142 results on '"moški"'
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2. Hrvaščina in angleščina v besedilih oglasnih sporočil
- Author
Mirjana Bautović and Darija Omrčen
- Subjects
starost ,angleščina ,hrvaščina ,moški ,oglasna sporočila ,ženske ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Na vzorcu 173 anketirancev (72 moških in 101 ženska), starih od 20 do več kot 60 let, iz Republike Hrvaške smo želeli ugotoviti, ali razumejo besedila oglasnih sporočil na jumbo plakatih in panojih, ki so pisana v celoti angleško ali pa kot kombinacija hrvaščine in angleščine. Statistično pomembne razlike med moškimi in ženskami niso zaznane, v posameznostih pa so ugotovljene razlike med starostnimi skupinami.
- Published
- 2022
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3. Osvobajanje življenja: ženska revolucija.
- Author
Öcalan, Abdullah
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination & New Anthropology / Časopis za Kritko Znanosti, Domišljijo in Novo Antropologijo is the property of Institute for the Critique of Science and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
4. SPOLNO NASILJE NAD MOŠKIMI Opredelitve spolnega nasilja nad moškimi, miti ter pregled raziskav.
- Author
Bartol, Maša, Černe, Ajda, Jurjaševič, Tara, Piskule, Maša, Prašnikar, Kaja, and Senica, Eva
- Subjects
SEXUAL assault ,CRIMINAL codes ,VICTIMS of violent crimes ,MALE employees ,RAPE ,MASCULINITY ,VIOLENCE against women - Abstract
Copyright of Socialna Pedagogika (14082942) is the property of Socialna Pedagogika and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
5. Uporaba Edinburške lestvice poporodne depresije za presejanje očetov na poporodno depresijo
- Author
Anel Karić and Ana Polona Mivšek
- Subjects
rojstvo otroka ,poporodno duševno zdravje ,moški ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
Uvod: Mednarodne raziskave kažejo, da približno 10 % očetov kaže znake poporodne depresije v obdobju od štirih do šestih mesecev po rojstvu novorojenca. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali prevod in priredba Edinburške lestvice poporodne depresije nudi zanesljiv presejalni test za odkrivanje poporodne depresije pri novih očetih. Metode: Izvedena je bila kvantitativna raziskava. S prilagojeno prevedeno Edinburško lestvico poporodne depresije so bili anketirani očetje ob patronažnem obisku 4–6 mesecev po rojstvu otroka. Zajeti so bili vsi primerni kandidati v zdravstvenih domovih v Velenju in Črnučah v Ljubljani, in sicer med avgustom in decembrom 2019 (n = 80), realizacija vzorca je bila 51 (63 %). Koeficient Cronbach alfa za je znašal 0,931. Za analizo podatkov je bil uporabljen hi-kvadrat test. Rezultati: Osem anketirancev (15,7 %) je zbralo dvanajst ali več točk in so zato bili ogroženi za razvoj poporodne depresije. Nihče od anketiranih ni poročal o misli ali namerah o samomoru. Povprečno število doseženih točk je bilo 6,76 (s = 3,99). Najvišje število zbranih točk je bilo 16, zbral jih je en anketiranec (n = 1, 1,96 %). Diskusija in zaključek: Kljub majhnemu vzorcu, ki onemogoča posplošitev rezultatov, se v pilotni raziskavi ugotavlja podoben delež za poporodno depresijo rizičnih očetov kot v tujih raziskavah. Smiselno je torej obravnavati tudi duševno dobrobit očetov v prvem poporodnem letu, saj lahko stiska enega od partnerjev vpliva na celotno družino.
- Published
- 2022
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Copyright of Teorija in Praksa is the property of Teorija in Praksa and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
- Author
RUSPINI, Elisabetta
- Subjects
Copyright of Teorija in Praksa is the property of Teorija in Praksa and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
- Author
- Subjects
CARE of people ,DEMENTIA ,MEDICAL personnel ,SOCIAL role ,MUNICIPAL services - Abstract
Copyright of Teorija in Praksa is the property of Teorija in Praksa and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
9. Razumevanje navodil za velikost raztega pri vadbi gibljivosti.
- Author
Dolenec, Aleš and Medved, Rok
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Valadas, Sandra T., Vilhena, Carla, and Fragoso, António
- Subjects
EDUCATION of older people ,RETIREMENT ,PLACE-based education - Abstract
Copyright of Studies in Adult Education & Learning / Andragoška Spoznanja is the property of Andragoska Spoznanja and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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11. Reprezentacija moškega spola v filmu Stanleyja Kubricka »Eyes Wide Shut«
- Author
Jujnović, Iva and Stanković, Peter
- Subjects
spol ,representation ,masculinity crisis ,movie ,men ,film ,reprezentacija ,ranjena moškost ,moški ,Eyes Wide Shut ,Stanley Kubrick ,udc:316.7:305:791(043.2) ,gender ,kriza identitete moškega ,masculinity - Abstract
V diplomskem delu obravnavam film »Eyes Wide Shut« (»Široko zaprte oči«). Cilj dela je analiza širšega pomena neobičajne in zelo posebne uprizoritve, predstavitve oz. reprezentacije Kubrickovega para v njegovem zadnjem filmu »Eyes Wide Shut«. Glede na številne stereotipizirane predstave glavnega močnega uspešnega moškega lika v filmih »Eyes Wide Shut« predstavlja prav nasprotno, popolno čustveno razrvanost in krizo ranjene moške identitete. V vsakodnevnem življenju smo vsaj nekdaj vsi bili priče nenehne patriarhalnosti, domestifikacije žensk ter pretirane čustvenosti in šibkosti kot izključno ženskih karakteristik. Pogosto velja, da ob ženski vedno stoji zaposlen, izobražen, finančno močan in uspešen (beli) moški, brez katerega ženske ne zmorejo. V patriarhalni družbi ženska ni sama svoj akter problematično je, če si to želi biti. Veliko teoretikov pravi, da prihaja do krize identitete tega istega močnega in uspešnega (belega) moškega. Glavni namen diplomskega dela je preučiti pripovedno strukturo filma in reprezentacijo moškega lika dr. Billa Harforda. Ekscentrični režiser Stanley Kubrick je na zelo zanimiv način predstavil reprezentacijo moškosti, ki jo je mogoče kakovostno raziskati ob omembi nasprotnega ženskega spola, zato menim, da je v času izstopa iz stereotipov in dojemanja družbene umestitve žensk njegov zadnji film iz komunikološkega tako kot sociološkega vidika vreden ogleda in analize. In my thesis, I discuss the film "Eyes Wide Shut". The aim of the work is to analyze the wider meaning of an unusual and very special performance, presentation or representations of Kubrick's couple in his last film, "Eyes Wide Shut." According to many stereotypical representations of the main strong successful male character in films, "Eyes Wide Shut" represents the exact opposite, a complete emotional breakdown and a crisis of wounded male identity. In our daily lives, at least once, we have all witnessed constant patriarchy, the domestication of women, and excessive emotionality and weakness as exclusively female characteristics. It is often believed that there is always a busy, educated, financially strong and successful (white) man standing next to a woman, without whom women cannot live. In a patriarchal society, a woman is not her own actor it's problematic if it wants to be. Many theorists say that this same powerful and successful (white) man is having an identity crisis. The main purpose of the thesis is to examine the narrative structure of the film and the representation of the male character dr. Bill Harford. The eccentric director Stanley Kubrick presented the representation of masculinity in a very interesting way, which can be qualitatively explored while mentioning the opposite female sex, so I think that at the time of breaking out of stereotypes and the perception of the social placement of women, his latest film is worthwhile from a communicative as well as a sociological point of view viewing and analysis.
- Published
- 2022
12. Kam vtikaš svoj penis?: Raziskava moške spolnosti in koncepta moškosti v Celju z okolico
- Author
Krajnc, Sara and Habinc, Mateja
- Subjects
moški ,Celje ,spolno življenje ,spolnost ,moškost ,men ,masculinity ,seksualnost ,sexual life ,sexuality - Abstract
Osrednjo temo magistrske naloge predstavlja raziskava o spolnem življenju moških in konceptu moškosti v Celju z okolico. Spolnost predstavlja velik del naših življenj, ki se velikokrat povezuje tudi s preostalimi področji, predvsem s spolno identiteto. V nalogi sem se osredotočila na doživljanje spolnosti, spolnih vlog, spolnih praks in spolnih igračk iz perspektive moških, kar sem povezovala s konceptom moškosti. Rezultate raziskave sem dopolnila s podatki o otroštvu sodelujočih in njihovem odnosu s starši, hkrati pa se navezala tudi na razmere v gospodinjstvih in vzgojo otrok. Sogovorniki, rojeni med letoma 1988 in 2001, so spolnost po večini spoznavali skozi pornografske filme in pogovore s sovrstniki, ne pa na podlagi pogovora s starši. Razlogi za to so bili načeloma bodisi sramežljivost sogovornikov ali pa starši z njimi niso načeli pogovora o spolnosti. Samozadovoljevanje se je začelo zgodaj v otroštvu, med sogovorniki pa se razlikuje glede na status njihovega razmerja in je močno povezano z gledanjem pornografskih filmov. V zvezi s samim spolnim odnosom so s svojimi resnimi partnerkami gradili na enakopravnem in na komunikaciji utemeljenem odnosu. Vodilno spolno vlogo med samim spolnim odnosom so izmenjevali, sogovorniki pa niso bili privrženci spolnih igračk, saj so menili, da jih za dober spolni odnos ne potrebujejo, pač pa so jih uporabili na željo partnerke. O svojem spolnem življenju so govorili odprto, uporabljali so domače izraze, večinoma so bili zgovorni. Pogovori z njimi so pokazali, da je njihova generacija moških dinamično izmenjevala med hegemono in skrbno moškostjo, odvisno od področja življenja. V zunanjem svetu, kot so posel, finance in delno prijateljski odnosi ter vzgoja otrok, so sogovorniki izkazovali po večini hegemono, na področjih partnerstva pa večinoma skrbno moškost. The main theme of this master's thesis is research on the sexual life of men and the concept of masculinity in Celje and its surroundings. Sexuality is a large part of our lives, but it is often connected to other areas, especially gender identity. In the research itself, I focused on the experience of sexuality, gender roles, sexual practices, and sex toys used by men, which I connect with their concept of masculinity. I supplemented the results of the research with childhood and the relationship with the parents, but at the same time, I also related to the home lives and raising children. The interviewees, born between 1988 and 2001, mostly learned about sexuality through pornographic movies and conversations with their peers, but not through conversations with their parents. The reasons for this were the shyness of the interviewee, but in principle, because the parents did not start a conversation about sexuality with them. Masturbation began early in childhood, varied according to the relationship status, and is strongly associated with watching porn. As for the sexual relationship itself, they built a relationship based on equality and communication with their serious partners. They exchanged the leading sexual role during intercourse itself, and men were not fans of sex toys, as they considered that they do not need them for good intercourse, but they used them at the request of their partner. They talked openly about their sex lives, used vernacular expressions, and were mostly talkative. Conversations with them showed that their generation of men dynamically alternates between hegemonic and caring masculinity, depending on the area of life. In the external world, such as business, finances, partially friendly relationships, and partially children, men mostly showed hegemonic masculinity, while in the areas of partnership, caring masculinity.
- Published
- 2022
13. Use of the Edinburgh postpartum depression scale for screening new fathers for postpartum depression: A pilot study
- Author
Karić, Anel, Mivšek, Ana Polona, Karić, Anel, and Mivšek, Ana Polona
- Abstract
Introduction: International research shows that approximately 10% of new fathers develop symptoms of postpartum depression in 4–6 months postnatal. The purpose of the research was to evaluate whether the adapted and translated version of Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale is reliable enough for screening postpartum depression of new fathers.Methods: Quantitative study was conducted. Using the adapted Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale we interviewed fathers with 4–6 month old infants during the visit of a community health nurse. The sample included all suitable candidates in Ljubljana - Črnuče and Velenje community health centres between August and December 2019 (n = 80), sample realisation was 51 (63%). The Cronbach alpha coefficient was 0.931. The chi-square test was used for analysing data.Results: Eight participants (15.7%) gathered score of 12 or more and were, therefore, at risk of developing postnatal depression. None of the respondents reported on having suicidal thoughts or intentions. The number of average achieved points was 6.76 (s = 3.99). The largest number of total points was 16 collected by one respondent (n = 1, 1.96%).Discussion and conclusion: Despite the small sample, which prevents a generalization of study results, the findings of our pilot study conclude that the proportion of Slovenian new fathers at risk of developing postpartum depression is similar to those in foreign studies. The recommendation of the study is to pay more attention to the mental health of new fathers, especially in the first year postpartum, since their well-being may also affect other family members., Uvod: Mednarodne raziskave kažejo, da približno 10 % očetov kaže znake poporodne depresije v obdobju od štirih do šestih mesecev po rojstvu novorojenca. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali prevod in priredba Edinburške lestvice poporodne depresije nudi zanesljiv presejalni test za odkrivanje poporodne depresije pri novih očetih.Metode: Izvedena je bila kvantitativna raziskava. S prilagojeno prevedeno Edinburško lestvico poporodne depresije so bili anketirani očetje ob patronažnem obisku 4–6 mesecev po rojstvu otroka. Zajeti so bili vsi primerni kandidati v zdravstvenih domovih v Velenju in Črnučah v Ljubljani, in sicer med avgustom in decembrom 2019 (n = 80), realizacija vzorca je bila 51 (63 %). Koeficient Cronbach alfa za je znašal 0,931. Za analizo podatkov je bil uporabljen hi-kvadrat test.Rezultati: Osem anketirancev (15,7 %) je zbralo dvanajst ali več točk in so zato bili ogroženi za razvoj poporodne depresije. Nihče od anketiranih ni poročal o misli ali namerah o samomoru. Povprečno število doseženih točk je bilo 6,76 (s = 3,99). Najvišje število zbranih točk je bilo 16, zbral jih je en anketiranec (n = 1, 1,96 %).Diskusija in zaključek: Kljub majhnemu vzorcu, ki onemogoča posplošitev rezultatov, se v pilotni raziskavi ugotavlja podoben delež za poporodno depresijo rizičnih očetov kot v tujih raziskavah. Smiselno je torej obravnavati tudi duševno dobrobit očetov v prvem poporodnem letu, saj lahko stiska enega od partnerjev vpliva na celotno družino.
- Published
- 2022
14. Syndromic male subfertility
- Author
Mikec, Špela, Kolenc, Živa, Peterlin, Borut, Horvat, Simon, Pogorevc, Neža, and Kunej, Tanja
- Subjects
moški ,genetika ,zmanjšana plodnost ,fiziologija ljudi ,reprodukcija ,systems biology ,phenome ,syndrome ,genome ,male infertility ,neplodnost ,udc:612:575 ,network medicine - Abstract
Background: Male infertility is a disorder of the reproductive system with a highly complex genetic landscape. In most cases, the reason for male infertility remains unknown however, the importance of genetic abnormalities in the diagnosis of subfertility/infertility is becoming increasingly recognized. Several syndromes include impaired male fertility in the clinical picture, although a comprehensive analysis of genetic causes of the syndromology perspective of male reproduction is not yet available. Objectives: (1) To develop a catalog of syndromes and corresponding genes associated with impaired male fertility and (2) to visualize an up-to-date genome–phenome network of syndromic male subfertility. Materials and methods: Published literature was retrieved from the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, Orphanet, Human Phenotype Ontology and PubMed databases using keywords “male infertility,” “syndrome,” “gene,” and “case report” time period from 1980 to September, 2021. Retrieved data were organized as a catalog and complemented with identification numbers of syndromes (MIM ID) and genes (Gene ID). The genome–phenome network and the phenome network were visualized using Cytoscape and Gephi software platforms. Protein–protein interaction analysis was performed using STRING tool. Results: Retrieved syndromes were presented as (1) a catalog containing 63 syndromes and 93 associated genes, (2) a genome–phenome network including CHD7 and WT1 genes and Noonan and Kartagener syndromes, and (3) a phenome network including 63 syndromes, and 25 categories of clinical features. Discussion: The developed catalog will contribute to the advances and translational impact toward understanding the factors of syndromic male infertility. Visualized networks provide simple, flexible tools for clinicians and researchers to quickly generate hypotheses and gain a deeper understanding of underlying mechanisms affecting male reproduction. Conclusion: Recognition of the significance of genome–phenome visualization as part of network medicine can help expedite efforts toward unravelling molecular mechanisms and enable advances personal/precision medicine of male reproduction and other complex traits.
- Published
- 2022
15. Nasilje na podlagi spola in vloga moških.
- Author
Scambor, Christian and Scambor, Elli
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination & New Anthropology / Časopis za Kritko Znanosti, Domišljijo in Novo Antropologijo is the property of Institute for the Critique of Science and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
16. Men's Pro-Gender Equality Initiatives in Europe.
- Author
Wojnicka, Katarzyna
- Subjects
GENDER inequality ,EQUALITY ,MASCULINITY ,SEX discrimination ,GENDER studies - Abstract
Copyright of Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination & New Anthropology / Časopis za Kritko Znanosti, Domišljijo in Novo Antropologijo is the property of Institute for the Critique of Science and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
17. Moški, ki opravljajo »žensko delo«: Počasna defeminizacija vzgojiteljskega dela.
- Author
Mrčela, Aleksandra Kanjuo and Revinšek, Jasmina
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination & New Anthropology / Časopis za Kritko Znanosti, Domišljijo in Novo Antropologijo is the property of Institute for the Critique of Science and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
18. Two Challenges for Critical Studies on Men and Masculinities: The Hegemony of Men, and Trans(national) patriarchies.
- Author
Hearn, Jeff
- Subjects
MASCULINITY ,HEGEMONY ,WOMEN'S studies ,GENDER studies ,GENDER identity - Abstract
Copyright of Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination & New Anthropology / Časopis za Kritko Znanosti, Domišljijo in Novo Antropologijo is the property of Institute for the Critique of Science and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
19. Ball impact position in recreational male padel players
- Author
Sánchez-Alcaraz Martínez, Bernardino Javier, Martínez-Gallego, Rafael, Llana, Salvador, Vučković, Goran, Muñoz, Diego, Courel-Ibáñez, Javier, Sánchez-Pay, Alejandro, and Ramón-Llin, Jesús
- Subjects
racket sports ,overuse injury ,game actions ,biomehanika ,recreation ,padel players ,padel igralci ,udc:796.34 ,biomechanics ,potek igre ,rekreacija ,moški ,male ,poškodbe ,športi z loparji - Abstract
Racket sports such as padel are characterized by the repetition of unilateral gestures, which can lead to negative adaptations like asymmetries or overuse musculoskeletal injuries. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in ball impact positions (i.e., forward or backward of the center of gravity) in nine stroke types in a sample of forty-eight recreational male padel players. The sample included 14,478 shots corresponding to 18 matches from six tournaments. Forty-eight male padel players were classified into two groups according to their level: trained (n = 24) and novice (n = 24). Type of stroke and ball impact position were registered using a computerized motion tracking video system. The ball impact position was computed from the distance (cm) between the coordinates of the ball and the player’s center of gravity. Results show that trained players hit the ball in a more backward position (from 11 to 25 cm, compared to novice) in serve and offensive strokes (volleys, trays, and smashes) but used more forward strokes (from 7 to 32 cm, compared to novice) in defensive shots (groundstrokes, wall strokes, and lobs). Because the current differential variables are trainable and demonstrated to be of relevance for performance, the findings of this study may assist padel coaches in designing proper training plans to improve effectiveness and to prevent musculoskeletal injuries regarding the type of stroke and ball impact position. Such knowledge may constitute a very important factor affecting technique, biomechanics, and injury management in padel players of different competitive levels.
- Published
- 2022
20. Sistematični pregled vpliva makro in mikro hranil, prehranskih dodatkov ter diet na žensko in moško plodnost
- Author
Mrgole, Kaja and Karpljuk, Damir
- Subjects
prehranski dodatki ,macronutrients ,diete ,supplements ,moški ,female ,male ,micronutrients ,mikro hranila ,ženske ,infertility ,diet ,makro hranila ,neplodnost - Abstract
V drugem desetletju novega tisočletja ostaja neplodnost zelo razširjeno globalno stanje. Neplodnost je bolezen, s katero se srečuje vedno več žensk in moških z nezdravim življenjskim slogom. Neplodnost je opredeljena kot bolezen, za katero je značilno, da ne pride do zanositve po 12 mesecih rednih, nezaščitenih spolnih odnosov. Vsakdanjik vključuje vedno več dejavnikov življenjskega sloga, kot so nezdravo prehranjevanja, premalo telesne aktivnosti, kajenje, alkohol in stres, kateri imajo lahko vpliv na plodnost in jih je moč spremeniti. Cilj dela je sistematičen pregled in ovrednotenje literature, ki se navezuje na makro in mikro hranila, prehranske dodatke in diete v povezavi z žensko in moško plodnostjo. V pregled so bile vključene raziskave, ki smo jih našli s pomočjo različnih iskalnikov in podatkovnimi bazami na temo prehrana in neplodnost. V sistematičnem pregledu smo ugotovili, da je zdrava prehrana bogata z nekaterimi hranili, kot so omega-3 maščobne kisline, nekaterimi antioksidanti in vitamini, nizkim glikemičnim indeksom, nizka vsebnost nasičenih maščobnih kislin, transmaščobnih kislin in ogljikovih hidratov, bila pozitivno povezana z žensko plodnostjo in kakovosti semena. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da ima velik delež moških in žensk v rodni dobi nižje ravni od priporočenih ravni nekaterih mikro hranil. V pregledu smo tudi ugotovili, da pozitivno vplivajo na plodnost omega 3 maščobne kisline, folati, vitamin B12, vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, selen in koencim Q10. Poleg omenjenih vitaminov in mineralov na moško kakovost sperme in število semenčic vplivajo tudi cink, kalcij in magnezij. In the second decade of the new millennium, infertility remains a widespread global situation. Infertility is a disease faced by more and more women and men with unhealthy lifestyles. Infertility is defined as a disease characterized by not conceiving after 12 months of regular, unprotected sex. Everyday life includes more and more lifestyle factors such as unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, smoking, alcohol and stress, which can affect fertility and people can change it. The aim of this study was to systematically review and evaluate trials related to micro and macro nutrients, nutritional supplements and diets in connection with female and male fertility. The review included research we found with the help of various search engines and databases on the topic of nutrition and infertility. In a systematic review we found that a healthy diet rich in certain nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, some antioxidants in vitamins, low glycemic index, low in saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids and carbohydrates, is positively associated with fertility and seed quality. It has been found that a large proportion of men and women of childbearing age have lower levels than the recommended levels of some micronutrients. In the review, we are also found that omega 3 fatty acids, folate, vitamin B12, vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, selenium and coenzyme Q10 had a positive effect on fertility. In addition to the mentioned vitamins and minerals zinc, calcium and magnesium have a positive effect on male sperm quality and on the total sperm count.
- Published
- 2022
21. Doživljanje dejavnikov optimalne spolnosti pri moških in ženskah v partnerskem odnosu
- Author
Siegl Štangelj, Katja and Cvetek, Mateja
- Subjects
optimalna spolnost ,moški ,optimal sexuality ,spolnost ,doživljanje ,udc:159.93:613.88(043.2) ,relationship ,experiencing ,men ,ženske ,women ,partnerski odnos ,sexuality - Abstract
Avtorica je v magistrskem delu raziskovala optimalno spolnost. V teoretičnem delu je predstavila zdravo spolnost in kratek zgodovinski pregled odnosa do spolnosti, spolni razvoj od otroštva prek mladostništva do odrasle dobe, spolnost v odraslih razmerjih in delovanje spolnega odziva v telesu ter različne vidike optimalne spolne izkušnje. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena raziskava, v kateri je sodelovalo 28 udeležencev: po 14 moških in žensk v starosti od 25 do 55 let, ki so v partnerskem odnosu od dveh do tridesetih let, svoje spolno življenje pa ocenjujejo kot odlično. Avtorica si je postavila raziskovalno vprašanje: Kako moški in ženske v partnerskem odnosu doživljajo dejavnike optimalne spolnosti ter v čem se pri tem razlikujejo in v čem so si podobni? Uporabila vnaprej sestavljen polstrukturiran intervju in enak spletni vprašalnik, utemeljen na teoretičnih predpostavkah. Zbrane kvalitativne podatke je analizirala z metodo analize vsebine. Primerjala je, kako moški udeleženci in kako ženske udeleženke doživljajo naslednje dejavnike optimalne spolnosti: samozavedanje in prisotnost doživljanje časa telesne senzacije doživljanje orgazma odnos do telesa doživljanje partnerja/ke avtentičnost in nezadržanost osebne negotovosti komunikacija in empatija povezava, usklajenost in intimnost medsebojno raziskovanje in igrivost ranljivost in predaja spolna želja izkušnja presežnega, transformacije, zdravljenja ter pričakovanja v spolnosti. Rezultati so pokazali, da moški in ženske dejavnike optimalne spolnosti (glavne kategorije) doživljajo podobno, več razlik je opaznih predvsem pri frekvenci pojavnosti njihovih vsebinskih področij (podkategorij). Največ razlik se je pokazalo v kategorijah: telesne senzacije, doživljanje orgazma, odnos do telesa, doživljanje partnerja ter ranljivost in predaja. Razlike je mogoče pripisati tako spolu kot tudi individualnemu doživljanju in spolnim preferencam posameznega udeleženca. Ker je doživljanje spolnosti tako zelo osebna izkušnja, pa tudi ob upoštevanju omejitev raziskave, dobljenih rezultatov ni moč posploševati, ponujajo pa uvid v dinamiko optimalne spolnosti, osnovo za nadaljnje raziskave na tem področju ter oblikovanje projektov (predavanj, delavnic) za ozaveščanje in spodbujanje rasti na področju zdravih odnosov in spolnosti. In the following master’s thesis, the author investigated optimal sexuality. In the theoretical part, she presents healthy sexuality and a brief historical overview of attitudes towards sexuality, sexual development from childhood through adolescence to adulthood, sexuality in adult relationships and the functioning of the sexual response in the body as well as various aspects of optimal sexual experience. The empirical part presents a study involving 28 participants: 14 men and 14 women ages 25 through 55 who have been in an intimate relationship between two and thirty years and rate their sexual life as excellent. The author set out to answer the question: How do men and women experience the components of optimal sexuality in an intimate relationship, what are the differences and the similarities? Based on theoretical assumptions, she formulated a prewritten semi-structured interview and an identical online questionnaire. The collected qualitative data were analysed using the content analysis method. She compared how male and female participants experience the following components of optimal sexuality: self-awareness and being present experiencing time bodily sensations experiencing an orgasm attitude towards the body experiencing the partner authenticity and being uninhibited personal insecurities communication and empathy connection, alignment and intimacy mutual exploration and playfulness vulnerability and surrender sexual desire experience of transcendence, transformation, healing, and sexual expectations. The results show that men and women experience the components of optimal sexuality (main categories) similarly. The differences were mainly observed in the frequency of occurrence of the content subcategories. The biggest differences could be seen in the categories: bodily sensations, experience of orgasm, attitude towards the body, experience of the partner, and vulnerability and surrender. These differences can be attributed to the gender as well as to the individual experience and sexual preferences of each participant. Considering the limitations of the research and taking into account the fact that sexuality is such a personal experience, the results cannot be generalized, but can still offer valuable insight into the dynamics of optimal sexuality, and act as a basis for further research and projects (such as workshops) in the field of healthy relationships and sexuality.
- Published
- 2021
22. Morfološke značilnosti vrhunskih balinarjev.
- Author
Čuk, Ivan, Jakše, Barbara, Pajek, Maja Bučar, and Letnikoski, Sašo
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Milosis, Dimitrios C. and Siatras, Theophanis A.
- Abstract
Copyright of Science of Gymnastics Journal is the property of Science of Gymnastics Journal and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Moriatsu Nakasone
- Abstract
Copyright of Science of Gymnastics Journal is the property of Science of Gymnastics Journal and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Ferreira João, Andrea and Fernandes Filho, José
- Abstract
Copyright of Science of Gymnastics Journal is the property of Science of Gymnastics Journal and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
26. Duhovnost moških
- Author
Slamnik, Jurij and Platovnjak, Ivan
- Subjects
family ,Cerkev ,longing ,sinovstvo ,sonship ,udc:27-584-055.1(043.2) ,Bog Oče ,Jezus Kristus ,God the Father ,Church ,Abraham ,Jesus Christ ,moški ,man ,družina ,spiritual life ,hrepenenje ,prayer ,molitev ,duhovno življenje - Abstract
V sodobnem svetu vloge med moškim in ženskim spolom niso več tako strogo določene, kot so bile v preteklosti in ni redko, da ima moški težave zaradi tega. Sprašuje se, kakšno je njegovo poslanstvo v svetu. Svet mu ponuja mnogo rešitev, a med njimi tudi mnogo takšnih, kjer ne bo dobil zadovoljivega odgovora. Sveto pismo pa mu ponuja odgovor v odnosu do Boga. V njem bo odkril svojo pravo identiteto – Božjega sina. Magistrsko delo v začetku pokaže na Božjega Sina – Jezusa Kristusa. V njem je vsak moški deležen Božjega sinovstva, ki mu je bilo podarjeno pri svetem krstu. V moči tega zakramenta more tudi Boga klicati Oče in biti poslušen njegovemu glasu, tako kot je bil Abraham, ki je tu predstavljen takšen, kot je bil, s svojimi dobrimi in slabimi lastnostmi. To je mož, ki je imel zelo globok odnos z Bogom, a zaradi tega ni bila njegova življenjska pot nič lažja. Je sestavljena iz vzponov in padcev. Vsak moški, ki se odloči, da bo sledil Božjemu glasu, naj bo pripravljen tudi na to. Abrahamovo življenje pa mu lahko služi tudi kot navdih in pomoč. Nekaj bistvenega za pristno duhovno življenje z Bogom pa je hrepenenje, o čemer spregovori osrednji del magistrskega dela. Le-to je zelo pomembno, da moški zaživi resnično krščansko življenje in ne bo to le neko golo izpolnjevanje zapovedi. Če ne bo resnično zahrepenel po Bogu (in ga stalno iskal) in po njegovih darovih, potem je nevarno, da bo sčasoma tudi njegova vera postala nekaj obrobnega v njegovem življenju. Hrepenenje pa bo poživljal v pogovoru z Bogom – v molitvi. Seveda pa njegova vera ni zasebna stvar, ampak je namenjena temu, da jo predaja naprej svoji ženi in otrokom. Biti mož in oče je velik Božji dar in poslanstvo, ki ga je Bog zaupal moškim. Tako kot je Bog Oče v odnosu do svojega Sina Jezusa Kristusa, je moški poklican, da je oče svojim otrokom. Nekaj predlogov o tem, kako biti duhovna opora svoji družini, pa je mogoče najti v zadnjem delu. Vsak pa je povabljen, da moč za to zahtevno poslanstvo išče in tudi najde v Bogu in v njegovi Cerkvi. The roles of male and female gender in the modern world are not so precisely determined as they used to be in the past and it is not uncommon that a man has difficulties with it. He questions himself what is his mission in the world. The world offers him several solutions, and many of them are not able to give him a satisfactory answer. The Holy Bible however offers him an answer in the relationship with God. In it, he will discover his true identity- that he is the child of God. In the beginning the master's thesis points to the Son of God- Jesus Christ. In Him, every man partakes in God's sonship, which was given to him at the christening. In the power of this sacrament he is able to call God a Father and be obedient to his voice, as was Abraham, which is here presented as he was, with his good and bad qualities. He had a very deep relationship with God, but because of that his life path was not easier, but full of ups and downs. Every man, who decides to follow God's voice, should be prepared also for that and the life of Abraham could serve him as an inspiration and help. What is crucial for true spiritual life with God, is longing, which is discussed in the main part of the master's thesis and so very important for a man to live genuine Christian life and not merely fulfilling the commandments. If he will not truly be longing for God (and search for him continuously) and his gifts, there is a great danger that the religion will become of little importance in his life. And this longing will be invigorated by talking to God - in prayer. Certainly his religion is not a private matter, but it is intended to be passed on to his wife and children. To be a husband and a father is a great gift from God and a mission that God has entrusted to men. The same way that God is a Father in relation to his Son Jesus Christ, a man is called to be a father to his children. Suggestions, how to be a spiritual support to your family are found in the last part of the thesis. Everyone is invited to seek and also find a strength for this demanding mission in God and his Church.
- Published
- 2020
27. Doživljanje smrti partnerke v starosti
- Author
Slokan, Anamari and Urek, Mojca
- Subjects
older people ,moški ,smrt ,žalovanje ,death ,strokovna podpora ,proffesional help ,men ,mourning ,starostniki - Abstract
Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in raziskovalnega dela. V teoretičnem delu sem na podlagi različne literature opisala sprejemanje smrti, faze žalovanje, kakšno podporo lahko vdovci dobijo po smrti partnerke. Izvedla sem kvalitativno raziskavo na podlagi 10 intervjujev s priložnostnim vzorcem v institucionalni oskrbi in domačem okolju. Populacijo sestavljajo moški, ki so stari več kot 65 let in so v starosti izgubili partnerko. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako so se spoprijeli s smrtjo in z žalovanjem, kakšno oporo so dobili s strani družine in prijateljev in kako se življenje po smrti partnerke v starosti spremeni. Zanimalo me je, kako se je spremenil njihov vsakdan, kako so se spoprijeli s samoto in z gospodinjstvom, spraševala sem tudi, če so se spremenili odnosi v družini, kakšne strokovne podpore so bili deležni in kakšno podporo bi si še želeli. Rezultati so pokazali, da strokovne podpore ne izkoristijo, niti jim ni ponujena. Morda bi se kdo odločil zanjo, če bi jim bila predstavljena. Kar sprva občutijo, je šok in žalost, partnerko pogrešajo. Nekaterim pomagata družba in pogovor, a so hkrati radi tudi sami in v tišini premišljujejo. Žalujočim bi bilo treba ponuditi strokovno podporo. The master's thesis consists of theoretical and research part. In the theoretical part I found definitions based on different literature of the acceptance of death, the stages of mourning, what kind of support they can receive at the death of a partner. I have done qualitative research based on ten interviews with casual sample in institutional care and home settings. The population is comprised of men who are more than 65 years old and have lost a partner in old age. The purpose of the research was to find out how they coped with death and mourning, what support they received from family and friends and how life after a partner's death changes over the years. I was wondering how their daily life had changed, how they had dealt with solitude and with their household, and I also asked if their family relationships changed, what professional help they received and what support they would like. The results show that they are not utilized or even misused, by professional assistance. Maybe someone would choose her if it were introduced to them. What they initially feel is shock and sadness, they miss their partner. Some are helped by company and conversation, but at the same time they love to be alone and to think in silence. Professional help should be brought closer to the grieving people.
- Published
- 2020
28. Uporaba Edinburške lestvice za poporodno depresijo za presejanje poporodne depresije pri moških v Sloveniji
- Author
Karić, Anel and Mivšek, Ana Polona
- Subjects
zdravstvena nega ,presejanje ,Edinburgh postnatal depression scale ,poporodno duševno zdravje ,moški ,diploma theses ,udc:616-083 ,postpartum depression ,screening ,men ,Edinburška lestvica za poporodno depresijo ,nursing care ,diplomska dela - Abstract
Uvod: Poporodna depresija (PPD) je oblika depresije, ki se pojavi med četrtim tednom in dvanajstim mesecem po rojstvu novorojenca. Dejavniki tveganja za pojav PPD pri očetih so: prisotnost PPD pri partnerici, depresija v preteklosti, nižja stopnja izobrazbe, nižji prihodek in trenutno prestajanje travmatične izkušnje kot so ločitev, resnejša medicinska diagnoza ali izguba bližnjega sorodnika. Mednarodne študije kažejo, da približno 10 % očetov kaže znake PPD v obdobju treh do šestih mesecev po rojstvu novorojenca. Namen: Namen raziskave je pilotno presejati nove očete v Sloveniji na PPD ter dokazati, da je mogoče uporabljati Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS) tudi pri moških. Metode dela: Uporabili smo raziskovalno metodo, ki temelji na kvantitativni paradigmi. Presejalno skalo EPDS, ki se trenutno v Sloveniji uporablja samo za presejanje žensk v zgodnjem poporodnem obdobju smo testirali za presejanje moških. Potrebna je bila delna prilagoditev obstoječega inštrumenta. Pridobivanje podatkov je bilo organizirano s pomočjo patronažne službe v Zdravstvenem domu Ljubljana - Črnuče in v Zdravstvenem domu Velenje. Vprašalniki so se zbirali v obdobju med avgustom 2019 in decembrom 2019. Raziskavo je odobrila Komisija za medicinsko etiko Republike Slovenije. Rezultati: Od razdeljenih 80 vprašalnikov, smo jih prejeli 51 (odziv 63 %). Od teh je 8 anketiranih zbralo 12 ali več točk, kar je več kot poročajo tuje raziskave. 0 točk sta zbrala le 2 anketiranca (3,9 %). Za celoten vprašalnik smo izračunali tudi koeficient Cronbach alfa. Želeli smo doseči vrednost koeficienta Cronbach alfa vsaj 0,7. Vrednost koeficienta je bila 0,931, kar pomeni, da je vprašalnik visoko zanesljiv. Omejitev študije je premajhen vzorec, kar pomeni, da generalizacija ni mogoča. Razprava in zaključek: Psihično zdravje očetov je zelo pomemben dejavnik za zdravje družine, mentalno stanje partnerke ter za psihofizični razvoj otroka. V prihodnjih študijah bi bilo treba poudariti pomen sociodemografskih faktorjev, saj bi s tem iskali bolj specifičen del moške populacije, dojemljiv za razvoj PPD ter ga lažje presejali v prihodnje. Upamo, da bomo imeli v bližnji prihodnosti standardiziran presejalni program za ugotavljanje ter zdravljenje PPD tudi pri moških. Vloga babice, medicinske sestre in zdravstvenega tehnika je tukaj ključnega pomena. Z zgodnjim presejanjem bi rizične očete zgodaj napotili na posvet in obravnavo k specialistu ter jim tako omogočili boljše možnosti za ohranjanje psihičnega zdravja. Introduction: Postpartum depression is a sort of depression, which appears between four weeks and 12 months after the childbirth. Risk factors for developing postpartum depression are: presence of postpartum depression in partner, past depressions, lower education level, low income and current traumas (divorce, serious diagnose or grieving over a relative). International studies show that approximately 10 % of new fathers show signs of depression in between three to six months after childbirth. Purpose: The purpose of this research is screening new fathers in Slovenia for postpartum depression and proving that Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale can be used in men also. Methods: We will use the quantitative research method, where we will be researching the number of new fathers who are possibly depressed. For that purpose, we will be using the adapted screening tool called Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale. The collection of results was organised with the help from community health nurses at Health centres Ljubljana - Črnuče and Velenje. The questionnaires were being collected between August and December of 2019. Our research was approved by National Medical Ethics Committee Slovenia. Results: Out of 80 distributed questionnaires, we have received 51 answered questionnaires (response rate = 63 %).. In 8 out of 51 men (15,7 %), we had confirmed our suspicion for postpartum depression, which is the most out of the previous researches. In our study, there were only 3,9 % (N=2) of questioned fathers, which have scored 0 points. Our goal was to achieve the Cronbach coefficient alpfa score of 0,7. We have calculated Cronbach coefficient alpha, which was 0,931. This result proves the high reliability of our questionnaire, even for men. The limitation of our study was is the low sample, which means the generalisation of our study is not a possibility. Discussion and conclusion: Mental health of fathers in a very important factor in planning of the family, mental state of his partner and in psychophysical development of the child. We recommend emphasizing the sociodemographic factors for future studies. That would specify the pool of men, which are at greater risk for developing postpartum depression and would also be easier to screen in the future. We are hoping, that in the future, in Slovenia, we will have a standardized screening program for early diagnosing and properly treating postpartum depression in men. Nurses have a very important role in screening men for postpartum depression.
- Published
- 2020
29. Zanos v logističnem podjetju
- Author
Gvardjančič, Urša and Arzenšek, Ana
- Subjects
vsebina dela ,company departments ,zanos na delovnem mestu ,logistično podjetje ,flow in the workplace ,men ,work content ,oddelki v podjetju ,udc:331.101.3:159.9(043.2) ,moški ,employees ,zaposleni ,logistics company ,ženske ,women - Published
- 2020
30. Moško telešenje: Od tehnike do plesa
- Author
Zala Pezdir
- Subjects
telo ,telešenje ,moški ,moškosti ,šport ,tehnika ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Literature (General) ,PN1-6790 - Published
- 2008
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31. O ženski in moškem ter njunem poslanstvu v dramatiki Stanka Majcna.
- Author
Gržan, Karel
- Abstract
Copyright of Časopis za Zgodovino in Narodopisje is the property of University of Maribor and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
- Author
BEVC, Milena
- Subjects
EMIGRATION & immigration ,SCIENTISTS ,IMMIGRANTS ,EUROPEAN Union membership ,WOMEN in science ,INTERNATIONAL relations - Abstract
Copyright of Teorija in Praksa is the property of Teorija in Praksa and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
- Author
MRČELA, Aleksandra KANJUO, KŘÍŽKOVÁ, Alena, and NAGY, Beata
- Subjects
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- Published
- 2010
34. Skrbstvene aktivnosti moških v družinskem življenju.
- Author
Humer, Živa
- Subjects
Copyright of Družboslovne Razprave is the property of Druzboslovne Razprave and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2007
35. Učenje starejših moških v lokalni skupnosti Ljubljana - Polje
- Author
Močilnikar, Špela and Jelenc-Krašovec, Sabina
- Subjects
socialna omrežja ,moški ,lokalna skupnost ,pedagoška metodologija ,andragogika ,starejši odrasli ,udc:374.7 ,diplomska dela - Published
- 2019
36. Acute Effects of a Speed Training Program on Sprinting Step Kinematics and Performance
- Author
Brian Schweyen, Tadeusz Osik, Marek Fostiak, Krzysztof Maćkała, and Milan Coch
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Acute effects ,medicine.medical_specialty ,trening ,Adolescent ,010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,lcsh:Medicine ,Kinematics ,Athletic Performance ,01 natural sciences ,Article ,sprint exercises ,Running ,teki ,Young Adult ,moški ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Physical medicine and rehabilitation ,udc:796.422.12 ,sprint ,hitrost ,medicine ,Humans ,kinematika ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Mathematics ,Intervention program ,lcsh:R ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,step variability ,speed ,030229 sport sciences ,Standing long jump ,Biomechanical Phenomena ,Sprint ,sprinting ,kinematics ,program ,Training program ,Physical Conditioning, Human ,Triple jump ,Explosive power - Abstract
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of speed training on sprint step kinematics and performance in male sprinters. Two groups of seven elite (best 100-m time: 10.37 ±, 0.04 s) and seven sub-elite (best 100-m time: 10.71 ±, 0.15 s) sprinters were recruited. Sprint performance was assessed in the 20 m (flying start), 40 m (standing start), and 60 m (starting block start). Step kinematics were extracted from the first nine running steps of the 20-m sprint using the Opto-Jump&ndash, Microgate system. Explosive power was quantified by performing the CMJ, standing long jump, standing triple jump, and standing five jumps. Significant post-test improvements (p <, 0.05) were observed in both groups of sprinters. Performance improved by 0.11 s (elite) and 0.06 s (sub-elite) in the 20-m flying start and by 0.06 s (elite) and 0.08 s (sub-elite) in the 60-m start block start. Strong post-test correlations were observed between 60-m block start performance and standing five jumps (SFJ) in the elite group and between 20-m flying start and 40-m standing start performance and standing long jump (SLJ) and standing triple jump (STJ) in the sub-elite group. Speed training (ST) shows potential in the reduction of step variability and as an effective short-term intervention program in the improvement of sprint performance.
- Published
- 2019
37. Razlike v nekaterih pokazateljih igralnih dogajanj na tekmah moškega in ženskega evropskega rokometnega prvenstva leta 2018
- Author
Radojković, Tea and Šibila, Marko
- Subjects
test statistics ,rokomet ,rokometno evropsko prvenstvo 2018 ,men ,playing events ,testna statistika ,moški ,gender differences ,igralna dogajanja ,ženske ,women ,handball ,razlike med spoloma ,European Handball Championship 2018 - Abstract
Namen in cilji: namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, katere so glavne razlike in podobnosti v nekaterih pokazateljih igralnih dogajanj na tekmah moškega in ženskega evropskega rokometnega prvenstva, igranega leta 2018. Cilji so analizirati vse tekme prvenstev in zbrati podatke o najpomembnejših igralnih parametrih, ki so značilni za posamezno fazo rokometne igre in jih statistično obdelati. Z rezultati testne statistike smo ugotovili, pri katerih igralnih parametrih pride do razlik med spoloma. Metodologija: vzorec tekem obsega 47 tekem moškega evropskega prvenstva 2018 na Hrvaškem in 47 tekem ženskega evropskega prvenstva 2018 v Franciji. Podatke smo pridobili iz uradnih statistik, pridobljenih na uradni spletni strani Evropske rokometne zveze (EHF). Iz teh statistik smo izbrali 29 igralnih dogajanj, ki smo jih razdelili v dve skupini. Parametre igralnih dogajanj v fazi napada in parametre igralnih dogajanj v fazi obrambe. Podatke smo statistično analizirali v programu IBM SPSS 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, ZDA). Za vsak parameter smo naredili primerjavo med ženskami in moškimi. Najprej smo izračunali osnovne statistične vrednosti. Razlike v pokazateljih igralnih dogajanj med moškimi in ženskami smo preverjali s t-testom za neodvisne vzorce, s katerim smo skušali ugotoviti ali so razlike statistično značilne. Za uporabo t-testa za neodvisne vzorce moramo upoštevati dve predpostavki, to sta normalna porazdelitev in homogenost varianc. Če je bila ena od teh dveh predpostavk kršena, smo uporabili test Mann-Whitney. Ugotovitve dela: testna statistika je pokazala, da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike med spoloma v naslednjih parametrih: število golov iz linije devetih metrov, odstotek realizacije napada, odstotek realizacije golov na postavljeno obrambo, število golov iz sedemmetrovke, število golov iz krilnega položaja, število golov, doseženih s prodorom, število golov iz hitrega centra, število rumenih kartonov, število asistenc, število izgubljenih žog, število tehničnih napak, število prestreženih žog, število blokov, število napadov. Purpose and goals: the purpose of master's thesis is to find out what are the main differences and similarities in some indicators of playing events on matches of European Men's and Women's Handball Championship 2018. The goals are to analyze all matches of both championships and gather data about the most important playing parameters that are characteristic for the individual phase of a handball match and to process them statistically. With test statistics results we came to conclusions that show what playing parameters lead to gender differences. Methodology: the pattern of matches consists of 47 matches of Men's European Handball Championship in Croatia and 47 matches of Women's European Handball Championship 2018 in France. Data were obtained from official statistics published on the European Handball Federation official website. 29 variables were chosen from these statistics and divided into two groups: parameters of playing events in the phase of attack and parameters in playing events in the phase of defence. All data were statistically analyzed by using the computer programme IBM SPSS 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, ZDA). We made a comparison between women and men for each parameter. We first calculated basic statistical values. We checked differences in indicators of playing events between men and women with a t – test for independent samples with which we tried to determine whether the differences were statistically significant. When using a t – test for independent samples we have to consider two assumptions: standard distribution and homogeneity variance. If one of these two assumptions was violated, we used a Mann – Whitney test. Findings: test statistics showed that there are statistically significant differences between genders in the following parameters: the number of goals scored from a nine-metre line, the percentage of attack realization, the percentage of goals of the set defence, the number of goals from a seven-metre line, the number of goals from wing position, the number of goals with breakthrough, the number of goals from a fast throw off, the number of yellow cards, the number of assists, the number of lost balls, the number of technical faults, the number of intercepted balls, the number of blocks, the number of attacks.
- Published
- 2019
38. Eating disorder in men and nutritional counseling
- Author
Skok Murovec, Ivana and Černelič Bizjak, Maša
- Subjects
nutritional counseling ,thesis ,bulimia nervosa ,bigoreksija ,ortoreksija ,anorexia nervosa ,bulimija ,moški ,motnje hranjenja ,pomoč prehranskega svetovalca ,binge eating ,udc:613.2:616.89-055.1 ,prenajedanje ,zaključne naloge ,kompulzivno prenajedanje ,anoreksija ,eating disoreders - Published
- 2019
39. Stališče moških do raka dojk pri moških
- Author
Bevk, Polona and Prosen, Mirko
- Subjects
udc:616-006 ,moški ,ozaveščenost ,dojke ,rak ,samopregledovanje - Published
- 2019
40. The role of social institutions in cases of domestic violence against men
- Author
Grahel, Maja and Lahe, Danijela
- Subjects
vloga družbenih institucij ,moški ,the role of social institutions ,domestic violence ,udc:316.36+364.632(043.2) ,violence against men ,nasilje nad moškimi ,men ,partnersko nasilje - Abstract
V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo vlogo družbenih institucij (policija, center za socialno delo, zdravstvene ustanove in nevladne organizacije) v primeru nasilja nad moškimi v družini. Na to temo je, predvsem v Sloveniji, narejenih relativno malo empiričnih raziskav. Za potrebe naše raziskave smo uporabili kvalitativno metodo z izvedbo polstrukturiranih intervjujev, s katero smo preučevali, kako pogosto poiščejo pomoč družbenih institucij moški, za kakšne vrste nasilja najpogosteje gre in kakšen je profil moškega kot žrtve nasilja. Prav tako smo ugotavljali, kako se zaposleni odzovejo v družbenih institucij v primerih, ko moški poiščejo pomoč zaradi nasilja s strani ženske in ali ocenjujejo, da je nasilje ženske nad moškim enakovredno nasilju moškega nad žensko. Preverjali smo tudi vzroke manj pogostega ukrepanja moških v primerih nasilja s strani ženske. Rezultati kvalitativne raziskave so pokazali, da moški redko poiščejo pomoč družbenih institucij, najpogosteje pa jo poiščejo moški srednjih let zaradi fizičnega in psihičnega nasilja. Vsi intervjuvanci v primeru nasilja delujejo skladno z zakonom, ne glede na spol posameznika. Večina intervjuvancev ocenjuje, da nasilje ženske nad moškim glede na intenzivnost in posledice ni enakovredno nasilju moškega nad žensko. Prav tako so izpostavili prikritost nasilja žensk nad moškimi in premalo intenzivno družbeno obravnavo, ki ji je potrebno nameniti več pozornosti. In this thesis we deal with the role of social institutions (the police, social services, medical institutions, and non-government organizations) in relation to domestic violence against men. This topic is empirically relatively underexplored, especially in Slovenia. For the purposes of our research, we used the qualitative method of semi structured interviews, through which we studied how often abused men seek the help of social institutions, which type of violence most often occurs, and what the profile of a male victim of violence is. Additionally, we dealt with how employees of social institutions respond when men call for help when abused by women and if they perceive female violence against men as equivalent to male violence against women. We also examined the causes of less frequent action taken by men in cases of violence perpetrated by women. The results of the qualitative survey showed that men rarely seek the help of social institutions, the most numerous group being middle aged men in cases of physical and psychological violence. Regardless of gender, all interviewees act in accordance with the law in cases of violence. Most of the interviewees thought that violence of women against men, with regard to intensity and consequences, is not equal to violence of men against women. Furthermore, they emphasized the obscurity of violence of women against men and that the topic is not covered intensively enough in public discussion and it needs more attention.
- Published
- 2018
41. Trendi razvoja rezultatov teka na 400 m za moške in ženske na zadnjih štirih olimpijskih igrah
- Author
Janežič, Lara and Čoh, Milan
- Subjects
final run ,moški ,olimpijske igre ,primerjava ,comparsion ,atletika ,Olympic games ,athletics ,men ,400 m ,ženske ,women ,finalni tek - Abstract
Namen diplomske naloge je primerjati finalne teke na 400 m med moškimi in ženskami na vseh olimpijskih igrah v obdobju 2004–2016. Zanimala nas je telesna višina in starost tekmovalcev in tekmovalk, polt, narodnost, reakcijski čas in nenazadnje tudi končni rezultat. V statistično obdelavo smo zajeli vse atlete in atletinje finalnih tekov iz olimpijskih iger v letih 2004, 2008, 2012 in 2016. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov je bilo ugotovljeno, da se tek na 400 m razvija in rezultati, predvsem v moški konkurenci, postajajo iz leta v leto boljši. Ženske v obdobju zadnjih 12 let v povprečju v končnem rezultatu niso tako izrazito napredovale kot moški. Vsi tekmovalci pa so izboljšali reakcijski čas pri samem startu. Pojasnjene so značilnosti finalnega teka iz vsakega obdobja posebej, tako za atlete kot za atletinje. Opisano je, kako telesna višina tekmovalcev vpliva na dolžino koraka in samo tehniko teka. Ugotovljena je bila optimalna starost tekmovalcev in tekmovalk za doseganje vrhunskih rezultatov in trajanje obdobja, v katerem tekmovalci lahko ohranijo najvišjo učinkovitost. Pri primerjavi barve kože tekmovalcev smo ugotovili, da pri ženskah v finalnih tekih nastopa nekaj več belopoltih tekmovalk kot v moški konkurenci. Delež temnopoltih tekmovalcev z leti finalnih nastopov narašča. V tej disciplini največji delež tekmovalcev in tekmovalk prihaja iz ZDA. The purpose of this diploma is to compare the final 400m runs between men and women, in the period of 2004 – 2016 Olympic games. We were studying body height and age of male and female contestants, their complexion, nationality, reaction times and finally their best times. All male and female athletes of the final runs on Olympic Games in 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016 were included in the statistical analysis. Based on results obtained, we found out that the 400m run is evolving and that results, especially in male competition, are getting better each year. In the period of last 12 years, female contestants on average, did not progress as distinctively at their best times as male contestants did. However, all athletes improved their start reaction times. We explained the characteristics of the final runs from each Olympic games, for men and women. We described how body height of the competitors affects the length of the step and their running technique. We determined the optimal age of competitors for achieving top results, and the length of the period in which they can maintain maximum efficiency. When it comes to complexion of the contestants, we found out that there are more white female athletes than men, and that the number of dark-colored athletes is rising over the years of competition. In the 400m run discipline, the biggest part of male and female contestants comes from the USA.
- Published
- 2018
42. Odnos moških do menstruacije
- Author
Konvalinka, Nina and Šadl, Zdenka
- Subjects
moški ,stigma ,menstruacija ,moškost ,men ,masculinity ,menstruation - Abstract
Literature, skozi katero bolje spoznamo menstruacijo, je veliko, malo pa je znanega o moškem odnosu do nje. Menstruacija je bila med zgodovino stigmatizirana s strani večine družb in kultur. Odnos določene družbe do menstruacije je tudi odraz odnosa do žensk. Pomanjkanje moškega védenja o menstruaciji lahko pomembno vpliva na položaj žensk, zato v diplomskem delu pišem o moški pozornosti menstruaciji, saj njihova participacija v odprtih dialogih pomaga razumeti družbo na globlji ravni. V teoretičnem delu naloge predstavim zakrivanje menstruacije skozi zgodovino in medicinski diskurz, menstruacijo kot socialno stigmo, spol in spolne razlike, opredelim moškost in ugotovim, da se le ta skozi čas in prostor spreminja. Sledi empiričen del, kjer s kvalitativno metodo opravim polstrukturirane intervjuje z desetimi moškimi intervjuvanci različne starosti in ugotovim, da so moški lahko v sodobni družbi pripravljeni na odkrito razpravo o menstruaciji, s tem pa predstavljajo pomemben doprinos družbi. There is a lot of literature through which we get to know menstruation better, but little is known about male relationship towards it. Menstruation has been historically stigmatized by most societies and cultures. The relationship of a particular society towards menstruation is also a reflection of the attitude towards women. The lack of men's knowledge about menstruation can significantly affect the position of women, so in my thesis I write about male attention towards menstruation, since their participation in open dialogues helps to understand society at a deeper level. In the theoretical part, I present the masking of menstruation through history and medical discourse, menstruation as a social stigma, gender and gender differences, I define masculinity and get to a conclusion that it changes over time and space. This is followed by an empirical part, whereby using a qualitative method, I conduct semi-structured interviews with ten male interviewers of different ages, and I find that men in a modern society are ready for an open discussion about menstruation, and thus represent an important contribution to the society.
- Published
- 2018
43. Spolnost med nosečnostjo in v obdobju po porodu z vidika moških
- Author
Novak, Tina and Mivšek, Ana Polona
- Subjects
moški ,poporodno obdobje ,očetovstvo ,spolnost ,nosečnost ,men ,pregnancy ,postpartum ,fatherhood ,sexuality - Abstract
Uvod: Spolnost je pomemben element zdravega življenja. Namenjena je ohranjanju potomstva, na drugi strani pa predstavlja čustveno povezanost med partnerjema ob zadovoljevanju spolnih potreb. Za spolno zdravje je pomembno stanje dobrega počutja, ki moškim omogoča polno sodelovanje in uživanje v spolni aktivnosti. Nosečnost in čas po porodu sta obdobji v življenju, za kateri so značilne intenzivne spremembe, ki vplivajo na spolnost ženske in njenega življenjskega partnerja. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti izkušnje moških s spolnostjo med nosečnostjo partnerke in v obdobju enega leta po porodu ter raziskati spremembe, ki se pojavijo v teh obdobjih. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda, s katero je predstavljen teoretični del obravnavanega področja raziskovanja. V drugem delu pa je uporabljena deskriptivna kavzalna neeksperimentalna metoda empiričnega raziskovanja. Raziskovalni pristop temelji na kvantitativni raziskavi. Podatki so se s pomočjo strukturiranega anketnega vprašalnika zbirali 10 dni. Anketa je bila anonimna. Vzorec ankete so bili moški, katerih partnerke so bile od 6. tedna do vključno 12. meseca po porodu. Rezultati: V raziskavi so moški primerjali spolno zadovoljstvo, spolno željo in pogostost spolnih odnosov z obdobjem pred nosečnostjo partnerke, med nosečnostjo partnerke ter po porodu. Moški so navajali enako zadovoljstvo v 66,2 % v nosečnosti in 67,9 % po porodu. Spolno željo so ocenjevali kot enako s 64,6 % v nosečnosti in 67,7 % po porodu. Le pogostost spolnih odnosov se je zmanjšala na 61,8 % v obdobju nosečnosti in 59,4 % v obdobju po porodu. Razprava: Kljub temu da se frekvenca spolnih odnosov v nosečnosti in po porodu zmanjša, so moški zadovoljni s spolnostjo v obdobju partnerkine nosečnosti kot tudi v obdobju po porodu. Moški na splošno navajajo, da je aktivno spolno življenje pomembno. V obdobju po porodu pa na prvo mesto postavijo posvečanje otroku, komunikacijo s partnerko, čustveno potrditev s strani partnerke in izmenjavo nežnosti. Spolne potrebe v prvih mesecih po porodu niso v ospredju. Zaključek: Z raziskavo smo dobili vpogled v zadovoljstvo moških s spolnostjo med partnerkino nosečnostjo in v obdobju po porodu. Glede na to, da je četrtina moških v naši raziskavi navedla pomanjkanje informacij v zvezi s spolnostjo po porodu, je potrebna individualna obravnava moških skupaj s svojo partnerko v pripravi na starševstvo, tudi z vidika informacij o spolnosti v nosečnosti in po porodu. Introduction: Sexuality is an important part of healthy living. Besides its primary purpose of progeny conservation, it also presents emotional connection between partners needed for successful satisfaction of sexual demands. For sexual health, the state of well-being, which allows men participating and enjoying at sexual activities, is of utmost importance. Pregnancy and postpartum period are the periods of many intense changes which affect sexuality of both, a woman and her spouse. Purpose: The purpose of the degree paper is to present sexual experiences of men during their partners’ pregnancy and in the period of a year after childbirth, as well as to explore the changes which occur during these two periods. Methods: The descriptive method is used in the theoretical part of the degree paper, whereas in the second part, the descriptive casual non-experimental method of empirical research is applied. The research approach is based on quantitative research. The data was gathered in ten days with a survey questionnaire. The survey was anonymous, and it included men whose partners were from 6 weeks up to twelve months postpartum. Results: In the research, the men were comparing sexual satisfaction, desire, and the frequency of sexual intercourses before their partners’ pregnancy, during it, as well as in postpartum period. 66.2 % of them reported equal satisfaction during pregnancy and 67.9 % in postpartum period. 64.6 % assessed sexual desire equal during pregnancy and 67.7 % in postpartum period. The frequency of sexual intercourses decreased to 61.8 % during pregnancy and 59.4 % postpartum. Discussion: Although the frequency of sexual intercourses decreases during pregnancy and in postpartum period, men are satisfied with sexual activities in both periods. They find active sex life very important. In the period after childbirth, they give priority to childcare, communication with their partner, emotional connection with their partner, and exchanging tenderness. Sexual demands are therefore not paramount in the first few months after the birth of a child. Conclusion: The research enabled us to get an insight into men’s satisfaction with their partners’ sexual relationship during pregnancy and in postpartum period. Considering that a quarter of men in our research claimed lack of information regarding sexuality in the period after childbirth, each couple needs to be treated individually in preparation for parenthood, including information concerning sexual activities during pregnancy and after childbirth.
- Published
- 2018
44. Efficiency and knowledge of unicef's safe spots in Slovenia
- Author
Košljar, Nika and Eman, Katja
- Subjects
moški ,family ,družina ,udc:343.62:364-053.2(043.2) ,otroci ,varne točke ,ženske ,Violence ,žrtve ,nasilje ,magistrska dela ,Unicef ,safe spots - Abstract
Dom je prostor, kjer se ljudje počutimo varne, srečne, ljubljene in zadovoljne. Družina nam daje zadovoljstvo, srečo in veselje, ter tudi varnost in toplino. Mnogi izmed nas si ne znamo predstavljati, da nam dom in družina vsega tega ne bi nudila. Žal se veliko ljudi srečuje prav z nasprotnim, z nasiljem v družini. Družinsko nasilje se lahko nahaja povsod, tudi v slovenskih družinah, ne glede na versko prepričanje, kulturo, socialno in ekonomsko stališče. Z odpravo nasilja, pomočjo žrtvam in povzročiteljem se ukvarjajo različne organizacije, kot so policija, centri za socialno delo, tožilstvo, zdravstvo in šolstvo ter nevladne organizacije. Unicef je za namene zaščite in pomoči otrokom ustanovil projekt »Varne točke«. To je nalepka s smejočo hišico, ki jo lahko opazimo nalepljeno na vratih različnih podjetij, institucij in organizacij, ter je znak, da se otroci v primeru nasilja lahko zatečejo v ustanovo, kjer jim bodo zaposleni nudili ustrezno pomoč. V magistrski nalogi smo preučevali, koliko otroci poznajo Unicefovo varno točko, kamor se lahko zatečejo po pomoč v primeru nasilja. Prav tako smo preučevali, koliko zaposleni v organizacijah, podjetjih ali institucijah, ki sodelujejo pri tem projektu, vedo o nasilju in ali se čutijo dovolj usposobljeni za nudenje pomoči v primeru, da se k njim zateče otrok, ki je žrtev nasilja. Izdelali smo dve anketi, ena je bila namenjena otrokom v savinjski in osrednjeslovenski regiji ter druga, ki so jo izpolnjevali zaposleni. Anketa je vsebovala več vprašanj, ki so se nanašala na poznavanje nasilja, poznavanje organizacij in poznavanje Unicefa ter njihove varne točke. Obe anketi sta bili objavljeni na spletni strani www.1ka.si. Otroci so ankete reševali v fizični obliki, ki so jim jih razdelili njihovi učitelji. Raziskava je pokazala, da se zaposleni ne čutijo dovolj usposobljene nuditi ustrezno pomoč žrtvam nasilja ter da otroci poznajo organizacijo Unicef, da je več otrok iz osrednje Slovenije, ki so nalepko varnih točk že opazili ter da se otroci iz manjših krajev manj pogosto zatekajo po pomoč v varne točke. Na podlagi statističnih podatkov izpolnjenjih anket predlagamo več izobraževanja zaposlenih na področju nudenja pomoči ter boljše ozaveščanje mladih o problematiki nasilja ter o ozaveščanju in obstoju Unicefovih varnih točk. Home is a place where people feel safe, happy, loved and pleased. The family gives us pleasure, happiness and joy, as well as safety and warmth. Many of us cannot imagine that the home and the family would not offer us all of this. Unfortunately, many people face eyactly the opposite, they are victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence can be found everywhere, even in Slovenian families, irrespective of religious beliefs, culture, social and economic standpoint. Various organizations, such as police, social work centres, prosecution, health and education organizations, and non-governmental organizations are involved in helping victims and agents. For the purpose of protection and assistance to children, UNICEF has established a "Safe spots" project. It is a sticker with a laughing house that can be seen glued to the door of various companies, institutions and organizations, and it is a sign that children can resort to those places in the event of violence. There they will be offered appropriate assistance. In the master's thesis, we studied how many children know Unicef's safe spots, where they can resort to help in the event of violence. We also studied how many employees in organizations, companies or institutions, which are involved in this project know about violence and whether they feel sufficiently trained to provide assistance in the event that a child, who is a victim of violence, comes to them. We made two surveys, one for children in the Savinja and Osrednjeslovenska regions, and the other that was filled in by employees. The survey contained several questions related to knowledge of violence, knowledge of organizations and knowledge of Unicef and their safe spots. Both surveys were published on the www.1ka.si website. The children solved the surveys in a physical form. The surveys were distributed by their teachers. The survey showed that employees do not feel adequately qualified to offer adequate assistance to victims of violence and that children know UNICEF organization. More children from central Slovenia have already spotted a safe spot sticker. It has also shown that children from smaller towns are less likely to resort to help to safe spots. On the basis of statistical data, we propose more training of employees in the field of providing assistance and better awareness of young people on the issue of violence and on raising awareness about the existence of UNICEF safe points.
- Published
- 2017
45. Spolna disfunkcija pri moških, vključenih v nadomestne programe zdravljenja odvisnosti od opioidov
- Author
Šegrec, Nuša and Tomori, Martina
- Subjects
fiziološka spolna disfunkcija ,drug addiction ,odvisnost od drog ,buprenorfin ,samopodoba ,morphine ,udc:613.83:616.69-008.14(043.3) ,buprenorphine ,morfin ,methadone ,moški ,sexual dysfunction physiological ,self concept ,opiatno substitucijsko zdravljenje ,male ,opiate substitution treatment ,metadon - Published
- 2017
46. Konstrukcija ženskosti v športu - primer Tine Maze
- Author
Osvald, Tina and Stanković, Peter
- Subjects
Master's theses ,konstrukcija ženskosti ,Tina ,Men ,Magistrske naloge ,udc:316.7:796(043.3) ,Ženske ,Moški ,ženskost ,Women ,1983 ,Šport ,Maze ,Sport - Published
- 2017
47. Landing errors in the men's floor exercise are caused by flight characteristics
- Author
Marinšek, Miha and Čuk, Ivan
- Subjects
landings ,moški ,analiza ,flight phase ,doskok ,talna telovadba ,gymnastics ,CHi-kvadrat test ,udc:796.417 ,floor exercise ,športna gimanstika - Abstract
Landing errors on men's floor exercises are caused by the flight parameters. Depending of the flight phase is determined the magnitude of the landing mistake. On the sample of all gymnasts (n=97) who were competing in the qualifications of the senior Men's European Championships 2004 in Ljubljana, we analyzed saltos which were performed by them. Variables according to the theoretical model for the evaluation of salto landings in the floor exercise were used. From the mentioned model we chose only those variables that relate to the flight phase. Axis of rotation, number of turns around longitudinal axis and initial landing height have a significant impact on the magnitude of the landing mistake.
- Published
- 2017
48. Vpliv poznavanja in uporabe prehranskih dodatkov na sestavo telesa pri moških, ki se ukvarjajo s fitnesom
- Author
Gruden, Ana and Zaletel, Petra
- Subjects
dietary supplements ,moški ,nutrition ,prehrana ,male ,prehranski dodatki ,Fitness ,sestava telesa ,body composition ,Fitnes - Abstract
Glavni namen raziskave je izvedeti, kako dobro moški, ki se ukvarjajo s fitnesom poznajo prehranske dodatke, koliko jih uporablja dodatke in če pozitivno vplivajo na njihovo telesno sestavo. V raziskavo smo vključili 50 moških, starih od 18 do 60 let, ki se s fitnesom redno ukvarjajo vsaj leto dni (najmanj 2x tedensko). Raziskava je potekala od meseca marca do julija 2016, v šestih fitnesih po Ljubljani. Raziskava je zajemala meritve telesne sestave, ki smo jih opravili s tehtnico Tanita (Tanita, Innerscan body composition monitor, model BC-545), ki temelji na šest točkovnem merjenju z magnetno impendanco. Na podlagi anketnega vprašalnika pa smo dobili podatke o starosti, spolu, otrocih, izobrazbi, načinu vadbe, količini vadbe, ter znanju in uporabi prehranskih dodatkov. Rezultati so pokazali, da 84% moških, ki se ukvarja s fitnesom uživa prehranske dodatke. Ugotovili smo tudi, da imajo moški, ki uporabljajo dodatke k prehrani višjo telesno višino, nižji odstotek maščobe in manj mišične mase. Z raziskavo je bilo ugotovljeno tudi to, da ima večina moških (54%), ki se ukvarja s fitnesom slabo znanje o prehranskih dodatkih. S primerjavo dveh starostnih skupin (do 40 let in nad 40 let) pa smo ugotovili, da imajo starejši v povprečju višjo telesno maščobo in višjo vitalno starost. The main purpose of this research is to find out, how well do men, who work out in a gym, know the dietary supplements, how much do they use them and whether or not the dietary supplements affect their body structure in a positive way or not. 50 men from the age of 18 to 60, who work out on a regular basis (at least two times a week), were included in this research, which took place from March to July 2016 in six different gyms across Ljubljana. The research includes the measurements of the body structure that were completed with Tanita scale (Tanita, Innerscan body composition monitor, model BC-545), which is based on six point measurement with magnetic impedance. It is also based on survey questionnaire that includes questions about age, gender, children, education, the way and quantity of a workout, knowledge and usage of dietary supplements. We found out that 84% of men, who work out on a regular basis, use dietary supplements. We also found out that men, who use dietary supplements, have a higher height, lower percentage of fat and muscle mass. The research also showed that 54% of men, who workout in a gym, have poor knowledge about dietary supplements. The comparison between two age groups (under 40 years and above 40 years) showed that older people have higher percentage of body fat and higher vital age.
- Published
- 2017
49. Odzivi na krize v gotski romanci
- Author
Braček, Tadej
- Subjects
response ,krize ,men ,angleška književnost ,English literature ,udc:821.111.09-344Radcliffe A ,Gradova Athlin in Dunbayne ,The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne ,moški ,crisis ,Gothic romance ,Ann Radcliffe ,women ,ženske ,odzivi ,gotska romanca - Abstract
Gothic romances were primarily women's domain. This is proven by the fact that from the end of the eighteenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth century more than fifty female authors wrote Gothic romances. In the first part the paper depicts the emergence of romances, clarifies the notion of the Gothic and explains the theory of Gothic romances. The second part focuses on Ann Radcliffe's first novel, The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne. This section analyses in what way men and women react to crises. It concludes that reactions are primarily based not on sex but on the benevolence and malevolence of literary characters. The former react with higher intensity on the physical level (passing out, becoming ill) and the latter react vehemently in emotional sense towards their rivals. The originality of the article lies in the systematic analysis of characters' responses to crisis and in the study of atypical features of this Gothic novel. Gotske romance so bile povečini ženska domena. To dokazuje dejstvo, da je od konca osemnajstega do začetka devetnajstega stoletja gotske romance pisalo več kot petdeset avtoric. V prvem delu članek oriše pojav romanc, pojasni pojmovanje gotike in razloži teorijo gotskih romanc. Drugi del obravnava prvi roman Ann Radcliffe, in sicer Gradova Athlin and Dunbayne. V njem razišče, kako se na krize odzivajo moški in ženske, in ugotovi, da odziv v veliki meri ni odvisen od spola, temveč od dobronamernosti oz. zlobe literarnih likov. Prvi se bolj odzivajo z večjo intenziteto v fizičnem smislu (omedlevanje, obolevanje), slednji pa z burnim čustvenih reagiranjem, uperjenim proti rivalom. Originalnost članka leži v sistematični analizi odzivov literarnih protagonistov in antagonistov ter atipičnosti proučevanega gotskega romana.
- Published
- 2017
50. Komunikacija o spolnosti v družini, interoceptivno zavedanje, čuječnost in zavedanje svoje spolnosti
- Author
Porenta, Ana and Cvetek, Mateja
- Subjects
interoceptivno zavedanje ,mindfulness ,zavedanje svoje spolnosti ,samski ,neporočeni v partnerskem odnosu ,interocptive awareness ,men ,komunikacija o spolnosti v družini ,udc:613.88:316.775(043.2) ,poročeni ,married ,moški ,sexual self-awareness ,čuječnost ,family sex communication ,magistrske naloge ,ženske ,women ,single ,unmarried and in relationship - Published
- 2017
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