Avtistična motnja je motnja komunikacije, socialne interakcije in imaginacije, ki pomembno vpliva na vse ravni in področja življenja. Magistrska naloga preučuje poklicno izobraževanje dijakov z avtistično motnjo vključenih v Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana (v nadaljevanju ZGNL). Glavni cilj raziskave je bil preučiti izvajanje odprtega kurikula (v nadaljevanju ODK) v programih poklicnega izobraževanja v rednih poklicnih šolah in ZGNL ter na podlagi študije primera predlagati prilagoditve in ustrezne načine izvajanja poklicnih programov za dijake z avtistično motnjo (v nadaljevanju AM). V ta namen sem analiziral priporočila in dejanske vsebine ODK v rednih šolah poklicnega izobraževanja. Preučil sem izvajanje prilagojenih vsebin ODK v ZGNL in poglobljeno raziskal ključne razlike med izvajanjem ODK v ZGNL in izvajanjem ODK v rednih šolah poklicnega izobraževanja. Rešitve dobre prakse sem iskal v tujini. Analiziral sem raziskave, opravljene v številnih evropskih državah, ki se ukvarjajo z izobraževanjem dijakov z AM. S primerjavo sem raziskal, kakšna so priporočila iz tujine glede izvajanja prilagojenih vsebin za dijake z AM, kako izvajanje prilagojenih vsebin ODK vpliva na dijake z AM v ZGNL in na koncu, ali je možno izoblikovati model poskusnega izvajanja vsebin ODK, ki bi se lahko uporabljal za večino dijakov z AM? Na koncu sem izvedel študijo primera na dijaku z AM, ki je bil vključen v nov modul ODK Priprava na življenje. Modul vključuje komunikacijo, socializacijo, še najbolj pa je namenjen iskanju poklicnih interesov in močnih področij posameznega dijaka z AM. Glavni cilj je bil, da bi z izvajanjem ur Priprava na življenje (v nadaljevanju PNŽ) spoznal spekter dijakovih avtističnih motenj, težav, reakcij, mišljenja, zanimanj in predvsem močnih področij, z namenom pravilne usmeritve v ustrezen poklicni program. Najprej sem spoznaval dijakove specifične lastnosti, reakcije, težave v načinu mišljenja, stopnji socializacije in komunikacije. V nadaljevanju sem dijaka preizkušal na več področjih splošne socializacije in komunikacije. Izpostavil sem ga nepričakovanim situacijam izven šole. V zadnjem delu sem dijaka intenzivno preizkušal na vseh močnih področjih. Izvajanje sem iz razreda preselil v prirejene delavnice. V treh letih intenzivnega ukvarjanja z dijakom z AM sem dodobra spoznal precej njegovih motenj, močnih in šibkih področij. Spoznal sem ga do te mere, da sem znal predvideti njegove reakcije. Na koncu sem spoznal tudi močna področja končni rezultat je bil preusmeritev v zanj primernejši poklicni program. Ponujeni odgovori so potrdili domnevo, da se lahko oblikuje poseben program, prilagojen dijakom z avtistično motnjo, vseeno pa moramo upoštevati dejstvo, da generalizacija vseh prilagoditev in posebnih vsebin izvajanja ODK zaradi heterogenosti dijakov z AM ni možna. Analize in rezultati študije primera nam ponujajo dobra izhodišča za nadaljnje raziskovanje. Autistic disorder is a disorder of communication, social interaction and imagination which considerably influences all the levels and areas of living. This master's thesis will explore vocational education of students with autistic disorder (henceforth, students with AD) attending Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana (henceforth, ZGNL). The main goal of this research was to examine the implementation of the open curriculum (henceforth, OC) in vocational education programmes in mainstream vocational schools and in ZGNL, and on the basis of this study propose customizations and adequate ways of implementing vocational programmes for students with AD. For this purpose, I analysed the guidelines and the actual content of OC in mainstream vocational schools. I studied the implementation of the customized content of OC in ZGNL and conducted in-depth research into the key differences between the implementation of OC in ZGNL and the implementation of OC in mainstream vocational schools. I also looked for solutions in examples of good practice in other countries. I analysed the research performed in numerous European countries, dealing with the education of students with AD. I undertook comparative research of the guidelines from other countries regarding the implementation of customized content for students with AD, research into how the implementation of customized content of OC influences students with AD in ZGNL, and finally, research into whether it is possible to design a model of trial implementation of OC content which could be used for the majority of students with AD. In the end, I did a case study of a student with AD who was included in a new OC module called Priprava na življenje (Getting Ready for Life, henceforth, GRL). The module includes communication, socialization, and it is primarily geared towards finding vocational interests and the strong areas of the individual student with AD. The main goal was to determine the spectrum of the student's autistic disorder, issues, problems, reactions, way of thinking, interests, and above all, strong areas through the implementation of GRL lessons for the purpose of correct placement into a suitable vocational programme. At first I learned about the student's specific characteristics, reactions, problems in the way of thinking, level of socialization and communication. Subsequently, I tested the student in different areas of general socialization and communication. I subjected him to unexpected situations outside of school. In the final part I intensively tested the student in all of his strong areas. I moved the implementation from the classroom into customized workshops. In three years of intensive work with the student with AD, I became familiar with many of his disorders as well as his strong and weak areas quite well. I learned about him to the point of being able to predict his reactions. Finally, I also learned about his strong areas the final result was a placement into a programme more suited to his needs. The findings confirmed my supposition that a special programme customized for students with AD can be developed, but we nevertheless need to take into account the fact that a generalized application of all the customizations and special content of OC is not possible due to the heterogeneity among students with AD. The analysis and the results of the case study offer a good starting point for further research.