Disertacija predstavlja rezultate ispitivanja mogućnosti upotrebe bora, lipe i zove u biomonitoringu i fitoremedijaciji. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u oblastima koje su pod uticajem zagađujućih supstanci iz topionice bakra, i sa odlagališta raskrivke i flotacijskih jalovišta. Koncentracije Al, Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, As i Cd su određene u uzorcima opranog i neopranog lišća, grana, korenja i rizosfernog zemljišta ispitivanih biljnih vrsta. Lišće i grane bora, lipe i zove su u poređenju sa korenjem efikasniji u utvrđivanju kvaliteta životne sredine. Lišće bora, lipe i zove ukazuje na zagađenje životne sredine supstancama sa visokim sadržajem Fe, Cu, Pb, As, Cd i Zn (samo lišće lipe). Grane ispitivanih biljnih vrsta ukazuju na zagađenje sa visokim sadržajem Cu, Pb i As, pri čemu su grane bora i zove adekvatne i u slučaju Fe, a grane lipe u i slučaju Zn. Cu, Zn i As kao zagađujuće materije u zemljištu mogu se prepoznati putem korenja lipe i zove, a Fe samo preko korenja lipe. Zagađenje zemljišta ostalim elementima se ne može pratiti putem korenja ispitivanih biljnih vrsta. Korenje bora nije adekvatno za ispitivanje zagađenja zemljišta. Lišće lipe i zove, a posebno zove je u odnosu na iglice bora pogodnije za utvrđivanje prisustva svih ispitivanih elemenata (osim Ni) u atmosferskoj depoziciji, kao i za utvrđivanje kvaliteta vazduha. Utvrđeno je da bor, lipa i zova imaju mogućnosti adaptacije, koristeći različite mehanizme, u zavisnosti od uslova sredine svakog mesta uzorkovanja. Bor, lipa i zova nisu hiperakumulatori ni jednog od ispitivanih elemenata, tako da se ne mogu koristiti u fitoekstrakciji. Jedino lipa ima mogućnosti da se koristi u fitostabilizaciji, i to Cu, Zn i Cd, u specifičnim uslovima sredine, i u uslovima povećanih koncentracija ovih elemenata u zemljištu. Potvrđeno je da su topionica bakra i flotacijska jalovišta u Boru, dominantni emiteri zagađujućih supstanci. Rezultati ispitivanja biljnog materijala i zemljišta ukazuju da su Cu, Pb, As i Cd glavne zagađujuće materije u ispitivanoj oblasti. The dissertation represents the results of examining the possibilities of using pine, linden and elder in biomonitoring and phytoremediation. The research was conducted in the areas that are affected by pollutants from the copper smelter, flotation tailings ponds and overburden dumps. Al, Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, As and Cd concentrations were determined in the samples of unwashed and washed leaves, branches, roots and rhizospheric soil of the examined plant species. Leaves and branches of pine, linden and elder in comparision with roots, are more efficient in determining the environmental quality. Pine, linden and elder leaves indicate the environmental pollution with substances which have a high content of Fe, Cu, Pb, As, Cd and Zn (only in linden leaves). Branches of the examined plant species indicate the pollution with high content of Cu, Pb and As, whereby pine and elder branches are also adequate in the case of Fe, and linden branches in the case of Zn. Cu, Zn and As, as the polluting substances in the soil, can be identified by linden and elder roots, and Fe just by linden roots. Soil pollution with other elements can not be monitored by roots of the examined plant species. Pine roots are not adequate for examination of soil pollution. Leaves of linden and elder, and especially of elder, compared with pine needles, are more suitable for determining the presence of all the examined elements (except Ni) in the atmospheric deposition, as well as for determining the air quality. It was found that pine, linden and elder have adaptation possibilities, using various mechanisms depending on the environmental conditions of each sampling site. Pine, linden and elder are not hyperaccumulators of the examined elements, so they can not be used in phytoextraction. Only linden has a possibility to be used in phytostabilisation, especially of copper, zinc and cadmium in the specific environmental conditions, and in conditions of the increased concentrations of these elements in soil. It is confirmed that copper smelter and flotation tailings ponds in the town of Bor, are the dominant emitters of pollution. The results of examining plant material and soil show that Cu, Pb, As and Cd are the main polluting substances in the study area.