The years 1585-1810 were a climax for the main Swahili city-state of the Lamu Archipelago, chiefly for Pate, which became a prominent centre of the East Africa coast. Through the study of the relationships between internal dynamics and external dynamics, this work surveys in a synoptic view their evolution at the edge of the African Continent and the Indian Ocean. From the end of the sixteenth century on wards Pate was the first settlement to benefit from the evolution brought by the sea. The city got linked to numerous networks and expanded. The Oromo migrations disrupted the mainland area but Pate succeeded in entering into profitable alliance with the newcomers. Around the mid-seventeenth century she came to dominate the region and freed herself from the Portuguese empire. Pate was then the main channel of the evolution which Swahili society experimented, before her decline at the end of the eighteenth century. The expansion of Pate was lead by some of its leading clans: the ‘waungwana’, who grew richer thanks to trade and gained power and prestige through their links with abroad. Nevertheless, because of the social permeability and the fluidity of the sources of legitimacy, their power was disputed. To secure their domination, the urban elites used and accentuated the social function of the moral qualities and symbols tied to urbanity and Islam. The borders of Swahili identity, highly ambiguous and porous, as were the social borders, were thus altered; Les annees 1585-1810 sont une period d’apogee pour les principals cites-Etats Swahili de l’archipel de Lamu, surtout pour Pate, qui deviant l’un des centres de gravite du littoral est-africain. Par une optique synoptique, leur trajectoire a l’interface entre Afrique et ocean Indien. A partir de la fin du XVIe siècle, Pate est le principal beneficiaire des evolutions qui affectent le ravage depuis la mer. Elle s’insere dans de multiples reseaux et prospere. Les migrations Oromo bouleversent l’equilibre de l’espace continental, mais Pate parvient a nouer une alliance profitable avec ces groups. Au milieu du XVIIe siècle, elle s’impose ainsi sur la sous-region et se defait de l’empire Portugais. Pate est alors a la source des mutations que connait la societe Swahili, avant de decliner a la fin du XVIIIe siècle. L’expansion de Pate est menee par une fraction de ses clan dominants: les ‘waungwana’, qui s’enrichissent par le commerce et acquierent pouvoir et prestige grace aux liens avec l’exterieur. En raison de la permeablite sociale et de la fluidite des sources de la legitimite, leur autorite est cependant contestee. Pour assurer leur domination, les elites urbaines instrumentalisent et amplifient la function socilae des qualities morales et des manifestations exterieures attaches a l’urbanite et a l’islam. Les frontiers identitaires du monde Swahili, eminemment ambiques et poreuses, a l’image des frontiers sociales, s’en trouvent transformees.