1. Vpliv modre svetlobe na interakcijo plesni vrste Penicillum expansum z jabolkom na ravni proteoma
- Author
Rutar, Anja and Jamnik, Polona
- Subjects
jabolka ,blue light irradiation ,proteomics ,defense mechanisms ,interakcija gostitelj-patogen ,odziv na stres ,obsevanje z modro svetlobo ,proteomika ,stress response ,host-pathogen interaction ,apples ,LC-MS ,obrambni mehanizmi - Abstract
Jabolka so tekom skladiščenja izpostavljena številnim stresnim dejavnikom, tako abiotskim kot tudi biotskim. Mehanske poškodbe predstavljajo optimalno mesto za okužbo s patogeni kot je P. expansum. Razumevanje interakcije med patogenom in gostiteljem je ključnega pomena pri razvoju novih, varnih in učinkovitih strategij kontrole kakovosti sadja, kot je na primer obsevanje z modro svetlobo. Namen naloge je bil preučiti mehanizem interakcije jabolk sorte idared s P. expansum na ravni proteoma po obsevanju z modro svetlobo v primerjavi z inokuliranimi jabolki v temi. Jabolka smo mehansko poškodovali in na mesto vboda inokulirali suspenzijo spor plesni. Po 24 h obsevanju z modro svetlobo valovne dolžine 445 nm smo izolirali proteine ter pripravili vzroce za identifikacijo proteinov z LC-MS. Dobljene proteomske podatke smo obdelali z bioinformacijskim orodjem QuickGO ter pregledom literature. Modra svetloba je v jabolkih vplivala predvsem na ravni proteinov vpletenih v odziv na stres, obrambo, strukturo celic, izražanje genov, metabolizem aminokislin in sekundarnih metabolitov, v plesni pa na ravni proteinov, ki so vpleteni v izražanje genov in biosintezo proteinov, metabolizem ogljikovih hidratov ter v sam proces okužbe. Glede na rezultate lahko sklepamo, da modra svetloba kot vrsta abiotskega stresa, okrepi obrambni sistem jabolk, kar se kaže v njihovi izboljšani odpornosti na patogene ter druge oblike stresa, s katerim se sadje sooča tekom skladiščenja. During storage, apples are exposed to many stressors, both abiotic and biotic. Mechanical damage represents an optimal site for infection with pathogens, such as P. expansum. Understanding the interaction between the pathogen and the host is crucial in developing new, safe and effective fruit quality control strategies, such as a blue light irradiation. The purpose of this thesis was to study the mechanism of interaction between the idared apples and the P. expansum after irradiation with a blue light, compared to the apples in the dark at proteome level. The apples were mechanically damaged and inoculated with a suspension of mold spores at the injection site. Following the 24-h irradiation with the blue light at a wavelength of 445 nm, proteins were isolated and samples were prepared for protein identification with the LC-MS. The obtained proteomic data were processed with a bioinformatics tool QuickGO and a literature survey. In the apples, irradiation with a blue light mainly affected levels of proteins involved in the response to stress, defense, gene expression, metabolism of amino acids and secondary metabolites, whereas in the mold, the proteins affected were mainly involved in the gene expression and protein biosynthesis, metabolism of carbohydrates and the process of infection. Based on these results, we conclude that in apples the blue light irradiation, as a type of abiotic stress, enhances defense response, which is reflected in an improved resistance to pathogens and other forms of stress fruits face during storage.
- Published
- 2022