1. Reportažna fotografija kmečkih običajev Prekmurja
- Author
Török, Tia and Ahtik, Jure
- Subjects
reportage photography ,tikvi ,reportažna fotografija ,pig slaughter ,remenke ,folk custom ,kmečki običaji ,Prekmurje ,koline ,pumpkins ,Easter eggs - Abstract
Reportažna fotografija je vrsta fotografije, kjer so prikazani resnični dogodki z namenom pripovedovanja zgodbe, brez uporabe besed. Avtor lahko skozi to vrsto fotografije prikaže zgodbo, ki ga najbolj zanima, moti, zabava, žalosti. Fotografija je tako objektivni dokaz, ki se ne spreminja, služi pa informiranju in prikazovanju trenutnega stanja. Diplomska naloga obravnava reportažno fotografijo kmečkih običajev Prekmurja. Namen te diplomske naloge je predstavitev treh izbranih prekmurskih kmečkih običajev z uporabo reportažne fotografije ter dokumentiranje tovrstnih običajev. Izbira tradicij, lupljenje in stiskanje bučnega semena, koline ter izdelava remenk, se nam je zaradi raznolikosti, zdela zelo primerna. S fotografijami smo želeli ujeti pomembne trenutke teh običajev, saj so to etnološki dokazi, ki ostanejo in pričajo o bogati kulturi. Poleg reportaže je bil to eden najpomembnejših ciljev, ki smo si ga zastavili. Ti fotografski izdelki tako lahko sedaj služijo raziskovalnemu namenu, kako so ljudje izvajali stare običaje v današnjih časih. Prekmurje se ponaša z zelo dobro ohranjenostjo starih običajev ter navad. Prekmurski običaji so nekoliko drugačni od običajev drugod po Sloveniji. Kot regija, bogata s tradicijo, se je razvijala drugače od drugih in to je imelo velik vpliv na le-to. Veliko običajev je še danes ohranjenih in Prekmurci s ponosom predajajo znanje naprej svojim naslednikom pa tudi obiskovalcem pokrajine, največkrat na kulturnih prireditvah. Fotografije so bile posnete z digitalnim zrcalnorefleksnim fotoaparatom Nikon D3400 z objektivoma 18-105 mm in 50 mm, urejene pa so bile v programu Adobe Lightroom Classic CC ter v programu Adobe Photoshop CS6. Fotografije so predstavljene v sklopu treh končnih serij. Reportage photography is a type of photography where real events are shown to tell a story without using words. Through this type of photography, the author can present a story that is interesting, disturbing, funny, sad. Photography is an objective, unchanging evidence that serves to display the current state of the subject shown. The thesis shows reportage photography of Prekmurje's folk customs. The purpose of this thesis is to present three selected Prekmurje's folk customs, using reportage photography. The choice of traditions, these being, the peeling and pressing of pumpkin seeds, slaughtering of a pig and decorating of Easter eggs, seemed to us very appropriate and interesting. Through photographs, we wanted to capture important moments of each custom because of the ethnological evidence that remains and proves a rich culture. In addition to the reportage, this was one of the most important goals we set. These photographs can now serve for the research purpose of how people used to practice old customs in modern times. Prekmurje has preserved their customs well. Prekmurje's customs are somewhat different from customs elsewhere in Slovenia. As a region, rich in tradition, it has developed differently than other regions from others, and this had a great impact on it. Many customs are still preserved and the people of Prekmurje are proudly passing on their knowledge to their successors as well as to the visitors of the region, most often at cultural events. The photos were taken with a Nikon D3400 DSLR camera with 18-105mm and 50mm lens. They were edited in Adobe Lightroom Classic CC and in Adobe Photoshop CS6 and are presented as three final series.
- Published
- 2019