50 results on '"kolesarstvo"'
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2. Nov model filtriranja podatkov kolesarskega treninga za spremljanje pretreniranosti.
- Author
Iskra, Simon and Granov, Žan
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
3. Vrednotenje odnosa sila-hitrost-moč s skoki z dodatnimi bremeni pri kolesarjih.
- Author
Spudić, Darjan, Markič, Aljaž, Lužnik, Izabela, and Rauter, Samo
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
4. Individual glucose treshold in trained cyclists
- Author
Iskra, Simon and Rauter, Samo
- Subjects
glukoza ,kolesarstvo ,exercise testing ,cycling ,glukozni prag ,individual glucose threshold ,obremenitveno testiranje ,blood glucose - Abstract
Merjenje glukoze med obremenitvenimi testiranji je preprost in cenovno ugoden način merjenja fizioloških spremenljivk. Individualni glukozni prag (IGT) je najnižja vrednost glukoze med stopnjevanim obremenitvenim testom in sovpada z individualnim anaerobnim pragom. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti kinetiko glukoze med obremenitvenim testom na kolesu, možnost določitve IGT ter primerjava z drugimi laktatnimi in ventilatornimi spremenljivkami. Metode: V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 27 mladih kolesarjev (starost M = 17,7 SD = 1,0 let in V̇O2max M = 70,7 SD = 4,5 ml.kg.min-1), ki so opravili stopnjevan obremenitveni test z začetno obremenitvijo 100 W in povečanjem 20 W/min do odpovedi. Vsaki 2 minuti je bila opravljena meritev krvnega laktata in glukoze, spremljane so bile ventilatorne spremenljivke. Opravljena je bila analiza kinetike glukoze med testom, izračunan individualni glukozni prag (IGT) ter druge laktatne in ventilatorne spremenljivke. Opravljena je bila primerjava IGT z drugimi ventilatornimi in laktatnimi pragovi. Rezultati: Kinetika glukoze jasno kaže padanje v začetnih stopnjah s povečevanjem v zadnjih stopnjah. Glukoza je 5 min po testu še vedno značilno povišana navkljub aktivni regeneraciji pri obremenitvi 50 W. IGT je bil izračunan pri 305 (SD = 41) W. Relativna vrednost IGT je nastopila pri 75,2 % Wmax. IGT je značilno različen od VT in Rise 1 mmol, medtem ko sovpada z LT, OBLA, Dmax, RCP in RQ1. Korelacijska analiza je pokazala srednje pozitivne povezave med spremenljivkami in IGT (r = .43 - .68, p < .05). Zaključek: Raziskava je prva raziskava te vrste na tako dobro treniranem vzorcu in dopolnjuje obstoječo literaturo z vpogledom v primerjavo IGT z drugimi spremenljivkami. IGT je uporabna in cenovno dostopna spremenljivka, ki se lahko uporablja v kontekstu fizioloških testiranj. Potrebne so še dodatne raziskave za boljše razumevanje IGT ter aplikacijo v vrhunskem športu. Measuring glucose during exercise testing is a simple and cost-effective way to assess physiological variables. Individual glucose threshold (IGT) is the lowest glucose value during an incremental exercise test and corresponds to the individual anaerobic threshold. The purpose of this study was to determine the kinetics of glucose during a cycling incremental exercise test, assess the possibility of determining IGT, and compare it with other lactate and ventilatory variables. Methods: The study included 27 young cyclists (mean age = 17.7 SD = 1.0 years and V̇O2max mean = 70.7 SD = 4.5 ml.kg.min-1), who performed an incremental exercise test starting at 100 W with an increase of 20 W/min until exhaustion. Blood lactate and glucose measurements were taken every 2 minutes, and ventilatory variables were monitored. The glucose kinetics during the test were analyzed, and individual glucose threshold (IGT) and other lactate and ventilatory variables were calculated. IGT was compared with other ventilatory and lactate thresholds. Results: The kinetics of glucose clearly showed a decrease in the initial stages and an increase in the final stages of the test. Glucose levels remained significantly elevated 5 minutes after the test, even during active recovery at 50 W. IGT was calculated at 305 (SD = 41) W, with a relative value of 75.2% of Wmax. IGT significantly differed from VT and Rise 1 mmol, while it corresponded to LT, OBLA, Dmax, RCP, and RQ1. Correlation analysis showed moderate positive correlations between variables and IGT (r = .43 - .68, p < .05). Conclusion: This study is the first of its kind on such a well-trained sample and adds to the existing literature with unique insight into comparison of IGT with other variables. IGT is a useful and affordable variable that can be used in the context of physiological testing. Further research is needed to better understand IGT and its application in elite sports.
- Published
- 2023
5. Analiza obremenitve in napora kolesarjev med večdnevno kolesarsko dirko Po Sloveniji
- Author
Štular, Luka and Rauter, Samo
- Subjects
dirka Po Sloveniji ,kolesarstvo ,cycling ,internal training load ,external training load ,napor ,Tour of Slovenia ,obremenitev - Abstract
Namen magistrske naloge je bil ugotoviti, kakšni obremenitvi so podvrženi kolesarji na dirki Po Sloveniji in kakšen napor tovrstna obremenitev izzove. Zanimalo nas je, kako se napor spreminja znotraj posamezne etape in preko več zaporednih dni dirke. Prav tako smo želeli raziskati, kako na napor kolesarja vpliva tip etape, ki smo jih razdelili med ravninske in gorske. Kolesarstvo velja za enega izmed fizično bolj zahtevnih športnih panog, še posebej to velja za etapne dirke. Te so pogosto zajete v analizo, a običajno se raziskovalci osredotočajo na daljše etapne dirke, ki trajajo osem ali celo enaindvajset dni. V raziskavi smo se osredotočili na krajšo petdnevno dirko Po Sloveniji, na kateri še ni bilo narejeno toliko raziskav in je zaradi svojega krajšega trajanja zanimiva za primerjavo z daljšimi dirkami. V raziskavo je bilo vključeno sedem kolesarjev, a so trije izmed njih med tretjo etapo odstopili, zato so bili v analizo zajeti podatki štirih kolesarjev, ki so uspešno prevozili vseh pet etap. Analizirali smo pet spremenljivk vsakega kolesarja, in sicer povprečno absolutno moč, povprečno relativno moč, povprečno frekvenco srčnega utripa ter koeficienta obremenitve TSS in TRIMP. Na podlagi analize smo ugotovili, da med posameznimi deli etape ne prihaja do statistično pomembnih razlik in kolesarji tako v prvem delu kot drugem delu etape premagujejo podoben napor. Enako velja tudi za posamezne dele dirke, saj med naporom v prvem in drugem delu nismo ugotovili statistično pomembnih razlik. Te se niso pokazale niti ob analizi absolutnih vrednostih, ki smo jih podrobneje analizirali zaradi majhnega vzorca. Še najbolj so se razlike nakazovale med različnimi tipi etap, a tudi te niso bile statistično značilne, je pa zato vrednost TRIMP na gorskih etapah znašala 21 % več kot na ravninskih, kar nakazuje na razliko v obremenitvi in naporu kolesarja na posamezni etapi. The aim of this master thesis is to examine the external and internal training load of cyclists during the Tour of Slovenia. The thesis shows how the external training load varies within a single stage and over several consecutive days of the race. Distinguishing between flat and mountain stages, the research also observes how the cyclist’s external training load is affected by the stage type. Cycling is considered to be one of the most physically demanding sports, particularly in stage races. Even though these have been thoroughly analyzed, researchers typically focus on longer stage races of eight or even twenty-one days. This study is focused on the shorter, five-day, Tour of Slovenia, which has not yet been the subject of much research. Given the shorter duration of the race, its comparison with longer races makes it an interesting study subject. Seven cyclists were included in the study, three of them, however, withdrew during the third stage. Therefore, the analysis was only carried out on the data of the four cyclists who completed all five stages. Five variables were analyzed for each cyclist, namely average absolute power, average relative power, average heart rate and the TSS and TRIMP load factors. The analysis shows no statistically significant differences between different parts of the stage. Moreover, it indicates the cyclists’ external training load was similar in both parts of the stage. The same conclusion applies to the different parts of the race, as the study indicates no statistically significant differences between the external training load in the first and second part. The differences were unobserved even in the absolute values, which were analyzed in more detail due to the small sample size. The most significant differences were observed between different stage types, yet, they were not statistically significant either. However, the TRIMP value on mountain stages was 21% higher than on flat stages, which does indicate a difference in the external and internal training load of the cyclist on each stage. The aim of this master thesis is to examine the external and internal training load of cyclists during the Tour of Slovenia. The thesis shows how the external training load varies within a single stage and over several consecutive days of the race. Distinguishing between flat and mountain stages, the research also observes how the cyclist’s external training load is affected by the stage type. Cycling is considered to be one of the most physically demanding sports, particularly in stage races. Even though these have been thoroughly analyzed, researchers typically focus on longer stage races of eight or even twenty-one days. This study is focused on the shorter, five-day, Tour of Slovenia, which has not yet been the subject of much research. Given the shorter duration of the race, its comparison with longer races makes it an interesting study subject. Seven cyclists were included in the study, three of them, however, withdrew during the third stage. Therefore, the analysis was only carried out on the data of the four cyclists who completed all five stages. Five variables were analyzed for each cyclist, namely average absolute power, average relative power, average heart rate and the TSS and TRIMP load factors. The analysis shows no statistically significant differences between different parts of the stage. Moreover, it indicates the cyclists’ external training load was similar in both parts of the stage. The same conclusion applies to the different parts of the race, as the study indicates no statistically significant differences between the external training load in the first and second part. The differences were unobserved even in the absolute values, which were analyzed in more detail due to the small sample size. The most significant differences were observed between different stage types, yet, they were not statistically significant either. However, the TRIMP value on mountain stages was 21% higher than on flat stages, which does indicate a difference in the external and internal training load of the cyclist on each stage.
- Published
- 2023
6. Besedotvorna hibridnost kolesarskega izrazja
- Author
Urška Vranjek Ošlak
- Subjects
besedotvorje ,kolesarstvo ,hibridne zloženke ,prevzemanje ,terminologija ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Kolesarstvo kot sorazmerno mlada stroka gradi svojo terminologijo tudi s pomočjo pre‑ vzemanja, kar se odraža na besedotvornih značilnostih izrazja. To se kaže zlasti v spletnih kolesarskih besedilih – hitro pretakanje informacij pripomore k nastajanju besedotvorno hibridne kolesarske terminologije. Prispevek poskuša na primeru kolesarskih terminov iz spletnih besedil orisati nekatere s prevzemanjem povezane besedotvorne spremembe.
- Published
- 2018
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7. Acute moderate-intensity exercise increases total antioxidant capacity and anti-inflammatory responses in competitive cyclists
- Author
Jakus, Tadeja, Jurdana, Mihaela, Žiberna, Lovro, and Jenko Pražnikar, Zala
- Subjects
cycling ,kolesarstvo ,adiponectin ,celokupni antioksidativni potencial ,inflammation ,oksidativni stres ,oxidative stress ,atleti ,TAC ,udc:577.17 ,athlete ,vnetje ,adiponektin - Abstract
High-intensity exercise can elicit acute changes in the biochemical and physiological processes in the body of an athlete, including increased oxidative stress and inflammation. The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of acute moderate-intensity exercise on total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and serum levels of anti-inflammatory adiponectin (APN), and inflammatory markers in competitive cyclists. Ten male cyclists (age 15–26 years, body mass index 19.4–24.7 kg/m$^2$) participated in this study. Each subject performed the maximal oxygen uptake test (VO$_{2peak}$) and completed a 10-min cycling exercise at a workload of 50% of the peak of VO$_{2peak}$. Blood samples were collected on three different occasions: after an overnight fasting and at the exercise workloads of 50% and 100% VO$_{2peak}$. We measured APN, TAC, inflammatory markers as well as assessed nutrient and energy intake for each participant. Baseline concentration of serum APN (10.92µg/mL) significantly increased at 50% and at 100% VO$_{2peak}$. In addition, TAC also increased after acute exercise (0.079 vs 0.093 nmol/µL). The concentration of APN at 50% VO$_{2peak}$ positively correlated with the CRP (r = 0.640, p = 0.046) and negatively correlated with TNF-α (r = −0.696, p = 0.025). This test showed that short (10min) and medium-intensity (50% VO$_{2peak}$) exercise activity in trained athletes evoked beneficial antioxidant and anti-inflammatory responses. Importantly, this response correlates with the increase in APN levels thereby showing that highly trained individuals have beneficial responses originating from adipose tissue. Our observations show that a short training at moderate activity can be an important preservative strategy during the recovery training period.
- Published
- 2023
8. Različne strategije ogrevanja v kolesarstvu
- Author
Brozovič, Žiga and Rauter, Samo
- Subjects
kolesarstvo ,cycling ,strategije ogrevanja ,protokoli ogrevanja ,warm-up ,warm-up strategies ,zmogljivost ,performance ,warm-up protocols ,ogrevanje - Abstract
Namen magistrskega dela je pregled literature in primerjava splošnega ogrevanja in specifičnih tipov ogrevanja v kolesarstvu ter njihova smiselnost uporabe. Pozitivni učinki ogrevanja so zvišanje telesne in mišične temperature, pospešen krvni pretok, zmanjšanje viskoznosti mišic, manjšanje percepcije mišične zakrčenosti in izboljšanje mišične koordinacije. Kolesarske discipline, ki smo jih podrobneje raziskali, so cestno kolesarstvo (cestna dirka in posamezna vožnja na čas), gorsko kolesarstvo (olimpijski kros in maraton kros), ciklokros in dirkališčno kolesarstvo. Učinkovito ogrevanje je pomemben del vsakega začetka vadbe. Zaradi visokih obremenitev, ki jih kolesarji premagujejo, je izbira pravilnega ogrevanja izjemnega pomena. Ker imajo različne kolesarske discipline različne karakteristike, je treba individualno prilagoditi tudi specifičnost ogrevanja. V kolesarstvu ogrevanje običajno izvedemo na kolesu, saj je glede na številne raziskave to zaradi učinkovitosti in kakovosti najbolj priporočljivo. Ostale tipe ogrevanj – aktivne, pasivne in različne kombinacije obeh tipov – se odsvetuje, saj imajo negativen vpliv na maksimalno in povprečno moč kolesarjenja. Ogrevanje naj traja med 15 in 20 minut, odvisno od intenzivnosti in kolesarske discipline. Pri vseh kolesarskih disciplinah ogrevanje začnemo počasi, nizko intenzivno in postopno dvigujemo intenzivnost, da dosežemo nivo intenzivnosti med 50 % in 60 % VO2 max. Nato sledi visokointenzivni del ogrevanja, med katerim izvedemo 2–3 šprinte, ki trajajo od 10 do 30 sekund, regeneracijska doba po vsakem intervalu traja med 30 sekund in 3 minutami, njena dolžina je sorazmerna z intenzivnostjo, številom in dolžino šprintov. Daljši in intenzivnejši, kot je šprint, ter višja, kot je obremenitev, daljši je čas regeneracije. Pri kros maratonu, olimpijskem krosu in vožnji na čas zaradi tekmovalne intenzivnosti šprinte izvedemo pri intenzivnosti 90 % VO2 max oziroma nad laktatnim pragom. Intenzivni del ogrevanja za pripravo na cestno dirko naj bi se opravil nad 70 % VO2 max, večina ogrevanja pa v aerobnem območju. V dirkališčnem kolesarstvu je med ogrevanjem priporočljivo vključiti tri 10-sekundne intervale intenzivnosti 70 % VO2 max, saj to pozitivno vpliva na dvig zmogljivosti. Po končanem intenzivnem delu mora doba regeneracije (lahkotno kolesarjenje) trajati med 5 in 10 minut, da glavni del oziroma dirko začnemo relativno spočiti in ogreti. Navedene okvirne smernice protokolov ogrevanja, ki so natančneje predstavljene v razpravi magistrskega dela, bodo v pomoč športnikom in trenerjem. Z njimi lahko v različnih kolesarskih disciplinah oblikujejo učinkovito, kvalitetno in specifično individualno usmerjeno ogrevanje, ki bo preventivno vplivalo na poškodbe in pozitivno na dvig kolesarske zmogljivosti ter uspešnosti. The aim of this master thesis is to review of literature and compare general warm-up and specific types of warm-up in cycling and wheter they are logically used. The positive effects of warming up include increase in body and muscle temperature, increased blood flow, reduced muscle viscosity, reduced perception of muscle cramps and improved muscle coordination. The cycling disciplines that we researched in more detail are road cycling (road race and individual time trial), mountain biking (Olympic cross country and marathon cross country), cyclocross and track cycling. Warming-up in the introductory part is an important part of every training. Cyclist have to overcome very high loads of intensity in training, so the choice of the right warm-up is even more crucial. As different cycling disiciplines have different characteristics, the specifity of the warm-up needs to be adapted individually. The most common and beneficial way of warm-up in cycling is usually done on the bike, because of the effectiveness and quality. Other types of warm-ups, such as active, passive and various combinations of both types, are not recommended as they have a negative impact on the maximum and average cycling power.The longitude of the warm-up should be between 15 and 20 minutes, again it depends on the intensity of training and which cycling disciplines we choose. In all of them, we start the warm-up at a slow, low intensity and then gradually increase the pace and intensity to reach an intensity level between 50% and 60% VO2 max. This is followed by a high-intensity warm-up, it makes sense to include 2-3 sprints, lasting from 10-30 seconds, the recovery period after every sprint lasts between 30 seconds and 3 minutes, its length is proportional to the intensity, number and length of sprints. The longer and more intense the sprint nad higher the load, the longer is the recovery time. In cross-marathon, Olympic cross-country and time trial sprints are performed at an intensity of 90% VO2 max or above the lactate threshold due to the competitive intensity. The intensive part of the warm-up to prepare for a road race should be done above 70% VO2 max, and most of the warm-up is in the aerobic zone. In track cycling, it is recommended to include three 10-second intervals at intensity of 70% VO2 max, as it has a positive and increasing effect on performance. After finishing the intensive work, the recovery period (light cycling) should last between 5 and 10 minutes, so that the main part or the race begins in a well warmed-up and rested state. The indicated framework guidelines for warm-up protocols, which are precisely presented in the thesis discussion, will be helpful for athletes and coaches. It will surve as a support in different cycling disciplines, so they can design an efficient, high-quality and specifically individually oriented warm-up, which will have a preventive effect on injuries and a positive effect on cycling performance and results.
- Published
- 2023
9. Prostorska umestitev državne kolesarske povezave med Sežano in Ilirsko Bistrico
- Author
Prinčič, Simona and Zavodnik Lamovšek, Alma
- Subjects
cycling ,PN ,prostorsko umešanje ,master thesis ,sustainable mobility ,spatial placement ,kolesarska infrastruktura ,magistrska dela ,trajnostna mobilnost ,kolesarstvo ,national cycling routes ,udc:711.13:796.61(497.4)(043.3) ,geodesy ,državne kolesarske povezave ,geodezija ,cycling infrastructure - Abstract
Magistrska naloga obravnava državne kolesarske povezave na območju Slovenije. Predstavljeni so temeljni pojmi, strateški dokumenti, zakonske podlage in smernice za umeščanje kolesarske infrastrukture v prostor. Umeščanje kolesarskih povezav v prostor namreč predstavlja poseben izziv z vidika ustrezne prepletenosti naravnih in družbenih značilnosti prostora. Predstavili smo pristop načrtovanja državnega kolesarskega omrežja, katerega rezultat je zasnova državnega kolesarskega omrežja v Sloveniji, ki je nastala leta 2017. Od tedaj Slovenija načrtno izgrajuje svoje kolesarsko omrežje, razvoj in vzpostavitev še nenačrtovanih odsekov kolesarskih povezav pa je treba voditi sistematično in celovito, s sodelovanjem deležnikov na nacionalni, regionalni in lokalni ravni. V nalogi je prikazan postopek prostorskega umeščanja državne kolesarske povezave D7 na relaciji med Sežano in Ilirsko Bistrico. Na podlagi analize stanja je izdelan podrobnejši vpogled v obravnavano območje, na podlagi katerega so predlagane variantne rešitve poteka kolesarske poti, ki so določene na osnovi izbranih meril in kazalnikov. Pri prostorskem umeščanju kolesarske povezave smo upoštevali tudi vse vidike vrednotenja kolesarskih povezav, ki se navezujejo na kakovost umeščanja, gradbeno tehnične lastnosti in varovanje narave. S predlogom umestitve kolesarske povezave na relaciji Sežana – Ilirska Bistrica želimo prispevati k uresničevanju umeščanja in izgradnje celovite mreže državnih kolesarskih povezav v Sloveniji. The master thesis deals with the national cycling connections in Slovenia. It presents the basic concepts, guidelines, policy documents and legal bases related to cycling and cycling infrastructure. The integration of cycling connections in space is a particular challenge when it comes to appropriate interaction between the natural and social characteristic of a place. We presented the design of the national cycling network in Slovenia and the starting points for how the country began planning its cycling infrastructure. The development and implementation of unplanned sections of cycling links should be systematically and comprehensively managed with the involvement of stakeholders at national, regional and local levels. The thesis presents the spatial planning process for the D7 national cycling connection between Sežana and Ilirska Bistrica. Based on selected criteria and indicators, alternative solutions for the cycling route are proposed. Spatial planning of a cycling connection should take into account all aspects of evaluation of cycling connections in terms of site quality, construction characteristics and nature protection. With Spatial planning of cycling connection between Sežana and Ilirska Bistrica, we want to contribute to the implementation of the location and construction of a comprehensive network of national cycling connections in Slovenia.
- Published
- 2022
10. Primerjava anaerobne kapacitete in nekaterih telesnih značilnosti med kolesarji različnih disciplin
- Author
Žmavc, Nal and Rauter, Samo
- Subjects
kolesarstvo ,anaerobic power ,cycling ,anaerobna kapaciteta ,Wingate ,anaerobic capacity ,anaerobna moč ,kriteriji uspešnosti ,performance criterion - Abstract
Uspeh v kolesarstvu je odvisen od številnih dejavnikov. Eden glavnih je vzdržljivost, pomembna pa je tudi moč, še posebej pri pospeševanju, vožnji v strme klance, za zaključke dirk. Za preverjanje tovrstne sposobnosti kolesarjev uporabljamo teste za oceno anaerobnih sposobnosti. Mi smo uporabili 30-sekundni Wingate test, vsakemu kolesarju pa smo izmerili še telesno višino in sestavo telesa z bioimpedančno metodo. Glavni namen magistrske naloge je bil primerjava anaerobne kapacitete med gorskimi kolesarji v spustu, enduru, krosu in cestnimi kolesarji. Želeli smo ugotoviti razlike v telesnih značilnostih in anaerobni kapaciteti med posameznimi kolesarskimi disciplinami, ugotoviti povezavo tega s tekmovalno uspešnostjo ter kriterije nadpovprečno uspešnega kolesarja za vsako disciplino posebej. V analizo je bilo vključenih 39 kolesarjev (9 kolesarjev v enduru, 10 kolesarjev v spustu, 9 kolesarjev v krosu in 11 cestnih kolesarjev), starejših od 18 let, ki tekmujejo pod okriljem KZS. Za obdelavo podatkov smo uporabili program IBM SPSS Statistics, kjer smo za ugotavljanje razlik v povprečjih uporabili enosmerno ANOVO za neodvisne vzorce, za ugotavljanje povezanosti med tekmovalno uspešnostjo in posameznimi spremenljivkami pa Pearsonovo korelacijo med pari spremenljivk. Pri vseh statističnih analizah je bila upoštevana stopnja tveganja α = 5 %. Pri primerjavi telesne teže so bile razlike statistično značilne med disciplinama spust in kros (75,6 kg in 67,6 kg). Blizu statistične značilnosti je bila tudi primerjava disciplin enduro in kros (74,9 kg in 67,6 kg). Statistično značilne so bile razlike v % maščobe med tekmovalci endura, krosa in cestnega kolesarstva (14,4 %, 10 % in 8,5 %). Med istimi disciplinami je bila razlika tudi v % mišičevja (48,8 %, 51,2 % in 52,3 %). Statistično značilne razlike so bile zaznane tudi za ITM, vendar Post Hoc testi dejanskih razlik niso zaznali. Največja razlika je bila med kolesarji v spustu oz. kolesarji v enduru in kolesarji krosa (23,3 za spust in enduro in 21,1 za kros kolesarje). Rezultati, izmerjeni na Wingate testu, med disciplinami niso pokazali statistično značilnih razlik. Največja razlika je bila pri indeksu utrujenosti, ki je bil pri cestnih kolesarjih nižji kot pri kolesarjih ostalih disciplin (55,3 % proti > 60 % pri ostalih). Prav tako ni bilo statistično značilnih razlik med disciplinami pri absolutni in relativni anaerobni kapaciteti. Preverili smo povezanost tekmovalne uspešnosti z izmerjenimi telesnimi lastnostmi in sposobnostmi. Pri disciplini enduro je bila statistično značilna povezava med tekmovalno uspešnostjo in telesno težo, mišičevjem (kg) in minimalno močjo. Uspešnejši so bili tisti z višjo telesno težo, več mišičevja in večjo minimalno močjo. Pri spustu statistično značilnih povezav s tekmovalno uspešnostjo ni bilo. Pri krosu je bila statistično značilna povezava med tekmovalno uspešnostjo in telesno višino, relativnim upadom moči in relativnim upadom moči na sekundo. Uspešnejši so bili višji kolesarji z večjim relativnim upadom moči in relativnim upadom moči na sekundo. Pri cestnih kolesarjih je bila statistično značilna povezava med tekmovalno uspešnostjo in starostjo ter minimalno močjo. Uspešnejši so bili starejši kolesarji z večjo minimalno močjo. Ustvarili smo tudi kriterije nadpovprečnega kolesarja tekmovalca za vsako disciplino posebej, na podlagi katerih se lahko vsak kolesar po opravljenem Wingate testu primerja z najboljšimi. There are many factors that determine success in cycling. On the forefront we have stamina, followed by strength, especially when accelerating, riding uphill the steep slope, for race endings. To measure this ability in cyclists we use tests for evaluating anaerobic capability. We used 30-second Wingate test. We also measured each cyclist’s height and body composition with bioimpedance analysis. The main purpose of this master thesis was comparison of anaerobic capacity between downhill, enduro, cross-country and road cyclists. We wanted to compare differences in body characteristics and anaerobic capacity between each cycling discipline, find correlation of these with competitive performance and criteria for above average cyclist for each cycling discipline. There were 39 participants in this study (9 enduro mountain bikers, 10 downhill mountain bikers, 9 cross-country mountain bikers and 11 road cyclists), all of them were older than 18 years old and compete under KZS (Slovenian Cycling Federation). For statistical analysis we used IBM SPSS Statistics program. To determine the differences in mean values we used One-way ANOVA for independent samples, for correlations between competitive performance and individual variables we used Pearson’s correlation between variable pairs. For each statistical analysis we used risk level of α=5 %. When comparing body weight statistically significant differences have been found between disciplines downhill and cross-country (75,6 kg and 67,6 kg). Nearly statistically significant was also comparison between disciplines enduro and cross-country (74,9 kg and 67,6 kg). Statistically significant was a difference in % of body fat between enduro, cross-country and road racers (14,4%, 10% and 8,5 %). In previously mentioned disciplines there was also difference in % of musculature (48,8%, 51,2% and 52,3%). Statistically significant differences were noticed when comparing BMI, but Post Hoc tests didn’t find the differences between groups. The biggest difference was noticed between downhill or enduro cyclists and cross-country cyclists (23,3 for downhill and enduro and 21,1 for cross-country cyclists). Wingate's test results didn’t show any statistically significant differences between cycling disciplines. The biggest difference was noted in fatigue index, which was lower in road cyclists than in cyclists of other disciplines (55,3% vs. >60% in other disciplines). There weren’t any statistically significant differences between disciplines when comparing absolute and relative anaerobic capacity. We checked correlation between competitive performance and measured body characteristics and capabilities. Statistically significant correlation between competitive performance and body weight, musculature (kg) and minimal power was proved in enduro discipline. More successful were heavier riders, those who had more musculature and higher minimal power. There were no statistically significant correlations with competitive performance in downhill. With cross-country was statistically significant correlation between competitive performance and height, relative power drop and relative power drop per second. On the other hand, with road cyclists we discovered statistically significant correlation between competitive performance and age and minimal power. More successful were older cyclists with greater minimal power. We designed criteria for above average cycling racers for every discipline separately, wherewith comparison between the best racers and each cyclist who finished Wingate test is possible.
- Published
- 2022
11. Oblikovanje označevalnega sistema kolesarskih poti na področju Slovenije
- Author
Popit, Eva and Kozole, Emil
- Subjects
system design ,oblikovanje sistema ,cycling ,wayfinding ,BA thesis ,graphic design ,kolesarstvo ,vizualne komunikacije ,oblikovanje aplikacije ,app design ,signage ,usmerjanje ,označevanje ,visual communications ,user experience ,uporabniška izkušnja ,diplomska naloga ,grafično oblikovanje - Abstract
V svoji diplomski nalogi sem se ukvarjala s problematiko pomanjkanja slovenske kolesarske infrastrukture. Ob porastu priljubljenosti kolesarstva v Sloveniji je problematika relevantna za vse večje število ljudi. Namembnost rekreativnega kolesarstva sta predvsem športno preživljanje prostega časa in nadgradnja kolesarskega performansa. Če rekreativni kolesar med aktivnostjo več pozornosti nameni usmerjanju kot aktivnosti sami, lahko ugotovimo, da infrastruktura ni dovolj dovršena. Za reševanje problema sem zasnovala aplikacijo, ki kolesarju pomaga pri njegovi aktivnosti – s sledenjem GPS signala ga na njegovi poti usmerja, beleženje svoje poti pa lahko kolesar po principu crowdsourcinga doda v bazo kolesarskih tras po Sloveniji. Prevoženo pot lahko kolesar z drugimi uporabniki aplikacije deli tudi z objavo na svojem uporabniškem profilu. Kot rekreativna kolesarka sem problem kot relevanten zaznala že pred začetkom dela na projektu. Zaradi pomanjkljivih usmerjevalnih oznak na poti, oziroma zaradi popolne odsotnosti usmerjevalnega sistema je bila uspešna navigacija med kolesarjenjem povsem nemogoča. Eno izmed svojih izkušenj sem v raziskovanju kasneje opredelila kot storitveni safari. Na začetku raziskovanja sem se lotila analize slovenske kolesarske infrastrukture, informacijskega oblikovanja ter usmerjanja. Z uporabo kvantitativne metodologije pa sem prvotno raziskovalno vprašanje razširila. S pomočjo intervjujev in izrisa uporabniške poti sem ugotovila, da sem infrastrukturni problem osnovala le na lastnem izkustvu. Izkazalo se je, da pomanjkanje označb predstavlja le del problema. Ob tem spoznanju sem projektu zastavila novo obliko in se lotila izdelave sistema. S pomočjo likovnih in tipografskih sredstev sem zasnovala koncept navigacijske kolesarske aplikacije. Za doseganje sistematične rešitve sem principe usmerjanja aplicirala na digitalni prostor. Tako sem na nivoju posamezne trase dosegla informacijsko zasnovo, ki bi lahko kasneje opremljala tudi fizične oznake. V svoji nalogi sem z metodo informacijskega oblikovanja nadgradila začetno opredelitev problema, s tem bolje definirala smer reševanja in lažje izbrala ustrezen pristop. Le z aktivnim sodelovanjem uporabnikov je namreč mogoče izboljšati njihovo uporabniško izkušnjo. Predstavljeni koncept pa vendar brez strokovne podpore ter ustreznih sredstev ostaja le ena izmed idej o izboljšavi vsakodnevnega življenja. The following thesis deals with the lack of cycling infrastructure in Slovenia. With the recent growth of popularity of cycling in Slovenia, the absence is becoming ever more relevant. Recreational cyclists wish to improve their performance and spend their leisure time in an active manner but often they have to pay more attention to wayfinding than cycling itself, which a clear sign of the insufficiency of Slovenia’s current cycling infrastructure. To tackle the problem, I developed a mobile application to help cyclists along their way - by tracking GPS signal the application helps in wayfinding along the route, and cyclists can also publish their routes on their profiles. Via crowdsourcing, they can also share their routes onto the Slovenian cycling routes database. As a recreational cyclist, I experienced this problem first-handedly and thus saw it as relevant before starting to work on this project already. Due to a lack of directional signs on routes and a complete absence of a comprehensive directional system, satisfactory navigation was not possible. As I began my research, I later defined one of my cycling experiences as a ‘service safari’. I started my research by analyzing Slovenia’s cycling infrastructure, the general information design and wayfinding. I later expanded the original research question using a quantitative method. With the help of interviews and a user journey diagram that I constructed, I found that the defined infrastructure problem was based solely on my own experiences. The lack of directional sings turned out to be just part of the problem. With this in mind, I redesigned the project and began forming an application system. I designed the concept for a navigation cycling application using visual and typographic means. I applied wayfinding principles to the digital space in order to develop a systematic solution. I hence developed an information design based on individual route level that could later also equip directional signs in the actual physical environment.In my assignment I used the information design method to reassess the initial definition of the problem, which enabled me to better define the solution and choose an appropriate approach to achieve it. The user experience can only be improved through the user’s active participation in the process. Without professional support and adequate resources however, the concept I present here represents just one possible idea for improving everyday life of cyclists in Slovenia.
- Published
- 2021
12. Reliability and validity of the core sensor to assess core body temperature during cycling exercise
- Author
Urša Ciuha, Hans-Christer Holmberg, Nina Verdel, Tadej Debevec, Matej Supej, and Tim Podlogar
- Subjects
Male ,validity ,cycling ,Hot Temperature ,Validity ,neinvazivnost ,Rectal temperature ,Biochemistry ,Body Temperature ,Analytical Chemistry ,0302 clinical medicine ,merjenje temperature ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Instrumentation ,Reliability (statistics) ,Sport and Fitness Sciences ,udc:796.61.071.2 ,Core (anatomy) ,Core body temperature ,Non‐invasive ,Idrottsvetenskap ,Cycling ,non-invasiveness ,Reliability ,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics ,kolesarjenje ,Heat load ,Validation study ,Materials science ,zanesljivost ,Heat Stroke ,non-invasive ,Context (language use) ,TP1-1185 ,Article ,rectal temperature ,kolesarstvo ,03 medical and health sciences ,rektalna temperatura ,športniki ,senzor CORE ,Humans ,Relative humidity ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Exercise ,Simulation ,core body temperature ,reliability ,Chemical technology ,telesna temperatura jedra ,Reproducibility of Results ,030229 sport sciences ,veljavnost ,CORE sensor - Abstract
Monitoring core body temperature (Tc) during training and competitions, especially in a hot environment, can help enhance an athlete’s performance, as well as lower the risk for heat stroke. Accordingly, a noninvasive sensor that allows reliable monitoring of Tc would be highly beneficial in this context. One such novel non-invasive sensor was recently introduced onto the market (CORE, greenTEG, Rümlang, Switzerland), but, to our knowledge, a validation study of this device has not yet been reported. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the CORE sensor. In Study I, 12 males were subjected to a low-to-moderate heat load by performing, on two separate occasions several days apart, two identical 60-min bouts of steady-state cycling in the laboratory at 19 °C and 30% relative humidity. In Study II, 13 males were subjected to moderate-to-high heat load by performing 90 min of cycling in the laboratory at 31 °C and 39% relative humidity. In both cases the core body temperatures indicated by the CORE sensor were compared to the corresponding values obtained using a rectal sensor (Trec). The first major finding was that the reliability of the CORE sensor is acceptable, since the mean bias between the two identical trials of exercise (0.02 °C) was not statistically significant. However, under both levels of heat load, the body temperature indicated by the CORE sensor did not agree well with Trec, with approximately 50% of all paired measurements differing by more than the predefined threshold for validity of ≤0.3 °C. In conclusion, the results obtained do not support the manufacturer’s claim that the CORE sensor provides a valid measure of core body temperature.
- Published
- 2021
13. Problem dopinga v kolesarstvu.
- Author
Žiberna, Lovro
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
14. Vrednotenje sil na pedalih kot pristop za nastavitev višine kolesarskega sedeža: tehnični razvoj in študija primera.
- Author
Fonda, Borut and Šarabon, Nejc
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
15. Oris slovenske kolesarske zgodbe do razhoda z jugoslovansko državo.
- Author
Pavlin, Tomaž
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
16. Markers of Energy Metabolism Affect Lactate Metabolism and Aerobic Performance in Competitive Female Cyclists
- Author
Vedran Hadžić, Samo Rauter, and Iva Jurov
- Subjects
within-day energy deficiency ,Incremental testing ,Catabolic state ,Energy balance ,lcsh:Technology ,udc:796.61-055.2 ,lcsh:Chemistry ,0302 clinical medicine ,General Materials Science ,road cycling ,energijsko ravnovesje ,lcsh:QH301-705.5 ,Instrumentation ,LEAF questionnaire ,Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes ,General Engineering ,lcsh:QC1-999 ,low energy availability ,cestno kolesarstvo ,Computer Science Applications ,energijski primanjkljaj znotraj dneva ,Lactate metabolism ,LEAF vprašalnik ,žensko kolesarstvo ,Energy metabolism ,sindrom relativnega energijskega primankljaja ,030209 endocrinology & metabolism ,Biology ,Affect (psychology) ,kolesarstvo ,03 medical and health sciences ,Animal science ,Negatively associated ,cestno kolesarjenje ,energijska poraba v mirovanju ,Resting energy expenditure ,lcsh:T ,Process Chemistry and Technology ,šport ,030229 sport sciences ,energy balance ,relative energy deficiency in sport ,resting energy expenditure ,female cycling ,nizka energijska razpoložljivost ,lcsh:Biology (General) ,lcsh:QD1-999 ,lcsh:TA1-2040 ,lcsh:Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,sport ,human activities ,lcsh:Physics - Abstract
(1) Background: Low energy availability (LEA) has negative effects on performance, but mechanisms, timing, and other circumstances of these effects are not yet established. We aim to assess the performance-related effects of low energy availability in competitive female cyclists with a detailed approach to within-day energy availability (WDEB). (2) Methods: Female competitive cyclists (n = 8) completed the measurement of body composition, resting energy expenditure, and incremental testing, they reported diary logs and used accelerometers for energy availability (EA) calculation. Based on the Low Energy Availability in Females (LEAF) questionnaire, performance and energy parameters were compared between cyclists with risk for relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S, the LEAF+ group) and cyclists without any risk (LEAF&minus, ). (3) Results: 87.5% had EA <, 30 kcal/kg. EA and energy balance in LEAF&ndash, were significantly different from LEAF+ cyclists (U = 0.00, z = &minus, 2.00, p <, 0.05 and U = 0.00, z = &minus, 0.05, respectively). We found significant correlations between WDEB&minus, 300 and EA (&minus, 0.736, p = 0.037) and energy balance (&minus, 0.732, p = 0.039). In addition, relative power output was correlated with mRMR/pRMR (&minus, 0.763, p = 0.046). (4) Conclusions: This study is the first to show that WDEB&minus, 300 in competitive female cyclists is greater in cyclists with risk for RED-S. Increased time in a catabolic state was correlated to worse anaerobic capacity in incremental testing. Measuring mRMR/pRMR might be useful as it was negatively associated with aerobic performance.
- Published
- 2020
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17. Gorsko kolesarski turizem v Sloveniji in Hrvaški Dalmaciji
- Author
Bauman, Sebastian and Rauter, Samo
- Subjects
kolesarstvo ,cycling ,sports tourism ,kolesarski center ,gorsko kolesarstvo ,športni turizem ,Dalmatia ,bike center ,mountain biking ,primer dobre prakse ,Dalmacija ,example of good practice - Abstract
Gorsko kolesarski turizem, osrednja tema našega dela, je eden od načinov preživljanja prostega časa. Pogojen je z veliko različnimi dejavniki, med katerimi po našem mnenju prevladuje krajevni vidik, ki ga v teoretičnem delu podrobneje razdelimo. Dotaknemo se dveh popolnoma različnih geografskih okolij gorsko kolesarskega turističnega aspekta. Na eni strani pretežno gorsko obarvano slovensko okolje, v primerjavi s primerom hrvaške Dalmacije. Na prvi pogled sicer popolnoma različni okolji, a zaradi svoje kulturne zgodovine razkrivata podoben začetni pristop k razvijanju gorsko kolesarske ponudbe, z nekajletnim zaostankom Hrvaške. Področje strokovno usposobljenih kadrov slednjih se kaže v organizaciji odmevnih prireditev in projektov. Slovenija na eni strani v koraku s časom, v svetovnem merilu, Hrvaška zaradi tradicije v ekipnih športih na tem segmentu zaostaja, a vendar dokazuje pomembnost dobrih zgledov preteklosti sosednje Slovenije. V zadnjih letih se kaže sodelovanje posameznikov obeh predstavnic pri izvedbi odmevnejših mednarodnih dogodkov, tako na ravni vrhunskega kolesarstva, kot tudi rekreativno turističnega. Osrednji predmet naše razprave je predstavitev turistične ponudbe gorskega kolesarstva na otoku Braču, ki leži v osrčju hrvaške Dalmacije. Organizacija delovanja kolesarskega centra Big Blue sport je s svojo širino delovanja zagotovo eden najboljših kolesarskih centrov v Dalmaciji in tako odličen primer dobre prakse. Eden od ciljev magistrskega dela je privabiti in navdušiti nove ponudnike, ki se s kolesarskim turizmom srečujejo prvič in tiste že izkušene, ki bi radi svoje dosedanje delo oplemenitili s ključnimi podrobnostmi za svoj napredek. One of the ways we spend our free time is also the central theme of our work, mountain biking tourism. It is conditioned by many different factors, among which, in our opinion, the local one predominates, which we divide in more detail in the theoretical part. We touch on two completely different geographical environments of the mountain biking tourist aspect. On the one hand, the predominantly mountain-colored Slovenian environment compared to the case of Croatian Dalmatia. At first glance, completely different environments, due to their cultural history, reveal a similar initial approach to the development of mountain biking, with Croatia a few years behind Slovenia. The field of professionally qualified staff of the latter is reflected in the organization of high-profile events and projects. Slovenia, on the one hand, keeping in step with the time on a global scale, Croatia lagging behind because of the tradition in team sports in this segment, but it proves the importance of good examples of the past of neighboring Slovenia. In recent years, the participation of individuals from both representatives has been evident in the implementation of major international events, both at the level of top-level cycling, as well as in recreational tourism. The main subject of our discussion is the presentation of the tourist offer of mountain biking on the island of Brač, which lies in the central part of Croatian Dalmatia. The organization of the Big Blue sport cycling center with its breadth of operations, is certainly one of the best cycling centers in Dalmatia and thus an excellent example of good practice. One of the goals of the master's thesis is to attract and inspire new providers who are encountering cycling tourism for the first time and those already experienced who would like to enrich their work with key details for their progress.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Fonda, Borut and Šarabon, Nejc
- Subjects
Copyright of Kinesiologia Slovenica is the property of Faculty of Sport and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2010
- Author
Ferlež, Mitja
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2010
20. Cycling and wine tourism development in the Prlekija area
- Author
Horvat, Ines and Lebe, Sonja Sibila
- Subjects
kolesarstvo ,območje Prlekije ,turizem ,vino ,udc:338.48 ,Prlekija area ,tourism ,zanimivosti ,destination ,bicycling ,destinacija ,wine ,attractions - Abstract
Turizem je nekoč bil dostopen le premožnim družinam, dandanes pa je lahko skoraj vsakdo turist, ki ima željo potovati. Dostopnost do informacij in hitre prometne povezave omogočajo prepoznavnost in razvoj destinacij, kot je Prlekija. V diplomskem projektu se bomo osredotočili na vinski in kolesarski turizem. V okviru teoretičnih izhodišč so najprej opredeljeni pojmi, kot so turistična destinacija, podeželska destinacija, destinacijski management ter vinski in kolesarski turizem. Opredeljeni pojmi so nato podrobneje predstavljeni. V praktičnem delu je na podlagi teoretičnih izhodišč opisana Prlekija in analizirana turistična ponudba. Analiza ponudbe in trenutnega stanja turizma v destinaciji se je izvedla s pomočjo intervjuja in ankete,na tej osnovi pa je bila opravljena tudi SWOT analiza. V sklepnem delu smo povezali ugotovitve, potrdili ali ovrgli postavljene hipoteze in predstavili naše mnenje. Tourism was sometimes only accessible to wealthier families but nowadays it is possible, that everyone who wishes to travel can become a tourist. Access to information and quick traffic routes are enabling recognisability and development of destinations such as Prlekija. In the thesis, we will focus on wine and bicycle tourism. In the theoretical part of the thesis, we define the concepts of tourist destination, rural destination, destination management, wine and bicycle tourism. Later the concepts are broken down to provide more information. In the practical part, based on theoretical knowledge and information, tourism destination Prlekija is described and analysed based on the tourist offer. Detailed analysis and current condition of tourism in destination were possible due to interview and survey, which helped with the making of SWOT analysis. In the last part of the thesis, we summarized the findings and confirmed or disproved hypotheses and presented our opinion.
- Published
- 2019
21. Nutritional support of junior cyclists from the Olympic committee of Slovenia
- Author
Mrak, Vasja and Jenko Pražnikar, Zala
- Subjects
kolesarstvo ,prehranjevalne navade ,energijski vnos ,vnos tekočine ,udc:613.2:796.61 ,mladi športnik - Published
- 2019
22. Three-dimensional knee loading during cycling
- Author
Kozlovič, Peter and Fonda, Borut
- Subjects
kolesarstvo ,cycling ,udc:531.1(043.2) ,3D matematični model ,kinematics ,kinetics ,3D mathematical model ,biomehanika ,kinematika ,kinetika ,biomechanics - Published
- 2018
23. Značilnosti trenažnega procesa mlajših kategorij v kolesarstvu
- Author
Kožar, Nika and Rauter, Samo
- Subjects
kolesarstvo ,cycling ,trenažni proces ,training process ,monitoring of training ,training analysis ,age groups ,spremljanje treninga ,starostne kategorije ,analiza treninga - Abstract
Glavni namen diplomskega dela je bil na podlagi anketnega vprašalnika ugotoviti značilnosti trenažnega procesa mlajših kategorij v kolesarstvu. Zanimali so nas predvsem najpogosteje uporabljeni načini, metode in količina treninga ter najpogostejši način analize treninga. Poleg tega nas je v okviru spremljanja treninga zanimala tudi pogostost uporabe merilca srčnega utripa ter merilca moči. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 99 cestnih ter gorskih kolesarjev in kolesark treh različnih starostnih kategorij (mlajši mladinci, starejši mladinci, mlajši člani), ki so nosilci licenc Kolesarske zveze Slovenije. Zasnovani anketni vprašalnik so kolesarji izpolnili v sklopu preostalih meritev, ki jih opravljajo na Fakulteti za šport. Na podlagi rezultatov anketnega vprašalnika smo ugotovili, da med starostnimi kategorijami obstajajo razlike v najpogostejšem načinu ter količini treninga. Ugotovitve namreč kažejo, da je trening v skupini najpogostejši način treninga v mlajših kategorijah, medtem ko kolesarji starejših kategorij najpogosteje trenirajo sami. Razlike v količini treninga so se pokazale v manjši tedenski in letni količini opravljenega treninga kolesarjev mlajših kategorij. Razlike v količini treninga so se pokazale tudi med spoloma. Dolgotrajne aerobne oblike treninga so se pokazale kot najpogosteje uporabljena metoda treninga, uporaba aplikacij pa kot najpogostejši način rednega spremljanja oziroma analize treninga. Ugotovili smo tudi, da med starostnimi kategorijami obstajajo razlike v pogostosti uporabe merilca srčnega utripa in merilca moči. Glede na ugotovitve je tako uporaba merilca srčnega utripa in merilca moči v starejših kategorijah pogostejša. The main purpose of the thesis was to determine the training process characteristics of younger age groups in cycling based on a survey questionnaire. We were interested in studying the most frequently used approaches, methods and amount of training along with the most common form of training analysis. We also aimed to determine the frequency of heart rate monitor and power meter use in terms of monitoring of training. To this end, 99 road and mountain cyclists of different age groups (junior under 17, junior under 19, elite under 23), who are Slovenian Cycling Federation license-holders, took part in the survey. They responded to the designed survey questionnaire as part of other measurements taken at the Faculty of Sport in Ljubljana. Based on the results we found that there are some differences between the age groups with regard to the most common type and amount of training. The findings show that training in groups is the most common type of training in younger age groups, whereas older cyclists usually train alone. The differences in the amount of training were most notable when it comes to a weekly and yearly amount of training of younger cyclists, which was lower. We were also able to show a difference in the amount of training between the genders. Long term aerobic training methods have been identified as the most frequently used training method, while the use of applications proved to be the most frequent type of regular monitoring or training analysis. We found that there are some differences in the frequency of heart rate monitor and power meter use, which are more frequently used in older categories.
- Published
- 2018
24. Leksikalno-skladenjske lastnosti kolesarskega izrazja
- Author
Vranjek Ošlak, Urška and Žele, Andreja
- Subjects
kolesarstvo ,besedotvorje ,semantika ,slovenščina ,bolonjski magisteriji ,udc:811.163.6'373:796.61 ,stilistika ,terminologija - Abstract
Magistrsko delo se ukvarja s predstavitvijo novejše kolesarske leksike in z ugotavljanjem njenih lastnosti. Pri tem je obravnavano področje športa, natančneje kolesarstvo, ki se pospešeno razvija in uveljavlja lastno leksiko, ki se od splošne razlikuje po zgradbi in izvoru. Delo skuša s pomočjo primerjave kolesarske leksike iz različnih besedilnih tipov najti oz. potrditi povezavo med besedotvorno in besedilotvorno stilistiko. Pri tem izhaja iz predpostavke, da med njima obstaja povezava, ki pomembno vpliva na jezik posameznega besedilnega tipa. Obravnavani so štirje besedilni tipi - praktičnostrokovni priročnik, poljudnoznanstveni učbenik, strokovna revija in publicistična besedila. Analiza novejše kolesarske leksike iz teh besedil lahko nazorno prikaže trenutne težnje slovenskega besedotvorja, pomenotvorja in prevzemanja. Ker povezava med besedotvorno in besedilotvorno stilistiko ni omejena le na področje športa, temveč je značilna za vse tipe besedil ne glede na obravnavano tematiko, ponuja magistrsko delo pomemben vpogled v pogosto prezrto področje jezika - v povezavo med leksiko in skladnjo. Cilj magistrskega dela je odkriti najpogostejše načine nastajanja nove kolesarske leksike in njihovo povezanost z besedilnimi tipi. This dissertation presents the newer i. e. recent cycling lexicon and identifies its properties. It considers the area of sport, specifically cycling, which is rapidly developing and enforcing its own expressions, which differ from the general lexicon in structure and origin. The work attempts to find and confirm the connection between word formation and text formation stylistics by comparing the cycling lexicon from a variety of text types. The foundation for the research is the assumption that such a connection between them exists and significantly affects the language of each text type. Four types of text are presented - a manual, a popular scientific textbook, a journal and a newspaper. The analysis of recent cycling lexicon from these texts can demonstrate the current trends in Slovene word formation, semantic change and foreign languages influence. The link between word formation and text formation stylistics is not only limited to the field of sport it is typical for all types of texts regardless of the subject matter. Therefore, the thesis offers an important insight into the often overlooked area of language - the connection between the lexicon and the syntax. The aim of the thesis is to identify the most common ways of recent cycling lexicon formation and their relation to various text types.
- Published
- 2017
25. Trajnostna mobilnost v mestih Sevilla in Ljubljana s poudarkom na kolesarstvu
- Author
Treven, Vesna and Ogrin, Matej
- Subjects
cycling ,sustainable mobility ,Slovenia ,geography of transport ,geografske diplome ,diplomska dela ,trajnostna mobilnost ,kolesarstvo ,prometna geografija ,Spain ,Španija ,udc:656:502.131.1(497.4+460) ,mestni promet ,Slovenija ,urban transport - Published
- 2017
26. Electric bicycles and their influence on turism in ptuj
- Author
Žmavc, Nejc and Knez, Matjaž
- Subjects
kolesarstvo ,cycling ,turizem ,okolje ,tourism ,electric bicycle ,cycling route ,kolesarska pot ,električno kolo ,environment - Abstract
V diplomskem delu obravnavamo električno kolo in njegov vpliv na turizem v Ptuju. Predstavimo tudi njegov vpliv na okolje ter morebitne spremembe ob povečanem številu uporabljanja električnih koles. Ptuj ima kot malo mesto velike možnosti za povečanje turizma. Že v rimskih časih je imel pomembno vlogo, saj so skozenj potekale pomembne prometne poti. Kot najstarejše mesto v državi ima bogato kulturno dediščino in je turistično aktiven že zdaj. V osrednjem delu naloge smo podrobneje predstavili električno kolo ter z vsemi razpoložljivimi viri predlagali traso za kolesarsko pot za električna kolesa po mestu Ptuj, med katero si lahko ogledamo številne znamenitosti mesta z okolico. Podrobneje smo predstavili tudi turizem na Ptuju, promet, okolje in kolesarjenje. Z delom smo želeli pokazati, da je električno kolo dobra naložba za prihodnost, vendar je na tem območju še v fazi razvoja. This thesis researches electric bicycles and their influence on tourism in Ptuj. It also discusses their influence on the environment and the possible changes their increased usage would bring. As a small town, Ptuj has great potential to increase its tourist activity. Ptuj has had an important role since Ancient Rome as it was an important route for transporting goods. As Slovenia's oldest town, it has a rich cultural heritage and is very active in the field of tourism. In the main part of the thesis, we presented a detailed description of the electric bicycle and used all available resources to create a cycling route for electric bicycles that leads through Ptuj and enables visitors to see numerous sights that the town and its surroundings have to offer. We also included a thorough description of Ptuj's tourism as well as an overall description of traffic, environment and cycling. The aim of this paper is to show that electric bicycles are a good investment for the future, but that their usage has not been fully developed yet in this area.
- Published
- 2017
27. Kolesarimo v pravičnejšo družbo, kolesarjenje kot politični akt
- Author
Kolar, Jakob and Vodovnik, Žiga
- Subjects
Družbena gibanja ,Graduate theses ,Social movements ,Political activists ,Diplomska dela ,udc:796.61:329(043.2) ,Cycling ,Kolesarstvo ,Politični aktivisti - Published
- 2017
28. Izdelava športnoturistične karte kraškega roba nad Ilirsko Bistrico
- Author
Šajn, Simon and Petrovič, Dušan
- Subjects
karst edge area ,cycling ,UNI ,OCAD 12 ,interactive web map ,kraški rob ,kolesarstvo ,graduation thesis ,plezanje ,udc:528.94(497.4Ilirska Bistrica)(043.2) ,geodesy ,climbing ,diplomska naloga ,interaktivna spletna karta ,geodezija - Abstract
V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen celoten potek izdelave športnoturistične karte kraškega roba nad Ilirsko Bistrico. Viri podatkov za izdelavo karte so bili državne topografske karte, DOF, temeljni topografski načrt, digitalni model višin in na terenu pridobljeni podatki. Območje prikaza pokriva širše območje kraškega roba severozahodno od Ilirske Bistrice. Na karti so prikazane možne kolesarske poti in plezalne stene. Območje za zdaj še ni namenjeno turizmu, je pa na karti prikazano, kaj lahko potencialni turisti že uporabijo za športni turizem. Na tem območju se že lahko zapeljejo po prikazanih gorskih kolesarskih poteh in stena že omogoča ustvarjanje plezalnih smeri. Pri spustu (downhill kolesarstvu) so potrebne še dodatne ureditve, kot so ureditve poti in postavitev ovir, potrebnih za spust. Na osnovi pridobljenih podatkov je bila s programskim orodjem OCAD 12 izdelana interaktivna spletna karta. Na njej so ustvarjene povezave na karto stene, na kateri so prikazana območja zahtevnosti plezanja in povezavi na Google Zemljo ter povezave na fotografije območja. The thesis presents the entire process of creation a tourist/sport map of the karst edge area overlooking Ilirska Bistrica. The sources data were national topographic map, orthophoto, basic topographical plan, digital elevation model and data obtained on the field. The map displays the wide area of the karst edge, northwest of Ilirska Bistrica, including the possible cycling routes and rock-climbing opportunities. This area is not yet intended for tourism, nevertheless the map shows a variety of sport activities for potential tourists like cycling and rock-climbing. Some additional terrain adaptations are required for the downhill cycling: like the construction of obstacles and downhill cycling routes. Based on the data obtained through the research and with the help of OCAD 12 software we were able to create an interactive online map of the area which includes link to the natural rock-climbing map and its difficulty levels but also links to Google Earth and links to photos of the area.
- Published
- 2016
29. Spreminjanje urbane mobilnosti za dvig kakovosti urbanega življenja
- Author
Anžin, Andreja and Kos, Drago
- Subjects
Master's theses ,Urbano okolje ,kakovost urbanega življenja ,urbana mobilnost ,Urban environment ,Cycling ,Ljubljana ,Magistrske naloge ,udc:316.334.56:796.61(043) ,kolesarska infrastruktura ,Kolesarstvo - Published
- 2016
30. Metodika učenja vožnje z BMX kolesom
- Author
Glavič, Miha
- Subjects
BMX ,rolkarski poligon ,razvoj ,kolesarstvo ,tehnika ,vadba ,udc:796.61 ,prosti slog ,učenje ,zaščitna oprema ,zgodovina - Published
- 2016
31. Nekateri fiziološki parametri telesne pripravljenosti cestnih kolesarjev v različnih obdobjih tekmovalne sezone
- Author
Burjek, Nik and Škof, Branko
- Subjects
meritve ,trening ,biokemija ,analiza ,ANOVA ,Kruskal-Wallisov test ,biomehanika ,morfologija ,Conconi test ,fiziologija ,spirometrija ,udc:612:796.61 ,Cosmed CPET ,testi ,kolesarstvo ,antropometrija ,vadba ,mišični sistem ,poraba kisika ,SPSS 21.0 ,ciklizacija ,Shapiro-Wilkov test - Published
- 2016
32. Pohodništvo in kolesarstvo
- Author
Humar, Petra and Burnik, Stojan
- Subjects
razvoj ,kolesarstvo ,turizem ,izletništvo ,Kobarid ,etika ,športna rekreacija ,pohodništvo ,Tolmin ,udc:338.48:796 ,Triglavski narodni park ,varstvo narave ,zgodovina - Published
- 2016
33. Proces treninga mladih kolesarjev v pripravljalnem obdobju
- Author
Bauman, Sebastian and Majerič, Matej
- Subjects
udc:796.61-053.6 ,dečki ,kolesarstvo ,trening ,prehrana ,tehnika ,vadba ,program ,starejši mladinci ,psihološka priprava ,telesna priprava ,ciklizacija ,hidracija - Published
- 2016
34. Boj proti dopingu v kolesarstvu
- Author
Žiberna, Lovro
- Subjects
kolesarstvo ,udc:796.61.011.5:178.8 ,doping - Published
- 2016
35. Med-mišična koordinacija pri kolesarjenju v klanec in pri različnih geometrijskih nastavitvah kolesa
- Author
Fonda, Borut and Šarabon, Nejc
- Subjects
geometrija ,meritve ,cycling ,muscle activity ,udc:616.748:796.61 ,biomehanika ,koordinacija ,korelacijski koeficient ,t-test ,mišice ,biomechanics ,inter-muscular coordination ,kolesarstvo ,moški ,analiza variance ,EMG ,kolo ,klanec - Published
- 2015
36. Establishment of eco-turism cycling with electric bikes in Vojnik
- Author
Okorn, Eva and Knez, Matjaž
- Subjects
kolesarstvo ,cycling ,turizem ,bicycle trail ,tourism ,electric bicycle ,Občina Vojnik ,The municipality of Vojnik ,udc:656.1 ,kolesarska pot ,električno kolo - Abstract
V diplomskem delu bomo predstavili povezovanje turizma, ekologije ter kolesarjenja v občini Vojnik. S pomočjo bogate kulturne in naravne dediščine, neokrnjene narave ter pestre gostinske ponudbe, ki je na voljo vsem obiskovalcem, ima občina Vojnik dobre dispozicije za razvoj turizma. Na podlagi razpoložljivih virov in dejstev smo izoblikovali načrt vzpostavitve kolesarske poti, v katero bomo implementirali koncept uporabe električnih koles na področju kolesarskega turizma. Za nemoteno delovanje in vožnjo z električnim kolesom smo podrobneje predstavili električna kolesa in vso potrebno dodatno opremo. Večji del podatkov, ki smo jih potrebovali za pisanje naloge, smo pridobili s pomočjo intervjujev pristojnih oseb na področju turizma in električnih vozil, ter preučevanjem domače in tuje literature. Ugotovitve so pokazale, da ima občina Vojnik velik potencial na področju razvoja ekološkega turizma, ki bi ga lahko v polni meri izkoristila z nadgradnjo obstoječe turistične ponudbe ter dobri oglaševalski strategiji, kar nakazuje tudi občinska vizija. Z delom želimo približati uporabo električnih koles slovenskemu prebivalstvu, ter hkrati predstaviti turistično ponudbo občine Vojnik. In the thesis we present the integration of tourism, ecology and cycling in the municipality of Vojnik. Vojnik has a good disposition for the development of tourism, with the help of the rich cultural and natural heritage, unspoiled nature and a rich offer of food and drinks, which are available to all visitors. Based on avaiability of sources and facts, we have created a plan to establish a cycling path in which we implemented the concept of using electric bicycles in cycling tourism. More specifically, we present electric bikes and all the necessary accessories for smooth operation and driving. The major part of the data that we need for our task were obtained through interviews with competent persons in the field of tourism and electric vehicles, aswell as studying the home and foreign literature. Findings revealed that the municipality of Vojnik has great potential in the development of eco-tourism, which could be fully exploited with the upgrade of existing tourist attractions as well as with the use of a good advertising strategy, which is also the vision of the municipality. With the thesis we want to present the use of electric bicycles to the Slovenian population, while also presenting tourism in the municipality of Vojnik.
- Published
- 2015
37. Prehranjevalne navade kolesarjev Kolesarskega kluba Radenska KD življenje
- Author
Modic, Gašper and Dervišević, Edvin
- Subjects
cycling ,udc:612.39:796.61-055.15 ,food ,vprašalnik ,t-test ,energy balance ,kolesarstvo ,moški ,analiza variance ,navade ,prehrana ,ahbits ,klubi ,intake ,mladi - Published
- 2014
38. Seznanjenost o dopingu amaterjev in profesionalcev v cestnem kolesarstvu
- Author
Bole, Tomaž and Karpljuk, Damir
- Subjects
anketa ,kolesarstvo ,amaterji ,udc:796.61 ,uspeh ,doping ,profesionalci ,zgodovina - Published
- 2014
39. Oris kolesarstva na Dolenjskem in razvoj novomeškega kolesarskega kluba
- Author
Štih, Gašper and Pavlin, Tomaž
- Subjects
razvoj ,kolesarstvo ,cycling ,udc:796.61(091) ,klubi ,Novo mesto ,history ,development ,zgodovina - Published
- 2014
40. Priprave kolesarja na dirko okoli Slovenije
- Author
Meh, Tine and Škof, Branko
- Subjects
preparation ,kolesarstvo ,testiranje ,cycling ,training ,udc:796.015:796.61 ,dirka ,priprava ,race ,ciklizacija - Published
- 2014
41. Kolesarjenje kot dejavnik trajnostnega razvoja v Kranju
- Author
Lapuh, Tadeja and Špes, Metka
- Subjects
kolesarstvo ,Kranj ,udc:796.6:502.131.1(497.452Kranj) ,Slovenija ,zaključne seminarske naloge ,geografske diplome ,sonaravni razvoj ,cestni promet - Published
- 2014
42. Nekatere značilnosti telesne pripravljenosti v cestnem in gorskem kolesarstvu
- Author
Markovič, Igor and Žvan, Milan
- Subjects
kolesarstvo ,laktat ,antropometrija ,telesne značilnosti ,gore ,udc:796.61 ,morfologija ,merjenje ,kondicija ,vzdržljivost ,obremenitve ,kisik ,testi - Published
- 2014
43. Načrtovanje kolesarskega omrežja v alpskem visokogorju v Sloveniji
- Author
Černigoj, Tereza and Černe, Andrej
- Subjects
kolesarstvo ,udc:911:796.6(497.4)(043.2) ,prostorsko planiranje ,šport ,Slovenija ,kolesarske poti ,geografske diplome ,diplomska dela ,rekreacija ,regionalna geografija - Published
- 2014
44. Geografske možnosti za razvoj turističnih kolesarskih poti v občini Loška dolina
- Author
Ponikvar, Ana and Cigale, Dejan
- Subjects
turistična geografija ,kolesarstvo ,udc:796.6(497.471) ,Loška dolina ,šport ,Slovenija ,zaključne seminarske naloge ,geografske diplome - Published
- 2014
45. Savsko-soške kolesarske poti v Triglavskem narodnem parku
- Author
Šemrl, Špela and Burnik, Stojan
- Subjects
kolesarstvo ,analiza variance ,gorsko kolesarstvo ,Sidahov test ,vprašalnik ,poti ,udc:796.57 ,narava - Published
- 2014
46. Osebnost in potreba po dražljajih pri cestnih kolesarjih, kolesarjih za kros in kolesarjih za spust
- Author
Cerut, Anja and Tušak, Matej
- Subjects
kros ,kolesarstvo ,vprašalnik BFQ ,analiza variance ,značilnosti ,udc:796.61 ,spust ,osebnost ,dražljaji ,SPSS - Published
- 2014
47. Analiza prodajnega potenciala inovacije kolesnega pesta
- Author
Kos, Sandi and Likar, Borut
- Subjects
ustvarjalnost ,kolesarstvo ,intelektualna lastnina ,ideje ,globalnost ,udc:658.5:001.895(043.2) ,inovativnost - Published
- 2013
- Author
Čadež, Jure and Čoh, Milan
- Subjects
kolesarstvo ,biološki potni list ,udc:796.011.5:178.8 ,protidopinški postopek ,diplomske naloge ,šport ,doping ,prepovedane substance - Abstract
Doping se v kolesarstvu pojavlja že od samih začetkov kolesarskih tekmovanj. Uvedba prepovedi uporabe določenih substanc ter metod je bila zato nujno potrebna za ohranitev smisla športa ter za zagotavljanje poštenih tekmovanj. Tekmovalci tako kot nekoč, tudi danes iščejo prepovedane ter nemoralne poti do uspeha, kar povzroča stalna zaostrovanje proti dopinške politike, ki jo vodi WADA. Skozi diplomsko delo ugotovimo, da je boj proti dopingu dosegel izjemen uspeh v zmanjševanju deleža tekmovalcev, ki posegajo po uporabi prepovedanih substanc ali metod. Kljub temu pa je opazno, da je boj proti dopingu v takšni obliki kot je, morda že izkoristil svoj potencial, saj se je trend zmanjševanja odstotka pozitivnih testov ustavil, ter se v zadnjih letih giblje med 1,5% do 2%. Številna zaostrovanja ter višina zagroženih kazni na omenjeni odstotek ne vplivajo več. Rezultati krajše ankete, izvedene med profesionalnimi kolesarji so pokazali, da so le-ti precej dobro ozaveščeni o vsebini liste prepovedanih substanc, čeprav bi lahko bilo njihovo znanje tudi boljše, saj mora precej kolesarjev večkrat pogledati ali je določena stvar na omenjeni listi ali ne. Enako bi lahko dejali tudi za poznavanje pravic med proti dopinško kontrolo. Število kolesarjev, ki pozna le bistvene stvari, je namreč nekoliko večje, kot bi sprva pričakovali. V prihodnosti se bo boj proti dopingu zagotovo še zaostroval, dodatne skrbi pa povzročajo nove oblike dopinga, kot je denimo genski doping, proti kateremu trenutno še ni rešitve. From it's beginnings, doping has been a part of road cycling. The prohibition of some controversial substances and methods was inevitable. Ever since then, antidoping organizations have played a big role at keeping sports competitions fair and healthy. Huge developments of medicine and pharmacy has bring antidoping organizations to some radical changes in their policies. Through this study, we become familiar with a great success, which WADA achieved since it's establishment. We are talking about huge decrease at percentage of doped athletes. Though, through the last decade, this trend has stopped and the percentage of positive test is from 1,5% to 2%. It seems that all the antidoping efforts and increased penalties are not the factor, which would discourage athlets from using doping anymore. A part of this study is also a short survey about antidoping, which was conducted among 22 professional cyclists. The results were not surprising. It turned out, that professional cyclists are quite well familiar with antidoping list, even though that many of them are often checking the list. A situation is quite similiar regarding the knowledge about their rights at antidoping procedures. Many cyclists marked their knowledge about their right as basic. We would expect a bit more convincing answers, since some faults during this procedures can jeopardize their career. In future, we can expect more radical changes in antidoping policy, especially if we know that there are some new forms of doping, which are almost impossible to discover.
- Published
- 2012
49. Cycle routes in the Lower Savinja valley in comparison with the Drau cycle route in Austria, Carinthia
- Author
Dobrišek, Vesna and Lebe, Sonja Sibila
- Subjects
kolesarstvo ,turizem ,udc:338.48 ,SWOT analiza ,primerjave ,Slovenija ,Avstrija - Published
- 2012
50. Possibilities of cycling tourism development as a kind of ecotourism in the Southeastern Slovenia
- Author
Golob, Vanja and Lebe, Sonja Sibila
- Subjects
varstvo okolja ,kolesarstvo ,turizem ,udc:338.48 ,šport ,Slovenija - Published
- 2012
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