248 results on '"leone"'
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2. Le raffigurazioni di felini in ambra nella Penisola italiana.
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- Published
- 2022
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3. Deleuzean hybridity in the films of Leone and Argento
- Author
Brown, Keith Hennessey, Ostrowska, Dorota, Beugnet, Martine, and Yacavone, Daniel
- Subjects
791.43 ,Deleuze ,Gilles ,Leone ,Sergio ,Argento ,Dario ,giallo ,Western - Abstract
In this comparatively brief chapter I begin by introducing my central research proposition. I then introduce my corpus of films and establish their significance both in their own right and as somewhat representative examples of a broader area of cinema. Following this I introduce my corpus of theory. Throughout, I seek to position my research within its wider context, identifying precedents for the approach I will take, alongside the originality of the thesis as a whole. My central contention in this thesis is that the films made by the Italian directors Sergio Leone and Dario Argento between the mid-1960s and the early 1980s are distinctive instances of a Deleuzean hybrid cinema. Gilles Deleuze suggests that we can identify two main, contrasting forms of cinema. These are the cinema of the movement-image and the cinema of the timeimage. As a philosopher of difference, Deleuze tends to present the two cinemas as alternatives. This is enhanced by their most important respective manifestations. The movement-image is associated with classical Hollywood genre cinema, the time-image with modern European art cinema. Accordingly, a Deleuzean approach leads to two contradictory hypotheses on the nature of Leone and Argento’s films. On the one hand, that they are genre works (westerns, gangster, thrillers and horror films) suggests they are movement-image. On the other hand, that they are post-Second World War continental European films suggests they are time-image. My contention is that we can resolve this apparent contradiction by considering the films as including combinations of movement-images and time-images. This entails reading Deleuze’s theory somewhat against the grain, by suggesting the existence of a continuum between the two image regimes. Crucially, however, there are a number of precedents for using Deleuze’s ideas to investigate hybrid cinemas, with these also demonstrating the value of modifying or extending his theories. In addition, I would suggest that we can deploy notions of hybrid cinema as a means of exploring the career trajectories of certain directors, by considering the proportions and types of movement-image and time-image apparent over their filmographies. My main corpus of films comprises fourteen works by Italian directors Sergio Leone (1929-1989) and Dario Argento (1940-). The Leone films span the period 1964 to 1984 and are all westerns with the exception of his final film, which belongs to the gangster/crime genre. The Argento films span the period 1970 to 1982 and are all giallo thrillers or fantasy-horror films, with some overlap between these genres. The Leone films are A Fistful of Dollars (1964), For a Few Dollars More (1965), The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (1966), Once Upon a Time in the West (1968), Duck You Sucker (1971), My Name is Nobody (1973) and Once Upon a Time in America (1984). The Argento films are The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970), The Cat o’ Nine Tails (1971), Four Flies on Grey Velvet (1971), Deep Red (1975), Suspiria (1977), Inferno (1980) and Tenebrae (1982). The exclusion of Argento’s later films allows for a clearer and closer comparison to be made with Leone’s films, my contention being that the two directors were doing similar things in their respective genres during this time period. Argento also broke into filmmaking through collaborating with Leone upon Once Upon a Time in the West.
- Published
- 2013
4. Retention of Different Orthodontic Aligners According to their Thickness and the Presence of Attachments
- Author
Al Noor, Hussein Shakir Saleh and Al-Joubori, Sami Kadhum
- Published
- 2018
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- Abstract
BYRON PITTS (ABC NEWS) (Off-camera) Our thank to Erielle. We shift gears now on this Friday the 13th, to holiday movies usually synonymous with merry and bright. But in this season of warmth and good cheer, more and more moviegoers want to scream in fear. ABC's Ashan Singh takes us inside the rise of seasonal slashers. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2024
6. The lion and the fox: an animal metaphor for two laudandi in Pindar
- Author
Pitotto, Elisabetta and Pitotto, Elisabetta
- Abstract
The lion and the fox: an Animal Metaphor for two laudandi in Pindar focuses on the communicative functions of the references to the couple formed by the lion and the fox in Pindar’s Olympian XI and Isthmian IV. The first part of this article considers the qualities traditionally associated to the fox and the lion in archaic epic and lyric diction. Set against this background, the two metaphors -to which Pindar recurs when it comes to praise Hagesidamos and Melissos respectively- become more meaningful. Used in the key moments of the two epinicians, they help performing two important tasks: painting a suitably encomiastic portrait of the patrons; facing the overall socio-political issues reflected in each song., Il leone e la volpe: una metafora animale per due laudandi pindarici è dedicato alle funzioni comunicative dei riferimenti alla coppia formata dal leone e dalla volpe nell’Olimpica XI e nell’Istmica IV. La prima parte dell’articolo prende in esame le qualità tradizionalmente associate ai due animali nella dizione epica e lirica arcaica. Una volta inserite in questo contesto, le due metafore -a cui Pindaro ricorre nell’elogio, rispettivamente, per Agesidamo e per Melisso- svelano a pieno la loro pregnanza. Collocate nei punti chiave dei due epinici, esse concorrono infatti a svolgere due compiti di primo piano: presentare il committente in termini elogiativi a sufficienza; affrontare le istanze sociopolitiche sottese al carme nel suo complesso.
- Published
- 2023
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- Abstract
JUJU CHANG (ABC NEWS) (Voiceover) It was a stunning fall from grace. Police raiding the home of Nathan Chasing Horse, an of Nathan Chasing Horse, an actor and self-described medicine man, once revered in indigenous communities, now reviled and behind bars. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2024
- Author
Nataliia Ivanytska and Michael Kern
- Subjects
e-Learning ,mobile learning ,virtual learning ,educational platform ,Physics ,Leone ,Tyrol ,Austria ,Theory and practice of education ,LB5-3640 - Abstract
The article is devoted to the expediency of using distance learning of physics in the educational process. The article deals with features and types of distance learning. Such concepts as "e-Learning", "mobile learning", "virtual learning", with the help of practical "online" learning experience based on modern European educational platform Leon (Tyrol, Austria) are revealed. The article defines the structure and the interrelationships between the components of control in distance learning. The expediency of the use of distance learning is grounded on condition that there is an appropriate hardware and software in an educational establishment.
- Published
- 2015
9. Un leone nella neve. Stilicone nel De bello Getico di Claudiano
- Author
Gualandri, Isabella
- Subjects
Claudian ,Stilicho ,lion ,Alaric ,Hannibal ,Visigoths ,Claudiano ,Stilicone ,leone ,Alarico ,Annibale ,Visigoti - Abstract
In 402 A.D. Claudian declaimed in Rome his poemDe bello Getico,praising Stilicho shortly after his controversial victory over Alarich at Pollentia. The poem was recited in front of members of the senatorial aristocracy not necessarily well disposed to Stilicho. Focusing on two specific passages the paper examines how Claudian tried to portray him in a favourable light and to justify his actions, playing with mythological synkrisis and cleverly evoking historical memories and traditions well suited to the audience., Nel 402 Claudiano presentava a Roma il suo poema De bello Getico, celebrando Stilicone poco dopo la sua discussa vittoria contro Alarico a Pollenzo. Il poema veniva recitato alla presenza di membri dell’aristocrazia senatoria non sempre ben disposti verso Stilicone. Concentrandosi sull’analisi di due passi l’articolo esamina come Claudiano cerchi di metterlo in luce favorevole e giustificarne l’operato, sia giocando sulla synkrisis col mito, sia sottilmente evocando richiami al passato e a temi tradizionali cari al pubblico presente.
- Published
- 2022
10. I Governi Rumor IV e V e l'attuazione della Costituzione, tra referendum abrogativo e Regioni ordinarie
- Author
Caruso, Lucio Adalberto
- Subjects
Governo Rumor ,governo parlamentare ,Governi Rumor ,consultazione referendaria ,diritto di famiglia ,Leone ,rapporto fiduciario ,Rumor ,Repubblica ,indirizzo politico ,legge sul divorzio ,Regioni ordinarie ,Rumor IV ,attuazione ,Fiducia ,Rumor V ,Presidente della Repubblica ,Governo ,divorzio ,Costituzione ,Mariano Rumor ,Parlamento ,referendum abrogativo ,attuazione della Costituzione - Published
- 2022
11. Africa in International Politics
- Author
Taylor, Ian and Williams, Paul
- Subjects
european ,rapid ,reaction ,force ,sierra ,leone ,south ,security ,sector ,reform ,Politics and government ,Political science and theory ,Comparative politics ,International relations ,Warfare and defence - Abstract
Locating Africa on the global stage, this book examines and compares external involvement in the continent, exploring the foreign policies of major states and international organizations towards Africa. The contributors work within a political economy framework in order to study how these powers have attempted to stimulate democracy, peace and prosperity in the context of neo-liberal hegemony and ask whom these attempts have benefited and failed.
- Published
- 2019
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12. Africa and the North
- Author
Engel, Ulf and Rye Olsen, Gorm
- Subjects
policy ,african ,states ,sierra ,leone ,sub-saharan ,africas ,international ,relations ,french ,African history ,Politics and government ,International relations - Abstract
An important new discussion of Africa's place in the international system. This volume discusses Africa's place in the international system, examining the way in which the Westphalian system, in light of the impact of globalization and transnational networks, continues to play a major role in the structuring of Africa's international relations. The book provides a solid empirical analysis of key global players in Africa - France, the UK, the US, Japan, Germany, the EU and the UN - and of their policies towards the region. In the context of the 'war against terrorism', African political stability becomes a consideration of increasing importance. By analyzing the relevance of the states in the North, this book challenges conventional wisdom in recent international relations thinking. It applies the concept of an 'international policy community' to bridge the gap between the 'domestic' and the 'international', explaining why Africa retains a role in global politics out of any proportion to its economic weight.
- Published
- 2019
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13. Handling and Manhandling Civilians in Civil War: Determinants of the Strategies of Warring Factions.
- Author
Humphreys, Macartan and Weinstein, Jeremy M.
- Subjects
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CIVIL war , *VIOLENCE , *MILITARY law , *VIOLENT deaths - Abstract
It is widely accepted that the toll of civil conflict is increasingly borne by the civilian population, as warring factions target non-combatants through campaigns of killing, rape, and pillaging. But significant variation exists in the extent to which warring groups abuse the civilian population: across conflicts, across groups, and within countries geographically and over time. Using a new dataset on fighting groups in Sierra Leone, this paper analyzes the determinants of the tactics, strategies, and behaviors that warring factions employ in their relationship with non-combatants. We show that the most important determinants of civilian abuse are internal to the structure of the faction. High levels of abuse are exhibited by warring factions that are more ethnically fragmented, use material incentives to recruit participants, have weak social capital, and lack mechanisms for punishing indiscipline. In addition, there is some evidence that the degree of contestation matters for the level of civilian abuse. Groups that are dominant in a particular geographic zone tend not to use high levels of violence, and wealthier regions are prone to experience higher levels of abuse. There is also some evidence that levels of abuse are a function of a faction?s ties to the local community. We find weak evidence that ethnic ties between the group and the community in which it operates result in lower levels of violence, but stronger evidence that levels of abuse are lower in situations where groups fight in their home area. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2004
14. Frustration or Facilitation? Peacebuilding Ownership in Sierra Leone and the Reproduction of Social Inequalities.
- Author
Labonte, Melissa
- Subjects
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EQUALITY , *ECONOMIC history ,SIERRA Leonean social conditions ,SIERRA Leone politics & government - Abstract
Despite high levels of political will at the international, regional, and sub-regional levels, donor mobilization, a national peacebuilding effort, and a relatively secure post-conflict peace, Sierra Leone perpetually ranks last among all countries globally in terms of human development and measures of social equality. What factors account for this outcome? I address this question by examining whether the efforts of the primary peacebuilding actors in Sierra Leone ? international donors, the host government, and international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) ? have contributed to outcomes conducive to the facilitation or reduction of social inequality and exclusion. I analyze three programs in detail: the impact of the national disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) program on ex-combatants (especially female ex-combatants); a recently-established program to foster community peacebuilding and development through the diamond mining industry; and the rehabilitation of livelihoods through a CARE-sponsored program that focuses on seed distribution and agriculture. I conclude that factors such as the organizational culture of INGOs, inadequate funding, ongoing government corruption, poor program design, and a dearth of information, knowledge, and understanding of local political, economic, and social contexts have obstructed the successful implementation of specific programs, have contributed to dysfunctional peacebuilding outcomes, and thus have failed to positively impact social inequality and exclusion. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2004
15. Providing Justice and Reconciliation: The Criminal Tribunals for Sierra Leone and Cambodia.
- Author
Barria, Lilian A. and Roper, Steven D.
- Subjects
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This paper explores the development of the Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL) and the Extraordinary Chambers for Cambodia (ECC) which represent a departure from the model established by the International Criminal tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). As in the case of the earlier tribunals, the court for Sierra Leone and Cambodia represents a political compromise reached within the United Nations (UN) as well as within the states. Security Council members are suffering donor fatigue and do not wish to establish tribunals that draw upon on the UN?s general budget. The states, and particularly Cambodia, want to have more influence on the crafting of the institution as well as the legal process that will be used for trial. These are among the first tribunals established since the founding of the International Criminal Court (ICC), and especially in the case of Sierra Leone, the definition of international crimes including war crimes and crimes against humanity reflect the legal framework established by the ICC. The SCSL and the ECC have often been referred to as a ?mixed? or ?hybrid? tribunal in which there is a significant domestic and international component. As we note, the tribunals include a combination of domestic and international judges, utilize domestic and international laws and are administered by a prosecutorial team composed of domestic and international lawyers. In many respects, these institutional changes have been brought about because of criticisms of the ICTY and the ICTR. These newer tribunals reflect a significant departure from the institutions created in the early to mid 1990s. The tribunals for Sierra Leone, Cambodia represent an attempt by states to re-insert themselves into the post-conflict legal process. The question remains whether states such as Sierra Leone which has just recently emerged out of significant conflict or states such as Cambodia which are still divided societies can provide the necessary rule of law. In both countries, legal institutions were under-institutionalized before the out-break of conflict and especially in the case of Cambodia the legal system itself came under attack. This paper is divided into four main sections. First, we analyze the nature of the conflict in both countries and the types of crimes there were committed. Second, we examine the debate on the creation of these tribunals and some of the limitations brought about by the negotiations. Third, we present the structure of the tribunal and finally conclude by examining the current status of the tribunal and its ability to fulfill its mandate. The fundamental question of this paper is whether these mixed tribunals are a more effective mechanism for providing justice and reconciliation than purely international solutions. This is an important question because both the international community as well as states are moving in the direction of mixed tribunals. This paper provides a first attempt to examine and compared these new mechanisms of justice. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2004
16. Globalizing justice: from universal jurisdiction to mixed tribunals.
- Author
Sriram, Chandra Lekha
- Subjects
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JUSTICE , *JURISDICTION , *COMPETENT authority , *CRIMINALS , *HUMAN acts (Ethics) - Abstract
This article examines the expanding phenomenon of globalized justice, considering the possible virtues and vices of the exercise of universal jurisdiction and mixed tribunals. It examines the contemporary trends in the exercise of universal jurisdiction, and argues that while generally holding rights abusers and war criminals accountable is a good thing, current approaches to externalized justice, where prosecutions take place far from the locus of the crime, have significant flaws. It then examines the experience of the mixed tribunal and attendant externally-driven accountability and reconciliation mechanisms in East Timor, asking whether mixed tribunals are promising alternatives to distant justice, and considers what lessons might have been learned for the nascent special court in Sierra Leone and the projected trials in Cambodia. I argue that the flaws of distant justice practiced through the exercise of universal jurisdiction, such as the potential failure to take account of local needs, inconsistency in practice and perceived illegitimacy, may not be entirely addressed through the creation of mixed tribunals. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2004
17. Civilian Targets in Sierra Leone and Liberia: Political Power and the Mixed Message of Human Rights.
- Author
Hoffman, Danny
- Subjects
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POWER (Social sciences) , *ETHNOLOGY , *HUMANITARIAN intervention , *POLITICAL doctrines , *INTERNATIONAL cooperation - Abstract
In this essay, I trace one of the logics of the on-going war in the Mano River region of West Africa. I argue that in the wake of humanitarian interventions in Sierra Leone, combatants who moved on to fight in Liberia were more likely to use attacks against civilians in their military strategy. I suggest, however, that we understand such tactical military choices in terms of local contexts of meaning, most notably about the nature of political power. My own ethnographic work with the kamajor militia in Sierra Leone and Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) in Liberia serves as the basis for this analysis, and I advocate a participant-observation field methodology for the study of contemporary conflict. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2003
18. Booty Futures: Africa’s Civil Wars and the Futures Market for Natural Resources.
- Author
Ross, Michael L.
- Subjects
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CIVIL war , *WAR & society , *FUTURES market , *COMMODITY exchanges , *COMMODITY futures - Abstract
During the decade of the 1990s, the number of civil wars in Africa almost doubled. One reason may have been the growth in Africa of a futures market for natural resources captured in battle - what might be called the "booty futures" market. The sale of booty futures is a tool of the weak against the strong: it has helped provide aspiring rebel groups with the funds they need to launch attacks on governments; it also provided governments on the verge of defeat with the money they need to fund counterattacks. It can hence fund the initiation of civil wars that might otherwise never begin, and lengthen wars that are on the verge of ending. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2002
19. Il Sole, la Luna ed Ottaviano Augusto - Simboli Vari e Riferimenti Astronomici
- Author
Sparavigna, Amelia Carolina and Politecnico di Torino = Polytechnic of Turin (Polito)
- Subjects
Svetonio ,Augusta Emerita ,[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory ,Capricorno ,Leone ,Archeoastronomia ,[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences ,Augusto ,Zodiaco ,Ottaviano ,Apollo ,Fortuna ,Lunistizi ,Luna e Sole ,Il dio cornuto ,Aosta ,Torino ,Marco Antonio ,Solstizio d'inverno ,Bilancia ,Pan ,Virgilio ,Sfinge ,Augusta Taurinorum ,Diana ,Augusta Pretoria ,Augusto di Prima Porta - Abstract
Si propone in questo lavoro una discussione del miti legati alla figura di Augusto, in particolare i miti relativi ad Apollo, dio del Sole. Tale mito parte da un racconto di Svetonio sul concepimento di Ottaviano, che sarebbe avvenuto in un tempio. dopo una celebrazione in onore di Apollo. Si prosegue poi col discutere la carta astrale ed il segno zodiacale, il Capricorno, che Ottaviano scelse di far rappresentare su alcune monete fatte da lui coniare. In effetti, tale segno zodiacale è anche stato legato alla Luna, oltre che al solstizio d'inverno e quindi al Sole. Si accennerà anche alla mitografia solare relativa all'obelisco che fece portare a Roma nel Campo Marzio dall'Egitto e che divenne noto come Horologium Augusti. Inizialmente proposto come legato all'Ara Pacis attraverso l'ombra da esso proiettata sull'altare, ora tale obelisco viene connesso al Tempio di Apollo Palatino. Una piccola analisi di planimetrie di colonie da lui fondate verrà svolta nel contesto simbolico. Se Aosta è legata al Sole, Augusta Emerita è legata alla Luna.
- Published
- 2020
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20. Retention of Different Orthodontic Aligners According to their Thickness and the Presence of Attachments
- Author
Hussein Shakir Saleh Al Noor and Sami Kadhum Al-Joubori
- Subjects
lcsh:R5-920 ,Retention ,Aligner ,Attachments ,Duran ,lcsh:R ,Orthodontic ,Leone ,lcsh:Medicine ,Tensile ,Thermoplastic ,lcsh:Medicine (General) - Abstract
Objectives: This study was aimed to compare the retention among 3 types of orthodontic aligners according to their thickness and according to the presence of beveled attachments. Materials and methods: An impression was taken for the upper arch of a patient, poured with die stone and scanned using CS 3600 intraoral scanner. The treatment plan was done using blue sky plan software and 6 models with attachments and 6 without attachments were exported. The first two models of each group were printed using Micro play 3D printer, and 3 thermoplastic materials were used in this study. Total 10 samples for each material were thermoformed over each of the 4 printed casts to make aligners. Retention tests were done on the 2 original models; one with the attachment and another without the attachment using the tensile test in the universal testing machine to measure the maximum forces required to remove the aligner from the model. Results: Leone 0.8 mm was higher than clear aligner (0.5 mm) in the retention tests of all the groups. Leone (0.8 mm) was higher than Duran (1 mm) in 2 groups (aligner number 1 groups). The presence of attachments led to an increase in the retention means of all the 3 brands when compared to the non-attachments group. Conclusion: Clear aligner (0.5 mm) is the least retentive aligner. Leone (0.8 mm) has the highest retention value in both attachments and non-attachments groups regarding aligner number 1. Adding beveled attachments lead to the significant increase in the retention of all aligners regarding the aligner number 1.
- Published
- 2018
21. In ricordo di Ennio Morricone: la ‘doppia estetica’ e l’eredità del Maestro da 'Segnalazioni'.
- Author
USL-B - Réseau Interdisciplinarité et Société (RIS), Trotta, Antonella, De Jong, Jan L., Piperno, Martina, Ferrari, Sebastiano, Nocentini, Claudia, USL-B - Réseau Interdisciplinarité et Société (RIS), Trotta, Antonella, De Jong, Jan L., Piperno, Martina, Ferrari, Sebastiano, and Nocentini, Claudia
- Published
- 2020
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- Abstract
JUSTINE VAN DER LEUN (INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER/PODCASTER) It's 2:16 in the morning, September 28th and there is a red car stopped at the traffic light. No one's out. Just this car sitting there. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2023
23. Cretula figurata con leoni accovacciati
- Author
Pancin, Federica
- Subjects
Natakamani ,amministrazione palatina ,sigillo ,Napata ,meroitico ,cretula ,leone ,Jebel Barkal - Published
- 2019
24. Iconografia del leone in Etruria tra la fine dell'età arcaica e l'età ellenistica
- Author
Flavia MORANDINI, Archéologie et Philologie d'Orient et d'Occident (AOROC), École normale supérieure - Paris (ENS Paris), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-École pratique des hautes études (EPHE), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Ausonius-Institut de recherche sur l'Antiquité et le Moyen âge, Université Bordeaux Montaigne-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Program IdEx Bordeaux, reference ANR-10-IDEX-03-02, Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali, FP7/2007-2013 - MSCA-COFUND - grant agre-ement n°245743 - Post-doctoral programme Braudel-IFER-FMSH, Istituto Nazionale di Studi Etruschi ed Italici, and Morandini, Flavia
- Subjects
Etruria ,arte etrusca ,arte greca ,[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory ,[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory ,età arcaica ,ellenistica ,tipi iconografici ,Settore L-ANT/06 - Etruscologia e Antichita' Italiche ,età classica ,Settore L-ANT/07 - Archeologia Classica ,leone ,[SHS.ART]Humanities and Social Sciences/Art and art history ,produzione artigianale ,modelli di ispirazione ,classica ,Etruria, iconografia, leone, produzione artigianale, tipi iconografici, modelli di ispirazione, età arcaica, classica, ellenistica ,artigianato ,età ellenistica ,[SHS.ART] Humanities and Social Sciences/Art and art history ,Iconografia - Abstract
International audience; L’immagine del leone è una delle iconografie predilette dal repertorio figurativo etrusco sin dalla sua introduzione, all’inizio dell’età orientalizzante, ed è ripercorribile fino all’estinguersi della civiltà etrusca. La scelta di affrontare lo studio dell’immagine del leone nell’arte etrusca nasce dall’esigenza di una revisione della fondamentale opera “The Etruscan Lion” di L. Brown (1960), l’unica sintesi sull’argomento scritta quasi sessanta anni fa. La decisione di circoscrivere la cronologia tra la fine dell’età arcaica e l’età ellenistica è dovuta al fatto che questi periodi non erano ancora stati oggetto di studi di sintesi sull’argomento, come è possibile evincere dalla rapida disamina dei contenuti dell’opera di Brown e di quanto edito successivamente. Obiettivo del presente lavoro è, in primo luogo, quello di rimettere mano alle nutrite liste di testimonianze offerte dallo studioso per aggiornarle e rivederne le cronologie, e, in seguito, quello di ampliare la ricerca a tutte le classi di materiali, anche a quelle non contemplate a suo tempo da Brown. Lo studio degli schemi iconografici e una costante attenzione alla ricerca dei modelli di ispirazione ha messo in luce la complessità delle dinamiche sottese alla ricezione, assimilazione, rielaborazione da parte degli artigiani etruschi di tipi iconografici giunti dall’esterno, ed alla creazione di soluzioni iconografiche originali, che abbinano a nuovi elementi stilistici stilemi attinti dal repertorio tradizionale.
- Published
- 2018
25. La frequentazione chasseana nella grotta del Leone di Agnano (Pisa)
- Author
Angelie, A., Castiglioni, E., Lepère, Cédric, Radi, G., Ratioli, M. and, Culture et Environnements, Préhistoire, Antiquité, Moyen-Age (CEPAM), Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (... - 2019) (UNS), and COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)
- Subjects
chasseana ,Agnano ,grotta ,[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory ,Pisa ,frequentazione ,Leone ,nella - Abstract
National audience; La frequentazione chasseana nella grotta del Leone di Agnano (Pisa)
- Published
- 2018
26. Re, leoni e spade. Da Persepoli al Medioevo europeo
- Author
Dona', Carlo
- Subjects
Dea regale ,Regalità, Dea regale, Leone, Spada, Mitologia comparata ,Mitologia comparata ,Leone ,Regalità ,Spada - Published
- 2018
27. Marco Leone, Sul Barocco in Italia. Dieci capitoli di storia letteraria, Bari, Progedit, 2016
- Author
Marini, Quinto
- Subjects
Leone, Barocco, Italia ,Barocco ,Leone ,Italia - Published
- 2018
28. Ennio MORRICONE décrypté : enquête sur un musicien au-dessus de ses sons
- Author
Dastugue, Gérard, UR Céres (Culture, Éthique, Religion Et Société) (Céres), and Institut Catholique de Toulouse (ICT)
- Subjects
Réception ,Morricone ,Ennio Morricone ,[SHS.MUSIQ]Humanities and Social Sciences/Musicology and performing arts ,Musique ,Musique de film ,Cinéma ,Leone ,Sergio Leone ,[SHS.ART]Humanities and Social Sciences/Art and art history ,Musique de films ,Soundtrack ,[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences - Abstract
National audience; Communication sur les choix artistiques et esthétiques du compositeur, le fonctionnement à l'image et l'impact sur le spectateur, la dimension opératique et sacrée, le jeu sur l'ironie et la démarche bruitiste.
- Published
- 2017
29. La misura urbanistica dell'antico nella Roma medicea
- Author
Villa, Guglielmo
- Subjects
Roma ,Clemente VII ,antico ,urbanistica ,Leone - Published
- 2016
30. Taverne e bevitori di Bisanzio greca. A proposito delle vicende di Leone (BNJ 132) / Leonide
- Author
Prandi, Luisa
- Subjects
Bisanzio ,Leone ,Leonide - Published
- 2016
31. Il ruolo del «Consiglio Interreligioso» nel processo di pacificazione della Sierra leone (1991-2002)
- Author
Borruso, Paolo
- Subjects
Settore M-STO/04 - STORIA CONTEMPORANEA ,Leone ,Consiglio ,Sierra - Published
- 2015
32. Exploring the decision-making processes during childbirth in rural Sierra Leone
- Author
Treacy, Laura Claire
- Subjects
making ,Leone ,childbirth ,Sierra ,decision - Abstract
High rates of maternal mortality remain a persistent problem in Sierra Leone. Efforts to reduce these high rates have included initiatives to encourage more women to deliver at health facilities. Despite the introduction of free health care for pregnant women, many women still continue to deliver at home, with few having access to a skilled birth attendant. In addition, inequalities between rural and urban areas in accessing and utilising health facilities persist. Further insight into how and why women and their communities make decisions around childbirth will help guide future plans and initiatives in improving maternal health in Sierra Leone. This qualitative study explores the decision-‐making process during childbirth in rural Sierra Leone. It has particular focus on examining the thoughts and experiences of mothers living in rural areas, the perceived risks associated with pregnancy and delivery, and who and what influences the decision-‐making process. The study draws on 13 in-‐depth interviews, three group interviews, eight focus group discussions and informal interviews with rural Sierra Leonean women, their family members, traditional birth attendants, health workers and other key informers. The results of this study demonstrate that the decision-‐making process during childbirth in rural Sierra Leone is dynamic and intricate, and needs to be understood within the broader social context that it takes place in. Decisions are rarely independently made and are usually socially negotiated. The amalgamation of past experiences, social expectations and relationships of those involved, as well as the perceived risks of the individual and their community influence how decisions are made. Preferences regarding where to give birth and with whom assisting, are weighed up against the complexity of enabling, supportive and inhibitory factors that are present within the health care systems and social context. Decisions are often pragmatic and rational, made within the constraints of poverty and other social determinants out of the direct control of the individuals involved. Final decisions can be ad hoc at times as new and unexpected circumstances or events occur.
- Published
- 2014
33. The City Siege and the Lion. The Fortetsa bronze Belt and Quiver between Near Eastern Models and heroic Ideology
- Author
D'Acunto, Matteo
- Subjects
Assedio ,Cintura ,Cnosso ,Siria ,Siria settentrionale ,leone ,Faretra ,Città ,Siria settentrionale, leone - Published
- 2013
34. Application and validation of a habitat suitability model about a threatened species : the lion (panthera leo) in Ghana
- Author
Petrozzi, Fabio and Fausto, Anna Maria
- Subjects
Lion ,BIO/05 ,West Africa ,Africa ,Leone ,Habitat suitability model ,Ghana ,Modello di idoneità ambientale ,Panthera Leo - Abstract
Il leone africano (Panthera leo) nel corso dello scorso secolo ha subito un forte decremento di popolazione a causa di molti fattori quali la perdita di habitat (sfruttamento dei territori a fini agricoli, distruzione dell’habitat a causa di guerre, estrazione di materie prime dal sottosuolo, etc), e la persecuzione diretta , sia come animale “nocivo” rispetto le attività antropiche, sia per l'utilizzo di alcune parti del suo corpo, per rituali tribali e/o legati all’animismo. Studiando le stime della popolazione africana, dalla metà del secolo scorso ad oggi si nota una diminuzione drastica del suo numero. Infatti la popolazione storica dei leoni in tutta l’Africa, all’inizio del XX secolo, si aggirava intorno alle 400.000 unità, nel 1990 si stimava una popolazione che andava dai 30.000 ai 100.000 leoni. Per quanto riguarda l’areale storico, esso si estendeva in tutta l’Africa, ad eccezione del deserto del Sahara e delle foreste del Congo, quello attuale, altamente frammentato, è stimato intorno ai 3.000.000 km2, in pratica meno di un quarto dell’areale storico. Uno degli ultimi gruppi di leone occidentale è rappresentato dall’esiguo numero presente nel Mole National Park (12-28 individui), che risulterebbe essere la quasi totalità della popolazione di leoni del Ghana. Risulta così estremamente importante il ruolo svolto da questo parco, vasta area protetta (4.800 Km2 circa) che può garantire l’oculata conservazione e gestione dei leoni, una volta identificati e monitorati, per la sua vicinanza con altre aree protette di nazioni limitrofe. La popolazione di leone presente in questo parco non è mai stata studiata, ad eccezione di alcuni studi recenti sulla presenza di carnivori, a carattere introduttivo. Lo scopo della presente ricerca è quello di creare e validare un modello di idoneità ambientale per il leone. L'elaborazione di tale modello è stata sviluppata analizzando gli avvistamenti storici di leone all’interno del parco ed interpolandoli con le tipologie di habitat presenti nell'area, andando poi a costruire un nuovo modello ed esaminare dove la presenza del leone risulta maggiormente probabile. Ciò è stato fatto in visione anche del differente habitat in cui la specie vive in Africa occidentale, ed in modo particolare nel Mole National Park, la cui estensione è principalmente occupata da savana molto chiusa (savana occidentale o guineana) e circondata da foreste, un fattore altamente discriminante. Una volta creato il modello di idoneità si è proceduto alla validazione di questo tramite due metodologie: l’utilizzo di foto-trappola e l’esecuzione di transetti sia a piedi, che su autoveicolo 4x4 per osservazioni e record vari diretti e/o indiretti, come tracce di leone (orme, resti di predazione, escrementi). Tramite transetto, sia in automobile che a piedi, sono stati coperti complessivamente circa 900 Km. Per i transetti effettuati tramite autoveicolo si è proceduto con una velocità media di 20 km orari con 5 osservatori. I transetti effettuati a piedi avevano una lunghezza che variava dai 2 ai 4 Km ognuno. Le foto-trappola posizionate sono state 18 in differenti aree del parco, sia a livello territoriale, sia a livello di potenziale idoneità ambientale, per un totale di 3600 giorni/trappola e di 23 postazioni, spostando 5 foto-trappola. I luoghi dove sono state ubicate sono principalmente aree nei pressi di pozze, fiumi o zone di abbeverata, approfittando del fatto che soprattutto durante la stagione secca gli animali tendono a concentrarsi in tali aree. Le analisi statistiche, modelli backward stepwise e modello di Von Bertalannfy, hanno dato come risultato cinque variabili correlate alla presenza del leone e dimostrano come la popolazione selezioni positivamente la savana chiusa e le aree nei pressi di foreste -(P < 0.033), modello backward stepwise AIC = 75.006 e modello di Von Bertalannfy AIC = 75.117; ΔAIC = 0.111-, evitando la savana aperta; inoltre dimostrano come la presenza della popolazione del parco sia influenzata positivamente dall’indice pluviometrico - (P
- Published
- 2012
35. Un caso di osteosarcoma fibroblastico omerale in un leone (Panthera leo)
- Author
Leonardi, Leonardo, Lepri, Elvio, Friedrich, K., Olivieri, Oliviero, and Mechelli, Luca
- Subjects
Osteosarcoma ,leone ,omero - Published
- 2012
36. «Odore pardi coitum sentit in adultera leo» (Plin., nat., 8, 42). Etologia ellenistica e cultura urbana in un mosaico iguvino ad Holkham Hall
- Author
Marcattili, Francesco
- Subjects
Palazzo Gabrielli-Mignanelli ,Etologia ,Roma ,Leone ,Teatro Romano ,Emblema ,Thomas W. Coke ,Mosaici Ellenistici ,Pardus ,Alessandria d’Egitto ,Holkham Hall ,Propaganda Tardo-Repubblicana ,Museo-Biblioteca ,Iguvium, Teatro Romano ,Roma, Palazzo Gabrielli-Mignanelli ,Holkham Hall, Thomas W. Coke ,Emblema, Opus Vermiculatum, Mosaici Ellenistici, Museo-Biblioteca, Alessandria d’Egitto, Leone, Pardus, Etologia, Propaganda Tardo-Repubblicana ,Iguvium ,Opus Vermiculatum - Published
- 2011
37. Alcune riflessioni in tema di 'stipulatio praepostera'
- Author
Lambertini, Renzo
- Subjects
Parafrasi di Teofilo ,stipulatio praepostera ,condizione risolutiva ,scholia alla Parafrasi di Teofilo ,Leone ,Giustiniano ,condizione impossibile ,condizione illogica - Published
- 2011
38. Mustafa Asım Köksal'ın C-aetani'ye yadığı Reddiye'nin değerlendirilmesi
- Author
İmamoğlu Gündoğdu, Züleyha, 0-Belirlenecek, and İmamoğlu Gündoğdu, Züleyha
- Subjects
Oryantalist ,Islamic history ,Leone ,Köksal ,Caetani ,Mustafa Asım ,İslam dini ,Reddiyeler ,Islam religion ,İslam tarihi ,Shiism ,Orientalist - Abstract
M. Âsım Köksal (1913-1998) hayatını ilme adamış, çeşitli dînî konularda eserler kaleme almış bir İslâm tarihçisidir. İtalyan Oryantalist Leone Caetani'nin (1869-1935) yazmış olduğu İslâm'a yönelik pek çok iddia içeren Annali dell' İslâm (İslâm Tarihi) adlı kitabına karşı Köksal'ın yazdığı İsnad ve İftiralara Reddiye ve onun 23 yıl üzerinde çalıştığı İslâm Tarihi, Cumhuriyet dönemi İslâm tarihi eserlerinin en kapsamlı çalışmalarındandır.İslâm tarihinde reddiye yazma geleneği, Hz. Peygamber'in vefatından sonra Müslümanlar arasında ortaya çıkan görüş ayrılıklarıyla başlamış, mezhep ve fırkaların oluşmasıyla da yaygınlık kazanmıştır. Ayrıca Oryantalistlerin özellikle 1800'lü yıllardan sonra İslâmiyet'e yönelik yaptıkları eleştiriler, Müslümanlarca yazılan reddiyelerin sayısını arttırmıştır.Oryantalistler arasında özel bir konumu olan Caetani de İslâm Tarihi adlı eserinde Kur'ân, İslâmiyet'in genel esasları, hadis, hadisçiler, ashabın büyüklerinden Ebû Hureyre, İbn Abbas, Abbas, Hz. Ömer gibi şahsiyetler ile ilgili pek çok iddiada bulunmuştur. Âsım Köksal ise Caetani'nin kitabında ilmî bir metot takip etmediği, pek çok yanlışlıklar, tutarsızlıklar ve hatta iftiralar bulunduğu ve Caetani'nin iddialarının ülkemizde de pek çok kişiyi olumsuz yönde etkilediği gerekçesiyle yazdığı Reddiye'de Caetani'nin eleştirilerini cevaplandırmaya çalışmıştır. M. Âsım Köksal (1913-1998) is a historian of Islam who has devoted his life to science and has written many works of various religious topics. The book, Annali de?l-İslâm (History of Islam) which was written by Italian Orientalist Leone Caetani?nin (1869-1935) contains many claims of Islam. Against this book Köksal wrote a book called Rejection of Attributions and Slanders and History of Islam on which he worked for 23 years are the most comprehensive works on History of Islam in Republican era.Tradition of writing rejections in History of Islam started after the death of Hz. Prophet because of the dissidence among Muslims and it became widespread with the formation of sects and denominations. Also the criticism that Orientalists made especially after 1800s, increased the number of rejections written by Muslims.Caetani, who has a special place among Orientalists, made many claims about general principles of Islam, hadith, traditionists, and about important people such as Ebû Hureyre, İbn Abbas, Abbas, Hz. Ömer in his work History of Islam. Âsım Köksal argued that Caetani had not used a scientific method in his work and there were many inaccuracies, inconsistencies, and even slander. He tried to give answers to Caetani?s criticism in the Rejections he wrote on the grounds that Caetani?s claims effected many people in our country.
- Published
- 2010
- Author
Michael Kern and Nataliia Ivanytska
- Subjects
Engineering ,e-Learning ,business.industry ,Physics ,Tyrol ,Educational technology ,Leone ,Rote learning ,Open learning ,Experiential learning ,lcsh:LB5-3640 ,Learning sciences ,Synchronous learning ,mobile learning ,Blended learning ,lcsh:Theory and practice of education ,educational platform ,Austria ,virtual learning ,Active learning ,Mathematics education ,business - Abstract
The article is devoted to the expediency of using distance learning of physics in the educational process. The article deals with features and types of distance learning. Such concepts as "e-Learning", "mobile learning", "virtual learning", with the help of practical "online" learning experience based on modern European educational platform Leon (Tyrol, Austria) are revealed. The article defines the structure and the interrelationships between the components of control in distance learning. The expediency of the use of distance learning is grounded on condition that there is an appropriate hardware and software in an educational establishment.
- Published
- 2015
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- Author
BETTINI, GIULIANO, Pascotto E., Guadagnini D., SARLI GIUSEPPE, Bettini G., Pascotto E., and Guadagnini D.
- Subjects
Le malattie epatiche fibropolicistiche sono un gruppo eterogeneo di patologie congenite (complessi di Von Meyenburg, malattia policistica del fegato, fibrosi epatica congenita, malattia di Caroli) in cui l’anomalia principale è rappresentata da alterazioni strutturali dell’albero biliare. Il caso descritto riguarda un leone maschio di 15 anni con cisti epatobiliari multiple, deceduto per grave emoperitoneo causato dal copioso sanguinamento di varici spleniche. Il riscontro di cisti biliari multiple è segnalato come evento non raro in diverse specie animali e selvatiche, ed è generalmente descritto come rilievo occasionale, di nessuna importanza clinica, mentre nell’uomo è segnalata la possibilità che le cisti epatiche possano essere all’origine di ipertensione portale, ittero, ascite sanguinamento peritoneale ed aneurismi. Si sottolinea la necessità di monitorare adeguatamente la riproduzione degli animali selvatici in cattività, al fine di evitare che la consanguineità possa favorire l’insorgere di patologie geneticamente trasmesse.
- Published
- 2006
41. Il leone di san Marco o san Marco in forma di leone?
- Author
Pedani, Maria Pia
- Subjects
Venezia ,San Marco ,Leone - Published
- 2006
42. Convergenze mediterranee: la rotta del leone
- Author
Pedani, Maria Pia
- Subjects
Venezia ,San Marco ,Leone - Published
- 2005
43. Mamluk Lions and Venetian Lions 1260-1261
- Author
Pedani, Maria Pia
- Subjects
Venezia ,Araldica mamelucca ,Leone ,San Marco - Published
- 2004
44. Hasta que llegó Leone
- Author
Aguilar, Carlos and Codelli, Lorenzo
- Subjects
Euro-western ,Oeste ,Cine ,Leone ,Western ,Cinema - Published
- 2002
45. Il periodo orientalizzante: una testa di felino in poros
- Author
D'Acunto, Matteo
- Subjects
scultura ,modelli nord-siriani ,Festòs ,tempio ,leone ,Festòs, scultura, leone, tempio, modelli nord-siriani, arte dedalica ,arte dedalica - Published
- 2001
46. Por un puñado de dólares (Per un pugno di dollari, Sergio Leone, 1964), la tesis del hierro candente y el atronador aleteo de las moscas
- Author
Montes, Miguel Ángel
- Subjects
Cine ,Leone ,Western ,Cinema - Published
- 1999
47. Emblemata con raffigurazione di leoni
- Author
AURIEMMA, Rita, I. Bragantini, F.Guidobaldi, AISCOM (a cura di), and Auriemma, Rita
- Subjects
emblemata ,mosaico ,Teramo ,leone - Abstract
Il contributo esamina la decorazione musiva della Domus del leone di Interamnia Praetuttiorum (od. Teramo) ed in particolare quella del triclinio, con fastosi motivi tardoellenistici; su cassetta fittile al centro raffigurazione di un leone in lotta con il serpente che richiama importanti e significativi confronti per identificare il milieu d'appartenenza dei maestri artigiani.
- Published
- 1995
48. Prosperity Diamonds and the Kimberley Process: Panacea or Paper Tiger for Sierra Leone’s Reconstruction?
- Author
Grant, J. Andrew
- Subjects
- *
The paper examines the prospects for employing diamond revenues as a means to support Sierra Leone?s reconstruction. So-called ?prosperity? diamonds have served as a significant foreign exchange earner for some African countries, particularly South Africa and Botswana. The paper begins with a brief overview of the legislative and practical challenges to establishing international regulatory schemes on diamonds (i.e., the Kimberley Process), ranging from problems of enforcement and conformation to the ease in which diamonds can be illicitly mined and smuggled. Next, governance issues at the national level are investigated, which entails a detailed analysis of Sierra Leone?s diamond industry and its compliance with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS). While extractive resource-led development efforts do not translate automatically into equitable and sustainable growth, this paper argues that, if managed properly in terms of good governance and respect for human security, such efforts represent an important component in the complex process of rebuilding a country that has been decimated by a decade of civil war. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2004
- Author
- Abstract
PAULA FARIS (ABC NEWS) (Off-camera) Thank you, Rob. As Rob just mentioned, it is time now to kick off our new series "Project Wellness." [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2016
- Author
- Abstract
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS (ABC NEWS) (Voiceover) How to read to your toddlers. More and more moms and dads are using digital readers rather than real books. And a story we saw in the "New York Times" examines the consequences. "Nightline's" Juju Chang is here with more. Hey, Juju. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2014
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