Korupcija predstavlja zlouporabu ovlasti i položaja u svrhu stjecanja osobne koristi, a dolazi u različitim vrstama i pojavnim oblicima. Korupcija ima duboke korijene, često ju je teško otkriti, a ima izrazito negativne posljedice na ekonomski rast, zapošljavanje, produktivnost privatnog sektora, dug opće države, ulaganja i inflaciju. Suzbijanje korupcije je veliki izazov, posebno u zemljama bivšeg komunističkog režima koje općenito imaju višu korupciju u odnosu na ostatak zemalja članica EU-a. Najčešće je u pitanju loša provedba zakona. Razmatrajući kretanje indeksa percepcije korupcije u zemljama EU-a u posljednjem desetljeću utvrđeno je kako je došlo do različitih promjena. Prosječni IPK za EU-27 blago je povećan, međutim, došlo je do općenitog smanjenja indeksa percepcije korupcije kod zemalja s najnižom korupcijom, dok su se, s druge strane, povećali IPK indeksi kod zemalja s najvišom korupcijom. Provedenim istraživanjem pokazalo se da je niža razina korupcije u zemljama EU-a u slaboj korelacijskoj vezi s višom razinom BDP-a. S druge strane, utvrđena je neznatna povezanost niže razine korupcije s nižom inflacijom. Kako bi se korupcija dodatno smanjila i samim time imala manje štetne učinke na ekonomski rast važno je postojanje kvalitetnog zakonodavnog okvira i strateških dokumenata te kontinuirano razvijanje novih mehanizama suzbijanja korupcije jer kako se razvijaju novi načini sprječavanja koruptivnih radnji istodobno počinitelji razvijaju i nove načine njihove provedbe. Corruption is the abuse of power and position for personal gain, and it comes in different types and forms. Corruption has deep roots, it is often difficult to detect it, and it has extremely negative consequences on economic growth, employment, productivity of the private sector, general general state, investment and inflation. Suppression of corruption is a great challenge, especially in the countries of the former communist regime that generally have higher corruption than the rest of EU member states. The most common is the poor implementation of the law. Considering the movement of an index of corruption perception in EU countries in the last decade, it has been determined that there have been various changes. The average IPK for the EU-27 is slightly increased, however, there has been a general decrease in the perception of corruption index in countries with the lowest corruption, while, on the other hand, IPK indexes in countries with the highest corruption. The conducted survey showed that the lower level of corruption in EU countries in poor correlacy relationships with a higher GDP level. On the other hand, a slight connection between lower corruption with lower inflation was determined. In order to further reduce corruption and thus has less harmful effects on economic growth, the existence of quality legislative framework and strategic documents, and continuously developing new mechanisms of corruption suppressing as new ways to prevent corrupt actions develop at the same time, develop new ways of their implementation.