1. Measurements of CO2 emissions from differently tillage heavy soil
- Author
Brumec, Doroteja and Stajnko, Denis
- Subjects
oranje ,rahljalnik ,soil tillage ,conservation soil tillage ,direct sowing ,obdelava tal ,CO2 emission from soil ,direktna setev ,izpusti CO2 iz tal ,ploughing - Abstract
Leta 2013 je bil izveden poljski poskus v bližini Zg. Kungote, pri katerem smo primerjali pojavnost izpustov CO2 iz težkih tal zaradi različnih tehnik obdelave tal oranje in priprava tal s predsetvenikom, rahljalnik in direktna setev. Ugotoviti smo želeli vplive različnih načinov obdelave tal in vremenskih dejavnikov na mesečno velikost izpustov CO2. Pri obdelavi s pomočjo pluga se je v mesecu maju pri povprečni temperaturi 14,77 °C in 35,2 mm padavin povprečno sprostilo 26,16 μmol/m2s. Pri konzervirajoči obdelavi smo največjo vrednost izpustov CO2 (9,0 μmol/m2s) izmerili v mesecu septembru, pri povprečni temperaturi 14,92 °C in 143,6 mm padavin. Prav tako smo meseca septembra zabeležili največje izpuste CO2 pri direktni setvi (11,00 μmol/m2s). Povprečne letne vrednosti izpustov CO2 so znašale pri konzervirajoči obdelavi 4,90 μmol/m2s, pri direktni setvi 5,40 μmol/m2s in pri obdelavi s plugom 8,0 μmol/m2s, kar pomeni, da lahko z izbiro različnih načinov obdelave tal pomembno vplivamo na zmanjšanje izpustov CO2 pri poljedelstvu. In year 2013 field trial near Zg. Kungota was conducted. We compared the incidence of CO2 emission from heavy soil by various techniques of soil tillage ploughing, tilling, scarification and direct sowing. We wanted to determine the impact of different ways of processing the soil and climatic factors on the amount of monthly CO2 emissions. When tilling using the plow in the month of May with an average temperature of 14.77°C and 35.2 mm of precipitation the average emission of CO2 was 26,16 mol/m2s. Where we used conservation tillage the maximum value of CO2 emissions (9,0 mol/m2s) were measured in the month of September with an average temperature of 14,92°C and 143 mm of precipitation. In September we also recorded maximum value of CO2 in soil cultivated by direct sowing (11, mol/m2s). The average annual values of CO2 emission were: 4,9 mol/m2s at the soil cultivated by conservation tillage, 5,4 mol/m2s by direct sowing, and at the soilcultivated by plow 8,2 mol/m2s. This means that we can significantly influence on the reduction of CO2 emissions from agriculture with various different soil treatments
- Published
- 2017