231 results on '"metodology"'
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- Author
Kirin, Arwansyah and Yansah, Savri
- Subjects
Abdullah al-Haddad was a great scholar of the 17th century who became a role model for later scholars. He produced works that are used as a guide by people in Indonesia, especially among Islamic boarding schools with traditional patterns. His famous work is Nasa’ih al-Diniyyah wa al-Wasaya al-Imaniyah. In this book, many of the Prophet’s hadis are used as arguments (hujjah) but the status of the hadis is not explained whether they are authentic or otherwise. Therefore it is important to explain the methodology of writing the hadis contained in this book so that its status can be recognized as well as to measure the extent of his knowledge in the science of hadis. This study aims to explore the methodology of writing the hadis used by Abdullah al-Haddad in the Nasa’ih al-Diniyyah. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the methodology of writing the hadis used by Abdullah al-Haddad and reveal the extent of his knowledge and status as a scholar of hadis through his book, Nasa’ih al-Diniyyah. The study methodology used is document analysis through a descriptive analysis approach, explaining and analyzing the book as a whole, especially the methodology of writing the hadis. This study found that Abdullah al-Haddad used several methods of writing the hadis in his Nasa’ih al-Diniyyah including: (1) writing hadis without sanad (chain of transmission of the hadis) and hadis narrators), (2) writing hadis using the Rawi al-A’la and declare hadis narrators, (3) (writing hadis without sanad (chain of transmission of the hadis) and just declare hadis narrators, (4) (writing hadis using lafaz (sighat) Qala and Warada at the beginning of the hadis. This study found that Abdullah al-Haddad had good knowledge in the science of hadis although not proportional with well-known scholars. Besides that, it also can provide an understanding about the method of writing hadis by al-Zarnuji in his book Ta'lim al-Muta'allim to the public. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Rodrigues, Alexsandro, Cristine da Silva, Suellen, do Monte Massela Malta, Arlete, Zanatelli, Carla, de Matia, Graciele, Franco Rotta, Roseana Teresinha, Cícero da Silva, Luciano, and Moraes, Gabriela
- Subjects
PATIENT refusal of treatment ,CHRISTIANITY ,PATIENTS' attitudes ,SPECIAL days ,INTENTION ,PATIENT compliance ,DISCHARGE planning - Abstract
Copyright of Health & Society is the property of Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa Periodicojs and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Wendi Parwanto, Taufik Akbar, and AbdulGafar Olawale Fahm
- Subjects
metodology ,al-fatihah ,tarjuman al-mustafid ,Islam ,BP1-253 ,Islamic law ,KBP1-4860 - Abstract
This study is motivated by the lack of studies on the methodological configuration of al-Fatihah's interpretation in Tarjuman al-Mustafid. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting this study further. This type of research is library research using the primary data source of the interpretation of Tarjuman al-Mustafid by Abd Ar-Rauf As-Singkili which is focused on the interpretation of al-Fatihah. The method used is a descriptive-analytical method. The conclusion of this article explains that: First, the Systematic Interpretation of As-Singkili is explaining the Makkiyah or Madaniyah letter, explaining the benefits of the letter and its asbab an-nuzul, writing the text of the verse without translation, and then doing the interpretation. Second, the source of interpretation uses munasabah, hadith, and scholars' arguments (quotations from other interpretations). Third, the principles of interpretation are 1) the Principles of Letter Description; 2) The Qiraat Accentuation Principle; 3) the Principles of Global-Parochial Interpretation; and 4) the Principles of Textual Interpretation. Fourth, the Caustive-Axiological interpretation carried out by As-Singkili in interpreting al-Fatihah emphasizes the socio-cultural aspect and minimizes differences of opinion in reading (qiraat) on the verse malikiyaumiddin.
- Published
- 2022
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5. One more consequence from the impact of artificial light at night
- Author
Mykyta Peregrym
- Subjects
review ,metodology ,terminology ,quality research ,Botany ,QK1-989 - Abstract
Using artificial light at night gives a lot of benefits for humanity, but, at the same time, it has changed our planet significantly. However, the problem was not taken seriously until its scale became noticeable. Though, skepticism, even among many recognized researchers, is still present, although this is expressed mainly in personal conversations. But, in any way the number of studies on this topic is increasing quite rapidly. Unfortunately, a part of these publications is not qualitative, published apparently without proper review, and this can seriously distort the understanding of the problem, have an impact on other scientific research, and also complicate the search for optimal ways to solve the problem of light pollution. One of such recently published works with the title “The effect of nighttime lighting on the anatomical and physiological features of the leaves of linden, horse chestnut, and plane trees in garden-park and street plantings of Kyiv” has caused a desire to pay attention to this situation, and to prevent similar ones in the future. So, the critical review of the mentioned study is presented here.
- Published
- 2023
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6. Ako skúmať epidémie? Možnosti analýz cirkevných matrík pri výskume epidémií 19. storočia na území dnešného Slovenska.
- Author
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DEMOGRAPHY , *RESEARCH personnel , *NINETEENTH century , *COVID-19 pandemic , *CROSS-sectional method , *HISTORIOGRAPHY , *PREPAREDNESS - Abstract
In the contribution, I am devoted to the evaluation of Slovak historiography related to the research of epidemics on the territory of Slovakia. Especially after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, as in the global spectrum, many researchers in Slovakia began to devote themselves to the research of epidemics. Their publication output, as well as older works, have the character of case studies, without creating a cross-sectional analysis of epidemic research. The diverse level of results, which in many cases does not respect the basic rules of historical demography, remains a problem. Therefore, the results of these researches cannot be compared with other publications from Slovakia and abroad. Based on these findings, I decided to offer readers a methodological anchoring of the possibility of researching epidemics from the 19th century, which can be realized through the analysis of church registers. This is a topic that has not been elaborated on the Slovak area until now, which is probably also why Slovak researchers often do not follow the basic rules of historical demography accepted in the world. When interpreting the methods, I am based primarily on the French school of historical demography, which is established in the region of Central Europe. It is used in both Czech and Polish historiography, which may be even more acceptable for Slovak researchers and readers. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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7. One more consequence from the impact of artificial light at night.
- Author
Peregrym, Mykyta
- Subjects
LIGHT pollution ,URBAN trees ,CHESTNUT ,RESEARCH personnel ,PROBLEM solving ,LINDENS - Abstract
Copyright of Plant Introduction / Ìntrodukcìâ Roslin is the property of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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8. Hükümlerde Değişimle İlgili Yapılan Bazı Yorum ve Değerlendirmelere Usûlî Bir Yaklaşım
- Author
İsmet Kalkan
- Subjects
islamic law ,change ,judgment ,i̇jtihad ,maqāsid ,metodology ,custom ,wasāil ,i̇slam hukuku ,değişim ,hüküm ,i̇ctihâd ,makâsıd ,örf ,usûl ,vesâil ,Islam ,BP1-253 ,Islamic law ,KBP1-4860 - Abstract
İnsana ve insanî olana nispetle değişmenin kaçınılmaz olduğu gibi, ezmanın tağayyürü ile de ahkâmın tağayyürü inkâr olunamaz. Çünkü insanlar, varlıklarını istikrarlı bir şekilde devam ettirebilmek için ihtiyaç duydukları bilgi ve imkâna her zaman aynı düzeyde ve aynı kalitede ulaşamamaktadır. Kişiye ve topluma göre değişen farklı düzeydeki ihtiyaç ve gereksinimler ile insan yaşamını derinden etkileyen savaş, doğal felâket ve benzeri olumsuzluklar da insan ve toplum davranışlarının hızlı bir şekilde değişmesine sebep olmaktadır. Bu davranış değişikliği, toplumsal örf ve adetlerde farklılaşmayı da tabiatiyla beraberinde getirmektedir. Topyekûn kâinattaki bu hızlı değişim ve dönüşüm, hayat standartlarında olduğu gibi insan haklarını düzenleyen beşerî yasalarda da kısmî ya da külli değişiklikler şeklinde kendisini gösterebilmektedir. Örfî davranışlardaki değişime paralel olarak dinî hüküm ve fetvalarda da değişim söz konusudur. Ancak beşerî kanun ve yasaları etkisi altına alan bütün değişim enstrümanlarının, İlâhî yasalar için aynı düzeyde etkili olduğunu söylemek mümkün değildir. İslam hukukunda fakihlerin genelinin itibarına göre; kat‘î şer‘î hükümler ictihâd konusu olmadıkları için değişime kapalıdır. Değişime açık olan hükümler ise zannî delille sabit olan hükümler ile hakkında nas ve icmâ‘ bulunmayan hükümlerden ibarettir. Haddi zatında az sayıdaki değişime kapalı bu hükümler, aynı zamanda değişime açık hükümler için de bir istikrar unsurudur. Zira İslam hukukunun; adaletin temini, zararın def‘i, harac ve fesadın giderilmesi ve kolaylık prensipleri gibi fert ve toplum maslahatını tesise dayalı evrensel bir hukuk sistemi olması da değişime açık olan hükümlerde ictihâd tariki ile değişimi zorunlu kılmaktadır. Fıkıh literatürümüz, hükümlerde değişimin mümkün olduğunu gösteren pek çok örnekle doludur. Fetvada değişim konusu, eski yeni ilmi çalışmaların birçoğunda, “hükümde değişim” başlığı altında ele alınmaktadır. Ülkemizde de bu konu ile ilgili yazılmış pek çok ilmî makale ve kitap bulunmaktadır. Konu ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalar incelendiğinde, bunlardan bazılarının, konuyu; ilmî perspektiften uzak, hikmet-i teşri‘ ve usul ilminden bağımsız olarak ele almış oldukları dikkatlerden kaçmamaktadır. Bu çalışmalarda hükümlerde değişme tezinin, fetvada değişme ile istidlal edilmiş olması, bunun en bariz örneğidir. Ayrıca bu çalışmaların bir kısmında konunun, yine usul ilminden bağımsız olarak ele alınmış olmasından kaynaklanan müteselsil yorum hatalarına da rastlamak mümkündür. Eski kaynakların bir kısmı ile bu konu ile ilgili yapılan Türkçe çalışmalarda konunun, “hükümlerde değişme” başlığı altında ele alınmış olması, müteselsilen tekrar eden bu yorum hatalarına örnek olarak gösterilebilir. Ayrıca bu çalışmaların bazılarında, taabbudî hükümlerin sınırlarını geniş tuttukları gerekçesiyle mütekaddim fukaha, mütekaddim fukahanın ictihâdlarını kutsadıkları gerekçesi ile de müteahhir fukaha kıyasıya eleştirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, usul ilmi ve fukahanın çoğunluğunun görüşü esas alınarak hükümde değişmenin; mahiyeti, sınırları ve yöntemi konusu kısaca ele alınacaktır. Özellikle konu ile ilgili yapılan çalışmaların bazılarında, dikkatleri çeken usulî hatalar, birkaç örnek üzerinden analiz edilecektir. Ayrıca bu çalışmalarda, konu ile ilgili farklı görüşleri sebebiyle kategorize edilen âlim ve araştırmacıların iddia edilen gruplara nispeti ile bu grupların stratejileri hakkında yapılan tenkit ve eleştiriler değerlendirilip, bu konu ile ilgili bir durum tespiti yapılacaktır.
- Published
- 2021
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9. Introduction
- Author
Adam Andrzejewski
- Subjects
ontology of art ,descriptivism ,intuitions ,metodology ,Fine Arts ,Aesthetics ,BH1-301 - Abstract
This paper is an introduction for the special issue of “Rivista di estetica” devoted to the role of ontology in contemporary aesthetics and philosophy of art. It describes the most dominating trends within current ontological inquiry in aesthetics and philosophy of art as well as presents papers collected in the issue.
- Published
- 2020
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10. Mirjana Gross i Eric Hobsbawm: revolucionarni ili longue durée povjesničari?
- Author
Badurina, Marino
- Subjects
Copyright of Journal of the Institute of Croatian History / Radovi Zavoda za Hrvatsku Povijest is the property of Zavod za Hrvatsku Povijest, Filozofski Fakultet and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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11. Hükümlerde Değişimle İlgili Yapılan Bazı Yorum ve Değerlendirmelere Usûlî Bir Yaklaşım.
- Author
- Subjects
ISLAMIC law ,MANNERS & customs ,JUSTICE administration ,DIFFERENTIATION (Sociology) ,DUE diligence - Abstract
Copyright of Sirnak University Journal of Divinity Faculty / Sirnak Üniversitesi Ilahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi is the property of Sirnak University, Journal of Divinity Faculty / Sirnak Universitesi Ilahiyat Fakultesi Dergisi and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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12. Basic assumptions of feminist criminology in the results of the implementation of law on prevention of family violence
- Author
Ristivojević Branislav R. and Samardžić Stefan S.
- Subjects
law ,prevention ,family violence ,police practice ,metodology ,feminist criminology ,Law - Abstract
First two years of implementation of the Law on prevention of family violence is a just an occasion to try to bring together results of its effects. Starting point for this analysis was presumption that the radical feminism and its counterpart in criminology, radical school of feminist criminology, shaped the Law. According to it family violence is a product of alleged male wish to control female sexuality. This control is conducted through social institutions such as family and marriage. As long as these institutions persist violence is repeated. Consequently, recidivism must be present as a rule. So, these institutions are to be destroyed. Some other personal factors of criminal behaviour within family do not exist. Other forms of family violence are not acknowledged and distinction between them is not made. At the beginning author gives detailed description of a numerous methodological obstacles which hamper analyses. In the next part basic presumptions originating from radical school of feminist criminology was summarily proved by brief analysis of a several provisions of the Law itself. In the third part author summarize effects of a Law by using 9 individual surveys of practice of a 9 different police departments in Republic of Serbia. Despite serious methodological obstacles and relatively scarcity of a survey sample, author's assessment of a practice shows that basic presumptions of the radical school of feminist criminology are not proved in context of a Serbian society. If this presumption were, proven violence between partners must have been dominant in comparison with violence between relatives in analysis. In reality, violence between relatives exists in almost one-half of all cases: 43%. Furthermore, a division between three possible partner relations, a marriage, extramarital relations and a simple romance (and then on existing ones and former) shows that more formal and more stable type of relations are more represented in analysis: 51% of all cases happened in existing marriages, further 19% in existing extramarital relations and 8% in existing romances. Likewise, all existing relations are more represented in analysis in relation to former ones: 20% of cases happened in former marriages and former extramarital relations and a simple romance are represented in analysis with only 1% of all cases respectively. It is quite possible that people, educated and raised in Serbian culture, are more violent in relations in which they "invested" more. Their "investment" is a spiritual and material energy spent in relation. Those who want to have kids, raise family and acquire property and the other way round choose more formal and stabile types of relations. When faced with deprivation of these investments (kids and property) or when these are endangered, it is quite possible for people to become violent. In relations that are temporary, ephemeral or lightly perceived there is no such a kind of "investment", and, it seems, no violence. Other possible personal factors of violent criminality are present in analysis. Perpetrators of violence are in 37% of cases unemployed. On the other hand, only 18% of them are repeated offenders, so recidivism is not high. When it comes to so called "urgent measures" as a specific type of sanctions for family violence they are issued in 2/3 of all cases. Restrain of approach and communication with victim is more frequent in comparison with eviction from home. This is understandable. With so broad definition of a member of a family, Law offers protection to persons who are in such a type of relations in which joint living is not an option. Therefore, there is not a joint accommodation from which a perpetrator should be evicted. The same applies for all former relationships, which also enjoy protections of the Law although former partners, by definition, do not live jointly any more. Ratio between measures is 35% eviction orders to 65% restrain orders. In all cases where eviction order is issued, the other measure is also issued. Out of these two facts it is possible to draw conclusion that eviction order is only measure necessary in Serbia. In Serbian culture, the notion family comprises only of relationships in which people share "table, bad and roof". Author argues that only this type of a relation is a family, which, as a case may be, needs protection. This is one proof more that radical school of feminist criminology shaped the Law. Its teaching tries to force all relations between man and a woman, existing and former, within the notion of a family. However, concludes the author, results of implementations of the Law in Serbia speaks, on the contrary, that such a teaching is a strange body in Serbian culture, society and, consequently, legal practice.
- Published
- 2020
13. Confianzas y sospechas en el campo de la seguridad: Notas sobre el oficio de entrevistar a policías.
- Author
Sofía Castro, Natalia and Rodriguez, Florencia
- Abstract
Copyright of Runa: Archivo para las Ciencias del Hombre is the property of Runa: Archivo para las Ciencias del Hombre and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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14. Issues of Railway Traffic Control Devices Availability in the Exploitation Process.
- Author
Drózd, Paweł and Rosiński, Adam
- Subjects
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TRAFFIC signs & signals , *RAILROADS , *TRAFFIC engineering - Abstract
This article focuses exclusively on the issues of railway traffic control devices availability in traffic management. One of the factors affecting this availability are tests conducted during maintenance or repair works. A review of the literature in the field of test determination methods was conducted. Next, the railway traffic control system was described and the elements influencing availability were defined. Assumptions and an algorithm of the procedure were presented and the method of determining the tests was proposed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Gomez Gomez, Adith Shilley
- Abstract
The following is a review about the book titled La Historia Contraataca (History Fights Back), written by the Venezuelan historian Juan Manuel Santana Pérez. In the book, the historiographical path during the 20th century is presented by the author. Santana Pérez explains its history, its theoretical basis, and the methodology researchers employed during that period. The book is composed by nine chapters, which are reviewed in detail. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
16. Apuntes sobre docencia y geopolítica en el arte universitario
- Author
Alvarado-López, Marco and Alvarado-López, Marco
- Abstract
La revisión metodológica que se presenta en este trabajo, aborda un análisis de tres obras artísticas de Marco A. Alvarado, centrándose en la intersección de la docencia y la geopolítica en el ámbito universitario. La primera vincula un periodo de transición personal y cultural, destacando su relevancia durante el gobierno de León Febres Cordero y la alineación de Ecuador con la doctrina Monroe. La segunda, utiliza palabras de lenguas mayores y menores entrelazadas, representando las distancias entre lo aprendido y la verdad desafiando el término "Latinoamérica" y lo redefine al insertar la palabra shuar "tiishiraiti", generando reflexiones sobre el lenguaje como herramienta de subordinación o autodeterminación. La tercera, utiliza letras fundidas en cemento para fusionar las palabras "pupitre" y "murid", explorando la infantilización de la educación universitaria y la búsqueda espiritual de conocimiento. Este ejercicio propone una reflexión sobre la influencia de directivas supranacionales en la educación, evidenciando la pasividad de los actores sociales y criticando las tendencias globalistas que buscan configurar una educación obediente a agendas opacas. Las propuestas artísticas se utilizan como elementos didácticos para una reflexión crítica sobre la educación universitaria en artes visuales, destacando su interconexión con la geopolítica, la identidad nacional y las influencias culturales, planteando preguntas relevantes sobre la autonomía educativa en contextos globalizados., The methodological revision that is presented in this work, addresses an analysis of three artistic works by Marco A. Alvarado, focusing on the intersection of teaching and geopolitics at the university level. The first one links a period of personal and cultural transition, highlighting its relevance during the government of León Febres Cordero and the alignment of Ecuador with the Monroe doctrine. The second, uses words from major and minor languages intertwined, representing the distances between learning and the truth, challenging the term "Latinoamérica" and redefining it by inserting the Shuar word "tiishiraiti", generating reflections on language as a tool of subordination or self-determination. Thirdly, he uses letters cast in cement to fuse the words "pupitre" and "murid", exploring the infantilization of university education and the spiritual search for knowledge. This exercise proposes a reflection on the influence of supranational directives on education, highlighting the passion of social actors and criticizing globalist trends that seek to configure an education obedient to opaque agendas. The artistic proposals are used as didactic elements for a critical reflection on university education in visual arts, highlighting its interconnection with geopolitics, national identity, and cultural influences, raising relevant questions about educational autonomy in globalized contexts., A revisão metodológica que se apresenta neste trabalho, aborda uma análise das três obras artísticas de Marco A. Alvarado, centrando-se na intersecção da docência e da geopolítica no âmbito universitário. A primeira vincula um período de transição pessoal e cultural, destacando sua relevância durante o governo de Leão Febres Cordero e o alinhamento do Equador com a doutrina Monroe. Na segunda, utiliza palavras de línguas maiores e menores entrelaçadas, representando as distâncias entre o aprendido e a verdade, desafiando o termo "Latinoamérica" e redefine ao inserir a palavra shuar "tiishiraiti", gerando reflexões sobre a língua como herramienta de subordinação o autodeterminação. A terceira, utiliza letras fundidas em cimento para fundir as palavras "pupitre" e "murid", explorando a infantilização da educação universitária e a busca espiritual de conhecimento. Este exercício propõe uma reflexão sobre a influência das diretrizes supranacionais na educação, evidenciando a pasividad dos atores sociais e criticando as tendências globalistas que buscam configurar uma educação obediente a agendas opacas. As propostas artísticas são utilizadas como elementos didáticos para uma reflexão crítica sobre a educação universitária em artes visuais, destacando sua interconexão com a geopolítica, a identidade nacional e as influências culturais, plantando perguntas relevantes sobre a autonomia educativa em contextos globalizados.
- Published
- 2023
17. La comprensión y posicionamiento del artista en un contexto social para la creación de una práctica artística transformadora
- Author
Rosell-Castro, Jhosell and Rosell-Castro, Jhosell
- Abstract
El siguiente trabajo muestra la necesidad de comprender los conceptos de cultura artística, políticas y gestión culturales para la construcción de un discurso que fundamente una práctica artística capaz de transformar y responder a un contexto específico con sentido y responsabilidad social. El marco conceptual parte de un acercamiento a los procesos de las actividades, servicios y modalidades que deben componer la cultura basada en los gastos culturales asociados a los diferentes niveles políticos que tienen una finalidad no lucrativa o un planteamiento mercantilista, utiliza como metodología la observación etnográfica, posicionamiento que significa pasar del análisis de los lugares al directo accionar como artista investigador en la comunidad. Esta comprensión nos permite exponer estrategias y métodos de trabajo para establecer vínculos y relaciones con las instituciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales de una región, con la intensión de contribuir a una transformación cualitativa de las personas, mediante las acciones y su protagonismo en las actividades, y a su vez atienda y proteja a las familias de los sectores más vulnerables de la ciudad de Tijuana, Baja California, México, para de esta manera contribuir al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de sus habitantes., The following work shows the need to understand the concepts of artistic culture, cultural policies, and cultural management to construct a discourse that underpins an artistic practice capable of transforming and responding to a specific context with meaning and social responsibility. The conceptual framework is based on an approach to the processes of activities, services and modalities that should compose culture based on the cultural expenses associated with the different political levels that have a non-profit purpose or a mercantilist approach, using ethnographic observation as a methodology, a position that means moving from the analysis of places to direct action as a research artist in the community. This understanding allows us to present strategies and working methods to establish links and relationships with governmental and non-governmental institutions in a region, with the intention of contributing to a qualitative transformation of people, through actions and their protagonism in activities, and at the same time attend to and protect families from the most vulnerable sectors of the city of Tijuana. Baja California, Mexico, to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of its inhabitants., O trabalho a seguir mostra a necessidade de compreender os conceitos de cultura artística, políticas culturais e gestão cultural para construir um discurso que sustente uma prática artística capaz de transformar e responder a um contexto específico com significado e responsabilidade social. O arcabouço conceitual baseia-se em uma abordagem dos processos de atividades, serviços e modalidades que devem compor a cultura a partir dos gastos culturais associados aos diferentes níveis políticos que têm uma finalidade sem fins lucrativos ou uma abordagem mercantilista, utilizando a observação etnográfica como metodologia, posição que significa passar da análise de lugares para a ação direta como pesquisador na comunidade. Essa compreensão permite apresentar estratégias e métodos de trabalho para estabelecer vínculos e relações com instituições governamentais e não governamentais de uma região, com o intuito de contribuir para uma transformação qualitativa das pessoas, por meio de ações e seu protagonismo nas atividades, e ao mesmo tempo atender e proteger as famílias dos setores mais vulneráveis da cidade de Tijuana. Baja California, México, para contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade de vida de seus habitantes.
- Published
- 2023
18. Tipo, stile, canone: appunti di terminologia paleografica
- Author
Edoardo Crisci
- Subjects
Paleography ,Terminology ,Metodology ,Writing ,Auxiliary sciences of history ,Diplomatics. Archives. Seals ,CD1-6471 - Abstract
This contribution is a brief exposition about some terminological matters related to three terms commonly used in palaeography: type, style, canon. In order to define the semantic field of these terms and their paleographical euristic scope, the author analyzes their use, above all in the Greek context, but also in the Latin one, by re-reading a certain number of scientific contributions of the last decades. The result is a not univocal use, often unclear in its theoretical assumptions and ambivalent in its heuristic scope. The reflections developed on the problem suggest a certain prudence in the use of these terms and the need for a further theoretical study.
- Published
- 2020
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19. La investigación de la radio en internet: Una revisión a las metodologías aplicadas.
- Author
Galarza Ligña, Viviana Noemí, Culqui Medina, Ana Magali, and del Carmen Reascos Trujillo, Amparo
- Subjects
INTERNET radio ,MASS media ,SOCIAL networks ,COMMUNICATION ,TECHNOLOGICAL innovations - Abstract
Copyright of CISTI (Iberian Conference on Information Systems & Technologies / Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação) Proceedings is the property of Conferencia Iberica de Sistemas Tecnologia de Informacao and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Ристивојевић, Бранислав P. and Самарџић, Стефан С.
- Subjects
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SOCIAL institutions , *DOMESTIC violence laws , *CRIMINOLOGY , *CRIME , *DOMESTIC violence - Abstract
First two years of implementation of the Law on prevention of family violence is a just an occasion to try to bring together results of its effects. Starting pointfor this analysis was presumption that the radical feminism and its counterpart in criminology>, radical SRhool of feminist criminology, shaped the Law. According to itfamily violence is a product of,alleged male wish to control female sexuality’. This control is conducted through social institutions such as family and marriage. As long as these institutions persist violence is repeated. Consequently, recidivism must be present as a rule. So, these institutions are to be destroyed. Some other personalfactors ofcriminal behaviour within family do not exist. Other forms offamily violence are not acknowledged and distinction between them is not made.At the beginning author gives detailed deSRription of a numerous methodological obstacles which hamper analyses. In the next part basic presumptions originating from radical SRhool offeminist criminology was summarily proved by briefanalysis of a several provisions ofthe Law itself. In the third part author summarize effects of a Law by using 9 individual survey>s ofpractice of a 9 different police departments in Republic of Serbia. Despite serious methodological obstacles and relatively SRarcity of a survey sample, author’s assessment of a practice shows that basic presumptions ofthe radical SRhool of feminist criminology are not proved in context of a Serbian society.If this presumption were, proven violence between partners must have beet} dominant in comparison with violence between relatives in analysis. In reality’, violence between relatives exists in almost one-half ofall cases: 43%. Furthermore, a division between three possible partner relations, a marriage, extramarital relations and a simple romance (and then on existing ones and former) shows that moreformal and more stable type of relations are more represented in analysis: 51% ofall cases happened in existing marriages, further 19% in existing extramaiital relations and 8% in existing romances. Likewise, all existing relations are more represented in analysis in relation to former ones: 20% ofcases happened informer marriages and former extramarital relations and a simple romance are represented in analysis with only 1% of all cases respectively\ It is quite possible that people, educated and raised in Serbian culture, are more violent in relations in which they' "invested" more. Their "investment” is a spiritual and matetial energy spent in relation. Those who want to have kids, raise family and acquire property' and the other way round choose more formal and stabile types of relations. Ulten faced with deprivation of these investments (kids and propertyj or when these are endangered, it is quite possible for people to become violent. In relations that are temporary, ephemeral or tightly perceived there is no such a kindofitxvestment”, and, it seems, no violence.Other possible personal factors ofviolent criminality• are present in analysis. Perpetrators ofviolence are in 37% of cases unemployed. On the other hand, only 18% of them are repeated offenders, so recidivism is not high. JTTi en it comes to so called "urgent measures" as a specific type ofsanctions for family violence they are issued in 2/3 of all cases. Restrain of approach and communication with victim is more frequent in comparison with eviction fi-om home. This is understandable. Kith so broad definition of a member of a famify, Law offers protection to persons who are in such a type of relations in which joint living is not an option. Therefore, there is not a joint accommodation fi-om which a perpetrator should be evicted. The same applies for all former relationships, which also enjoy protections of the Law although former partners, by definition, do not live jointly any more. Ratio betw een measures is 35% eviction orders to 65% restrain orders. In all cases where eviction order is issued, the other measure is also issued. Out of these two facts it is possible to draw conclusion that eviction order is only measure necessary in Serbia. In Serbian culture, the notion family comprises only ofrelationships in which people share „ table, bad atid roof". Author argues that only this type of a relation is a family, which, as a case may' be, needs protection. This is one proof more that radical SRhool offeminist criminology shaped the Law. Its teaching tries to force all relations between man and a woman, existing and former, within the notion ofa family. However, concludes the author, results of implementations of the Law' in Serbia speaks, on the contrary, that such a teaching is a strange body’ in Serbian culture, society and, consequently, legal [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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21. Los “yo" y la identidad colectiva: autorreferencia y morfogénesis. Una propuesta de metodología de diseño.
- Author
Molina González, Marta Nydia and Sosa Compeán, Liliana Beatriz
- Subjects
GRAPHIC design ,VISUAL communication ,SIMULATION methods & models ,COMPUTER simulation ,NUMERICAL analysis - Abstract
Copyright of Actas de Diseño is the property of Facultad de Diseno y Comunicacion, Fundacion Universidad de Palermo and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
22. An Assesment on the Three Worlds Theories of Karl Popper and Jürgen Habermas
- Author
Vildan İyigüngör
- Subjects
Popper ,Habermas ,Three World Theory ,Communicative Theory ,Metodology ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
In this study, it is aimed to outline “three world theories” of Karl Popper and Jürgen Habermas comparatively. In this context, it is also aimed to assess Habermas’ critics as “positivist” to Karl Popper who is an opponent to positivism inside it and his abstraction on the “three world theory” under the influence of Karl Popper. The differences between their opinions stem from their main arguments about the methodology of natural and social sciences.
- Published
- 2015
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- Author
Becker Jr, Rudimar Cavalini, Zibetti, Thomas Felipe, de Abreu e Lima Ipar, Carlos Edmundo, and da Silva Vilasbôas, Fernanda
- Subjects
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GEMS & precious stones , *MECHANICAL properties of condensed matter , *JEWELRY , *STONE , *CASE studies - Abstract
The present work aims to analyze in a practical way the methodology for the analysis and identification of gemstones in the Laboratory of Analysis of Gemological Materials (LAMG) and Laboratory of Analysis and Identification of Materials (LAIM) of the Technological Center of Stones, Gems and Jewelry (CTPedras). The technological center has equipament that allows analyse polished and non-polished gems on a non-destructive way, identifying characteristics and physical properties of these materials (density, isotropy, refraction, pleochroism, growth curves and inclusions, cleavage, quality of lapidation, chemical composition, among others. For the following case study, gemstones presented in polished and rough state were ramdonly selected according availability. The tests were performed and the identified physical properties and characteristics for each material were compared with the values indicated by techinical literature about the subject, realizing the identification of each material. It was also clear the importance of the CTPedras laboratories in this context and the affirmation of the motodology used for analysis and identification of gems. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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24. Propuesta de metodología de un proceso de transferencia tecnológica para una Biofábrica.
- Author
Buedo Domínguez, Mayelín Manuela
- Abstract
Copyright of Revista El Directivo al Día is the property of Centro de Informacion y Gestion Tecnologica (CIGET) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
25. A Procedural Approach to Some Comments and Evaluations Regarding the Change in Provisions
- Author
İsmet Kalkan
- Subjects
hüküm ,i̇slam hukuku ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion ,örf ,islamic law ,İslam Hukuku,Değişim,Hüküm,İctihâd,Makâsıd,Örf,Usûl,Vesâil ,i̇jtihad ,metodology ,maqāsid ,Religion ,usûl ,vesâil ,Din Bilimi ,wasāil ,değişim ,i̇ctihâd ,Media Technology ,change ,custom ,makâsıd ,Islamic Law,Change,Judgment,İjtihad,Maqāsid,Metodology,Custom,Wasāil ,judgment - Abstract
İnsana ve insanî olana nispetle değişmenin kaçınılmaz olduğu gibi, ezmanın tağayyürü ile de ahkâmın tağayyürü inkâr olunamaz. Çünkü insanlar, varlıklarını istikrarlı bir şekilde devam ettirebilmek için ihtiyaç duydukları bilgi ve imkâna her zaman aynı düzeyde ve aynı kalitede ulaşamamaktadır. Kişiye ve topluma göre değişen farklı düzeydeki ihtiyaç ve gereksinimler ile insan yaşamını derinden etkileyen savaş, doğal felâket ve benzeri olumsuzluklar da insan ve toplum davranışlarının hızlı bir şekilde değişmesine sebep olmaktadır. Bu davranış değişikliği, toplumsal örf ve adetlerde farklılaşmayı da tabiatiyla beraberinde getirmektedir. Topyekûn kâinattaki bu hızlı değişim ve dönüşüm, hayat standartlarında olduğu gibi insan haklarını düzenleyen beşerî yasalarda da kısmî ya da külli değişiklikler şeklinde kendisini gösterebilmektedir. Örfî davranışlardaki değişime paralel olarak dinî hüküm ve fetvalarda da değişim söz konusudur. Ancak beşerî kanun ve yasaları etkisi altına alan bütün değişim enstrümanlarının, İlâhî yasalar için aynı düzeyde etkili olduğunu söylemek mümkün değildir. İslam hukukunda fakihlerin genelinin itibarına göre; kat‘î şer‘î hükümler ictihâd konusu olmadıkları için değişime kapalıdır. Değişime açık olan hükümler ise zannî delille sabit olan hükümler ile hakkında nas ve icmâ‘ bulunmayan hükümlerden ibarettir. Haddi zatında az sayıdaki değişime kapalı bu hükümler, aynı zamanda değişime açık hükümler için de bir istikrar unsurudur. Zira İslam hukukunun; adaletin temini, zararın def‘i, harac ve fesadın giderilmesi ve kolaylık prensipleri gibi fert ve toplum maslahatını tesise dayalı evrensel bir hukuk sistemi olması da değişime açık olan hükümlerde ictihâd tariki ile değişimi zorunlu kılmaktadır. Fıkıh literatürümüz, hükümlerde değişimin mümkün olduğunu gösteren pek çok örnekle doludur. Fetvada değişim konusu, eski yeni ilmi çalışmaların birçoğunda, “hükümde değişim” başlığı altında ele alınmaktadır. Ülkemizde de bu konu ile ilgili yazılmış pek çok ilmî makale ve kitap bulunmaktadır. Konu ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalar incelendiğinde, bunlardan bazılarının, konuyu; ilmî perspektiften uzak, hikmet-i teşri‘ ve usul ilminden bağımsız olarak ele almış oldukları dikkatlerden kaçmamaktadır. Bu çalışmalarda hükümlerde değişme tezinin, fetvada değişme ile istidlal edilmiş olması, bunun en bariz örneğidir. Ayrıca bu çalışmaların bir kısmında konunun, yine usul ilminden bağımsız olarak ele alınmış olmasından kaynaklanan müteselsil yorum hatalarına da rastlamak mümkündür. Eski kaynakların bir kısmı ile bu konu ile ilgili yapılan Türkçe çalışmalarda konunun, “hükümlerde değişme” başlığı altında ele alınmış olması, müteselsilen tekrar eden bu yorum hatalarına örnek olarak gösterilebilir. Ayrıca bu çalışmaların bazılarında, taabbudî hükümlerin sınırlarını geniş tuttukları gerekçesiyle mütekaddim fukaha, mütekaddim fukahanın ictihâdlarını kutsadıkları gerekçesi ile de müteahhir fukaha kıyasıya eleştirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, usul ilmi ve fukahanın çoğunluğunun görüşü esas alınarak hükümde değişmenin; mahiyeti, sınırları ve yöntemi konusu kısaca ele alınacaktır. Özellikle konu ile ilgili yapılan çalışmaların bazılarında, dikkatleri çeken usulî hatalar, birkaç örnek üzerinden analiz edilecektir. Ayrıca bu çalışmalarda, konu ile ilgili farklı görüşleri sebebiyle kategorize edilen âlim ve araştırmacıların iddia edilen gruplara nispeti ile bu grupların stratejileri hakkında yapılan tenkit ve eleştiriler değerlendirilip, bu konu ile ilgili bir durum tespiti yapılacaktır., Just as humans change, the judgments will inevitably change with the advance of time. That is because people do not always have access to the information and opportunity which they need to maintain their existence stably at the same level and with the same quality. Different levels of needs and requirements that vary according to the person and society, and some negativities such as wars, natural disasters that deeply affect human life also causes rapid changes in human and social behaviour. This change in behaviour naturally brings about differentiation in social customs and traditions. This rapid change and transformation in the entire universe can manifest itself in the form of partial or total changes in human laws regulating human rights as well as in living standards. Parallel to the change in customary behaviour, there are also changes in religious decrees and fatwas. However, it is not possible to say that all this rush of change that affects human acts and laws are equally effective for divine laws. According to the general consideration of the jurists in Islamic law; Since the absolute Shariah rulings are not the subject of ijtihad, they are closed to change. The provisions that are open to change consist of the provisions that are fixed by conjectural evidence and the provisions about which there is no codex and consensus. As a matter of fact, the few provisions that are not subject to change are also an element of stability for the provisions that are open to change. Because, the fact that Islamic law is a universal legal system based on establishing the welfare of the individual and society by the principles such as ensuring justice, redressing the damage, eliminating extortion and corruption, and facilitating, necessitates the change in the provisions that are open to change via ijtihad. Our fiqh literature is replete with many examples that show that change in provisions is possible. The subject of change in the fatwa is discussed under the title of "change in the decree" in many of the old and new scholarly studies. There are many scholarly articles and books written on this subject in our country. When the studies on the subject are examined, it does not go unnoticed that some of them have dealt with it independently of the reason of the legislation or methodology and far from a scientific perspective. The most obvious example of this is that in these studies, the thesis of change in decrees was substantiated with change in fatwa. In addition, in some of these studies, it is possible to encounter several interpretation errors arising from the fact that the subject has been handled independently of discipline of methodology. The fact that some of the old sources and Turkish studies on this subject dealt with the subject under the title of "change in the provisions" can be given as an example of these repeated interpretation errors. In addition, in some of these studies, the former jurists are fiercely criticized for keeping the boundaries of divine decrees wide, and the later jurists for sanctifying the ijtihâds of the former jurists. In this study, the nature, limits and method of change in the provision will be briefly discussed based on the discipline of methodology and the opinion of the majority of the jurists. Especially methodological errors that attract attention in some of the studies on the subject will be analysed through a few examples. In addition, the relation of scholars and researchers categorized in these studies to the alleged groups due to their different views on the subject and the criticisms and commentaries made about the strategies of these groups will be evaluated, and due diligence will be made on this issue.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
- Subjects
Uluslararası İlişkiler ,Metodoloji ,Sosyal Bilimler ,International Relations ,Metodology ,Social Sciences - Abstract
This paper reviews the book titled Uluslararası ilişkilerde Metodoloji, which is edited by Ersel Aydınlı., Bu çalışma, Ersel Aydınlı tarafından derlenen Uluslararası ilişkilerde Metodoloji başlıklı kitabın incelemesini yapmaktadır.
- Published
- 2022
27. A expansão da teoria do agenda-setting em sistemas informativos da Web
- Author
Jan Alyne Barbosa e Silva
- Subjects
agenda-setting ,epistemologia ,Web ,epistemology ,metodology ,jornalismo ,journalism ,Language and Literature ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
Expansion of the agenda-setting theory in information systems on the Web – This article starts from the premise that a considerable part of the interpretations and criticisms of the agenda-setting theory focus on statements about the most general conclusions in agenda- setting research rather than on its fundamentals, limits and conditions of validity. On the other hand, it defends the legitimacy of some criticisms of the theory, more specifically those related to the design of agenda-setting research, the methods whereby it is investigated, and how the relevance (salience) of its themes is presented. In this regard, the intention is to point out how some of these criticisms have been overcome through the systematization of some possibilities for the expansion of the centripetal and centrifugal dimensions of this paradigm when investigated by means of WWW systems and environments.
- Published
- 2014
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28. Luciano Nosetto, Tomás Wieczorek (Eds.). (2020). Métodos de teoría política: un manual. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales. 184 pp
- Author
Ludmila Fuks
- Subjects
Philosophy ,metodología ,Sociology and Political Science ,Teoría política ,political theory ,metodology - Abstract
In an enterview with Günter Gaus, in 1964, Hannah Arendt explained that political theory was a gender by himself: neither a political phylosopy nor a empirical social science. This opened a field of studys at the same time it would fade his metodological especificity. Métodos de teoría política: un manual (2020) takes care of this lake in knowledge and present us an inventary of methods. The book traverse not only one but eight possible estrategies: history of ideas, intellectual history, conceptual history, hermeneutics, deconstruction, understanding of the Event, arqueology/genealogy and critical theory. Having said that, in addition of settle a debt with the discipline, what is interesting about this proposal is that avoids any prescriptive character: if the political is something plural, it is not possible to speak about just one authentic method. So, we find in this book possible tools that furthermore can be combinate between them. En 1964, en una entrevista televisiva a Günter Gaus, Hannah Arendt explicaba que la teoría política era un género del pensamiento en sí mismo: ni una filosofía política, ni una ciencia social empírica. Así, se abría un campo de estudios al mismo tiempo que se desdibujaba su especificidad metodológica. Métodos de teoría política: un manual (2020) se hace cargo de esa vacancia y nos presenta un vasto inventario de posibles metodologías a aplicar en el área de teoría política. A lo largo de sus capítulos recorre no una sino ocho estrategias posibles: historia de las ideas, historia intelectual, historia conceptual, hermenéutica, comprensión del acontecimiento, deconstrucción, arqueología/genealogía y teoría crítica. Ahora bien, lo interesante de esta propuesta es que, además de saldar una deuda para con la disciplina, evita cualquier carácter prescriptivo: si lo político se trata justamente de algo inclausurable, plural, no es posible hablar de un método correcto o auténtico. Así, nos encontramos con posibles herramientas, que a su vez pueden ser combinadas entre sí.
- Published
- 2022
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29. Luciano Nosetto, Tomás Wieczorek (Eds.). (2020). Métodos de teoría política. Un manual. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales. 184 pp.
- Author
Fuks, Ludmila and Fuks, Ludmila
- Abstract
In an enterview with Günter Gaus, in 1964, Hannah Arendt explained that political theory was a gender by himself: neither a political phylosopy nor a empirical social science. This opened a field of studys at the same time it would fade his metodological especificity. Métodos de teoría política: un manual (2020) takes care of this lake in knowledge and present us an inventary of methods. The book traverse not only one but eight possible estrategies: history of ideas, intellectual history, conceptual history, hermeneutics, deconstruction, understanding of the Event, arqueology/genealogy and critical theory. Having said that, in addition of settle a debt with the discipline, what is interesting about this proposal is that avoids any prescriptive character: if the political is something plural, it is not possible to speak about just one authentic method. So, we find in this book possible tools that furthermore can be combinate between them., En 1964, en una entrevista televisiva a Günter Gaus, Hannah Arendt explicaba que la teoría política era un género del pensamiento en sí mismo: ni una filosofía política, ni una ciencia social empírica. Así, se abría un campo de estudios al mismo tiempo que se desdibujaba su especificidad metodológica. Métodos de teoría política: un manual (2020) se hace cargo de esa vacancia y nos presenta un vasto inventario de posibles metodologías a aplicar en el área de teoría política. A lo largo de sus capítulos recorre no una sino ocho estrategias posibles: historia de las ideas, historia intelectual, historia conceptual, hermenéutica, comprensión del acontecimiento, deconstrucción, arqueología/genealogía y teoría crítica. Ahora bien, lo interesante de esta propuesta es que, además de saldar una deuda para con la disciplina, evita cualquier carácter prescriptivo: si lo político se trata justamente de algo inclausurable, plural, no es posible hablar de un método correcto o auténtico. Así, nos encontramos con posibles herramientas, que a su vez pueden ser combinadas entre sí.
- Published
- 2022
30. De lo experimental a lo creativo: Metodología Didáctica para aprender jugando
- Author
Serrano-Macias, Joaquin Humberto and Serrano-Macias, Joaquin Humberto
- Abstract
La continuidad de este proceso investigativo tiene como principal interés mantener los cuestionamientos generados a partir del quehacer de las artes y la docencia tanto en los niveles básicos como superior. En ese contexto se abordan varios acápites que dan una lectura enfocada a las artes de los procesos que impulsaron la reforma curricular de 2016 y que insertaron dentro del discurso educativo terminologías como la multiculturalidad, diversidad, entre otras que impulsan la inserción de las prácticas artísticas como parte esencial del perfil de salida del subnivel básico educativo y los siguientes niveles hasta el universitario como metodología activa. Sin embargo, desde la praxis, se identificaron factores ajenos al currículo que no permean las actividades artísticas y dejan estas como actividades lúdicas pero ornamentales para una comunidad, dejando de lado su valor afectivo, creativo e innovador para la resolución de problemas a partir del concepto de aprender jugando desde las artes con aplicaciones significativas.  , The continuity of this investigative process has as its main interest to maintain the questions generated from the work of the arts and teaching both at the basic and higher levels. In this context, several sections are addressed that give a reading focused on the arts of the processes that promoted the curricular reform of 2016 and that inserted into the educational discourse terminologies such as multiculturalism, diversity, among others that promote the insertion of artistic practices as an essential part of the exit profile of the basic educational sublevel and the following levels up to university as an active methodology. However, from praxis, factors outside the curriculum were identified that do not permeate artistic activities and leave these as playful but ornamental activities for a community, leaving aside their affective, creative, and innovative value for problem solving based on the concept. of learning by playing from the arts with significant applications.  , A continuidade desse processo investigativo tem como principal interesse manter as questões geradas a partir do trabalho das artes e do ensino tanto no nível básico quanto no superior. Nesse contexto, são abordadas diversas seções que dão uma leitura voltada para as artes dos processos que promoveram a reforma curricular de 2016 e que inseriram no discurso educacional terminologias como multiculturalismo, diversidade, entre outras que promovem a inserção de práticas artísticas como parte essencial do perfil de saída do subnível educacional básico e dos níveis seguintes até a universidade como metodologia ativa. Porém, a partir da práxis, foram identificados fatores externos ao currículo que não permeiam as atividades artísticas e as deixam como atividades lúdicas, mas ornamentais para uma comunidade, deixando de lado seu valor afetivo, criativo e inovador para a resolução de problemas com base no conceito de aprender brincando. das artes com aplicações significativas.  
- Published
- 2022
31. Elaboración de una guía metodológica que permita el fortalecimiento de la articulación del sistema de ciencia, tecnología e innovación de la USTA Bucaramanga con los aliados estratégicos
- Author
Pacheco Coronel, Marian Lucia, Rodríguez Rodríguez, Angelica Yurley, Márquez, Manuel Antonio, and Olaya, Emerson Jassan
- Subjects
University ,Universidad ,Ingenieros consultores ,Articulation ,Universidades ,Articulación ,Metodología ,Asesores de empresas ,Educación superior ,Allies ,Aliados ,Metodology ,Guide ,Guía - Abstract
En esta investigación se diseñó una guía metodológica que tiene por objetivo fortalecer la articulación del sistema de Ciencia, tecnología e innovación de la Universidad Santo Tomás seccional Bucaramanga ya que la falta sistematización y documentación de un proceso relacionado a dicho objetivo dificulta la capacidad de la institución para aprovechar y difundir los conocimientos y avances obtenidos en CTeI. Para esto, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de los modelos, programas y estrategias utilizadas por universidades nacionales e internacionales que son referentes en materia de investigación, innovación y transferencia tecnológica. Adicionalmente, se realizó un estudio del contexto interno institucional para identificar patrones comunes, necesidades y claves de éxito en los procesos y proyectos llevados a cabo por la institución en conjunto con el sector externo. Finalmente, se estableció una secuencia lógica de fases y pasos junto a las herramientas pertinentes que permiten llevar a cabo un procedimiento estandarizado en todas las facultades y dependencias de la universidad para facilitar la creación de enlaces y alianzas con los aliados estratégicos de la institución. Este proyecto respondió a una investigación de tipo descriptivo analítico con un diseño de carácter descriptivo. In this research, a methodological guide was designed that aims to strengthen the articulation of the Science, technology and innovation system of the Bucaramanga branch of the Santo Tomás University, since the lack of systematization and documentation of a process related to said objective hinders the capacity of the institution. To take advantage of and disseminate the knowledge and advances obtained in CTeI. For this, a bibliographic review of the models, programs and strategies used by national and international universities that are benchmarks in research, innovation and technology transfer was carried out. Additionally, a study of the internal institutional context was carried out to identify common patterns, needs and keys to success in the processes and projects carried out by the institution in conjunction with the external sector. Finally, a logical sequence of phases and steps was established along with the pertinent tools that allow a standardized procedure to be carried out in all the faculties and dependencies of the university to facilitate the creation of links and alliances with the strategic allies of the institution. This project responded to an analytical descriptive type of research with a descriptive design. Ingeniero Industrial http://www.ustabuca.edu.co/ustabmanga/presentacion Pregrado
- Published
- 2022
- Author
- Abstract
Cooperative games have acquired importance in the field of educational methodologies because they are a language accessible to young people, prone to working together and solving problems that would be difficult to access individually. This methodology provides the use and learning of common skills and competences jointly, valuing learning with others, however, the design of these games is still emblematic of educators since the field of studies presents only specific actions, especially when we deal with methodologies for game creation. Our objective, with this study, is to contribute to the methodological field, providing a tool experimented by the LIJC - UFCA, in the design of cooperative games, that structures and interrelates the creative process of decision making. This research uses a bibliographic study that permeates both article and the metod proposal, this study is exploratories research and a game production experience report, a product refined by the project and applied to participants from different institutions. This work resulted in an activity of a playful character, full of meanings and structured in concepts such as horizontal education, learning with others, mutual respect and dialogical; where we conclude that for the success of a method, the conceptual contribution and experimentation must be allied, without forgetting the primacy of the sense of an integral education of the human being. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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33. Studi Metodologi Tafsir Asy-Sya’rawi
- Author
Hikmatiar Pasya
- Subjects
Metodology ,Adabi ,I'jazi ,Sya'rawi ,Islam ,BP1-253 - Abstract
Understanding of Qur'an will always relate or have some correlation to the development of a human’s life. As stated by Umar ibn Khathab, "I go out from Qur'an in order to return to it." It means we must apply a contextual approach and not just textual to substantially understand Qur'an. In the middle of this pluralistic society, Sya'rawi was born. His consistency in explaining Qur'an with the Qur'an itself, expresses a realization in his perspective that the most accurate method in explaining the Qur'an is by using the Qur'an itself (al-Qur’an yufassiru ba’duhu ba’dhan). By using adabi and i’jazi methods in interpretating Qur'an, it is hoped to be a solution for these issues, so Qur'an and Islam will always be as shâlih likulli zamân wa al-makân.
- Published
- 2017
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34. Issues of Railway Traffic Control Devices Availability in the Exploitation Process
- Author
Paweł Drózd and Adam Rosiński
- Subjects
0209 industrial biotechnology ,Computer science ,Process (engineering) ,T55-55.3 ,02 engineering and technology ,metodology ,railway ,Transport engineering ,020901 industrial engineering & automation ,Railway traffic control ,Industrial safety. Industrial accident prevention ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,tests ,020201 artificial intelligence & image processing ,Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality ,control - Abstract
This article focuses exclusively on the issues of railway traffic control devices availability in traffic management. One of the factors affecting this availability are tests conducted during maintenance or repair works. A review of the literature in the field of test determination methods was conducted. Next, the railway traffic control system was described and the elements influencing availability were defined. Assumptions and an algorithm of the procedure were presented and the method of determining the tests was proposed.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Baimolda D., Kulbek M., and Anayeva E.
- Subjects
English language ,opinions ,students ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,textbooks ,metodology ,physical disciplines ,suggestions - Abstract
The article discusses the provisions for teaching physical disciplines in Kazakh universities in English. In this regard, some opinions and wishes were expressed regarding the trilingual project. When forming separate groups studying physical subjects in English, attention was paid to the following provisions. The first is students who graduated from schools in the Kazakh language and have an appropriate level in English. And the second - exactly the same situation, but graduated from school in the Russian language. The third is students who studied physical disciplines at school in English and have relatively good preparation in this direction. The corresponding methodological proposals for teaching physical disciplines in English are proposed, taking into account the indicated provisions. These proposals are made on the basis of the experience gained in this direction in the course of work at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University., {"references":["Қазақстан Республикасында білім беруді және ғылымды дамытудың 2016 – 2019 жылдарға арналған мемлекеттік бағдарламасын бекіту туралы.","Баймолда Д., Анаева Э. Физиканы көптілді оқытуда пәндік-тілдік кіріктірілген оқыту әдістемесін қолдану. Хабаршы-Вестник. КазНПУ им Абая. Физика-математика сериясы. -№4 (72). -2020. –83-88 б","Анаева Э. Ш., Капран А., Методы предметно-языкового интегрирования CLIL и EMI в обучении физике: проблемы и перспективы. ХV Сатпаевские чтения [Текст]. Материалы Международной научной конференции. ПГУ им. С.Торайгырова, Павлодар, - 2015. – с.380-385.","Coyle, D., Hood, P., March, D. CLIL Content and Learning Language Integrated Learning. Cambridge University Press. 2010","Ting Y. L. T. CLIL appeals to how the brain likes its information: examples from CLIL-(Neuro) Science //International CLIL Research Journal. – 2010. – Т. 1. –№.3. – С. 3-18.","Есенгужинов О.О., Анаева Э.Ш., Асылбаев Р.Н. Выбор компетентной технологии внедрения полиязычного образования на уроках физики в разрезе методик CLIL и ESP [Текст] //Материалы Международной онлайн научно-практической конференции «Наследие трудов Аль Фараби в развитии мировой цивилизации». – Алматы, 2020. – с.275-278.","Michael O`Callaghan, Pat Doyle, Orla Molamphy and et.all ., Physics. Published by Express Publishing. 2017"]}
- Published
- 2022
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36. Education for peace in the cross as a pillar upper level
- Author
Concepción Noemí Martínez Real
- Subjects
Education practice ,Transversality ,Metodology ,Social Sciences ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Peace education is very important in our lives, prepare us to be peacemakers, in a problematic world, with high manifestations of different ways of violence. The principles of peace education must be fundamental part of the practice in education, in all systems and it methodology must be known and applied, in order to reach the goal not only of the curriculums, even more the goals of the integral and humanist education. In educative Mexican context, we can see a progress in the implementation of peace education.
- Published
- 2012
37. Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi CBS Metodolojisinin Sorgun Çayı Havzası Fiziki Coğrafyasına Uygulanması
- Author
Emine Günok and Adnan Pınar
- Subjects
coğrafi bilgi sistemi ,fiziki coğrafya ,sorgun çayı ,geographical information system gis ,physical geography ,metodology ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri CBS ; konum ve konuma bağlıher türlü bilgiyi içerebilen, güçlü veri tabanıolan bir sistemdir. CBS aynızamanda bu verileri coğrafyanın bilimsel ilkelerine bağlıolarak grafik, profil, istatistik, harita, üç boyutlu görüntü vb. şekillerdeki analizler ile işleyebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, CBS yöntemi, coğrafyanın temelini oluşturan fiziki coğrafyanın özelliklerini yansıtmak amacıyla ele alınmıştır. CBS ile oluşturulan “Sayısal Yükselti Modeli” sayesinde havzanın, belirli bölümlerinin yükselti, eğim ve bakıözellikleri ortaya konulmuştur. Havza alanıve karstik havza sınırıen doğru biçimde belirlenmiştir. Çeşitli analizler ile havzadaki farklıvadi tipleri, drenaj şekilleri, akarsuyun boyuna ve enine profilleri, ana akarsu ve kollarının uzunluklarıortaya konulmuştur. Akarsu şebekesinin kuruluşunda ve kaynakların dağılışında topoğrafya ve jeolojik yapının etkisi tespit edilmiştir. Havzanın gelişiminde etkili olan fayların ve sürüklenim alanlarının uzunluklarıile litolojik yapının özellikleri, dağlık, platoluk, tepelik sahaların kapladıklarıalanlar ile yükselti ve eğim özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Şahit tepe, sırt, amfiteatr oluşum, ovalık saha, falez, gömük menderes, kıyıtopoğrafyası, karstik alan, dolin, obruk, mağara, traverten sahası, toprak ve bitki örtüsüne ait özellikler; belirlenmiştir. Aynızamanda bu şekillerin oluşumlarında; yükselti, eğim, bakı, topoğrafya, jeolojik yapı, hidrografik yapıve iklim etkisi irdelenmiştir. Bu araştırma ile CBS yönteminin, fiziki coğrafya alanına sunduğu imkânlar ana hatlarıile belirlenmiş, CBS’nin, coğrafya biliminin ele aldığıproblemlere etkili çözümler sunabileceği belirlenmiştir. Coğrafyanın, CBS teknolojisi ile elde edilecek bilimsel verileri, günlük yaşama kolaylıkla aktararak günlük yaşamda da kullanımıartan bir bilim haline geleceği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
- Published
- 2009
38. Research in Audiovisual Translation: files, methodology and tools
- Author
Briales Bellón, Isabel
- Subjects
Tools ,Traducción audiovisual ,Corpora ,Unidad de traducción ,Translation unit ,8- Lingüística y literatura::80 - Cuestiones generales relativas a la lingüística y literatura. Filología [CDU] ,Corpus ,Herramientas ,Metodología ,Audiovisual translation ,Metodology - Abstract
Corpas Pastor (2008: 89) señala que la Lingüística de Corpus está considerada como un enfoque metodológico adecuado para el estudio de las lenguas, aplicable tanto a la traducción como a la interpretación, pues permite analizar y describir una amplia variedad de discursos, reflexionar sobre la unidad de traducción y revisar el concepto de equivalencia. Partiendo de la base de que es factible trabajar con corpus en ámbitos tan dispares como la investigación sobre la variación lingüística o durantela realización de un encargo profesional o el desarrollo de una metodología para la enseñanza de lenguas, presentamos las fases que hemos tenido que superar para llevar a cabo el estudio comparativo del guion original del filme Bienvenue chez les Ch´tis y las versiones doblada y subtitulada en español. Destacamos la importancia de preparar correctamente el material de trabajo para poder extraer el máximo provecho de él. En el caso que presentamos, hemos utilizado los programas Final Draft, AntConc y WinAlign, que nos han permitido profundizar y desgranar los textos, localizar fácilmente los segmentos interesantes y crear unidades de traducción. Se trata de una metodología sistemática que permite abordar con rigurosidad la investigación en Traducción Audiovisual. Corpas Pastor (2008: 89) notes that corpus linguistics is considered a valid methodological approach to language studies, relevant to both translation and interpreting insofar that it can be used to analyse and describe a wide range of discourse types, reflect on translation units and re-examine the concept of equivalence. Taking as its starting point the fact that it is possible to work with corpora in such varied undertakings as researching language variations, performing professional translation/interpreting tasks and developing language teaching methods, this paper describes the stages involved in comparing and contrasting the original script for the film Bienvenue chez les Ch´tis and its dubbed and subtitled renderings in Spanish. We highlight the importance of properly preparing subject material to be able to make the most of its potential. In this particular case, we used the Final Draft, AntConc and WinAlign programmes to analyse the texts in depth, easily identify segments of interest and create translation units: a systematic method which enables research into Audiovisual Translation to be carried out in a rigorous manner.
- Published
- 2022
39. La importancia de la discusión metodológica entre Dworkin y el positivismo
- Author
Facundo García Valverde
- Subjects
Dworkin ,Hart ,Teoría legal ,Metodología ,Concepto del derecho ,Legal theory ,Metodology ,Concept of law ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
En este artículo analizo las diferentes estrategias del positivismo jurídico -especialmente, las relacionadas con el PostSCript de Herbert Hart- para defenderse de los argumentos que Ronald Dworkin ha venido utilizando desde hace más de treinta años. En oposición al abandono de la disputa metodológica que propone Liam Murphy, muestro que la discusión conceptual y metodológica es urgente y vital para los propios intereses teóricos dworkinianos.In this article I analyse different strategies of defence -derived from Hart's PostScript- used by the legal positivists against the numerous objections made by Ronald Dworkin. Against the abandonment of the dispute proposed by Liam Murphy, I show that the methodological and conceptual discussion between Dworkin and legal positivism is vital for the dworkinian theoretical purposes.
- Published
- 2007
40. Influência dos Íons Mg, Ca, Fe, Cu e Zn sobre a tensão superficial estática de soluções contendo surfatante Influence of Mg, Ca, Fe, Cu and Zn Ions on static surface tension of surfactant solutions
- Author
F.M.L. Silva, E.D. Velini, and T.M. Corrêa
- Subjects
tecnologia de aplicação ,metodologia ,Mitscherlich ,application technology ,metodology ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 ,Botany ,QK1-989 - Abstract
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a influência da presença de cinco íons em uma calda de pulverização contendo o surfatante Aterbane. A tensão superficial foi analisada por meio da medição da massa de um conjunto de 25 gotas, com quatro repetições constituindo um tratamento. O trabalho foi dividido em duas etapas. Na primeira, os tratamentos foram combinados em esquema fatorial 9x5x2, sendo nove concentrações do surfatante Aterbane (0,01; 0,025; 0,05; 0,1; 0,2; 0,5; 1; 2; e 3%), cinco íons (Mg++, Ca++, Fe+++, Cu+++ e Zn+++) e duas concentrações desses elementos (10 e 100 ppm). Na segunda etapa, os tratamentos foram combinados em esquema fatorial 5x5x1, utilizandose os mesmos cinco elementos (Mg++, Ca++, Fe+++, Cu+++ e Zn+++), em cinco concentrações (1, 5, 20, 50 e 200 ppm), com apenas uma concentração do surfatante Aterbane (0,025%). Outros nove tratamentos permitiram avaliar as tensões superficiais das concentrações do surfatante (0,01; 0,025; 0,05; 0,1; 0,2; 0,5; 1; 2; e 3%) sem a adição dos íons. Os resultados mostraram que houve interferência dos íons sobre as soluções, já que, com exceção do Fe+++ (na concentração de 10 e 100 ppm) e do Cu+++ (na concentração de 100 ppm), todos os íons reduziram a tensão mínima alcançada e aumentaram a eficiência do surfatante, implicando benefícios à ação do surfatante e sobre as características de possíveis soluções de aplicação. Todos os íons avaliados promoveram reduções nas tensões superficiais de soluções do surfatante na concentração de 0,025%.The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of 5 ions on a spray solution containing the surfactant aterbane. Surface tension was analyzed by measuring the mass of a set of 25 drops, with four repetitions constituting a treatment. The work was divided in two stages. In the first, the treatments were arranged in a 9x5x2 factorial design, nine Aterbane concentrations (0.01; 0.025; 0.05; 0.1; 0.2; 0.5; 1; 2; and 3%) and five ions (Mg++, Ca++, Fe+++, Cu+++ and Zn+++) at 2 concentrations (10 and 100 ppm). In the second stage, the treatments were arranged in a 5x5x1 factorial design using the same five elements (Mg++, Ca++, Fe+++, Cu+++ and Zn+++) at 5 concentrations (1, 5, 20, 50 and 100 ppm) with only one surfactant concentration (0.025%). Nine other treatments allowed to evaluate the surface tensions of the surfactant concentrations without ion addition. The results showed that the ions interfered in the solutions, except for Fe (at concentration of 10 and 100 ppm) and Cu (at concentration of 100 ppm), since all ions reduced the minimum tension reached and increased surfactant effectiveness, enhancing surfactant action and the characteristics of possible application solutions. All ions evaluated reduced the surface tensions of the surfactant solutions at a concentration of 0.025%.
- Published
- 2006
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41. Sistematização da assistência de enfermagem em unidade de reabilitação segundo o modelo conceitual de horta Sistematización de la asistencia de enfermería según el modelo conceptual de horta Nursing attendance systematization in rehabilitation unit, in accordance to horta's conceptual model
- Author
Rinaldo de Souza Neves
- Subjects
Atención de enfermería ,Proceso de enfermería ,Metodología ,Assistência de enfermagem ,Processos de enfermagem ,Metodologia ,Nursing care ,Nursing process ,Metodology ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
A utilização de modelo conceitual na Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem permite o desenvolvimento de ações fundamentadas em um referencial teórico que possa guiar a implantação e implementação do processo de enfermagem nas unidades hospitalares. Desta forma discute-se neste artigo a escolha do modelo conceitual de Horta na construção de um sistema de assistência de enfermagem em Unidade de Reabilitação de um hospital público do Distrito Federal. Através da utilização deste referencial teórico foi possível confeccionar o instrumento de coleta de dados baseado nas necessidades humanas básicas. A identificação destas necessidades possibilitou a construção da pirâmide hierarquizada das necessidades básicas alteradas em pacientes neurológicos. Através deste referencial pretende-se elaborar a prescrição e evolução de enfermagem fundamentados nos conceitos e significados do processo de enfermagem de Horta, possibilitando o inter-relacionamento de todas as fases que compõem esta metodologia de assistência.La utilización del modelo conceptual en la Sistematización de la Asistencia de Enfermería permite el desarrollo de acciones fundamentadas en un referencial teórico que pueda guiar la implantación e implementación del proceso de enfermería en las unidades hospitalarias. De esta forma se discute en este artículo la elección del modelo conceptual de Horta en la construcción de un sistema de asistencia de enfermería en la Unidad de Rehabilitación de un hospital público del Distrito Federal. A través de la utilización de este referencial teórico fue posible confeccionar el instrumento de colecta de datos basado en las necesidades humanas básicas. La identificación de estas necesidades posibilitó la construcción de la pirámide jerarquizada de las necesidades básicas alteradas en pacientes neurológicos. A través de este referencial se pretende elaborar la prescripción y evolución de la enfermería fundamentados en los conceptos y significados del proceso de enfermería de Horta, posibilitando el inter-relacionamento de todas las fases que componen esta metodología de asistencia.The utilization of a conceptual model in the Nursing Attendance Systemization allows the development of activities based on theoretical references that can guide the implantation and the implementation of nursing proceedings in hospitals. In this article we examine the option made for the implementation of the Horta's conceptual model in the construction of a nursing attendance system in the Rehabilitation Unit of a public hospital located in the Federal District of Brazil. Through the utilization of these theoretical references it was possible to make available a data collection tool based on the basic human needs. The identification of these needs made possible the construction of the hierarchically disposed pyramid of the neurological patients' modified basic needs. Through this reference paper we intend to elaborate the prescription and nursing evolution based in the concepts and standards of the Horta's nursing process, making possible the inter-relationship of all phases of this attendance methodology.
- Published
- 2006
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42. The introduction of a unified national approach to classification procedure of wastes to hazardous.
- Author
Zhukovskyi, Tymofii, Pshenichnova, Olena, Pisnya, Leonid, Tkachova, Olena, and Kartsev, Valerii
- Subjects
- *
HAZARDOUS waste laws , *COMPARATIVE studies - Abstract
The research results of the main sources of law of the European Union and Ukraine in the field of waste were presented in the article. The comparative analysis of wastes classification procedure to hazardous in the European legislation and in the existing environmental legislation of Ukraine was carried out. A unified national approach to the classification procedure of each particular type of wastes to hazardous harmonized with the requirements of European legislation for wastes was presented. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
43. Gravitational model applied to agricultural goods: the case of Brazilian sugar exports
- Author
Corrêa, Marco Aurélio Kasmin, Alves, Lucir Reinaldo, Schneider, Mirian Beatriz, Lima, Jandir Ferrera de, Raiher, Augusta Pelinski, and Almeida, Rubiane Daniele Cardoso de
- Subjects
Bens agrícolas ,CRESCIMENTO E DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONOMICO [CRESCIMENTO, FLUTUACOES E PLANEJAMENTO ECONOMICO] ,Modelo gravitacional ,Gravity model ,Metodologia ,International trade ,Comércio internacional ,Agricultural goods ,Metodology - Abstract
Submitted by Marilene Donadel (marilene.donadel@unioeste.br) on 2022-04-01T22:52:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marco_Kasmin_2021.pdf: 8389896 bytes, checksum: 1291e4be39415706ab3855231cd30f16 (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2022-04-01T22:52:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marco_Kasmin_2021.pdf: 8389896 bytes, checksum: 1291e4be39415706ab3855231cd30f16 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2021-11-26 This work aims to analyze the evolution and methodological alternatives of the quanti- tative method called “gravitational model of international trade”, when applied to help explain the trade of agricultural goods. Agricultural goods have specific features in their production processes, associated with locations and production factors, especially land and weather conditions. Therefore, they cannot be treated in the same way as manufactured goods, which can have their production process and production factors allocated and relocated to any part of the globe, allowing for a better adjustment of production processes, as recommended by the international division of labor. The greater rigidity of production factors for agricultural goods is a characteristic described in international trade theory and which has been relegated in the application of the gravitational model, reducing the explanatory capacity of the model when applied and, consequently, increasing the possibility of incurring in trade errors. magnitude, statistical significance and interpretation of marginal effects when assessing which and how much factors impact unilateral or bilateral trade flows. The first part of this work makes a historical and theoretical survey of the gravitational model, its different applications and the adaptations adopted to encompass the various characteristics of international trade, whether the production process, legislation, trade agreements, transport costs, among others . The research covers more than 50 years of history, from the emergence of the model, its evolution process and its consolidation as an analytical tool. The second part consists of a literature review of works that applied the model to the analysis of international trade specifically to agricultural goods, focusing on the pattern of method- ological adaptations - when there were -, and on the justifications for these adaptations. In the last part of this work, a methodological proposal is made, derived from the factor endowment model, which can be used in the application of the model in the study of unilateral or bilateral trade in agricultural goods, including variables that minimally reflect the nature of the agricultural process and that are aligned with regard to specific factors for the analysis of international trade. The conclusion is unfavorable to the application of the gravitational model for agricultural goods, there is no convergence in the literature for the adoption of characteristics of these products. Statistical problems such as the one-sidedness of flows, the absence of trade in specific periods, as well as the presence of zero or null values reduce the robustness of the model. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a evolução e alternativas metodológicas do método quantitativo denominado “modelo gravitacional de comércio internacional”, quando aplicado para auxiliar na explicação do comércio de bens agrícolas. Os bens agrícolas têm especificidades em seus processos produtivos, associadas aos locais e aos fatores de produção, sobretudo à terra e à condição climática. Não podem, portanto, ser tratados da mesma forma que bens manufaturados, que podem ter seu processo produtivo e fatores de produção alocados e realocados para qualquer parte do globo, permitindo um melhor ajuste dos processos produtivos, como preconiza a divisão internacional do trabalho. A maior rigidez dos fatores de produção para bens agrícolas é uma característica descrita na teoria de comércio internacional e que tem sido relegada na aplicação do modelo gravitacional, reduzindo a capacidade explicativa do modelo quando aplicado e, consequentemente, ampliando a possibilidade de incorrer em erros de magnitude, significância estatística e interpretação dos efeitos marginais ao avaliar quais e quanto os fatores impactam nos fluxos unilaterais ou bilaterais de comércio. A primeira parte deste trabalho faz um levantamento histórico e teórico do modelo gravitacional, suas diferentes aplicações e as adaptações adotadas para abarcar as várias características do comércio internacional, seja do processo produtivo, da legislação, dos acordos comerciais, dos custos de transporte, entre outros. A pesquisa contempla mais de 50 anos de história, desde o surgimento do modelo, seu processo de evolução e sua consolidação enquanto instrumental de análise. A segunda parte consiste em uma revisão bibliográfica de trabalhos que aplicaram o modelo para a análise do comércio internacional, especificamente à bens agrícolas, e focam no padrão de adaptações metodológicas - quando houve -, e nas justificativas dessas adaptações. Na última parte deste trabalho faz-se uma proposta metodológica derivada do modelo de dotação de fatores, passível de ser utilizada na aplicação do modelo no estudo do comércio unilateral ou bilateral de bens agrícolas, incluindo variáveis que reflitam minimamente a natureza do processo agrícola e que estejam alinhadas no que tange a fatores específicos para análise do comércio internacional. A conclusão é desfavorável à aplicação do modelo gravitacional para bens agrícolas, não há na literatura convergência para a adoção de características desses produtos. Problemas estatísticos como a unilateralidade dos fluxos, ausência de comércio em períodos pontuais, assim como a presença de valores zeros ou nulos reduzem a robustez do modelo.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Mariza de Carvalho Soares
- Subjects
lcsh:Latin America. Spanish America ,Slave Trade ,banco de dados ,Brasil ,lcsh:F1201-3799 ,metodologia ,05 social sciences ,General Medicine ,Tráfico de escravos ,metodology ,050105 experimental psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,database ,Brazil - Abstract
Resumo Este artigo é a versão escrita dos meus comentários orais ao texto de David Eltis intitulado “Capitalism and the Transatlantic Slave Trade: some broader implications of the intrusion of the Northern Europeans” apresentado por ocasião do Forum Almanack 2019 que tratou do comércio atlântico de escravos a partir dos dados recentes do The Transatlantic Slave Trade Database. Meus comentários enfocaram a construção do Database e a metodologia adotada pela equipe diretora do Database para sua expansão ao longo dos 20 anos que sucederam a divulgação dos primeiros resultados. Abstract The article is a written version of my oral comments on the paper “Capitalism and the Transatlantic Slave Trade: some broader implications of the intrusion of the Northern Europeans” presented by David Eltis during the 2019 Almanack Forum about the recent results of the The Transatlantic Slave Trade Database. I argued about the format of the Database, and how the Database team researchers faced the expansion, and adjustments of the Database along the last 20 years.
- Published
- 2019
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45. Confianzas y sospechas en el campo de la seguridad: Notas sobre el oficio de entrevistar a policías
- Author
Rodriguez, Florencia, Castro, Natalia Sofía, Rodriguez, Florencia, and Castro, Natalia Sofía
- Abstract
This article has the objective of making a series of methodological reflections on our experiences as researchers in the field of security. We explain some problematic knots around the office of qualitatively investigating in direct contact with the police, partly to open debates and discussions within the field of social sciences, but also as a reflexivity exercise for our ongoing investigations. We anticipate that the spirit of the article attempts to resolve some aspects of "access" to field work within the police institution, stressing the relationship between the alleged opacity and the predisposition of its agents to meet us and answer our questions. To do so, we address some moments of our research that allow us to identify and reflect on our strategies to build trust and some misunderstandings that gave rise to expressions of suspicion about ourselves and our intentions., Neste artigo propomos-nos, como objetivo, fazer uma série de reflexões metodológicas sobre as nossas experiências como investigadores no campo da segurança. Explicamos alguns nós problemáticos em torno do trabalho de investigação qualitativa no contato direto com a polícia, em parte para abrir debates e discussões no campo das ciências sociais, mas também como uma reflexividade para nossas investigações em andamento. Antecipamos que o espírito do artigo tente debater alguns aspectos do “acesso” ao trabalho de campo dentro da instituição policial, ressaltando a relação entre a suposta opacidade e a predisposição de seus agentes em nos atender e responder às nossas perguntas. Para isso, abordamos alguns momentos da nossa pesquisa que nos permitem identificar e refletir sobre as nossas estratégias de construção da confiança e alguns mal-entendidos que suscitam manifestações de desconfiança sobre nossas intenções., En este artículo nos planteamos el objetivo de hacer una serie de reflexiones metodológicas sobre nuestras experiencias como investigadoras en el campo de la seguridad. Explicitamos algunos nudos problemáticos en torno al oficio de investigar cualitativamente en contacto directo con la policía, en parte para abrir debates y discusiones dentro del campo de las ciencias sociales, pero también a modo de reflexividad para nuestras indagaciones en curso. Adelantamos que el espíritu del artículo intenta dirimir algunos aspectos sobre el “acceso” al trabajo de campo dentro de la institución policial, tensionando la relación entre la presunta opacidad y la predisposición de sus agentes para encontrarse con nosotras y responder nuestras preguntas. Para ello, abordamos algunos momentos de nuestra pesquisa que nos permiten identificar y reflexionar en torno de nuestras estrategias para construir confianza y algunos equívocos que dan lugar a expresiones de sospecha sobre nuestra persona y nuestras intenciones.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
- Subjects
FORENSIC sciences ,CRIMINAL investigation - Abstract
The meaning (notion) of criminalistics as a branch of the science is different in our world. Specially different in the Continental and in the Anglo-Saxon (common-law) system. The study shows and analyses the classic and the modern interpretation of criminalistics and forensic sciences. In the second part you can find a conceptual-theoretical modell of the system of criminalistics and its contacts with other (criminal, "cross-section" and social) disciplines. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
47. Propuesta de una Metodología para Gestión de Proyectos de Outsourcing de TI para Proveedores.
- Author
Marcilla, Fco Javier Sáenz, de la Cámara Delgado, Mercedes, Calvo-Manzano, Jose A., and Vicente, Eugenio Fernández
- Subjects
Copyright of CISTI (Iberian Conference on Information Systems & Technologies / Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação) Proceedings is the property of Conferencia Iberica de Sistemas Tecnologia de Informacao and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
48. Proposal of an IT outsourcing project management methodology for suppliers.
- Author
Marcilla, Fco Javier Saenz, de la Camara Delgado, Mercedes, Calvo-Manzano, Jose A., and Vicente, Eugenio Fernandez
- Abstract
Current technological advances that have led to a globally connected economy, together with the increasing trend towards privatization and deregulation, are leading to new organizational models and increased collaboration between suppliers and customers, sharing information and process flows. This has directly contributed to the great expansion of outsourcing, considering it as a strategic tool for organizations. In this environment, and given the increasing organizational complexity, the use of a methodology to assist the implementation of outsourcing projects has become almost necessary. In recent years several methodologies and models have been proposed, especially for supporting client outsourcing organizations, but we do not consider them to be complete, they do not cover all necessary aspects to manage an outsourcing project. That is the reason because we, in this paper, propose a methodology for outsourcing project management from the point of view of the suppliers that was complete and easy to apply. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2012
49. Renewing the models of process through digital design: the challenge launched by ADITAZZ with the 'Small Hospital – Big Ideas' International competition
- Author
Romano Del Nord
- Subjects
Metodology ,Digital design ,Aditazz Realization Platform ,Model ,Process ,Multidisciplinarity ,Aesthetics of cities. City planning and beautifying ,NA9000-9428 ,Architectural drawing and design ,NA2695-2793 - Abstract
The critical issues facing the construction industry, can only be overcome with a policy of actions and strategies that should be shared and implemented by all stakeholders interested in fostering innovation, that is the driving force of growth. Our role is to envisage new forms of innovation that might affect the “way” we conceive and design buildings as well the “way” we manage processes, enhancing the methodology and the means that have always been at the core of technological culture. In this context, it is interesting to evaluate the multidisciplinary digital design that the American group ADITAZZ has developed for a recent International Competition, sponsored by Kaiser Permanente. Aditazz Realization Platform (ARP) has allowed to produce multi-aggregation scenarios to meet the criteria of the Competition. This design, based on a digital and multidisciplinary culture is of great interest for the potentials of contemporary technology.
- Published
- 2013
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- Author
Gomez Gomez, Adith Shilley
- Subjects
The following is a review about the book titled La Historia Contraataca (History FightsBack), written by the Venezuelan historian Juan Manuel Santana Pérez. In the book, thehistoriographical path during the 20th century is presented by the author. Santana Pérezexplains its history, its theoretical basis, and the methodology researchers employedduring that period. The book is composed by nine chapters, which are reviewed in detail. La presente es una reseña del libro La Historia Contraataca de Juan Manuel Santana Pérez,historiador venezolano. El autor realiza un recorrido historiográfico sobre el quehacer dela historia, sus basamentos y metodología empleados en el siglo XX. Es un texto de granimportancia en el quehacer historiográfico, dado que se expone de manera crítica y detalladala tradición historiográfica, así como los aportes más recientes en el área. El libro secompone por nueve capítulos los cuales se reseñan de manera cuidadosa.
- Published
- 2021
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