2,863 results on '"kunstmeststoffen"'
Search Results
2. Adema krijgt steun voor toelating kunstmestvervangers
- Author
Schel, J., Smit, P., Schel, J., and Smit, P.
- Abstract
Demissionair minister Piet Adema van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit kreeg dinsdag 23 januari tijdens de maandelijkse vergadering van de Europese landbouwministers een groot aantal lidstaten achter zijn voorstel om kunstmestvervangers versneld toe te staan.
- Published
- 2024
3. Exportwaarde kunstmest 57 procent hoger in 2022
- Abstract
De Nederlandse exportwaarde van kunstmest is met 57 procent toegenomen, van 2,4 miljard euro in 2021 tot 3,7 miljard euro in 2022. De toename komt door fors hogere exportprijzen, het uitgevoerde gewicht is juist afgenomen. Dat meldt het CBS op basis van de nieuwste handelscijfers.
- Published
- 2023
4. Waarom ons kunstmest beter van koeien kan komen dan van Rusland
- Author
Kempeneers, N. and Kempeneers, N.
- Abstract
Renure, het produceren van kunstmest van dierlijke oorsprong, krijgt steeds meer aandacht. Nu kunstmestprijzen de pan uit swingen, de klimaatopwarming oplossingen vraagt en we ons proberen los te wrikken van de afhankelijkheid van Rusland lijkt de toepassing ervan interessanter dan ooit. Maar Europa blijft voorlopig op de rem staan.
- Published
- 2023
5. Normeren en beprijzen van stikstofemissies : Sturen op stikstof
- Abstract
Rapport over de aanvullende normerende en beprijzende maatregelen voor de sectoren landbouw, mobiliteit en industrie.
- Published
- 2023
6. Uitspoeling stikstof : Hoe verhoudt kunstmest zich ten opzichte van dierlijke mest
- Author
Bussink, W., Velthof, G., Bussink, W., and Velthof, G.
- Abstract
Bij veeljarig gebruik van overwegend dierlijke mest neemt de mineralisatie uit eerder gegeven dierlijke mest buiten het groeiseizoen toe. Dit kan potentieel meer risico op nitraatuitspoeling geven dan het gebruik van kunstmest. Soms is deze verhoogd ten opzichte van kunstmest, soms lager of gelijk, afhankelijk van de specifieke omstandigheden. In het groeiseizoen is het risico op uitspoeling bij zowel dierlijke mest als kunstmest beperkt, behalve bij zware neerslag vlak na bemesting. Echter, minstens zo bepalend voor het risico op uitspoeling is hoe dierlijke mest en kunstmest worden toegepast en of het gebruik ervan op elkaar is afgestemd gegeven de teelt en grondsoort.
- Published
- 2022
7. Agronomic efficacy of biobased nitrogen fertilising products of co-digested pig manure : Field Experiment Grassland 2021
- Author
Ehlert, Phillip and Ehlert, Phillip
- Abstract
The aim of the project Biobased Fertilisers Achterhoek (‘Kunstmestvrije Achterhoek’ in Dutch) was to make fertilisation practices more sustainable through use of locally available nutrients that are derived from renewable sources. The project is part of the Sixth Action Programme of the Netherlands which serves the Nitrates Directive. One of the objectives was to determine the nitrogen fertiliser replacement value of biobased fertilising products that are made from animal manure. A second objective was to assess the risk of nitrogen leaching from these biobased fertilising products. These objectives were implemented by WUR- Wageningen Environmental Research in a monitoring programme which included field experiments carried out on grassland and on arable land with silage maize. This document reports the results of a second field experiment on grassland which was conducted in 2021. These results have indicated that the biobased nitrogen fertilisers tested could serve as a replacement for mineral nitrogen fertiliser., De doelstelling van het project KunstmestVrije Achterhoek (KVA) is het verduurzamen van de bemestingspraktijk door de bemesting van grasland en bouwland zo veel mogelijk in te vullen met regionaal beschikbare nutriënten. Het project is onderdeel is van het zesde Nederlandse actieprogramma in het kader van de Nitraatrichtlijn. Een van de doelstellingen betreft het bepalen van de agronomische effectiviteit van stikstof van stikstofhoudende bemestingsproducten geproduceerd uit co-vergiste varkensmest. Een tweede doelstelling het bepalen van enig risico op milieubezwaarlijkheid gelet op stikstof uitspoeling. Deze doelstellingen zijn door WUR-Wageningen Environmental Research uitgewerkt in een monitoringsprogramma met veldproeven op grasland en op maisland. Dit rapport geeft de resultaten van een tweede veldproef op grasland die in 2021 werd uitgevoerd op het proefbedrijf De Marke. De agronomische effectiviteit van de biogebaseerde stikstof meststof was vergelijkbaar met die van kalkammonsalpeter
- Published
- 2022
8. Verlies derogatie betekent meer gebruik van aardgas : Jaap Uenk berekende effect verlies derogatie
- Author
Stok, T. van der and Stok, T. van der
- Abstract
Als Nederland geen derogatie meer heeft, zal het kunstmestgebruik stijgen om gewassen toch voldoende te kunnen bemesten. Het gevolg is extra gebruik van aardgas om kunstmest te produceren, vergelijkbaar met het jaarlijkse verbruik van 20.000 huishoudens.
- Published
- 2022
9. 'We moeten onze verantwoordelijkheid nemen” : melkveehouder Noortje Krol
- Abstract
Noortje Krol runt met haar man Nico een melkveehouderij. Ze hebben 154 hectare grond en 250 melkkoeien. “Als melkveehouders hebben we veel grond in beheer. We moeten onze verantwoordelijkheid nemen.”
- Published
- 2022
10. Dure energie en gevecht om grondstof maken bemesting schaarser en duur : Tijd rijp om kunstmestvervangers meer ruimte te geven
- Author
Wijk, K. van and Wijk, K. van
- Abstract
De internationale grondstoffenmarkt is door de pandemie, de hoge energie-prijzen en de oorlog in Oekraine sterk verstoord door schaarste aan grondstoffen en de aanhoudend hoge energiekosten zullen de prrijzen langdurig hoog zijn. Voor Europa, met zijn beperkte grondstoffen en energievoorraad, is de situatie een enorme wake up call. Mogelijk is de tijd rijp om meer ruimte to bieden aan kunstmestvervangers uit organische reststoffen.
- Published
- 2022
11. Landbouw kan niet zonder kunstmest : NMI
- Author
Stokkermans, P. and Stokkermans, P.
- Abstract
De bemesting in Nederland is vaak een combinatie van dierlijke mest en kunstmest. Via het meng- en ruwvoer is de dierlijke mest, en daarmee ook kunstmestvervangers, grotendeels herleidbaar tot kunstmest.
- Published
- 2022
12. Duurzame kunstmest dankzij Nederlandse groene waterstof
- Author
Sluijters, S. and Sluijters, S.
- Abstract
Chemieconcern OCI, producent van onder anderen kunstmest sluit zich aan bij North2, het grootste waterstofproject van Europa tot nu toe. Het bedrijf heeft afgesproken dat het 1 gigawatt aan waterstof zal afnemen zodra het beschikbaar komt.
- Published
- 2022
13. Agronomic efficacy of biobased nitrogen fertilising products of co-digested pig manure : Field Experiment Grassland 2021
- Subjects
Sustainable Soil Use ,stikstofmeststoffen ,fertilizers ,chemicaliën uit biologische grondstoffen ,varkenshouderij ,kunstmeststoffen ,omgekeerde osmose ,grasslands ,mineralen ,biobased economy ,use efficiency ,minerals ,biobased chemicals ,gebruiksefficiëntie ,nitrogen ,graslanden ,nitrogen fertilizers ,reverse osmosis ,stikstof ,Duurzaam Bodemgebruik ,pig farming - Abstract
The aim of the project Biobased Fertilisers Achterhoek (‘Kunstmestvrije Achterhoek’ in Dutch) was to make fertilisation practices more sustainable through use of locally available nutrients that are derived from renewable sources. The project is part of the Sixth Action Programme of the Netherlands which serves the Nitrates Directive. One of the objectives was to determine the nitrogen fertiliser replacement value of biobased fertilising products that are made from animal manure. A second objective was to assess the risk of nitrogen leaching from these biobased fertilising products. These objectives were implemented by WUR- Wageningen Environmental Research in a monitoring programme which included field experiments carried out on grassland and on arable land with silage maize. This document reports the results of a second field experiment on grassland which was conducted in 2021. These results have indicated that the biobased nitrogen fertilisers tested could serve as a replacement for mineral nitrogen fertiliser.
- Published
- 2022
- Full Text
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14. Evaluatie van verwerkingsinstallaties voor mest en co-vergiste mest
- Author
Regelink, Inge C., van Puffelen, Jasper L., Ehlert, Phillip A.I., Schoumans, Oscar F., Regelink, Inge C., van Puffelen, Jasper L., Ehlert, Phillip A.I., and Schoumans, Oscar F.
- Abstract
This final report of the four-year PPS (public-private collaboration) project ‘Meerwaarde Mest en Mineralen 2 (More Value from Manure and Minerals 2): nutrient recovery from manure’ contains the evaluation of five large-scale installations for processing of animal manure or co-digested animal manure (digestate). The different processing techniques of the installations include hygienisation, solid-liquid separation, drying and pressing of the solid fraction and production of mineral concentrate and dischargeable water by means of membrane filtration and ion exchangers or by means of membrane filtration and biological treatment. Based on a performed monitoring of the installations the achieved separation efficiencies, (nutrient) mass balances, processing costs and composition, agronomic and environmental quality of the end products, have been evaluated. Also the environmental gains of processing were calculated via a simplified life cycle assessment (LCA). Moreover, the construction, monitoring and evaluation of an innovative installation which separates the solid fraction of co-digested animal manure into a phosphate (P) fertiliser and an organic low-P soil improver was a central part of the project. Finally, recommendations are given for environmentally beneficial adaptations of manure processing installations in the Netherlands., Dit eindrapport van het vierjarige TKI Publiek-Private Samenwerking (PPS)-project ‘Meerwaarde Mest en Mineralen 2: nutriënten terugwinning uit mest’ bevat de evaluatie van vijf grootschalige verwerkingsinstallaties voor dierlijke mest of co-vergiste dierlijke mest (digestaat). De verschillende gebruikte verwerkingstechnieken omvatten hygiënisatie, dik/dun-scheiding, drogen en persen van de dikke fractie en productie van mineralenconcentraat en loosbaar water door middel van membraanfiltratie en ionenwisselaars of door middel van membraanfiltratie en biologische zuivering. Op basis van een uitgevoerde monitoring van deze bedrijven wordt ingegaan op de behaalde scheidingsrendementen, de massabalansen, de verwerkingskosten en de samenstelling en agronomische en milieukundige kwaliteit van de eindproducten. Ook de milieuvoordelen van verwerking zijn berekend via een beknopte levenscyclusanalyse (LCA). Daarnaast stond de bouw, monitoring en evaluatie van een innovatieve installatie om de dikke fractie van co-vergiste dierlijke mest te scheiden in een fosfaatmeststof en een fosfaatarme bodemverbeteraar centraal. Er worden aanbevelingen gedaan voor verdere duurzame ontwikkeling van mestverwerking in Nederland.
- Published
- 2021
15. Increasing bio fertilisers usage for a sustainable agriculture at less cost
- Author
Someus, Edward and Someus, Edward
- Published
- 2021
16. Webinar Fertigatie met kunstmestvervangers : Leercyclus naar emissieloze landbouw, 12 februari 2021
- Abstract
Druppelirrigatie wordt meer en meer toegepast in Nederland, het is een rationele en in veel gevallen een bedrijfseconomisch verantwoorde werkwijze.Daarmee onstaat een infrastructuur voor het toedienen van plantenvoeding op de juiste plaats, op het juiste moment, in de juiste vorm en in de juiste dosering, kortom voor precisiebemesting. Passen we dan ook nog plantenvoeding toe afkomstig uit de kringloop dan zijn we helemaal waar we zijn willen: een bemestingspraktijk zonder emissies waarbij gebruik gemaakt wordt van circulaire grond- en hulpstoffen met top-opbrengsten van topkwaliteit! Het programma met de sprekers: Fertigatie productieve maatregel DAW - H Bartlema, NCOK. Het bodemleven centraal, ook bij fertigatie - Pius Floris, PHC. RenureFertigatie als methode voor 4 J bemesting - H. Bartlema, NCOK. Fertigatie in uien en aardappelen - Johan Aarnoudse, Van Iperen. Zuinig omgaan met water - Rembert van Noort, ZLTO. Druppel-irrigatie en fertigatie wereldwijd - Arjan Janknegt, Rivilus.
- Published
- 2021
17. Leercyclus naar emissieloze landbouw : themabijeenkomsten (11 webinars) voor erfbetreders en koplopers over precisiebemesting
- Abstract
Deze video's zijn niet meer beschikbaar
- Published
- 2021
18. Webinar Mineralenconcentraat in de praktijk 23-11-2020
- Abstract
Webinar over grondgebonden veehouderij en een optimale stikstofbemesting georganiseerd vanuit de Leerreis Nutriëntenkringloop. Besproken worden: 1. De herbezinning op het mestbeleid vanuit het ministerie van LNV waarbij onder andere wordt gestuurd op mestafvoer en mestverwaarding. 2. De resultaten van een pilot door Wagingen Universiteit waarin dierlijke mest wordt verwerkt tot een potentiële kunstmestvervanger. 3. Regionaal werken het mestprobleem door rundveemest te bewerken tot ammoniumsulfaat en mineralenconcentraat. (Project Mineralenconcentraat op Maat, mogelijk door steun van de provincies Friesland, Groningen en Drenthe en het Europees Landbouwfonds voor Plattelandsontwikkeling: Europa investeert in zijn platteland.) 4. Vraaggesprek: 'Wat is er nodig voor de akkerbouwer of veehouder (maisteelt) om mineralenconcentraat of ammoniumsulfaat in de praktijk te gaan gebruiken. Met sprekers Harm Smit van het ministerie van LNV, Projectleider Oscar Schoumans van WUR en Sytze Waltje Projectaccountmanager van DLV Advies.
- Published
- 2020
19. Onderzoek naar het gebruik van de Groene Weide Meststof-Mais als kunstmestvervanger in de maïsteelt
- Author
Walvoort, G.A., Eekelder, J.T., Walvoort, G.A., and Eekelder, J.T.
- Abstract
Het doel van dit onderzoek is om de volgende onderzoeksvragen te beantwoorden: Kan de Groene Weide Meststof – Mais gebruikt worden als waardige kunstmestvervanger zonder verlies van opbrengst kwaliteit en kwantiteit? i) Is de stikstofbenutting van Groene weide meststof maïs (GWMM) vergelijkbaar met synthetisch geproduceerde kunstmest? ii) Wat is het effect van een gedeelde stikstofgift op de stikstofbenutting? iii) Welke milieurisico’s heeft het gebruik van GWMM?
- Published
- 2020
20. Digestaat slijten aan bollenkwekers
- Author
Langen, E. and Langen, E.
- Abstract
De biovergister in Hensbroek waarin onder andere bloembollen gaan, heeft een beperkt aantal afnemers voor het restproduct, het plantaardige digestaat. Bloembollenkwekers zijn afwachtend om het te gebruiken als bemesting. Ze zijn huiverig voor het eventueel overbrengen van ziekteverwekkers. Andere afnemers zijn erover te spreken. “Het is een duurzame vervanger van kunstmest.”
- Published
- 2020
21. Webinar de merites van ammoniumstikstof : Leercyclus naar emissieloze landbouw, 11 december 2020
- Abstract
Het programma met de sprekers: Samen werken aan de wateropgave, Hedwig Boerrigter DAW. Ammoniumstikstof nu in de officiële adviezen, NCOK. De infrastructuur is er: machines en meststoffen, NCOK. Ammoniumstikstof voor lagere bemestings en voerkosten, NCOK. De CO2 -voetafdruk van N-meststoffen, NCOK. Meer en beter eiwit met ammoniumstikstof - W. de Hoop, KCGG. De merites van NH4 en Agrivaknet - Noud Janssen.
- Published
- 2020
22. Brochure Ammoniumsulfaat
- Author
Borne, J. Van den, Lammerant, G., Schelfhout, A., Verhelle, S., Hindrycks, J., Borne, J. Van den, Lammerant, G., Schelfhout, A., Verhelle, S., and Hindrycks, J.
- Abstract
Omwille van de steeds strengere luchtemissienormen, zijn er in de agrarische sector heel wat bedrijven die over een chemische luchtwasser beschikken. Met deze brochure willen we alle informatie over het gebruik van ammoniumsulfaat bundelen. Je vindt er informatie over de voorwaarden en aandachtspunten bij gebruik, over de wetgeving en de gebruikskosten.
- Published
- 2020
23. Kringloopmeststoffen alternatief voor kunstmest
- Author
Stokkermans, P. and Stokkermans, P.
- Abstract
Meststoffen van organische oorsprong hoeven niet veel onder te doen voor kunstmest in de rij. Dat blijkt uit een demoveld bij melkveehouder Jos Verstraten in Westerbeek en op Proefboerderij Vredepeel van WUR Open Teelten. Oogstmetingen maken de verschillen echt zichtbaar.
- Published
- 2020
24. Evaluatie van verwerkingsinstallaties voor mest en co-vergiste mest
- Author
Jasper L. van Puffelen, I.C. Regelink, Oscar Schoumans, and Phillip Ehlert
- Subjects
fertilizers ,kalium ,animal manures ,kunstmeststoffen ,Bedrijfseconomie ,mineralen ,co-vergisting ,separation technology ,nutrientenbeheer ,nitrogen ,zuiveringsinstallaties ,scheidingstechnologie ,Business Economics ,Duurzaam Bodemgebruik ,dierlijke meststoffen ,organic matter ,phosphate ,Sustainable Soil Use ,mestverwerking ,potassium ,organische stof ,co-fermentation ,biobased economy ,minerals ,purification plants ,manure treatment ,fosfaat ,nutrient management ,stikstof - Abstract
This final report of the four-year PPS (public-private collaboration) project ‘Meerwaarde Mest en Mineralen 2 (More Value from Manure and Minerals 2): nutrient recovery from manure’ contains the evaluation of five large-scale installations for processing of animal manure or co-digested animal manure (digestate). The different processing techniques of the installations include hygienisation, solid-liquid separation, drying and pressing of the solid fraction and production of mineral concentrate and dischargeable water by means of membrane filtration and ion exchangers or by means of membrane filtration and biological treatment. Based on a performed monitoring of the installations the achieved separation efficiencies, (nutrient) mass balances, processing costs and composition, agronomic and environmental quality of the end products, have been evaluated. Also the environmental gains of processing were calculated via a simplified life cycle assessment (LCA). Moreover, the construction, monitoring and evaluation of an innovative installation which separates the solid fraction of co-digested animal manure into a phosphate (P) fertiliser and an organic low-P soil improver was a central part of the project. Finally, recommendations are given for environmentally beneficial adaptations of manure processing installations in the Netherlands. Dit eindrapport van het vierjarige TKI Publiek-Private Samenwerking (PPS)-project ‘Meerwaarde Mest en Mineralen 2: nutriënten terugwinning uit mest’ bevat de evaluatie van vijf grootschalige verwerkingsinstallaties voor dierlijke mest of co-vergiste dierlijke mest (digestaat). De verschillende gebruikte verwerkingstechnieken omvatten hygiënisatie, dik/dun-scheiding, drogen en persen van de dikke fractie en productie van mineralenconcentraat en loosbaar water door middel van membraanfiltratie en ionenwisselaars of door middel van membraanfiltratie en biologische zuivering. Op basis van een uitgevoerde monitoring van deze bedrijven wordt ingegaan op de behaalde scheidingsrendementen, de massabalansen, de verwerkingskosten en de samenstelling en agronomische en milieukundige kwaliteit van de eindproducten. Ook de milieuvoordelen van verwerking zijn berekend via een beknopte levenscyclusanalyse (LCA). Daarnaast stond de bouw, monitoring en evaluatie van een innovatieve installatie om de dikke fractie van co-vergiste dierlijke mest te scheiden in een fosfaatmeststof en een fosfaatarme bodemverbeteraar centraal. Er worden aanbevelingen gedaan voor verdere duurzame ontwikkeling van mestverwerking in Nederland.
- Published
- 2021
- Full Text
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25. Phosphorus recovery from co-digested pig slurry : development of the RePeat process
- Author
Regelink, Inge, Ehlert, Phillip, Smit, Geo, Everlo, Sjoerd, Prinsen, Arjan, Schoumans, Oscar, Regelink, Inge, Ehlert, Phillip, Smit, Geo, Everlo, Sjoerd, Prinsen, Arjan, and Schoumans, Oscar
- Abstract
In the Netherlands, the agricultural sector produces more manure than can be applied on agricultural land within the P application standards. The excess amount of manure should be exportedto other regions with a demand for P fertilisers. An alternative for current manure export is manure processing in which manure is processed into valuable fertiliser products. This reports describes a process in which the solid fraction of co-digested manure is processed into a concentrated P fertiliser and a nutrient-poor organic soil improver. The recovered P fertiliser can be used as a secondary raw material for fertiliser production or for export whereas the soil improver can be used on arable soils in the nearby region of the manure treatment plant. The separation process, called RePeat, consists of a acidification and dilution step to extract P from the solid fraction followed by a base addition step to recovery P. The proof of principle was given in a previous report (Schoumans et al., 2017). This reports describes additional laboratory and pilot tests (Chapter 2-4). Attention was given to the reuse of water within the process, the dewatering of calcium phosphate versus struvite and the selection of separation equipment for a demonstration plant. Chapter 5 gives the process mass balances calculated using a mass balance model. Chapter 6 assesses the quality of the organic soil improver in terms of its carbon- and nitrogen mineralisation rate. An example of a business case for the process is included in Chapter 7. The results were used to design a demonstration plant for the RePeat process to be built at Groot Zevert Vergisting B.V. in Beltrum.
- Published
- 2019
26. Vervanging kunstmest door dierlijke mest : Verkenning van opties voor de inzet van financiële instrumenten
- Author
de Koeijer, Tanja, Luesink, Harry, Helming, John, de Koeijer, Tanja, Luesink, Harry, and Helming, John
- Abstract
Het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit wil het gebruik van kunstmest ontmoedigen ten gunste van dierlijke mest. Deze notitie onderzoekt de verschillende financiële prikkels om te stimuleren dat dierlijke mest gebruikt wordt, zoals een heffing op kunstmest of het verstrekken van subsidies. Uit de analyse blijkt dat in de Nederlandse landbouw het gebruik van fosfaat uit dierlijke mest al vrijwel maximaal is. Het gebruik van stikstofkunstmest daarentegen is aanzienlijk. Een heffing op kunstmest is echter weinig effectief omdat de stikstof uit dierlijke mest samen met het fosfaatoverschot via export en verwerking van mest buiten de Nederlandse landbouw wordt afgezet en daarom onvoldoende beschikbaar is. Om zo veel mogelijk stikstof te behouden voor de Nederlandse landbouw is aanpassing van deze mix van mestproducten nodig. Om dit te stimuleren is een subsidie denkbaar op hoogwaardige verwerking van varkens- en rundveedrijfmest.
- Published
- 2019
27. ‘Ineens stoppen is niet goed voor de grond’ : Voorzichtig zonder kunstmest telen
- Abstract
Sommige akkerbouwers proberen kunstmest af te zweren. Niet ineens, maar met kleine stappen. Alsof hij een nieuw ras test, is Gert Baas in Vriescheloo (GR) op 3 hectare begonnen. Detmer Wage in Wedde (GR) pakt het iets akkerbouwmatiger aan met 10 hectare. Bodemdeskundige Pius Floris: „Cold turkey zonder kunstmest is geen goed idee.”
- Published
- 2019
28. ‘Boer zit klem in kunstmestdenken’
- Abstract
De melkveehouderij is te veel een maakindustrie geworden en er is te weinig aandacht voor ecologische processen, vindt agrarisch adviseur en oud-melkveehouder Klaas Meijaard uit ’t Harde. Hij hekelt de macht van de krachtvoerindustrie. „Geldstromen regeren.”
- Published
- 2019
29. Verbrand rioolslib wordt bron van fosfaat voor kunstmest
- Author
Berg, J. van den and Berg, J. van den
- Abstract
Het internationale chemieconcern ICL heeft op zijn terrein in de haven van Amsterdam een installatie in gebruik genomen waarmee fosfaathoudende as van verbrand rioolslib en beendermeel (restproduct van de vleesverwerkende industrie) hergebruikt kunnen worden in meststoffen.
- Published
- 2019
30. Leren van een succesverhaal : Veel spanningen bij opstart energiefabriek Amersfoort
- Author
Westenbrink, B. and Westenbrink, B.
- Abstract
De energiefabriek van waterschap Vallei en Veluwe in Amersfoort is een succesverhaal, maar de weg die moest worden afgelegd om er te komen zorgde voor problemen en spanningen.
- Published
- 2019
31. Phosphorus recovery from co-digested pig slurry : development of the RePeat process
- Author
I.C. Regelink, Sjoerd Everlo, Oscar Schoumans, Geo Smit, Arjan Prinsen, and P.A.I. Ehlert
- Subjects
fertilizers ,animal manures ,kunstmeststoffen ,chemistry.chemical_element ,co-vergisting ,Raw material ,nutrient solutions ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Duurzaam Bodemgebruik ,dierlijke meststoffen ,phosphate ,Sustainable Soil Use ,Soil organic matter ,Phosphorus ,co-fermentation ,biobased economy ,Pulp and paper industry ,Dewatering ,Manure ,chemistry ,fosfaat ,Struvite ,Soil water ,Slurry ,Environmental science ,voedingsoplossingen - Abstract
In the Netherlands, the agricultural sector produces more manure than can be applied on agricultural land within the P application standards. The excess amount of manure should be exportedto other regions with a demand for P fertilisers. An alternative for current manure export is manure processing in which manure is processed into valuable fertiliser products. This reports describes a process in which the solid fraction of co-digested manure is processed into a concentrated P fertiliser and a nutrient-poor organic soil improver. The recovered P fertiliser can be used as a secondary raw material for fertiliser production or for export whereas the soil improver can be used on arable soils in the nearby region of the manure treatment plant. The separation process, called RePeat, consists of a acidification and dilution step to extract P from the solid fraction followed by a base addition step to recovery P. The proof of principle was given in a previous report (Schoumans et al., 2017). This reports describes additional laboratory and pilot tests (Chapter 2-4). Attention was given to the reuse of water within the process, the dewatering of calcium phosphate versus struvite and the selection of separation equipment for a demonstration plant. Chapter 5 gives the process mass balances calculated using a mass balance model. Chapter 6 assesses the quality of the organic soil improver in terms of its carbon- and nitrogen mineralisation rate. An example of a business case for the process is included in Chapter 7. The results were used to design a demonstration plant for the RePeat process to be built at Groot Zevert Vergisting B.V. in Beltrum.
- Published
- 2019
32. Vervanging kunstmest door dierlijke mest : Verkenning van opties voor de inzet van financiële instrumenten
- Author
Tanja de Koeijer, John Helming, and H.H. Luesink
- Subjects
stikstofmeststoffen ,Performance and Impact Agrosectors ,fertilizers ,animal manures ,poultry manure ,kunstmeststoffen ,mest ,varkensmest ,Performance en Impact Agrosectoren ,pig manure ,nitrogen fertilizers ,landbouw ,verwerking ,fosfaat ,WIAS ,manures ,pluimveemest ,processing ,Nederland ,dierlijke meststoffen ,Netherlands ,agriculture ,phosphate - Abstract
Het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit wil het gebruik van kunstmest ontmoedigen ten gunste van dierlijke mest. Deze notitie onderzoekt de verschillende financiële prikkels om te stimuleren dat dierlijke mest gebruikt wordt, zoals een heffing op kunstmest of het verstrekken van subsidies. Uit de analyse blijkt dat in de Nederlandse landbouw het gebruik van fosfaat uit dierlijke mest al vrijwel maximaal is. Het gebruik van stikstofkunstmest daarentegen is aanzienlijk. Een heffing op kunstmest is echter weinig effectief omdat de stikstof uit dierlijke mest samen met het fosfaatoverschot via export en verwerking van mest buiten de Nederlandse landbouw wordt afgezet en daarom onvoldoende beschikbaar is. Om zo veel mogelijk stikstof te behouden voor de Nederlandse landbouw is aanpassing van deze mix van mestproducten nodig. Om dit te stimuleren is een subsidie denkbaar op hoogwaardige verwerking van varkens- en rundveedrijfmest.
- Published
- 2019
- Full Text
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33. De permanente groene revolutie van Swaminathan
- Subjects
fertilizers ,kunstmeststoffen ,Raad van Bestuur ,netherlands ,wetenschappelijk onderzoek ,groene revolutie ,environmental impact ,scientists ,hunger ,nederland ,Concernpersoneel WU ,green revolution ,wheat ,pesticiden ,human feeding ,potatoes ,Executive Board ,humane voeding ,genetic engineering ,aardappelen ,milieueffect ,india ,honger ,pesticides ,food supply ,society ,tarwe ,wetenschappers ,voedselvoorziening ,genetische modificatie ,scientific research ,samenleving - Abstract
Het weekblad Time kwalificeerde hem als een van de twintig meest invloedrijke Aziaten van de twintigste eeuw: ‘The father of the Green Revolution used his skills in genetic engineering and his powers of persuasion to make famine an unfamiliar word in Asia’. Tegelijkertijd wees hij al vroeg op de gevaren van een te grote afhankelijkheid van kunstmest en bestrijdingsmiddelen en milieugevolgen daarvan. Dr. Monkombu Sambasivan Swaminathan is een fervent pleitbezorger van de Evergreen Revolution, de permanente groene revolutie. Op 7 augustus werd hij 90 jaar. Louise Fresco en Rudy Rabbinge schetsen zijn enorme betekenis voor wetenschap en samenleving.
- Published
- 2015
34. BEN: Bedrijfsspecifieke bemesting met kunstmest stikstof : resultaten 2014 en 2015
- Author
Verloop, Koos, Hilhorst, Gerjan, Oenema, Jouke, Gielen, Jaap, Verloop, Koos, Hilhorst, Gerjan, Oenema, Jouke, and Gielen, Jaap
- Published
- 2017
35. It depends: : effects of soil organic matter in aboveground-belowground interactions in agro-ecosystems
- Author
van der Putten, W.H., Kleijn, D., van Gils, Stijn Herman, van der Putten, W.H., Kleijn, D., and van Gils, Stijn Herman
- Abstract
Over the last decades agricultural production increased drastically due to the use of external inputs. However, the use of external inputs has high environmental costs and may negatively influence ecosystem processes such as pollination and pest control that underpin agricultural production. Soil organic matter has been proposed as a potential alternative to external inputs as it relates to multiple yield promoting ecosystem processes. The aim of my thesis is to assess whether and how soil organic matter content alters the effect of some ecosystem processes and external inputs on crop yield. I examined whether soil organic matter alters biomass of wheat and oilseed rape under fertilizer supply. Other biotic and abiotic factors that operate at different spatial and temporal scales are also included in some of these experiments. I found that under controlled conditions soil organic matter may reduce the positive effect of mineral fertilizer supply on crop biomass. The reduction changed with the presence or absence of a pathogenic root fungus, but not with drought stress. Moreover, soil organic matter enhances performance of aphids under controlled greenhouse conditions, but the enhancement was less than fertilizer supply. None of these controlled experiments, however, showed that soil organic matter can be an alternative to mineral fertilizer supply. Under field conditions soil organic matter did not strongly affect plant nutrient availability or performances of aphid and its natural enemies. The relation between soil organic matter and plant biomass in a greenhouse experiment did not change with organic management or the duration of it, neither did it change with pollinator visitation rate, an ecosystem process that is managed on the landscape scale. These results suggest that soil organic matter may relate to ecosystem services that influence crop yield, whereas these relations might not be significant under field conditions. Collectively, all these results suggest
- Published
- 2017
36. Cadmium in soil, crops and resultant dietary exposure
- Author
Rietra, R.P.J.J., Mol, G., Rietjens, I.M.C.M., Römkens, P.F.A.M., Rietra, R.P.J.J., Mol, G., Rietjens, I.M.C.M., and Römkens, P.F.A.M.
- Published
- 2017
37. Effecten van het mestbeleid op landbouw en milieu : Beantwoording van de ec-postvragen in het kader van de evaluatie van de meststoffenwet
- Author
Velthof, G.L., Koeijer, T., Schröder, J.J., Timmerman, M., Hooijboer, A., Rozemeijer, J., van Bruggen, C., Groenendijk, P., Velthof, G.L., Koeijer, T., Schröder, J.J., Timmerman, M., Hooijboer, A., Rozemeijer, J., van Bruggen, C., and Groenendijk, P.
- Published
- 2017
38. De PerceelVerdeler: optimaal verdelen van de beschikbare mest op het melkveebedrijf
- Author
Oenema, Jouke, Verloop, Koos, Hilhorst, Gerjan, Oenema, Jouke, Verloop, Koos, and Hilhorst, Gerjan
- Published
- 2017
39. Environmental impact of mineral fertilizers: possible improvements through the adoption of eco-innovations
- Author
Omta, S.W.F., Bröring, S., Olfs, H.W., Hasler, Kathrin, Omta, S.W.F., Bröring, S., Olfs, H.W., and Hasler, Kathrin
- Abstract
Agricultural production has kept pace with the population growth (FAO, 2012). One major input for a productive agriculture are fertilizers. Despite their effect on yield and quality, they also have considerable effects on the environment leading to emission of greenhouse gases, acidification, eutrophication and use of scare resources (Ruttan, 2002; Kitzes et al., 2007). However, unlike other agricultural inputs, fertilizers cannot be substituted and a reduction in the fertilizer use can lead to major yield decreases or a production shifting to less suitable areas. By considering the above mentioned statements this thesis aims to expand the knowledge of the environmental impact of fertilizers in general and innovation supply chain thinking, knowledge exchange and innovation adoption within the fertilizer supply chain in particular with the main research question: To what extended can the environmental impact of fertilizers be improved by accelerate the adoption and diffusion of (eco)-innovations within the fertilizer supply chain? To answer this question, the thesis was divided into two main theoretical perspectives. The first part focuses on the environmental impact of mineral fertilizers and relevant alternatives. The second part focuses on innovation adoption and diffusion. In these thesis LCA calculations of different fertilizer types (e.g. urea, ammonium nitrate) and production types (single nutrient fertilizers, bulk blends or complex fertilizers) try to examine the amount of emissions during fertilizer production, transportation and application. With literature data of emissions during the fertilizer production, completed with data from expert interviews along the fertilizer supply chain a holistic LCA calculation was conducted. The results showed that especially urea should be used with special care in temperate climate zone and produced with best production technologies. Additionally, the production and application of phosphorus should always be part of agri
- Published
- 2017
40. Lactic acid fermentation of human excreta for agricultural application
- Author
Lens, P.N.L., Boincean, B., Ronteltap, M., Andreev, Nadejda, Lens, P.N.L., Boincean, B., Ronteltap, M., and Andreev, Nadejda
- Abstract
Human excreta is a valuable fertilizer for improving soil quality and crop productivity, with a potential to replace or complement the mineral fertilizers. The main challenges related to human excreta regarding agricultural applications are microbial contamination risks, loss of nutrients, and odor issues. Fertilization by lacto-fermented faeces supplemented by biochar has benefits such as improved soil bulk density, nitrate and potassium concentrations as well as the yield and yield components of corn, compared to untreated, simple stored faeces, urine, cattle manure, and unfertilized controls. Even though the mineral fertilizer produced corn with significantly higher height and leaf length, it did not add significantly higher yields than lacto-fermented faeces supplemented by biochar. A faeces treatment process by combined lacto-fermentation with thermophilic composting and biochar supplementation had better reduction of coliforms, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis and Clostridium perfringens, and higher germination of radish and growth of tomatoes than combined lacto-fermentation with vermicomposting. Urine lacto-fermentation contributed to a pH reduction below 4, a decrease in the ammonium concentration and odor strength, as well as an increase in the germination rates compared to untreated stored urine. The results of this study provide important information that can set the basis for scaling up a sustainable technology for the treatment of source separated human excreta while improving its potential for resource recovery.
- Published
- 2017
41. Ex-ante-evaluatie van de mestmarkt en milieukwaliteit : evaluatie van de meststoffenwet 2016
- Author
Schoumans, O.F., Blokland, P.W., Cleij, P., Groenendijk, P., de Koeijer, T.J., Luesink, H.H., Renaud, L.V., van den Roovaart, J., Schoumans, O.F., Blokland, P.W., Cleij, P., Groenendijk, P., de Koeijer, T.J., Luesink, H.H., Renaud, L.V., and van den Roovaart, J.
- Abstract
Voor de ex-ante-evaluatie van de meststoffenwet in 2016 is een analyse uitgevoerd van de gevolgen van drie mestbeleidscenario's voor de meststromen in de landbouw en van de milieukwaliteit.
- Published
- 2017
42. Understanding the productivity of cassava in West Africa
- Author
Giller, Ken, Franke, Linus, Mando, A., Ezui, Kodjovi Senam, Giller, Ken, Franke, Linus, Mando, A., and Ezui, Kodjovi Senam
- Abstract
Drought stress and sub-optimal soil fertility management are major constraints to crop production in general and to cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in particular in the rain-fed cropping systems in West Africa. Cassava is an important source of calories for millions of smallholder households in sub-Sahara Africa. The prime aim of this research was to understand cassava productivity in order to contribute to improving yields, food security and farm incomes in rain-fed cassava production systems in West Africa. A long-term goal was to contribute to a decision support tool for site-specific crop and nutrient management recommendations. Firstly, we studied farmers’ perception of cassava production constraints, assessed drivers of diversity among households and analysed the suitability of farmers’ resource endowment groups to the intensification of cassava production. The results indicate that farmers perceived erratic rainfall and poor soil fertility to be prime constraints to cassava production. The agricultural potential of the area and the proximity to regional markets were major drivers for the adoption of crop intensification options including the use of mineral and organic fertilizers. While the use of mineral and organic fertilizers was common in the Maritime zone that had a low agricultural potential, storage roots yields were below the national average of 2.2 Mg dry matter per hectare, and average incomes of 0.62, 0.46 and 0.46 US$ per capita per day for the high, medium and low farmer resource groups (REGs – HRE, MRE and LRE, respectively) were below the poverty line requirement of 1.25 US$. In the high agricultural potential Plateaux zone, HRE and MRE households passed this poverty line by earning 2.58 and 2.59 US$ per capita per day, respectively, unlike the LRE households with 0.89 US$ per capita per day. Secondly, we investigated the effects of mineral fertilizer on nutrient uptake, nutrient physiological use efficiency and storage roots yields of cassa
- Published
- 2017
43. Mineralenconcentraat dichtbij EU-erkenning : duurzame oplossing mestprobleem
- Author
Gruisen, W. van and Gruisen, W. van
- Abstract
Mineralenconcentraat kan de kosten van mestverwerking verminderen. Als de Europese Unie het product erkent als kunstmest, drukt het niet meer op de plafonds voor organische mest. Maar niet alle mestverwerkers zijn enthousiast.
- Published
- 2017
44. It depends: : effects of soil organic matter in aboveground-belowground interactions in agro-ecosystems
- Author
Stijn Herman, van Gils, Wageningen University, W.H. van der Putten, and D. Kleijn
- Subjects
Agroecosystem ,agroecosystems ,fertilizers ,kunstmeststoffen ,Biomass ,engineering.material ,agro-ecosystemen ,organisch bodemmateriaal ,Ecosystem services ,organic farming ,soil organic matter ,wheat ,Ecosystem ,gewasopbrengst ,Laboratorium voor Nematologie ,2. Zero hunger ,aphidoidea ,koolzaad ,Crop yield ,Soil organic matter ,ecosysteemdiensten ,food and beverages ,rape ,15. Life on land ,crop yield ,PE&RC ,plagenbestrijding ,Agronomy ,biologische landbouw ,tarwe ,engineering ,Organic farming ,voedingsstoffenbeschikbaarheid ,Environmental science ,Fertilizer ,nutrient availability ,Laboratory of Nematology ,ecosystem services ,pest control - Abstract
Over the last decades agricultural production increased drastically due to the use of external inputs. However, the use of external inputs has high environmental costs and may negatively influence ecosystem processes such as pollination and pest control that underpin agricultural production. Soil organic matter has been proposed as a potential alternative to external inputs as it relates to multiple yield promoting ecosystem processes. The aim of my thesis is to assess whether and how soil organic matter content alters the effect of some ecosystem processes and external inputs on crop yield. I examined whether soil organic matter alters biomass of wheat and oilseed rape under fertilizer supply. Other biotic and abiotic factors that operate at different spatial and temporal scales are also included in some of these experiments. I found that under controlled conditions soil organic matter may reduce the positive effect of mineral fertilizer supply on crop biomass. The reduction changed with the presence or absence of a pathogenic root fungus, but not with drought stress. Moreover, soil organic matter enhances performance of aphids under controlled greenhouse conditions, but the enhancement was less than fertilizer supply. None of these controlled experiments, however, showed that soil organic matter can be an alternative to mineral fertilizer supply. Under field conditions soil organic matter did not strongly affect plant nutrient availability or performances of aphid and its natural enemies. The relation between soil organic matter and plant biomass in a greenhouse experiment did not change with organic management or the duration of it, neither did it change with pollinator visitation rate, an ecosystem process that is managed on the landscape scale. These results suggest that soil organic matter may relate to ecosystem services that influence crop yield, whereas these relations might not be significant under field conditions. Collectively, all these results suggest that the relation between soil organic matter content and ecosystem processes that benefit crop yield is highly context dependent. I propose future research may focus on (1) the quality of soil organic matter rather than the content per se and (2) the relation between soil organic matter content and crop yield under realistic conditions in a longer term.
- Published
- 2017
45. Understanding the productivity of cassava in West Africa
- Author
K.S. Ezui, Wageningen University, Ken Giller, Linus Franke, and A. Mando
- Subjects
cassave ,fertilizers ,water use efficiency ,kunstmeststoffen ,stralingsbenuttigingsefficiëntie ,west africa ,crop production ,rainfed agriculture ,drought ,engineering.material ,cassava ,Soil management ,droogte ,Rainfed agriculture ,regenafhankelijke landbouw ,gewasopbrengst ,Water-use efficiency ,Hectare ,ghana ,radiation use efficiency ,Nutrient management ,togo ,Crop yield ,manihot esculenta ,crop yield ,PE&RC ,gewasproductie ,west-afrika ,Geography ,Agronomy ,Plant Production Systems ,Plantaardige Productiesystemen ,engineering ,Fertilizer ,watergebruiksrendement ,Soil fertility - Abstract
Drought stress and sub-optimal soil fertility management are major constraints to crop production in general and to cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in particular in the rain-fed cropping systems in West Africa. Cassava is an important source of calories for millions of smallholder households in sub-Sahara Africa. The prime aim of this research was to understand cassava productivity in order to contribute to improving yields, food security and farm incomes in rain-fed cassava production systems in West Africa. A long-term goal was to contribute to a decision support tool for site-specific crop and nutrient management recommendations. Firstly, we studied farmers’ perception of cassava production constraints, assessed drivers of diversity among households and analysed the suitability of farmers’ resource endowment groups to the intensification of cassava production. The results indicate that farmers perceived erratic rainfall and poor soil fertility to be prime constraints to cassava production. The agricultural potential of the area and the proximity to regional markets were major drivers for the adoption of crop intensification options including the use of mineral and organic fertilizers. While the use of mineral and organic fertilizers was common in the Maritime zone that had a low agricultural potential, storage roots yields were below the national average of 2.2 Mg dry matter per hectare, and average incomes of 0.62, 0.46 and 0.46 US$ per capita per day for the high, medium and low farmer resource groups (REGs – HRE, MRE and LRE, respectively) were below the poverty line requirement of 1.25 US$. In the high agricultural potential Plateaux zone, HRE and MRE households passed this poverty line by earning 2.58 and 2.59 US$ per capita per day, respectively, unlike the LRE households with 0.89 US$ per capita per day. Secondly, we investigated the effects of mineral fertilizer on nutrient uptake, nutrient physiological use efficiency and storage roots yields of cassava since soil fertility was a major issue across the zones. We used an approach based on the model for the Quantitative Evaluation of the Fertility of Tropical Soils (QUEFTS). This model was successfully adapted for cassava and it appropriately assessed the response of cassava to N, P and K applications, especially in years with good rainfall. Under high drought stress, the model overestimated cassava yields. Thirdly, we investigated the impact of balanced nutrition on nutrient use efficiency, yield and return on investment compared to blanket fertilizer use as commonly practiced in cassava production systems in Southern Togo, and in Southern and Northern Ghana. The balanced nutrition approach of the QUEFTS model aimed to maximize simultaneously nutrient use efficiency of N, P and K in accordance with the plant’s needs. Larger nutrient use efficiencies of 20.5 to 23.9 kg storage root dry matter (DM) per kilo crop nutrient equivalent (1kCNE of a nutrient is the quantity of that nutrient that has the same effect on yield as 1 kg of N under balanced nutrition conditions) were achieved at balanced nutrition at harvest index (HI) of 0.50 compared to 20.0 to 20.5 kg storage root DM per kilo CNE for the blanket rates recommended by national research services for cassava production. Lower benefit:cost ratios of 2.4±0.9 were obtained for the blanket fertilizer rates versus 3.8±1.1 for the balanced fertilizer rates. Our study revealed that potassium (K) was a major yield limiting factor for cassava production, especially on the Ferralsols in Southern Togo. Hence, we fourthly studied the effect of K and its interaction with nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and the timing of harvest on the productivity of cassava in relation to the effects of K on radiation use efficiency (RUE), light interception, water use efficiency (WUE) and water transpiration. The results suggest that K plays a leading role in RUE and WUE, while N is the leading nutrient for light interception and water transpiration. Potassium effects on RUE and WUE depended on the availability of N and harvest time. Values of RUE and WUE declined with harvest at 4, 8 and 11 months after planting. Thus, enhanced K management with sufficient supply of N during the early stage of development of cassava is needed to maximize RUE and WUE, and consequently attain larger storage root yields. Given that erratic rainfall was another major constraint to cassava production according to the results of the farm survey, and due to the inability of QUEFTS modelling to assess drought effects on cassava yield successfully, another modelling approach based on light interception and utilization (LINTUL) was used. We quantified drought impacts on yields and explored strategies to improve yields through evaluation of planting dates in Southern Togo. The evaluation of the model indicated good agreement between simulated and observed leaf area index (Normalised Root Mean Square Error - NRMSE - 17% of the average observed LAI), storage roots yields (NRMSE 5.8% of the average observed yield) and total biomass yield (NRMSE 5.8% of the average observed). Simulated yield losses due to drought ranged from 9-60% of the water-limited yields. The evaluation of planting dates from mid-January to mid-July indicated that the best planting window is around mid-February. Higher amount of cropping season rainfall was also achieved with early planting. These results contradict current practices of starting planting around mid-March to mid-April. However, the results indicate the possibility to increase cassava yields with early planting, which led to less yield losses due to drought. By contrast, late planting around June-July gave larger potential yields, and suggested these periods to be the best planting window for cassava under irrigated conditions in Southern Togo. This shows that appropriate water control and planting periods can contribute to attaining larger yields in Southern Togo. Further improvement of the LINTUL model is required towards using it to assess water-limited yield, which can be used as boundary constraint in QUEFTS to derive site-specific fertilizer requirements for enhanced cassava yield and returns on investments in West Africa.
- Published
- 2017
46. Environmental impact of mineral fertilizers: possible improvements through the adoption of eco-innovations
- Author
Kathrin Hasler, Wageningen University, S.W.F. Omta, S. Bröring, and H.W. Olfs
- Subjects
fertilizers ,Supply chain ,kunstmeststoffen ,duitsland ,WASS ,Agricultural engineering ,engineering.material ,germany ,environmental impact ,Calcium ammonium nitrate ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Production (economics) ,Agricultural productivity ,business management ,business.industry ,milieueffect ,Business Management & Organisation ,landbouwproductie ,bedrijfsmanagement ,chemistry ,Agriculture ,Greenhouse gas ,agricultural production ,Carbon footprint ,engineering ,Environmental science ,Fertilizer ,business - Abstract
Agricultural production has kept pace with the population growth (FAO, 2012). One major input for a productive agriculture are fertilizers. Despite their effect on yield and quality, they also have considerable effects on the environment leading to emission of greenhouse gases, acidification, eutrophication and use of scare resources (Ruttan, 2002; Kitzes et al., 2007). However, unlike other agricultural inputs, fertilizers cannot be substituted and a reduction in the fertilizer use can lead to major yield decreases or a production shifting to less suitable areas. By considering the above mentioned statements this thesis aims to expand the knowledge of the environmental impact of fertilizers in general and innovation supply chain thinking, knowledge exchange and innovation adoption within the fertilizer supply chain in particular with the main research question: To what extended can the environmental impact of fertilizers be improved by accelerate the adoption and diffusion of (eco)-innovations within the fertilizer supply chain? To answer this question, the thesis was divided into two main theoretical perspectives. The first part focuses on the environmental impact of mineral fertilizers and relevant alternatives. The second part focuses on innovation adoption and diffusion. In these thesis LCA calculations of different fertilizer types (e.g. urea, ammonium nitrate) and production types (single nutrient fertilizers, bulk blends or complex fertilizers) try to examine the amount of emissions during fertilizer production, transportation and application. With literature data of emissions during the fertilizer production, completed with data from expert interviews along the fertilizer supply chain a holistic LCA calculation was conducted. The results showed that especially urea should be used with special care in temperate climate zone and produced with best production technologies. Additionally, the production and application of phosphorus should always be part of agricultural LCA studies, because this plant nutrient also can have effects on the results in the impact categories use of scare resources and salt water eutrophication. With an optimized fertilization strategy, the environmental burden can be reduced by up to 15%. Chapter 3 focuses on greenhouse gas emissions. The carbon footprint, used with special care and an accurate developed framework, can be a good tool to estimate these greenhouse gas emissions (Finkbeiner, 2009; Hillier et al., 2009; Pandey et al., 2011). By calculating the carbon footprint with a basic LCA approach a scientific accepted method was used. The carbon footprint of different mineral fertilizers (urea, ammonium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate and urea ammonium nitrate), stabilized nitrogen fertilizers (using different inhibitors), secondary raw materials (feather meals, blood-and-bone-meals and leguminous crops meals) and a combined irrigation and fertilization were compared in order to find a more sustainable solution. Here especially the uses of a double inhibitor to delay the nitrogen transformation in the soils can have an effect on the carbon footprint results. The second part of this thesis concentrates on the fertilizer supply chain and the adoption of eco-innovations. Eco-innovations are one option to reduce the environmental impact of fertilizers without compromising on fertilizer productivity. Although numerous eco-innovations in the domain of fertilizers are available, they have no sufficient adoption rate. Here a systematic literature review combined with the types of eco-innovations within an expanded technology acceptance model (TAM) was used to estimate the main drivers. The study distinguishes between disruptive and continuous as well as process, product and other types of innovations to get a better understanding for specific situations. The distinction between the types of innovations was made, because it was assumed that the nature of the specific innovation influences the adoption. The results lead to the assumption that disruptive innovations are mostly pushed by a high quality support and a well-functioning information flow; continuous innovations are more pushed by a good access to credits and an informative environment. Chapter 5 tries to explaining the low adoption of eco-innovation in the German fertilizer supply chain in particular. Expert interviews along the fertilizer supply chain (researcher, producer, traders) and a detailed questionnaire with closed and open questions were used to estimate the necessity to change. Furthermore, the knowledge of different eco-innovations was used to evaluate the knowledge sharing of the fertilizer supply chain. Findings suggest that drivers for eco-innovations are perceived differently by the various actors in the fertilizer supply chain. The overall knowledge on eco-innovations decreases downstream the chain.
- Published
- 2017
47. Lactic acid fermentation of human excreta for agricultural application
- Author
Andreev, Nadejda, Wageningen University, P.N.L. Lens, B. Boincean, and M. Ronteltap
- Subjects
Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management ,WIMEK ,fertilizers ,manure fermentation ,mestvergisting ,kunstmeststoffen ,lactic acid ,food and beverages ,Aquatische Ecologie en Waterkwaliteitsbeheer ,human faeces ,fermentatie ,mensenfeces ,composting ,compostering ,melkzuur ,Environmental Technology ,Milieutechnologie ,biochar ,fermentation - Abstract
Human excreta is a valuable fertilizer for improving soil quality and crop productivity, with a potential to replace or complement the mineral fertilizers. The main challenges related to human excreta regarding agricultural applications are microbial contamination risks, loss of nutrients, and odor issues. Fertilization by lacto-fermented faeces supplemented by biochar has benefits such as improved soil bulk density, nitrate and potassium concentrations as well as the yield and yield components of corn, compared to untreated, simple stored faeces, urine, cattle manure, and unfertilized controls. Even though the mineral fertilizer produced corn with significantly higher height and leaf length, it did not add significantly higher yields than lacto-fermented faeces supplemented by biochar. A faeces treatment process by combined lacto-fermentation with thermophilic composting and biochar supplementation had better reduction of coliforms, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis and Clostridium perfringens, and higher germination of radish and growth of tomatoes than combined lacto-fermentation with vermicomposting. Urine lacto-fermentation contributed to a pH reduction below 4, a decrease in the ammonium concentration and odor strength, as well as an increase in the germination rates compared to untreated stored urine. The results of this study provide important information that can set the basis for scaling up a sustainable technology for the treatment of source separated human excreta while improving its potential for resource recovery.
- Published
- 2017
48. Effecten van het mestbeleid op landbouw en milieu : Beantwoording van de ec-postvragen in het kader van de evaluatie van de meststoffenwet
- Author
T. Koeijer, M. Timmerman, Gerard L. Velthof, J.J. Schröder, C. van Bruggen, Piet Groenendijk, Joachim Rozemeijer, and A.E.J. Hooijboer
- Subjects
Sustainable Soil Use ,WIMEK ,Performance and Impact Agrosectors ,fertilizers ,kunstmeststoffen ,mest ,Emissie & Mestverwaarding ,surface water ,manure policy ,waterkwaliteit ,water quality ,mestbeleid ,Performance en Impact Agrosectoren ,oppervlaktewater ,landbouw ,WIAS ,manures ,Emissions & Manure Valorisation ,Duurzaam Bodemgebruik ,Agro Field Technology Innovations ,agriculture - Published
- 2017
- Full Text
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49. Ex-ante-evaluatie van de mestmarkt en milieukwaliteit : evaluatie van de meststoffenwet 2016
- Author
P.W. Blokland, Oscar Schoumans, Leo Renaud, J. van den Roovaart, Piet Groenendijk, H.H. Luesink, P. Cleij, and T.J. de Koeijer
- Subjects
phosphates ,Performance and Impact Agrosectors ,fertilizers ,fosfaten ,kunstmeststoffen ,mest ,legislation ,oppervlaktewaterkwaliteit ,water quality ,Performance en Impact Agrosectoren ,bemesting ,uitspoelen ,manures ,nitraten ,Duurzaam Bodemgebruik ,Sustainable Soil Use ,nitrates ,fertilizer application ,manure policy ,waterkwaliteit ,mestbeleid ,leaching ,wetgeving ,WIAS ,surface water quality - Abstract
Voor de ex-ante-evaluatie van de meststoffenwet in 2016 is een analyse uitgevoerd van de gevolgen van drie mestbeleidscenario's voor de meststromen in de landbouw en van de milieukwaliteit.
- Published
- 2017
50. Cadmium in soil, crops and resultant dietary exposure
- Author
R.P.J.J. Rietra, G. Mol, I.M.C.M. Rietjens, and Paul F.A.M. Römkens
- Subjects
food intake ,Water en Landgebruik ,fertilizers ,cadmium ,kunstmeststoffen ,gewassen ,chemistry.chemical_element ,blootstelling ,Toxicology ,soil ,Soil, Water and Land Use ,voedselopname ,voedselveiligheid ,Duurzaam Bodemgebruik ,VLAG ,Sustainable Soil Use ,Cadmium ,WIMEK ,Dietary exposure ,Water and Land Use ,toxicologie ,crops ,Bodem, Water en Landgebruik ,food safety ,bodem ,chemistry ,Agronomy ,exposure ,Environmental science ,toxicology - Published
- 2017
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