U ovome radu predstavljeni su rezultati mjerenja temperature na području NP Paklenica iz kojih se nastojalo otkriti (ne)postojanje temperaturnih inverzija na tom području. Pojava generiranih inverzija temperature dovedena je u korelaciju s tipovima vremena te su dobivene spoznaje o utjecaju tipova vremena na pojavu obrnute visinske raspodjele temperature zraka. Kanjon Velike Paklenice odabran je kao područje istraživanja zbog činjenice da istražena literatura ukazuje na veliku mogućnost pojave inverzija temperature upravo u konkavnom obliku reljefa. Mjerni uređaji (temperaturni loggeri) postavljeni su na datum 1.5.2018. godine te su mjerili vrijednosti temperature do 16.5.2019. godine. Razdoblje mjerenja u trajanju od godine dana uvelike je olakšalo usporedbu i primjećivanje zakonitosti. Republika Hrvatska površinom je razmjerno malo područje u svjetskim razmjerima, međutim, u kontekstu vremena i klime nad istim tim područjem prisutni su raznoliki tipovi vremena i složena klimatska regionalizacija. Tipovi vremena korišteni u ovom istraživanju temelje se na Pojinoj tipizaciji (1965) te su podaci o dnevnim kretanjima tipova vremena za područje Republike Hrvatske dobiveni od Državnog hidrometeorološkog zavoda. Problemi koji su se javili prilikom analize podataka ukazali su na potrebu isključivanja temperaturnog loggera JU3 iz daljnje analize budući da je logger pokazivao anomalije u odnosu na ostale loggere i to prvenstveno zbog krivo odabrane lokacije. Jedan od loggera (MM3) prestao je s bilježenjem podataka na datum 24.2.2019. zbog punjenja memorije. Rezultati pokazuju pojavu temperaturnih inverzija u velikom broju slučajeva (317 od 380 dana mjerenja). Ovo dokazuje činjenicu da je temperaturna inverzija u planinskom predjelu, poput područja NP Paklenica, češća pojava od normalne raspodjele temperature zraka s visinom. Valja naglasiti da su najniži dijelovi vertikalnog stupca zraka najpodložniji stvaranju vrlo izraženih i frekventnih pojava inverzija. Tijekom hladnog doba godine, u manjoj mjeri zabilježen je veći postotak inverzija u odnosu na topli dio godine (razlika iznosi 0,36%), a kao godišnje doba s najvećim postotkom zabilježenih inverzija temperature može se navesti ljeto 2018. te mjesec svibanj 2018. godine. S obzirom na ukupnu apsolutnu pojavnost i u vezi s time, postotak generiranih temperaturnih inverzija, radijacijska grupa tipova vremena najveći je broj dana uzrokovala inverziju temperature (87,93%). Iako u mnogo manjoj mjeri zastupljena, advekcija zraka iz JI Europe u 100% slučajeva bila je uzrok pojave temperaturnih inverzija. Problematični pojam kontinentalnosti uz veći naglasak na različitim nadmorskim visinama također ima utjecaj u pojavi inverzija. Visinski profil postavljen u izraženiju unutrašnjost Parka pokazuje frekventnije i izraženije vrijednosti negativnog vertikalnog temperaturnog gradijenta. To begin with, in this thesis, the results of temperature measurement, which took place in National Park Paklenica, are presented. The aim was to detect the existence of temperature incersions. The emergence of temperature generated inversions is correlated with the types of weather, this then leads to the cognition which states that the weather has an influence on the emergence of the inversable altitude and distribution of air temperature. The Velika Paklenica canyon had been selected as the territory which would be researched due to the fact that the existant literature indicates the great probability of the occurence of the temperature inversions in this type of relief (which is also called dispersive relief). Measurment devices (temperature loggers) were set on the 1st of May 2018 in order to measure the value of temperature. What is more, all this took place until the 16th of May 2019. The one year period of measurment has made the comparison of validity much easier as well as their comprehension. The Republic of Croatia is fairly small area on global scale. Nevertheless, taking into account the weather and the climate above previously mentioned area, one can notice the presence of multiple types of weather and complex climate regionalization. The types of weather used in this research are based on Poje's tipization (1965) and the data about weather's daily movement are taken from the State's Meteorological and Hydrological Service (DHMZ). The problems which appeared during the analysis of the data indicated that temperature logger JU3 should have been shut down from the further analysis, due to the fact that this particular logger had showed anomalies in relation to other loggers. Furthermore, this happened mainly because it was wrongly located. What is more, one of the loggers (MM3) stopped recording on the 24th of February 2019 due to the memory charge. Moreover, the results show teperature inversions in most of the cases (317 out of 380 days during which the devices were measuring). Thus this proves the fact that temperature inversion in highland area, such as NP Paklenica, is much more common than the normal distribution of air temperature on the grounds of altitude. It should be emphasized that the lower parts of vertical air column are the most subjected to producing frequent emersion of inversions. Furthermore, during the colder periods of the year, greater percentage of inversions is measured in lesser extent than in warmer periods of the year (the amount of difference is 0,36%). What is more, when it comes to the whole period of the year, the one with the most temperature inversions was the summer of 2018 and the month of May 2018. On the grounds of the absolute emergence, and in correlation with it, the percentage of generated temperature inversions and the radiation group of the weather types was the one that caused temperature inversion in the largest number of days (87, 93%). Although less prevalent, advection of air from SE Europe in 100% of cases was the cause of temperature inversions. What is more, the term continentality, which is also quite a problematic one, has an effect on the emergence of inversions. However, one has to have in mind the different altitudes. Elevation profile, placed in the prominent interior of NP Paklenica, shows more frequent and prominent values of the negative vertical temperature gradient.