smo ovrgli hipotezo H1, saj je strategija buy and hold bila v povprečju donosnejša od katerega koli preučevanega indikatorja. Strategija buy and hold je bila najdonosnejša in zato modra odločitev. MACD in RSI sta bila dokaj dobra pokazatelja. Če bi upoštevali vse teoretično znanje, predvsem trende in vzorce, bi s tema dvema indikatorjema lahko zaslužili več. Najslabši indikator pa je stohastični, saj nam je vedno prinesel izgubo. Glavni razlog so provizije, saj se je s tem indikatorjem največ trgovalo in so zato bile provizije zelo velike. In the master's thesis we studied technical analysis. The main purpose is to determinate if the profitability is higher, when we trade actively in using technical indicators compared with the buy and hold strategy. In the master's thesis, we have studied so-called high-liquid capital markets on the limit of Apple Inc., Amazon.com, General Motors Company, Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft in Allianz SE. The period from 2010 to 2018 will demonstrate the purpose of using technical analysis instruments. We have limited on three different indicators of technical analysis in RSI, MACD, Stohastic, as well trade portfolio will be limited to EUR 10,000 or. $ 10,000. After the description of technical analyses, we have also made calculations of indicators for every single share and compare them with each other, we also compared them with the buy and hold strategy. The H1 hypothesis was refuted in the model results because the buy and hold strategy was, on average, more profitable than any of the indicators studied. The buy and hold strategy were the most profitable and wise decision. MACD and RSI were pretty good indicators, considering all the theoretical knowledge, especially trends and patterns, we could earn more with these two indicators. The worst indicator, however, is Stochastic, as it has always brought us loss. The main reason are commissions, as this indicator was most traded and therefore commissions were very high.
- Published
- 2020
26. Penal order in Czech-Slovak comparison
- Author
Štefánik, Ondrej, Jelínek, Jiří, and Pelc, Vladimír
- Subjects
objection ,penal order ,česko-slovenská komparace ,czech-slovak comparison ,odpor ,trestní příkaz - Abstract
Penal order in Czech-Slovak comparison The presented thesis deals with the Czech and Slovak legal regulation of the institute of penal order as a decision as to the merits of the case in criminal matters, which can be ruled under the prescribed legal conditions in written procedure. Such decision can be ruled only on the basis of information gathered in the file and without the taking of evidence in a proper trial. The work is divided into five main chapters in order to maintain clarity and logical structure. The first chapter deals with general considerations of a penal order as a diversion and a decision in criminal proceedings. The second chapter is devoted to the constitutional law issues of conformity of the criminal order with the right to a fair trial, the right to a public hearing, the principle of the presumption of innocence and the right to defense. The third chapter presents the historical excursion into the development of the legal regulation of the penal order in the Czech Republic, respectively in the former Czechoslovakia. It deals with pre-war, socialist and post-November legislation. The fourth chapter describes and evaluates the current Czech legal regulation of the penal order and the fifth chapter compares it with the Slovak legislation. Both chapters deal with the general...
- Published
- 2020
27. Criminal Warrant
- Author
Soukupová, Martina, Galovcová, Ingrid, and Tlapák Navrátilová, Jana
- Subjects
Criminal order ,odpor ,protest ,rozhodnutí v trestním řízení ,decision in criminal proceedings ,Trestní příkaz - Abstract
This thesis with the title criminal order deals mainly with the analysis of the current legal regulation of criminal order, focusing mainly on its more contradictory parts. At the same time, proposals for changes to the individual points of contention, that the legislation could undergo in the future in order to clarify them, are presented. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this thesis contains a total of five chapters, which are further divided into individual subchapters. Each chapters then deals with a comprehensive section of the legal regulation of criminal order. The first chapter is dedicated to the historical development of the criminal order on our territory, while its first subchapter is dedicated to the legislation from 1873 to 1993, when the criminal order was re-introduced in the Criminal Procedure Code, already significantly reminding its current form. The second subchapter captures the development of the criminal order from 1993 to the present. The second, and at the same time the most extensive, chapter of this thesis describes the current legislation, specifically in the first subchapter the conditions of issuing a criminal order and in the second subchapter the nature of the criminal order as a diversion and decision in criminal proceedings. The third subchapter...
- Published
- 2020
28. Electrically Conductive Adhesives in Electronics
- Author
Mach, P.
- Subjects
resistance ,vlastnosti ,properties ,elektricky vodivá lepidla ,electrically conductive adhesives ,odpor ,application ,aplikace - Abstract
Elektricky vodivá lepidla jsou materiály, které se vněkterých případech montáže velektronice užívají namísto bezolovnatých pájek. Jsou to kompozitní materiály složené zizolační matrice a vodivého plniva. Matrice je většinou tvořena epoxidovou pryskyřicí, ale je možné použít i jiný typ pryskyřice, např. silikonové pro lepidla určená pro vyšší teploty, polyamidové a jiných. Plnivem bývají zpravidla kovové částice, nejčastěji stříbrné šupinky pro lepidla sizotropní a stříbrné mikrokuličky pro lepidla sanizotropní elektrickou vodivostí. Článek se vprvé části zabývá popisem základních vlastností elektricky vodivých lepidela jejich aplikací. Ve druhé části je sledován odporadhezních spojů vytvořených zizotropně vodivých lepidel při různých typechjejich zatěžování.Jako nejvýznamnější se pro odpor spojů ukázalo zatěžování vkombinaci zvýšené teploty a vlhkosti. Electrically conductive adhesives are materials that are sometimes used in electronics assembly instead of lead-free solders. These are composite materials consisting of an insulating matrix and a conductive filler. The matrix is usually comprised of an epoxy resin, but it is possible to use another type of resin, e.g. silicone one for higher temperatures, polyamide resin, and others. Fillers are usually metallic particles, silver flakes with adhesives having isotropic and silver microspheres for adhesive having anisotropic electrical conductivity. The article in the first part describes the basic properties of electrically conductive adhesives and their basic applications. The second part is focused on the examination of the resistance of adhesive joints made of isotropic conductive adhesives for different types of loading. It has been found that the maximum changes of the joint resistances are caused with combined humidity-heat treatment.
- Published
- 2020
29. Trestní příkaz
- Author
Novák, Petr, Jelínek, Jiří, Nett, Alexander, and Bruna, Eduard
- Subjects
InformationSystems_GENERAL ,Criminal Order ,Resistance ,Trestní příkaz ,Criminal proceedings ,Trestní řízení ,Odpor ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDSOCIETY ,ComputingMilieux_LEGALASPECTSOFCOMPUTING - Abstract
1 Criminal Order Abstract The topic of this thesis is a criminal order as an institute of criminal procedural law and at the same time as a kind of decision in criminal proceedings. The first part of the thesis states a detailed description of the recent legal regulation of a criminal order, a systematic classification of a criminal order in the Criminal Procedure Code, the relationship between a criminal order and other provisions of Chapter Twenty of the Criminal Procedure Code is analyzed. The first part also describes positive and negative conditions for issuing a criminal order, describes the punishments that can be imposed by a criminal order, the execution of a criminal order, the delivery of a criminal order, the substantive and procedural effects of serving a criminal order. Subsequently, a protest against a criminal order is described as a remedy sui generis and the effects of a filed protest. The first part also describes the legal force and enforceability of a criminal order and a main trial holding after filing a protest by a person entitled within the deadline. Subsequently, attention is paid to the procedural position of the injured party in proceedings for issuing a criminal order, issuing a criminal order in proceedings against legal persons and the legal regulation of a criminal order in...
- Published
- 2020
30. Mechanical Testing of Joints Glued/Soldered on Textile Ribbons
- Author
Hirman, M., Navrátil, J., Hamáček, A., and Steiner, F.
- Subjects
výzkum ,resistance ,research ,textile ribbon ,odpor ,stuha ,testování ,testing - Abstract
the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic under the project OP VVV Electrical Engineering Technologies with High-Level of Embedded Intelligence CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_069/0009855 and by the Student Grant Agency of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, grant No. SGS-2018-016 “Technology and Materials Systems in Electrical Engineering” This paper deals with the assembly of SMD chip resistors onto a conductive textile ribbon by soldering or gluing. The main goal of our research was to verify the reliability of joints after jerk testing of ribbons. The results showed that soldered / glued joints on electrically conductive textile ribbon are reliable during jerking test until the destruction of whole ribbon and electrical resistance of joints is low and stable until this destruction during extreme jerking.
- Published
- 2020
31. V co může věřit politický realista? Bernard Williams a jeho koncepce politické svobody
- Author
Cíbik, Matej
- Subjects
realismus ,resentment ,John Rawls ,moralism ,realism ,moralismus ,freedom ,svoboda ,odpor ,Bernard Williams - Abstract
The aim of the text is to critically analyse the “realist” conception of freedom found in the political thought of Bernard Williams. Contrary to the main focus of contemporary realist literature, which mostly develops arguments trying to establish the uniqueness of the realist methodology (which can supposedly be contrasted with all “mainstream” contemporary political philosophers), this paper aims at uncovering Williams’ understanding of the roots of political values. The target of our analysis is Williams’ argumentation in the paper “From freedom to liberty: The construction of a political value”. There, he formulates a conception of political freedom, which is based on feelings of resentment and restraint. The paper then systematically explores the possibility of such “emotional” conception of freedom, with its problems and advantages.
- Published
- 2020
32. Rozšíření, úprava a ověření testovacího systému tištěných senzorů pro testování RH senzorů
- Author
Šíma, Karel
- Subjects
resistance ,RH senzory ,RH sensors ,integračně komparační měřicí metoda ,ICM method ,measurement ,měření ,odpor - Abstract
Tento článek vznikl za podpory interního projektu na podporu studentských vědeckých konferencí SVK-2018-005 a projektu SGS-2018-016: Diagnostika a materiály v elektrotechnice. Dále tento článek vznikl za podpory TAČR pod projektem FLEXPRINT - TE01020022. The paper focuses on the extension, modification a verification of the testing system for printed sensors. The first part of this paper describes the modifications of the system. The main modifications are: sending data through the LoRa LPWAN and extension from two measuring channels to four measuring channels. The second part of this paper informs about the results of the verifying of function and precision of the modified measurement method.
- Published
- 2018
33. SOE agents in Austria: Persecution, Post-War Integration and Memory.
- Author
Pirker, Peter
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2013
34. The electronic payment order procedure at the district court
- Author
Nippertová, Pavla, Macková, Alena, and Smolík, Petr
- Subjects
payment order ,platební rozkaz ,civil procedure ,odpor ,civilní řízení ,objection to the order - Abstract
In this thesis is described electronic order for payment procedure at the district court. Thesis is divided into six chapters. It begins with a history. The main body of the thesis deals with a legal analysis of the electronic order for payment procedure at a district court. It involves the beginning of the procedure, conditions of procedure, delivery, correction tools, and finally, enforcement. It points at deficiency in legal regulations which makes the interpretation of law problematic. In addition, there can be found a comparative study with a German legal system and European order for payment is also mentioned.
- Published
- 2017
35. Criminal order
- Author
Fišara, Michal, Krupička, Jiří, and Heranová, Simona
- Subjects
Criminal order ,protest ,trestní příkaz ,odpor - Abstract
The submitted diploma thesis is dedicated to criminal order and its main objective is to provide coherent summary of the issue with a focus on recent legal regulation. It addresses arguable elements of legal regulation and suggests possible solutions for the future in individual chapters. The diploma thesis is divided into six chapters. The first one contains Introduction and the sixth one Conclusion of the thesis. The second chapter deals with historical development of the criminal order and is divided into three subchapters. The first subchapter summarizes the legal regulation of the criminal order between 1873 and 1950. The second subchapter covers the return of the criminal order to the Czechoslovak legal order in 1973 and the third one follows changes of the legal regulation in the 1990s. The core of the diploma thesis is found in the fourth chapter which includes the effective legal regulation of the criminal order and incorporates the relevant case law of Czech courts. After a brief opening summary of the legal regulation the attention is paid to three main conditions for delivery of criminal order, punishments to be imposed by criminal order, situations in which criminal order cannot be delivered, the content of criminal order, its nature, legal force and delivery and its associated...
- Published
- 2017
36. Innovated relays for railway signalling and interlocking
- Author
Konecny, I., Kroupa, M., Radek Polanský, Prosr, P., and Steiner, F.
- Subjects
safety ,měření zněčištění ,měření elektrického odporu ,electrical resistance measurement ,pins ,insulation ,relays ,odpor ,resistance ,póly ,bezpečnost ,izolace ,přenos ,Hardware_REGISTER-TRANSFER-LEVELIMPLEMENTATION ,pollution measurement - Abstract
This paper deals with accelerated life tests and a verification of technical parameters of an innovated electromechanical relay intended for applications in railway signalling and interlocking.
- Published
- 2015
37. Applicative appraisal of the temperature dependence of the noise in preamplifiers the very low frequency case
- Author
Teodorescu, Horia-Nicolai L.
- Subjects
generator ,Hardware_PERFORMANCEANDRELIABILITY ,approximation methods ,odpor ,elektroencefalografie ,generátory ,1/f šum ,resistance ,resistors ,Hardware_INTEGRATEDCIRCUITS ,aproximační metody ,rezistory ,1f noise ,electroencephalography - Abstract
Several matters related to noise design for preamplifiers are presented for very low frequencies, also pointing to issues raised by some circuits in the literature, including those with noise cancelling circuits. The changes in excess noise with temperature are of interest in applications such as wearable, where large variations of temperature can occur.
- Published
- 2015
38. Penal order
- Author
Šelleng, Dalibor, Jelínek, Jiří, and Vokoun, Rudolf
- Subjects
objection ,penal order ,odpor ,rozhodnutí ve věcech trestních ,decision in criminal proceedings ,trestní příkaz - Abstract
Resumé in english The submitted rigorosum thesis deals with problems of penal order as specified in the current legal regulation of § 314e and following, Act No. 141/1961 Sb., Criminal Procedure Code. In general, the penal order represents a legal institute, which is used by bodies responsible for criminal proceedings, mostly by court, to offer, upon their findings, interested parties to solve a criminal case of low seriousness without having public hearings before a court. The proposal is submitted in writing and contains at least a verdict of guilty and sanction verdict. If the interested parties agree with the submitted proposal, expressly or tacitly, the proposal will be legally binding. The penal order may be also considered a type of decision in criminal proceedings, which has its dual nature. At first, it is a procedural offer made to an accused, and i fit is accepted, then the penal order transforms itself into a decision on merits. The thesis is divided into four chapters: In the first chapter the emphasis is put on an introduction of the penal order in a broader context with aim to subscribe its purpose and I try to subsume it under such terms as judicial decision, special type of proceedings and diversion. The second chapter is dedicated to the historical development of legal regulation of the...
- Published
- 2015
39. Hardcore as a critical perspective
- Author
Pokorný, Lukáš, Samek, Tomáš, and Halbich, Marek
- Subjects
subculture ,autenticita ,identita ,scéna ,punk ,scene ,subkultura ,společnost ,ideology ,society ,styl ,style ,ideologie ,authenticity ,hardcore ,resistance ,odpor ,identity - Abstract
This work deals with ideological trends in Czech hardcore scene. In the theoretical part it reflects the historical development of concept of subcultures from the beginning until now. Following with an explanation why it is preferable to describe hardcore with the concept of the scene. The next chapter is dedicated to the history of hardcore and tries to explain the specific ethos of the times in which hardcore was born. It also serves as a contextualization of the whole phenomena. The empirical part focuses on specific themes of hardcore ideology in Czech environment without losing sight of their roles in the past. This method tries to present hardcore more like a process than some closed phenomena stuck in time. The evolution and reflection of individual themes is important if hardcore should still be considered relevant, and thus critical and able to perceive social processes. Hardcore has started as a certain reaction to reflect the era and these characteristics are considered its roots. It was not a homogenous movement, and still is not to this day. We need to be well versed in hardcore to see its potential as a critique of the society, and the concept of "the little underground" provides a good starting point. Key words hardcore, punk, ideology, subculture, scene, society, identity,...
- Published
- 2015
40. Porovnání sezónních změn v distribuci impedance dřeva a sestavení vzorníku pro vyhodnocování snímků elektrického impedančního tomografu
- Author
Chmel, Ladislav
- Subjects
EIT ,picus ,proud ,elektřina ,dutina ,dřevo ,treetronic ,odpor ,tomograf - Abstract
The bachelor thesis deals with physical principles of the electrical impedance tomograph Picus (EIT). Moisture distribution in different tree species, norway spruce (Picea abies), silver birch (Betula pendula), pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) and thein seasonal change. Measurement is always carried out on the same thirty trees, fifteen trees from the urban environment and fifteen trees from the forest environment. Tomography measurements are proceed every month of the year, I have drawn up a swatch tomography from these results to evaluace images made by the device. Changes distribution of the impedance wood are compared among the tree Gross and thein habitats.
- Published
- 2014
41. Criminal order
- Author
Berková, Ivona, Říha, Jiří, and Vokoun, Rudolf
- Subjects
criminal warrant ,protest ,trestní příkaz ,odpor - Abstract
The criminal warrant represents a specific form of decision in criminal matters and a type of simplified procedure as well. A single judge can issue a criminal warrant without trying the matter in the main trial if the facts are substantiated by reliable evidence. The criminal warrant has the nature of a convicting judgment. This type of simplified procedure is enacted under provisions § 314e to § 314g of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The criminal warrant is used in practice very often for its fastness and economy. In 2012, single judges by means of a criminal warrant, decided on 54,64 % of criminal cases (accused) before the District Courts within the whole area of the Czech Republic. The purpose of the thesis is to analyse the criminal warrant in all its aspects. The thesis is composed of nine chapters. Chapter One describes the history of the criminal warrant from 1918. Chapter Two focuses on relations between the criminal warrant and the basic principles of criminal procedure. Chapter Three describes the criminal warrant as a specific form of decision in criminal matters, procedure and conditions for issuing a criminal warrant, the penalties that can be imposed by means of a criminal warrant and the position of a victim. Chapter Four concentrates on the criminal warrant as a special method of...
- Published
- 2014
42. Odporniško gibanje Bela vrtnica skozi koncepte oblasti, odpora, neustrašnega govora (parrhesia) in diskurza po Foucaltu
- Author
Maja Kohek and Rotar, Drago B.
- Subjects
diskurz ,fearless speech ,oblast ,Weiße Rose ,odpor ,diplomska dela ,power ,resistance ,White rose ,nacionalsocializem ,udc:94(430)"1942/1943"(043.2) ,Bela vrtnica ,neustrašni govor ,discourse ,parrhesia ,national socialism - Published
- 2013
43. Resistance of thin disks and rings
- Author
Szymanik, Barbara and Gratkowski, Stanisław
- Subjects
resistance ,tenké prstence ,matematické modelování ,mathematical modelling ,odpor ,tenké disky ,thin disks ,thin rings - Abstract
In this paper the following, classic problem [1] is taken into consideration: calculate the resistance between two, perfectly conducting contacts on the rim of a thin disk (t << a, where a indicates disk’s radius and t is its thickness) of conductivity σ. An example of a simple, approximate solution to above problem can be found in [2], however, it requires contacts to be sufficiently small (i.e. d >> δ, where δ is the contacts’ size and d indicates the distance between them). Our purpose was to find more general solution, valid for contacts of finite size. Moreover, we propose the extension of above problem to thin rings. The exact analytical method of solving the Laplace equation to find the scalar potential was used. Afterwards, the Ohm law to obtain the formulas for disks and rings resistance was utilized. Using the dilogarithm function we obtained simplified, approximate formulas for the disks and rings resistance.
- Published
- 2013
44. Dispute over the third resistance
- Author
Konopásek, Štěpán, Slačálek, Ondřej, and Polášek, Martin
- Subjects
communist regime ,Zákon o protikomunistickém odboji ,odboj ,Act on anti-communist resistance ,Czechoslovakia ,resistance ,Československo ,komunistický režim ,opposition ,odpor - Abstract
Thesis is focused on the analysis of public debate which occured in context of adoption of the Act on anti-communist resistance. In the first part, there is prepared background for the summary chapter about the current state of research in the field of anti-communist resistance and opposition between 1948 and 1989, as well as reminded leading terminological and normative discussions of this issue. The following part is focused on the analysis of the discourses of actors within the dispute over the third resistance. There are examined attitudes of political parties, as well as memory conflict between the 1950s' anti-communist resistance actors and the 1970s and 1980s dissidents. Keywords Czechoslovakia, opposition, resistance, communist regime, Act on anti-communist resistance
- Published
- 2013
45. Application of Hybrid Boundary Element Method on Modelling of Hemispherical Ground Inhomogeneity
- Author
Vučković, Dragan D., Cvetković, Nenad N., Slavoljub, Aleksic, Tasić, Dragan, Ilić, Saša, and Krstić, Dejan D.
- Subjects
resistance ,ground inhomogenity ,method of moments ,Greenova funkce ,zemnící systémy ,hybrid boundary element method ,zemní nehomogenita ,metoda momentů ,Green’s function ,odpor ,kvazistacionární elektromagnetické pole ,grounding systems ,quasi-stationary electromagnetic field - Abstract
The procedure for modelling ground inhomogeneity influence on grounding system based on socalled hybrid boundary element method (HBEM) is given in this paper. The HBEM is a recently proposed numerical method for stationary or quasi-stationary EM field analysis. The obtained results are compared with those based on using the Green’s function for the point source inside a semispherical inhomogeneity.
- Published
- 2013
46. Súvisí stupeň odporu, strachu a vnímania nebezpečenstva parazitov so správaním človeka?
- Author
Fančovičová, Jana
- Subjects
anti-parasite behaviours ,strach ,parasite ,disgust ,antiparazitické chování ,fear ,parazit ,odpor - Abstract
The article deals with the fear and disgust of pupils and students from Slovakia towards parasites. Parasites were perceived more disgusting and fearful compared to control groups of invertebrates. These emotions correlated with several anti-parasite behaviours, which suggests that participants with higher perceived fear and disgust of parasites promote behaviours that help to reduce transmission of parasitic diseases. Článok sa zaoberá strachom a odporom slovenských študentov k parazitom a skúma uvedené emócie v súvislosti so správaním človeka. Parazity boli vnímané ako odpornejšie v porovnaní s kontrolnou skupinou bezstavovcov. Tieto emócie korelovali s antiparazitickým správaním človeka. Respondenti, ktorí mali väčší strach a odpor z parazitov, vykazovali správanie, ktoré redukuje prenos parazitárnych ochorení.
- Published
- 2012
47. Management změny ve škole
- Author
Kopárek, Jiří, Kalous, Jaroslav, and Voda, Jan
- Subjects
school ,ředitel ,změna ,resistance ,Director ,odpor ,change ,škola ,education ,sense organs ,skin and connective tissue diseases - Abstract
Regarding a broader topic of management, the diploma work deals with the resistance to changes, causes of its development and options how to decrease it. It aims to reveal the structure of resistance in specific and most common changes in the life of elementary schools. Furthermore, it intends to discover which variables are of the greatest influence on the formation and power of resistance, to find common characteristics for identical changes at various schools and to formulate recommendations to the management how to decrease the degree of resistance to introduced changes. The work is composed of a theoretical part based on the studies of contemporary knowledge and a practical part - a research in which data were obtained and processed. The research method included a questionnaire survey. Among the most significant results the following fact was ascertained: a very high influence of the contribution of changes to the overall resistance to changes Teachers are willing to accept high demands of a change if they perceive its contribution positively. This influence is demonstrated in various groups and viewpoints of assessment. Teachers, primarily men, need to verify that the changes will be beneficial. Women show a greater resistance to changes than men. Women perceive the demands of changes in a...
- Published
- 2012
48. Study on the effect of addition of spherical silver nanoparticles into electrically conductive adhesives
- Author
Mach, Pavel, Pihera, Josef, and Steiner, František
- Subjects
resistance ,stříbrné nanočástice ,silver nanoparticles ,voltampérové charakteristiky ,electrically conductive adhesives ,current-voltage characteristics ,elektrická vodivá lepidla ,odpor - Abstract
Electrical resistance and nonlinearity of current vs. voltage characteristic of joints formed of electrically conductive adhesives modified with addition of spherical silver nanoparticles are investigated. The resistance of adhesive joints is measured using a four point method, the nonlinearity of the current vs. voltage charactristic using a modulation technique. Measurement of nonlinearity using powering of joints with the very pure sinusoidal current is discussed, too. The samples are prepared by adhesive assembly of jumpers (resistors with the “zero” resistance) of the type 1206 on a test board of FR4 covered with a copper foil with the thickness of 40 mm. Contact leads of jumpers have surface finish proper for adhesive assembly. No special surface finish of pads is used. Adhesive is applied by dispensing, jumpers are placed using a semi-automatic pick and place machine. The results of the measurement show that addition of spherical silver nanoparticles into standard adhesive does not improve neither electrical conductivity of adhesive, nor nonlinearity of a current vs. voltage characteristic of adhesive joints. The reason is increase of number of contacts in conductive net in adhesive caused by added nanoparticles.
- Published
- 2011
49. Aggressiveness, aggression
- Author
Matesová, Radka, Koťa, Jaroslav, and Krykorková, Hana
- Subjects
chicane ,motivation ,force ,help ,family ,Agrese ,after-effects ,společnost ,society ,Aggresion ,aggressiveness ,prevence ,hry ,power ,následky ,schoul ,pomoc ,konflikt ,škola ,rodina ,ill-usage ,řešení ,motivace ,agresivita ,opposition ,týrání ,odpor ,násilí ,síla ,games ,conflict ,šikana ,resolution ,prevention - Abstract
Annotation: This thesis deal with aggresion and aggressiveness in humans lifetime, its sorts, starters.In more detail it is focusing for some forms of aggressive behavior as are chicane, ill-usage, racism, anti- semitism. It determinatives them as notions, describe thein after- effects and thein resolutions. At the conclusion this thesis offers set of games, methods and lessons for aggressiveness absorbing of pupils in the school. Some of them are equiping with photos, and the educt of simple questionnaire on the theme aggressive behavior at primary school in region Mladá Boleslav.
- Published
- 2011
50. Problematika a měření základních elektrotechnických veličin s užitím
- Author
BOHÁČ, Radek
- Subjects
asynchronní motor ,wattmeter ,schémata cad ,asynchronous motor ,resistance ,Aronovo zapojení ,ampermeter ,bočník ,kapacita ,voltage ,Elektrotechnika ,wattmetr ,transformer ,capacity ,ampérmetr ,zdánlivý výkon ,jalový výkon ,voltmetr ,current ,real power ,Aron circuit ,voltmeter ,napětí ,transformátor ,cad schemes ,electrotechnical values ,Electrotechnics ,elektrotechnické veličiny ,reactive power ,odpor ,shunt ,proud ,činný výkon ,apparent power ,education - Abstract
The purpose of this thesis is selection and specification of basic teaching methods used in heavy current laboratory during vocational training education at secondary school. Basic methods for electrical values measurements in heavy-current laboratory, measuring instruments basic division and measured electrical values evaluation. Further, basic measurement of electrical values, current, voltage, power, resistance and capacity are specified here.
- Published
- 2011
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