1. X-ray diffraction results from mars science laboratory: Mineralogy of rocknest at Gale crater
- Author
Bish, D. L., Blake, D. F., Vaniman, D. T., Chipera, S. J., Morris, R. V., Ming, D. W., Treiman, A. H., Sarrazin, P., Morrison, S. M., Downs, R. T., Achilles, C. N., Yen, A. S., Bristow, T. F., Crisp, J. A., Morookian, J. M., Farmer, J. D., Rampe, E. B., Stolper, E. M., Spanovich, N., Achilles, C., Agard, C., Verdasca, J. A. A., Anderson, R., Archer, D., Armiens-Aparicio, C., Arvidson, R., Atlaskin, E., Atreya, S., Aubrey, A., Baker, B., Baker, M., Balic-Zunic, T., Baratoux, D., Baroukh, J., Barraclough, B., Bean, K., Beegle, L., Behar, A., Bell, J., Bender, S., Benna, M., Bentz, J., Berger, G., Berger, J., Berman, D., Bish, D., Avalos, J. J. B., Blaney, D., Blank, J., Blau, H., Bleacher, L., Boehm, E., Botta, O., Bottcher, S., Boucher, T., Bower, H., Boyd, N., Boynton, B., Breves, E., Bridges, J., Bridges, N., Brinckerhoff, W., Brinza, D., Bristow, T., Brunet, C., Brunner, A., Brunner, W., Buch, A., Bullock, M., Burmeister, S., Cabane, M., Calef, F., Cameron, J., Campbell, J. I., Cantor, B., Caplinger, M., Rodriguez, J. C., Carmosino, M., Blazquez, I. C., Charpentier, A., Chipera, S., Choi, D., Clark, B., Clegg, S., Cleghorn, T., Cloutis, E., Cody, G., Coll, P., Conrad, P., Coscia, D., Cousin, A., Cremers, D., Crisp, J., Cros, A., Cucinotta, F., d'Uston, C., Davis, S., Day, M. K., Juarez, M. d. l. T., DeFlores, L., DeLapp, D., DeMarines, J., DesMarais, D., Dietrich, W., Dingler, R., Donny, C., Downs, B., Drake, D., Dromart, G., Dupont, A., Duston, B., Dworkin, J., Dyar, M. D., Edgar, L., Edgett, K., Edwards, C., Edwards, L., Ehlmann, B., Ehresmann, B., Eigenbrode, J., Elliott, B., Elliott, H., Ewing, R., Fabre, C., Fairen, A., Farley, K., Farmer, J., Fassett, C., Favot, L., Fay, D., Fedosov, F., Feldman, J., Feldman, S., Fisk, M., Fitzgibbon, M., Flesch, G., Floyd, M., Fluckiger, L., Forni, O., Fraeman, A., Francis, R., Francois, P., Franz, H., Freissinet, C., French, K. L., Frydenvang, J., Gaboriaud, A., Gailhanou, M., Garvin, J., Gasnault, O., Geffroy, C., Gellert, R., Genzer, M., Glavin, D., Godber, A., Goesmann, F., Goetz, W., Golovin, D., Gomez, F. G., Gomez-Elvira, J., Gondet, B., Gordon, S., Gorevan, S., Grant, J., Griffes, J., Grinspoon, D., Grotzinger, J., Guillemot, P., Guo, J., Gupta, S., Guzewich, S., Haberle, R., Halleaux, D., Hallet, B., Hamilton, V., Hardgrove, C., Harker, D., Harpold, D., Harri, A.-M., Harshman, K., Hassler, D., Haukka, H., Hayes, A., Herkenhoff, K., Herrera, P., Hettrich, S., Heydari, E., Hipkin, V., Hoehler, T., Hollingsworth, J., Hudgins, J., Huntress, W., Hurowitz, J., Hviid, S., Iagnemma, K., Indyk, S., Israel, G., Jackson, R., Jacob, S., Jakosky, B., Jensen, E., Jensen, J. K., Johnson, J., Johnson, M., Johnstone, S., Jones, A., Jones, J., Joseph, J., Jun, I., Kah, L., Kahanpaa, H., Kahre, M., Karpushkina, N., Kasprzak, W., Kauhanen, J., Keely, L., Kemppinen, O., Keymeulen, D., Kim, M.-H., Kinch, K., King, P., Kirkland, L., Kocurek, G., Koefoed, A., Kohler, J., Kortmann, O., Kozyrev, A., Krezoski, J., Krysak, D., Kuzmin, R., Lacour, J. L., Lafaille, V., Langevin, Y., Lanza, N., Lasue, J., Le Mouelic, S., Lee, E. M., Lee, Q.-M., Lees, D., Lefavor, M., Lemmon, M., Malvitte, A. L., Leshin, L., Leveille, R., Lewin-Carpintier, E., Lewis, K., Li, S., Lipkaman, L., Little, C., Litvak, M., Lorigny, E., Lugmair, G., Lundberg, A., Lyness, E., Madsen, M., Mahaffy, P., Maki, J., Malakhov, A., Malespin, C., Malin, M., Mangold, N., Manhes, G., Manning, H., Marchand, G., Jimenez, M. M., Garcia, C. M., Martin, D., Martin, M., Martinez-Frias, J., Martin-Soler, J., Martin-Torres, F. J., Mauchien, P., Maurice, S., McAdam, A., McCartney, E., McConnochie, T., McCullough, E., McEwan, I., McKay, C., McLennan, S., McNair, S., Melikechi, N., Meslin, P.-Y., Meyer, M., Mezzacappa, A., Miller, H., Miller, K., Milliken, R., Ming, D., Minitti, M., Mischna, M., Mitrofanov, I., Moersch, J., Mokrousov, M., Jurado, A. M., Moores, J., Mora-Sotomayor, L., Morris, R., Morrison, S., Mueller-Mellin, R., Muller, J.-P., Caro, G. M., Nachon, M., Lopez, S. N., Navarro-Gonzalez, R., Nealson, K., Nefian, A., Nelson, T., Newcombe, M., Newman, C., Newsom, H., Nikiforov, S., Niles, P., Nixon, B., Dobrea, E. N., Nolan, T., Oehler, D., Ollila, A., Olson, T., Owen, T., Hernandez, M. A. d. P., Paillet, A., Pallier, E., Palucis, M., Parker, T., Parot, Y., Patel, K., Paton, M., Paulsen, G., Pavlov, A., Pavri, B., Peinado-Gonzalez, V., Pepin, R., Peret, L., Perez, R., Perrett, G., Peterson, J., Pilorget, C., Pinet, P., Pla-Garcia, J., Plante, I., Poitrasson, F., Polkko, J., Popa, R., Posiolova, L., Posner, A., Pradler, I., Prats, B., Prokhorov, V., Purdy, S. W., Raaen, E., Radziemski, L., Rafkin, S., Ramos, M., Rampe, E., Raulin, F., Ravine, M., Reitz, G., Renno, N., Rice, M., Richardson, M., Robert, F., Robertson, K., Manfredi, J. A. R., Romeral-Planello, J. J., Rowland, S., Rubin, D., Saccoccio, M., Salamon, A., Sandoval, J., Sanin, A., Fuentes, S. A. S., Saper, L., Sautter, V., Savijarvi, H., Schieber, J., Schmidt, M., Schmidt, W., Scholes, D. D., Schoppers, M., Schroder, S., Schwenzer, S., Martinez, E. S., Sengstacken, A., Shterts, R., Siebach, K., Siili, T., Simmonds, J., Sirven, J.-B., Slavney, S., Sletten, R., Smith, M., Sanchez, P. S., Spray, J., Squyres, S., Stack, K., Stalport, F., Steele, A., Stein, T., Stern, J., Stewart, N., Stipp, S. L. S., Stoiber, K., Stolper, E., Sucharski, B., Sullivan, R., Summons, R., Sumner, D., Sun, V., Supulver, K., Sutter, B., Szopa, C., Tan, F., Tate, C., Teinturier, S., ten Kate, I., Thomas, P., Thompson, L., Tokar, R., Toplis, M., Redondo, J. T., Trainer, M., Treiman, A., Tretyakov, V., Urqui-O'Callaghan, R., Van Beek, J., Van Beek, T., VanBommel, S., Vaniman, D., Varenikov, A., Vasavada, A., Vasconcelos, P., Vicenzi, E., Vostrukhin, A., Voytek, M., Wadhwa, M., Ward, J., Webster, C., Weigle, E., Wellington, D., Westall, F., Wiens, R. C., Wilhelm, M. B., Williams, A., Williams, J., Williams, R., Williams, R. B. M., Wilson, M., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., Wolff, M., Wong, M., Wray, J., Wu, M., Yana, C., Yen, A., Yingst, A., Zeitlin, C., Zimdar, R., Mier, M.-P. Z., GeoRessources, Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre de recherches sur la géologie des matières premières minérales et énergétiques (CREGU)-Université de Lorraine (UL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), NWO-NSO: The role of perchlorates in the preservation of organic compounds on Mars, and Petrology more...
- Subjects
Multidisciplinary ,010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,Water on Mars ,Curiosity rover ,[SDU.STU]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences ,Mineralogy ,Mars ,Mars Exploration Program ,Martian soil ,engineering.material ,01 natural sciences ,MSL Mars X-ray Diffraction Mineralogy Rocknest Gale Crater ,Meteorite ,Impact crater ,13. Climate action ,Rocknest ,0103 physical sciences ,Pigeonite ,engineering ,Composition of Mars ,MSL ,010303 astronomy & astrophysics ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,mineralogy of Rocknest at Gale crater - Abstract
The Mars Science Laboratory rover Curiosity scooped samples of soil from the Rocknest aeolian bedform in Gale crater. Analysis of the soil with the Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) x-ray diffraction (XRD) instrument revealed plagioclase (~An57), forsteritic olivine (~Fo62), augite, and pigeonite, with minor K-feldspar, magnetite, quartz, anhydrite, hematite, and ilmenite. The minor phases are present at, or near, detection limits. The soil also contains 27 ± 14 weight percent x-ray amorphous material, likely containing multiple Fe 3+ - and volatile-bearing phases, including possibly a substance resembling hisingerite. The crystalline component is similar to the normative mineralogy of certain basaltic rocks from Gusev crater on Mars and of martian basaltic meteorites. The amorphous component is similar to that found on Earth in places such as soils on the Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii. more...
- Published
- 2013
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