111 results on '"koolstofvastlegging in de bodem"'
Search Results
2. Methodes voor CO2-verwijdering : Vergelijkend literatuuronderzoek naar toepassing in de Nederlandse context
- Author
Eldering, R., Benthem, M. van, Eldering, R., and Benthem, M. van
- Abstract
Om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan, moet de CO2-concentratie in de atmosfeer beperkt worden. Het kabinet heeft zich vastgelegd op een reductie van 55% CO2-emissie in 2030 ten opzichte van 1990, met een streven naar 60% reductie. De belangrijkste manier om dit te bereiken is het verminderen van CO2-emissies afkomstig van fossiele brandstoffen. Het beperken van CO2-emissies zelf is echter onvoldoende, er zijn ook methodes nodig die CO2 uit de lucht verwijderen. De beleidsmatige inzet van deze methodes is relatief nieuw en nog volop in ontwikkeling. Er is daarom nog veel onduidelijkheid over de effecten van deze methodes. Het doel van dit rapport is om een aantal verschillende methodes voor CO2-verwijdering met elkaar te vergelijken. In dit onderzoek hebben we in totaal zes methodes onderzocht: 1. Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) 2. Vastlegging in bossen 3. Vastlegging in de bodem 4. Vastlegging in mariene ecosystemen 5. Biokool 6. Versnelde verwering van mineralen. Deze zes methodes zijn op acht indicatoren beoordeeld: 1. Kosten 2. Energieverbruik in de keten 3. Grondstoffenverbruik 4. Direct en indirect landgebruik 5. Duur van de CO2-vastlegging 6. Inpassing in een hernieuwbare economie 7. Impact op leefomgeving en economie 8. Synergieën en conflicten.
- Published
- 2023
3. Maatregelen voor het vastleggen van koolstof in minerale bodems : ervaringen uit de praktijknetwerken van Slim Landgebruik
- Author
Schurer, Burret, Herbert, Zwanet, van Hal, Ollie, Wagenaar, Jan Paul, Koopmans, Chris, Janmaat, Leen, Schepens, Jonas, Schurer, Burret, Herbert, Zwanet, van Hal, Ollie, Wagenaar, Jan Paul, Koopmans, Chris, Janmaat, Leen, and Schepens, Jonas
- Published
- 2022
4. Boerennatuurweek - Klimaat op het boerenerf
- Abstract
Op het klimaatvlak wordt er veel van boeren gevraagd en verwacht. Het landelijke gebied kan een grote bijdrage leveren aan de oplossing en er zelf ook beter van worden. Een overzicht wat er op boeren afkomt en wat zij kunnen doen wordt uiteengezet. Daarnaast geven we voorbeeld gegeven van hoe waterschap en collectief in het veenweidegebied al samenwerken op dit dossier (https://klimaatslimboerenopveen.nl/wp...) Dit is de aftrap van de kenniscirkel klimaat waarin de rol van collectieven in de oplossing duidelijk wordt en waarin beschikbare kennis wordt vertaald in praktische bruikbare kennis. Sprekers: Eppo Timmer, José van Miltenburg, Dorien Jansen.
- Published
- 2022
5. Bomen, landbouw, klimaat en bodem
- Author
Well, Erik van, Vermeulen, Estelle, Penninkhof, Joyce, Well, Erik van, Vermeulen, Estelle, and Penninkhof, Joyce
- Published
- 2022
6. Webinar Koolstofvastlegging : Boer Bij Kennis
- Abstract
Koolstofvastlegging in de bodem in de bodem is een actueel onderwerp. Maar hoeveel is mogelijk en waar en hoe lang duurt dit? Wat is hierover al wel bekend en wat niet? Hoe kan een agrariër financieel beloond worden? Ofwel wat kan een agrariër bereiken en hoe kunt u haar/hem daarover adviseren? Op deze vragen gaan wij tijdens dit webinar in met filmpjes, voorbeelden en oefeningen via een interactieve website en discussie.
- Published
- 2022
7. VERIFY : Een betere koolstofbalans
- Abstract
Om de uitstoot van CO₂ te beperken is het belangrijk om precies te weten hoeveel broeikasgassen vrijkomen én weer worden opgeslagen, bijvoorbeeld in bossen en landbouwgronden. Onderzoekers van Wageningen University & Research werken in Europees verband aan een eenduidig en onafhankelijk meetsysteem dat wereldwijd te gebruiken is.
- Published
- 2022
8. Eindrapport LNV community 2021
- Author
Leferink, L., Treuren, K., Wolff Schoemaker, F., Leferink, L., Treuren, K., and Wolff Schoemaker, F.
- Abstract
In de periode van januari t/m december 2021 hebben 6 onderzoeken plaatsgevonden. Daarbij zijn de volgende thema’s aan bod gekomen: Landelijke beëindigingsregeling veehouderijlocaties; Koolstofopslag in bodems; Fieldlabs en demonstratiebedrijven; Waterkwaliteit; Toekomst van agrarische sector; Klimaatadaptatie. Dit eindrapport geeft een overzicht van de belangrijkste inzichten uit de onderzoeken.
- Published
- 2022
9. Klimaatbos: wat is de meerwaarde voor jouw (melkvee)bedrijf?
- Abstract
We nemen een kijkje bij melkveebedrijf Hoefnagel in Beneden-Leeuwen. Henk Hoefnagel vertelt waarom hij een klimaatbos heeft aangelegd bij zijn bedrijf. Het versnipperde hout dat uit het bos wordt geoogst dient als ligbed voor de koeien in de stal. De koeien maken er met hun mest compost van, dat weer op het grasland uitgereden kan worden. Compost met houtsnippers zorgt voor een goede structuur op de grond en zorgt voor meer koolstofopslag in de bodem.
- Published
- 2022
10. Carbon credits als verdienmodel van koolstofopslag voor boeren : Hoe planten en landbouwbodems ons klimaat kunnen redden
- Author
Biemond, T. and Biemond, T.
- Abstract
Verdubbeling van het organische stofgehalte in alle landbouwbodems zou het CO2 gehalte in de atmosfeer halveren. Die halvering willen we niet, want dan hebben we een global freezing probleem. En die verdubbeling zou ook niet eenvoudig zijn. Maar dit verband geeft wel de enorme potentie van regeneratieve landbouw weer. Klimatologisch, ecologisch én economisch. Maar hoe?
- Published
- 2022
11. Maatregelen voor het vastleggen van koolstof in minerale bodems : ervaringen uit de praktijknetwerken van Slim Landgebruik
- Subjects
species-rich grasslands ,compost ,animal manures ,Farm Technology ,akkerranden ,composts ,gereduceerde grondbewerking ,nutrientenbeheer ,Animal Production Systems ,nitrogen ,organisch bodemmateriaal ,maatregelen ,soil carbon sequestration ,akkervogels ,soil organic matter ,koolstofvastlegging in de bodem ,soil quality ,dierlijke meststoffen ,field margins ,Dierlijke Productiesystemen ,bodemkwaliteit ,measures ,reduced tillage ,kruidenrijke graslanden ,nutrient management ,stikstof ,farmland birds ,Agrarische Bedrijfstechnologie - Published
- 2022
12. No-regret maatregelen voor het vastleggen van koolstof in minerale landbouwbodems : Een verkennende studie
- Author
Kolk, J. van der, Agricola, H., Pas, E. te, Slier, T., Smit, B., Staps, S., Kolk, J. van der, Agricola, H., Pas, E. te, Slier, T., Smit, B., and Staps, S.
- Abstract
Binnen het onderzoeksprogramma Slim Landgebruik worden maatregelen onderzocht die gezamenlijk ervoor moeten zorgen dat het klimaatdoel om jaarlijks 0,5 Mton extra CO2 vast te leggen in de bodem vanaf 2030 kan worden gerealiseerd. Vanuit het ministerie van LNV is de vraag gekomen of er niet al vanaf 2021 maatregelen kunnen worden genomen, waarvan helder is dat zij met een hoge mate van zekerheid gaan bijdragen aan dit doel. Om die reden is een project gestart met als doel om individuele maatregelen of een set van maatregelen te identificeren die op relatief korte termijn en onder GLB door de praktijk kunnen worden toegepast voor het vastleggen van koolstof aan de bodem, die met een grote mate van zekerheid effectief zijn. Samen met beleidsmedewerkers van het ministerie van LNV hebben we de definitie van no-regret bepaald: ‘No regret maatregelen zijn bewezen effectieve maatregelen waarbij koolstof additioneel wordt vastgelegd of koolstof wordt vastgehouden in de minerale landbouwbodems, welke breed toepasbaar, met beperkte kosten en waarbij er geen of aanvaardbare negatieve afwentelingseffecten zijn’. We hebben een brede lijst met maatregelen die koolstof kunnen vastleggen kwalitatief beoordeeld op diverse indicatoren die gezamenlijk de definitie van no-regret omvatten. Hieraan hebben diverse experts vanuit het onderzoek en beleid een bijdrage geleverd.
- Published
- 2021
13. Evaluatie van maatregelen voor het vastleggen van koolstof in minerale gronden 2019-2023 : Voortgangsrapportage juni 2021
- Author
Koopmans, C.J., Timmermans, B.G.H., Hoogmoed, M., Heupink, D., Cruijsen, J.J.P., Haan, J. De, Selin Norén, I., Slier, T., Wagenaar, J.P., Koopmans, C.J., Timmermans, B.G.H., Hoogmoed, M., Heupink, D., Cruijsen, J.J.P., Haan, J. De, Selin Norén, I., Slier, T., and Wagenaar, J.P.
- Abstract
Na het Klimaatakkoord van Parijs (2015) is in Nederland in 2018 het Klimaatakkoord gesloten, waaraan ook de landbouwsector zich heeft gecommitteerd. Het Nationaal Programma Landbouwbodems (NPL) heeft twee pijlers: het doel om 0,5 Mton CO2-equivalenten per jaar vast te leggen in minerale landbouwbodems met ingang van 2030 en dat alle landbouwbodems (1.8 miljoen hectare) in 2030 duurzaam beheerd worden. Binnen het programma Slim Landgebruik is De kernvraag van het programma Slim Landgebruik is wat er nodig is om de eerste pijler te halen. Dit rapport is een jaarrapportage van een meerjarige studie naar het vaststellen van de effectiviteit van landbouwkundige maatregelen voor het vastleggen van koolstof in de organische stof van minerale bodems. Daarmee wordt een praktische toetsing beoogd van de koolstofvastlegging zoals beschreven in Lesschen et al. (2012) voor de Nederlandse condities. Het gaat hierbij zowel om de koolstofvastlegging van individuele maatregelen als om het effect van de combinatie van maatregelen. In deze 3e voortgangsrapportage ligt de focus op individuele maatregelen die tot op heden nog niet zijn onderzocht of nog onvoldoende zijn onderbouwd en gekwantificeerd. In deze studie ligt de focus op de evaluatie van de koolstofvastlegging aansluitend bij Lesschen (2012) door metingen van de organische stof in de bodem in Lange Termijn Experimenten. Daarbij wordt steeds de vergelijking gemaakt tussen percelen mét en zónder toepassing. Ook is gebruik gemaakt van vergelijkingen tussen praktijkpercelen waarop de maatregelen zijn toegepast. In de conclusies worden resultaten rond de gevonden koolstofvastlegging vergeleken met de literatuurgegevens uit Lesschen (2012).
- Published
- 2021
14. De potentie voor koolstofvastlegging in de Nederlandse landbouw
- Author
Lesschen, Jan Peter, Hendriks, Chantal, Slier, Thalisa, Porre, Rima, Velthof, Gerard, Rietra, Rene, Lesschen, Jan Peter, Hendriks, Chantal, Slier, Thalisa, Porre, Rima, Velthof, Gerard, and Rietra, Rene
- Abstract
The Dutch climate agreement comprises a target for agricultural soils to sequester an additional 0.4-0.6 Mton CO2 per year in 2030. In this study the technical potential for carbon sequestration in Dutch agricultural soils has been determined using the soil carbon model RothC at national scale. The total potential for the combination of measures is about 0,9 Mton CO2 per year compared to the baseline of 2017. More permanent grassland, cover crops and an increased share of cereals in the rotation are the measures that contribute most. More carbon in the soil can also result in an increased N2O emission due to the addition of easily decomposable organic matter. A literature study showed that most measures have a net emission reduction, but the effect depends on the current crop and soil management. This study also assessed carbon sequestration in biomass in landscape elements and agroforestry. An increase in the area of landscape elements to 1% of the agricultural area results in a sequestration rate of 0.4 Mton CO2/year for a period of 15 years. For agroforestry the potential is estimated at 0.1 Mton CO2/year if the Masterplan Agroforestry (25 000 ha) will be implemented., In het Nederlandse Klimaatakkoord is voor landbouwbodems een doelstelling van 0,4-0,6 Mton extra CO2-vastlegging per jaar in 2030 vastgesteld. In deze studie is de technische potentie voor koolstofvastlegging in Nederlandse landbouwbodems bepaald op basis van berekeningen met het RothC-model. De potentie voor de combinatie van maatregelen is berekend op 0,9 Mton CO2 per jaar ten opzichte van 2017. De maatregelen die het meest bijdragen, zijn meer blijvend grasland, vanggewassen/groenbemesters en het verhogen van het aandeel rustgewassen. Meer organische stof kan echter ook leiden tot een toename van N2O-emissie door het toevoegen van gemakkelijk afbreekbare organische stof. Een literatuurstudie laat zien dat de meeste maatregelen een netto positief effect hebben op reductie van broeikasgasemissies, maar afhankelijk is van het huidige gewas- en bodembeheer. Voor C-vastlegging in biomassa is ook gekeken naar landschapselementen en agroforestry. Een uitbreiding van het areaal landschapselementen naar 1% van het landbouwareaal resulteert in een vastlegging van 0,4 Mton CO2/jaar voor een periode van vijftien jaar. Het uitvoeren van het Masterplan Agroforestry (25.000 ha) resulteert in een jaarlijkse vastlegging van ongeveer 0,1 Mton CO2/jaar.
- Published
- 2021
15. Assessment of environmental impacts upon application of biobased fertilising products recovered from digestate : A report from the H2020 project SYSTEMIC
- Author
Schoumans, Oscar F., Sigurnjak, Ivona, Veenemans, Lotte, van Dijk, Kimo, Römkens, Paul, Brienza, Claudio, Giordano, Andreas, Zilio, Massimo, Schoumans, Oscar F., Sigurnjak, Ivona, Veenemans, Lotte, van Dijk, Kimo, Römkens, Paul, Brienza, Claudio, Giordano, Andreas, and Zilio, Massimo
- Abstract
This report describes the modelling approach, input data, scenarios of biobased fertiliser application, and the results and conclusions in terms of environmental impacts. For all demonstration plants scenarios were worked out in terms of application rates of digestate and/or biobased fertilisers, and the associated applied nutrients and heavy metals to the soil. Thereafter, the model simulations were carried out which were discussed during a SYSTEMIC internal webinar. Finally, the outcome of the environmental impact assessments were reviewed by the demoplants and other partners of the SYSTEMIC project consortium.
- Published
- 2021
16. Minisymposium PPS Ruwvoer, Bodem en Kringlooplandbouw: 25 november 2021: presentaties
- Abstract
WP3 - Duurzaam bouwplan wat is bewegingsvrijheid bij meer eiwit van eigen land en bij meer opslag van koolstof in bodem ; WP2 - Mais en voedergewassen - resultaten 2e jaar duurzame maatregelen - Ritnaaldschade in continuteeltmais resultaten veldproef
- Published
- 2021
17. Boeren verdienen aan vastleggen koolstof
- Author
Bouwmeester, R. and Bouwmeester, R.
- Abstract
Een groep boeren, de organisatie Wij.land en Rabobank starten een proef met het genereren en verkopen van klimaatcredits. De deelnemende boeren krijgen betaald voor de acties waarmee ze emissies reduceren of koolstof vastleggen.
- Published
- 2021
18. Top 5 Carbon farming technieken : Slimme technieken voor koolstofvastlegging in Nederlandse bodems
- Abstract
Carbon Farming is het verbeteren van de bodem door gebruik van bepaalde teelttechnieken. Een gezonde bodem heeft een optimaal organisch stofgehalte, wat zorgt voor meer bodemleven en een beter water- en nutriëntenvasthoudend vermogen. Een hoger organisch stofgehalte kun je realiseren door koolstof vast te leggen in de bodem. Het koolstofgehalte in de bodem kun je onder andere verhogen door onderstaande teelttechnieken toe te passen. Het zorgt er ook voor dat koolstof (C) uit CO2 wordt opgeslagen in de bodem, wat anders in de atmosfeer blijft en zorgt voor blijvende temperatuurstijgingen op aarde. Deze factsheet geeft de in Nederland best toepasbare bodemtechnieken weer.
- Published
- 2021
19. Glastuinbouw wil levering CO2 veiligstellen
- Author
Jonge, H. de and Jonge, H. de
- Abstract
Om klimaatneutraal te kunnen werken, is externe CO2 voor de Nederlandse glastuinbouw van levensbelang. Een knelpunt is dat betaling van emissierechten voor levering van fossiele CO2 aan de glastuinbouw (CCU) wel nodig is, terwijl dit voor opslag onder zee (CCS) niet hoeft. De hoop is dat een innovatiepilot voor een andere toedeling uitkomst brengt.
- Published
- 2021
20. Van houtkant tot in de bodem : Praktijkgids met resultaten van Koester de Kempense Koolstof
- Author
Vervoort, L., Tits, M., Vancampenhout, K., Ven, G. Van de, Vervoort, L., Tits, M., Vancampenhout, K., and Ven, G. Van de
- Published
- 2020
21. Koolstofvastlegging: waar en wanneer meet je dat?
- Author
Hoogsteen, M.J.J., Breure, T., Hoogsteen, M.J.J., and Breure, T.
- Abstract
Onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat harmonisatie van methoden in de hele monitoringsketen, van monsterverzameling tot gegevensinterpretatie, cruciaal is voor de vaststelling van effecten op veranderingen van de hoeveelheid bodem-organische stof in graslanden.
- Published
- 2020
22. Assessment of environmental impacts upon application of biobased fertilising products recovered from digestate : A report from the H2020 project SYSTEMIC
- Subjects
biomassa ,nutriëntenstromen ,emission reduction ,nutrientenbeheer ,ammonia ,water quality ,nitrogen ,emissiereductie ,soil carbon sequestration ,nitrate ,nitraat ,biogas ,koolstofvastlegging in de bodem ,Duurzaam Bodemgebruik ,reststromen ,Sustainable Soil Use ,nutrient flows ,waste water ,biomass ,afvalwaterbehandeling ,afvalwater ,biobrandstoffen ,ammoniak ,biobased economy ,waterkwaliteit ,biofuels ,residual streams ,waste water treatment ,nutrient management ,digestate ,stikstof ,digestaat - Abstract
This report describes the modelling approach, input data, scenarios of biobased fertiliser application, and the results and conclusions in terms of environmental impacts. For all demonstration plants scenarios were worked out in terms of application rates of digestate and/or biobased fertilisers, and the associated applied nutrients and heavy metals to the soil. Thereafter, the model simulations were carried out which were discussed during a SYSTEMIC internal webinar. Finally, the outcome of the environmental impact assessments were reviewed by the demoplants and other partners of the SYSTEMIC project consortium.
- Published
- 2021
23. Documentaire over het belang van het opbouwen van koolstof in landbouwbodems
- Abstract
Een korte documentaire van Joris van der Kamp en Fransjan de Waard. Over het belang en de potentie van het verhogen van het koolstofgehalte in de landbouwbodems. Hiermee kan de landbouwsector een bijdrage leveren aan tegengaan van klimaatverandering.
- Published
- 2019
24. Koolstof, van houtkant tot in de bodem
- Author
Vervoort, L., Rops, J., Tits, M., Vervoort, L., Rops, J., and Tits, M.
- Abstract
Het opnieuw opbouwen van het organischestofgehalte in de bodem is van cruciaal belang voor de bodemgezondheid en de gewasopbrengst. Maar wist je dat ook het landschap en het klimaat er wel bij varen? Houtsnippers uit landschapsonderhoud kunnen het koolstofgehalte in de bodem verhogen en bijdragen aan een klimaatrobuuste bodem.
- Published
- 2019
25. Koolstofopslag met agroforestry, wat is mogelijk? : Agroforestry als strategie in het klimaatbeleid
- Author
Selin Norén, I., Vijn, M., Keur, J., Selin Norén, I., Vijn, M., and Keur, J.
- Abstract
Agroforestry kan bijdragen aan klimaatmitigatie (verzachten van klimaateffecten) en –adaptatie. Door middel van koolstofopslag in hout en bodem kan klimaatverandering worden geremd. Maar zet agroforestry echt zoden aan de dijk? Het is van belang dat agrarisch ondernemers en beleidsmakers zich bewust zijn van de mogelijkheden van agroforestry.
- Published
- 2019
26. urgent karwei in de kinderschoenen : de levende landbouwbodem als rem op de klimaatverandering?
- Author
Waard, F. de and Waard, F. de
- Abstract
Terra incognita - onbekend terrein. Vóór 2015 was dat voor het gros van de bevolking vermoedelijk de beste kwalificatie voor de bodem. Ook al ging het alleen nog maar om het allerbovenste laagje: de aarde die we direct kunnen zien. Verreweg de meesten van ons lopen er gedachteloos overheen, zonder te beseffen wat die bovengrond allemaal voor ons doet en betekent.
- Published
- 2018
27. Bodem koolstofcredits : voor klimaat én bodemvruchtbaarheid
- Author
Brinkmann, A. and Brinkmann, A.
- Abstract
Landbouwbodems kunnen een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan het tegengaan van klimaatverandering. In Oostenrijk krijgen boeren een beloning wanneer ze het organische stofgehalte van hun bodem verhogen en daarmee CO2 langdurig opslaan. In Nederland wordt de haalbaarheid van zo’n systeem van bodem koolstofcredits nu ook onderzocht.
- Published
- 2018
28. Technical documentation of the soil model VSD+ : Status A
- Author
Mol-Dijkstra, J.P., Reinds, G.J., Mol-Dijkstra, J.P., and Reinds, G.J.
- Abstract
VSD+ is a model to calculate effects of atmospheric deposition and climate change on soil acidification,nutrient availability and carbon sequestration. The model has been developed to support emission abatementstrategies of sulphur (S) and nitrogen (N) in Europe. This document contains a summary of the modeltheory, technical documentation and descriptions of testing, validations and the sensitivity analysis of themodel. The processes described in the paper about VSD+ have been tested successfully. The sensitivityanalysis showed that the constant for the equilibrium between H+ and Al3+ in the soil solution and theweathering rate of Ca are the parameters that to a large extent determine the value of the simulated pH. Forbase saturation, most important parameters are the exchange constant between H+ and base cations andthe weathering of Ca. For the C/N ratio of soil organic matter, litterfall of C and N and the uptake of N areimportant influencing factors. The nitrate concentration strongly depends on the leaching flux and the net N input., VSD+ is een model om de gevolgen te berekenen van atmosferische depositie en klimaatverandering voorbodemverzuring, de beschikbaarheid van voedingsstoffen en het vastleggen van koolstof. Het model isontwikkeld ter onderbouwing van strategieën om de uitstoot van zwavel (S) en stikstof (N) in Europa teverminderen. Dit document biedt een samenvatting van de theorie waar het model op gestoeld is, detechnische documentatie hiervan alsmede een beschrijving van het testen, het valideren en de sensitiviteitsanalysevan het model. De processen zoals beschreven in het artikel over VSD+ zijn met goed gevolg getest.De gevoeligheidsanalyse gaf aan dat de constante voor het evenwicht tussen H+ en Al3+ in de bodemoplossingen de Ca-verweringssnelheid de parameters zijn, die voor een groot gedeelte de waarde van degesimuleerde pH bepalen. Voor basenverzadiging zijn de belangrijkste parameters de uitwisselingsconstantetussen H+ en basische kationen en de verwering van Ca. Voor de C/N ratio van bodemorganische stof zijn Cen N in het strooisel en de opname van N zeer bepalende factoren. De nitraatconcentratie hangt sterk samenmet het nerslagoverschot en de netto input van N.
- Published
- 2017
29. On the role of soil organic matter for crop production in European arable farming
- Author
van Ittersum, M.K., ten Berge, H.F.M., Hijbeek, Renske, van Ittersum, M.K., ten Berge, H.F.M., and Hijbeek, Renske
- Abstract
The aim of this thesis was to improve understanding of the role of organic inputs and soil organic matter (SOM) for crop production in contemporary arable farming in Europe. For this purpose, long-term experiments were analysed on the additional yield effect of organic inputs and savings in mineral fertiliser. In addition, a farm survey was conducted to find drivers and barriers for the use of organic inputs and to assess if arable farmers in Europe perceive a deficiency of SOM. The findings in this thesis suggest that at least on the shorter term, on average, there seems to be no immediate threat from a deficiency of SOM to crop production in arable farming in Europe. The long-term experiments showed that with sufficient use of only mineral fertilisers, on average, similar yields could be attained over multiple years as with the combined use of organic inputs and mineral fertiliser. This was reflected in the farm survey, in which a large majority of farmers indicated not to perceive a deficiency of SOM. Analysis of long-term experiments also showed that more mineral fertiliser N was saved when using farmyard manure at high N rates (with mineral fertiliser application) than at low N rates (without mineral fertiliser application), based on comparisons at equal yield. Specific crops and environments did benefit from organic inputs and more SOM in terms of crop production. Long-term experiments showed that organic inputs give benefit to crop production in wet climates and on sandy soils. In addition, farmers perceived a higher deficiency of SOM on steep slopes, sandy soils, wet and very dry climates. The additional yield effect of organic inputs was significant for potatoes. More in general, farmers who cultivated larger shares of their land with specialized crops (including potatoes, sugar beets, onions and other vegetables) than cereals perceived a higher deficiency of SOM. It seems that while the functions of SOM can be replaced with technical means to a large exten
- Published
- 2017
30. On the role of soil organic matter for crop production in European arable farming
- Author
R. Hijbeek, Wageningen University, M.K. van Ittersum, and H.F.M. ten Berge
- Subjects
meta-analyse ,straw ,opbrengsten ,nitrogen ,Soil management ,Green manure ,soil fertility management ,manures ,bodemvruchtbaarheidsbeheer ,koolstofvastlegging in de bodem ,gewasopbrengst ,Cover crop ,Agro Field Technology Innovations ,organic matter ,Agroforestry ,soil fertility ,organische stof ,drivers ,PE&RC ,groenbemesters ,Tillage ,europa ,nitrogen fertilizers ,Geography ,Plant Production Systems ,stikstof ,green manures ,Arable land ,europe ,barriers ,chauffeurs ,yields ,mest ,voedselzekerheid ,bodembeheer ,organisch bodemmateriaal ,soil carbon sequestration ,soil organic matter ,barrières ,stikstofmeststoffen ,Soil organic matter ,soil conservation ,food security ,crop yield ,Soil quality ,stro ,meta-analysis ,Agronomy ,Plantaardige Productiesystemen ,cover crops ,bodembescherming ,Soil conservation ,soil management ,bodemvruchtbaarheid ,dekgewassen - Abstract
The aim of this thesis was to improve understanding of the role of organic inputs and soil organic matter (SOM) for crop production in contemporary arable farming in Europe. For this purpose, long-term experiments were analysed on the additional yield effect of organic inputs and savings in mineral fertiliser. In addition, a farm survey was conducted to find drivers and barriers for the use of organic inputs and to assess if arable farmers in Europe perceive a deficiency of SOM. The findings in this thesis suggest that at least on the shorter term, on average, there seems to be no immediate threat from a deficiency of SOM to crop production in arable farming in Europe. The long-term experiments showed that with sufficient use of only mineral fertilisers, on average, similar yields could be attained over multiple years as with the combined use of organic inputs and mineral fertiliser. This was reflected in the farm survey, in which a large majority of farmers indicated not to perceive a deficiency of SOM. Analysis of long-term experiments also showed that more mineral fertiliser N was saved when using farmyard manure at high N rates (with mineral fertiliser application) than at low N rates (without mineral fertiliser application), based on comparisons at equal yield. Specific crops and environments did benefit from organic inputs and more SOM in terms of crop production. Long-term experiments showed that organic inputs give benefit to crop production in wet climates and on sandy soils. In addition, farmers perceived a higher deficiency of SOM on steep slopes, sandy soils, wet and very dry climates. The additional yield effect of organic inputs was significant for potatoes. More in general, farmers who cultivated larger shares of their land with specialized crops (including potatoes, sugar beets, onions and other vegetables) than cereals perceived a higher deficiency of SOM. It seems that while the functions of SOM can be replaced with technical means to a large extent (e.g. tillage, use of mineral fertilisers), there are limits to this technical potential when environmental conditions are more extreme and crops are more demanding. The farm survey revealed that farmers perceive a trade-off between improved soil quality on the one hand and increased pressures from weeds, pests and diseases and financial consequences on the other hand when using organic inputs. If policies aim to stimulate the maintenance or increase of SOM, more insight is needed into the conditions that regulate the pressures of weeds, pests and diseases in response to organic inputs. Financial consequences (at least on the short term) should also be accounted for. More importantly however, benefits from SOM for crop production cannot be taken for granted. Only in specific situations such benefits will exist. If European policies on SOM aim to include benefits for crop production, focus should be on areas with more extreme environmental conditions (very dry or wet climates, steep slopes, sandy soils), or cropping systems with more specialized or horticultural crops rather than cereals.
- Published
- 2017
31. Technical documentation of the soil model VSD+ : Status A
- Author
J.P. Mol-Dijkstra and G.J. Reinds
- Subjects
Sustainable Soil Use ,Physics ,climatic change ,Soil model ,soil acidity ,klimaatverandering ,Forestry ,precipitation ,soil ,models ,bodem ,neerslag ,soil carbon sequestration ,bodemaciditeit ,WOT Natuur & Milieu ,voedingsstoffenbeschikbaarheid ,Soil carbon sequestration ,koolstofvastlegging in de bodem ,Soil solution ,nutrient availability ,Duurzaam Bodemgebruik ,modellen - Abstract
VSD+ is a model to calculate effects of atmospheric deposition and climate change on soil acidification,nutrient availability and carbon sequestration. The model has been developed to support emission abatementstrategies of sulphur (S) and nitrogen (N) in Europe. This document contains a summary of the modeltheory, technical documentation and descriptions of testing, validations and the sensitivity analysis of themodel. The processes described in the paper about VSD+ have been tested successfully. The sensitivityanalysis showed that the constant for the equilibrium between H+ and Al3+ in the soil solution and theweathering rate of Ca are the parameters that to a large extent determine the value of the simulated pH. Forbase saturation, most important parameters are the exchange constant between H+ and base cations andthe weathering of Ca. For the C/N ratio of soil organic matter, litterfall of C and N and the uptake of N areimportant influencing factors. The nitrate concentration strongly depends on the leaching flux and the net N input. VSD+ is een model om de gevolgen te berekenen van atmosferische depositie en klimaatverandering voorbodemverzuring, de beschikbaarheid van voedingsstoffen en het vastleggen van koolstof. Het model isontwikkeld ter onderbouwing van strategieën om de uitstoot van zwavel (S) en stikstof (N) in Europa teverminderen. Dit document biedt een samenvatting van de theorie waar het model op gestoeld is, detechnische documentatie hiervan alsmede een beschrijving van het testen, het valideren en de sensitiviteitsanalysevan het model. De processen zoals beschreven in het artikel over VSD+ zijn met goed gevolg getest.De gevoeligheidsanalyse gaf aan dat de constante voor het evenwicht tussen H+ en Al3+ in de bodemoplossingen de Ca-verweringssnelheid de parameters zijn, die voor een groot gedeelte de waarde van degesimuleerde pH bepalen. Voor basenverzadiging zijn de belangrijkste parameters de uitwisselingsconstantetussen H+ en basische kationen en de verwering van Ca. Voor de C/N ratio van bodemorganische stof zijn Cen N in het strooisel en de opname van N zeer bepalende factoren. De nitraatconcentratie hangt sterk samenmet het nerslagoverschot en de netto input van N.
- Published
- 2017
32. Indianenverhalen over zwarte grond : zoektocht naar de werking van biochar
- Subjects
soil fertility ,bodemkunde ,biobased economy ,Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation ,PE&RC ,soil science ,sustainability ,soil carbon sequestration ,duurzaamheid (sustainability) ,black soils ,Plantenecologie en Natuurbeheer ,biochar ,koolstofvastlegging in de bodem ,bodemvruchtbaarheid ,soil conditioners ,bodemverbeteraars - Abstract
Een eeuwenoude, door de indianen gebruikte methode voor het verbeteren van de bodem met houtskool, staat weer volop in de belangstelling. De zwarte grond zou het klimaatprobleem oplossen en het regenwoud redden. Maar zo eenvoudig is het niet, blijkt uit onderzoek.
- Published
- 2014
33. Kokos en biochar geschikte alternatieven voor veen in potgrond : zoektoch potplantensector naar nieuwe grondstoffen
- Subjects
kokos ,GTB Gewasgez. Bodem en Water ,potplanten ,pot plants ,sierplanten ,groeimedia ,houtskool ,use value ,Crop health ,soil carbon sequestration ,composition ,growing media ,gebruikswaarde ,Gewasgezondheid ,glastuinbouw ,biochar ,koolstofvastlegging in de bodem ,ornamental plants ,soil conditioners ,bodemverbeteraars ,charcoal ,greenhouse horticulture ,samenstelling ,copra - Abstract
De meeste potgronden bestaan voor een groot deel uit veen. Maar er is een duidelijke kentering merkbaar. Telers, afnemers en consumenten vragen steeds vaker om veenvrije mengsels. Redenen zijn de grote hoeveelheid CO2 die vrijkomt bij afgravingen en het verloren gaan van eeuwenoude moerasgronden. Onder meer daarom startte een zoektocht naar nieuwe grondstoffen voor potgrond. Met kokos is al veel ervaring opgedaan en biochar heeft de potentie om een belangrijk ingrediënt met meerwaarde te worden.
- Published
- 2015
34. Spagaat
- Author
Keuning, S. and Keuning, S.
- Abstract
Een slechte reputatie kan lang blijven hangen, ook al is het niet altijd terecht. Zo is het eten van eieren al decennialang problematisch. Eieren bevatten cholesterol, cholesterol verstopt de aderen, dus eet niet meer dan een of twee eieren per week was het dringende advies. Inmiddels is gebleken dat de bewering, dat cholesterol de bloedvaten verstopt, net zoiets is als concluderen dat het zeer opvallend is, dat waar de brandweer verschijnt, wel erg vaak een brand is. Cholesterol vervult een aantal belangrijke functies in ons lichaam. Het is een onmisbare bouwsteen voor onze hersenen, die voor een groot deel uit vetten en cholesterol bestaan, voor onze geslachtshormonen, vitamine D en gal. Desondanks heeft dit molecuul een slechte naam gekregen. Bijna net zo’n slechte reputatie als het voor ons bestaan eveneens essentiële molecuul en broeikasgas CO2.
- Published
- 2016
35. Kokos en biochar geschikte alternatieven voor veen in potgrond : zoektoch potplantensector naar nieuwe grondstoffen
- Author
Rodenburg, J. and Blok, C.
- Subjects
kokos ,potplanten ,pot plants ,sierplanten ,groeimedia ,houtskool ,use value ,soil carbon sequestration ,composition ,growing media ,gebruikswaarde ,glastuinbouw ,biochar ,koolstofvastlegging in de bodem ,ornamental plants ,soil conditioners ,bodemverbeteraars ,charcoal ,greenhouse horticulture ,samenstelling ,copra - Abstract
De meeste potgronden bestaan voor een groot deel uit veen. Maar er is een duidelijke kentering merkbaar. Telers, afnemers en consumenten vragen steeds vaker om veenvrije mengsels. Redenen zijn de grote hoeveelheid CO2 die vrijkomt bij afgravingen en het verloren gaan van eeuwenoude moerasgronden. Onder meer daarom startte een zoektocht naar nieuwe grondstoffen voor potgrond. Met kokos is al veel ervaring opgedaan en biochar heeft de potentie om een belangrijk ingrediënt met meerwaarde te worden.
- Published
- 2015
36. Challenging the claims on the potential of biochar to mitigate climate change
- Subjects
climatic change ,organic carbon ,klimaatverandering ,Soil Biology ,PE&RC ,Forest and Nature Conservation Policy ,brazilië ,soil ,mitigation ,bodem ,soil carbon sequestration ,brazil ,mitigatie ,liquid chromatography ,Bos- en Natuurbeleid ,biochar ,koolstofvastlegging in de bodem ,vloeistofchromatografie ,organische koolstof ,Bodembiologie - Abstract
Summary In this PhD thesis I studied the influence of biochar discourses on the political practices in Brazil and the impact of biochar on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, thus contributing to the current debate on the potential of biochar to mitigate climate change. Biochar is the solid material obtained from the carbonization of biomass. The deliberate production and application to soil distinguishes biochar from other carbonized products, e.g. charcoal. Inspired by the aged charcoal found in the fertile Amazonian Dark Earth (ADE; also known as Terra Preta de Índio), the current application of biochar in soil is claimed to simultaneously address four global challenges: food production, climate change, energy supply and waste reduction (Chapter 1). Biochar is supposed to be an absorbent and stable material, which can be used to retain nutrients in the soil, increasing agricultural productivity, while sequestering carbon over extended periods of time. Therefore, biochar is claimed to be a means to mitigate global climate change. Furthermore, if biochar is produced in a modern pyrolysis plant, it also can co-produce bio-oil and syngas that could be used as energy. And if biochar is produced by carbonization of agricultural residue, biochar may reduce the quantity of solid waste that needs to be disposed of. In Chapter 2, I analysed the policy arrangement related to biochar along the four dimensions of the policy arrangement approach, which are actors, discourse, power and rules. I focused on Brazil, which is an important player in the international biochar debate. My analysis shows that scientists in research institutions are the dominant players in the network, while policymakers, businessmen and farmers are marginally positioned. Experts from Embrapa occupy central positions and thus exercise most power in the network. Moreover, experts linked to ADE have lost prominence in the network. The cause for this reduction was the shift from the ADE/biochar to the biochar/technology discourse. The latter discourse includes different coalitions, such as: ‘climate change mitigation’, ‘improvement of soil fertility’ and ‘improving crop residue management’. Although the biochar/climate coalition is dominant at international level, it is far less prominent in Brazil. Nationally the discourses of ‘improvement of soil fertility’ and ‘improving crop residue management’ have particularly prompted actors’ relationships and practices. However, the biochar/technology discourse is not (yet) institutionalized into formal rules in Brazil. As a consequence, the country lacks an established biochar policy field. Brazilian biochar practices focus on the carbonization of the available residues into biochar and on the application of biochar in soils to increase the SOC content and consequently the fertility of these soils. In this context, in Chapter 3 I tested in the field the potential of biochar produced in traditional kilns to increase the C contents of sandy savannah soils. My results show that biochar produced in traditional kilns is less thermally altered than that produced by industrial kilns and therefore rapidly decomposes. The decomposition rate of traditionally produced biochar was higher (decomposition constant k = 0.32-1.00 year-1) than generally assumed (k = 0.0005-0.005 year-1), and higher than the decomposition of native SOC (k = 0.22 year-1). In Chapter 4 I demonstrated in a short-term laboratory experiment that oilseed-derived biochar had a similar or higher decomposition rate than native SOC. My results show that all three tested oilseed biochars decelerate the decomposition of SOC in the biochar-amended soils, with biochar richer in aromatics having a stronger negative effect than biochar richer in aliphatics. Therefore, oilseed biochar directly increases soil C stocks and indirectly raises soil C sequestration in the short term through decreasing the decomposition of native SOC. In my research, the decomposition studies were performed using 13C isotope analysis. However, the 13C isotope analysis cannot be used when the differences of 13C isotope abundance between biochar and soil are not sufficiently large. Therefore, its use can be limited. In Chapter 5, I aimed at improving the benzene polycarboxylic acid (BPCA) method. I re-designed the protocols of the BPCA method and found a better and faster way to quantify and characterize the BPCAs derived from biochar, compared to the previous protocols. The improved method was then successfully tested and implemented in a laboratory in Brazil. Combining my findings with results of the literature, I conclude (Chapter 6) that there is no evidence that biochar is a reliable way for C sequestration in sandy soils under savannah environments. Biochar decomposition is highly variable, depending on charring conditions, soil and climate: (i) biochar produced by traditional kilns is less thermally degraded than those pyrolysed by industrial kilns; (ii) in sandy soils less biochar accumulates than in clay-silt soils; and (iii) warm-dry conditions raise the decomposition of biochar. These conclusions have a direct consequence for the development of policies on biochar, because we cannot ensure that biochar will sequester the same quantity of C for the same period at different geographical regions.
- Published
- 2015
37. Challenging the claims on the potential of biochar to mitigate climate change
- Author
Francischinelli Rittl, T., Wageningen University, Thomas Kuijper, Ellis Hoffland, Bas Arts, and E.H. Novotny
- Subjects
climatic change ,organic carbon ,klimaatverandering ,Soil Biology ,PE&RC ,Forest and Nature Conservation Policy ,brazilië ,soil ,mitigation ,bodem ,soil carbon sequestration ,brazil ,mitigatie ,liquid chromatography ,Bos- en Natuurbeleid ,biochar ,koolstofvastlegging in de bodem ,vloeistofchromatografie ,organische koolstof ,Bodembiologie - Abstract
Summary In this PhD thesis I studied the influence of biochar discourses on the political practices in Brazil and the impact of biochar on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, thus contributing to the current debate on the potential of biochar to mitigate climate change. Biochar is the solid material obtained from the carbonization of biomass. The deliberate production and application to soil distinguishes biochar from other carbonized products, e.g. charcoal. Inspired by the aged charcoal found in the fertile Amazonian Dark Earth (ADE; also known as Terra Preta de Índio), the current application of biochar in soil is claimed to simultaneously address four global challenges: food production, climate change, energy supply and waste reduction (Chapter 1). Biochar is supposed to be an absorbent and stable material, which can be used to retain nutrients in the soil, increasing agricultural productivity, while sequestering carbon over extended periods of time. Therefore, biochar is claimed to be a means to mitigate global climate change. Furthermore, if biochar is produced in a modern pyrolysis plant, it also can co-produce bio-oil and syngas that could be used as energy. And if biochar is produced by carbonization of agricultural residue, biochar may reduce the quantity of solid waste that needs to be disposed of. In Chapter 2, I analysed the policy arrangement related to biochar along the four dimensions of the policy arrangement approach, which are actors, discourse, power and rules. I focused on Brazil, which is an important player in the international biochar debate. My analysis shows that scientists in research institutions are the dominant players in the network, while policymakers, businessmen and farmers are marginally positioned. Experts from Embrapa occupy central positions and thus exercise most power in the network. Moreover, experts linked to ADE have lost prominence in the network. The cause for this reduction was the shift from the ADE/biochar to the biochar/technology discourse. The latter discourse includes different coalitions, such as: ‘climate change mitigation’, ‘improvement of soil fertility’ and ‘improving crop residue management’. Although the biochar/climate coalition is dominant at international level, it is far less prominent in Brazil. Nationally the discourses of ‘improvement of soil fertility’ and ‘improving crop residue management’ have particularly prompted actors’ relationships and practices. However, the biochar/technology discourse is not (yet) institutionalized into formal rules in Brazil. As a consequence, the country lacks an established biochar policy field. Brazilian biochar practices focus on the carbonization of the available residues into biochar and on the application of biochar in soils to increase the SOC content and consequently the fertility of these soils. In this context, in Chapter 3 I tested in the field the potential of biochar produced in traditional kilns to increase the C contents of sandy savannah soils. My results show that biochar produced in traditional kilns is less thermally altered than that produced by industrial kilns and therefore rapidly decomposes. The decomposition rate of traditionally produced biochar was higher (decomposition constant k = 0.32-1.00 year-1) than generally assumed (k = 0.0005-0.005 year-1), and higher than the decomposition of native SOC (k = 0.22 year-1). In Chapter 4 I demonstrated in a short-term laboratory experiment that oilseed-derived biochar had a similar or higher decomposition rate than native SOC. My results show that all three tested oilseed biochars decelerate the decomposition of SOC in the biochar-amended soils, with biochar richer in aromatics having a stronger negative effect than biochar richer in aliphatics. Therefore, oilseed biochar directly increases soil C stocks and indirectly raises soil C sequestration in the short term through decreasing the decomposition of native SOC. In my research, the decomposition studies were performed using 13C isotope analysis. However, the 13C isotope analysis cannot be used when the differences of 13C isotope abundance between biochar and soil are not sufficiently large. Therefore, its use can be limited. In Chapter 5, I aimed at improving the benzene polycarboxylic acid (BPCA) method. I re-designed the protocols of the BPCA method and found a better and faster way to quantify and characterize the BPCAs derived from biochar, compared to the previous protocols. The improved method was then successfully tested and implemented in a laboratory in Brazil. Combining my findings with results of the literature, I conclude (Chapter 6) that there is no evidence that biochar is a reliable way for C sequestration in sandy soils under savannah environments. Biochar decomposition is highly variable, depending on charring conditions, soil and climate: (i) biochar produced by traditional kilns is less thermally degraded than those pyrolysed by industrial kilns; (ii) in sandy soils less biochar accumulates than in clay-silt soils; and (iii) warm-dry conditions raise the decomposition of biochar. These conclusions have a direct consequence for the development of policies on biochar, because we cannot ensure that biochar will sequester the same quantity of C for the same period at different geographical regions.
- Published
- 2015
38. Challenging the claims on the potential of biochar to mitigate climate change
- Author
Kuijper, Thomas, Hoffland, Ellis, Arts, Bas, Novotny, E.H., Francischinelli Rittl, T., Kuijper, Thomas, Hoffland, Ellis, Arts, Bas, Novotny, E.H., and Francischinelli Rittl, T.
- Abstract
Summary In this PhD thesis I studied the influence of biochar discourses on the political practices in Brazil and the impact of biochar on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, thus contributing to the current debate on the potential of biochar to mitigate climate change. Biochar is the solid material obtained from the carbonization of biomass. The deliberate production and application to soil distinguishes biochar from other carbonized products, e.g. charcoal. Inspired by the aged charcoal found in the fertile Amazonian Dark Earth (ADE; also known as Terra Preta de Índio), the current application of biochar in soil is claimed to simultaneously address four global challenges: food production, climate change, energy supply and waste reduction (Chapter 1). Biochar is supposed to be an absorbent and stable material, which can be used to retain nutrients in the soil, increasing agricultural productivity, while sequestering carbon over extended periods of time. Therefore, biochar is claimed to be a means to mitigate global climate change. Furthermore, if biochar is produced in a modern pyrolysis plant, it also can co-produce bio-oil and syngas that could be used as energy. And if biochar is produced by carbonization of agricultural residue, biochar may reduce the quantity of solid waste that needs to be disposed of. In Chapter 2, I analysed the policy arrangement related to biochar along the four dimensions of the policy arrangement approach, which are actors, discourse, power and rules. I focused on Brazil, which is an important player in the international biochar debate. My analysis shows that scientists in research institutions are the dominant players in the network, while policymakers, businessmen and farmers are marginally positioned. Experts from Embrapa occupy central positions and thus exercise most power in the network. Moreover, experts linked to ADE have lost prominence in the network. The cause for this reduction was the shift from the ADE/biochar to the biochar
- Published
- 2015
39. Extra bodem en bemesting : dossier
- Author
Vanden Nest, T., Braekman, P., Vanden Nest, T., and Braekman, P.
- Abstract
Dossier over bodem en bemesting, waarbij aandacht voor het opkrikken van bodemvruchtbaarheid zonder extra fosfor-milieubelasting en wat zeggen randvoorwaarden GLB over het nemen van bodemstalen?
- Published
- 2015
40. Milieubioloog Peter van Bodegom zoekt de basisprincipes achter ecosysteemdiensten: 'let op diversiteit binnen ecosystemen'
- Author
Strien, W. van and Strien, W. van
- Abstract
Lokale eigenschappen bepalen de speelruimte voor planten om nuttige diensten te leveren. Ecosysteemdiensten in geld uitdrukken doet dus geen recht aan de ecologie, meent de Leidse milieubioloog Peter van Bodegom.
- Published
- 2015
41. Soils – the roots of agroecology and family farming
- Abstract
Healthy soils contribute to resilient food production. Soil carbon is a key to healthy soils but, today we see the long-term consequences of agricultural management that has neglected soil carbon – degraded soils, polluted waters, and unprecedented rates of hunger and malnutrition. There are good examples of agroecological practices that were developed by farmers who have long known the importance of soil carbon. Yet, in many cases these practices are being re-learnt, adapted and new practices are being developed to reconnect with the soil and rebuild soil carbon. This issue of Farming Matters explores and celebrates such old and new practices for living soils.
- Published
- 2015
42. Fertiplus
- Abstract
Biochar (g)een wondermiddel voor Europese landbouwbodem!, Biochar as fertilizer for European agriculture? Yes or no?
- Published
- 2015
43. Biochar en/of compost als bodemverbeterend middel?
- Author
D'Hose, T., Ruysschaert, G., Debode, J., Vanden Nest, T., Vandecasteele, B., D'Hose, T., Ruysschaert, G., Debode, J., Vanden Nest, T., and Vandecasteele, B.
- Abstract
Herhaaldelijk toepassen van compost blijkt een goede methode om het koolstofgehalte en de bodemkwaliteit op korte termijn te verhogen, zonder aanleiding te geven tot extra nutriëntenverliezen. Proeven geven aan dat de effecten van biochar beperkter zijn.
- Published
- 2015
44. Earthworms and the soil greenhouse gas balance
- Author
Lubbers, I.M., Wageningen University, Lijbert Brussaard, and Jan-Willem van Groenigen
- Subjects
aardwormen ,Soil Biology ,earthworms ,PE&RC ,carbon sequestration ,soil biology ,soil ,koolstofvastlegging ,oligochaeta ,bodem ,emissie ,soil carbon sequestration ,emission ,greenhouse gases ,koolstofvastlegging in de bodem ,broeikasgassen ,Bodembiologie ,bodembiologie - Abstract
Earthworms play an essential part in determining the greenhouse gas (GHG) balance of soils worldwide. Their activity affects both biotic and abiotic soil properties, which in turn influence soil GHG emissions, carbon (C) sequestration and plant growth. Yet, the balance of earthworms stimulating C sequestration on the one hand and increasing GHG emissions on the other has not been investigated. Indeed, much is still unclear about how earthworms interact with agricultural land use and soil management practices, making predictions on their effects in agro-ecosystems difficult. In this thesis, I aimed to determine to what extent GHG mitigation by soil C sequestration as affected by earthworms is offset by earthworm-induced GHG emissions from agro-ecosystems under different types of management. To reach this aim, I combined mesocosm and field studies, as well as meta-analytic methods to quantitatively synthesize the literature. Using meta-analysis, I showed that, on average, earthworm activity leads to a 24% increase in aboveground biomass, a 33% increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and a 42% increase in nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. The magnitude of these effects depends on soil factors (e.g., soil organic matter content), experimental factors (e.g., crop residue addition or fertilizer type and rate) and earthworm factors (e.g., earthworm ecological category and -density). Conducting both a mesocosm and a field study, I showed that earthworm activity results in increased N2O emissions from fertilized grasslands. Under field conditions I found an increase in earthworm-induced N2O emissions in autumn but not in spring, suggesting that earthworm effects in the field depend on soil physicochemical parameters influenced by meteorological and seasonal dynamics. In a unique two-year experiment with a simulated no-tillage (NT) system and a simulated conventional tillage (CT) system, I found that earthworm presence increases GHG emissions in an NT system to the same level as in a CT system. This suggests that the GHG mitigation potential of NT agro-ecosystems is limited. When considering the C budget in the simulated NT system, I demonstrated that over the course of the experiment earthworms increase cumulative CO2 emissions by at least 25%, indicating a higher C loss compared to the situation without earthworms. Yet, in the presence of earthworms the incorporation of residue-derived C into all measured soil aggregate fractions also increased, indicating that earthworm activity can simultaneously enhance CO2 emissions and C incorporation into aggregate fractions. In conclusion, the revealed dominance of GHG emissions over C sequestration as affected by earthworms implies that their presence in agro-ecosystems results in a negative impact on the soil greenhouse gas balance.
- Published
- 2014
45. Indianenverhalen over zwarte grond : zoektocht naar de werking van biochar
- Author
Nijland, R. and van de Voorde, T.F.J.
- Subjects
soil fertility ,bodemkunde ,biobased economy ,Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation ,PE&RC ,soil science ,sustainability ,soil carbon sequestration ,duurzaamheid (sustainability) ,black soils ,Plantenecologie en Natuurbeheer ,biochar ,koolstofvastlegging in de bodem ,bodemvruchtbaarheid ,soil conditioners ,bodemverbeteraars - Abstract
Een eeuwenoude, door de indianen gebruikte methode voor het verbeteren van de bodem met houtskool, staat weer volop in de belangstelling. De zwarte grond zou het klimaatprobleem oplossen en het regenwoud redden. Maar zo eenvoudig is het niet, blijkt uit onderzoek.
- Published
- 2014
46. Soil and plant responses to pyrogenic organic matter: carbon stability and symbiotic patterns
- Author
Sagrilo, E., Wageningen University, Thomas Kuijper, Ellis Hoffland, and EDVALDO SAGRILO, CPAMN.
- Subjects
Micorrizas arbusculares vesiculares ,Sequestro de carbono no solo ,Fertilidade do Solo ,glycine max ,Matéria orgânica do solo ,brazilië ,organisch bodemmateriaal ,soil carbon sequestration ,soil organic matter ,emission ,grondverbeteraars ,biochar ,koolstofvastlegging in de bodem ,soil amendments ,Bodembiologie ,vesiculair-arbusculaire mycorrhizae ,Alterações do solo ,Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizas ,soil fertility ,carbon dioxide ,vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizas ,Soil Biology ,PE&RC ,emissie ,kooldioxide ,brazil ,nitrogen fixation ,stikstoffixatie ,Soil carbon sequestration ,bodemvruchtbaarheid - Abstract
Soil and plant responses to pyrogenic organic matter: carbon stability and symbiotic patterns Edvaldo Sagrilo Summary Pyrogenic organic matter (PyOM), also known as biochar, is the product of biomass combustion under low oxygen concentration. There is currently a growing interest in research on the use of PyOM as a soil amendment, inspired by the existence of highly fertile, PyOM-rich anthropogenic soils in the Amazon basin. The presence of PyOM in these so-called Amazonian Dark Earths (ADE) in quantities larger than in the non-anthropogenic surrounding soils is considered one of the main reasons for their high fertility. Soil additions of PyOM have been suggested to increase soil fertility and crop yields, simultaneously providing additional important environmental services. The offset of CO2 emissions through sequestration of a larger pool of recalcitrant soil organic carbon (SOC) is one of these services. This would at the same time sustain soil microbial activity, which is directly associated to soil quality, for instance, nutrient cycles and plant growth. This multiple win scenario suggests that the addition of PyOM to the soil would be the solution for the “carbon dilemma”. The dilemma states that the main biological benefits from soil organic matter are a consequence of its decay. Therefore, it is unlikely that increased C sequestration and the benefits from its decay can be simultaneously maximized. Rather than win-win, PyOM would then also be subjected to inevitable trade-offs. Additions of PyOM can modify the turnover rate of native SOC by either accelerating or decelerating its decomposition through a mechanism known as priming. Although positive priming by PyOM has been reported, negative priming has also been found. The higher amount of non-pyrogenic C in ADE, compared to non-anthropogenic surrounding soils has been considered evidence that PyOM can stabilize SOC in the long-term. A complicating issue in studies is that short-term increases in CO2 emission can be due to decomposition of labile PyOM fractions, erroneously suggesting positive priming of SOC. Addition of PyOM can also lead to modifications in the microbial activity and assemblages. Changes in microbial populations can have impacts on their functionality, favouring mutualistic root symbioses such as the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) symbiosis and the rhizobial symbiosis with legumes that is responsible for biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). Although soil amendments with PyOM can stimulate AMF and BNF, results are contrasting and mechanisms are not clear. Most studies of PyOM effects on SOC and on mutualistic root symbioses are from short-term experiments, often conducted in greenhouse or laboratory. Although such studies provide insights in potential factors driving changes in SOC and symbiotic relationships in PyOM-amended soils, they do not assess changes under realistic conditions over periods of time longer that one or a few cropping cycles. Therefore, there is still a gap in our understanding regarding the duration and magnitude of effects over time under field conditions and possible mechanisms involved. This thesis addresses these gaps. The aim of this research was to provide a better understanding of interactions between PyOM and SOC and the factors controlling symbiotic patterns in a tropical soil amended with PyOM. To reach this aim, I combined greenhouse and field studies. I also used meta-analytic methods in order to quantitatively synthesize data in literature. In Chapter 2, I combined the results of 46 studies in a meta-analysis. I investigated changes in CO2 emission patterns from an array of PyOM-amended soils and identified the causes of these changes and the possible factors involved. I showed an overall increase of 29% in CO2 emission from PyOM-amended soils. Such increases were only evident in soils amended with a PyOM-C (PyC):SOC ratio >2. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that increased CO2 emission after PyOM addition is additive and mainly derived from PyOM’s labile C fractions rather than from SOC. Therefore, positive priming is not a main driver of increases in CO2 emission in PyOM-amended soils. This PyC:SOC ratio provided the best predictor of increases in CO2 production after PyOM addition to soil. This meta-analysis indicates (i) the importance of taking into account the amount of applied PyC in relation to SOC for designing future decomposition experiments and that (ii) the recalcitrance of PyOM in soil-PyOM mixtures may be less than usually assumed. A technical problem of separating PyOM-induced priming on SOC from other non-additive interactions is the uncertainty regarding the origin of the respired CO2 (whether from SOC or PyOM). This issue can only be solved with the use of isotopes. In a field study (Chapter 3), I quantified changes in the PyOM and SOC stocks over four soybean cropping cycles (CC) in a sandy Ferralsol, previously supporting a vegetation with C4 plants, amended with different rates of PyOM (0, 5, 10, 20 and 40 Mg ha-1). The PyOM was produced from C3 woody species using traditional pyrolysis methods employed in Northeast Brazil. I used 13C isotopic analysis to discriminate the origin of the C in the soil and quantify the decomposition rates of native SOC and PyOM. I showed that decomposition of traditionally produced PyOM is faster (25-60% within first year) than normally assumed (10-20% within 5-10 years), which was higher than that of native SOC (5-14%). The data indicate preferential decomposition of PyOM compared to native SOC. The intensity of that effect depends on the rate of PyOM applied to the soil. Only on the longer term (>1 yr) addition of PyOM seems to stabilize SOC. In Chapter 4 I explored mechanisms controlling AMF activity and crop yield in PyOM-amended soils through the use of path analysis. I tested the effects of PyOM rates and P fertilization on soybean root colonization by AMF, soil P and plant performance over four cropping cycles (CCs). Data showed a major effect of CC and P, as well an interaction effect of PyOM x CC on mycorrhizal colonization. There was a linear decrease in root colonization by AMF in CC1 with increasing PyOM rates in contrast to a consistent linear increase in CC4. Plant performance was mainly affected by CC, but a significant interactive effect of PyOM x P was also observed on grain yield. Grain yield was highest at high PyOM rates (20 and 40 Mg ha-1) in the P-fertilized treatments in CC4. Soil pH increased in CC1 with increasing PyOM rates, but no effects were observed in CC4. Path analysis indicated that PyOM effects on root colonization by AMF were not mediated by changes in soil pH or P content. My data are consistent with the hypothesis that interference of PyOM in signalling processes is an important driver of change in AMF activity and that positive effects of PyOM on AMF and crop yield develop with time. In Chapter 5, I assessed the effects of PyOM application rates and P fertilization on BNF in soybean inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum over four cropping cycles. Again I observed that CC had a significant main effect on most dependent variables, while PyOM was not a significant source of variation. There was a significant PyOM × CC interaction effect on shoot N concentration. In CC1 shoot N concentration after application of 5 Mg PyOM was significantly lower than that of plants grown on plots to which 10 or 20 Mg PyOM was applied. In CC4 shoot N concentration was not affected by PyOM. The major effect of CC was explained through changes in nutrient management, more specifically the addition of micronutrients in CC3 and CC4. Alleviation of micronutrient deficiency increased BNF and also resulted in a positive effect of P on BNF. I conclude that under conditions of adequate management, PyOM application does not improve BNF in soybean. In Chapter 6 (General Discussion) I synthesize the findings of the previous chapters and use data from additional greenhouse and litterbag field experiments to integrate the results. Data from Chapters 2 and 3 show that if any positive priming occurs due to PyOM addition, it is a small short-term event and does not lead to significant losses of native SOC in the long-term. This was confirmed by data from a 2 yr litterbag experiment, which showed no interaction between decomposition of PyOM and fresh organic matter. Stability of SOC has been considered an ecosystem property rather than a consequence of recalcitrance, but this definition has not yet been extended to PyOM. In this thesis I demonstrated that stability of PyOM can also be influenced by the soil environment. In order to link PyOM effects to SOC and on root symbioses, I performed path analysis integrating root colonization by AMF, SOC content and Ndfa in one model. We found no significant path coefficients linking AMF and BNF. The model indicated a significant positive path coefficient linking AMF root colonization and SOC in CC4, but not in CC1. The data suggest that PyOM may increase SOC stability through increased AMF activity. Soil aggregation and C sequestration are tightly correlated with abundance of AMF in the soil. I propose that the same mechanism through which AMF stabilizes native SOC may also positively influence PyOM stabilization in the long-term. In conclusion, I have shown that main beneficial effects of PyOM on AMF and crop yield develop with time, but in well-managed soils increased crop yield is not a direct consequence of increased AMF due to PyOM addition. Finally, although PyOM additions represent an effective form of sequestering C, positive effects of PyOM on crop yield are likely to occur after partial decomposition of PyOM. Therefore, although some benefits of adding PyOM can be simultaneously obtained (C sequestration and increased crop yield), they cannot be simultaneously maximized. This means that the carbon dilemma can only be partially solved by adding PyOM to the soil.
- Published
- 2014
47. Earthworms and the soil greenhouse gas balance
- Subjects
aardwormen ,Soil Biology ,earthworms ,PE&RC ,carbon sequestration ,soil ,koolstofvastlegging ,oligochaeta ,bodem ,emissie ,soil carbon sequestration ,emission ,greenhouse gases ,koolstofvastlegging in de bodem ,broeikasgassen ,Bodembiologie - Abstract
Earthworms play an essential part in determining the greenhouse gas (GHG) balance of soils worldwide. Their activity affects both biotic and abiotic soil properties, which in turn influence soil GHG emissions, carbon (C) sequestration and plant growth. Yet, the balance of earthworms stimulating C sequestration on the one hand and increasing GHG emissions on the other has not been investigated. Indeed, much is still unclear about how earthworms interact with agricultural land use and soil management practices, making predictions on their effects in agro-ecosystems difficult. In this thesis, I aimed to determine to what extent GHG mitigation by soil C sequestration as affected by earthworms is offset by earthworm-induced GHG emissions from agro-ecosystems under different types of management. To reach this aim, I combined mesocosm and field studies, as well as meta-analytic methods to quantitatively synthesize the literature. Using meta-analysis, I showed that, on average, earthworm activity leads to a 24% increase in aboveground biomass, a 33% increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and a 42% increase in nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. The magnitude of these effects depends on soil factors (e.g., soil organic matter content), experimental factors (e.g., crop residue addition or fertilizer type and rate) and earthworm factors (e.g., earthworm ecological category and -density). Conducting both a mesocosm and a field study, I showed that earthworm activity results in increased N2O emissions from fertilized grasslands. Under field conditions I found an increase in earthworm-induced N2O emissions in autumn but not in spring, suggesting that earthworm effects in the field depend on soil physicochemical parameters influenced by meteorological and seasonal dynamics. In a unique two-year experiment with a simulated no-tillage (NT) system and a simulated conventional tillage (CT) system, I found that earthworm presence increases GHG emissions in an NT system to the same level as in a CT system. This suggests that the GHG mitigation potential of NT agro-ecosystems is limited. When considering the C budget in the simulated NT system, I demonstrated that over the course of the experiment earthworms increase cumulative CO2 emissions by at least 25%, indicating a higher C loss compared to the situation without earthworms. Yet, in the presence of earthworms the incorporation of residue-derived C into all measured soil aggregate fractions also increased, indicating that earthworm activity can simultaneously enhance CO2 emissions and C incorporation into aggregate fractions. In conclusion, the revealed dominance of GHG emissions over C sequestration as affected by earthworms implies that their presence in agro-ecosystems results in a negative impact on the soil greenhouse gas balance.
- Published
- 2014
48. The potential of carbon sequestration to mitigate against climate change in forests and agro ecosystems of Zimbabwe
- Subjects
forests ,WIMEK ,agroecosystems ,climatic change ,koolstofcyclus ,carbon ,klimaatverandering ,carbon sequestration ,Earth System Science ,agro-ecosystemen ,koolstofvastlegging ,mitigation ,Environmental Systems Analysis ,soil carbon sequestration ,Milieusysteemanalyse ,carbon cycle ,koolstof ,mitigatie ,Leerstoelgroep Aardsysteemkunde ,koolstofvastlegging in de bodem ,bossen ,zimbabwe - Abstract
Climate change adversely affects human livelihoods and the environment through alteration of temperatures, rainfall patterns, sea level rise and ecosystem productivity. Developing countries are more vulnerable to climate change because they directly depend on agriculture and natural ecosystem products for their livelihoods. Mitigation of climate change impacts includes practices that can store carbon (C) in soil and biomass thus, reducing concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gasses. In addition, planted and natural forests that store large amounts of C, can become key resources for mitigating and reducing vulnerability to climate change, whilst infertile agricultural soils require large amounts of chemical and/or organic fertilisers to improve productivity. Increasing awareness about climate change mitigation has led to realisation of a need for sustainable land management practices and promoting soil C sequestration to reduce the greenhouse effects. The C storage potential of agricultural soils is compounded by conventional tillage practices, covering large areas with only small portions of fields dedicated to conservation farming practices. Maintaining soil and crop productivity under these agricultural systems becomes a major challenge especially in rain-fed arid and semi-arid regions, characterised by long annual dry spells. Conservation tillage practices, such as no-till and reduced tillage, have been reported to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in agricultural systems as they reduce soil disturbance, whereas conventional tillage has been criticised for causing soil C losses, accelerating soil erosion and displacing of soil nutrients, despite benefits, such as reduced soil compaction, weed control and preparation of favourable seedbed, which have been reported under conventional tillage. The identification of appropriate agricultural management practices is critical for realisation of the benefits of Soil C sequestration and reducing emissions from agricultural activities. This thesis was planned to improve our understanding on how tillage, fertilisation, tree planting or natural forest conservation can enhance C sequestration and thus mitigate climate change. The main goal was to quantify the influence of tillage, fertilisation and plantation forestry practices on C and N dynamics in bulk soil and density separated soil organic matter (SOM) fractions relative natural forest. Tillage treatments under reduced tillage (RP), no tillage (DS) and conventional tillage (CT) were compared with natural forests (NF) in sandy Haplic Arenosols and clayey Rhodic Ferralsols. Impacts of fertilisation were assessed from three fertility treatments; unfertilised control (control), nitrogen fertiliser (N Fert) and nitrogen fertiliser plus cattle manure (N Fert + manure) in conventionally tilled fields on Arenosols (sandy soil) and Luvisols (clayey soil) along two soil fertility gradients. Similarly, C and N storage in tree farming was studied using a Pinus patula chronosequence. Soil sampling followed randomised complete block design with four replications in agricultural systems and two replicates in each plantation age stands and natural forest. Sodium polytungstate (density 1.6 g cm-3) was used to isolate organic matter into free light fraction (fLF), occluded light fraction (oLF) and mineral associated heavy fraction (MaHF). Carbon an N were analysed by dry combustion and C and N stocks calculated using bulk density, depth and C and N concentration. The RothC model was used to match density separated fractions with conceptual model pools for agricultural and natural forest soils. Findings from tillage studies showed significantly larger C and N stocks in natural forests than tillage systems despite the open access use of the natural forests. The C and N stocks were significantly lower in sandy than clayey soils. At 0–10 cm depth, SOC stocks increased under CT, RP and DS by 0.10, 0.24, 0.36 Mg ha−1yr−1 and 0.76, 0.54, 0.10 Mg ha−1yr−1 on sandy and clayey soils respectively over a four year period while N stocks decreased by 0.55, 0.40, 0.56 Mg ha−1yr−1 and 0.63, 0.65, 0.55 Mg ha−1yr−1 respectively. Under prevailing climatic and management conditions, improvement of residue retention could be a major factor that can distinguish the potential of different management practices for C sequestration. Among the fertility treatments, there were significantly higher SOC and TON stocks under N Fert and N Fert + manure at 0-10 cm soil depth in Luvisols. Although this effect was not significant at 20-30 cm and 30-50 cm depth. On Arenosols, N Fert had highest C and N at all depths except at 0-10 cm. The storage of C and N on Luvisols, followed: control < N Fert < N Fert + manure whereas Arenosols had control < N Fert + manure < N Fert. Compared with control, N Fert and N Fert + manure enhanced fLF C on homefields and outfields by 19%, 24% and 9%, 22% on Luvisols and 17%, 26% and 26%, 26% respectively on Arenosols. Homefields on Luvisols, under N Fert and N Fert + manure had similar equilibrium levels, which were 2.5 times more than control. Forests play a major role in regulating the rate of increase of global atmospheric CO2 storing C in soil and biomass although the C storage potential varies with forest type and plant species composition. In this research, storage of C and N were highest in moist forest and lowest in the Miombo woodland. In both natural and planted forests, above ground tree biomass was the major ecosystem C pool followed by forest floor’s humus (H) layer. The mineral soil had 45%, 31% and 24% of SOC stored at the 0–10, 10–30 and 30–60 cm soil depths respectively. Stand age affected C and N storage significantly having an initial decline after establishment recovering rapidly up to 10 years, after which it declined and increased again by 25 years. Average soil C among the Pinus compartments was 12 kg m-2, being highest at 10 years and lowest in the 1 year old stands. Organic N was also highest at 10 years and least at 25 years. The proportional mass of fLF and oLF in Miombo woodlands was similar while the other stands had higher fLF than oLF. The highest LF was in the moist forest. In the Pinus patula stands the fLF C contributed between 22−25%, the oLF C contributed 8−16% and MaHF C contributed between 60−70% to total SOC. Carbon in MaHF and oLF increased with depth while the fLF decreased with depth in all except the 1 and the 10 year old stands. Conversion of depleted Miombo woodlands to pine plantations can yield better C gains in the short and long run whilst moist forests provide both carbon and biodiversity. Where possible moist forests should be conserved and enrichment planting done in degraded areas to sustain them and if possible the forests can be considered as part of future projects on reduced emission from deforestation and degradation (REDD+). It is believed that REDD+ can promote both conservation and socio economic welfare, including poverty alleviation by bringing together the development of the forest and climate change link in African forests and woodlands. The focus on the monetary valuation and payment for environmental services can contribute to the attraction of political support for soil conservation. Developing countries therefore, need to formulate enabling economic and institutional land management policies that have positive impacts on poverty alleviation, food security and environmental sustainability. Soil C models are used to predict impacts of land management on C storage. The RothC 2.63 model was used for estimating SOC stock under selected land management practices on the clayey and sandy soils of Zimbabwe. There is greater potential to store more C in clayey soils than sandy soils and in practices that receive more organic inputs. Results show that the RothC model pool of HUM + IOM is related to the measured MaHF from density fractionation and that the model can be used to estimate SOC stock changes on Zimbabwean agricultural and forest soils. The relationship between equilibrium levels estimated by the RothC model and those estimated using the Langmuir equation was good. A 1.5˚ C rise in temperature was found to cause the A and B systems on clayey soils to sequester more C. The results also show that, when holding all the other factors constant, the model is sufficiently sensitive to a rise in temperatures with sandy soils reaching an equilibrium much earlier than clayey soils. The modelling approach represents one of the most promising methods for the estimation of SOC stock changes and allowed us to evaluate the changes in SOC in the past period on the basis of measured data. However, since the data were obtained from short term experiments (4−9 years), further ground validation can be hampered by the lack of long-term experimental trials in the southern African region. The deficiency of adequate experimental sites also limits further work on model uncertainties. The understanding soil quality and dynamics however, helps to design sustainable agricultural systems, while achieving the urgently needed win-win situation in enhancing productivity and sequestering C.
- Published
- 2014
49. The potential of carbon sequestration to mitigate against climate change in forests and agro ecosystems of Zimbabwe
- Author
Mujuru, L., Wageningen University, Rik Leemans, and Marcel Hoosbeek
- Subjects
forests ,WIMEK ,agroecosystems ,climatic change ,koolstofcyclus ,carbon ,klimaatverandering ,carbon sequestration ,Earth System Science ,agro-ecosystemen ,koolstofvastlegging ,mitigation ,Environmental Systems Analysis ,soil carbon sequestration ,Milieusysteemanalyse ,carbon cycle ,koolstof ,mitigatie ,Leerstoelgroep Aardsysteemkunde ,koolstofvastlegging in de bodem ,bossen ,zimbabwe - Abstract
Climate change adversely affects human livelihoods and the environment through alteration of temperatures, rainfall patterns, sea level rise and ecosystem productivity. Developing countries are more vulnerable to climate change because they directly depend on agriculture and natural ecosystem products for their livelihoods. Mitigation of climate change impacts includes practices that can store carbon (C) in soil and biomass thus, reducing concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gasses. In addition, planted and natural forests that store large amounts of C, can become key resources for mitigating and reducing vulnerability to climate change, whilst infertile agricultural soils require large amounts of chemical and/or organic fertilisers to improve productivity. Increasing awareness about climate change mitigation has led to realisation of a need for sustainable land management practices and promoting soil C sequestration to reduce the greenhouse effects. The C storage potential of agricultural soils is compounded by conventional tillage practices, covering large areas with only small portions of fields dedicated to conservation farming practices. Maintaining soil and crop productivity under these agricultural systems becomes a major challenge especially in rain-fed arid and semi-arid regions, characterised by long annual dry spells. Conservation tillage practices, such as no-till and reduced tillage, have been reported to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in agricultural systems as they reduce soil disturbance, whereas conventional tillage has been criticised for causing soil C losses, accelerating soil erosion and displacing of soil nutrients, despite benefits, such as reduced soil compaction, weed control and preparation of favourable seedbed, which have been reported under conventional tillage. The identification of appropriate agricultural management practices is critical for realisation of the benefits of Soil C sequestration and reducing emissions from agricultural activities. This thesis was planned to improve our understanding on how tillage, fertilisation, tree planting or natural forest conservation can enhance C sequestration and thus mitigate climate change. The main goal was to quantify the influence of tillage, fertilisation and plantation forestry practices on C and N dynamics in bulk soil and density separated soil organic matter (SOM) fractions relative natural forest. Tillage treatments under reduced tillage (RP), no tillage (DS) and conventional tillage (CT) were compared with natural forests (NF) in sandy Haplic Arenosols and clayey Rhodic Ferralsols. Impacts of fertilisation were assessed from three fertility treatments; unfertilised control (control), nitrogen fertiliser (N Fert) and nitrogen fertiliser plus cattle manure (N Fert + manure) in conventionally tilled fields on Arenosols (sandy soil) and Luvisols (clayey soil) along two soil fertility gradients. Similarly, C and N storage in tree farming was studied using a Pinus patula chronosequence. Soil sampling followed randomised complete block design with four replications in agricultural systems and two replicates in each plantation age stands and natural forest. Sodium polytungstate (density 1.6 g cm-3) was used to isolate organic matter into free light fraction (fLF), occluded light fraction (oLF) and mineral associated heavy fraction (MaHF). Carbon an N were analysed by dry combustion and C and N stocks calculated using bulk density, depth and C and N concentration. The RothC model was used to match density separated fractions with conceptual model pools for agricultural and natural forest soils. Findings from tillage studies showed significantly larger C and N stocks in natural forests than tillage systems despite the open access use of the natural forests. The C and N stocks were significantly lower in sandy than clayey soils. At 0–10 cm depth, SOC stocks increased under CT, RP and DS by 0.10, 0.24, 0.36 Mg ha−1yr−1 and 0.76, 0.54, 0.10 Mg ha−1yr−1 on sandy and clayey soils respectively over a four year period while N stocks decreased by 0.55, 0.40, 0.56 Mg ha−1yr−1 and 0.63, 0.65, 0.55 Mg ha−1yr−1 respectively. Under prevailing climatic and management conditions, improvement of residue retention could be a major factor that can distinguish the potential of different management practices for C sequestration. Among the fertility treatments, there were significantly higher SOC and TON stocks under N Fert and N Fert + manure at 0-10 cm soil depth in Luvisols. Although this effect was not significant at 20-30 cm and 30-50 cm depth. On Arenosols, N Fert had highest C and N at all depths except at 0-10 cm. The storage of C and N on Luvisols, followed: control < N Fert < N Fert + manure whereas Arenosols had control < N Fert + manure < N Fert. Compared with control, N Fert and N Fert + manure enhanced fLF C on homefields and outfields by 19%, 24% and 9%, 22% on Luvisols and 17%, 26% and 26%, 26% respectively on Arenosols. Homefields on Luvisols, under N Fert and N Fert + manure had similar equilibrium levels, which were 2.5 times more than control. Forests play a major role in regulating the rate of increase of global atmospheric CO2 storing C in soil and biomass although the C storage potential varies with forest type and plant species composition. In this research, storage of C and N were highest in moist forest and lowest in the Miombo woodland. In both natural and planted forests, above ground tree biomass was the major ecosystem C pool followed by forest floor’s humus (H) layer. The mineral soil had 45%, 31% and 24% of SOC stored at the 0–10, 10–30 and 30–60 cm soil depths respectively. Stand age affected C and N storage significantly having an initial decline after establishment recovering rapidly up to 10 years, after which it declined and increased again by 25 years. Average soil C among the Pinus compartments was 12 kg m-2, being highest at 10 years and lowest in the 1 year old stands. Organic N was also highest at 10 years and least at 25 years. The proportional mass of fLF and oLF in Miombo woodlands was similar while the other stands had higher fLF than oLF. The highest LF was in the moist forest. In the Pinus patula stands the fLF C contributed between 22−25%, the oLF C contributed 8−16% and MaHF C contributed between 60−70% to total SOC. Carbon in MaHF and oLF increased with depth while the fLF decreased with depth in all except the 1 and the 10 year old stands. Conversion of depleted Miombo woodlands to pine plantations can yield better C gains in the short and long run whilst moist forests provide both carbon and biodiversity. Where possible moist forests should be conserved and enrichment planting done in degraded areas to sustain them and if possible the forests can be considered as part of future projects on reduced emission from deforestation and degradation (REDD+). It is believed that REDD+ can promote both conservation and socio economic welfare, including poverty alleviation by bringing together the development of the forest and climate change link in African forests and woodlands. The focus on the monetary valuation and payment for environmental services can contribute to the attraction of political support for soil conservation. Developing countries therefore, need to formulate enabling economic and institutional land management policies that have positive impacts on poverty alleviation, food security and environmental sustainability. Soil C models are used to predict impacts of land management on C storage. The RothC 2.63 model was used for estimating SOC stock under selected land management practices on the clayey and sandy soils of Zimbabwe. There is greater potential to store more C in clayey soils than sandy soils and in practices that receive more organic inputs. Results show that the RothC model pool of HUM + IOM is related to the measured MaHF from density fractionation and that the model can be used to estimate SOC stock changes on Zimbabwean agricultural and forest soils. The relationship between equilibrium levels estimated by the RothC model and those estimated using the Langmuir equation was good. A 1.5˚ C rise in temperature was found to cause the A and B systems on clayey soils to sequester more C. The results also show that, when holding all the other factors constant, the model is sufficiently sensitive to a rise in temperatures with sandy soils reaching an equilibrium much earlier than clayey soils. The modelling approach represents one of the most promising methods for the estimation of SOC stock changes and allowed us to evaluate the changes in SOC in the past period on the basis of measured data. However, since the data were obtained from short term experiments (4−9 years), further ground validation can be hampered by the lack of long-term experimental trials in the southern African region. The deficiency of adequate experimental sites also limits further work on model uncertainties. The understanding soil quality and dynamics however, helps to design sustainable agricultural systems, while achieving the urgently needed win-win situation in enhancing productivity and sequestering C.
- Published
- 2014
50. Soil and plant responses to pyrogenic organic matter: carbon stability and symbiotic patterns
- Subjects
soil fertility ,carbon dioxide ,vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizas ,glycine max ,Soil Biology ,PE&RC ,brazilië ,organisch bodemmateriaal ,emissie ,soil carbon sequestration ,kooldioxide ,brazil ,nitrogen fixation ,soil organic matter ,emission ,stikstoffixatie ,grondverbeteraars ,biochar ,koolstofvastlegging in de bodem ,bodemvruchtbaarheid ,soil amendments ,Bodembiologie ,vesiculair-arbusculaire mycorrhizae - Abstract
Soil and plant responses to pyrogenic organic matter: carbon stability and symbiotic patterns Edvaldo Sagrilo Summary Pyrogenic organic matter (PyOM), also known as biochar, is the product of biomass combustion under low oxygen concentration. There is currently a growing interest in research on the use of PyOM as a soil amendment, inspired by the existence of highly fertile, PyOM-rich anthropogenic soils in the Amazon basin. The presence of PyOM in these so-called Amazonian Dark Earths (ADE) in quantities larger than in the non-anthropogenic surrounding soils is considered one of the main reasons for their high fertility. Soil additions of PyOM have been suggested to increase soil fertility and crop yields, simultaneously providing additional important environmental services. The offset of CO2 emissions through sequestration of a larger pool of recalcitrant soil organic carbon (SOC) is one of these services. This would at the same time sustain soil microbial activity, which is directly associated to soil quality, for instance, nutrient cycles and plant growth. This multiple win scenario suggests that the addition of PyOM to the soil would be the solution for the “carbon dilemma”. The dilemma states that the main biological benefits from soil organic matter are a consequence of its decay. Therefore, it is unlikely that increased C sequestration and the benefits from its decay can be simultaneously maximized. Rather than win-win, PyOM would then also be subjected to inevitable trade-offs. Additions of PyOM can modify the turnover rate of native SOC by either accelerating or decelerating its decomposition through a mechanism known as priming. Although positive priming by PyOM has been reported, negative priming has also been found. The higher amount of non-pyrogenic C in ADE, compared to non-anthropogenic surrounding soils has been considered evidence that PyOM can stabilize SOC in the long-term. A complicating issue in studies is that short-term increases in CO2 emission can be due to decomposition of labile PyOM fractions, erroneously suggesting positive priming of SOC. Addition of PyOM can also lead to modifications in the microbial activity and assemblages. Changes in microbial populations can have impacts on their functionality, favouring mutualistic root symbioses such as the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) symbiosis and the rhizobial symbiosis with legumes that is responsible for biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). Although soil amendments with PyOM can stimulate AMF and BNF, results are contrasting and mechanisms are not clear. Most studies of PyOM effects on SOC and on mutualistic root symbioses are from short-term experiments, often conducted in greenhouse or laboratory. Although such studies provide insights in potential factors driving changes in SOC and symbiotic relationships in PyOM-amended soils, they do not assess changes under realistic conditions over periods of time longer that one or a few cropping cycles. Therefore, there is still a gap in our understanding regarding the duration and magnitude of effects over time under field conditions and possible mechanisms involved. This thesis addresses these gaps. The aim of this research was to provide a better understanding of interactions between PyOM and SOC and the factors controlling symbiotic patterns in a tropical soil amended with PyOM. To reach this aim, I combined greenhouse and field studies. I also used meta-analytic methods in order to quantitatively synthesize data in literature. In Chapter 2, I combined the results of 46 studies in a meta-analysis. I investigated changes in CO2 emission patterns from an array of PyOM-amended soils and identified the causes of these changes and the possible factors involved. I showed an overall increase of 29% in CO2 emission from PyOM-amended soils. Such increases were only evident in soils amended with a PyOM-C (PyC):SOC ratio >2. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that increased CO2 emission after PyOM addition is additive and mainly derived from PyOM’s labile C fractions rather than from SOC. Therefore, positive priming is not a main driver of increases in CO2 emission in PyOM-amended soils. This PyC:SOC ratio provided the best predictor of increases in CO2 production after PyOM addition to soil. This meta-analysis indicates (i) the importance of taking into account the amount of applied PyC in relation to SOC for designing future decomposition experiments and that (ii) the recalcitrance of PyOM in soil-PyOM mixtures may be less than usually assumed. A technical problem of separating PyOM-induced priming on SOC from other non-additive interactions is the uncertainty regarding the origin of the respired CO2 (whether from SOC or PyOM). This issue can only be solved with the use of isotopes. In a field study (Chapter 3), I quantified changes in the PyOM and SOC stocks over four soybean cropping cycles (CC) in a sandy Ferralsol, previously supporting a vegetation with C4 plants, amended with different rates of PyOM (0, 5, 10, 20 and 40 Mg ha-1). The PyOM was produced from C3 woody species using traditional pyrolysis methods employed in Northeast Brazil. I used 13C isotopic analysis to discriminate the origin of the C in the soil and quantify the decomposition rates of native SOC and PyOM. I showed that decomposition of traditionally produced PyOM is faster (25-60% within first year) than normally assumed (10-20% within 5-10 years), which was higher than that of native SOC (5-14%). The data indicate preferential decomposition of PyOM compared to native SOC. The intensity of that effect depends on the rate of PyOM applied to the soil. Only on the longer term (>1 yr) addition of PyOM seems to stabilize SOC. In Chapter 4 I explored mechanisms controlling AMF activity and crop yield in PyOM-amended soils through the use of path analysis. I tested the effects of PyOM rates and P fertilization on soybean root colonization by AMF, soil P and plant performance over four cropping cycles (CCs). Data showed a major effect of CC and P, as well an interaction effect of PyOM x CC on mycorrhizal colonization. There was a linear decrease in root colonization by AMF in CC1 with increasing PyOM rates in contrast to a consistent linear increase in CC4. Plant performance was mainly affected by CC, but a significant interactive effect of PyOM x P was also observed on grain yield. Grain yield was highest at high PyOM rates (20 and 40 Mg ha-1) in the P-fertilized treatments in CC4. Soil pH increased in CC1 with increasing PyOM rates, but no effects were observed in CC4. Path analysis indicated that PyOM effects on root colonization by AMF were not mediated by changes in soil pH or P content. My data are consistent with the hypothesis that interference of PyOM in signalling processes is an important driver of change in AMF activity and that positive effects of PyOM on AMF and crop yield develop with time. In Chapter 5, I assessed the effects of PyOM application rates and P fertilization on BNF in soybean inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum over four cropping cycles. Again I observed that CC had a significant main effect on most dependent variables, while PyOM was not a significant source of variation. There was a significant PyOM × CC interaction effect on shoot N concentration. In CC1 shoot N concentration after application of 5 Mg PyOM was significantly lower than that of plants grown on plots to which 10 or 20 Mg PyOM was applied. In CC4 shoot N concentration was not affected by PyOM. The major effect of CC was explained through changes in nutrient management, more specifically the addition of micronutrients in CC3 and CC4. Alleviation of micronutrient deficiency increased BNF and also resulted in a positive effect of P on BNF. I conclude that under conditions of adequate management, PyOM application does not improve BNF in soybean. In Chapter 6 (General Discussion) I synthesize the findings of the previous chapters and use data from additional greenhouse and litterbag field experiments to integrate the results. Data from Chapters 2 and 3 show that if any positive priming occurs due to PyOM addition, it is a small short-term event and does not lead to significant losses of native SOC in the long-term. This was confirmed by data from a 2 yr litterbag experiment, which showed no interaction between decomposition of PyOM and fresh organic matter. Stability of SOC has been considered an ecosystem property rather than a consequence of recalcitrance, but this definition has not yet been extended to PyOM. In this thesis I demonstrated that stability of PyOM can also be influenced by the soil environment. In order to link PyOM effects to SOC and on root symbioses, I performed path analysis integrating root colonization by AMF, SOC content and Ndfa in one model. We found no significant path coefficients linking AMF and BNF. The model indicated a significant positive path coefficient linking AMF root colonization and SOC in CC4, but not in CC1. The data suggest that PyOM may increase SOC stability through increased AMF activity. Soil aggregation and C sequestration are tightly correlated with abundance of AMF in the soil. I propose that the same mechanism through which AMF stabilizes native SOC may also positively influence PyOM stabilization in the long-term. In conclusion, I have shown that main beneficial effects of PyOM on AMF and crop yield develop with time, but in well-managed soils increased crop yield is not a direct consequence of increased AMF due to PyOM addition. Finally, although PyOM additions represent an effective form of sequestering C, positive effects of PyOM on crop yield are likely to occur after partial decomposition of PyOM. Therefore, although some benefits of adding PyOM can be simultaneously obtained (C sequestration and increased crop yield), they cannot be simultaneously maximized. This means that the carbon dilemma can only be partially solved by adding PyOM to the soil.
- Published
- 2014
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