The character of oncological diseases can be benign or malignant. Both variants have fundamental consequences for the patient. If the changes in the skin are malignant, treatment is necessary. In case the medical finding is benign, it depends on the patient whether the tumour would have it removed or not. In any case, the patient must be informed about all risks and especially the dispensarisation which is the most significant factor for early diagnosis and effective treatment. Oncological disease of skin entails many significant changes in the patient's life. The patient's order of values, lifestyle, as well as perception of life changes. In this difficult situation, the support of the patients from the side of family and loved ones, as well as of the medical personnel, is crucial. The patient's need of security and safety must be satisfied, as it is a significant factor in coping with the disease development from diagnostics to treatment and eventual dying. The concept of the bachelor thesis is theoretical and based on the study and analysis of information sources related to the issues of oncological disease of skin. To introduce the largest and very important organ the skin its anatomy and physiology is briefly described at the beginning. Subsequently, oncological diseases of skin, divided into benign tumours, their variants and characteristics, are outlined. The subchapter of malign tumours lists the most frequent malignant skin tumours, i.e. basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma. Again, their characteristic and seriousness is described. Diagnostics and therapy of oncological diseases of skin is worth mentioning. The prognosis of the entire disease depends on early diagnostics. If it is timely, the treatment is less demanding and the patient handles it much better. In the area of therapy, the most frequent methods of treating this disease are illustrated. In connection with this disease, it is important to mention dispensarisation and prevention, oncological and palliative care as well as the impact of the disease on the patient's psychic condition. The bachelor thesis is complemented with supplements in the form of tables. One of them refers to incidence, mortality and prevalence of malignant melanoma from 1994 to 2014. Other tables serve for easier understanding of classification of skin tumours. The objective of the thesis was to map the nursing care of oncological diseases of skin. A nurse is an important element of prevention. She can be helpful and educate the population about self-monitoring of skin. During the treatment, the nurse applies medicaments and treats skin after surgical procedures or radiotherapy. The nurse plays an essential role within oncological and palliative care. That is why her relevance is described in several chapters. For many patients, the support of the nursing staff is a very important factor also in the area of psychic condition, on which the approach to the disease, as well as the development of the treatment, are based. It was necessary to acquire many findings about oncological diseases of skin to write this thesis. Many experts are engaged in this area nowadays, especially in the area of treatment. Information was obtained from both Czech and foreign expert bibliographic publications and articles. The studied information is incorporated into individual chapters that can be beneficial for anyone who is engaged in this specific area of oncology.