15 results on '"novoplatonismus"'
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- Published
- 2013
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3. THEOLOGY OF MAGIC - Magic as (yet) unreflected part of the theology of earthly reality
- Author
PLOS, Michal
- Subjects
witchcraft ,teologie ,hereze ,posvátnost ,exorcismus ,svátosti ,Pico della Mirandola ,křesťanství ,christianity ,religion ,heresy ,neoplatonism ,rituál ,novoplatonismus ,anthropology ,sacraments ,religionistika ,čarodějnictví ,magie ,magic ,ritual ,svátostiny ,theology ,exorcism ,Marsilio Ficino ,sacramentality ,antropologie ,hermetismus ,hermetism - Abstract
To open a different perspective on the still-discussed difference between Christian religion and magic is the task of this work. In order to reach the end successfully, that is, the fourth part of this thesis, which deals with the principle of sanctity in the Catholic Church, it was necessary to first develop the following three blocks. 1) Religious-anthropological analysis of magic ? in this part we summarize basic anthropological views on magic according to the individual researchers J.G. Frazer, E.B. Taylor, R.R. Marett, B. Malinowski, and E. de Martino. The subject of this section was the analysis of animism and the inner power of creation. 2) Magic as a part of religion ? in which we analysed the content of the concept of magic, the area where it came from, and how it was perceived in the environment of the Mediterranean European culture of ancient Rome, and how magic was discredited in the ancient "pagan" and Christian environment. 3) The interest of the sages in the phenomenon of magic ? has created a space for the issue of the magic of "barbaric" tribes, whose faith traditions have become a legitimate part of the Catholic faith. This section has also developed a "story of overly" peculiar magic adepts of the "restored" Renaissance Platonic Academy, in which M. Ficino and P. della Mirandola worked. We paid more attention to their life stories and work, for they themselves stood at the birth of an "institutional" association in the area of a sort of "applied" magism in the form of esoteric neoplatonism, hermetism, and theururgy. At this point we also found the historical model of the later Czech hermetic society Universalia, which we mentioned at the end of the work. 4) Ex opere operato et ex opere operantis ? it represents the peak of our work, opening a whole new discussion in the critique of magic and religion. Magic and Christian religion have a common root, they co-exist side by side, complement each other, and even blend in some areas of universal piety as conditions of one and the same Catholic faith.
- Published
- 2019
4. Anthropology of Synesius' On Dreams
- Author
Horáček, Filip, Benyovszky, Ladislav, Karfíková, Lenka, and Nejeschleba, Tomáš
- Subjects
pozdní antika ,oniromancy ,Neoplatonism ,novoplatonismus ,ochema ,Late Antiquity ,pneuma ,ochéma ,oneiromancie ,sny - Abstract
(F. Horáček: Antropologie Synesiova spisu O snech) 30. 8. 2017 Synesiusʼ treatise On Dreams (early 5th cent. AD) contains a Neoplatonic conception of the so-called pneuma (called also ʻvehicleʼ, ʻluminous bodyʼ etc.) that, among its other functions, ʻrepresentsʼ the immaterial Neoplatonic soul in the material universe. As against the other Neoplatonic texts from Late Antiquity, the authorʼs book is relatively concetrated and detailed so that it offers a comparatively full picture of the pneuma even though the text is no clear cut self-explanatory piece of writing due to its intended esoteric Neoplatonic readership. In my work I try to discover possible implications for the pneuma against the background of other Neoplatonic conceptions of the earlier and also of slightly later time. Synesiusʼ views of the pneuma are not always identical with those of the earlier thinkers. As he switches backgrounds it is often hard to tell whether what he has in mind is identical, like or different from them. I address predominantly - beside contextualization of On Dreams and efforts to solve individual small-scale problems in the text - questions of physical existence of the pneuma before, during, and after reincarnation chain of individual souls, further I discuss the interface between materiality and...
- Published
- 2018
5. Significance of virtue in the philosophy of Plotinus
- Author
Polák, Ján, Svoboda, David, and Sousedík, Prokop
- Subjects
tělo a duše ,J. M. Dillon ,sensual and spiritual world ,vztah k druhému ,pozdně antická filozofie ,novoplatonismus ,etika ,smyslový a duchovní svět ,ctnost ,Plótínos ,late anthique philosophy ,higher and lower virtues ,P. Hadot ,virtue ,relation with other ,Plotinus ,ethics ,vyšší a nižší ctnosti ,body and soul ,neoplatonism - Abstract
The place of virtue in the philosophy of Plotinus Abstract The main intention of this thesis is to clarify some aspects of Plotinus's concept of virtue. Significant part of it is a report of J. M. Dillon's article An ethic for the late anthique sage and its comparison with P. Hadot's essay Plotinus or the simplicity of vision, which form a base for characteristics of a dualism between sensual and spiritual world, the body/soul polarity, and relation between higher and lower virtues. Consequently a relationship of a Plotinian sage towards others is being investigated. The result of this thesis confirms that Dillon's interpretation of a radical distinction between polarities mentioned above is exaggerated and his pronouncement of an absence of the element of concern for others in Plotinus's ethical reflextion is basically mistaken. Key words Plotinus, ethics, virtue, neoplatonism, J. M. Dillon, P. Hadot, higher and lower virtues, relation with other, body and soul, sensual and spiritual world, late anthique philosophy.
- Published
- 2018
6. Catharsis in Theurgy
- Author
Hasmanová, Kateřina, Horáček, Filip, and Kružík, Josef
- Subjects
metafyzika ,magie ,theurgy ,theúrgie ,ontologie ,ontology ,chaldejská oráukla ,novoplatonismus ,soteriology ,middleplatonism ,mataphysics ,cosmology ,magic ,středoplatonismus ,neoplatonism ,Chaldaean oracles ,soteriologie - Published
- 2017
7. Matter in Plotin's philosophy
- Author
Zajíček, Samuel, Chlup, Radek, and Němec, Václav
- Subjects
size ,duše ,Enneads ,smyslový svět ,novoplatonismus ,time ,matter ,Enneady ,evil ,soul ,Plótínos ,čas ,mass ,rozlehlost ,objem ,world of sense ,Plotinus ,zlo ,látka ,neoplatonism - Abstract
The diploma thesis attempts to present a consistent conception of matter in the philosophy of Plotinus. Its first part therefore contains a presentation of his own ideas about matter employing the interpretation of three key treatises dealing with this topic (Ennead II, 4 (12) "On the Two Kinds of Matter", Ennead III, 6 (26) "On Impassibility of Things Without Body" and Ennead I, 8 (51) "On What Are And Whence Come Evils"), the second part is dedicated to the overview and criticism of major modern interpretations of Plotinian matter. The third part then introduces my own approach, consisting of splitting Plotinus' hypostatis of soul into two hypostases, and identifying matter with the procession (i.e. proodic aspect) of the ontologically lower of the two. Arguments are offered for these nonstandard interpretive choices; the resulting conception is shown both as self-consistent as well as consistent with Plotinus' metaphysics as such, and it is demonstrated to be able to reconstruct the features that Plotinus attributes to matter.
- Published
- 2016
8. Antická filosofie a tradice duchovního cvičení
- Author
- Subjects
epikureismus ,prosoché ,duchovní cvičení ,novoplatonismus ,apatheia ,stoicism ,stoicismu ,spiritual exercises ,dialektisc ,askesis ,neoplatonism ,dialektika ,epicureanism - Abstract
This thesis will observe forms of spiritual exercises by the most important thinkers and philosophical schools of Greek and Roman antiquity, from Socrates and Socratic schools to Platonic Academy to Hellenistic schools (especially Stoicism and Epicureanism) and Neoplatonism of Plotinus. The thesis will try to demonstrate various forms of philosophical askesis and its place in the ancient art of life, respectively the whole education to perfection (paideia). Attention will be also paid to connections between ancient askesis and tradition of Christian spiritual exercises (Exercitia spiritualia).
- Published
- 2016
9. Nicholas of Cusa on Human, Intellect and Number
- Author
Šenovský, Jakub, Novák, Aleš, Nejeschleba, Tomáš, and Karfíková, Lenka
- Subjects
filosofická antropologie ,novoplatonismus ,novověk ,Number ,Intellect ,intelekt ,Modern era ,číslo ,Mikuláš Kusánský ,Philosophical anthropology ,Nicholas of Cusa ,Neoplatonism - Abstract
This thesis deals with the anthropological thinking of Nicholas of Cusa. The first part presents the fundamental metaphysical motifs that are the basis for this anthropology - above all, it concerns the conception of human as a mind (intellect). This conception is linked with the thinking of the first Principle (God) as the unity that is identical with itself. This unity/oneness of the One descends into the world through number that is one and multiple at the same time (all higher numbers consist of ones). The emphasis on unity of the One and on number as a mean of the creation is the reason, why Cusa's main concern, regarding the understanding of the world, aren't individual substances, but the relations between these substances. And for this kind of metaphysical thinking it is really important to develop also a strong notion of human intellect (mind), but the first philosophical texts to some extent fail to do so. The second part of this thesis deals with the proper anthropology that is developed in the dialogues with the idiota. It is shown what is the role of human mind in the dynamics of descent and ascent of unity of the One - it is the human mind and its intellectual return to its Beginning through which is all creation being made one and being brought to its true nature that is the One. The last...
- Published
- 2015
10. Good and evil in Plotinus: From the One to matter
- Author
Janota, Sebastian, Chlup, Radek, and Němec, Václav
- Subjects
novoplatonismus ,látka a duše ,dobro a zlo ,matter and soul ,Plótínos ,tolma ,Plotinus ,good and evil ,neoplatonism - Abstract
This thesis focuses on polar qualities of Good and Evil in the work of the Neo-Platonic philosopher Plotinus. Plotinus' metaphysics tries to integrate these contrary principals into a monistic system. The first part of the thesis deals with Plotinus' metaphysics in general. The central term is One - the primal principal and the source of the whole reality - which Plotinus argues for as the only real Good. Another basic term in his work is tolma - the will to separate - being the cause of plurality and providing the other with existence. New kinds of realities arise through tolma and each kind has its own specifics. The Plotinus' hierarchical scale, One - Intellect - Soul, descends to the lowest level of reality - Matter. Matter closes the whole cosmological process. Plotinus characterises Matter as the only real Evil and the originator of all evil. Nevertheless, this weakens his monistic concept. The second part of this thesis, therefore, focuses on Matter. The question is how the infinitely good One may give rise to its own opposite. Thus, this work primarily aims at difficulties connected with this dualism evoking concept and it also introduces various, sometimes highly different ways of interpretation of Plotinus' metaphysics.
- Published
- 2014
11. Human being by Ibn Rushd and Maimonides
- Author
Kopecká, Pavlína, Hogenová, Anna, and Rybák, David
- Subjects
duše ,active intellect ,filozofie ,emanation ,creation ,Aristotle ,ctnost ,iluminace ,politika ,soul ,věčnost ,ethics ,happiness ,The Koran ,knowledge ,Korán ,Plato ,Tóra ,etika ,Ibn Rušd ,religion ,člověk ,emanace ,illumination ,stvoření ,náboženství ,neoplatonism ,eternity ,poznání ,philosophy ,Platón ,human being ,novoplatonismus ,proroctví ,virtue ,world ,prophecy ,Maimonides ,blaženost ,resurrection ,Torah ,aktivní intelekt ,politics ,svět ,Ibn Rushd ,zmrtvýchvstání ,Aristotelés - Abstract
This thesis interprets the concept of human being in the work of Maimonides and ibn Rushd, two representatives of major Arab and Jewish medieval philosophy. It combines the ancient Greek philosophical tradition, especially Aristotle, with a religious context. When Maimonides and Ibn Rushd tried to harmonize these two traditions, they had to deal with many opposite views, that stemmed from the difference between religious and ancient world. Behind this intellectual ground have they created the original thesis and approaches to grasping reality, the world and the human being in it. The issue of human being is analyzed in three levels. The first level consists of the relationship between human being and creation, which addresses the question about origin of the world the human soul and the resurrection. The second level, i.e. the man and the world, is devoted to describing a scheme of the world, human knowledge and the theory of prophecy. Ethical and political views are analyzed on the third level, which represents the position of human being in relation to the polis. Keywords Ibn Rushd, Maimonides, Aristotle, Plato, neoplatonism, philosophy, religion, The Koran, Torah, human being, world, creation, eternity, soul, resurrection, emanation, knowledge, illumination, active intellect, prophecy, politics,...
- Published
- 2012
12. Comparison of Augustin and Thomas Aquinas philosophy and ethics
- Author
Havránek, Zdeněk, Blažková, Miloslava, and Hogenová, Anna
- Subjects
duše ,happiness ,love ,blaženost ,vůle ,God ,zlo ,soul ,evil ,will ,reason ,dobro ,láska ,goodness ,scholastika ,rozum ,neoplatonism ,novoplatonismus ,Bůh ,scholasticism - Abstract
This Thesis deals with the philosophy and ethics of St.Thomas Aquinas and of St. Augustine. At first I characterize the time period then I am focusing on each cathegory concerning moral life of human being in the world such as God, soul, will, goodness, evil and happiness as well. My goal is to show the real purpose of human existence and to show how both philosophers understand individual topics, what is the same and different in their opinion.
- Published
- 2011
13. Ibn Sínův Živý, syn Bdícího: překlad a komentář
- Author
Vitásková, Magdaléna, Kropáček, Luboš, and Ondráš, František
- Subjects
arabic medieval literature ,active intellect ,Avicenna ,novoplatonismus ,islámská mystika ,aktivní intelekt ,islámská filosofie ,islamic philosophy ,arabská středověká literatura ,islamic mystic tradition ,neoplatonism - Abstract
English Summary The present study consists of two main parts, namely translation and commentary of the philosophical-mystical recital Hayy ibn Yaqdhan (The Living, Son of the Vigilant). The author is a significant philosopher of the Islamic East Ibn Síná (980-1037), whose biography is a part of this study. Although this treatise is not his most famous work, it belongs for its strong narrative aspects, aesthetic values and depth of the symbolism to brilliant writings of classical Arabic literature. The commentary is divided into chapters that correspond to the themes contained in the treatise. The main motive represents the journey of human intellect, who is guided by the Active intellect personified in the figure of The Living, son of the Vigilant towards a higher knowledge. Once the rational soul has realized its angelic potential sets on an intelectual journey into the world of the separated forms, which is finally crowned with a vision of God. Ibn Sīnā presents through this symbolic story central elements of his teachings, namely the theory of intellect, psychology and epistemology, the theory of matter and form, cosmology, emanation theory, angelology ant theology. The secret motive and philosophical-mystical message of the treatise is love, which is as an ascending principle of the creation opposite to...
- Published
- 2010
14. The Report to Education in Antiquity. Plato and his Conception of education
- Author
- Subjects
platonismus ,education in antiquity ,Platónova Akademie ,novoplatonismus ,Plato ,Plato´s dialogues ,Plato´s Academy ,platonism ,philosophy of education ,Platón ,Platónovy dialogy ,výchova ve starověku ,filosofie výchovy ,neoplatonism - Abstract
The paper deals with the Plato´s conception of education. It is divided into three parts. The first part includes the interpretation of Plato´s life, the survey of his dialogues and the influence of Socrates on the Plato´s life and philosophy. The second part deals with the very conception of education and it includes chapters on the perception of the child in antiquity, on the impact of society of education in Plato´s time. The third part is devoted to reference works of Plato ideas for future pedagogues. This part includes Plato´s supporters and his opponents. The objective of my paper is understanding of the fundamental aspects of the Plato´s life and his educational concept is one of the most important articles in the history of education.
- Published
- 2010
15. K problému utopie v Obecné poradě o nápravě věcí lidských J. A. Komenského
- Author
Schifferová, Věra, Horák, Petr, Poskočilová, Michaela, Schifferová, Věra, Horák, Petr, and Poskočilová, Michaela
- Abstract
Práce je zaměřena k problému utopické povahy hlavního díla J. A. Komenského De rerum humanarum emendatione consultatio catholica. Pokouší se vystihnut, v čem spočívá osobitost Komenského utopického projektu. Východiskem práce je typologie utopií, jež rozlišuje utopie horizontální a vertikální, otevřené a uzavřené. Pozornost je věnována filosofickým základům Komenského všenápravného projektu, jeho antropologickému východisku a theologickým kořenům. Nástrojem nápravy světa je v tomto díle reforma výchovy a vzdělání. Tato komponenta utopická není. Ústí však do utopické představy o budoucí společnosti. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována šesté knize Konzultace, Panorthosii, v níž Komenský předkládá svou vizi napravené společnosti., The thesis discusses the problem of the utopian nature of De rerum humanarum emendatione consultatio catholica written by John Amos Comenius and tries to describe the distinctiveness of this Comenius's utopian project. The starting point of the thesis is the typology of utopias which distinguishes horizontal and vertical, open and closed utopias. Attention is paid to the philosophical foundations of Comenius's multi-remedial efforts, the anthropological basis and theological roots. In this work, the reform of education is seen as the instrument of the remedy of the world. This concept in itself is not utopian. However, it leads to the utopian vision of a future society. Particular attention is paid to the sixth book, Consultations, Panorthosia, in which Comenius presents his vision of a reformed society., Katedra filosofie
- Published
- 2012
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